LOCAL INTELLIGENCE tr Tims at lti;tfir:ij. Erie Express Enst do ill West .In Mnil East .to ilo AYrst Loc il Freight t Jo do West .10: Hi p. in I :::.VJii in. I ... . m. , i p. m. 1: !!!. 111. ' 2:2o . in. (l7"T!io next Snciablo will meet at ' tin Uydo H.viti. Virion hjuru cor- I diilly invited to attend. te.5I'cnd the advertisement of the 'ei Estate K '-orIf to be in Estate Error,?, to be found in uno- thcrcoliriri,"anlsond f r it egpTlio Statement of the) Finances of Elk County will appear in next week's Advocate. tejvJol.JMei ,'rcary, Adjutant Gencr- j ml of this1 Slate, has our thanks for a Viny of his report for the year IStiT. Ltveky SrMtt.fi. A 'will bo seen in our advertising column', this want so. long felt in this eo'.U'uuuity has been applied. tea-Claudius V. GiUis. Treasurer of Klk County elect, wh sworn in and as sumed tlie duties ofhis'ofnee nn the 7th instant, in place nf James Coyne, Esq., whoso term expired on tin; 1st ittst. Post (M'tei: Ri:.mova:,. The Ker sey Post OiB-w,lia.s been removed from the store Safely owned by Liitlc Si Co., to the harness establishment of William McCaulcv. (C5Messeiigcr, the lV-rmnster, wants those persons who are indebted to him for o-tage on newspapers to call and. settle their accounts. otherwise the news liatiers will be retained lor the amount d ue. SsuW The. deepvLi mow iliat has fallen during (ho preset; winter took j.!aec on Monday night and Tuesday morning last making about 1 1 inches in depth. Th-i sleighing is ii.j-.vgo.id, and lumbermen are bu-iiv enrigid. teJPXo lady can t:f'ifi to be without it. With-mt wha' '! Why, without (lo Joy's ,i'ly's 1'oik. The Fibiuary liu'nber is on our table, bright as ever. .iodey b:.s a widn-sprvad' reputation, but, wo Lciii ve, not above its men's. Ct;iJA tenil lo neeidoiit vn-eurred at Wayne, Annxti'.iu county, on the A!!e 'leny river, a (ew days since. Two children of Hubert C Quibb'c, apn! iht and eleven years, v. ore. attempting to cross m the ice, when a iiire above l.ioke away and sepaiate i tin: ice on which they were from tho s'.i rc. W. T. iSheadle, a school teacher, succeeded in rescuing the boy, bur. th,; irirl was mushed so bally in tho jammed ice that she exptred witl'.in a li-w iiours. (. 'nr.'i n in. IlANiiKti illMSKI.r. We leaiil that a boy named Simon Feriter son .! Saul Fcliner of lledliauk township, ubout 11 years of ux:i hanired himself on last Saturday. He was in th barn. ! J i in company with a little oiil pLyinn, and ti.dd her to !?;o out and come iu di. rcctly and see how he wor.M look. She did so, and found lii:n hatiL'itit; to a beam with whip huh around his neck and his kn''cs on thtVsnaw ; and before help could reach hi in lie was strangled j to death. The boy doubtless never I thought of the result, as he was only jilay in;;. (Jlariun Dun. The case of the Ceuinionwi thh vs. Jerome and Louisa II. Wooubuny, tried at the lato term of our court, exhibited details which scctiied more applieal lo tu like cases iu Chicago or Xer York. Tho prosecutor V. S. Woulbut ry is a man hopelessly blind ; the defendant Louisa II. Woodbury is his wife, the oilier defendant Jeromo Woodburiy his own brother. Tho evidence is totally unfit lor publication. Tho trial at tract, ed great attention, the court room beiu; densely crowded during its progress. Messrs Hall, lJUkely and the District Attorney appeared lor the Common wealth. Messrs Souther and li'.vu for the i'etendants. Mereuiio said of his wound. t wa nf't aa ati'p an a uuU, or il H'iVi! In a ijiilrjjiu il uuul'l ." J'castatios Hi iTtRs will not raise the dead, Hill they euro the sick, exult tho depressed, Aud render li'o a thing to bo enjeied. Wo believe there arc millions id' liv ing witnesses to this lac!. Dyspepsia is a horrid disease, but I'lantatiou Uiticis will cure it. It is a most invigorating tonic, for weakness aud mental despon dency. Those who aro out of sorts" should try l'l vntation Hitters. Maonoma. Vatkr. A delightful toilet article j-upcriur to eclogue uu I at half tho pi ice. (ii'.Axr'.s Suiuikxhkr. The course (it General Grant, in Fmrrc.itderinx the jWnr I : pu 1 1 ii t -i 1 1 to Stanton, contrary ' Ifi'i President s order-', alter pledging his word not to do so. has lowcti'd (lint (,i,H'ir in nil! imbue; o-ttumiioii more j rapidly ihnii any j.-l-iry lie has ever I achieved, raised liiin. ft seems lie lias ! hceolllO, Ii'm' Sunt.-. ii, a lj n; tool in tho hands of th iladic.i's. IYw military " V" "";"'" ' '"' I1'"""" ' the oivil aut.ioriy wlirn I hoy I'uvn tlio opportunity. Tht-M ;uv cxci;irvr times lit V:i' tiill"tiH) i t milt -Ml rrnn. ?(( ,1 an,i wo v )m,; tl, ,),,, irP!,;.icn,' ! to save the country from ruin ; and the j.eop.e must cne itiinge and support hi:n. l)KMorK.'i tc 1'. S. Sknators ELEC TED. The Ohio Legislature has elected Tlninn:iii, II. S. Senator, to take the place, of lien Wade in IS'59. 'J'lie Maryland l.eisl:.ture has elected (low Swaiui. U. S Senatur to succeed Hon. Revetdy Johnson. otli '! huruiaii and Swann are -lti.on:: the ablest slate-men in the Democratic party, and tliey will U!l with honor the positions to which they have been elec ted. They will make a different mark in the Senate from such creatures as Wade and Rrownlow, elected by the Radicals. t INS. Pl-TOLS. Kll-'LF.S, KXIVKS, X roekei iimt tnlile emli'iy. of the brut ipiulii v ninl most approved naitein, f'uf sale client' at the Hardware i5toro on Uiherpcr'n old rorncr in St. Mimy's. fufi(rj r )I.A(,K!?M1TII'S CAUl'EXTKlt'S AND joiner's liiois for pale ' cheaper tlinn t "ue ilionpost" kt tho !?t. Mary's 1 1 ui") wfin e Stin'i. (novJi'tiT.) 7 tcii : itch :: itch : : : scitAi'CA ! sett atcii ! ! scijatcti ! ! ! in friuii 10 lo lit houiw. U'l.entnn's (llniini'iit cures The Iteli. Whciiioii's Oiiiiiiient (Hues Suit !! Ileum. i'he.it i ll's linl nieiit cures Teller. WiikiiIiiu's Pintinciit cure Harhers' Ilch. Wiu';i!(in" ( )i:u nii'iit cures ' ltd Sure!'. '. Iumioii's i i r I :n "nt t un s Kvery kind, of ll'.o.i.e- like Magic, l'rev, .'lU'enli a link : bv ina'l, I'.O cents' Address VYMI'.KS A 1'0'1'T i'.Kn No. 170 VVe!i'in.'ten s'trtet, Uuston, Mays. For stall. hy nil d'u:i-. Hnjit. 1TH ly. B E A L E ' 3 I i.i r; ro'.vr.i.i.'s) M 15 n a C A T I C N ! I-Vi't AfJ lUSKASKS INCIIU'.NT TO lliir.-cs, Cal.le and iln- llineati I'lesh, ii'.nii'iiif; tin' use nl'an extio'iial npilieiitinii. This mm- ('oii.pMiinil, proieiri'd h,v a pruc tieal ("ii mist liaviin,; a 1'iiii know ledfre nl' ad tin' nu' lii-al virtues of i-arii incrdii lit that eniers into il coapiixi: ii.n. ivarrim tid to e.v ! 1 j i j -1 1 1 i 1 1 jr id' I lie kind yet nf-f'-red to the piiiil.c as mi exl'Tiial nppliea linn fur tin- dis i'ic. fur udiieli it is ri eopi-aieiidi-.l. We arc sutishV I Ihnt il 'vii! work iis m.-.i road into the i-Mitidnice of all who uve it, and l!n-e who try il one.' v. ill never l'e vv iiiiout ii. an 1 i !i r -I'lir" vi ri'iy mt c periioice as liie licsi 1 1--; nf i:s lisefnlnoss. li is lOMi'imnri'd ly Farrier, and nil w ho j ha.e U"'.i il ir.' lii" best :.ji; I'.eution cv i rie-i 'i. 'I'i'.is I. inlii .-jr.-i 1 1 j n i. is heen put up i.o- (.vit eij.-!it ycavs. aa 1 il is i nly turniili the ii'.eie'a : 1 1 d enaii 1 and ui jent ri'.oo-t n; i.i y iro n Is and tl," pu'iinj tliat 1 st Iiil il li'i iii a th" aland reinediul aircut Cur ilie Viirloiisdis'i's 1. 1 whiidi i hat i.ol.ie and usefii! iiiiiaial, 'hi' 1 1 ' ) i; S I!. is sulijeet. Many r. iiiedii'1 lone lieen i.il'i'ri'd In the I'uMie n:,."i' di'len n: fioan-. smiie i f these. i are u.j'i-aei". nihrrs in in ui !.,(! u ; and n. .my niin'.l . iiapmpi-r In :iiiv.-"r the plli-pnK'- Inl- ll .'h t t.n'V a! I' I ,'l'i.L: ,.:i'lid ',1. A .iudiuimis ami r.-d'y i:.:f:i1 eie.it .-iii m free trtmi l!u.si! . Uj r uaii-. .a- tirn'ture I'milt le'.'ii .le.-i;'i d l.y liotiy :ci!!ei:i-"ii lio have vail';. tile hur:-es, and nri inn'. :!!iti to livi-t thi'iu in I he .'are nf ilesiiiinct and nret ti ii'liinr Farriers. Tlndv wish. s nr.? a "'"'!.""'.v ?-ai:!n, . i.y Lr. I.i'ale U,uvr prevaili'd upnii In all.iw this rnlini'ili: l.ni- lirne it inn iw!:i'!i Ire: .med n erlii in-iiei In I lie various dis 'a"-i in in. pie,ared mid tjl'iill"!!! nut In ihe Jii.ll'iic. This eiiihrueafiiu was cxtrnsh idy used bv the (invert, iiu-r.t duriii'T hi: war. Address nil orders tn int. i:ii.M(i:i) m: vi.r. liO'J, K i. n ii Sc mi,, I :'.!. I'hil'n. t. r.... vi..i.. i... i . ... i .. ..n . m i;;,j,v, av, l'u. upXiiiy ' ts.tjtti srr" is K ll: . I'i AG ALN'sr lo,s or l) M Ali E bv ITIUl J riTHi: J.yeoniins County Mutual Insur- J mice Company at Miinccy, l'u., con toiiie in Insure aain-t l.nsa or Duuir.;j by Fire on all kinds of .Murehandise. 1'iiblie and pr'.va e uildinjfs, eiiher iu lown or eouniy. Also on Mills, 'Junncries, liarns, stocks of (.rain, ic, at ilie lowest iosslblo rales, consistent wiih safety to the Insurer and lusured. The Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Coin. any inv.ies n.n investii pinion as to its (liability. Its capital amounts to 6 f2, H () (), () () O! Thus nuri!ivr to every one of its pnlrnns tliat tlieir Insses will beiiMinptly and satis f.ietorily J aid. lis !ii.iiiii,.'i,iiii,u! Itasain iys been piiidciit, v: its cxisieu.'u ut twenty six years fully dc ininsirates JAMKS DLA.Kr.LY, Ajreiit for K'U county, at St. Marv's ..Jf'sW-f--.. U Cy Vejctablo ji HAIR RLCTOaATIVE V i' 0 v" U.ti lr.l l.y tho N. II. r'M',.' l n'r 0 fi S I r.ii'l U ikw i.iit.i-UJ l.v i!.-- ) i.l :ic i . I. ? : ip U It tie vrv b( ( 1 r r;ir.4il"ii 1- r ! ii inp w it! 1 I ;r-i- or fa U J II .Ir t . i: , .i ;-in: 1 t- lor; n V pnnui.iiiv' i't 'ir w ih. t r:mi ui;:ir i ! u- - & A X.l licrs uil 1 Li : 11 . nn. I t..r t'C:--:iipf & uii i il.'tiuiiiniiiT tli- llnir. Il U In o Vr ...iv. n. .in,.. -..-. ,Cyf leMiilie.-.ii!i,iliAN, lv5?-vV iltu llmr i.ii u, uj 'Ci' J. R. BARRETT ii CO., Proprietor, UAXelli;t,lKll, .v. 11. Eur noli' Drvyjisls ijuneruthf. ELAJiK? ef all kinds for sale it this ef. c. )UOSPEGTUS. 1808. 1808. "THE AO 12.' A. DEMOCRATIC DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL, IN PHILADELPHIA. The attention of tin Democratic nnd Con- sevvat iv oil ir.eni of the country is culled i tho Diidy ntol Weekly issues of tlna vidi'ly circulated journal. The disseininii 1I111 of sound political doctrines should command Ilie earnest attention of every true friend of the Union and the Conslitu lion. The evunis of t he fust pnlil ienl year nre full of significance. Tlin upvisinn of I ho people in opposition tn the destructive policy of Itadienlisiii. clearly shows ilmt the masses nre determined tn restore apaiu to power the prcat Deiuourntic piuty, every page of whose history is tilled with the glo ry and prosperity of our common country. No more ell'eelual method for presenting the Truth can be devised, limn in circuhi ting Democratic journals. It is the inteii' tioii of the Proprietors of TliK Aits lo nink it, iu every way, worthy of the support and confidence that have heretofore been extended to it. Improvements nre contem plated in every department, nnd no lining or expense will be spnred to keep it id the front rank of Aineiienn journalism. The Daily Auk contains Ihe latest intel ligence from nil parts of the world, witlinr tides 011 lloverniucnt, Volitics, Trade. Fi nance, ond all ihe current questions of the day ; Locaj Intelligence, Market Kcjiorta, l'rices Current, Stock (JnoialioHS, Marine and Commercial Intelligence, Iteports of l'ublic (ialherings. Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, liook No tices, Theatrical Criticisms, Kcviews of Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Mailers, and discussions of whatever sub jects are of general interest aud importance. Desides Special Telegrams, it lias nil the dispatches of the Associated rrcss from ev ery part of the I Hired Slates, and also Ihe Associated I'ress dispn! dies received by the Atlantic Cable ; aud the news from all parts ol Liii'n c brought by the steamers, is in stantly telegraphed from whatever point the sieaniei's first touch. Tuk Wkkki.v Auk will be acomplete compendium of the news of the week, and and besides the lending editorials tram (lie Daily, will contain a large amount ot inter esting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will )5 in nil respects a tirs: class family journal, particularly adap ted to the I'oliticinn, Ihe Farmer, the .Me chanic, the .Merchant, the F'aniily Circle, and the General Header, having, in fact, every characteristic of a live newspaper. At tin early day will be begun nn intensely interesting ser til, by one of the most popu lar and Inciiinting authors, and it is also the intention to publish, from week lo week iu the course of the year, three or four of the ucst aud latest novels. Tkkms or Tin: Daily. One copy, one year, .!.0O; six months, if-LnO; three months. S2.oO ; tor any less period, at ihe rate of SI per month. Payment required invariably in advance. Postage ou the D uly, thirty cents per iiinrltr. or one dol lar nml twenty cents per annul, to be pro paid at lie ollice of delivery. Tt.n?is of tiik Wi.kki.v. One copy, one year, i--; five copies, one year, 5'.t ; ten cpies, one jeur, 17. oO; twenty copies, one year, Snil. To clubs, where the pa pers are snt lo one address, the following reduction will he made: Five copies, one year, .'sS.oO: Ten copies, oncyenr, tfl'J.ol); Twenty top cs, one year, tJ0. A copy will bo furnished gratis for each club ot ten, or noire, to one address, for one year. Pay n cut required invariably in advance. Postage on tlie Weekly, five cents per quar ter, or twenty cents per annul, to lie pre paid at the ctlioe of delivery friwTlie ni ove tonus will be rigidly ad hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post otiiee Orders, payable to (he order of the I'tiMishcrg, being srfer, nre preferable lo any 1. titer mode of remittance. All who sen I money by Lxpress, must pre-pay Ex--rcs ciitii-ges. Specimen copies of Ihe Deily ai. 1 Weekly sent grntis, on applica tioiiat thisnlhcc. Advertisement! inserted at mcdcri'ie rates. Address WKLSH & ROB!?, 430Clieslnut street, Philadelphia. I F YOU iVAXT TO 11 UY t J.OTIII.ya for the Million I Go to A. Dl'KLACilliU, Agent, DEAI.FIt l.V CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! C FATS' FU1LVISHIXG GOODS, HATS, CAPS, liorrs, SHOES, T11UXK9, TliAYELiIX' 13 AGS, &o. ST. MAHVS, KLK COUXTY, PEXX'A. Jan'JlSf'.SIypd Elk Lodge, A. Y. M ?taled meetings of F.Ik Lodgo wi 1 be held Tuesday evening, on or before the full nionii of each moinh. once ever two weeka thereafter. J. K. WHlTMOltF., Sec'y. t DMIXISTRATOIfS NOTH'E.--Xotict is hereby iiven that letters of Admin itr i ion on I lie estate of Albert Willis, late of ll.dgway, deceased, have been granted to tlo undersigned, und those indebted to, i r hr. ing claims against the same are re .jU 'Sled to present their uucouuts duly tu ilielilieated for settlement. CAIIIUF. 1). WILLIS. Adm'x. D. U. 11. DICKINSON, Adiu r. Die. 2nf,7.-i;t. LUMBER. T AUK PllIlPAKED TO FCKNISII Y upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. l'XUOIUNG AND SIDING, drowsed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lainher, ready for use. Also, LiVHI FOK PLASTERING Wo will put nn cars when required. t-"All orders addsessed Iu us at this place promptly nttended lo. SOL'TUr.H, WILLIS & CO. jnuSieitf nidjsay, THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TITK III I ) CI WAY PBUG STORE. KErr by GUOVE O. MESSENGER, ten'rs in 1'rnj", iledioii-w, 'if. Clils, Whito Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tsracr's Oil, Per. fumeriea nf all Kinds, Thn purest Varnish, Rrushcs of every Style nnd Size Dye Stuffs, Furc Confectioneries Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, '.Viues, Watches, Jewelry, Iin, Tobaccocs & Scgars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pcitaining to the Drug "Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Prills at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endlcs9 Variety American n'nd English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Ilincs. &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Rings, ite. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, I5ird-Cagns! Albums, News, Stationery. Rird-Cages 1 Violin, Ranjo nnd Guitar Strings! Violin, Ranjo aud Guitar Strings! mar2018GG W CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEV, Dealer in Groceries &e., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey nnd vicinity, that he bus gone into tho Grocery busii .'t-s. and will open on or about the middle of May. lie ltecy contitly on banc an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUlv, SUG AllS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WIIISKEf by thcbatrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH nnd consequent lv can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. T invite everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE J. V. HOCK, Slain Street, Ridgway, P. HAVIXf! just returned from tbe eastern cities where I have purchased a lnrpe and well ecleeted assortment of poods, I invite the attention of the public to cull and examine r.iy stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware nu, Cop, Root, Shoes, Qiitiiiiti PROVISIONS, &o., Ao. BUYERS WILL FIND MY S T O C K FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of the community. J. V. IIOUK. Ridgway, Dcco ly. ALllARLELOTS FOR SALE. The uudersigued lias laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining the Itidg way Depot, lo be called ELli. The lois are 5(J feet front by 100 feet deep front iug towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot aol l, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing iu price as lots are sold. BiU First purchasers get the choice lot at (he cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Tea per ceut of tho purchaso money must be paid at the tune of the application. STiuAppliciitions will be made to Job Q. Hall, Ks.., Kidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, iiiar,2!'llii-tf. INVELOPES, LABELS & TAC.SneTit. g y pmrted 1 1 the Ad-wo Otffv "T7"isiTING CAKDS NEATLY jrlXECIJT Ml Otia eM. JOHN 0. MALL, Aitniaey -it law. IC Itr wuy, KU enmity Pa. him ''-.I'tr.i ly TAP Kit, .1. ULAKiXY. .Attorney tu law, j and U. S. t'liininissintier. itidjfwny Elk enmity, Pa. inar -i iiti-ly. "1 015 WOIIK of ail kinds und des! , ciiplions done at this office. LP INF. IKiC.Vi:, Mary's !'.. ller man Kreiz, Proprietor. Piijjii'lili TpvM. V,'. .TAMES r.LAKI'.LY Physician and Kurgoon, ?t. Marv's. Elk eouniy l'u. mar-L''lili ly. DI!. W. W. SHAW Praeiices Medicine nnd Surgery, Cenlreville. Elk enmity Pn. mar-2i'lii'i ly. TXKCL'TION.S. SCMMONX. SCI'.!'K. j mis. Wnrrants, &e., on hand and for sale nt this olfiee. r1 If. VOLK, Miinufactnrer and tioan in Laur 1'icer. nptin-iite lb" I'.ailrnad Depot.. St. Mary's, Elk eniinfy Pa. Mar-SlI'l'ill-l . SOUTH Ell A'l WILLIS Attorneys nt Law, Hidgft-ay, Eilc enunty Pa., will attend to all professional bnsinc" t'ro'npt ly. inar-'J::'ril-l v. Bit. W. it. Tl A liTM , St. Alary's. Elk county. Pa. La'e of the Army of the Potomac. Partienhiv attention riven 'nail cases of surgical nature. mar-SJ'tlO ly. C1 KO E O. MErrX!TT:';!. Drncpisf nnd jT Dealer in 1 -i i - n'nl Clieniieal, Paint. Oil nnd A'ari ish . Pt-Tiinn ry T db et articles and Stationary, liidirwny. l'.lk county Pa. niiir 't'.ii-ly, JO. IN 0. HAM Is K. 1'. HALL. i?. m.i. a imo. At torn "vs tit LaAY, ST. MARY S : ItEXZlXHEl! P.O. E! K COUNTY, PA. September 2'), IStir,. l y. J. S IWdwell. ALT). K'lectie Physician. Otfiee n-id ie-id.'ii''e oi poiie the Tail nn Cen're St.. I!i 1l''.v-iv. Pa. Prmnpt tit t on t i on wi'l b' nrrven lo all ra'ls. Otliee hours: 7 to M A. M- : 1 '2 to J P. At. ; and U to 7 P. M. Mar. 22. till tf. T ilAYEIl nousi-:. P. T DC. WAY. PA. DAVID TIIWI-::;. Proprietor. The undersigned bavin.? fitted up a large nnd ciiii'tiiodions hotel en the snuiiivost. corner of Centre nnd 'ill stre 't". with goo 1 nnd convenient stabling nttaelied. respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends nnd the put lie gcneit.llv. declS'titllj DAVID III AYE It. S. SIIOHT. JOHN O. HALL, l.oris -nr.LMi-u, JA.S. K. P. 11 ALL. P.ANlilNC-llOfSE OF rv VllVIt) C-lltl IV Lj V St., VI try's, ttcnxhiorcr I. O. El.K CiU NT'.'. PFXVA HYDE HOUSE. ItiiniWAY, Ei.k Co., Pa. M. V. MooitK, Proprii tor Thniikt'iil for the patnunge hcietufnie so lilu'i-ally bestowed upon him, the neiv proprietor, hopes, hy paying stria at lentioii lo the enuiforl mil eiuivenienee nf gue-.ts, lo inerii a eotitiniinnee nf I ho same. O: t 24 1 -a'ai. LICENSED AUCTION F E b . "VJOTICE is hereby given that 1 have tak en nut a licence as ani t ii.neei , nnd will n.ton.l promptly to the calling of nil sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales with. nit a license wil be held answerable tn ihe strict letter of the law. P. V I'AKHETT. Pec2418i;0tf. Auctioneer. 17 C HANG El (OT EL. HlDfiWAY, PA. J. If A LEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly siiuvted on thn banks of the Clarion Itiver and F.1U Creek, at the lower end of tho village, Mr. Ilealy will spare no pains for the eonvenio ue of his guests, JIm in . ilos one an lull to give him a cull and try his house, Sept, 17th'ii71y. ' HLAOKSMITIIIXO! II. S. liELNAP desiioH to inform tho citi zens nf liidgway and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Ulncki-miih Phop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will bo ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular nttention given to the shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial. May 17'(!ti-l.y. H. F. OYEKllOl.T.EIi. MF.llCIIANT TAILOR, IlidLOvay, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the cilizt lis of Kidgwuy and vicinity that lie is prepn.ed to make lo order as well ns il can be tloiieany where, anything in the line of his business. All he a-dis is n fair trial. Good Fits gunianteed. SflCloths, Cassiiners, Veilings nnd Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will bi sold CHEAPEll THAN Til E CHEAP EST. aug'lO.y SOMETI 1 1 xcTx i : v ! " HOUSE, SIGN &, ORN AMENTA I, PAINTTNO. T AI1E Jsl'ltSCUll! E It V n U L I) 1! K- speetfully in form the citizens of Elk nliove bnsiness in llidgway. and feel confi dent that ho can please nil who may favor him with their custom. ( il A I N I NO, PAPF.K HAXfilN'O AND CALCIMIMNO DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE p-.c.it fashionable and improved manner an 1 style. Orders left at ibis Olfiee or nt the linnking House of Souther, Willis .t Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'GU-Ty. C OAL. COKE AND FIHE-CLAY ! All of superioi i(Unlity, for bide by Ihe Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. IQf-Ordcrs by mail promprlj tterd- cd to. serulo 17 n A N K I'.NT, Mkb. iiant Tamok, ' Centreviilo, Elk eounty. Pa., desirei lo inform the citizens of Coiu'rvilU. and vi cinity, that lie isal nli times prepared iu do work in a neat and satisfactory innnmir. me a call. roviiTIr'