&hc cJlh gUtcocLatc, A WEEKLY NEAVSrATER, "Devoted to the Interests of tho Pftopledf- Slk Co 'is runi.iHimn evert sati'bpat, 51Y JOHN F. MOORE, Offxct i'n the Court House. TltM -On I'ollnr anil Fifty Cents p -r annum, invariably in ndvuiibv. No devil tion from theto termi. Bates of Advertising. Transient Advrrtisemetiients pcrsrprcof 10 line or less, !! limes or less $2 For each sulisciiunt. insertion Administrators' and Ex'rs notices... 2 Auditors' notices - Hijuohitionp, Cautions and Kstrnyx... -J.ociil and Obituary notices pet line.. Professional cards, 1 year 5 00 no r.o 00 i.- oo YEARLY AllVEHTlfr.MKNTS 1 square $ 7 001V column.. $jn oo . oo , ;n oo .dhcrcd I siiiiaro VI on .'. column 3 squares 15 00) I column The above rates will lie strictly a to in nil advertising from this date. II I. ASKS. Sin$lo quire $2 60jC quire? V ir.. " 3 qirirea qr... 2 60j0vcr ti, qi .. 1 -'l iiashiiii.is. 1 slieet, 2 5 or less 2 00 .' t eel, 2'.or less "i ' I slieet, 2") or less 3 00 1 rheet. 2 I or l.'ss'.MIO Nov. 2S, 18!i7. .TOIIN K MOOlIi:. Editor nivl I'rnprietur. Cl.ME OF UOI.DIMi I'OUIST. 'Second Monday in laiiuiiry, Iisst Monday in April. First Monday in Atitrurd. First Monday in November. " JLAOKSMITII S C.UIPKNTKK'S AMI II joiner's fools for miV " clicnper tliiin the cheapest " at the St. Mary's Ksrlwnro store. E XVKMPKS. LAHELfl & TAOS noit- J ly printed k t the Advocate Olli'c 11 1 1) 0 V A V It I V E It V S T A I! I. E ! 1, The suli'criher would announce to the citizens of Itidgwny. and the traveling pub lie that he has cstabii.-lu'4 it LIVEUY STAHLT-: 5n Uidewiiv, and that he hopes bv fair ileal aim with his customers lo un lit n libcial share of their patronage. Terms reasona Me. 1SA.U' I'OJiilV, . Jan. 23, 'C8-ly. WANTEP A Smart. Active Hoy, a bont 1H years of ace. to nttend a Kcstaurant Addres. or npplv to JACKSON f; M.U.II'H ANT. mar"-tf ll'ulgway, Pa, ' V. f. To n vounj mnu who can cut and shave hair, jui excellent cluiucj will lie of Yore. ' J. i V. TVEXTAf, NOTICE. Dr. O. W. Sir.u I inxs. of Itruokville, Pa., will be ii lii'lgway during the nril t-rni of Court to opevnlc in the line ol his piolessioii. tor the insertion ot ariitinal 'oeih, or Hie preserva t inn n the natural ura.is. lionni" at tl residence of Mr. Urooks. (!eb20-7w.) JVeii : itch : : ncii : : : scratc ! sm ATCti ! ; SCRATCH ! ! ! ill from In to IS hoiirv. Wheaton's Ointnient cures The Deli. W'hcaion's Ointment Wheaton's Oiiitiueut Wheaton's Ointment 'U'heitlon's Oiulmeut "Wheaton's Oititm-nt cures Salt 1'iheiiiii. cures Tetter, cures ltarbers' Itch, cures Old Sure:-, cures Every kind. of Humor lik M-:ic. I'rice. !0rr-nts 1"1; : bv mad, M cent Address WEEKS .v. POi'TEU, No. 171 Wesliiiiaton Street, llorton, Mass. For ah by all druggists. Sept. 17'li7 ly. T1ST OF LETTE11S reoianing uuelaimed i in the Iti'lgway Pim'. ( IHice, lur the nviiil!i cndioi March 1st. lsii. Austin. .1. II i ne. . M. I'iue. Tl.o n is Keed, Ulaii Itoirs, J .1,11 -Siiewnc Erwin, 1 1 1 '. 1 1 jt .1 Hies, Swjcden, George 'exn u. L, Tracy. John N. Wendell. Edward Boils, J. C. Brooking. Hannah .1. Cameron, Malcolm Dcsnan. Thomas Duffy. Thomas Hlonrley, Juntos llatton, Edward Moore, T .onuis Nicely, Stephen Wilcox, Miss P. Ii. r.iui i.ix l-i.TTi nr. James IHoran, JoliK Dacy. iMcrali'y, ratriek. Persons calling far any of the nbovc let. terg, trill please say " mlvcrli led." G. G. MESSENGER., mar142t . Postmaster. JITTjfXTW.V L LMliERMEX .' rpilE EAGLE TURBINE WATEB J. WHEEL, jiatenteil oulyiii), isr,7. is rsope ior to any wheel in use. The under nigne 1 have the agency for said wheel in the ti'ate of Pennsylvania, and can rccoun mend it as being the best nianufaclurcd. For further particulars, and circulars, in luire at oilv Fonndry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reapouable prices. We espect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive n good share of pub lic patronage. .1. F. BOBEUTSON, B. BELL. Kersey, Pa., jan Dl 18tiSpd. mHE LANCAST ErTnTELiTigeN C E It, 1 tho Largest and Cheapest Democratic Journal in Pennsylvania, The Lancaster luti Uigcnccr, established W 1700, has always been known ns a first class political and family newspaper. The Weekly Intelligencer is now the largest Democratic paper published in Pennsylva nia. It has lately been greatly improved in all respects, and is just such a paper as every Democrat should .ake. The publishers of the Intelligencer re gard it to be the duty of every Democrat to support his county paper in preference to any otter j but as there are many who will be likely to mbscribe for more than one paper during the pending Presidential Campaign, they l.ave concluded tooller The Weekly Intelligent' r at the fulluiving lw ra'ea :" hingle Copies, One Vcar, f 2.00 five Copies, One Y.'iir, !i.(Kl Ten Copies, Ouo Year, 17. (Ml Tweiry Copies, One Ve.tr, 112. Ob 't hirty Copies, One Year, 43.IK Fifty Copies, One Year, to one ad'ss, Od.iH Eighty Copies, do do 80.OI Daily li i ki.i.iukncku 3 per minimi. X-ir" Persons wishing to sell ileal Estate euu liml no belter advertising medium th in ibe Weekly luicU igcm i r. Address II. G SMITH k CD. niu7 Jt . J.aiua'-.'ur, l':i. E A L E S (J.ATB POWELL'S) E M 1) 11 O C A T TON! IOR ALL DISEASES IXCIHEXT TO ' Horses, Cattle and the lliiiiuin Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. 11ns new Compound, prepared liva lirac- tieal Chemist liuvini n full knowledge of all tho medical virt lies of eaeh inijredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public as mi external Applica tion for the discuses far w'lieh it is recom mended. Wo nre satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of nil who use it, nud those who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience us the best rst of its usefulness. It is pronounced by rumors, ninl nil who have tried it to be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eiht years, and it is ouly tliroujjh tho increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public thai 1 send it- forth ns the pininl remedial iil'ciiI for toe. various diseases to which that noble anil useful animal, the HOUSE, issuhject. MaMV remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these are injurious, ot Iters at best ot utile use, and many wholly improper to answer the purposes lor which 1 tmy are l-ecoinniciuleil. jimicious nml really uselul coniposit inn tree from those objections, has therefore loii been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and ere uuwiliiii to trust Ihein to tho care of designing and rcltendiiix Farriers. Their wishes arc n enirl li fully rral ilied, by Dr. P.eale lieiiiff prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (ahull has proved so clllracKiiis to the various diseases) to bo prepared pud brought out to the public. This embrocation was extensively used by tilio Uovcrr.mrat during the war. Address nil ordeTS l DU. EDMOXl) HEALS. (102, South Second St, Phil'a. 85?" For Sale by Borduell & Messenger, Iiiiljrway, Pa. . npIOly ll is the best chance ever offered to Agents! One or two days' lime will secure a good Seniug Vikrhiiie, Watch, -Sil'k Drees, Be vnlver, or some other article of equal value, FREE OF COST ! Ageuts wanted everywhere, male and female, for the best One Dollar Pawnbrok er's Sale in the country. Send f ir circular. S. C. THOMPSON & CO. I'.U Hanover Street, jnnl-oinpd Boston, Mass. N NOTICE TO LOG OWXERS. We are iirepared to drive the SiiS'iiiehanna river in the spring of ltfijH. from Wrlliains jort to Havre do Grace. Should you have any logs to go below Williaiiispnrt, we will, it you wisii it, lakj charge of and drive them will) ours, prorating the cost of driving in proportion o tho amount driven. For I'm 1 1, i-i- inform tion address GI'vAlG & BLAXCIIABD. Phila.lelphia. 11. 1C HAW LEV & CO., aud II. JAMES, .4 CO.. Haiti more, Md. Feb. 13, tit. J. S. Hop, DWELL, M. 1). ECLECTIC PirSCM.V. 'IMic word c.dectic means to choose or select medicines from all the different schools of medicine : using remedies that ire sale, and discarding from practice all medicines ths.t have nn impiirioiis effect on ihe system, such ns mercury, iliinony, lead, copper. Sie. 1 lay aside the lance the old ldood leller. re lueer or depleter, and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tunics. I shall hereafter give particular intention to chronic diseases, such ns Pobeiiinalisui, fiyspep:-ia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Neu ralgia, diseases of tiie throat, urinary or gans, and all diseases peculiar to females, xc. CATAB I'll I treat with a new instrument of a lale invention, which cures every :asc. TEETH extracted williout pain. Oiiice and reideiiee south of the jail on 'cut io St. Oiiice hours from 7 to 8 u. in 12 to I p. in : Ii to 7 p. m. Dec. 2::i7. -ly. J. S. BOB DWELL. G HEAT INDUCTION IN TIIK PRICE OF FURNITURE ! Mr. Charles L. Bayer desires respectful ly to inform the citizens of Elk County that he lias now ihe most complete, cheapest, and lust lot of Furniture in the county. His Eiirnitiiro s all made in his own shop, he can therefore warrant il to be neat and durable. He has a large assortment ol Bureaus, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs, Tables, W.u-lrubes, Cupboards, Bookcases, Book stands, Washsiands, Towel Backs, Ilali Hacks, What Nuls, Bedsteads of Whitewood, Walnut nnd Cherry, Brackets, Picture Flames, nr.d everything usually kept in a first class Furniture Ware-Rucni. II ; has connected with his establishment a steam turning lathe, which will enable him lo do all kinds of turning ill a neat and workmanlike manner. All he r.s'..s is a fair trial, nr.d if Ids wares do not give satisfaction, lie willic luud the money. CIIAELES L. HAVER. iny2218t71y St. Mary's, Pa. PROPOSALS FOlt L IT MB ER! The Columbia .'ridge Company will re ceive proposals, addressed lo G. 11. Roll ers, Chief Eugiunecr, Otlice Pennsylvania I'aiU'oad Company, Philadelphia, until February 20, 118. for about 3,300 OOO Feet White Pine, fi. M. 700000 Feet White Oak, 11. M. 1,'JOO 000 Shurt Joint Shiugtcs. To be delivered on the framing ground, nt the bridge in Columbia, Pa., ou or be fore Ihe 1st day of August 18I18. The lumber lo be of the best quality of bridge lumber, nud subject to the inspee tion, measurement, and approval of such Agent ns the Company may appoint. De tailed bills nnd spocilical ions can be pro cured by addressing G. ;. BOA'EltTS, Peiin'a B. B. Office, Philad'a. Feb. 8, '(j.!!t. orders for fcloves and Hardware 1 will be promptly attended to as soon us leceiveil, ill the 12 07 Si. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. G I'NS, PISTOLS. RIFLES. KNIVES, pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Stoic on Bilcrer old col ik 1' iu St. Vari'f. D ;0 1 i $ i ii e j f 'ii i t e c t o t ii . T OIIN G". HALL, Attorney at law, Bidg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'00 ly TACIMK J. HI. A K ELY, Attorney at Taw, j and U. S. Commissioner. Bidgwny' Elk county. Pa. f iiiar-22'(;t!-ly. ' TON WOlMv of nil kinds aqd"do.s. fJ criptiotis done nt this oflice. H ENllV SOUTH EB, Atlorney-at Law, Bidgway, Pa. (febJ'.i r.M) CK. E A II LEV, Phys cian and S'r , geon, E.ulcy, T;ik County, Pa. March 7, 1808- ly. 1 LPINE HOUSE, .St. Mary's Pa., Her man Krctz, Proprietor. rug'.l'UO DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. niar-22'0(i-1y. DR. W. W. SI! AW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrcvillc, Elk county Pa. fmar-22'(iu ly. 1 EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUBPtE. j nas. Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this otlice. CH. V0L1C, Manufacturer nnd Dealc in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Hailruad Depot, St. Msry's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'lili-l . 11. W. B. HABTMAX, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Lale of the Armv of the Potomac. Particular attention given to nil cases of surgical nature. uiar-22'0tJ-Jy. ("1 HOVE G. MESSENGER, Driiggisl and JC Dealer in Drugs nnd Chemicals, Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ct articles and Stationary. Ridgway. Elk county Pa. mar-22'uii-ly, 17 BANK ENTZ, Mi'n chant T.uuin. Centreviile, Elk county, Pa., desires lo inform the citizens of Centreviile nnd vi cinity, that he is nt all limes prepared to do work in a neat nud satisfactory manner, iiivc me a call. novOTly .10. i. ii. rtAi.i..... iAs. k. r. 11 all. 1 lAUi & mo. Attorneys - at - Ia-w, 1ST. .MAUI'S : BEXZINGEU P. O. F.I K COUNTY, TA. September 20, 18GG. y. TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician. a Olfice nnd residence opposite the Jail, on Centre bt., 1'iJgway, Pa. Prompt attention win he civen to all calls. Office ours : 7 to 8 A. il- : 12 to 2 V. M. : ami li to 7 P. M. Mar. 22. (iO-lf. rpiIAVER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID Til A 1 l.lt, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted tip a large nud commodious hotel on tho southwest corner of Centre nI Mill streets. Kith good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends ami tho put tic generally. dcci:j liU 1J DAVID THAI lilt. S. SHORT. JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF hort, gptl & Gjcr, Sl.tlM.try's, IScnzlnger I. O. Elk Coiisty, Pessa HYDE HOUSE, Bidgwav, Elk Co., Pa M. V. 3Ioore, l'loprietor. Tlmnkfiil for the patroingo hcietofure so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention lo the coin tort an 1 convenience of guests, to merit a continuance or the same. Oct 21 IStiii. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, "VTOTICE is hereby giveii that I have lak en out a license ns auctioneer, and will ailcud promptly to tho calling of all sales entrusted lo my euro. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answerable to tho strict letter of the law, P. W BAH RETT, l)ec24180Gtf. Auctioneer. txchange hotel. bidgway, ta. J. HALEY Proprietor. This iiotelis plsasantly situvted on tbe banks of tho Clarion llivcr ana r.lK I reek nt the lower end of the village, Mr. llcaly will sruire no pains for tho convcnie.co of his guests. Je in itos one and all to give him a call nnd try Ins house, Sept. 17th'ti7-ly. 3 i r,. C I v S I IT J I I N a ! II. S. BI'.LNAP desires lo inform the cti zens of Bidgway and vicinity that he has leased J. a. Hyde s Hlacksmith Shop on Mill si reel, nnd has employed good work uicn who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to 1111 anchor. Particular attention given to tho shoeing of horses. All I nsk is a fair trial. May U'CO-ly. somi:thixg new: HOUSE, SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, riAHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD BE X srectfully inform the citizens of Elk county tlu.t he lias just started in tho above business in Bidgway, and teel conn dent that he can please all who may favor lum with their custom. tiuAIMNO, PAPER HANGING AND CALC1MISING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE nest fashionable an J improved manner and style. Orders left at this Oflice or at tho Bunking Bouse of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended lo. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'(i-ly. rOAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY! j All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company St. Mary's, KIk Uouuty, l'a. fcSrOrders ly mail pitmiptlf ittcnd td to. sejitllj !3-tl CELLEUS & I'OLWEU IO vBlf)ol,j?fli Coiifedionjl'S Sc Triiifihirs No. 1G1 North Third Stueet, PIIlLADEri'IIIA. ftjr-iiruers prompiiy iiicnueu 10. 12 -im, " TANTED ONE HUNDUED TONS OLD CAST I HON at the Stove uu, Tin Mop, HHjiway, Pa. (Icb2'.'2i) LUMBiiR. WE ABE PREPARED TO FURNISH upon short notice I lie following kinds of Lumber of the best qualiiy. FLOORING AND SIDING, dressed in the best possible manner, from seasoned dumber, -ready for use. Also, LATH FOD PLASTERING We will put on cars when required. CwjSfAU oroers nddsesscd to us nt this place promptly attended to. SOUTH fill, Vill.l.lii CO. jun2lr,7i.f Bidgway, Pa. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored. Just published, n ne edition of Dr. CulvervrcU's Cclebrntci Essay n the radi. cal cure (without medicine) of Spermatorr hoea, or penunal Hoakncss, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Imporcncy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riare, etc., also, Consumption, Epilepsy, nud Fits, induced by self indiilger.ee and sexual extravagance. tt-ff" Price, in a so lied envelope, Six cents The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years snccesslul practice, that, the mann ing consequences of self-abuse may be radi cally cured without the dangerous use of inlcrnnl medicine or the application of the kkife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain nnd clleclunl, by means of which every sull'erer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. l)?').,.Ihis Lecture should be 111 the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Si nt under sea 1, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt, ot six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cul- rerwcll s " Marriage Guide, price 2-j:ent8. Address the Publishers. UlAS. J. C, KLINE CO , 127 Bowery, New York, P.O. Box 4,580. janlUlSlii im BEST JS ALWAYS THIS titrnmturk. coffins, rtn- T TUltE-l'ilAMIW, &c. TIip iiniloivifrr.otl lmvinir ntii 1mm intprot - - -n o " - - in the vriiffon hIioik now intoinls Jpvotinir 1 1 1 m timo ovi'limivoi v tn tltf Fnrnittiro trndn llo has just recciveu a large stcck or tho DEST FURNITURE MADE which lie offers nt prices Hint cannot fail to please. His stock consists of Hcdroom suits, Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, ashstnnds. Commodes, Lounges, Bedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood and Dlack alnut, (spring tseds and Mat trasses. Extension, Dining, Break fist. Tea Party and Quartette Tables, Chairs of every kind ajd description. Tlits largest assortment of Cane Scaled Chairs ever brought Into this sectioti of ihe country, Farmer's Secreta ries, What Nots, Brackets, ar.-l everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM riclnre Frames of ev k'ml size or (juaiily, kept on hand and made lo order, Looking (J lasses, Looking vJlass Plate and Pictures. We would call at tention to our largo stock of Collins, con sisting of line, Whitewood, Cherry, Chestnut mil Black Walnut, nny one of which we can furnish in three hours lime, trimmed in any stylo to suit. Metallic cases of nny kind procured ii three hours' time. Feeling confident that with a liberal pat ronsge, we shall be ab lc to keep up a First Class establishment, we appeal to the peo pie of EH county, to say if it is not better to keep their money in circulation nt home th. mi to send it off to the cities where if they buy but little they are sure to get cheated nud pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto bo, ncvor buy away from home what can be had just as cheap at home, nnd the cheapest place to buy Fin n! turcjn Western Pennsylvania is at II. II. Thomas' Waro Booms, Excelsior Building, coi ner of Main and Depot streets, Bidgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 01, 18G7-ly. II. H.THOMAS. INSUKANCK AO AINST loss or DAM AG K by FIRE nnilE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- ance Company at Muncey, Pa., con tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds cf Merchandise. Public and private uildings, cither in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invesiii gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 82. BOO. OOO! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons Hint their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, ns its existence of twenty sixycarsfully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for E'k county, nt St. Mary's LOOK 11 ERE ! WATCHES. JEWELBY & SILVERWARE. C1HAELES HOLES, Practical Watcluna ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Bidgwny, Elk county, Pa. The subsciiber begs leave to announce to the citizens of Bidg way and vieinily that he is prepared to do all work in his line on short uotice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in II. 8. Belnap'a Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. Ho has also on baud a large assortment of Clucks, Wutchcs, Jewelry sud Silverware w hich he offers for sale on reasonable terms, tiive lii'm a call. uov7'U7if. V lSlTlSli CAHDS NEATLY EXECl'T- ;i al lhu vtKc. iiFLAND'S GcRMAN BITTER HOOFLAfWS TONIO, -VIIKinil I UlllWl I'KWMIKI) UY I'.';, r. n. jachso.s; l'li:l.lnr.i.-iil, Tie grenlrst blown remcA'tei for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Discuses of tbe Kklneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, nml nil lUrnnrti nrllttff from Dl ortlrrrd l.lvrr, Sloinnrh, or inrt itirr of run nr.oon. Itrtul iU fufUufittft ttmptumt ntut if y' fit'tt tk tt in- mft. m it ift v't 'i 't f'jt fiv i;f th m, y'fti" nt'ty rf -t tttmxi ih'tt iifrtf. hot rnmwnmt it nttarle ;m ft unut iinjxtrt 'iit r.fff itm uf tfur ltif, ami hiiUm r7i'-Av( fit uxi tf ffttr-r'ttt rmnti, n mitrraMt ''", f" U fmimlinj in ith tril It-- tht rtinll. 0;ntipfiticVn, Flutulpnce, Inward Pilon, FuliitJMMot HIikkI to tho llond, Acidity ol th.; Si!iint!ht Naunen, Heart burn. D rKiist lor Food. Fulnens or Won it in iho Stonuicn, Suur Kructnl iuiin. Hink in or t'lntiorin ut the Pit oi t m tloniii!ti, iSwiniTninR of tho II jftl, il:urici or D.fflmilt Bi-tvilhtiiR, I'M n 1 1 rin nt- tha Heart, Uii )Uijih or SnlT.KmtiriR 8 jiiRiitionn whoil in by iim P.i.l urn, liiitinM of Vision, D M or WcttM hitvri ih binht, D.tll Pain in tho llmd, Dtii ui4;n 'y ot i:v piratiort, Yel Iowiioh of thu Kkin nnd Kh, l'n in in the Side. Jin 'M C'lP.-, Iiimbf. eto,. Hud d.Mi T''l!i'.rios of M'ni. H-irntriK in th.j JMtSHli, U iistimt ItiiMininn3 of vil. Hiid Ureal P.piONsian of tipints .l.V "( '("' ' .' tf f th f.ir. r ur Hfi'itirt Kh'j nt.; '-tit-ft Huth iinjiitn t'!m(, Djofliu&'s Oft man JittfV3 Im i til I it I y vrt nlle n ii1 cinitnhii no 1 1 iifir. 1 ti Ii it t iimp ii iiiiU nf Kltilil Ki irurlM. 'i' lit ItooiH. Ilf rli nml lliirk finiit vlil eh iIivk r&Wfttr nrr nintle nrr hi1m-itiI In (vi-riitnuy. All Ilia mrilit liial lrliiri nrc rktrnctt-d front (h-m by h --lrm file rUrntlHl. Tlir i-iiiiM i!! Mi-f ili-n IHi'Mrtrilrd to lltlti ruuu. ry lo lr us-il rxitrly tit at mi:i it nlitt-t lira f IhV'HV Lllllrr. Tlirrti tn no itUii(illc Hlitftnr nf mny klnl it--id lii rtinitiiidltf tl l(ltlrrf .ii!iiC4- II It t lir only ltlttfrV thnl run In In chuck win rr nlvoAollv llm nlaiiia tr not nd i lnblr. tjofldU's crman ionic i a iim't'ifitimi uf nil tUt iittjrtiii.iitt nf tttp Ititttrt, H'i'h rtUK ' V'ir fi'im, Or.tiiyt . It it utrtt tor th'' ftiitr il H.'t, f tin III" tft7'-t, in Crtfrg tvh'Tr. WH fitrr iilt,h J rtimn-tt i fifiiVifl. J ioiU Intr in umi't lh it t!t?r rmriti-s nr iilirely (ttflt'ii'iit from ti. f 'kiv a-tr- flift fin' lh fnrr of lh ilitnit't H.iwf, ti ikj n'i'ic ft-i"i'tt'm$ f medicinal .rlr i--f, while .' utPun nrf. mn- tl rv.Vio nf rtim iit sum-form. T!i- T'.N H.' it tin-it frilly im nf the mtt li!rniin on't itijrreahfr r-ni"il rivr ufl'tnl tu tht ffi'ti-1. V tit ia esqtnitr. it it a fifrnsurr tn tnh. 'vfiili ilt lif-tjiritni, exhiliifltii.g, ttmt Miiiirihil ifi-ttitut nirv oiutrtt it iubr known tht grmfrtt of CONSUMPTION. Tliounmid-4 of cne, w -hru ttic .Irut tipMt4'it lir sn nfltlrtrri ulth I Ulri trrrinlr lltrnsr, hnvc brrn rnrrd y t lir of I licitr rrnittllm. Km I rrme iitncliittiiif tlrlillltf nml ronglt nr l lir ii h ni I nt Iriidn nil upon in tra v,nr of dy.iriil or dltnr of tlie iltt;tl I vf irrtii. Kvfii l tr-nttm of ii nt n ('ontiniit lon I liee rrmrdiri it 111 hi foil ltd of I lir Kirti briicfll, t it .i(liruliK nnd lu Igurnilug. DEBILITY. T'nrr It Mi meil'in' nf'inl tn thrift ttift t fJermnn H !(rt nr Ti.ie in v.ntft if ttrlnti'tj. 'thry imhtrt a Umr itii'l rii.nr in th i'hne tjslrm, tlrenytfH th Off ttrtits. vttr I'll rvjotiiif nt nf th f'-ftt flluM th 'imi h tu tlijrft 7, f'T''y th Itltmmt, yir a -nW, mint, hfilthi rmiifilrj-i-h. miiti'iit th y-''w ting ff'M '' '. in' rt il hlif-fH In Ihr riht, utnt rhuiitj. 7 fnti'Ht finni t nlmrt-tiriitlint. M"'i-l'"', HVcaX-, 'lint n rill-in im-nli-lt tn fnll-fwnt, tlmtt, anil rijor ju .i"il. Weak and Delicate Children nrr nindr. nt i on hy iii.Ijk Ihr iti m -or 'I'onlv. 1 n tat-1, t hey t. ! iiit' Jl 4l lr 1 ii4m. '1' lir y cm it tir dm I it to -tvlrli i'ii-i't it lily to n r til Id iu ' in out ti ld the iuia,t drllt'i; tr fr it. i or n in n of itiitt l) To. I,' lunlun nrr ' en r lno i n, tin l.'.t .-.j. ifntr ((- 7 ure ait -lia l"l i";t ni fini'i ; l -'p futir i.tvr ! vnlrr ; -tin iif in (i f-mtti, It.nittty rnum- i.itmiirt, tmt no tittM itt7l 'ioil. I.fl t Of m mm 4 J W mm m MtarJsBasiW1 IjMtllrtt Mho ulvli ft ftr ktu nnd KoihI t-oiujN'toii, IV rr from ti t-lloi Uli iliiKt nml nlMftnifV-rtltfiKuii-anriif, hIioiiIiI nr thrr rrmrdlr orrnrlon nil) . 'I'ht Klirrlti pri frrl nrder, mil thr Ittoiid ini( III rrnlt lit nk ling ryr and blooming vltcrktf v ; i: -r tux, Jfi-tft. niift tieinion h'mttiet ur rntni'erfn'tftt T.'n- ij'nnim ha' th tiijiii.it nrr nf i', rtitfkmitt on the J nml of the outsitit fluff r nf nut tnit'l, otnt the n.iim nf th iirtiil hluii'u in m-h hot tit, AUothm Ol'i oiliili rfit. 1'hoiiHnttdt of Utter hftvr lirrti rr t I vrd, t ttf lii( totttr Irt c of llir rtinrtHr BEAD THE RECOtfENDATlOfa. Ki:ni Hi. tiKO. . Ui)(VAUli. ('ltii-f Jiilji c cr (lit SiipM iHs'lNinrt tit ViniolvatiU. rtiii.vini.i'iiM, .M.nrii Kith, lMi7, funl " JlnnlUitnV tin mOM M't-r" it tint ati intnjr ie iliu-j li.rro'i, li,l it a tntiir. inful iu ihuo-m tint uf ti tii'frttiv nrijoiit, unit nf ynat tmiefi i fti.nn nf i.loti'y ai.tt ii'mtt nf iitrrtou action in M sjstt m, ywr trttlif, t;t:. ir. wtnthwWRU. HtdM HON. JAMi:S TIIOMl'SoN, Jii1k' tin' ftiipii'int- Ct.iiil til' ruii- Witii;u I'lilLU'll.l'lll v. AfitlL SMtli, I roiiMldrr lloofluiid Ucrmnu I1H tt'i'N' n tuiluuhlv miotic it v In vm of nt luck r liMlltcmtlon or I)y Kir Im. I rnn rrrllty til from my c i crlenr of II YoiirM, with rruM t-t, JAMKS 'MIOMPSO.V, r'tnm lU:V..liSKI'l! II KKNNAlll. I 0 , I' in!.. i tlif 'IV i uli H iptM Cinnh, I'hUiKMplurt. Pit .'; ox ln.H i"iu : hmc . it fr ifntlij ! ifiiiMtitt to ct niiiet my mint noth rei'uitimriii'uitviit nf il'jf' i'ol hind nf ut' 'I ii nt, but rufoniiMj the jMi in. a not of n;t iiifirnfirinl ti'fr i hnrr in all it$ if-ztiM-ii : hot with o rfror fnrf in ruriuiit indunvtoui intrti--u'ttely in mtiottii fnmilft.nfthe Mtefnlnetgnt' ", t If i ft -mil's iiirmon Hdtrrt, i tfrwrifor fmm iwy unuol n f ., In ejfo-itt mft full iioifi'-tlm thitt f.-r u. iift :tl tiiljlM v of il.f y il f.ii. uiitl iitllv tfr Mr Ctniiiiiui. it r ii Mf mid Tiiluiihic rt'nirnn'M. in tomr ftttrt it mo if fori ; Lot H.H ill', t tfnnltt wit, iT 1"i''t be rny In nfa inl A I hot mhn ttiff-r from thr Ttbov vatttct, lottrt, tri rijc' lolh, J. . k kXXMtK k.'-jhth, bekto (Uites .St. Priea of the Bittcra, C1.00 per bottle Oi. half dofton for 4).).OCK Price of th Tm, L 60 por bottle) Or, u half dozen for (7 53, TIih Ton if U .iit up in (U nt httllt'4, K,ctJt,,i tha' il it lr. lh. tl,i,,V $ t;rmnn K'ui'd. i thot nr wi uhirer?ty it- it nml tn A.y'.y r'd.utm- ' rd : mot dt, nut atlnif th Ih iufitl in indifm t itikr kh.v thin; Uf Unit h mi'jf l' jiut tu w, t ,iu tu utol.it a hrjr limfi u it. The ftemrdi.t will It rnt ha rrir- tt to tiny 'Kvi'y iijtoM nj-ftli' uttoA tht AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ao.WA Altt'H KTHEtlT) fhikidrlm. CH AS. M. KVAN8, Piopi ietor, ' Fortuerl G. M. JACKSON k CO. Thru ftrmrdlra arc for sal y lrnKKtM Htorrkrrurrftf and Aledl clu ucalcritvcryHUfrit iki tnit forjf't tn ejai m in writ th artivl y bnyt lt Order lo ftt the p mm, Wx sa' at (Le J?. Man'g Pnig ! t ie.