T MIIE WASHINGTON LlllllAllY COM- PANNY, lMiiudoli.hlii, it chartered bv tin- State, of Pcnnsvlvnnia. and nriraiuzod in nid of I lie P.iverside Institute, for clncat, injj grntiiitoiMly Soldier' run) Sailor' Or phans. Incorporated by the Stale of New .lrr-oy, April Slli, 1!S07. Subeuripliou Oi.c Pollar. Tlio Wellington Library Company, by virtue of their charter, and in accordance v.ilh its provisions, will diMribittc Three llunJi-cl Thousitml 1 .nihil'--iu presents lo I lie shareholders, on Wednesday, t'le ir'li of January, next, at Philadelphia", Pa., or -it the Institute, Kiversido, N. J. One Present, -worth Otic Present, worth One Present, worth One Present, wortli Two Presents, worth $:2,G00 each One Present, valued at $ 10.000 iw.t'Oii 10 omi f.,ooo fi.fcllO 10,000 Two Presents, valued al 15,000 each 30 !.) One Present, valued lit lO.iill'l Four Presents, valuo-.l tit r.ir0 o.vh iliUHU. Two Presents, vulucd nt tf.UM) ouch '." Three Presents, valued nt 1.000 each M.O.il Twenty Present?, valued nt "iMO cncli lO.liOn Ten Presents, vulucd ut 'JOO each y.OOO Three Presents, valued nt II m) each 7 -VI Twenty Presents, valued r.t '11') each l.'iO1) Fifty five Presents, valued ot "JOO each 1 3 . J-: Fifty Presents, vnlucd nt 73 ouch t',7'10 One hundred nud ten Presents, ut 100 ll.lji'O Twenty Presents, nt 75 each 1 Ten Presents, valued nt f.U each i ii ;o uUU The remaining Presents consist of article of use r.nd value, upper tainingto the ditl'usion of Litera ture and the Pine Arts. 8,000 S-.IOO.O'JO Each Certificate is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel Plata Engraviivr, worth more nl relnil than the cost, of certificate, and also insures to the holder a present iu the Great Distribution. SUBSCRIPTION" ONE DOLLAR. Any person sending us One Dollar, or paying the same local Agents, will receive immediately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, nt choice from the following list, nnd one Certificate of Stock, insuring ono present in the great distribution. One Dollar Enertivings. No. 1. "My Child! My C'liildl" No. Z I'hev're Saved! They're Saved!" No. 3 " Old Seventy. six ; or the Early days of the llev o'.ution. Any person paying us 52 will re ceive cither of the following Steel Plates, nt choice, ami two certificates of stock, thus becoming entiled to two presents. Two Dollar Engravings. No. 1 ' Washington's Courtship." No. 2 Washington's Last Interview with his Mother." Threo'P.'ilar Engravings. Any person paying Three Dollars will receivethe beautiful Steel Plato of " Home from the War," and three cer tificates of stock, becoming entitled to three presents. Pour Dollar Engravings. Any person paying Four Dollars shall re ceive the largo and splendid Steel Plate of "The Perils of our Forefathers," and Four Certificates of Slock, cut tiling them to four presents Five Dollar Engravings. Any person who pays Five Dollars shall receive the lurgo and splennid Steel Plate of " The Marriage of Pocahontas." The Engraving? and Certificates will be delivered to each Fubscribcr at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, past-paid, or ex press, ns may bo ordered. How to obtain Shares and En?ravhin. Send orders to ns by mail, enclosing from 1 to $'20, either by Post oiUce orders or in a Registered loiter, a our risk. Larg er amounts should be sent by draft or ex press. 10 shares with Engravings, ?. (! oO 2o shares with Engravings, f0 60 shares with Engravings, 40 50 75 shares with Engravings, 09 00 100 shares with Engravings, 00 00 Local agents wanted throughout the U. S. THE 1UVEUS1DE INSTITUTE, mi into at Riverside, Burlington county, N. J., is founded for the purpose of gratuitouslr edu cating the pons of deecn.-ed Soldiers and Seamen of the United States. The Board of Trustees consists of the fol lowing well.known citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey . I'ou. W. B. Maun, D'.-t. Att'y cf Philadelphia ; Hon. L. R. Brooniall Ex-Chief Coiner U, S. Miiu, and Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia ; lion. Janioi M. Scove.ll, New derscy; lion. W. W. Ware, New Jersey ; Henry Gorman, Eso,., Agent Adams' Eqpress, Philadelphia ; .1. E, Coc, Esq., of Jcvy, Coe & Ce., Philadelphia. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, April IS, 1807. Ollico of Internal Rev enue. Having received satisfactory evi dence that the proceeds of the enterprise conducted by the Washington Library Com pany will be devoted to charitable uses, permission is hereby granted to said Com pany to conduct such enterprise, exempt Irom all charge, whether lrom special ta:; or other duly. E. A. ROLLINS, Com. The Association havo appointed as Re ceivers, Messrs. George A. Cooko V Co., Z'i South Third Street, Phiadelphiu, whose welbkuown integrity and business experi ence will be a sullicicnt guarantee that the money entrusted to them will be pronilptly applied to the purpose stated. Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1807. To the Cfbcersand Members of tho Wash ington Dibrary Co., N. S. Rend, See'y. Gentlemen : On receipt of your favor of tho lf)th instant, notifying us of our ap pointment as Recoivers for your Company, WO took the liberty to submit a copy of your charter, with a plon of your enter prise to eminent legal authority, and hav ing received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathizing with the leneuolent object of your Association, viz: the education and maintenance of the or phan children of our soldiers nnd sailors of the Riverside Institute, we have concluded to accept the trust, and to uso our best ef forts to promote so worthy na object. Respectfully, yours, Ac, GEO. A. COOKE & CO. Address all loiters nnd orders to GEORGE A. COOKE & CO., BANKERS. S3 South Third Street, Phil'a., Pa. Receivers for the Wash. Lib. Co. November 21, 1807, 8m. D. W. HUTCHINSON, Attorney at Law tOirnrd, Erie County Pa., will attend specially to business iu Bankruptcy before the Register in tho District nt his oflioe in Girard. Nov. 7 07. 4i. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACIIINI'S. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines eold at Philadelphia and New Tor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WHITMOKE, March Ot-'CCly. at Kidpway, Ta. I ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS noat It ly printed t th Advocat OiUte riliLAi.Ll.THIA & ERIE KAILROAD. " WlNl'llIl TIME TABLE. Thr'H'jh niul Jh'ivrf K'lUtr ln'ttrrcn J'!ii.t:i-fjti'-i, Jui'i hnjri'- JI'in-is-li'i'j, Yt'i'i'inns'orf, unl tlir. a n i: a t o i l e e g i o a of Pennsylvania. i L E G A X T SLIPPING CARS On nil NiRlit Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 2"tli, the trains on the Pliiliideliihiii & Erie I'ailroad will vuii ns follow:. : WVSTWAnti. .Mail Train leaves I'i:i!adc1p1iia..ll.l") p. m. " " " Ulilirwny S.-l'i i. in. " " iiriiveHt line.. 0.00 p. in. Eric V. le.ivt : Philadelphia. ..PJ 00 noon, n. in. lV.Vf.vav :t .V. a' i; -..' 0.1" i: rv.-Ani. Train leaves i'r; .10.". . -l.:s in. in. in. ' an lc.n ivi at I'll ;id lii.'.T''a.V !.li p- " " an, at I'mlad. l;.!iia... I 1.0 a. MitU and ,.. .sj rrt,ift e..,ii,,'7 tci'ittU frnhtticn U'firmi an-! rr:til lii I'a.iirtn!. II. arnr t:i rrtm Inn at 0. 10 a, ??. tinit t)il City O.'iilK. iii. .mi -it if l',i'ii!iiriii ol IS, lf . n arrirr ui (,! din al ."'i p. in. All train" on Warren & Franklin liniiwiy make close c imiert'u.ns at. Oil City with liair.s Vr FtanU'in and Petroleum Ccnlr BAGGAGE CiiECKF.D TllliOl (ill. ai.' l. tvliii:. General Superintendent, ... .ui STOVES A N D T I N - IV A II AT Jolin Eoseuliciincr & Eon: WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. JIA11Y S, 1A. Keeps constant!? on !:anJ ami fur f:i!o, I a l;ir,'o nnd well " selected stock of TIN WAHK. yTOYKS ?. Ave lir.ve cvcryllimu fciicr.-illy kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consl'ts in p.irt of Sl'j-iAUS ANTIDL'ST rAUI,0!l& COOKING STOVF.S. ALSO IRON OATH ."fc VniKAr-SilEAV STOVES. lYe also keen on hand nnd for sale Iho A large stoc.V of GLOB 13 HEATER.-? with Russia too is ar.ieng our assortment, which are now the best stove.iiu use, and can Ve tool us c'hmvi as cv r. St.'llAP IRON takei eschar re for Tof.'l J. ' Sl'OLTIN'G & ROOFING done on sho-t notic. Give us a call, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. J(j'07. If. "ftATNTSf.il FAll.Nil'.r.S and other -. ' The G rivon M'nerul Paint Co. are now iuan''i'-i living the "J 5 - Cheapest and l:.o-t durable Plirt In u.- : Iv.n coats well pu on, inied with pure l.n-ced O.I, will last 10 or 1 " yen s ; it is of a liirht brown or beam il'nl c-lni'-.il-il o color and can be ch.ingcd to erci'ii. lead, stono, drab, olive or erear-i, to miii .he taste of the consumer. It is valuable lor llou-es, barns, l-enees, Can in 'to and I ar-makers. Pails ni.il Wood- en ware. Agricultural linplenient. Canal Boi.ls, X essels and shins Bottoms, anvas, .Ict .il and Shingle Pool's, (il being Fire and V ater jirool). Floor Oil Cloths, (one M.'.nu. Ueturer having use 1 ilii() bids, the pa-t year. 1 and as a paint lor any purpose is unsiirp i.--e.l for bodv. .lurability, clast icily, and nii!icivene-s. Price !ji per bbl. of t'llO ib., which will supply a farmer for years to eoiiio. arrcutcd m all cases ns above. Send fo a circular which gives full nnriioulars. None genuine unless branded ilia trade mark Gralion Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL PI DWELL, J-il Pearl. Street, New York. Sell. 6-'fi7.-Cm. N EW CASH GltOCEliY STORE JAJibS ;.lci.'l,OMl',l , I'ralci in Grocciies c, '.v..uid rrspoetl'i'.ly it-Jortn tho ctti(i.s ! ioi'.-i'y iin-1 i.:-:i'v. i.i::t lie li is 'init! inl.) llu- (i r. (v;y btt.-ii j.-s. (111(1 will t'poii iui ('V i;)i .'.it tiio iu''uk of .May. llu kt-, - mw-.. !v oil l:auc un extensive Mocd, TEAS, SI TOIJACCOr-S, VT Ol'le WHISKEY liv iln liunel orfititirt, and rvitr.i:ia; connected with -a Gr.st c!.:;.-) Gt'octtj Store. i win sen i or uami ntni coiisefjtirnt. ly can afford to fie!l CHEAl'EK than' the CHLAl'LsI. I invito evorylody to come ami satisfy thpniiclves. JAMES MeCLOKEY. May Sd, 'til!. Em. '71EBELIVS VOdT, Practical Clock & 1 Wntehiniiker, tt. Mary's, Elk countv, l a. luiouis next uoor to llmleiiaeti s Clothing Store. All kin7s of work done done in a satbfactory manner, and war. rant"d. Consultations in repnrd to work in the Gemini", rreuch or l.ne;lih l.u guages. March 11, lii7lf. The Vtraril Life Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. OF Mf.lIlTEItVIi PIIILAD'A. 1S3-J CASH CAPITAL AHSKT.S ino.wo.co. l.u l i,il'j. Mutual Insurance ccnibinci with the te, curity of capital. tor iu"trtince npp! to JOHN C. JIALL, E!.'jT7,'ay Ta. I"LANE.3 cf all kiua for ulu al ili-t cf. ) tcj. Jljjfi', tullis & C'o!ili)i?. . HW FIRM AND NE r GOODS ! I IN NEW GOODS I JUST RECEIVING AT THE STOI OE HYDE, GILI CO. harv.-a: QUEENSVARE, CANDIES, NUTS, io. DRY COOI GROL THE REST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COL" CALL AND EEE AND RE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER lIIAN IN THIS SECTIO: WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. XToods, Nuiiins, nndall kiinls of Woolen S"j GuO'ls nt tho cheap store of he cheap store of HVDii, G1LL1J &C0. iJ'uT you want to prvui!e a silver waicu Aiucrican or Foreign '.' if so, go to 07 G1LL1.:; iiCU. "Tlresii Oysters conftanlly on lit id at the ;CO. 1 store ot 1HG7 1IYLE, G1LLI3 Toiions of all kinds i'i cxloritiv-5 variety Hi uic suir .'i 1107 ill D7., GILLIS i CO. A E cxctv;itc .-rlti.cr at, the store of cf clotiu; IJ'07 HYDE, GTLL1S 4 CO. T""OT.J. i!IO!".') an I OAITF.ES every Elyle and va.i.ly a; the si ore of HYOE, GLLLLS l CO, 4 lari.'e and coni.l,0; stock of Iluvdvrare 4 and cullcrv . ; tie stero ot rnOBAOl'O The fi.ie-it brands for smok- J in uui ei:ev !i. ;. ai I he store of lo, iii l.-u, GiLi.lt t; LU. f VEENS IV A II E mi exteu.-ive nssorl- Xy ineiii, at ihe stove of lit? in vi:, uiLLis hj. .Tewrst Styles of Balmoral Skirts ai the cheap store i.f l'ti7 11 1 BE, CILLI3 fiCO. IndieV j fa.,hi Preos floods latent mid most lor.uLle tv ires. at Hie store et 11 UI lil BE, OlLLlSiiCO. I I ats Caps and fur', in preal. viriety I and al the nwi-nt nriee, at the -Tcrcof 1J 07 SVBE, ClLLliji CO. SI rr.s wooleu nnd c;st'ncr Bums at sinoation prices, at the .'lore of 111 BE, 01LLIS &CO. nder.shlrts and draweri, chenp cr lliaa l ho ciuiipi i. al the f-iove ot iJ'bV . HVVE, G1LL13 . CO. Oct81it,"lSt;7-ly. C. 3JJ. 8ci'bi's CcIiiIijij ' jII E W 0 II L D.tt ENOW N E D MORNING GLORY! ir.fA - K-n-r.: 2r - i- '- iiiJMi'l,1'i'.1 iiM ' . - ".,.. .. - i: ' -- --r .- i ,.jJ'-W:.t;:ir,'i r03 SALE AT SEHVICE'3, EXCLUSIVE .AGENT TOR ELK COUNTY. I hare now on he.r.d and am now receiv ing liio most complete block of Cooking and Parlor Stov. s ever brouphl to tin's fcctioti. I buy tho besi, bslicvinjj they are the cheapest. I h:ve tho escla--ire ajyney for th? Cel ebrate'. Morning Oiary, rdso, fov t'jieer's Cooking and Parlor .'.'tove.-. I hive .-ot.ie beautiful designs fror.i Et ie. Unffjli., Tr. y and Philadelphia, and am pr; j Tiring to fur nish on short liuiiee any stove ma le in ihe country or pans of stuves to repair old ene-. Eaviti'T devot.-d sever.tccn years csc'a lively to th? -.'.e of Stoves and the nanu- fict'i.e of V Ware. I ntn -'.o rt. l.o'i ft-id (V.i-pcr--. .1 '.hr.; the must, fasti. li. ..1 ;; my hi.-. . iK.ti't fail on-i can 1.0 p'.e.i I to Call 1. '. i-r 1 you j vhcrc. Ti:i-v. hot: ..;Iit. MEUCil ANT3 s J nil Stove I'ipa :.s 1 ;-p:iel v,:ih .1- a s can t . Eric. TEIfi V :-:o ;:cmii::i.i. Coal ITo.is plain end f:in.-y, nnd everything u:ni:'ij kctt iu a cW 'i'ia and fcu.ve k'.iore. P.. i,"", Copper, r.ras', Pevt;r, Lea. I, Sera T-e.i, .'"t.e. -i i'c't.- an 1 I'l.vtne.-- j ro- d'.tee wetierally taken in eschan-rcfot roods or work. rXIVEPciAL CLOTHES WRlGEH. have the Agency for the UMYEESAL CLOTHES WEINOEIl, it is the best, GOO, COO of them in use. E ieh Wrinecr wari ranted to be as 'eo.l at iho end of one year as when fn-r-t p..irch'i.-.id. Call, and take one home with you and if it does not give ,'ooj Fatisfiiciiou niter a fair trial, it may be returned and your money will bo refun ded. SAVE VOVIl CLOTHES', SAVE YOVR LABOIl, rr.E SERVE VOEE HEALTH, SAVE YOVK TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE ilANBS, nnd have t'tnikB itfile::d cf frowns on V'".-h "''Oct.Slit 18G7-ly. WW .f,!,.':''HS-9 i l-r..,--. .-:: -." , iiiils 3Jroil)Cl-j- eoiiltii). 'JiIIE CllEAREST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A ro Sold by IT CIS II ft O T II 13 R 3 fSucccssors to Geo. Wcia.1 DEALERS IN St. JIary's, Elk County, Pa. ALL AND EXAMINE OUU IMMENSE STOCK OF 1JOOTW AND SHOES Wc have no hesitation in saying (hat in this department of our establishment, wc can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Tiichonlsons' Cele. brated Boot & Shoo Mm ufactory, Elmi ra, Now York We v, ana ut all goods in this lino sold from our establishment. JJBAVY & SHELF H AUD WARE. WE APE IJUPABl'D TO OFFEIt " '''t u.-t-;:.' i. ii. litis i'tie bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stack is large, well selected; and is cpf.ccially adapted to the wants jAE'IES' PHY FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment I Musli: Silks, Pclainaj, Moiro A-ntiqucs, Chintres, While Goo it. Cio Lie: Corset., In fact '.ve have everthir, cccnecteJ with Ladicd' Wear. Wo arc determin ed to sell lower, dicker ami BETTER Goods than any other firm ia the coun ty. Give v.3 a c.iil, we'll provo U. w AUK WELL WHAT WE SAY. He Sell (ue Lest, tlierefort T7IE CHEAPEST CLOTmiTO Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of fi0 2:i!3' 13 IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found, Axrr.'JirnE. Perrons, bt-fnic j.urclnaiog el-ifcwhera would do well hi jivo us a call. a3No tiuublu totihow our Goods. QKOCERIES, NOTIONS, &c.,4o. In Endless Variety, and CIlEAl'ER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of 2 V0JS 6 In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPES,TCBACCOES & SEGAR3 We havo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be gold at a VE Y .V L roil TAD VAXCt . On i i g' (nut carrhnje. frfOur St.u-i: t' -in ihe rtte ' Sk4 Et ;i:r un ;.. HineU'-- ' r July 11, lbti7-tf.