N EV 11 A Kb WAKE ETDllh! The Bnbscribere have just 'opened in " 8 T. MAFIY'9 A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Sliclf j rental nnf! i :i I J J 9 And will keep constantly on hand a great Viric'y pf COOK AND HEATING STOVES liar Iron, Strcl Anvils, Bellows, Nail, Horse Shoes, Sjirinys, Build mj linficare, ISaws an. I Filis f Every Description ! WK3, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. AV kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! T I N W A R E 9t every description, which will he sold lit the LOWEST CASH TRICES. They have nlso the exclusive ngency in S Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BUUNING COAL STOVES AND TARLOU FURNACES ! ' ?! i "fstr-. "'.1 Which have received Four First Class Tro. uiiuuis at the New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal nt the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1XU5. Thy re 1'erpctual Burner, only one fire kcing required to''.be made during the season. M. BEECHER. .Ta.; WM. II. COI'ELAND. mv2VC7 ly Something $eiu. A LARGE STOCK OF Thejundcreigncd have on lian J a large and very dciirablo stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep aa extensive assortment, including everything that k wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. ivhich they will sell at the very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CASH. We will use every endeav er to make it to'the interest ot oar cus tomcrs to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have de'ermincdto give the CASH SYSTEM fair trial, believing it to lo the inter est of both buyci and seller. rOWELL t KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1867. ec. flTRONIZB HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. fllHE subset ibers having completed their I rew Grist .Mill in mdgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen nn.l nlhr is called to our lacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it em be btught any other piace in me county. tSfCAsu Paid foe Gbain". J. S. HYDE, J. V. HOUR. J. K. WH1TM0RF. Kevember 7, ISCTtf JAKKS of all Itiudi fgr sale at this of. if I jff.'i ism " ' PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrrvih nnd Direct Route, hcticcen Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris burr, Wifliamrporl, ami the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On nil Night Trains. ON nnd utter MONDAY, NOV. 2-7.Hi, thetrninson the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WKSTWAllT. Mail Train leaves riiilndelphia..ll. 15 p. ra. " " Ridgway 2.45 p. m. " " arrive at Erie H.00 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.00 noon. " " Ridgwny 3."2 a. in. " " arrive at l.i ic y.4t a. in. EASTWAlt t. Mail Train leaves Kris 10.25 a. m. " " Ridgwny 4.?.8 p. m. " " arrive nt Phihlclphiii 8.rf a. m. i.rie Lxp leaves t.rte 4.2'i p. m. " " " Kidirwnv 10.13 p. in. " ' arr. nt Philadelphia... 1.00 ft. m. Mail and Kip rets trains connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Jiaihcav. I'lisscntjertlcavihg I'hiladelnhia at 12.00 .1. arrive at Jrvintton alVi. 40 a. in. and Oil City 9.50 a. m. J.earirjj riiiladelphia alii. 15 p. m. arrwe at Vd ( Vv at 4.!io i. m. All trains on Warren & iianklin Railway make close connections nt Oil City with trains tor franklin and It tvolenm Centre, HAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED h. TYLER, General Superintendent. STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT Jcliu Sosenlicimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. BT. MABY'h, TA. Keeps constantly on hand nnd for Bale a largo and well selected stock of TIN iWARE, STOVES Ac. Wo have evervtlnng generally kept in a Tin Shop Our Stock of STOVES consists in part ol IM'J'iAUS AiVl'I DUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WIIEAT-SIIEAF STOVES. kYe also keep on hand and for sale the MORNING GLORY, A large stocfc of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia top is among our assortment, which are now ;ho best stoves in use, and can b sold ns cheap as cv?r. SCRAP IRON taken in exchange for goods. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 20 In. tf. TAINTSfor FARMERS nnd others. X The Graton Mineral l'aint Co. are now manfaeturing the Best Cheapest and most durable I'aiut in use ; two coats well puf on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or to years ; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color and c n lie changed to green, lead, stone, drao olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Car-mnkers, Pails and Wood en-ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal nnd Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire nnd Water proof), Floor Oil Clotlis, (ono Manu. facturer having used 5000 bbls. the past year.) nnd ns a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed tor body, durability, clasti ty, nnd adhesiveness. Price ?0 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warrcniedin all cases ns above. Send fo a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Minernl Paint. Address DANIEL BI DWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. Scli. 6-'C7.-Cra. j-ATEST ARRIVAL !! FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! CHEAP EST G DODS I N RIDGWAY ! AT THE STORE OF H. S BlifMP, Cor, of Main .j- Water, end of Hyde House, Where he has on hand an extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies' I)rei Goods, Shawls and Nulias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mua. Hns and Cull e o e a 1 Balmoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter pancB, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gents' Fuiuibling Goods, Groceries, Paint", Glass and Tutty ! ! ! L n . j iit. , a.'1 and see my stock before purch asing elsewhere ! Deo. 5,'C7 ly. T7IE1ELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock 4 Ij Watclimakcr, St. Mary's, Elk county, Fu. Rooms next door to Hintenach's Clothing Store. All kincs of work done done in a satisfactory ninnacr, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the Gerniar, french or English lun-g?es- Mwreh H, 1867lf. S$t, Glilis & Co's., 6olihn. N EV FIRM AND NEW GOODS 1 ! " ' ( NEW GOODS t . JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLI3 & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND 13E CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER i TnAN ANY OTUER STORE IN TniS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COJ1E AND SEE US. I oods, Nubias, nnd all kinds of Woolen JLJL Goods nt the cheap store of 12X7 HYDE, U1LLI3 &CO. "To you want to purchase a silver watch I American or Foreign T 'Jt so, go to rU7 llYDK, GILLia & CO. Thresh Oysters constantly on hand at the E ' store of 12 07 111 Dli, G11.U1S H CO. "TTotions of nU',kind8 in extensive variety at mo store ot U U7 ItlUU, UlLLls 4 CO. cxlonsive assortment of CLOTIIIXQ nt the store of 07 HYDE, CILLIS CO. TOOTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every II kind, style nnd vnricty nt the store of irU7 JIYDE, ulLLla k CO, A largo and complete stock of Hardware nr.d cutlery nt the slor of 12'C7 HYDE, G1LLIS& CO. OBACCO The finest brands for sinok. inc and chewinir. at the store of 12 07 HYDE, CILLIS & CO. UEENSWARE an extensive assort. Vv went, at the store of 12 G7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. "Vfewest Styles of Balmoral Skirts at (fee 12'GT HYDE, GILLIS & CO. T a j fashionable figures, at the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. ats, Caps and fura, In great variety I aud at the lowest price, atthegtoroof 12 07 111 DE, GILLIS & CO. MCsci 12 67 woolen and cass'mer Shirts at sensation prices, at the store of HYDE, GILLIS ft CO. TTndershtrtg and drawers, cheaper than j me cueapfsi, at tiie store of 12SC7 , 1YDK, GILLIS & CO. OetSlet,lS8t-Iy. G. Mi. $i-bu'$ eolihii)' T MI E WORLD RENOWNED MORNING GLORY! 'V.ilAii-- ,.'54' li'liuf V i i FOR SALE AT SERVIO V EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on band and am now receiv ing tfiA rmnt. Anmnlofn RtnnV CnnVtntr a - z - - - o and Farlor Stoves ever brought to this section. I buy the best, believing tbey are the cheapest. I have the exclusive ngency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Speer's Cooking'nnd Tarlor Stoves. I l.avo some beautiful designs from Erie, Buffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted 'seventeen yeav? cxclu sivcly to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I am satisfiod that the most fastidi ous can be pleased nt my shop. Don't fail to call before yon purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-wave and Stove,Pipo as low as can bc"bought in Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain and fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Brass, Tewter, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmers pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVEBSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. have the. Agency for the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is the best, 30O, 000 of them in use. Each AVringcr war laiufu 10 do as gouu ui lue enuoi ono as when first purchased. Call and one homo with you and if it does not good satisfaction after a fair trial, it ranted to be as good at the end of ono year tuke give may be returned aui your money will be refua dcd. SAVE TOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LAI DR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, . .." SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. Oct. 31st lt67-lj. rpilE CHEAPEST COOLS ' IN THE COUNTIY A re Sold ty . ' 11' E I S II It O T II E I S Successors to Geo. Weis.l TtEALF.R IX St. Mary's, Elk County.Da. , . I QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK CF HOOTS AND SHOES We have no hesitation in cayin; that in this department of our establishment,. we can give bargains to our custimers I with which they eannot fail to bejsitis--ed. We luy our stock direct rona the Manufacturer, Bichardeons' Cele. brated Root &, Shoe Manufactory, Mini ra, New York We warrant all gtod' in this line sold from our establishneat. EAVY k SHELF HARDWARE.. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFfEB To our customers in this Hue barga!' which cannot bo undersold iu Elk mfc ty. Our btjck is large, well selcetee1,. and is especially adapted to the waata of the coiunuii.il v. J ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortttictit ! Muslin.0, Silk.-, Calicoes. Sutiug, Jeiuttes, Moire Antiques, Wh'Ue CtwAi Cloths, Flannels, Rereces. Lticce, ContetB, In fact we have cverythiiig ecsnteteA with Ludit!,' Wear. Wo are Jtlfrnsi. cd to Sell loircr, clr,'j-r tihd BETTER Goods than any other iirid in the aon- ty. Give us a call, wc 11 prove H. w ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. lie Sell tit Best, therefor THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNO- Sold in Elk Couuty. Our Stock of C 1 0 i kin q IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter OBrelve that better Clothing onnnot be fead ANYWHERE. Persons, befure purchasing eleewheae would do weK to give us a call. 8?aNo trouble to show our Gook QROCEUIES, NOTIONS, &o., In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST I At the Storo of In St. Mary's, Elk County.Pa. pIPES, TCBACCOES & SEGA1W We have now on hand ' ' AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE RY SLIGHT AD YAXCt On cost and carriage. loV Our Store is til th new Stone Building on Main Strrct, July 11, 1807-11"