unrAT. INTTOJfiENf!lv I . Car Time at Mlldgtcay. Erie Express East .....10:16 p. rn do do West S:52 in. do Mail East 4:38 p. m. do do West 2:45 p. m. Local Freight East 9:40 a. m. do do West 2:25 p. m. EionT oz, Not Four. Every bot tle of "Barrett's Hair Restorative" contains tight ovneest, not our, as in Preparations put up in a similar style. 89,. Although it was our intention to issue no pnper next week, we find, re luctantly, that we shall have to issue an xtra in order to legalize pome of our advertisements. It will bo issued Mon day next. A Mammoth Establish MEST.-The store of Wcis Brothers, at St. Mary's, is one of the stores. Happening in thero recently we were surprised at the amount of goods being sold. Messrs, Weis in foinied us that they have, during the present winter, invested $23,000 in Goods. They will be found fair meu to deal with, and the citizens of St. Ma ry's will look to their own interests in buying from them. S& A gentleman of groat medical knowledge Mtys that a more genial, wholesome and effectual tonic and appe tizer than Drake's Celebrated Plantation Bitters was never discovered. lie re commends it lor Dyspepsia, for Liver Complaint, for Exhaustion, Weakness, for a want ot Appetite, and for Mental Depression. It is an agreeable stimu lant, and is equally adapted to young and old. Persons of sedentary habits, like clergymen, lawyers, merchants, and delicate females are particularly benefit, cd by its use. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article superior to cologne and at half the price. t&Vor acts ot charity and bene vo lcnce Philadelphia stand.- prominent among her sister cities. During the war she bad our lefreshmcnt saloons where thousands were ted whilo on their way to the "front," and now, in order that the good work may be continued, it is proposed to provide for the Orphans of many of these brave heroes who fell in defenco of the stars and stripes. For this purpose the Washington Library Company of Philadelphia was organized in aid of the Rivcrsido Institute of New Jersey. Hero the Orphans of Soldiers und Sailors in all parts of the eouutry will be gratuitously educated and made useful members of society . The just and honorable plan adopted for raining the necessary funds for the chairitable object has received the endorsement of every one. Read Advestisciucnt. The Obioin op the Needle Gun A mere accident, less stranue ; to be Dure, than that which made L'erthold Schwarz invent gunpowder, but which nevertheless must be regarded as a hint of Providence, directed him to another, and we can now say, the ouly right way. It was this : It sometimes happened that quantities of percussion caps were sent back to him, having been spoiled by moisture. In order to prevent this, Dreysse conceived the Ilea of protect ing them against dauipuess by covering them witli the film of paper. The result proved to bo very opposite, for the paper attracted moisture, and a very large order, which had been con structed in this ways was sent back to him, as they were entirely spoiled oud unfit for usa. This was a great loss to the firm, as copper was very dear at that time. In order to obtain the copper of the Caps for further manufacturing pjr poses, Dreysse decided to remove the iuhninating composition. In order to effect this with as littlo loss of time as possible he wanted to do it by explosion. After various satisfactory attempts the idea occurred to him of accomplishing it by means of a pin or needle construe, ed for that purpose. This experiment proved to be entirely successful, and like lightnin? the idea struck him of using the needle altogether for exploding the cartridge. Not less quickly a seo ond idea dawned on his mind, that of "moving the entire explosive process from without to within the gun, and by inserting tbe explosive material into ths cartridge, to w.ve tuo expens've Conner used heretofore to. aps xhia waa tho moat important step tbe constitution of the Prussian ncedlo Dreysse at once set to work and in ti Der,in. niogot 1859 tbe first needle gu.was made. Hourt at Home, The body of a girl aged twelve years, who was burnt to death by tho destruction of a tenement house at Ca naan, last week, has been exhumed and found to coutaiu marks of violence. She is supposed to have beeu murdered . by her reputed parents, named Brown, to obtain policy of $5,000 on her life in the Traveler's Company, of Hartford. The Browns have been arrested. Peo ple say that the child is not their daughi cr, tut adopted frorj Ohio some time so. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE RI DOWAY KEPT BY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers, in Drug?, Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Load, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumeries of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every 'Stylo and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watshcs, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pcituiuing to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices 1 Pure Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches 1 American and English Watohes Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &o. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! rancy Articles, I oys, Latest Novels Alliums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings 1 mar2018GG BC. UOWMAN et. al. vs. John Finton. , In Elk counry Common Pleas. No. 2 of April term, 1HU7. Foreign Attachment, for money paid for ami poods sola to uctcnutint by plaintiffs. Notice is hereby given that the plaintiff's in tho nl ove entitled action hnve entered a rule to have the damages assessed by tbe prothon ttary, and thnt the damages will he assessed in accordance with said rule, by the protlinnntary at his omce in Kidgway, on Saturday, the 4th day of January next, al 4 o clock p. Al. II. SOUTHER, nov27'C7-Ct riainiiff's Attorney. B E A L E ' S (late Powell's) EMBROCATION! T?OU ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO I ' Horses, Cattle and the Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues nf each ingredient that enters imo its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public ns an external applica tion for tho diseases for which it is recommended- Wo arc satisfied that it will work its own road into tho confidence of all who use it, and those who try it once will never bo without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Furriers, and all who have tried it to be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation lias been put up for over eight years, and it is only through tho increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and tho Public that 1 semi it forth as the grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noble and useful animal, tho HOUSE, issubject. Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of theso arc injurious, others nt best of littlo use, and muny wholly improper to answer the purposes for which they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pret tending Farriers. Their wishes are a length fully gratified, by Dr. Beale being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved bo efficacious to the various diseases) to be prepared ond brought out to the public. This embrocation was extensively used by the Government during the war. Address all orders to DIl. EDMOND BEALE, i2, South Second St, l'hil'a. 8fcyFor Salo by Koidwell & Messenger, Ridgwiry, Pa. , p80Iy TIIIE following named persons have filed I applications for License, in my office, to be heard at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, Commencing on the Second Mon day of January, 18C8, being the 13th day of the Mouth. TAVEBH LICES8E. Joseph Koch and Son, Kersey, Centre ville ; Chas. H. Volk, St. Mai ys ; Joseph Windfelder, St. Marys; Anthony Focht man, St. Marys; Leonard Cook, Johnson burg; John Munn, Jay township; David Thayer. Hidgway ; D.C. Oyster, Foxtwp.; M. V. Moore, Knlgwoy ; Michael Gerg. Cen trevillo ; H. i. Bennett, Ceutreville ; H. A. Frost, Centreville ; John Haley, Kidgway. EATINU IIOU8R LICENSE. Edward Blinzler, St. Marys; Jacob Gratis, St. Mary a; James McCloskcy, Centreville ; James Uogan, St. Marys; Samuel Misal, St Mary's , John Griebel, St. Mary's ; Thomas Zimmett, St. Mary's; W. Wasson, Bidgway. stork License. Joseph Wilhelm, St Marys, GEO. A. KATHBUN, l'rothonotary. 1 5CI1 ! ITCH ! ! ITCH ! ! ! SCRATCH t SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCU ! ! ! in ftm 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tetter. Wbeaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Soree. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Trice, 60 cents a bok ; by mail, CO cents Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Wethington Street, Ronton, Mass. For tal by alldruggiut. Sept. 17'67 ly, BEST IS ALWAYS THE IURNlTtTRE, COFFINS, PIC ? TURK-FRAMES, &e. The undersigned having sold his interest in tho wagon shop, now intends devoting his timo exclusively to tho Furniture trade. He has just received a large stock o' the BEST FUaNHUSE MADE which he offers at prices that cannot fail to please. His stock consists of Bedroom Suits, Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, Washstands, Commodes, Lounges, Bedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood find Black Walnut, Spring Beds and Mat trasses, Extension, Dining, Break fist. Tea Party and Quartette Tables, Chairs of every kind aad description. The largest assortment of Cane Sentod Chairs ever brought into this section of tho country, Farmer"s Secreta ries, What Nols, Brackets, and everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM Picture Frames of cv k'nd. size or Quality, kept on hand and made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking Ulass Date and Pictures. We 'would call at tention to our large stock of Coffins, con, sisling of Pine, Whitewood, Cherry, Chestnut ani Black -Walnut, any one of which we can furnish in three hours time, trimmed in any style to suit. Metallio cases of any kind procured in three hours' time. Feeling confident that with a liberal pat ronage, we shall bo ab lc to keep up a First Class establishment, we appeal to the peo ple of Elk county, to Bay if it is not better to keep their money in circulation at home than to send it off to the citios where if they buy but little they are sure to get cheated and pay a good roucd sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, ncvur buy away from home what can bo had just as cheap at home, and the cheapest place to buy Furni tnre in Western Pennsylvania is at II. II. Thomas' Ware Booms, Excelsior Building, corner of Main and Depot streets, Kidgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 31, 1807-ly. U. IT. THOMAS. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE The utidersipned has laid out a vil age upon his ground adjoining the Rids way Depot, to bo called ELK. The lots are ot) teet front by 100 feot deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot told, $120 and so oa increasing in ttrifo a ttm aro anlil First purchasers get the choice lo t at the chenpest rates. Purchasers will be registered in Ihn nr. der of their application Ten percent of tne purcuase money must be paid at the time oi tno application. BlfcApplications will be made to Joh G. Hall, Esq., Kidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,29'GG-tf. INSURANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by FIRE fTVIE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur 1 once Company at Muncey, Pa., con tinues lo Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Earns, stocks of Grain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent, with safety to the Insurer ami Insured. J he Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investii gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 82,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, 09 its existence of twenty six years fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for E'k eounty, at St. Mary's FURNITURE STORE AT ST- MARY'S, PA- s ASH, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! The subscriber keeps constantly on hand an sizes or fcaish ana Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washstands, Bookcases, Tables, Desks, Lounges, . . Bedsteads, Sofas, ic Picture Frames, Sash Painted and Mazed, All work warranted to be of the best uiai terial and workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as 1 teel connuent my work will give satisfoo tion and my prices are as iow, if not lowor than they are in aay other market. CHAS. L. BAYER, my23d67tf. St. Mary's, Ta LUMBER. TTTE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH y Y upon short notice the following kinds or Lumber ot ttie best quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, dressed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready tor use. Also, LATH FOR PLASTERING We will put. on cars when required. ieAU orders addsessed to ua at this place promptly attended to, SOUTHER, WILLIS & CO. JunMWtf Ma-ay, Pa. rOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg I way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'60 ly T AUK IB J. BLAKELY, Attorney ot law, i and U. 8. Commissioner. Kideway Elk county, Ta. f mor-22'CG-ly. J OB WORK of all kind's and des. criptions dono at this office LPINE HOUSE, SC. Mary's Pa., Her man Krctz, Proprietor. r-ug'.l uo DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-22'COly. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Confreville, Elk county Pa. rmtir-22'GG-ly. 1 EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, BUBPtE, j nns. Worronts, &c, on hand and for salo at tliis office c H. VOLK, Manufacturer and Deale t t! .,u. ii...:i...H Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22 liU-t SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys at Law, Ridgway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'f.t'.-ly. DR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Ta. Lato of the Army of the Potornao. Particular attention given tool) cases of surgical nature. mar-22'GG-ly. fi ROVE 0. MESSENGER, Druggist and 1 T 1)itlrr in Tlrncra unit nhnnilpM. - ' - c - Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Kidgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'UG-ly. JOlIM 0. HALL .TAS. R. V. BALL. TTALL, & BItO. Attorneys - nt - Law, ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. 0. El.K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 18GG. ly. EATTnOAD HOUSE. , WIIEELEK & COBB, Pkofhiktors. This house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Brock- wayville. Every attention paid lb the eon venience of guests. Aug. 15. 1807tf milAYER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, r.. K DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large anu oomniouious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the p'irlio generally. decl3'60 I y DAVID THAYER. 8. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL BANKING-HOUSE OF ghort. ft $1. JIary's, Uemlngcr I. O. Elk County, Pknha TTYDE HOUSE, j Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. 51. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon nun, the ne proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tcntion to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit continuance at the same. Oct 24 1S0G. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TYTOTICE Is hereby given that I have tok 1 en out a license as anctionecr, ond will attend promptly to the cnlling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales without 0 license wil be held answerable to the strict letter of the law. P. W BARRETT. Pec241SG6tf. Auctioneer, E XC1IANGE HOTEL, RIDGWAY, YA. J. JIALLx 1'ropnctor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of the Clarion Kiver and Elk Creek, at the lower end of the village, Mr. Ileal v will spare no pains for the convcnio.cej of ins gucsis, jie inviios one anuamo give mm a can and try his house. Sept, lithU(-y. i LA G KSMIT I T I N a ! II. S. BKLNAP desires to inform the cti icns of Ridgway and vicinity that ho has leased J. 8. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever, ready to make any thing from a buckle to on anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'C6-ly. H. F. OVERHOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, llidgway. Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of Kidgway and vicinity that he is prepa.cd lo make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of liis business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. B55uCloths, Cassimers, Vestings ond Trimmings of the latest aud most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. augHO.y SOMETHING- NEW! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. riMlK SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E I spectfully inform the citiiens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Kidgway, and feel confi dent that he con please all who may favor liira with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND C.VLOIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'6C-ly. TAKE NOTICE ! ALL PERSON'S KNOWING THEM, selves indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call and settle their accounts at their earliest possible conven ience. JOSEPH S. HYDE. Kidgway, August 1, J 807. OAL. COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. toy-Orders by mail prouiptlj Utett d td to. sepdri '3-ti jATEST ARRIVAL ! I ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS . '. ! CHEAPEST G DOC3 ! N RIDGWAY ! AT THE STORE OF ii s, mmm, Cor. of Main $ Water, end of HyJo Ilousi Where he has on hand an extensive asu.-n-ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Huts and Caj'S, Bools and Slices, Uudcrelutlics, LaJiod' Press Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skiits, Opera Iloodj, Mu. lins and Call 0 0 e s 1 Balmoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter- panes, Ladies' Press Triruaiiajs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Puinte, U'.ass and Putty ! 1 ! Call and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dec. 5,'GT ly. NEW"WODSl JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To tSic Bottom I AT THE CHEAP CASH STORIJ J. V. I10UK, Main Street, lUdgway, Ta. HAVING just returned from the our! era cities where 1 have purchased a hu t: and well selected assortment of (jnods, I invite the attention of the public to cull and examine my stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware Ilats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Que ecswaro PROVISIONS, tc, 4c. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOC K. FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of the community. j' V. LIOUK. Ridgway, Dcc5 ly. All orders for Stoves anil Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon us received, nt the 12 U7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORK. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. la pursu ance of on order of the Orphan's Court of Elk county, grented on the petition tf Peter Chnmberlin and John Chnmberlin, guardians of the heirs of A S Ithiuc-t, de ceased, late of Warsaw township, JelT.-rsou county, said guardians will expose to Pub lic Sale on the premises at 1 o'clock P. M., 011 SATURDAY, December 21, IS ;7. nil tho interest of A. S. Unities, deceased, being the third interest in all thai cet-luiu tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Spriii;; Creek township, Elk county, Pa,, known in Iho " Oregon " tract, surveyed upon warrant No. 2950, bounded on the uorili by No. 2'M','1, ond tract known as Cair's tract, on the east by No. 2015. ontue south by No. -J'.11, on the south west by Jefferson county line, and on the west by No 2811. Al.-u one steam saw-mill in good running oi-dL-r. TERMS1. One-third of the purchasa money iu hand, and the balance in two equal, annuel payments, wnh interest from iutcrest from the date of couliiniation of tale, to heHCCiircd by judgment bonds with approved security. PETER r'HA,'UKi;UN, JOHN CHAM BERLIN. Guardians of Heirs of A. S- Ultiucs, dee'd. nov21tds-pd TfAHS, SPIKES, HINGE.-!, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds of builders' materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store thau any other place iu Elk county. (n23'G7) 1111 A N K ENTZ, MtticiiANT Tailob, ' Ceutrcviile, Elk county, l'a., desire lo inform the citizens of Centreville aud vi cinity, that he is at all times prepared to do work in a neat and satisfactory manner, ciive me a call. uovo7ly LOOK HERE ! WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. CHARLES HOLE, Pract'.cul Wutehma. ker, Jeweler und Engraver, Kidgway, Elk county, Pa. The sub.-iiiber begj leave to announce to the ei( izens of Ki-ig-way ond vicinity that he is pre par, d to dj all work in his line on short not:. -is uudat reasonable rates in the very l-e.-i maimer. Shop in II. S. llelnap's More, special atten tion paid to engraving. Ho ha also 011 ban I a lurc'o rjtMitment ol Clocks, Watches. J -w -'iy sa l i-'-iverwui- 1 which he offers fur v oa u-..ii.:i ui!p terms, i Give him a call. ii .7 C7if. CI UNS J ! S. PlSTi"!.-. itlFI.KS. KNtVl'.S. 0 k -1 nn 1 I:,!.!;' i-.p !.-i v. of the be t iuaiiiy and most : provi-1 pii'. -ii , i'nr sin cheap at tho Hardware i-'iufe Oa l,iot old curuor ia Mary's. (uJI'lH;