N EV 11AUDWARE STOKll! "l'ho subscribers linvc just 'opened in ST. MARY'S Anew nnd Complo.lo Stock of Heavy & Shelf HABDWAB fra .t i And will ke.-p conil mlly on hand a gmit variety i'i COOK A D II K A TJXG S TO YES Bar Imn, Strrl Ann'', BMrs, A'tVs, llortc iXVik'x, Si ri ., Jiiiiil- iti J II ifh'-i'ic, Arfi's nni Film' f E-n i ;-i)Hon .' St S3, FIST0L9 A Nil CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Tinted Ware and UouiC Furnishing Goads. Al' kind-of Mechan ics' Tools ! T I N W A R E Of every description, which will he soUl nt tho LOWEST CASH 1' HICKS. . They liavo also th.e exclusivo agency il S Mary's, for t ho ' IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.RURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR, FURNACES ! Which hnro r'-e-ived Tonr First Clas." Fre uiium- at the NfW York Stale nnd oili er Fairs : Also, the (irent Silver Medal nl the Fair of I lie Am eriivin T -tit hehl in New York City, IM o. Thoy nro iVvclnal FiuT.(.rs, only one fire hciii lcqnired to'"..be made uuring the sepson. M. KKKC1IE". .Tn. W.U. II. COl'FLAND. nov2H'C7 ly omcihing tcir. A LAlvOE STOCK OF GOODS a TV.c'nutlor.siuiK'il liavc on hand a l:irc nnd vc.iy tlopivalilo stuck ol GOODS ami will constantly keep an cstciiMve nsfovt merit, including everything that is wanted to JZ AT, WEAK, Oil FEED which they will pell at the very bottom figure and from thin date will sell only for CAS II. Wo will uc every endeav or to make it to the interest of our cus towers to adopt tho universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo have do'tnnlucu to yive tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, Lelicvinp; it to bo tho iutor tt ol botli buyct uud teller. I'OW ELL & KIME. Ridgway, Air,', loth, 1807. kc. FATUONIZU 1IO.MK lNdTirtllUNS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN f 1111 E subsi:! ibers havin;; cornplclcd their New Orisi Mill m Rntgway Hie now prepared to lurnU'i the people of the sur- rutiuuiii coiintiy with Tlour of the cst Quality nud of their own manufacture, at the lowest market ra' es. The aileniiou cf luinl wrnicn nnd others is called to our lauiliiKo lor fiiruisliing thciii with FEED OF ALL KIXDS, cheaper i him it cnu be bought any other place in the county. jg!itf' Cabu 1'aiu iou Gu.irf"Viia. J.H. HYliE, J. V. HOCK. J. K. W11ITMORF. Neveinbcr 7, loTii 1LAMCd o il kiud'i lot bale ut this of i he l. "rniLAEELTHIA & EEIS KAILF.0AD. WINTER TIMK TABLE. Thr'n.h nnt Direct Rni'lr hefween ritiliulflphiit, Jiitltimnrr. Hum's l.un, )'t!i'tm:p t, and the GREAT OIL R E G I 0 A of Pennsylvania. E L E CANT SLEEPING CARS On nil Night Train?. nN nnd nfier MOXD.AY, NOV. 2.'l!i, N f (lie Ir.iins on tho Philadelphia & KrU Railroad will run us follows : V'l.f TWAIlll. ALiil Train leaves l'hiladclphia..l 1.1 " p. rn. " " " Ridgwny 2.-l" p. In " " arrive tit Erie '.UO ). m Erie Exp loaves l'liilii.l'iphia...lU.O( noon. ' ' ' Rolawav a. m. " " r.rrive at Eric '.I.-I'i n. In 1:.STW.U1I. Mail Train leaves Trie 10.?" a. m. " " " llidgwny -l.tlH p. Hi. " " arrive at PhiUlolpiiin f.;Vr a. Kric Exp leaves Eric l.-"i p- m " " Itidg-.vny a.10.1" p. in. " " nrr. nt Philadelphia... 1.00 a. m. Miiil ami '.';." Irtiini connrcl ivilh all trail on Warrrn ati'i f'ranliin i'l'ilii tuf. J'ti.:c!tyi'i: It'tiri'ny l'liileir!j'lna at I'2.flO 1. arrive t Irvivrlun al (1. 10 a. Ml. anil I, 'it Ci 'il '.l.oOrt. m. J,nrir.) I'hilatl l'liia U, f, ;. i.'i. arrire al Oil Vil'l al l."5 . m. All trains on Warren & Franklin l!iiilwnv make close connection?! at Oil City with trains for Franklin and lYIroloum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. AI.rKKU L. TYLEIi, General Siipprintcndcni. "W4 w i.m' 'ii-'t Uiil 'Juii' STOVES AND T I N IV A Ii K AT Johu Sosenlieimer & Sons., WIIOLKSAtd & RETAIL DEALKP.S. ST. MAT. YS, I'A. Keeps conitaritly on lutnd and for falt a l.irL'n and well f-eleetcd stock of TIN" WAKB, STOVES Ac. Wc have everything pmerally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of Sl'riAR.S ANTinUST PARLOR X COOKING STOVES. ALSO IRON GATE & WIIEAT-SIIEAF STOVES. IVc also l;ccp on hand nnd for sale the moiiKjya glory, A larpe stoeA: of GI.Ol'.E 11 KATF.K5? with Ktissiu ton is among our assortment, which are now the best stoves in use, and can be sold as cheap as ever. FCrt V? HiON taken in exchange for goods. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, and snlisf.iciion guaranteed. Sept. 'J'i'liT. if. 1)lNTSfr FA HMF.11S nnd other TheGraton Mineral l'aint Co. are d others. now nuiiifactiiriiig tho IScst Cheapest nud most durable l'aint in use : t?ro coals well pu on. mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it. is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate Color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the faMo of the consumer. 11 is valuable for Houses, lir.vns, Fences, Cavrii-ge and Cnr inakcrs, Fails ni.d V.'cud-cu-ware. Agricultural I mpleim-nts. Canal l'.oais, Vessels and ships' l'.otloms, Canvas, Metal ami tsliinslu Root's, (il being Fire and Water proof j. Floor Oil Clollis. (one Maim, fact urer having used GOOD bids, the past year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed !jr bo.lv. durability, elasticity. nnd iidlitsiveiicss. Frice ij Jcr bid. of ;;o; His., which will supply a birmer lor years to coin". Wnrrculed in all cases as above. Send fo a circular which gives full piiriiculars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf! on Minc-al Faint. Address PAN I KL lU i)VLLL, . J jI I'cail Street, New York. Sell. r, '07.-(im. TIEDKMCS VOGT, Practical Clock & ' AViilchuiaker, St. Mary's, F.ll; county, I'a. Rooms next door lo luiiicnaeii s Clothing Store. All kiuih of work done done in n mlisfactory manner, nnd war ranted. ( onsuilalioits in regnru to woi it in the Gerniar, t rcncli or Fnglish Ian. guase.s. March 11, 18'i"tf. ATEST ARRIVAL ! ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! C HEAP EST GOODS I N RIDG WAY 1 AT THE STORE OR It p I 3 Cor. of Main .j- Water, end of Hydo House, Where ho has on hand an exlensivo assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, Uuucrelothes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. litis and Culi. coca! Ralurioial Skirts, Rlankets and Countcr panes, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gen's' rutui.ihing Goods, Groceries, l'uinti?, Glass nud Rutty ! ! ! Call and sec my Hock before purehasin-; elsewhere '. Dec. 507 ly. I NEW GOODS 1 JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYDE, G I LI IS &, CO. HARDWARE, OJJEEN8WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, kc. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CUE A REST IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND RE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEATER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. j ! nods. Nubias, nnd nil hinds of Woolen JLJL uo'is. til tin cneap stove 01 llij- HYDE.GILLIS &CO. Do you want tn purchase, a silver walch American or Foreign V if so, go lo 107 11 YLK, (j 1 LI. Id & CO. F resh Oysters constantly on hand at the store of 1J U7 HYDE, GILL IS & CO. "VTotions -if all. kinds in extensive variety JT nt (lie flore of ll'i;' HYDE, GII.LIS t CO. extensive assorlincut of CLOTHING at the store of 'o7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. TV'OTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every ) kind, Blyle nnd variety al the stoic of Jli 07 HIUU, UILLIS t IO. A lavgc nnd complete stoek of Hardware 2 ni:d cutlery at 1 lie store of U 07 UYDE, GlLLlSi CO. rilORACCO The finest brands for smok ing and chewing, nt the store-of lU'ti7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. OUEENSWARE an extensive assort incut, at the store of ' 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "fewst Styles of Balinornl Skirts nl the I 1 cliean tlore oi 1U 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. T adies' Dress Goods latest and most I j fashionable fignres.nl tho store of 107 HYDE. GILLIS & CO. Hats. Caps nnd furs, in great variety und at the br.ve-t pviep, nt thestorc of 12'(i7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Mens' He, ens' woolen nnd cass'ruer Shirts nf .'usation prices, nl Iht store of ISC HYDE, GILLIS &CO. Undershirts and drawers, cheaper than llie chcupesl. nt the Ftove of 1JT.7 HYDE, GILLIS , CO. E'V FIRM AND NEW GOODS 1 1 j Oct 31st, l?0f -ly. C. ilJ. gt'i-bioc'j eoltihw' 1 MI E W 0 11 L D II E MOWN Ii D MORNING GLORY! u!ir- "riijr.irKTiiitrniiffl m-mmm. FOR SALE AT .SEUVIC V , EXCLUSIVE AGENT l'OR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand and nm now receiv ing tlio most complete stoi k of Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves ever brought to tin's section. I buy tho best, believing they are the cheapest. I h ive the exclu-ivc ngency for the Cel ebrated ?dor;ii!ig Glory, also, for Speer's Cooking nnd Tarlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, Rutfalo, Troy nnd Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice anv stove made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted "seventeen yenrs exclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I am satisfied Hint the most fastidb oils can be pleasod at my shop. Don't fail to c.ll before yon purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low as can Via bought in Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain nnd fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Brass, Tewler, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Felts and Farmers pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. - : . - V fi: i:,: it have the Agency for tho I'M VFRSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it in the best, .100, Oliil of them in use. Each Wilngor w.ari ranlc-I to 1 ; r.s good nl the et;d of one year aswh' n l':r-t iurehas-d. Call and take one homo with you an. if -t docs not give good satis :,i-t:..n r.tter a lair trial, it may be returned and your m uiey will be rcfun dcd. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, nnd have smiles instead of frown i on Wah Days. Oct. 3h-t lG71y. w ft 3 mMmm mm Tin.' -t-:V i";.SH- rpilE CHEAPEST GOODS IN T1IH COUNTRY Arc Suld ly iv i: is ii ei o t ii e n (Succciiiora to Geo. DK.M.I-.tlK is St. Jlary's, Elk Coutity, I'a. c ALL AND EXAMINE OUR. IMMENSE STOCK OF liOOTS AND SHOES Wc Lave uo hesitation in saying thai iu this iletiartracut of otir cstablishtmn',' wc car. give bargains to' 6ur customers with which they cannot fail to Ic intJs f;ed. Wc luy our slock direct irotri the. Manufacturer, Richardsous Cclo.' bratcd Root & Shoe Manufactory, liltni ra, New Yut k Wc warrant nil goods' in this lino sold from our cstabliKhment ir EAVY Si SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this lino bargain which cannot be undersold iu Elk ona ty. Ourt-tDC-k is large, well fiolcctccL aDd is cb, ccially adapted to the rants of tiic con.munity. L ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOOSS. An Uueriuallcd Afsortuicnt 1 Muslins. Silks, Calicoes. Satinn, Peluinaa. Moiro Autinues, Cliintiea, Whila 6tV Cloths, Flannels, Rcrc'rcf", I.coe, Cie- In fact we. have everything crnooeted with Ladies' Wear. Wo aro determine cd to sell Iov:t r, cJirttjxr mul BFTTEM Goods than any other Gi'M iu tha nil'' ty. (Uivo us a call, we'll prove I. M ARK WELL WHAT WB SAY. lie Sifl ths Best, Ihcrrfurt THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNO Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of ?iJT fi;)J Soijs' lli)i)k qi)D JJUiiifer (C 1 n :t It i u 0 IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter aiirierfa that better Clothing cannot La fM4 ANYWHERE. ' Persons, before purchasing elecwkor would do well to give us a call. C,No trouble to show our Goo An QROCERIES, NOTIONS, cVo.,& In Endless Variety, nnd ('UFA PER than the CUE A FESTf At tho Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa pTPKS, TCRACCOES .( SEGARS Wo have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will ho sold at a YE R Y S L I (! II T A 1 YAXCb Oil rust tniil rHrrtnir. t"I?'(i'i' Store in in the ui w Si'ouf' B.iittliiK jii M,i,',i Stn l. July 11, I?07 If.