wcAiiNTKu.ifinscE. Erie Express Eas. Khl.ip. in o no Vtest do Mail Fast do do West Local Freiglit E.t.-l do do West K 'Ja in. . m. 2: p. m. '.1:1(1 a. in. -;-" p. in. Elk Io.lge, A. Y. M Stated 'meetings of Elk Lodge will bt Iii'KI Tuesday evening, on or! eforc l!ie full moon of each mouth co every two weeks thereafter. J. K. V ill I'M, IRE, Soe'y. B?i-Tlie: Commissioners will meet nl tlicir cflioc in Kidgway, on i ho L-t. Mon day in j iil, lNCiS. T. G. i'H KP S-N, Cillk. llArj r'rixu. Our lumh'jr.inni are n.w busily cn-ticd in r;l rlntr their boards, idiingies, e, i, a !' ti.o M.. .jlor .-I km ins. During the l.iji water e' the past week but little cund he (June in the -.v.iv t.f WAV running uioi! 'J"Ii - Jjj-. Soother & Willi, a. ;': ;. Creek i r j'.. : . i f-'i'uii, y Kltil:il iX l.'.'L'O onil'tl'v udiift. Loss about. S'mM 1'hc !);)( Ill lil i.iiil o:i ;ik 1'Vel.iill Inst, of logs went Cj;.Wc e:i!l special a'tetitiuti ndvert'-rmotit ..t ,1,.; St. Mary's tlic ieam of ,7,c r;.,:.l.. doll'V- Tannery, w Id has 1110 OHO instil uti.ip-! : MfSslM. I'.SjH iniucJ to Swc t!:m 0 1.. loath, -r-iiiaki;! btisi. ness a fair trial in this coitiity , an J have uccoidin;Jy Loon ttukiiiir new trraue- incuts iaiil ex endni"; ihcir K'lPtKS in oulea o inei-i the ivusiatitly im-i-casim: demand for tl.oir "vu.-, whk-li arc e-puil t tliOiC m.ido anywhere in the- I'nitod Htatcs. F -iu.-s i!.o important uu-idcrs atum of gei'injr a fnvt olus-: nrficln, our citizens shield 1 uai in mini ih.it it is the n.sl t'uiy of a ci.iL'iiiiiii'.ty tu bup port luuie iiinnubu-Dire.i. " WlOI.L 1IIK 'uyi II. II, lS lLT TO btiRN," theic is a chance fur resfciv.tir.n tf health. It', therefore, tins consti u tion lias been weakened I v disease or expos the- l.eives shatter.-.! :i,e sto, luach weaken.: .1 the i';ct;t3 fiimc, und all the vr!tl aj.r.i-ars i:.Hn.y - j.om fr-eine (roii ni! inro vn'ir Lmp. in the sh.l;ie nf ri::i::a:ie:i 1 tfeis, v iii,;h t i 1 make the flan e ol li e ai.aiii lurii brightly, and iiluniiri. tj a onee' wrotch txitonee. For iadiis it is an cxee'lent iind jrviit.ti stimuli nt,' ( x:.e iy nu ll as thry re;'iiie. Maty families will let hetivfithou: it.. It ! as an lnmutii'tf pale throiiL-liyut the M Ai :.' . i . : a to'iet arlii. lc-- l'ai! the i.riee. V.'.vi-tn.-A dcli-htful u'let'.or to cu!o"tie and at i i ' .1 .. drawn , ii.." U.'iiii 1 iid Travels Ai.i i! 'i'jri.i, 1 i;f. JLJ J i IS !ia 1-ei.zin. i'.x. do r, i:.,,!e J (Vial,.: J' 'j'hoi:;-. J Myers, A fiiiiii). A S ilill, T i d. do do dj do 1C ("itile, '.!i.v. Char!.:, ii :o;k, Vi. Marv'.s. M l!r.M, i-, (h, M W.:!i..i.d,.:-f; do J 1Sii,-t;i 'ri.'?r, iio W J .Smbbs, llihl.;,,.!. W .fatnes, 'do ' X Tov.'ii'oy, th) :- J i!i'ti';h:.u!!r.;:, Ji nes. I) id.,i ii, lioitnn. (Jha.s J5cl:.an, do i iis!, do V 11 ol,ns.i;i, lh nezet. 'ra.wnahF. ifinuts, P. Coyer, l'Miiiinjytr. I . H. Moi!v, Jay. A. ;'-, : i 1'. i: Jr., H...-:nn. K. S.rey, J ,:, Hem zi f. IV i ': k, lliiigwuv. I', ti tiner. i''ox. T. ( )v.'! turi', Kenczet. 1 ii Ky!-r, Y Neuhert, l.ti'iizitier. James Iheiovan, liurton. M. Miviek, IV.:;. S linii'i, St. Mary's. li '1 hoiiiicin, Fox. It Win.-luw, Junior, lieiuzet. J ltillc, Iloiten. John IlalT, licll.zct. T A Goodwin, Jones. J Mulune, I'cx. It Garner, St. Marj's. N. Cuuiaiin.s, Riditwav. J Itinkaik, llid'.vuy. ' W Hays, Fox. K l .vurd Fab 1, St. Mnry'u. M Flu lun, ilortun. J S Taylor, ilortou. .) Hohiiison, Jay. 'W Johnsou, Ueiiczef. J Johnson, Feui zet. J I 1 Iterr, do K Walter, do I jtoliinson, Kidwny. Jo.'pJi Wiihuliu, c'l. Mary's. J S Geo'.tu'i!, Siiii;.r Creek. J S Cliat.ihcrlai'i, 1 lui inn. C!,:.ih.i Wei;-. Mi j j,c 3ik adr'ocatf, C. A WEEKLY NhWl'Al'EH, Devoted to tho Interests of the Peoiiloof Elk Co l. PI llt.lfliri) EVKHV SATI HnAY, HY JOHN r. MOO UK, Ofwe in tlic Cmirt If'ji'sr 1hm Or.p IL.ll.ir and Fifty CVnts cr uuuiini, niyai l'H iy in inlvaiii.v. licviiV' tir.n from there ternn. ntc-s of AJvertisi-jj. Trim "ion I Advci -lii c.ncinonls pcrs q .ire of 1U lines or less. ') 1 lines m- lc.s J (!() cn-tli jiih..iciu:it. iit;Ttiin A iti!i in ist rnio nnd Ks'rs uol ices ... And it. .it,' notice"! I'i.ssolntions, ('ami ins nn l Kstr.iy... I.ri'nl and Ohilnnry liotines jiei I'm!., l'rol'ersioanl cants, 1 year 2 50 2 '') 2 CO 1.) 5 00 YK.MU.Y Al' VI'.KTI i:.M I.SIS . 1 ji-iiarc 7 ('";! eolunin 00 2 s-ii.-iri-s V.'"ti column co 3 siM!ireH lolKtl e.iluian (i.l CO The above rafi-s i!l b( pti-ij.-lly a ll.cred ti in al! advert i.sinr IVhiii lliis date. BLANK'S. Single .i;':-e S J i":iMi (,nin-. V qr..?! 7") i iiiiri.s 1' ((r... 2 ull'Ovur (i, ; nr.. 1 50 n wnnn.i.s. ! fd.r.'t. 2". oi-less '!): I .', .,itet, 2."i or ''ss"(Vi J ' i"or l:l(H. 1 slieol. 21 or ,.ns !M,"J .Nov li.t, 1Si17. .KlilX F Mnoiii:. Ldiiur an. I I'i .ipnetnr. TIME OK llOUH.Nd Tul ItT. Seennd Monday in January. J.ast Mt.ti'lay in Ar.ril. 1'irst M unlay .in August. Firt Monday in N iveir.her. I I-A(!KSMiTI-S ( Aill'H.STI.K S AND I .'.''iaer's tonl. for sal.- clipiieei- than tno .MenpuBt " at the St. Mary's liardwaro oiurc. (novL'S ?7 x v e u ies, r, u e tag ly printed b t tlic Advocate Oil'ro 7 I a ei v i hi VEllY STABLE! 'i'ne piihsnribor ivould iinnennee to the citizen.- of itidjjw.iv. r.n.l the tiaveliiij; pub he thr.t he has csl,.bii.-!ied it T.IVi:ilY STATUiE in Itid'.Mvuv. and thnt he lioj ps by fair ihvl iti with liis eu:-ti:ai. i s. to ift a libera! Minic of their j.ai ron ;.;. Term.-, ro.vona ' ii'AAL' COiU. Y, Jan. 25, ::S-ly. ' AN"! F. I A S: 1" lit IS vp::i-s r!. Active Jlov, of asc, io nttt nd a .estaurmt. Aduets .lA'-KS'O.N . Iaar7-tf iv ii) !v to Jj.M.II'lIA.NT. lliduiy, 1'a. 1". s..To :t:j7 man wlio can cut and -liave lia'r, lered. an excellent chatis? v ill be of J. .t .!. XV KXTAI, XOTiCi:. Tic C. W. Hrr.i:. 1 HI-.S. of l:n.,d;v;iie, Va., rill be a lii lv-iy dir.ir-- ti... ..' , ri! t.-.-,:i ef C'cm t to p.'.a'.f. in line ut i,i: prcletsioa. f . t!K. insert i ,n of ai : lib-hi' I .-elli. or ih ; proervio lion o tlie leiiurnl oraLa. Fooius at tlie tvsM.Miec of Mr. Frooks. (feb2'.l-7iv.) aim : itch :: itch :": : scratca : srnATC'i ! .' .scn.Tcn ! ! ! in from 10 to-lK honrs. Wheatoii's Oinliaeiit enre.s Tlic, Itch. h ii Ion's Oiniroenl cures . Salt I'.iieiim. Vi-.-i'..ii's (!:!:!. i:e::t cor. s Tetter. vViiei.!. n'.s (liiitirent cures Fcrbrrs' Itch. i beaion's i nnlinent cures (il8or"s. Uhuttun's ( i.itai"i:t cures livery k n.1, of Humor like Magi's. I'i ice, 0(1 cents n bok ; l.v mail, f-0 cents A ldi ci.s W K.h'KS l-OTTElt No. 17o H'csli!nciii Street, lieston. Mass. l'or sale by aildi'Ui'.'i.sls. Sept. 17'(i7 ly. IIS i' ! IF I.ETTi:i;.s i email in u nclaimci i in the i'.idiiwny post Oiliec, for the in. nili cmling .Marc!. 1st, IMitf. Austin, J. ii. jl'iuc, .M. ltrookiiifr. Kaiiroili J.;H"e.l, Ivair ' i.irei'.ui, , iieolin I'.'sioin. 'J in io. is I'utfy, Thomas (iou.l y, ..iiucs Il.i'toi.', Edward Moore, T omas -Nicely, t'iipi'Cn j lioer.s, John jKliewnc Frwin, Siiiilh i .fonos, Sv. ?( den. Oeos'gc ';exii n. 1 jTracy. John N. lU endcll, E.!ward Mi.-s !'. E. v. Hex, Km:ici Lirrri'.Rs. L'.icy. .iaia.'S lllorun, .John Ah FmIi'V, I'atriel;. 1'tr. . n calling far anv of the above let. tern, wi'A please wiy adverti led." o.' o. MEssr..NT.i:n, ).iarl-!i2t l'ostuiaster. .1 TTL'.V'nuX L VMltEIiMLxT 'ff'i'K r. tukiine wateu 1 V.i:i'::! jiatented .iulyMO, 1S',7, i3 superior io any v.beil in line. The under, signed ii.-.c i lie ajrency for said wheel ill the S'a'e i.i l'enns 1 , anin, and can recoim mend ii as bcinf; i lie hept niaiiufai'ture.l. For fur: l'.ir jiarlieul'irs. and circulars, in . i,u!ro ai .mr Fotiudiy in Kerrey, where ii.aehmery. fnll-pcariiig, ciuuinirs and steuni engines wiii I e made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving niiisfaetion in our work to u ceive a good share of pub lic put ruuuge. J. F. UOUEllTSON, K. BEhh. Kcrpoy, I'n., janl.) liiispil. uiE ea:;ca.steh i ntl i.k; lxcek, the l.HrgesI nnd Cheapest L'eaiocrutiu Joiiriuil in 1 em. sy! varna. The Liii;.:...-i'..rlutiilij(eticcr, established in lT'J'.t, lia always lo-en known at a fust-cla-s poliiical and family newspaper. The Weekly lnteiiigencer is now the largest Heinoci alio paper published in Pennsylva nia. It has lately been greatly improved in all respects, an 1 is jusi such a paper us every I'eiiH.crat ihould ,'ike. Tnc publishers of the I ntelligencer re gard il lo be the duty of every lvi locrat lo support his county paper iu'prelVreuoe to ar.y other : hut u there are r.ittny who will be likely to subscribe for mole" than one paper during the pending Presidential Campaign, they have concluded i j oll'e-i- Tlie Weekly lnte!ligenei.r ul the follow ing low' rates : Single Ci.piee, One Year, Five f . pie ?, t 'no Year, Tea Copies, ( cie Year, Twen y Copies, ('.ie Ycr.r, Tl.i'ty Copies, line Year, Filly Copie-', One Year, tuone in S 2.00 il.ti!) 17.(-0 2.(M; 1 "j.ti! 1'ti, I.II.IM i.igoty i. opu s, ,o ,l0 h;, 0j 1'aii.v In M t.i.ni": ckii r, ).er nnnuin. f ".'' Pci'i-ons wishing lo sell Ilea! liMuie can find no I -:tcr ndvcrti.-'iug uiclmni thin the Weekly la'.e'il igencer. Ad.'eoss 11. 0. SMITH A: CO. u:ur7-2t Lautasicr, l'a. B E A L E ' S (I.ATK foWl'.LL') i: M li 11 O G A T ION! ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO J' lloi. s, ( ntti and the lluuian Flesir reoiiii iiii.' the use ofan external nptdivation This new ('oini.o'in 1. i reii.-ire l liv a pi-hc- tical Chemist haviiif; a f.ol knov.led -e ol all the medical viri. u s of eacli ingredient i lint, enters into lis r,tuip! ili.in, is v ni rn'i tea to excod ntivtlioifr ol tlie kind vet of fered to tlie public ns nil oxlonnl npplica tion for the diseases for which it is recoiii incii'i.'n. o e nve !"in iu mi i inn ,t will wor'c its own road into tlie conn lence of all who use it. and those who try it once will never be itbout it. nil ulierefore we relv on ex. perionee us i!ie bc-.t te.t ot in usifuiiic It is pronounced by Farriers, nnd all iv "ii"' iricu ii io oe me nesi n:Uil'cai;on ev rr used. This Embrocal ion bus Icon put up lor ovef c i ;r 1 1 1 years, and it is on! v larou;rh (lie increasing deiaand and livont reiuc! t of my I'rien l.i and Cie l'nlilio thai I s aid it toiaii as t!;;. e-.-and rcnudial nt'ent f ir the various discuses to which that noble an 1 ii.-fnl i.ui.mi!, tlie HOUSE, is subject. Many reineires h-i-e been (.(iered to the Public under dll'Vrent forms, some of these a re injurious, el In-rs at best of little use, aii-1 UI..UV . holly i cipro it I o answer the purposes f.,r whi-Ji they are "('eommeiided. A judicious and really useful coiuio.-ition free fraiu these ol.ieel'ons, lias tiieirfore lonil lei a desired by many freii'Ieuien who have valuiible horses, nnd arc an ivilling to ii'iea tie ,.i to the ear.- of (1esi:n:tij iin-J pre'!ci,,lii: i':,n ien. Tlieir " ish-.-s are a icnt:'li fully frretilied, by Jr. llen'e being J.r- v.tiii '! upon to allow this valuable Em- lir.-e n ion iv. 'r.ec. lias jivciv. d so ellL-acit us to the va-ious .I-m-hsc-.) to be i.ripaied nnd hrnitjrhi out to tlie public. This ct.ibi-i.c 1 1 : on was extensively used by tlie (lovcrr.inetit during the war. Address a II orders I o Ml. EFMONl) F.MAT.K, (102. South .Second Si, Phil'n. f.Tor Sale by llord .vell & M. escuper. lipO'V best cli itice ever offer?.! to A rents! due or two days' time will secure u good Sewing vachine. Watcdi, t ilk Ureas, F.e. Iv fo-iie ether article of canal value. f ;;!: or co . 'e Agents wanted every v.'h. re, i:.ale r.;ul fca.aie. for t he b due l,,'.lar I' i wn'.irck er's Sale in the country. Send for circular. S. C. 't'i.'o.MI'SoN S CO. ii'J Hanover Street, janl-Diajal Foston, Muss. "I'OTICjl TO L?,C, (I'.V.MF.S. We are prepared Io drive the Si's iuehannii rner in tlic spriusr of lSiiS, from Williams j ort to Havre tie (irace. Should you have i-iy 1 crs i-i g.i l,:-lnw W:!li:ii::port, we w ill, it yea wish it. Ink; cii ..rgi- of and drive them w!t!i ours, .ror.-.tinr tlii- cr-t ol drivinjr in prop.;. Ciun to the aaiouul driven. For f-irtiier iiiforiiiatliii! address flA'ti ,l; lif.ANV'IAUU. n.i'al.dphia. II. K. HAW LEY .V CO., and 11. JAMES, . CO., Haiti more, ?.:,!. Fob. F3, J. S. llDliliV ELE, M. D. EfH.'rrc ' n 2-s b cr.i .r. e word eclectic mean3 to chr.ise or select medicines from all the diilorcnl schools ot medicine ; using remedies that arc safe, and discarding from practice all medicines t!irt have an iiaparioiis eficct on the system, truch as mercury, antimony, lead, capper, Ha. 1 ;ay aside iho lance (he old blood letter, roliuer or depletor, and equalize li.e circulation and re-tore the svstem lo its natural stale by alteratives an t tonics. sun, hereal'ier give pattieubtr attention to etironic .tiseas.s, sueli as I'ohenmatisai li.yspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Ntu iiegui, ureases ot me lliront. ui'inury or gans, and al! diseases peculiar to females, AC. CAT A IlllII I treat with n new instrument e' t a late inveulion, which cures every case TKL1II extracted without pain. 0 lice and residence south of i lie iail on I en tie St. (.'thee lours froui 7 I.. St ,v ... 12 to 1 p. in : 0 to 7 p. m. Dec. 2:F(',7. -ly. J. S. 110 K DWELT,. f?llli;AT INDUCTION JI IN THE PRICI OF FUfiNITURE ! Mr. Charles L. l'.ayer desires respectful ly to inform the cilizetu of I'lhCountv t!ia! he has now the most complete, cheapest-, and best lot of Furniture in the count r. Ili Furniture is ail made in his own shun. lie can therefore warrant ii to be neat and durable. He has a lure ass irl iiient of I'.ureius. Lounges, Sofas. Ci.airs, Tables, Wardrobes, Cupboards, llookeases. Honk. stands. Wastelands, Towel Hacks. Hull Hacks, What Nots, Fcdsteadsof Whilewood, (e..l . 1 ... - - i. . . .... an .ul nun i uerry, ur.'.CKets, 1 iclure Fiame, ami cveryiliing usually kept in a first class Furniture Ware Koe la. He has connected with his establishment a steam turning lathe, which will enab'.o him to do all k:n Is of turning in a neat aud workmanlike man nor. All he asks is iv fair trial, and if his wines do not give satisfaction, he will re fund the money. CIIA11I.ES L. VAvEii, my221;-(.71y SI. Mary's, Pa. DliOl'OSALS lOH i E R ! The C Juinbiii 'ridge Company w ill re ceive proposals, addressed to il. li. Holl ers, Chief Enginiieer, Office Pennsylvania .'.tiiroad Company, Philadelphia, until February 20, IStiS. for about :S,:i(i(i OUO Feet White Pine, ,'. M. 7tio"oO( Feet White Oak, li, M. l.iiOO (,'OU Shert Joint Shingles. To be delivered on the framing pround. at Ihc Vridgc in Coluinbin, Pa., ou or be fore the 1st day of August lSb8. The lumber to be of the best quality of bridge lumber, and subject to the inspec tion, measurement, and approval of suoh Ayent as the Company may appoint. Do taile 1 bills and specilieai ions can be pro cured by addressing i. ,'. KOVEHTS, Penn'n 11. K. Olheo, Phihul a. Feb. 8, 'tie. "t. Vll orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly alt elide 1 to as soon as received, at the 12'G7 St. M.VKY'S 1IA11DWAUE STOHE. t'N3, PISTOLS, 11IFLES, KNIVES, X pocket and table culleiy, of Ihc best (iia!itj and l ,ost approve I patleins, verv cheap, nf il.o Hani v. are Stoic ou Biberger's old veruer iu it. Mary's. $ tl i ? i i c ?s J) i I i i i r ij . TOIIN (5. HALL, Attorney at law, F.idg way, F.Ik county I'n. miir.22'(Jli ly TAUIUEJ. 1H.AKKLY, Attorney nV law j and U, Ceianilssii'iicr. Ilidirwnv Elk county. I'n. mar-22'(;(J.ly. TOK Vt'OUK all kind, tuid des. ,) criptioiis done tit fliis cllico. HENKY SOL'TMEll, Attoriiev-nt-I.aw, Kidgway, I'll. (feb2'.l'C8) c. It. E.M1I.E Y, l'hys cian and gcon, har!ey, r.k County, I'n. .March lKliS ly. l.l'INi: llOl-.S-E, Si. Mary's Fa., Her in ni Kretz, Fi'o,rh'!or. riij.-'t'iiij DM- W. JAMES 1U and Surguou, Si.. M KEEY I'liysician ary'ri, Elk county inar-22'(iC ly. DW. W. W. SHAW Frnoticcs Medicine and Surgery, Cenlreville, Elk county ''"" mnr-22'r,01y. J? x :;ct t lox.v, summons, suiinif, J Warrants, &c., on haud und for sale at this flice. f II. VOEK. Manufacturer and Don in Vy in Lag. r Heer, opposite the lluilrond i'e;..K, m. iary s, Elk county Fa. M ir 22 t;-l . T'i- W. 15. IIAU'I'MAN, S(. Mary's, Elk I J county, Pa. Late of the Army of the oi. unite, t an i c ii i a r attention c;ven o alt cases oi s-.irjien.i nature. ruiar-22 iiC-1 y, 5 i !.OV b ii. M ESSEN (1 Eli, llntr-risf and A Denier m Drugs and Chemicals Faints. Oi!snr.d Yarnish." Perf.inii.rv Toil el articles and Stationary. Kid-rwae' l'.llr eoiiuey ra. riuar-22'hO-lv. "17 HANK E.STZ, MMcit.tvT Tailor. ' eentreviilc, Elk countv. Vn... ,le;,-A .u iinorm i i.e ciuzens of ( entreville and ei..::y. that lie is.it al Iiiik-s nr-,.l u 1 . . . ' I v A.ii k in a neat aud Batislactory manner. e.'ive me a end. nnviiTl v JO.IX G. 11,' t.I... fAn. R. ! 11.11- IIAl.l. ,t. n A 1 1 o i- ut; y s - : t - iL a Sv , ci. ;.iAU 8 : BENZIN'OEll I. O. KI K COUNTY. V A epteiuhcr 20, 1 S(jtJ. y. T S. Fordvclt. M. I). l!e7iiV tl-,.t..tr 9 ''lice nnd rei l.-n.-e onpo'siio the Jan. on ( etitve St., Hi.liwnv. l'a. I'roain. attention will he given lo all calls. Oilioe hours : 7 to A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. : and C lo i P. M. nr 9" ii.-. ir rp.'IAYEU HOLSii, A. HI DO WAY, PA. r.YII) THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned havintr fitted nil n and commodious hotel on Iho soul invest coi ner of Cenfrenn.l Mill strops, with good an I convenient stabling nltaclied. respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the put lie generally. decloOOiy DAYID TII.-VYE". S. KflOHT, JOHN 0. II ALL, LOFIS A'OLLMER, JAS. 1C. 1. HALL. DAXS1X(T-1I0U3H OF iiorl, gall & fo. Si. .7 -try's, Slcnrlnsrcr i. O. Fi.k Cot .Mv, Pi:nxa TXYDE 110FSE, JL-L KinowAv, Ei.i: Co., Vs. M. V. Moons, Proprietor. Thankful for the palromgo heretofore -o .liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention lo the comfort, an 1 convenience of guests, to merit, n continuance of the Oct 21 lNlil. LICENSED AL'tJTlO N F Ell. "jVTOTlCE is hereby given that I have tak j en out a licence as auctioneer, and will alien. 1 promptly lo the calling of all sales tritruvtod to my care. Any person cailinji sales without a licen'n v il lie he! I answerable to the strict letlerof thehiw. l, yy JiAKllETT, J'ecJllSfifitf. Auctioneer. EXCHANGE HOTEL, HlilGWAY, PA. J. IlALh l rrojirietor. This hotel is pleasantly siluvled on the hanks of the Clarion Eiveraml Klk Creek, at the lower end of tlie village, Mr. llealv will spare no pains for the cuiivenie .co of his gucsi.i, Veinitosoao aud.illto give him a cull and try his house, Sept, 17th'li7-'ly. m.ACKSMITI I XG ! II. S. HELNAP tie-ores to inform the c:ti ?ens of Kidgwav nr.d vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Hlanks'iaith Shop on Mill si reel, nnd has employed gerod work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle lo an anchor. Particular attention given lo tha shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'6(i-ly. SOMETHIXG NEW ! EOUSE, SIGN &, OENAltfES'TAL FAINTING. 'pilli SFI1SCR1 Li E K W O U L D K E- X spec; fully inform tlie citizens of Elk county tlu.t he has just started in tho above business in Hidgwny, nnd feel confi di nt that lie can please all who may favor him with t heir custom. GRAININO, PAPER II ANdlN'ti AND CALCP.l INI'v'G DONE ON SilOIiT NOTICE AM) IN THE reost fashieinahle and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or nt the H inkir.g lleuse of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended lo. W. 1'. WILLIAMS, May-17'C.'i-ly. (10.VL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY! J Ail of superiol quality, for sale by (he Tannerdale Ccal Company, fct. iMary'b, Jlk. County, Fa. RS-Oiders by mail proinpilr ittotid. cd to. .oil6 '3-li No. 1G1 North Tiiihd Sirekt, rillLADEl'PIIIA. CiT Orders I rempliy .--.t tended lo. 2-3iu. ANTED ONE HUNDRED TONS OLD CAST I ION at the Slovo and Tiu Shop, Uidgwuy, Pa. (fcb2'i 20 n r inn .umii iiMiiwwift, tMill lii LUMBER.. WE All!', Pit EPA RED TO FliRNIf II upon short notice the following kind.1 of Lumber of the best, quality. FLOOIIING-'AND SIDING, dressed in Ihc best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, LATIIFOnrLASH'HING We will put em cars when required. CfiT'AU orders nddsessed to us ut this place promptly attended lo. SOUTL'L'li, WILLIS 11 CO. jnnCllTtf Hidgwny, Pa. M' VS'IIOOU How Lost, How Hestored. Jusi pubiisho l, n new edition of Dr. Culvci-well's Ceiebralci' E isay oil She radi. eal euro (without mciiciiioi iif Srcrmatorr- noivi, or Seminal Weakness, 1 nvoiuiitai y Seminal Losses, Iinpoleiiey, M.iiti;l ntid Physical Incapacity, Inipedim nits lo Mar. ringe. etc.. also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by bclf indulgence au'd sexual extravagance. Reiyi'iice, in a sealed er.velope, Six cnts The celebrated author, i;i this ndmirablo essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, thnt ihc alarm ing consequences of 'elf-ahuse may be r i li eijly cured wi'hout the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applkatbrn of tho kkife ; pointing out a mode of euro nt onco simple, certain nnd clt'ectt-al. by means of which every suli'c.-er, no matter what his condition in iy be, m iv cure hiui Kclf chcajdy, privately, and radically. lK"A'ihis Lecture should be in Ihc hands of every youth and every man iu the land. Sent under soil, in a plain envelope, lo any address, postpaid, ou receipt of six cent:!, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cub vcrwcll 3 " .Marriage (juido,' Address the Publishers. place 2 Jients. (.'HAH. J. C. KLINE n CO., 127 Flowery, New York. P.O. Box 4, -081!. jiinlU-lKOT IS 'j! ci J A LAV AYS Till- FT 'ti...:iJ .mi Vj -a.t -3 "nUHXITUBK, COFFIN.?, FIC I1 TUnF,-FilAMJS, tvc. The undersigned having sold his interest in the wagon shop, new intends devoting his time exclusively lo the Furniture trade. He has just received a large slock o tlie BKSTrUriNmillEMABI- which he offers a! pi-ice? ihaf cannot fail to please. His stock consists of lieJrooia Suits, rphoUlered Goods, F.urcans, Washstnn.ls, Commodes, Lounges, Bedsteads of Maple, lati. Whilewood and Black Walnut, Spring F.e Is and Mat trasses. Extension, Dining, I'.rcnk f'.ist, Tea Party and Quartette Tables, Chairs of every kind a.id descrij.tion. The largest assortment of Cane Seated Chairs ever brought into lliis licciion of tho country, Fanner's .Secreta ries, Yih.it, Nots, BrackotH, and everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM Piclm-e Frames of cv k!nd she or Quality, kept on hand and made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking vjlass l'iale and Figures, v.'e woiild call at tention Iu our lar-e st.e k of Collins, con.. sh-ting of Pine, Y.'hitrwo...l, Cherry, Chestnut and Black Walnut, any c ue of which v. e can I'm r.isti in three hours time, trimmed in any style to suit. Metallic cases of any kind procured in iiirce Hours time. Feeling cor.lidei'.t th ai vri.'h n liberal pat ronage, wo fh til be ah le to keep up a First Class establishment, wo anneal Inthonen- . . i pjo of Eitt County, to say if il is not better to keep their money in circulation at homo than to sen I it off to the cities where if ihev buy but little.- they are E ire to get cheated and pay n'iod round .-aim into the bargain. iii.-n lei your motto be, never buy away from home w hat can bo had just ns cheap at home, and the cheapest place to buy Fiirni, turc in Western Fennsylvaui.i is at II. II. Thomas' Ware lio-uns, Excelsior Building, corner of Main and Depot streets, Bidway, F.lk counly Pa. Oct. 81, l.Su7-ly. II. II THOMAS. I N SU 11 AN O I j AG AINST loss or DA MAG E by FIRE II'E T.ycominz Counly Mutual Insur ance Company at Mnn.-ey, I'n.. con tiitucs lu Insure agiinsi ,oss ,,r D, image by rue on it.t sinus n .ilerciiainlise. i'uhlio and private uil.lings, eiiher in town or County. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, sioeks of drain, , nt tlic lowest possible" rales consistent with safety to tho Insurer and In. ure l. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance d r. puny inv.tes an iuveslii iration ns to its stabii-ty. Its capita! auiouiiis to sH5f2.ROO.0 0 0! Thin assuring to every one of its patrons that their l.-.aies will be promptly and satis, fiietoriiy pai t. lis manage.aent bas always been prudent, us its existence of iweuty. six J enrs fully demon si rates JAMES BL.AKELY, Agent for E'k counly. at St. Mary's L 0 OK UKiiL WATCHES, JEWELRY et SILVERWARE. C1IIAHI.ES HOLES, Practical Watcanitl- k'er, Jeweler und Engraver, Ri.lgway, lilk county, Pa. 'The subsciiber begs leave io an'iounee ioihe ciliens of Bidg way und vicinity thai he is pi t parcd lo do all woikiu his line on short police and at reasonable rates in iho very best manner. Shop iu II. S. Belnnp's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on 1. tn 1 a largo assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry sue! Silverware w Inch he offers lor sale ou reasonable terms. Uive Lia a tail. ntv7'(.7tf. VISITING CARDS NEATLY E NEC L li ed ut this o";e.