The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 15, 1868, Image 1

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    lugling fr IfofC'
Uriels l'omeroy tells tlio lollowing :
Another time we were tiavcling on
grounds wc lmJ no ris;l.t to tramp over.
The only excuse was like that til milita
ry ncccNity it was butter fishiug '.hr'o
tho farms where the trout haJ been pre
tcrveil than tho open lots where all
could fi-h.
It wns early morning. RTe had risen
nt three, r'uldon ten miles, and struck
the creek ns tho trout were ready for
breakfast. Looking carefully for a shel
tered place to hiteh our horses, we slyly
Crept on behind iences, etc., till we
reached tho part ot the stream not gen"
crully fished. A farm bouse stood a
quarter of a mile away. We saw the
luiiming smoke curling lightly lrom a
stove-pipe saw a .nan and two boys
come out to do chores saw two women
busy about the door, and the ferocious
Lull-dog wandering about tho yard.
Jf ever we Jislied closo it was then.
INot a whisper to disturb tha birds, or
the owner of the laud. We crawled
through the grass dodged behind
clumps ol alders, and lifting large speck.
led beauties ont of tho water till our
basket was full.
This was the time to havo gone ; but
the trout were so large aud bit so readily,
that wc could not withstand the temp
tation, so wo decided to string aud hide
what we had, and take another basket
ful. So at it wo went. Jso sooocr
would the hook touch the water than we
Lad a trout. Wo forgot tho house, the
man, tho boys end the dog !
(Suddenly there was a rushing thr'o
an oat Geld, as if a mad bull were com
ing ! Wc looked toward the house, aud
saw tho farmer and his two boys on the
fence, tho women in the door, and tin.
bull.uog bounding toward us. Wc saw
it all we had been discovered. The
well-trained dog had been sent to hunt
us out, and, ns the matter nppeared, it
was sale to bet he was doing that thing
right lively.
To outrun a dog waa not to bo thought
of. There was no time to lose. Ho
cleared a fence, came for us just as we
reached a front scat on a limb above his
Here was a precious go! A vicious
bull-dog under tho tiec, and a farmer
and two big boys ready to move down
tipen our works. It was fight, foot race
or fangs !
The farmer yelled to his dog "Watch
him, Tige !"
Tige proposed to do that little thing,
aud keeping his eje on u;i, seated him
self under tho tree.
Then spoke this ugly farmer man
' Just hold on thnr, stranger, till we get
breakfast; theu we'll come and see you !
It you nrc in a hurry, however, you can
go now 1 Watch him, Ti;;e !"
We surmised trouble uito much;
for twice had the bold man of bull -dogs
and ngiiculturc elegantly wholloped in
nocent touii.sts for being seen on his
suburban prcmi.-cs. His reputation as
a peace man was not good; and there
tirose a large heart to our throat !
Time is the essence of contracts, and
the saving ordinance for those in trou
ble. We bad a stout liuo in our coat
pocket and a largo hook intended for
rock bass if wc failed to take trout. And,
us good luek would havo it, wo had a
nice sandwich aud a piece of boiled
corned bed in our other pocket.
Wc called tho dog pet names, but be
wasn't on it ! Then wc tried to move
down when he'd move up! At hut
we trebled our bass line, fastened the
great limerick to it, baited it with '.he
corned beef, tied the end of tho line to
a limb, aud angled for dog !
Tigo was in appetite. He smelt of
the beef; it was very nice, lie swallow,
cd it and sat still with his eyes on us
for more, but with no friendly look
beaming lroiu his couoteuaueo. Not
any !
When we pulled gently on the line
it was fast ! Tige yanked and pulled,
but 'twas no use ! The atteution of the
canine was diverted from us, his business
was being doue by another line !
We quickly slid down the tree com.
ing near blistering our back doing ii
seized the basket and pole, and straight
way went thence somewhat lively.
We found our string of fish, and
reached the buggy aud a commanding
pot in the road, in timo to see the stur
dy yeoman trove forth.
Wo saw him and his cohort?, male
ond female, move t lowly, as if in no haste,
We saw them look up the tree. Wo
saw in auxious group engaged abou.'
the dog. We came quickly home, and
kindly left the bass line and hook to the
JOILVF. MO 0!U Editor A Proprietor.
A Parisian Scandal. A most
extraordinary trial is jus now going on
hero. The Schumachers, man and wife,
sue their daughter, the Maniuis d'Or
valt, far a petition atimetitriire, to keep
them frotu starving. There seems little
to choose betweeu the different actors in
this dark drama. The evidence is most
contradictory, and tho whole affair is a
dismal picture of wickedness and de
pravity. Tho Sehumaekers live in a
hovel ; the father is a cab-driver, while
his wife acts the part of a groom, and
cleans out the stables. They declare
themselves so poor and indebted, that
they cannot even procure tho necessa
ries of lilo. Their daughter lives in
tho ltuo St. llooorc, in a sumptuous
apartment servants, carriages, horses,
and everything she can desire. At the
age of fifteen her parents thrust her out
doors. In a short time her beauty had
won for her the attention of a host of
rich and noble admirers; she became
quite a la mode, una was well knowu in
certain questionable society by the uame
of Madame de Labruycre, uutil she was
thirty-sis years old, when she married
tho Marquis d'Oi vault, Counte de lleau
regard and Maubreuil, briugiug him a
fortune of no less than a million of
francs, besides furniture, jewels and car.
riages. Tho Marquis, who, at tho age
of 82, gave his ancient name, and in re
turn secured a life of luxury, had run
through an astonishing career. Soldier
under the First Empire, he became Cap
tain, and obtained tho cross ot the Le
gion of Honor. On the day of tho en
try of the allied armies into Paris, he
was scon galloping with his cross tied
to his horse's tail, and gained liirnsclt
considerable popularity by attaehiug a
a cord around tho neck of the statue of
Napoleon I. Later he managed to get
himself condemned to five years' impris
onment ; but this he escaped by flying
to England. Some years after he rc
turned to France ; aud, one day, when
a grand ceremony was being performed
at (he Cathedral at St. Dennis, ho walk.
ed up to the Talleyrand, and, before the
King and all the Court, struck him to
the "round an act for which he was
again joudemued to five years' impris
onment. Such is the man who is now
charged with sbetting his wife's cruelty
toward her father and mother. On the
other hand, it appears that the parents,
whose poor s!yle of living is ascribed to
Jicre avarice, are said to have had re.
course to the most violent and disgrace
ful means to obtain money. Out of
this complicated story of wickeducss
and depravity. I gather that the true
reason of the anger and hatred of the
family Schuiackcr is, that the Marquis
and Marquise have constituted a legiti
mate child of the lady heir to their
name and property. How the Court
will decide in such a difficult and tang
led case wil not be known for a few days.
Cor. London TtJeyntpU.
Mistook t tiE Article. A young
lady stepped into one of the streei cars
the other day, and dropped her hand
kerchief upon a vacant scut, as much as
to say ' taken," whilst slio advanced to
tho other etd of tho car to deposit her
fare. Meantime a nicely dressed young
man jumped in and sat down on the
handkerchief without observing it. The
young lady, after paying her fare, turn
cd back, discovered to her chagrin her
scat was occupied, and sat down oppo
site, ladies making room foi ber. De
siring not to lose her handkerchief, she
looked intently toward the place where
she had left it, hesitating whether to
ask for it or put- Discovering tbe di
re :tion of her looks, all eyes on the op
posite side of tho car were soon bent on
the young man. Finding himself tho
object of so much attentiou, he himself
looked and discovered to his horror
something whito on which ho sat, the
end peeping out. He mistook its
character. To cover it with his hand,
and to tuck it nicely uway, was the woik
of a few momeuts. None in the car tut
tho young lady knew that the some
thing white" wa' a handkerchief, and
hesitating still more to atk him, sLe lost
it. Fat, aud Union,
Y baohol.u-s, tliat are so sliy,
'lis now t c timo to mnry !
To eu'.ibney bid g d Vi
Anl do net long r tnrry ;
How sweet, is sngls life.
The Honey .Moon is sweeter:
Select s .ir.c ami lea for your Fife,
Sjui mill enchanting
Const 'or hoir your lot ore cant,
A hole in eiiliwr ; tockiag !
If we may judge f.oni what has passed,
A tnchclvr'a life is ehvcVi.igf
Your coals are t .m. ft' d none to mend,
Your breeches daiu'd Willi patches 1
Marry, I say my honest fricnil,
ilyman oft makes goal in ate Iks.
Dnnlic- of every hoe ond shade,
Who strut in lefty stations,
JJi cat to learn at a 'o,
Nor spunge on rich rcl.iti ns !
Reform your liven, not ape tho fool,
Delays are met with danger;
And marriage is a sacred rule.
At leait so thinks a strungcr.
Ye staunch old mnids. that do despise
The men, and arc so spiteful,
Tu e "wedded love," I woulp aJvipe,
?ecatme it
Use no more pakil, be tio more coy,
Suc.'i acts do ill hee.rmc ye
Cupid is hi ill a cunning boy,
'iukea no excuses from llieo.
Each pouting Mies should now begin
To Ihink upon a kwciiI heart..
Fr ! e woo lugs will jever win,
All hough she uses much art ;
io not otLndod at ma girls,
You are exceeding clever
Throw uwny your ouie and curls,
Oct married now or never.
A Few Jukes Amusing, Veuv.
Dr. Sawbones having finished the am
putation of a leg of one of his patients,
a near relative of tho latter took him
aside aud said to him :
" Doctor, do you thiuk that your pa
tient will recover ?"
" Recover ! there has neve been the
least shadow of a hope for him."
"Then what u the use of making
him suffer?"
" Why, my dear follow, you could not
say bru'ally to u sick man, You are dy
ing. Ho must be amused a little '"
A lovely girl stepped into a store
to buy a pair of mils.
" How much are they V
" Why," said the gallant and impu
dent clerk, lost iu gazing on sparkling
eyes aud ruby lips, "you may have
thcii for a kiss."
Agreed," said the young lady,
pocketing the uiits, wl.ilo her eyes
spoke daggers, " and as I seo that you
give credit here, charge it on your
books, and collect it tho best way you
can." Aud so saying, sho hastily trip
ped ont.
" Bridget, how canio you to burn
the bread so 7" " Och, an' is it burned
it is? Sure, thcn, ma'am, but its no
fault of mine, for wasn't you ofter tellin'
me the last thing afore you went out, a
large loaf must bake an hour, an' I made
three loaves, so I baked them three
honrs jist ! for what else should I do."
A clergyman in the West, catechi
sing tho youth ot his church, put the
question from a catechism to a girl
" What is your consolation in life and
death ?" The girl smiled but did not
answer. The clergyman insisted. 'Well,'
taid she, " Since I must tell you, it is a
young printer on Mulberry street.
-The Boston Post tells of a wayfarer
of such excessive politeness that ho
apologized to the slippery walk for fall
ing upon it. Perhaps it was politeness
that inspired the apology ; uad the luck
less wight may have merely designed to
show bis respect to tha flag on which he
-A wag threw four packets of horse
railroad tickets in the contribution box
at a Portland church, Sunday, with the
scriptural words; "Silver and gold
have I uonc ; but such as I have I give
thee," carefully referred to on the pack
B'ac- '
A French wit said, recently, that
tho "ibbet was a sort of flattery to tho
human race, three or four persons being
bung from time to time, for tbe purpose
of making the rest behevo they are vir
A dissipated young uiau, being
told wiue was a slow poison, replied that
it was entirely too slow to overtake any
one so fust as himself.
DThc (Blh gduocate,
A WEEKLY newspaper.
Devoted to the Interest! of the Feoplo of E!k Co
Office in the Court IIohuc.
Tekmh One Dollar ond Fifty Cents per
annum, invariably iu aUvnucv. No devia
tion from these terms.
Bates of Advertising.
Transient Advertisememcnts pere q.ire of
10 lines or Icbs, i limes or less $2 1)0
For each subsequnt. insertion 25
Administrators and Ex rs notices... 2 0
Auditors' notices 2 -"0
Dissolutions, Cautions and Estrays... - CO
Local and Obituary notices pet line.. 1"
Professional cards, 1 year 5 00
1 siiuaro $ 7 (HI
column $20 00
2 squares 12 00
8 squares 15 00
column H5 00
1 column Mi 00
Tho above rates will be strictly adhered
to in nil advertising from this date.
Single quire $2 50IG quires qr..$l 75
o quires p qr... 2 o()Ovcr ti, qr.. 1 GO
J sheet, 25 or less 2001 J aheet, 25 or less S 00
sheet, 25 or less 3 00,1 sheet, 2 1 or less 9 00
Nov. 28, 1807.
Editor and Proprietor.
Second Monday iu January,
Last Monday in April.
First Monday in August.
First Monday in November.
MANHOOD; How Lost, How Restored.
Just published, a now edition of Dr.
Colveriv ell's Celebrate- lsny on the radi
cal cure (without ircincinc) of Sperniniorr
hoca, or Seminal Wcakm-sp, Involuntary
Seaiinul Losses, Impolcncy, Ment-l and
fhysical Incapacity, InipcuiuiMits to Mar
riage, etc., 1bo. Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits, induced by self indulgence and
sexual extravagance.
tottr" t rice, in a sealed cnvolopc, Six ocnts
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' (Viccessful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of 4clf-abusc may be radi
cally cured without the dangerous use of
internal medicine or the application of the
kkife ; pointing out a mode of cure at
once simple, certain ami effectual, by
means of which every entt'erer, no matter
what his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
SjfThig Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth ami every man in the hud.
Sent under seal, iu a plan envelope, to
any address, postpaid, en receipt of six
cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cub
verwcll's " Mnrringc liuide," price 23jei:ts.
Address the Publishers.
127 l'.owery, New York. P. 0. Box 4,0SC.
(V v
'Hi 'k.'ill
TUllE-l'TiAM ES, &c.
The undersigned having sold his interest
in the wagon shop, now intends devoting
his time exclusively to the Furniture trade.
lie has just received a large stevk o' the
which he offers at prices thnf cannot fail to
please. His slock consists of
licdroom Suits,
Upholstered Goods,
Washstands, Commodes, Lounges,
Dedsieads of Maple, o.ik, Whitcwood and
ill no k Walnut, Spring ltcds and M.u
trasses. Extension, Dining, lireak
fist. Tea Parly au j Quartette
Tables, Chairs of every
kind a ad description.
The largest assortment of Cane Seated
Chairs ever brought into this section
of the country, Farmer's Scereta.
ries, What Nots, Brackets,
and everything usually
found in a First Class
Picture Frames of ev
k'nd size or Quality, kept
on hand and made lo order,
looking Glasses, Looking illass
Plate and Piotures. We vould cull at
tention to our large Bl ock of Colli us, eon.
sistiug of Pine, Whitewood, Cherry,
Chestnut and Dlaek Walnut, i ny
one of which we eon furnish iu
three hours time, trimmed
in any ntyle to suit.
Metallic cases of any kind procured in
three hours time. (
Feeling confident that with a liberal pat
ron ago, we shall be nb le to keep up a First
Class establishment, wc appeal to the peo
ple of Ell county, to say if it is nut better
to keep their money in circulation at home
than to send it off to the cities where if they
buy but lii 1 1 o they are sure to get cheated
aud pay a good round sum into the bargain
Then let your motto bo, nevor buy away
from home what can be hadjust aschenp at
home, and the cheapest plaoeto buy Furui
t-ire in Western Pennsylvania is at H. H
Thomas' Ware Rooms, KxeeUior Ruilding,
corner of Main aud Depot streets, Ride,nay,
Elk county Pa.
Cct. 81, 1867-lj'. II. 11 THOMAS
V ..'.. L 1 - I) I 1 . J.'1".
B ii i ? i i) i s f i) I r i : 1 c r ti .
TOIIN (i. HALL. Ailoi-u.y m Inw. Rhij;
vniy, Elk county J'a. niBr-22'tifi 1y
IAUKIKJ. LLAKKLY. Attorney ot law.
j and U. 8. Commissioner. llWgwii
Elk county. Pa. fnmr 22ii'i-lj
015 WORK oFair kinds' and dV.
criptions done at this ofl'iec.
LPlN'i: 1IOU.S1-:, . Mary s Pa.. Her-
man Krel,, Proprietor. rug.tOG
and Surgeon, St. Mary's, E!k county
Pa. mnr-22'liH-ly.
DU. W. W. SHAW Pinelices Me.lioine
and Surgery, Ceiilrcville. Elk county
Pa. mar -2JT,1 1y.
ITtXKCrriON. .S'UM.MON.v. bXi'-nf,
'j nns. Warrants, &c., on hand audTT
sale at this otl'.ee.
CH. YOLK. Manufacturer nnd Deal
in Lngcr llecr. opposite the It.kilrua
Dcml, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
Mar-22'(i(i-l .
attend to all professional business prompt
ly. mar-22"(;ii-ly.
DK. W. B. HAHTMAN, St. Mary s. Elk
county. Pa. Late of the Army of lb
Potomac. Particular attention eiven to all
cases of surgical nature. niar-22'(i'!-ly.
KO E O. MESSENGER. Drtippi ao4
J Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals,
Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil.
et articles and Stationary, Hulgway. Elk
county Pa. mnr 22'tHi-1y.
17 RANK ENTZ. Mkbiiiant Taiu.k.
' Cenlreville, Elk roimly, Pa., desire
to inform the citixens of t'entrevillc nnd vi
cinity, that he is at. all times preparedly
do work in a neat and taticfaclorv manner.
wive uio a vM. nervfiTfy
JO. IN i. II. M.I
.ls. K. I'. II ALL.
I TALI, &s JiRO.
At tor no vs nt Law,
September 20, 18(5(5. ly.
S. Itordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician.
Olliee and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., ItidgrtMy. Pa. Pro:ipl
attention will be given lo all en'N. 0!hc
hours : 7 lo 8 A. M- ; 12 lo 2 P. M. : and 5
lo 7 P. M. Mar. 2", Oti if.
DAVID TIIAYKK, Proprietor.
The undersigned having fitted up a lire
nnd commodious hotel on the 'somhweM
corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good
nnd convenient stabling attached, respect
fully solicits the patronage of his old friends
and the p-iHic generally.
deciatiQly DA Y1D Til A l kit.
ghort, i'.i!l do.
St..V't-rj's, Uciizhtrer H. O.
El.K Coi'KTT, PlII4
Ridcwat, En Co., Pa,
M. V. Moore, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, tho hmw
proprietor, 1ioks, by paying strict at
tention to the couifort an J convenience of
guests, to msrit a continuance of the
same. ' Oct 24 HW.
NOTICE is hereby given that I havo tak
en out a license as auctioneer, an
will aitend promptly to the calling of ill
sales entrusted lo my care.
Any person calling sales without n license
wil be held answerable (o the strict letter of
the law. P. W BARRETT.
I)ec2418GCtf. Auctioneer.
J. HALEY Proprietor.
This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the
banks of tho Clarion River and Elk Creel.
:it the lower end of the village, Mr. Healr
will spare no pains lor the conveuio ce of
his guests. Ia in-, iios one nudallto give
him a call and try his liuu-o.
Sept, 17th't7-ly.
II. S. Pil-'LNAP desirts to inform the citi
zens of liidgway nnd vicinity that he hai
len" I J. 8. Hyde s Rlaeksiiiith Shop oi
M 1 et ' el, and has employed good work
in a wlii will he ever ready to make any
thing from a buckle to nn anchor.
Particular attention given to the alioeinj
of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial.
May 17'CG-ly.
ltidswny. Kile Co., Pa,
The (ubseribcr desires respeetfully to in
form the oitiitus of Ridgwny nnd vicinity
that he is prepa.cil lo make to order aa well
as it can he done any whero, anyl hing iu the
line of his business. All he asks is a fair
triul. Good Fits guaiantocd.
gpSjUClothii, Cassiuiers, Vesting and
Trimmings of the latest ami most approved
Ktyles kept constantly on hand, which will
EjTl'. aug.lO.y
SO M 1 ST 1 1 1 N o"NEvT
J. spectfully inform I ho ciiiieus of til'
county I hut he lias just started iu the
above business in Uidgway, and feel confi
dent that he can pleuseall who may favor
him with their custom. GivAlNlNG.
i-.e.-t fashionable ond improved manner aud
style. Orders left at Ibis Office or at the
I'mnkiiig House of Souther, Willis & Souther
will be promptly attended to.
All of superior quality, for sale by tha
Tannerdale Coal Company,
St. Mary's, Elk Couuty, l'a.
Ca"Oi J.ra by mail promptly ittcnl
cd to. pMptlv