JEW 1IARLWA HE STORM I'he subscribers bnvi jut opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Slock of Heavy & Shell C 1 I And will kesp comtnntly on hniid ft great vsric'y of COOKAXD 1IEA Tl.XG STO VES liar iron, V'e Aiinlx, Stfmrn, Anils, i Jiorxe S "'', Springs, Build, ing Hardware, airs and Fite vf Ecry Jh-nrrijititm SINS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware nnd House Furnishing Goods. Al1 kinds uf Mechan ics' To ols ! T I N W A R E Of 9vcry description, whirh will lie sold t tlio LOWEST CASH 1MUCES. Tasy have nlso tlio exclusive ngency in S Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BL'RNING COAL STO VKS AND FARLOR Ft UN ACES ! ! Wliieh linvo rccoivod Four First ClaS3 Pre miums nt tho,New York Stale nmlotli. er Fairs ; Also, tlio Great Silver Medal nt the Fnir of 1'ic Ani' erienn Institute, held in New York City, 18(50. Ttay tire Perpetual Burners, only one fire feeing required to' bo made curing the season. M. 15 EEC I II'''.. .Tit.' WM. II. OOFELA.VD. mv28'67 ly Something $ciu. A LAHOE STOCK OF CiOOBS Tke .tdcr.4goed have on hand a large and veiy desirable stock of GOODS, ad trill constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that it wanted to EAT, WEAK. Oil FEED. which they will sell at the very bottom figure and from this date will sull only for CASH. We will use every endear or to make it to the interest of our cus tomcrs to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have de'crmiucdto give the CASH SYSTEM fair trial, believing it to be the intor- t of both buyct nud seller. 10 WELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 18th, 1807. sc. FATRON1ZK HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rMHE subsciibers having completed their I New Grist Mill in Ridgway nre now Menared to furnish tho peoiilo of the sur rounding country Willi Tlour of tho Best Quality, and ot lueir own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others J - ull..l ... ...... . :i:.:A : 1 tbemnvitu m itt. FEED OF ALL KLTS, cheaper than it oan be bought any other place in itio county. 2C8U Pvi! 'cn Gn.UN"Xa O.K. .HYDE. J. Y. HOI K. J. K. WH1TMORF Kevenibcr 7, ISO'tf B LANKS of all kind? fu- talc at this of. ttcj. sfHURItV''f 22-i PHILADELIHIA &, ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. T hi ' will and JUrirt Ranle hv.twttv 1'liiiiiMjJiiii, Ball! mire. Ihrrin Intra, Wtitimsorl, awl the (1 R E A T OIL R E G 10 A of Pennsylvania. L K 0 A N T SLEEPING CARS C'n nil .Night J nuns. nnd nficr MONDAY, NOV. 251 li, lie t ruins mi the Philadelphia & ISrie Railroad will run ns follows : WKSTWAIHI. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..!!. 15 p. m ' llnigwny 2.4o p. m. " arrive nt. Erie '(I.M b. ni. Erin Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 Yifcon. " Kiclgwny A fl a. m. arrive at U.45 a. m. UVHTWAll I). Mail Train leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. " ' Ridgway 4.38 p. m. " nrrivent Phildclphin 8.55 . m. Eric Exp leaves Erie.- 4.25 p. ni. ' " " Kidgwny 10.13 p. m. ' " nrr. nt Philadelphia... 1 00 a. m. Mail and Fip.'c.M train rannrct irith all train on Wnrrrn fttl Franklin Huitiraii, 'axsrn'rr Irariua l'hiliulr'vhui tit 12. OO 1. arrire at Irrmifnn at (i.40 o. . and tHl Ci'n (1.50 a. hi. i.mmfg Vliilmlrlphia al 11. . in. arrh'iht'Oil City at 4.35 p. m. All trams on Warren franklin Hallway make close connections nt Oil City willi trains fir Franklin ami Petroleum Centra. RAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED I.. TYLER, Genernl Superintendent. STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT Jclm Sosenlieiraer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. BT. MARY'S, TA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a larire and well selected stock of TIN WAUK, STOVES &c. e have everything renerally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stuck of STO VKS consists in part of SPEAltS ANTIPUST PAR LOU & COOKING STOVKS, ALSO IKON GATE & WUKAF-SIIKAF STOVES. iVc also keep on linml nnd for sale Jlie MORiYIXd GLORY, A large stocA of GLORE HEATERS with Russia ton is nmoncour assortment, which I nre now !he hest stoves in use, nnd can be sold ns ehenn as cvr. M. R Al 1LION taken m exchange for goods. Sl'OLTIXG & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a cad. and satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 20 u. tf. Tl WNTS for FARMERS and othcrs.- I The Graton Mineral 1'aint Co. are now liinnfactiirincr the Rest Cheapest nnd most durable Faint in use ; two coats well pu' on, mixed with puro Linseed Oil, will last 10 or to years ; it. is of a liu'd brown or beautiful cliocolato color nnd can be changed to green, lend, stone, drab, olive . or cream, to suit the tnsto of the consumer, It is Taluablc for Houses, Rams, Fences Cnrrinjrc nnd Cnr-mnkers, Fails and Wood en wnre. Agricultural Implements, Canal Konts, cssels nnd slnris Uottoms, ( anvns, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire nnd Water proof). Floor Oil Clot lis, (one Maun. faeturer having used 5000 bbls. t lie past year.) nnd as n paint for nny purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, nnd adhesiveness. Price SO per bhl. of JliO His., which will Biip'ly a farmer for years to come. Warrentedin all cases ns above. Send fn a ciru!nr which gives full pnrticulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Alinernl Paint, Address DANIEL III DWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York f'H 5 '(57.-Om. flTillSvALTi I: FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! CHEAP EST G DODS I N BIDOWAY ! AT THE STORE OF , S. BELNAP 9 Cor. of Main J- Water, end of Hyde HouVe, Where he has on hand an extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladica' Drees Good, Shawls and Nubius, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. fins and Calk e 0 c ! Balmoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter panes, Ladies' Dress Trimruiogs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Puints, Glass and Putty ! ! I Call and boo my stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dee. 5,'G7 'ty. 17UEDEL1US VOGT, Practical Cbjclc t Watchmaker, St. Mary's, EU oouuty. 1. Kooiits next door to llmtenach's Clolhiiig Store. All kins of work done done in a satisfactory manner, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the Gtrmar, reach or English lan-rc1'8- Hsrss. 14, lHJTtf. u;iii & 6o., Column. N KV FI UM AND NE .V GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS! iUST RECEIVINJ AT THE STORE OF 1IVDE, GILII? Si CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &e. DRY GOODS St GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. CALk AND SEE AND RE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STO& IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANb BEE US. Hoodi Go "oods, Nubias, and all kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. I o you want to purchase a silver watch .J American or Foreign ? ."if so. go to 12 C7 11 I DE, GILLIS S CO. Thresh Oysters constantly on hand nt the I ' store of 12G7 HYDE, GILItS & CO. TT"otions of nlllkin.l in vxlcnslve variety I at (lie store or 11'67 HYDE, GILLIS CO. a: extensive assortment of CLOTHING nt the store of 12 C7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. T)0OTS, SHOES and GAITERS every ) kind, slyle and variety at the store of lli 157 ill UK, GILLIS t CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware 2 acu cutlery at the store or 12 C7 HYDE, G1LLIS& CO. riORACCO The finest brands for smok J ing and chewing, nt the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. UEENSWARE an extensive assort ment, at the store of 12'G7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "VTewest Styles of Dalmoral Skirts at the cheap stor of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS &CO. T adies' Dress Goods latest and most I j fashionable figures, at the store of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS i CO. ats. Caps and furs. In great variety J f and at the lowest price, at the store of 12 07 HIDE, GILLIS 4 CO. M ens' woolen and cassi-ncr Shirts at sensation prices, al I lit store of 12 07 ili OMJ, CLLLIS & CO. TTndershtrts and drawers, cheaper than y ) the cheapest, at the store of 1JTG7 HYDK, GILLIS k CO. eetSlst, 18T-ly. G. 3D. Pil'i'L'c'g Colili)i)' T MI E W Oltl-D II E N O W N E D MORNING GLORY! FOR SALE AT EERVTO K' EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I bare now on hnnd and nra now rcceiv- jng the "most complete slock of Conking and Tarlor Slovcs ever brought to tin's section. I buy tho best, believing they are the cheapest. I have tlio exclusive agency fur tho Cel ebrated Morning Glorv, also, for Fpeer's Cooking'nnd Psrlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, UufTaln, Troy and Philadelphia, nnd nm preparing to fur nish on short notice nny stovo made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted 'seventeen years exclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper- Wurc, I am satisfied that the most fastidi ous can be pleased nt my shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS biipplicd with Tin-ware nnd Stove Pipe as low ns can bc bouglit in Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain and fancy, nnd everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Brass, Tewlcr, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Pc'ts nnd Farmeis pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work, UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRING1 R. have the Agency for tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER, it is tho best, 300, 000 of them iu use. Eich Wringer wan ranted to be as good at the end of one yerr as when first purchased. Call and take one home with you and if it does not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may be returned and your money will bo refun ded. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. Oct.31st 18f371y. 3.Ucis 3J.wil)iiV t'oliiioi). MM1E CHEAPEST GOODS 1 IN THE COUNTRY A re Sold by W EIS It It O T II E R s Successors to Geo. Weis. rr.u.Kiis is foreign qqd iMUi )rjj Cop?, St. Mary's, Ell; County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCJOF HOOTS AND SHOES Wc have no hesitation in Faytug thai in this depnrimcnt of our cstablitdiUUulj wc can give bargains to our ciutonieri with which they cannot fail t'o Ic'tatioi Eed. We luy our stock diroei kom the Manufacturer, Richardsoua' Ccje, bratcd Root & Shoe Manufactory, iihal ia, New York We warrant all geodsi in this lino sold from our establish meat JTEAYY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE TRIPARED TO OFfBR To our customers in this line bargalat which cannot be undersold in Elk eoBja- ty. Our Et3ck is large, well wlecte, and is especially adapted to the w&afcl1 of tho commuui'ly. JADIES DRY & FANCY GOOPSU An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslin?, Filkx, Calicoes, thtitift, Celt Moiro Antiques, Chiutzes," Whita fU Cloths, Flannels, Pereses, Laces, In fact wc have everythiug ccaastUd, with Ladies' Wear. We are deltn- ed to sell lower, cheaper and KTTC, Goods than any other Gna in th u ty. (jive us n call, we 11 prov It M ARK WELL WHAT WE SAT ll'c Sell the Best, thenor THE CHEAPEST CLOTHIKa Sold in Elk County. Our Stoci V V j 0 J JU tt 0 IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter cbmJv- that better Clothing oannot be fa4 .iArlTH7;JA'. Persons, before purchasing elwwhj would do well to give us a call. D.No trouble to show our Good QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &o.,ft la Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CUE An 17 7. At tho Storo of rv,i!v 5 aU0U In St. Mary's, Elk County, P piPES, TCRACCOES & 5E0AK9 We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a YE R Y SLI G JIT AD VAXCh On coat ami carriage, ltd" Our Store i in the new Stone Building on Miin Slrtet. July 11, P8157 tf.