The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 08, 1868, Image 1

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    4 lees la tht wB)tck ana Tan" Convention j
y. of Alabama.
A " colored cuss " has the floor the
place m the Capita! building of Alubama,
the time November 27, 1 8G7 the ori
tor is Julius Cam r Augustus Mark An.
thony Dyonisius FquaKiij representing
the most populous and wealthy district
of the State. II j torks : '
" Mister Speaker and Folic Niters :
I ba'o listened pashuntly for d.5 Consecti
tiv days wat hab introvenrd senco wo
cum frum de ballot boxes of a illuatrus
constituetifchee to "liruddcr Uitiham
and Griffin and KefTir, and de odot tc
fipected white niirjicrs, and longed (or
do opportunity to ;et up and slmkc my
self loose for de sJbation ob dc Lord
and de glory ob de eijiht and forty
thousand wat had trabbled to Canyuu !
An here I is utn you gazin at inc ?
Niggers and Mister Speaker, dere hab
been aumEn sed io sum of do noosapa
pcra bout do bottom fail teiu on top !
Now, who am de bottom rail ? Kh, urn,
ah I , Dey means us niggers, do clown
trodden race, who, brees de Lord and
Massa Linknm, am on top ! And we's
a gwine to stay dar till Gabriel sits on
de pa i utn' roost and blows hi horn fit to
ecare do debbil !
Whar aui we now ? " Cast your dolu.
ded gaze about dig room. Five years
ago we was a totin' cotton, blaekiii'
boots and cuttin' hair ! Now ki we
and dose Yankee white trash is makin'
Jaws, for, in de langwidgc ot H03S Gree
ley, de bottom rail is on top !
Niggers is sum body, and dc rebbils
hab got to lay low or dey catch hell !
YVVse gwine to occupy do land wo'so
gwine to hab our forty acres ob land
.and and a pair ob. mules wo'so gwino
to play gem plum, and de robbi'.s. hub
got to furnish the spondulix, dat's wat's
-de matter, for de bottom rail am on top !
De white trash is played out. Didu't we
sabo the country ? When Massa Jeff
was a stundio' on Abra ham's stoop a
kickin dc doah and thrsateuin' to bust
bis head, didn't us colored men put ou
dem blue clo's and dose ar brass bullous
oh, no, I guess not and windercate
de flag, data why dc bottom rail am ou
Drutus Gurnbo Sardanapulus Crow
I rise to a. pint of ord. r !
She Speaker State your pint, Mr.
Crow !
Crow Thoodosius Caesium Sttitchell
has put his clumps on free ob my mar
tiles and
Switchcll Go 'way, you black ras
kill tell me I hook your marvels, I punch
you iu de jaw. What I do wid your
marvels T Ain't I on do Koin-mit-tce
to draff a bill uv rights '! Say marvels
to me I brake your banjo ober your
conck '
The Speaker Gentlemen will please
preserve order, and allow Mr. Squash
to proceed.
Squash I am disgusted wid you ; and
I 'clar lore God dar's dose two mokes
frem Eui'alia and Mohecl souu' asleep,
while datar no account nigger from Tus
caloosa stands by do window tickliu his
ehiu wid his heel! Gor.amity don't
you knownuftin? IJm.h.h,! J!ut I
digust sieh mizzible niggers, and pro
ceed. We intend to do de woting ; to go to
Congress; to be Guhucrs and justices ob
de peace, to bo sogers wid brass buttons
and bigsords like Boss Grant and Sher
man, and we is goin' to West Pint and
'Napolis; to ride io Lars and go to skools
and churches wid de whito trash, (or do
bottom rail am cn top !
And we'se gwine to 'bolish 'Hio and
Minnie Sota and Kansus for refusiu' to
gib our bruddcrs suffrage ; and we'.-e
gwine to 'bulish Koppcrneads cause dey
is white; and .had clam soop and pig's
feet ebery night, for do bottom rail am
on top !
An' dat ar Ariel feller what says wo
niggers am beastusus, widout sculs,
wo'll aend him straight to hell a rai'.iu'
and a rockin, fore ho can twinkle dat
eye, fore ain't Babylon fallen ; ain't we
got all sour apple trees ; don't de fasci.
natiu' ladies ob do cullored 'swashun
light has reseptiole ob wisdom and in
telligence wid de perfoom of dar alfac
iory sweetness and and and de hot
torn rail am on top !
It is slated that Grant has already
become disgusted at himself lor allowing
himself to be made the lUdieal catspaw,
and that he wants Stanton to resign.
A negro barber of Buffalo lias
brought suit agaiust Blind Tom and his
agent lor ejecting bitu and his wife
from ouc of the entertainments.
The President lias accepted tlio
osignatiouof T. C-Thealor, Oommis-
lienor e-f Patents.
JOflXF. MO 01! E, Editor ct- Yor,Wor.
,'apolron ami the Snltor itotj.
la the year 1801) tho French flotilla
lay at Boulogne, waiting for an oppor
tunity to make a descent upon the south
ern shores of I'ng!nd. Pay alter day
Napoleon Bonaparte p need. tho beach
sweeping with his telescope tho bluo ex
panse of the Channel, watchiug the ap
pearance and disappearance of the Eng
lish fleet.
Among tho Englishmen, who were
prisoners at Boulogne was a sailor boy,
was permitted to ramble about the town
no J sen shore, it being impos
sible for him to make his escape.
One day as he was wandering along
the beach gazing sorrowfully across the
waves towards the whito cliffs of dear
England, and thinking of his home
among tho green lanes of Kent, he saw
an e.npty hogshead floating shorcwards
with the advancing tide. As soon as
the depth of tho water would permit he
ran into tho sea, seized the barrel, shov
ed it to land, rolled it up tho beach and
hid it in a cave. The thought of
had nerved his arm, and a bright idea
had dawned upon him and filled his
heart with hope. lie then went to the
wood that lined the shore and brought
down some willow twigs, with which he
bound the slaves tightly together. Pur.
ing the time of his boatbuilding he had
frequently to leave the cave to watch
the coming and going of the sentinels.
Tho sun was settiug as ho had finish
ed his labor. In the frail bark ho had
rudely and rapidly constructed he was
going to attempt to cross the channel,
fearless alike of its swift currents aud
the storms that might arise. He re
turned to his lodging to cat his supper
aud wait til! darkness set in.
Slowly with the impatient prisoner
did the hours pass by ; but the night
came at lust, aud he set forth on his per.
lions undertaking.
By a circuitous route ho reached the
cave. Tho wind was moaning along
the sea, telling of a coming storm, aud
not a star glimmered in the sky.
" This u the darkest nij ht I ever
saw," said the sailor lad to himself;
" but so much tho better for me ;" aud
down he went 'owtrds the water, bear
ing his boat cm Lis back. But, alas!
his hopes were to bo disappointed ; as
ho was about to launch it the sharp cry
of " qui vice ?" ting in his ear, and io
stantly tho bayonet of a sentinel was
pointed at his breast lie was taken to
the encampment, placed in irons, aud a
guard placed over him.
On the following morning wficn Na
poleon, was, as usual, pacing the beach,
lie was informed of the attempted es.
cape of the lad, and the meau" he had
" Let the hoy and his boat bo brought
to me," he said.
The order was fneedilv obeved.
When Napoleon beheld the twig-bouud
half barrel an d the youthful form of the
sailor, ho smiled, and turning to the
prisoner said, in a tor.o devoid ot anger,
for he admired the daring of the lad.
''Bid you intend to etossthe Channel
in such a thing as that? And last
uight ot all nights ! Why, 1 would not
have ventured one of my gunboats a
mile from '.ho shoro ! But I seo how it
Napoleon looked compassionately up
ou the prisouer, who stood before him
with a countenance io which boldness
devoid of impudouco was displayed.
' I seo how it is. You have a sweet
heart over yonder, and you long to seo
" No, sire, I have no sweetheart !"
"No sweetheart! What! A British
sailor without a sweetheart!"
" I 1 ave a nvtlier, sire, whom I have
not seen for years, and whom I yearn to
" And thou sniH see her. my brave
British boy. A right noble mother she
must be to have rearod so gallant a son !
You shall be landed io England to night.
Tako this," handing him a coiu of gold ;
"It will pay your expenses home after
you aro put on ohore. Farewell."
As tho gratelul boy bowed his thanks
and walked away, Napoleon turned to
one of his aide-do camps and raid t " I
wimIi T bud m thm.tnnd fiiort iv'itll liturt
like that boy!"- !;
Bonaparte was as good as his prom
ise. That very day he dispatched a ves
sel, bearing a flag of truce, which land
ed the boy at Hastings, in the neigh
borhood in which was his mother's
It is not necessary to tell of the moth,
er and son ; how the prayed tbsir silent
prayers of thanxfalaess; hon iksy kid
their heads oa each other's shoaldsrs
and wept for very joy.
The sailor lad rejoiced the navy.
Many and many a time after waids, when
disabled for service, was be sorely dis
tressed for want; often was his clothing
scanty, and his head without a shelter;
but the strongest and steamest of his
necessities could never force him to part
with the gift of the great Napoleon.
This deed of Napoleon, was more glo
rious tliau if he had conquered a nation.
The glory won by the sword is tarnish
ed with blood, ahd sends sorrow aod
desolation into a thousand homes; but
this simple act was greater than a victo
ry on the battle field, for by it Napole
an conquered two hearts by love, and
filled with joy the home of a widow and
an orphan boy.
1 Jail Sensation.
A Man ILuiycd in kin Cell- He Writes
hit Own Eptliiyh.
On Monday morning tho boys wbo
feed the prisoners at the county jail,
Evansvillo. lud., as usual visited the
different cells fur tho purpose of giving
out 'he regular morning rations. All
the prisoners answered to " roll call "
and partook of their rations, except one
Mr. 'front, wbo was confined io jail on
a charge of having stolen a coat and
pawned it to Mr. Guaiberts. On reach,
ing tho cell door, tho attendants were
struck with horror and amazement at be
holding the lifeless remains of the occu
pant suspended by a rope. . Thef quick,
ly called the jailer, Alexander Dexter,
who, with the utmost speed, hastened in
search of Sheriff Miller, informing him
of the fact that Trent had shuffled ofl
this mortal coil."
A messenger was sent in hot haste
for the coroner who was found quietly
eating his breakfast with a view of
holding a coroner's inquest. In due
course of time the coroner arrived, and
the sheriff, jailor, and all being present,
the cell of the suicide was entered by
Sheriff .Miller, who, in breathless silence,
proceeded to examine the " cold corpus."
Taking hold of tho nrm to seo how stift
it was, he found that it readily yielded
to the touch, aud upon a closer examiu.
ation, ho discovered that tho suicide
consisted of the clothes of the aforesaid
Trcut hat, boots and all stuffed and
suspended to the ceiling by a rope, whil
the prisoner broke out in loud laughter
froic under the bed. Of course the
curses were uot loud but deep. The
prisoner had written his own " epitaph,"
of which the following is a true oopy :
I leave you, toy friend-, I 'eT this jail,
For want of bettor sens ('sad bait; )
But friends, do aot lei your courage fail.
For out of this you are bound to sail.
Tbe world did Ray I stole a coat.
And with old (luuihcrls did it soak ;
lint iliis, my fricnd.4, treat as a goak, '
And think of me aud -ot the coul.
My friends: do not with indignation boil,
I leave you ; 1 was not made to toil.
I shuttle'! of this murt 1 coil.
Without the aid of lard or oil.
Virtue claims me for her own,
She shall have inc he alone.
It may bo proper to state here that
Trent made a desperate attempt to break
jail some time since, for which he was
subjected to the strictest surveillance
by Sheriff Miller. His last effort to es-
cape for doubtless that was his object
was ingenious and novel, and but fir
the precaution of calling the coroner
and summoning a jury tor a coroner's
inquest, ho might have escaped. Tho
jailer is not able to see a joke in it.
The sheriff considers that prisoners
have no right to joke.
The Sergeant who is carrying the
flag to Washington arrived at Jackson,
Mississippi ou the 30th. He teports
nothing but kind treatment along the
route. '
Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk Co
Office in the Court llonte.
Tcrms One Dollar and Fifty Onts per
aonnm, invariably in adrttii.. No devia
tion from thee terras.
Kates Advertioaf .
Transient Advertiseiaenents pars a, tre of
Itt lift r leea, 8 time or Ue..,..H 00
Tor each snbeequnt Insertion 26
Administrator' and Ex'rs notices... 2 60
Auditors' notices 2 50
Dissolutions, Camions and Est rays... 2 00
Local and Obituary notices pet line- 15
Professional oariln, 1 year 6 00
1 square $ 7 001 column $20 00
2 sunares 12 00 column 35 00
3 squares 15 00ll column CO 00
The above rates will be strictly adhered
to in all advertising from this date.
Single quire $2 50IG quires g qr..$l 75
3 quires qr... 2 5o0ver 0. qr.. 1 60
I Bhect, 25 or less 2 001 !ieet, 25 or less 6 00
j iihcdt, 25or less 3 OOj 1 s!ieet, 24 or lejU 00
Nov. 28, 18G7. JOHN F M0015.E,
Editor and Proprietor.
Second Monday in January,
Last Monday in April.
First Monday in August.
First Monday iu November.
AMIOOD: How Lost. How Keatored.
Just published, a new-edilion of Dr.
(Julverwcll's Celebrated Exsay oa the radi
cal cure (witbout meilicine) or Spermatorr
hoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary
Seminal Losses, Impoteocy, MehtM and
Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar.
Huge, etc., also, Consumption, Epilepsy,
anl I iis, induced by Bclf. indulgence and
sexual extravagance.
S9Pricc, in a setled envelope, Six cents
Tho celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of self-abuse may be radi
cally cured without the dangerous uso of
interim! medicine or tho application of the
kkife ; pointing out a mode of cure st
once simple, cortain and effectual, by
means of which every sufferer, no matter
what his condition may be, may cure him
fe'.f cheaply, privately, and radically.
tgu'i'his Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth and every man in the land.
Sent under sea 1, in a plain envelope, to
auy address, postpaid, on receipt of six
ceuls, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cub
vcrweU's " Marriage Guido," price 25icnts.
Address the Publishers.
t HAS. i.C. KLIVE a CO.,
127 Bowery, New York. P. O. Box 4,580.
The undersigned having sold his interest
in ilio wngou shop, now intends devoting
his time exclusively to the Furniture trado.
lie has just received a large stock p! the
which he offers at prices that cannot fail to
please. His stock consists of
Bedroom Suits,
Upholstered Goods,
Wnshstands. Commodes, Lounges,
Bedstoads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood and
Black Walnut, Spring Beds and Mat
trasses, Extension, Dining, Break
fast, Tea Party and Quartette
Tables, Chairs of ever
kind ajd description.
The largest assortment of Cane Seated
Chairs ever brought into this section
of the country, Farmer's Secreta
ries, What Nots, Brackets,
and everything usually
found iu a First Class
. , Pict ure Frames of ev
k. k:nd size or Quaiity, kept
on hand and made to order,
Looking Glasses, Looking Ulasi
Plate and Pictures. Wewouldcall at
tention to our large stock of Coffins, con
sisting of pine, Whitewood, Cherry,
Chestnut an Black Walnut, any
one of which we can furnish in
three hours time, trimmed
in any style to suit.
Metallic cases of any kind procured In
three hours' time.
Feeling confident thai with a liberal pat
ronage, we shall be ab le to keep up a First
Class eslablirtimeiit, we appeal to the peo
ple of Elk county, to say if it is not better
to keep their money in circulation at home
than to send it off to the cities where if they
buy but little they are sure to get ohealed
and pay agood roucd sum into the bargain.
Then let your motto be, never buy away
from home what can be had just as cheap at
borne, and tbe cheapest place to buy Furni.
t ire in Western Pennsylvania is at H. II.
Thomas' Ware Rooms, Excelsior Building,
corner of Main aud Depot' streets, Ridgway,
Elk county Pa.
0-. 81, -lyv. H. I! THOMAS.
way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'(l4 ly
TAUkVe J. BLAKELY. Attorney at law,
j and U. 8. Commissioner. Ridgway
Elk county, Pa. (mar 22'tiH-tj.
OB WOltK of all kinds and Ur.
criptions dono at this office.
ALPINE HOUSE, 5t. Mary's Pa,. Her
man Krcts, Proprietor. sugTOfl
and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county
mnr-22'tiu ly.
W. SHAW Practice Medioina
and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county
lmar-22'Gft ly.
j nas. Warrants, &c, on hand and for
sale at thta office.
CM. VOLK. Manufacturer and Deal
. In Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot-, St. Mary's, Elk counry Pa.
Mar-22'G(i-l .
Law, Ridgway. Elk county Pa., will
attend to all professional business prompt
1. . . maf-22'e-tj.
R. W. B. HARTMAN. St. Mary's. EI
county. Pa. Late ef the Army of Iks
Potomae. Particular attention given to all
cases of surgical nature. mar-22'G0-ly.
(1 ROVE O.lrt'EEGYRTtnggWan"
JC Dealer in. Drugs and Chemicals,
Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil,
ct articles and Stationary. Ridgway, Elk
county Pa. mar-22'00-ly.
JO. IS a. H.M.L ........JAS. K. V. UALC
HALL & lino.
Attorneys - at Law,
September 20, 1SCG. ly.
TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician.
OJBre and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway. Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all cnlls. Oflies
hours : 7 to 8 A. M- j 1 2 to 2 P. M. : end 9
to 7 P. M. Mar. 2 CC-tf.
Fn n7v vi u7 ikTusIC
DAVID THAYER, Proprietor.
The undersigned having filled up a largs
aud commodious hotel on the southwest
corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good
and convenient stabling attached, respect
fully solicits the patronage of his old friends
and the public generally.
ghort, gall & ofa
Ht. i' 3, Uentinrtr P. O.
Elk Coi:htt. Pixsa
M. V. MooaE, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patron tge bcretofura
so liberally bestowed upon him. the uew
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort aul convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance of the
same. Oil 24 I8u6.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have tak
en out a license as anctioneer, and
will attend promptly to the calling ef all
sales entrusted to my care.
Any person catling sales without a license
wil be held answerable to the strict letter of
the law. P. W BARRETT.
Dec2418GGtf. Auctioaeer.
J. HALEY Proprietor.
This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the
banks of the Clarion River aud Elk Creek,
at the lower end of the village, Mr. Healy
will spare no pains for tho of
his guests, 1e invitos ono aud all to git,
him a call and try his house,
Sept, 17th'07-ly.
"hijA g k s m FfTFBf bT
H. S. BELNAP desires to inform the citi
ions of Ridgway and vicinity that he hat
!ennd .1. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on
M lttr et, an h is employed good work
m a w!l i will be ever ready to make any
thing from a buckle to an anchor.
Particular attention given to the shoeing
of horses. All I ask is a fair trial.
May 17'60-ly.
ItidHrway, Elk Co.. Pa.
The subscriber desires respectfully to !
form the citiirns of Ridgway and vicinity
I hat he is to make to order as well
as it can be done anywhere, anything in the
line of his business. All he asks is a fair
trial. Good Fits guaianteed.
lfllClotli, Cassimers, Yetings and
Trimmings of tho latest and most approved
styles kept constantly on hand, which will
J spcctfully inform the ciliieus of Elk
county Ihf.t he has just started in the
above business in Ridgway, and feel confi
dent that, he can please all who may favor
him with their custom-. GRAINING,
r.o.U fashionable and improved manner and
style. Orders left at this Office or at the
Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther
will be promptly attended to.
All of superioi quality, for sale by lbs
Tannerdale Coal Company,
St. Mary's, lilk Couuty, Pa.
aOrderi by mail promptly ittcnJ.
cd to. seytll
RANK ENTZ, Miu'hakt Tauos,
Centreville, Elk ooiuitv. Pa., desiraa
to inform the citiieus of Centreville aad i.
cinity. that he is at all times prepared la
uo won in a neat anu sauataatory inaoaar.
ertvf mr i e11. aavff7 fy