The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, February 01, 1868, Image 2

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    ! he Uvflnile
- -
1 'cImiiu'v. 1 st. : : : : :
At :ui cui ly pciio.l if I ! present sos.
sioti i'l tho J . l; i ' ; i f ' i r . Mr. I.'!-!', the
iV.tnifT.'iiii' member I :- -. i ii Clinton. Ch.-r
li.'ll Mid M- K P:tl c
bill r
!r, vv allow ill"; nrirri)i
in ride in t ti f e n-:. Tl'i-i bill was refer,
ii'! tn ;i committee, nu 1 mi action boiiiir
taken liy that Ii. "!.-. Mr. Poise on Toes
tiny moved to i!ii'!i:ii'.:i t !n committee
from tin; e wiil.T;tti ni .f tin', liill, ami
thus ct if before the House. '11 1 is nio. ty.w def-nt-l by the Radicil .
Tlicv are determined tha' negroes shall
ii Jc in e.imoany with white men nnl
women. 'I liis i-' ;i point that white men
will noS overio ok. wli.-ii called upon to
record tli fir votes at the next flection
tor members of the Stale Legislature.
In tintioin:: tl' o election of General
!u'iii;y, Tiitlcjii, in the Eighth Con.
jirossioiinl Pistrict iu Ohio,, the Cinciti
iKiti K'i-ii!rrr s .v-: ; (.)ur readers know
"that ihe EL'hth bus r.Uvays Lectin
strop:; Pepuhlieaii i3 i -trior, mi'l tlmt
" the i in in r 1 :i predecessor of !encnil
Ilealty was elected hy over eighteen
" hundred majority. Anil with nil this
" margin to 'jo u f . .ii, '!etierul Peatiy
" has ctily fivo I hiiii-clf from defeat by
" !issi;uiii!L' I 'eiiin : atie ground upon the
" lea'linp issue !' tin; canvass. We al
" hide to the payment of tho public debt
" in le;-i! favor of whieji metis.
" lire ( lenei a! Ileal'
" biic-olf"
.ddicly plcd-cd
Ni;.v V.ikk Cirv, .I an. 2S, lOS. j
Tha lee. 'lit arrest of that erratic
I'ohemiin, tiro, I'runcis Train, by the
Coil: authorities lor making Fenian
stump speeches :n America, attiaets
ni'ire or loss attention ot the journals,
'flu! whole a'l.iii' is looked upon hero as
it hiiL'c joke. li is believed that Train
purposely invited his own arrest on his
.irrival at Q'lern.-fo'.vii, an 1 sailed honeo
a fortnight since with the solo object in
view, though it was 'iveii oat that lie
was on '.is way to Lublin, us ihe spec
ial correspondent ol the New Yolk
The r ithcr s't Men demise of John
Jacob As'ior at tin! a:e of sixty-five '
years, a ' tew il n s since, ilivul-res facts
which seem like a r iaianee. A bright,
T.romir-ii;;: bov, h.; hail been sent to u col-
lojie in Switzeilaii'J, wlieii bis inlelleet.
bee on i inipa'n e.i in c.iiiM ''i.'iice of an '
aeeilenlal ii.jiiiy. In lsJJ hu was!
placed in an asylum in t 'anilo idu'eport, !
I i:..-., nii.ler the care of ir. Pester I
r'uVoaiiks. iar hi.-, malady jn'ovio in-
enrahie, he was iaMiiuht to tiie house j
wn tea ins i.mier n i i eri'etca rxpres.-iy
tor him, on Fourteenth Street, in this
city a la:e, bav.eiial, gloomy lookinz
Structure, Mirroiunled by a biii wall,
and the very existence ot its unfortun
ate miili iiiaii e inmate was known to the
jiie-cnt u'ener.'.ti ni. Here ho remained
until his death, the subject of unremit
ting attention cn the part of hi medical
attendant, who, for forty ,-ix years, J me
all that skid and f-olf'.-aci'i'.ieiu.: etlorts
could do to contribute to the coml'itt
and relief of h'.s patient. The violence
which at times i;-ed toniaik the c.i;e
f:raduaiiy ilisaj.pi are 1, imd of late years
the general health has been comparative
ly jjood Stringers who met him etp
joying his daily exercise could n;t have
icailily di.-timruished liim from any oth
er infirm o!i jentleman. Uuloiie othot
.on remains alive, Win. 1!. Astor, the
possessor o! loity.two milhoiis dollars
win ih of personal property, and himself
(juite an iifjcd man.
Two aristocratic uamhler-:, mined Kd.
win Weed and Martin Mullen, have
been in rested as the robbers of the bunk
of the Republic, and several of tho sto
len Mi.-snuii lb. uds found on their per.
fions. Tli.' United State bonds were
f-olil ti nu known parties after the num
bers had been chanireii.
Our city fathers propose to provide
for the confiscation oi real eslale in tho
city which may Le rented for puiposis
of prostitution.
A certain enijuettp. of thi-i city, Miss
C L, entrapped -about a year since
d well-known in ale flirt, mm Mr. Single
ton F , how and by what urtilicrs the
dear creatines themselves can best ex
plain. Jiolh occupie d a prominent so
cial position ; the lady 'made up' liia'
Tiifieently ; tiie j;enilem m repute ( weal
thy stylish, he certainly was. A sea
son &t Sarato:;., a peep at Newport, a
run to Paris lo loo!; at. tho I'.xpositi.iu,
followed ihe nuptual ceremonies. Hap1
py dreams. Ah, what delicious mo
ments ti. breathe solt liuthia-.'s on the
inooiili'i'it pri.uienailo, mid whisper talcs
of love. Alas ! I j he suddenly bli.'htod.
Tho trip abroad wqs anything hut an
agreeable one. ''La jicllc" Paris with
all its gilded baubles, Ps iutoxicatiiiL'
pleasure, its seiliietive charms failed to
render "two s-mds v. iib but mm tingle
thought, two licarts that beat as caie,'
happy. They returned tivi monibs
since, thi! lady in one steamer, and the
husband u f o tiii.dit biter in another.
1 u h iim r I" istfi.r l to tin; i-vmo ithiz-
injj bosom of her indulgent "mir," tho
hitter to the (hmrls, and instituted pro
ceedinjis for a divorce. After tl iy were
united the lady discovered her fatal rr.
ror, and tho husband as suddenly his
trrcat mistake, tlmt instead of
what he expected to obtain ho united
himself well, to nn nn,'id only in dry
poods, a made up woman. A delieatci
rhell-l'ke left car, it soon appeared, could
he laid aside with n pretty bauble ol nn
car-rinp which lump from it. The be
witchinp Fiuile displayed, half parted,
twixt those roseate li.a like dazzliiip
dew drop:, tho most Kcientie dentistry.
The palpitatinp bosom that throbbed
with tenderness before inarriape, or
heaved with pity, it was immediately
discoreted had emne out, of a back shop
of n dirly and disreputable Trench ars
lisfe in the liowery, hut we t d not po
further. After the mask hal fallen,
and Cupid dit appeared, 'he devoted
ltutlir 'tint ! fin furnished tho neecs
saiy funds to po abroad, to avoid the
scandal trowinp out ol the match. The
Court now steps in and ret uses to prnnt
a divorce, on the .-muiid thatho'h par
ties were equally to'hlatne in the matter .
so that hereafter they must cither live
apart separately, or heal their diilerences
the best, way they can without, further
recourse to law. Pleasant little decep
tions like these are practiced, however,
anioiip tho Afwr i'"'' of the fashionable
world almost every hour in the day.
Ten thimsind persons have sailed
from thi' port for the Pacific (.'nasi
since October 1.
A school teacher hero offers his ?er.
vices lo the courts as interpreter of (he
Irish lanpuairn. He proposes to make
intelligible Knpiish of ihe brogue in
which the greater part of the testimony
is pi yen.
Another Lilliputian tnarriapo is an
nounced, that of llominodore Nutt and
Miss Minnie Warren. The combined
tortures of the pair amount to .?2"i!.bUiJ0.
From Mexico, we learn that she- is
about to form an alliance with Peru,
Chili and Polivia.
. The demand for the Jordan water
brought here from the Holy Laud by
the CJuiker City exourskn pnssonpers
for bastismal purp"se.s, has inen ased
beyond the supply. Larpo oilers are
made lor it by devoted mothers.
A superb service of silver, ordered'
by Mr. tieorpe Peatiody for presentation
to Mr. Cyrus W. Tield, as a recopniiiou
of the eminent services of the latter has
just been completed in this city. It
cost Sl,0o0.
iuirinir the war dry good- advanced
more rapidly than any other class of
poods, and lare fortunes were mi le by
many firms, iuce the rebellion closed
prices have steadily fallen, ami much
money has bem lost. Sheetinp, which
reached 70 cents a yard can now be
boo-lil for 1")
There seems to bo n rrpular cmipr.i.
tion of Etipland "pups" and rmiphsi in
this country, and some are arriving by
everv steamer. All are aoxieus to IL'h:
"any man in the. world" in the P. K.
from five hundred dollars upwards.
John lleeiian will gratify O'lJaldwin.
the Irish Ciiant in ! Champion of Ihip
iiiu.1, now here, lor L'),vjV, but toe lat.
tor declines.
Tiltcc'n tons of sijns an 1 bulletin
b ards, p ublic obstructions," have been
converted into kindlinp wood by the po.
lice within tho past few weeks.
The Society ol 1 niied States Coop
ers have determined on So a day for in
door work and 51 lor out-door.
All kinds of claims are presented to
our city pn eminent. A widow has
just sued the city for ten thousand
dollars, because her husband died lio.i;
injuries rceeued on the streets, throiiph
the carelessness and le plipence of the
ttiet Cmmissioners.
A new word has been coined here to
express tho wickedness o the crime of
destroying one's country. It is called
The architect of the new courthouse
is to lie asked by tin: Ji.ntid ot Supervi
sors to report "w hat amount
is necessary to complete the bui'.diop."
It has already cost over two millions.
Iu this city from 110 to iiO years of
ape only one woman dies to two men,
and lroiu M to li j the proportion ol
morality anion;; women to men is one
fourth, one.sixth and one-tenth in each
period of live years.
Suicides are ou tho inercasj tho last
victim ol this terrible mania is a boy of
fourteen, who huup himsell a few days
since with a uapkiu because be could
not po skutiup.
Tho Kxcisi! Commission of this city
received for fines and licenses, to i-ell li
iior tho past uiuetecu numbs SJjfiSo,
There is nothing now in tho theatrical
world beyond the "Whitj Fawn." at
Niblo's. It fur surpasses tho "Ulack
Crook'' iu evi ry essential particular.
Tho scenic effects are mupaiCeeut, and a
ballet of una bundled pretty dancinp
nymphs, a lull cliorus of binders, a
larpo company of actors and a hundred
superuu nurics, p nten up in tho most
elaborate manner, creates tpi'to a theat
rical seLsatioii. ibiino ."oO people ale
employed uiplnly in producing the piece,
of whom eighty are btage-earpeiiteii,
cupaped only to set the Kceues. In a
literary sense, tho "Wliito Fawn" is a
failure; as a neat spectacle, it is a won"
derlul suceess. The liiot nipl.t ol its
production Frid;:y last,) tho pcrfor
luauee lasted Iro.u half. past seven in
tho evening till near throe o'clock in tho
inorniiiL'. 1'veryboJy icxivcd their
j ino'iei 's worth hi Uutt,
i AT::sr rrtiuuiN items.
Whenever London is ruveloped in
fop. such is now the fear of the Fenians,
that the special constables are railed nut.
Tho King of Prussia mourns the
death of his favorite black charger.
Cholera is raging in Truxillo, llondu.
"(Ireen Sleeve', is the favorite at the
Icrby this year.
'I ho win king classes in Quebec arc
sufleiinix greatly from lack of work.
'I he Prussian Diet, bus past n bill for
a railway loan of forty million tlialcrs.
liclpni'ii wants to leirn I o facts with
regard to the workings of tho Maine
During tho past eii;ht years eleven
hundred and tliirly-five new Fugli-h
ships have been wrecked ou their first,
In Paris every wealthy American is
supposed lo have made his money in pe
troleum speculations.
'I he Quebec Legislative Assembly is
dlseusiiiig the causes of emigration from
that province tj the United States, and
proposes to prevent the same.
The rejioits from Paris state that, the
marriage ot Mile Patti ;ind the Manpiis
de Cans was then arranged. " La J.!i
va's " fortune amount? to .C-UhOOO. The
Ihnprcss had written a congratulatory
loiter to Patti, iu which she has ex
pressed the pleasure with which she
will receive the great artist at court as
Maripiise do Cans. Many of us here
can recall with pleasure tiie early days
of the little singer warbling her sweetest
notes on her father's door stops in the
1'oivery. Tho predictions made of her
then have since been more than fully re.
'ihe Alabama claims are again being
discussed in the Knglish newspapers.
Hussia denies having sent truops to
her Southern frontier.
Napoleon has now tho velvet hat and
swonl o! honor which the Popo was to
give the prince deserving the title
of IV fender of Home.
Mexico pays her President So'), 000,
which is So,HU0 more than the Ameri
can President receives. At.TA.
'ly 9?i'i'l'si:l))jils
Ve havj'oand it nocecary, in orJor to keep the
financial dsprtment of ;h3 fi dvocato on a good
Imis, to a topt the following rule :
Transient Advertisements must be paid for in ad-
v vjco ; p.nd all Job Work as soon as complottd.
Ei Is mad; oat and presorted to yearly advertisers
at tho beginning of each quarter.
Su'js:rirticuoto bepid for iav.iiiably in advance.
iiuvil' John 1'. Mooiik, l'litilislicr
"JVOTrci: OK Al'l'KAb. The Cninmis
JJ1 si. mors of LIU Pinint.v, will liol'.l ap
pe:il.j, at t lie lime and places inenti :neJ in
l'ollo'.is :
l'o'i. IK, lor ispiln Creek, nt Irwlns.
l'.l. for .loiies, ill Ihe Wilcox House.
" O, f,,r lli.'lilaail. al Cliui-les Slublis.
" '2. fur nt li. (haters.
ii. f.r Tex, at .Iwlin Koelis.
-7, for .1.1". ill M.
r s.
S, for lleinv..-,'. at Ali. i IVinslnw's.
2. for St. .Mar's at M. U'elKoelnrl' s.
" J). for r.o:i:'.iag'.T At .!.. V iielt'ei.ler's.
" -I, for Hi .'.gway. :it Cum. Ollice.
0: tiie "nil of March ihe appeal oil un.
seated fin is will !,. h-l 1 a: Itidway.
AI.UATIDX tF SKATl'.I) and l useil-
I', el ny
St. .Mm-y's
Spring fret
r. i r.n. i NSK.iTKn.
-!'()' )( l.'TTTS
jii7o:;;-i oi;:;sj
r.2i s I'lSioii
o:::i71 A-',-2
S-JiiSt llir.'f-J
7ii;i77 lioitH
H'.e.od Hol'il
ll'ios 8:2 '"i
LjTAT'iMilNT OK -lili: Ul-b'KU'TS AM)
7i l;XrKMiU T.i:-4 of li'.!; County for the
year 1 f-,-17.
I5y eisii in'l W A l!iy, C'om'r "" m)
liy cas!i iwi 1 J V '"n vlor. Cm 1
l'.y ca-ii pai'l I.anis Vollnier. Com'r 1'.7 oO
liy e t -!i p iiil Julius Jonas, Cmu'r 17 "0
liy cadi p o 1 J I,' V lla'l. oli-ik -Jl:', no
by cash p. -.ol b .1 lllnki'lv. D'.M Attv 1"'J no
l.y .. h paid J A Mah.n,' " :,7'.l .".I
liy ei-'i paid Coaitueiiwealtli c ists li'.l
liy cash p iid l..,ii!iv f,ir wolves, ic H'i I'll
liy c:is!i piiid prisnn cxponscs I'.Hi 75
liy cash paid .liny fees 11M7 01
liy ! i-h p ii l nsses!ii;; oxj-cn-cs 171 00
by cash paid elieiinii expenses iiJii'JI
liyeas.i pa'd Jaslic-.s' feea :i" !'ii
Cash p;iid Ciinsialilos' fees paid Aiiiliiois
Ca.-h pa'd Aii'iioii's' clerk
Ca-!i paid road viewers
Cash paid slal ioncry
Ca-h paid stamps
Cash paid repairs to buildings, etc
Ca-!i paid find
Cash paid. I (1 Hall, counsel
Cash paid Prutliuiiiitary fees
Cash ptid Janitor
Ca-!i paid 'ii-iu:iiir
Casli paid JiVcslcrii Pi'iiil cul inry
Cash paid iluii-e ui' liel'upo
Cash pa'd M rc -miile Appraiser
C i-h paid Tipsiatls
C'ash paid lni, villaneous expenses
Cash paid Insnruni'c
Cabli paid C Lulir, interpreter
50 00
51 Of.
i'l 00
8 00
018 40
112 !U
till) 00
107 82
HO (10
250 HO
8H '.ll
1711 25
1 (I.)
22 00
2 50
45 08
12 00
5020'.) 7'.
15.'! !I0
Oil .1-
To cash from unseated lands
To cash from collreior.
To cash of A Willis, rud 'inotion of
lands sold tn county 145 45
To ca'h fur rent. 07 5o
i'o csi-i-snf expenditures K511 01
To line in Commoinvcalili cases lo t 00
To jury fees 28 00
. 1,
Amounts due by Cnlleeiors Jan
Isaac Hays. J'.ix. lMi5,
J V "oiik. Kid-way, lsii",
Millroi Cl.nse, jiioieel. 1 t-iijij
Win MeCaiiley, Kux. soi;
Anion Heiiiiiiii-er, St Mary's. lf'.O
F li lOi kii. on, Hid'vuy. ls.iO
T Irwin. Spri ip Creek, 1000
Halph .liihiison., 18''i7
Jos-ph Koiner, Heiii-iL'er, 1807
Jacob Moyt-r, I'ox, lse.7 1
'lh. Unas Tosier, Jay, Jst',7
Vulciiiinu Miller. Jones, 18C7
:,: i:
40 11
015 41
280 0'J
A 17
t05 l:5
i nines ( oyiie, r.., ireasurer, in
with Kit County lor the year lbo
To balance at last seiiletin.nt.
01!) 51
15:: '.10
'.IH.i 2',
1 15 4:!
088 40
To tax from unseated lands
To tn x from collect, .
To rush from Willi-, i d' iiip-
I ion oi lanu sol.l t i
To lialanae due Tre i-
$:SW o'.i
U401 17
41 id
l'.e; 51
121 75
i!820 .j'.l
271 8S
80 (Kl
1 0.1
Hid 28
274 88
Py county urue;-': re l.-enu-d
Hy refiiinlin ordei s
liy cxoiierai ion ol d,.'
l'.y treasurer's i:otiiini-'iu,i
relie.ut Iloai! I'
To lial.ilii e at I ,-l sell leiiooil
Hy ovder.s i i'.le.oiu-d
liy Trensorer's coiiimisoa
Hy bahmee Oio; lund Se'anol I'und.
liy balance at last scitleiiieti.
iieii.iner lloail I'uii't.
To balance due al sei I ieinent.
To tax ( nun un-eaied lauds
148 0.1
105 15
11 21
Hy district treasurer's receipt
liy Tre-isono- n nimiu.iMou
1'y o; del s mdeeliied
lij balance due land
5 0(1
Iteniiiieer Se'iool Fund.
To ballanee ilue al l.o si .wA leineiil 1!8S 82
To tax from unseated lands 10 I!4
il'.iH 00
;;mi 55
7 82
111 2'.
Hy district tr "usurers' receipt j
Hy t rrasuiai- .s e.iiuinissioti
liy l.a!nii-e due fund
I'ox lioad Kioid.
To lialiiiicn due al l.isi settteai
To :.i. tioii! unscaied iiuid.i
1 17
40(1 88
85 (10
27! i:
7 55
81) 14
By orders redeemed
lty treasurer's receipt
liy treasurer's commission
liy belgnce due fund
400 88
5; i 10
12 21
50 HI
I 21
11 07
Fox School Fund.
To balance al settlement
To tax received
Hy district treasurer's order
l'.y treasurer's commission
Hy balance due fund
02 ol
5 08
Fcx School Hiiiidinj i'und,
To balance al seitlciiieut.
To tax received
12 05
12 52
12 05
107 oo
Hy treasurer's commission
Hy balance due fund
Highland lload Fund.
To balanee tit settlement
To tax received
I'liniiins Cnniplicll, Ili;;hlnnil, 180"
1) I) Conk, I'.idgwiiy, l!ili7
1) (1 McXatil, Spring Creek, lSb"
lloniily Tax.
John Fox, 18111
Cm, Kd W.ds. Ilid-Tway. 1 SO 1
A.'iiiiiu l'crriti. Spring (.'reek, 1801
II I) llerr, lleii,.zet, 1801
John A Miller, I'ox, lSOj
Arniel Turky, Jay, ISO'i
15 A Dill. l!idgwuy,.lo0o.
1 10 10
247 22
2 8 1
224 12
217 22
2-V.l Ml
00 '.''
o50 78
l'J5 00
5 8d
155 '.'5
o50 78
4 . 15 e;;
4 oo
ti'.U 51
5 oo
8 111
1,5 ;u
40'.) 80
1 00
30 0 5
t ai oo
31 03
007 02
21 50
Ml 27
121 00
2 S5
31 (JO
-: 12
U5 80
lj 10
2 80
12 80
14) 'JO
454 (ill
301 01
35 HO
;.l ;:s
451 ui)
143 20
140 ::u
2 80
113 20
C 38
lo u;i
20 31
20 IS
Hy treasat.tor s commission
liy balance due fund
lliphland School Fund.
To balance One fund
To tax received
liy district try usurer's receipt
liy Ir. usurer s coiioiiissi.m
liy l.a.aaee due l'uu I
Jones Head Fund.
To balance due fund
To tax received
liy district treasurer's receipt
Hy in I ts redeemed
Hy 1 1 1 usurer's commission
Hy balance due fund
Jones School Fund.
To iiiiiuunl of tux received
To balance due treasurer
l'.y 1 ulance duo treas'r at seltloi
liy irc.'iMiivr's ciiuiiuissbn
Jay Itoad i'und.
To balance due fund
To amount ol lax received
l'y dislricl I reasiirer s receipt
Hy orders redeeoied
liy treasurer's eoi iini is'e. n
liy balance due laud
.lav School Fund.
To ba'aio e f .ii.'l
To tax H . lived
Hy district treasurer's receipt
Hy balance due luud
liidgway Uoild Fund,
To bn'ance due lund
by district treasurer's receipt
by orders redeemed
by treasurer's commission
by balance due fond
Kidgway School Fund.
To balance due tend
by dislricl treesure's receipt
by treasurer's coiiunissiou
by due fund
Spring Creek lload Fund,
to tax received
lo balance due treasurer
by balance due trcar at settlement,
by treasurer H commission
Spring Creek School runJ.
tobalttiice due fund
to lux leeeived
by district treasurers' ordeis
by Ireisurers commission
Spring Creek School Building Fund,
to l.niiiiu e due fund 241 I I
hy district treasurers' receipts 231 HO
by tre.nirer's commission ti 08
by balance uuc fund " 4 18
213 11
St. Mary.V flod Corporation Fund.
to balance due fund
to tax received
1!) 43
19 4.1
183 41
183 44
by trea urei 's commission and bal
ance da" fund
st. .Mary's School Fund.
T.i lial.ui-c due fuiiii and Isk ree'd
by ilist lit-t '.leasiii-'-T(-,.'ip. treas
urer s com. and hal. .toe fluid
I i is Coaui.v Hout.fy Fund.
To balance due fund ami received
from colleclor.s
Hy boiids redeemed. trcas com
and bahme,' due 1 1
ci.V liounty 1'Vind.
To bat, due fund and "tax ree'd
Py dist. treas. receipt, bonds
reib-enied. treasurer's com.
and balance due fund
Petiezet Pouuly Fund.
To balance due fund
Py d st. tiT.-.s. receipt, treas'rs
com. nnd balance due fund
7505 21
75!)5 21
700 0.3
700 05
103 90
103 DO
Penziio.o r liounty I'utid.
i o oi'.iauca due luml
l'y dist. tren. reeeiiit nnd tr's
corn mission
511 50
511 50
llidt.'W'.y llo-.itify Fund.
To balance due fun 1
liy bahmee due fund
SI 07
SI 07
ht. Alary 8 IJounty Fund.
To bal. due I'und and tax ree'd Oft 21
Py balance (ho fund GO 21
.Tones pr-idpo Fund.
To balance due fund 100 00
Hy tr's receipt and com. 00
McKcun, Ell:, Clarion and Forest 1'oad
To bal anc? due fund 42
Hy balance duo f in ! 1SJ51 42
James Cloyne, Treasurer, in account
with the State ol Pennsylvania, on
the various licenses.
To balance due tute Co.") 87
Hy balance carried forward ti.'io 87
.James Coyne, Treasurer, in account
wiih Commonwealth for 18C7& 1SUS,
To bal due at last settlement 14 ID 20
To balance due on licenses C55 87
To ain't rrce've 1 Irom licenses 020 50
do fc'tate tax received 101.1 5'5
1 t
3120 10
i!v S't.nto Tii'asur. r's receipts,
'I r aonoi 's com;:i sii n ami
balance due State SllPJO 10
Assets and Liabilities of Elk Couuty,
January Nt. 1S08.
Tax due en un-ented lam's 612,034 74
Tax due in colli ctors hands 4. 25 MS
Hoiinty tax in eo.PcioiV 2.27S 42
hands ;j,l:U (o
J. A. M alone, Sheriff 201 15
12 CO
Coun'y or,,'.. is outstanding 8 2,000 24
1 iount v bond.-iout.-tandii)
1,027 (
:15 ) 03
143 00
:5l Ou
5.8 44
25 00
17,483 02
Pue Stale
Pue House of llcl'iifio
line Wcern Penitentiary
Pile T reasuier on Co Fund
Due J. K. P. Hall
KxeesS ol as.-ct.s
822.532 (.0
James A. Malone, Sheriff of Elk county,
in aec.'unt with said county lor llio
To onb is d'awn 12
I'o tines ivoeiud in Comnion
v.iaiih eases and Jury fjrs
colleelcd 28 00
CG7G 11
I'o bal. bro't down S201 15
l!y ha! at Inst settlement, sum.
tiioti:u' juries. Guiii. jury
wheel, ciectioti .ro(loma
tiou, i o ivi yin rboners to
l'eii:ti.iit:ary, and balance
duo county ?i",7i. 5
We the Aiidilorsnf F'k Cnuniy, haviii
met at the Commissioner's office, nt Kidg
way, on the fu st Monday nf January, 1808,
beinj; the fah tl ay of henioiiili do certify
that we have carefully exmiitied nud amli
ti'd tic forejioiii'; aceounis, and find them
CO'TCct ns sontcd.
In ttsi imoiiy whereof wo lmve lit reunto
Pel our han is and seals ihe day ane year
above written. C. A. WILCOX.
Attest. 0. 1J. ihFSSENGER.
J. K. T. Hall, Clerk. Auditors.
I' T nf luieiaimed IcHers remainintt in
j Ihellidway l'osl Office, FA) 1, 18H!',
liiiinl, James Fainter. Joseph
Towers, (i lr. & Co.. Spenz, L. b.
Hank, Lewis T. Schuliz, .1. M.
Jackson. Thoians Tnylor. bnniel
Mel-'oiiiild, James 7'l nrpe, I,.
M.-Ab.-ler, J. C. iWnhn. John
Powers, Spetcer jWhiti, Mariah
l'ailun, J. V.
X. 15. Persons calling for nny of above
Letter will please sav Advpi tispd. and (rive
dine of List. G. (i. MLSSK.NtiFK, 1'. M.
CIIAHL1-S HOLES. Prucl'eal Wntchmtf
Iter. Jeweler and Engraver, Ilidjjway,
Eik counly. Pa. The siiIifci ihc-r be;;
leave to announce to the e'lMeus of Pidj
way and vicinity tint lie is prepared to do
nil wovk in bin line on (diort notice nndnt
rensoiiiible rates in ihe very best msnner.
Slop in II. S. F.tdiinp'f Slure. Special tilitu
lien paid lo co-ravin
He has n'so on baud a linyo assortment
olClo' ':s. V. ..!i"!i.,., J.-w.-lry slid Silvio war
w hirh !.e oi'.ei s .'oi !-;.e on i i"er leit.'e t -riroi.
liive h.'..i a call. in 7 o7i f.
!la('smiiii's i m:; ; NTi r s am
':o:iu-i- t, U f-.r Mil" !.!!(!; i '!,
' lie cheapi I " a! ihe M, Mai j 's liardWMi'u
18 M