LOT. A I, IN T E 1. 1. 1 f,K N C F. .' Car Tlitictd mdtfttatf. Irie Express East 1(:HS j- da ' iln V.'ol o:",2il Jo Mail I'nM lo do Wist Local Freight East ilo Jo West , t::;H . m. !i: li p. m. MO a. m. ailio . ni. Mrs. I'autinu con Inslt-ted Tlie "White Mountains nf New Hampshire are evidently a grout institution vr-ry hijili, heavy frosts, beautiful view, four dollar dinner. Hut the practioal eye of a certain renowned Drake f aw these nmooth. faced rocks, and thereupon ndornrd and vnrieira'ed the hndlc p:lii tn the Tip-top House with his familiar 8. T. 1S00 X. I'LANTATI'N ElT- TKti!". This raised the ire of the Mrs. 'arMnr'ttis composing tho Legislature of the 4mini'.c State, who got their wise heads together, outlawed l.)r. Drake, and make it a penal offence to ply the the artistic brush on their bcbveJ hills. Verily, thu fino arts are at a discount in "Sew Hampshire. Query. Did Drake pay them for his splendid advertise, uicut ? Maonoi.ia Watkh. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne aud at half the price. SPECIAL NOTICE! We have found it ner.esary, ia order to keep the financial department of the .dvo.-a'e on a good basis, to adopt the following rule : Transient Advertisements must to paid for in ad vance ; and all Job Work as snon ?s complete d. Bt Is made o-it and presented to yearly advertisers at the beginning of each quarter. 6ubs;ripticns to be paid tor invariably in advance, novif .Kiii.n F. Moiinc, l'utilislnsr HEN II Y SOUT II Kit, IUdgwny, Pa. Atterney-at-Law, (f'cl2'.( Oft) WANTED ONE DUNDEED TONS OLD CAST 1 !& at the Stove and Tin Shop, Kidgway, l'a. (fcl.'J.-2iJ EE ST A L N'OTCi:. l)TTc. W. Sik.ii iiins, of BrookviEc, Pa., jrill be n-. , wsy din ins; the A pril term of Cimvt to operate in the line of his profession, fur the insertion of artificial teeth, or the prcservat tion o. the natural ftrgans. Booms at the residence of Mr. Brooks, (lebi'.l 7w.) DM. JOHN SAG Fit, Dentist, of W in en. Pa., desi es repctfully to inform the citizens of l'i.lgway unl vicinity that he will be at the Hyde. House in ICilgway, on monday, the 11 It day of March. IsiJH. and will practice in the line of his profession. Satisfaction guaranteed. ('.'eh29 2t) I' :WIS .SCO'S II.LUSTI! AT ED MONT HLY FAMILY JiiUUXAL for the million, j housands ot families i;i tli'j citv mid country, have lung felt the want of an Illustrated J jiirnal at a reasonable pi ic and equal to any on this cuiiiicnt. To this Mid, we have engaged good artists. The literary depart iiient will l3 one of the fea tures of the paper, an J we shall publish from time to tiuiu, orginal Tales, Sl.etchcs, Ac, by the leading writers of the country. THIS IS NO LOTTEUY. But we offer as nu inducement to those who subscribe, and will help to push for ward (o a successful issue, a cheap and valuable lilusi rated Family Journal, and .give a largo Lumber of premiums. Sub ttcribevs will not have to wait to know if they hive a premium. There will be 2, 815 i-remiums distributed to the subscrib ers. The paper will be worih the Jollar, for the year. A book has been prepared for sub cribers with numbeis from 1 to 10(1,(10(1, and the premiums mo i' U.il:y distributed through tiic KU.OUU si:bscnlei s. If there should bu 10 '0 iiamej reuui ved on the same day and date, the Ict'ors w.l! beopenej regularly as they come to han I, and marked on the b iok in r. .iuI.u r t.iiii.n asopeneJ, so that tlierc will be a fair uis tribution ol the premiums. We shall pub lish the names of the persons who are en titled to the premiums, in the New York Monthly Illustrated, and in the ei'y and Country papers. Ti.o lol'.owiug Premiums will be distributed : 10 Cash Premiums of $ -00 each, $o000 KMO 1000 loot I lots ) t00 S Cash Premiums of 200 each, 10 Cash Premiums of 1'0 eieli, li() Cash Premiums of !iO each, -40 Cash Premium of 2- each, 80 Cash Pieiiiiums of 10 each, 60 Gold Watches. Am. Watch Co. $)0 each, 60 Wilcox iGibbs' S.wing Maih!n?s 10 each, 60 Howe's Machines, JoO each, 000 Premiums of Jl each. 2-jOO )0 ..I'M) :ooj TEKMS TO SL HSl'ltll'.FHS. 1 copy, 1 year with 1 subscription $ 1.0 6 copies, 1 year with 6 ilo o.i.O 20 copies, 1 year, with 20 do 20 00 Persons getnng up clubs will be entitled to premiums, as above. Address Lewis A- Co., 41 Mcrcor Slrct, New York, II x a:i'.U. Write tlie ad Iress plain, pivina connly, township and State. Money by droit, Fostoflice order, regislrred letter or ex press, uiny be feui at our risk. UEKEUENCES. Levi Slockwcll Treas. of the Howe Sew ing Machine Co , til'lJ liroadXay. New York. E. P. Hatch, Sec'y of tin ' Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine C';mvRny Broadway, New York. Fib2i-2i S No. 101 Nohtii TlllP.U 'TI(tt:T, PIllLADETPlIIA. Bliay-Orders promptly .-.(tended to. 2-liin. A SCRATCA ! SCU ATI' II '. ! KITIaTCH ! '. ! in from 10 to 4 hours. Wheaton'8 Ointment, cures Thn lull. Wheaiou's Ointment ernes Salt PI. cum. Wheaton's Ointuienl cures Titter. Wlicaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheaiou's Ointment cures Hd .-..res. Wheaiou's Oinim-nt cures Every kind, df Humor lika Magic. Price, 50cenls a bok : by mad, liO cents Address WKEK.-J & PUT I Kit, No. 170 Weshington Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all druggists. Sept. U'i'i' ly. ( UN8, PISTOLS, H1FLES, KNIVES, X pocket and table cutlery, of the be-l quality aud most approved paltems, very cheap at the Har.lare Store on liihcrgcr ol IpCorucr id .St. Mary's. YOU WANT TO BUY :j.OTI3IVG for t!tc .tuition I Go to A. DUULACIIEI!, Agent, DKAI.ER IX CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FUKXlSiIIN'G GOODS, HATS, CAPS, UO-:t?, SHOE.. THINKS, TRAVELING 15 AUS, Sc. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENN'A. Jan'21Si,Slypd v. It is the beat, clintice ever offered to Agents! One or two Jays' time will secure it good Sciiiug Vaehinc. Watch, Silk Dress. He vnlver. or some oilier article of ef: value, FlU:!" OF COST 1 Apents wanted everywhere, Mali mil female, fur llie best One Dollar Pawnbrok er's Sale in the country. Semi fur circular. S. C. TTOMISON Si CO. 30 Hanover Street, janl-llnipd l'ostcu, Mass. I7ST" IXA"Y t"':""e 10 ,M0 enol"i"-r" if Mr. Thomas, on Mend Kun, a spot till nice, weiirhiuir nlio.it one hundred lh. The owner ol'tlir sa ; e is ri .nested to call. prove wopeilv, pay charges ami taKe it uv.ay. otherwise it will be deposed of st: e law direct". Ill jjt. Kbhl). Feb. 22.1, lf'8...St. pd. r TTrrr o vj. Notice ia hereby 'given ihul on Fib. Kill. I piirohas id of I'harles llaut 1 cook stove, one c"al Move, t lai co table. 1 drcscr. an I have left them with said Haul on ban only J i b 22-Ct. MAHT1N SOi'.G -VJOTICE TO LOG OWNL11S. Wo me JLN prepared to drive the SiiS'iuclianna rivor in the spring ot 1M,?, Iiom n:i:ianK vort to Havre de Grace. Should you have anv Iocs to co below Wilii-onjport. we will if vou wish it. taki charge uf an. I drive thcmwi:h ours, proratin-: the cost of driving in ri i rorti.m lo the ant.unt driven. I-or further infirm tion address GIIAK1 t'.LANCM AHU. I'hila.b 'pliia. K. K. II AW LEV CO., aud II. J .VMlirf. .i CO.. Haiti more. M l. Feu. 1 . lit. Elk lo'se, A. Y M ?ta!ed meetings of Elk Lodge wi 1 be held Tuesday evening, on or before the full moon of each month, once everv two weeks thereafter. J. K. W IHTMollF,. Sec y. VII orders for St will be promptly Stove and Hardware attended to at soon as receive. I. at the 12 07 St. M All Y S HAP.DWAKE STOIIF t Sd day i f February, A. D., 1R.., a Warrant in Bankruptcy wa issued against the est ate of Elias lloyer, of the township of ,'eaver. in the county of Jetfersou and State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own p'1' 't "on : that the payment ot any debls an I delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for bis use. and the Irmsfer of any prnrerty by him is crp'. essly forbidden by law : that a meeting of the ere.Fto.'s of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts. mid io cho'isc one or more assignees of 1..:; es tate, will be held nt a Court of ,'aiikruplry to beholden at tho Hyde House in l idg way in the county of Elk, before S. K. Woodruff, Esq.. l!ei;ister. on the 22.1 day of April, A. V., 1808. at '.I o'clock A. M. iiyG. P. DAVIS. Deputy U. S Marshal. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. febRIt U. S Mar-hal, Me-.-enger. B E A L E' Q (I..VTC l'OWLLI.'f ) E M H t O C A TION! I70 it A JM Mors. ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO ses, I utile ana II10 Unman riesli. reij 111 ring t lie usi? .,t :.n exl ei nal application. i u; new ( ompound, prepared by a prac- al ( 'hemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran- eil to exceed anvthing of the kind yet of fered to the public as an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We arc satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence nf all who u-e it, mid those who try it once will never be without it. and tbereforo we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. II is pronouueed by ramcrs, 1111. 1 all who hare tried it to ho the beni Application cv- irus.'.l. 1 Ins hi'ibroeal ion liatj ln-i.il put up for over eight y ars, and it is only through the increasing diinaiid and urgent re.pi.'st of my fri jnds and t he Ptihliu that I Mte I it lorth as the grand remedial agent for tho various diseases to which that nohlc and useful liiiiriuil, tho HOUSE, issubjecl. Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, soino of these arc injurious, others at best ot little ui-e, and many wholly improper to answer the purposes for which ihey are recommended. A judicious and reallv usi ful composition free from those object ions, has therefore lung been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to t s-tis t them to the care of dei;ruiii ai:d prctti-nding Farriers. Their wishes are length fully gratified, by Dr. lleale be'lig prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (whirh has proved so otIK-acious to the various ilis.asi's) 10 be prepared and brought out to tlie public. This enibiocat on was extensively used by the Govt t i.iueul during the war. Address all orders to DR. F.DMON1) BE ALE, C02, South Second St. Phil'a. B'J'For Pule by Uordivell & Messenger, Uidgway, P.i. ap:!()ly IV LACKSMITIl S CAUI'ENTEU S AND joimr's tools for sale " cheaper than the choapt.il '' lit the St. Mary Hardware Store. (nov21Vt;7.) T.VNY ELOPES LABELS & TAG 3 neat i J ly printed i t the AJvocao Olii c It I DG W A V L I VEIl Y STABLE: 1 lie subscriber would announce to tho citizens of I'.idgwr.y. and the traveling pub lie that ho has established u LIVEKY STAULK in Pi Igwav, utid that hu hopes by lair deal ing with his customers to merit u libeial shaie of their pal foliage. Terms reasona ble. ISAAC COBl! V, Jua. 2"i, "C9-ly. ' LUMBER. TV. AilU PREPAKR!) TO FURMSII upon short iioMi'C tii" tullowmg uiuus f Lumber of the be.il qmili . fLOOIUNG- ANI1 SIDING, li es'i'd in (lie b"st poibV! manner, from siaseued lumber, ready for ir e. Also, LATH FOR TUSH-RING We will put on car when re'iuife 1. f-vf-Al! order' nddsei.-cd to us at this place prompi'v n.'lcnde.l lo. SOUTH Ml, NH.MS .V lt. jun21u7tf Kidgway, l'a. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Hot. ire 1. !u-t linbli-hed, a new edition of Dr. Cnlverivell's Celebratpi Essay on the radi. cal cure (without medicine.) of Spermatorr hoea, or Seminal Weakness, Invo.uutarv Seminal Looses. Inipntencv, Mentl aiei Physical Incapacity. 1 lit pel i rn "Til f to Mar. ringe. etc.. also, Consumption, Epib-p'y. and Fits, indu.-ed by sclf iiidu'gence a.i ! sexual extravagance. f'-f"!'ricc, in a sealed envelope. Sis en! The celebrated author, in this a Imirahle essay, clearly demonstrates from a Ihiriy years' successful practice, that ths iil.inr.- niiT consi ipiences ot ell-niitise may oe ra ti caliy cured without tlie dingoro-i-i u-e nf internal nii'ditine or tho applicaiion of the kliife ; pointing out a mode r.f euro nt ones simple, certain and effectual, by menus of which every sufferer, no matte! what his eoli'lit ton may lie, mav cure lum- self chenplv. privatelv, and radical'v. Vx- '-at. ' his Lecture ihoiihl be i.i the hands of every youth and every m ill in I tie laud Sent und"r s.a I. in a plain envelope, to any nddi cs. postpaid, on lfceip! ol six cents, nrtivo p.it stenips. Also. Dr. Cul ver well' i ' Marriage I in id';," juice 2 "cents. Address the Publishers. I II AS .1. V. KLIVE CO , 127 Bowery, New York. P.O. llox 4,5P. jan lii-107 BEST ALWAYS Till-: Rv V tC C- ' 'lili 17 U UN ITU RE. CO IT IX.-", T Tl'Ki:-l',ilAMl, &e. PIC- tu tho waH'iii :-lni. n.iw i ntn.fls Jrvit in lily time fXtfinsiveH' to the Furniture trn-l We lias jursl received a large stcck o the REST FURNITURE MADE which he offers nt prices ihat cannot fail to ple ie. His slock consists of Bedroom Suits. Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, Wnshstands, Commodes. Lounges, Bedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitewoo l and Black Walnut, Spring Beds and Mat-iras:-es, Exteii.ion, Dining, Break f ist. Tea Party und Quar'ette Tables, Chair-" of every kind a. .d description. The largest assortment of Csnc Seated Cliaii s ever brought into this section of I he count ry. Farmer's Sei-reta. lion, What N'ots, Braek.-ts, and everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WAR.E ROOM Picture Frames of ev k'nd size or Quality, kept, on hand and made to order. Looking Glasses, Looking Olass Plate and Pictures. We would cull at tention lo our large stock of Coffins, con sisting of Pine, Wlrtcwood, Cherry, Chestnut aul Black Walnut, any one nf which we can furnish in three hours time, trimmed in any style to suit. Metallic cases of any kind procured in three hours' time. Feeling con fi lent thu! with a liberal pat ronage, we ahull be ah le to keep up a First Class establii hmcnt, we appeal to the peo ple of Elk county, to soy if it is not better to keep their money in circulation at home than to send it off lo (lie cities where if t hey buy but little they are sure to get cheated and pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, nevi.r buy away from home what can be had just as cheap lit home, and the cheapest place to buy Furni. t ire in Western Pennsylvania is nt II. H. Thomas' Ware Rooms, Excelsior Building, coiner of Main and Depot streets, Bi lgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 31, lh07-ly. II. II THOMAS. IN SUlt A N CI Z A(J ALN'Sr hsor DAM A Li i" by F IRK ritllE J.ycotuin;; County MultiaT lnsur 1 nnee Company nt Mtinicy, Pa., con tiiiucs lo Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kindt. eT Merchandise. Public and private uil.in;.'s either in town or couii'y. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, slocks of Grain, .;c., at the Iowvt possible rales, eoni:. lent wit h saf ety to tho Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company iuvi.es mi investi, g.tiion as lo its stu'iiliiy. lis capital amounts to 83,800.0 O Ot Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis f.ictorily paid. Its management has always bseii prudent, as its existence of twenty ei x years; fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Ageut for E'k county, at St. Marv's WATCHES, JE'.VELUV & SILVEUWABE. C1IIAHLES HOLES, Practical Wicniaa- ker, Jeweler aud Engraver, Bi.lgway, ElK connly, Pa. The in'isciil.cr begs ieavi lo announce to the citizens of l.i lg way and vicinity that be is prepared to do al' work in his line on short notice ni.dal reasonable rales in the vei y best uiaiuiur. Shop in II. S. Bclnap's Store. Special ulteu tiou paid to engraving lie has nlu ..a iisud a largo assortment ol Clocks, Winches, Jewelry Silverware which he offers for sale ou reasonable terms. Give bi m a call. ncv7'i7tf. 1S1TINU CAIiDS NEATLY EXECL'T- cd at this or"i;e. liaJji tiltit UU l ! ? i I) C f ft 'ij i C t i i 0 1" f. J I-. HALL, Aflorncy nt law. I'.i.lg Elk county l'.i. 'lear-'-J'tl'l ly V V A I'll IS J. BLAKELY. Attorney nt law, and U. S. Commissioner. Li'lgny Elk comity. Pa. niar-22'l.ii ly. JtMrWCHJK iFnil kiti'ls iiu.idt-. ,f criptiotis dune at this tiflicc. A Pji.. Her ru 'tt'ti'i man Ki el '., Propi it lor D" B. V.. and S JAMES BLAKF.IA I'hrsiiian urge-on, St. M -try's. Elk county l'a. niar-22 !! ly. T). V.'. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccnlrcville, Elk eont.ty l'a. Luiar--.. t.ii ly. T7XEITTION.'. .ummon.", sriini:. . Jte., on litiii ! nnl for I 1 nas, Wnrrant! s ilo at this ulliee. CI IT. VOLK. Manuftict nrer nnd Dei.lc Jm in La jir Beer. opn..s!te t he E.iilr.-u'.i: Perot. St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. M.ir-22 0'i-l . 8 OUT II l ill Law. lii I AND WILLIS Attoinevs nt Igway, Elk coiiiuv Pa., will nt lend to all professional businc--. prompt ly. t"lll,'---''''--.v- U. W. B. IIAKTM AN, SI, M v.-v's. Elk count v. Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Parlieular attention given to nil cases of surgical nature. I itiar-22'l!('-ly. Ct' U0i E G. MESflENfiEH. Druggist and D '.aler ia Drugs and ( 'lietn tea's. Paints. Oils and Vai nih. Pnrfumerv T-el. el articles and Stationary. Bidirw-iy, Elk county P.i. mar 22'i'i'i ly. F HANK ENTZ. Mi:nritAT T.ur.nn. Cenlrcviile. Elk county. Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Cenlreville and vi cinity, that he isat a'l limes prepared to lo work in a neat und satisfactory 111 inner, r.'ivc me a call. no'.-'iTIv JO. IX !. 1IA1I .. HALL Attorncv: Jl. K. 11 ALL. & mto. - V t - J j a w , ST." MARY'S : PEN ZING Eli P.O. EI II COUNTY, TA. September 20, lSl'ifi. h TS. Tie . Ollic lor.lwe", M. D. Eclectic Physician. c and le-id.-iK'e opp.iite lh:' lau. ou Centre St., Uidgway. Pa. Pro apt attention wi'l b--given to all o i'ls. O.lie-hour- : 7 to 3 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. : and tl to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, M tf. T .IAYEll HOLISM. 1! IDG WAV, TA. n.MlU T 1 1 A l I . !'. , Proprietor. The iindersiened having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill stre 'ts. with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits I he patronage of his old friends and I lie public goncrnllv. decl.TOU ly DAVID TIIAYE1L s. short, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMl'.R. JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING -HOUSE OF Short, gall & (to. i.. tic.tzUi-?er S. P. Elk Coi'mv. Pi:nna II1 i DE HOUSE. R i no way, Elk Co., Ta. 51. V. JIoohk, Proprietor. Thankful for the patromge heretofore fo liberally be-aowed upon him, tlrj new proprietor, bojies. ty paying strict at tention to tho comfort an 1 convenience of guests, to merit a continuance if thi same. Oct 21 lHOi. LICENSED AUCTION L E U. TVTOTICE is hereby given Ihat 1 have tnlt en out a license as unci ioneer, and will a. tend promptly to the calling of ail sales entrusted to my care. Any person caHitij sales without a license wil be held answerable to the strict letter ol the law, P. W i'.A UI1ETT. Pee.'-llshY.tf. Auctioneer. I7XCUANGEHOTEL. j UIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This lintel in pleasantly siluvted on (hi banks of the Clarion K'ver and Elk Cre k, til I he lower end of the village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the eonvenie.ee of his guests, e in ilo one uudallio give him n call aud try his house, Sept, 17th'",7-ly. i i jtVa c ksm it ii ixgT H. S. EELNAP desires toinf',.rni tl.c e'ti' reus of Iliogv.ay and vicinity that ho has leased J. tf. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mills: reel, and has employed goo 1 wmk men who will bo ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to tha shoeing c.f horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May l-'fil-ly. HE. OYEUIIOLTZEII, MEt'.CHANT TA1I.OM, llidirway. V.U. Co., Pn. The Mihscribor ili-sii-i'" repeci fully to in f nil tho cili.i us of Ilidpn iiy mid vicinity that is pre, a. e l to make to ovl-rni we!! as it can be tiuiie ar.y -.vlr'l'e, any Ling in lit line of hii bii-incs. All he a-ks is a fair tri::!. Good Fits guai-uiieed. rr0.,Cleths, Cas-iimers, Vcilngs and Ti immings nf the latest and mast approved sty'es kept ronstnnlly on hand, rhii h will b-sold CHEAPER THAN Till'. CHEAP E.?T. inglO.y HCUilE, SIOII &, OS.NAIin'NTAL TAraTU'ro. 'jmii. su i.sci: i it i: ii would i: e- j upeetfully inform the citizens of Elk county tlu.t ho has just started in the nleivo business in Uidgway. and feel confi dent that he can please nil who may favor him wi.h their custom. GP.A1NING. PAlEi: HANGING AND CALCIMIMNG DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE nest fashionable aud imp roved manner und style. Orders left at this OlV.ee or at the Pinking House of Souther, illia & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-nO'i-ly. CtOAL. COKE AND I-'lllE CLAY ! J All of superioi iju ility, for sale by lie Tannerdalc Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. tiyyOrdcrs by mail promptly ittend cd to. -opt 13" '3-ti THE PLACE TO GUY 16 AT Till" t; II i.iWAY 's v ! . S KMT PV : (J. MKS-'KNOl'.r!. AT-". ?"t1'c --. "'''i. GI'.OV lirli!-): tC u;!, VYL'te hvcA !.t:!-ii.-:"i' O-I, Laatf , UMicl's Oil, iVr. f't-HLii.-:; of nil Ki ut'.s, 'i he -.:i:e.;! Vii:ii;.-h, Kni5.0s iifevti-jf itj!o and k'-ii'O iJye HlttlT-i, 1'tire. Gutili c'ioitiirii s f'itrun, l!aisii,., l'-itelif .Me.Iii'ities. 'A'inos, Wi.l-Jies, J.'ffeiry, V,':rj..-, T'jhiipeof s J'uve I t. 'p.rs f'r ciual pur--,s ,,:.!y. A LAi( iv.L.i t I Of Y, t I 1 1. ' nit Pctt.iii.ino to the I'ftij; eral'y. l'uto I'rttitK nt Low Tri.' I'm r.o, !ul iiu-ss Geti- l'tire I'rtijsnt Low rviee? Xoti'jns in V" m J " -s Vnrifly ! No'i. in Kii'1'k- s Variety .lliei;e;tti tin.1 lii'ji'-h Wafei.fs 1 Amciietiu and I'tiirlisli Wutehe.H Ltilr.t Stv !,-.- id Jewelry, li'o-. Latest Sly! s ol' Jewelry liit-gs, ite. Faney Arts l.v, T'.ys. Lnt.-.-t Novels ! Kaney Artielus, 'Jys. Latest Nuve's Alhttms. Nows, S'taliotiory, I!!: 'i-tau'i'-' ! Alhillif. News, St;; Violin. Lai jo nod Violin, I'aiij i und tli'lii't v. l,llii-( :i;'OS I Collar Strin'-! Guitar Strioj-s ! in a r". 2.;iSii'i i i:v cash GiiouLaY S'l'OR iN J AMI'S McCLO.-'irr.V, T'ealer in (lioe.'.'rii-s tie. w.mi.l rt.-'i'.-ti't'!;. in!..; in the titiz'.MH nf Kersi-y nod vieioilv, that he his 2oi.e iulo itic (iroecrv h:ii :fs. und will opoti on or cl-mit the tuiihllc r!r OU haud I tC ti" r ec-I tin cxtcL ti:as, ivc :,tuuk ol riiuiv, TO.IiACCOKS, WIIISKKY REGAUn, ny i nenttrrc-i nv i-.t 111" r-verUhin a.-.s (i roci ry cotinected with a Srst Mi TP. I will soil for OAS!! and enr:rii.'nt. lv can alh.r.l to sell (' 1 1 V. VVAl Ovn tl.c VU i:VV.AT. I invito everybody to come and :iti.-fv toeiiis. 'vis. JAMES McCJ.OKKY. ?rv d, 'r,u. C,.,,. N 15 W GOODS ! JUST JtlZCJElVL:! ) AND 31 A HUE H CLEAR DOWN To thv Bottom I AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE HOUR, Main Sire.'t, Uidgway, I. V fa TTAVIMI ja.-t retuiited from :l i Jl cities n il. -re I have puveha he eiis'u. n 1 n I a rare ale I well se.leeled ii-sorlment of good-., I invite the attention of the public to cull and examine i .y slock, consisting of Dry Guuds, Notions, Clo'.hit;:.'. liar Iwara ll.its, i i ctistvare I'ROVLSIONS, So., &c. EC VERS WILL 11 XI) r TP -r FILL T " r an!) com run ic ,.ii a.lat ti-.l t.i ti.e w!:U of ti.e voiiiiuuuity . j! v. none. I'i.bway, IV'c.j ly. J ALCAHLK LOT: ALE.- V The I'fsii'I'v.l ,:: laid hu! n vil. ili'n'i' the lli.l age ujioii his eroun 1 ndji. way Depot, tj lie c-'.lU'.l Kl.lv The lo'S are o1) feci IV.oii by lint feel iljip front ing towards the railroad. Term" For tl.c tii-,t lot sold, 10 ). Foi the sc 'olid I.. I s il.l, c'il'.l. For the third lot sold, i'120 ami sj on iuerea?in-i iu price as lots are - old. 11-I' iv.-l purehasers get tlie choice lot al ll.-e eli. i'i est rates. Pe.nli-iseis will bo registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the I one .if i lie applic it ion. B' .Applications will be made lo Job G. Hall, Es.,., Hi Igw.ty, pa. J. S. IIYIT. Li Igway, inar.-H'o'l -If. "JVTAI'S, Sl'ilvES, IUN'SE.. Ill VETS, locks, liolts. and all kin. Is of builder.-' uialeri".U in gereral e.iu be had cheaper i.t the St, Mary's Hardware Stove tl.nu in y other phu-e iu Elk count r. (n2'i l