I lie vi.irijsii!i)j!H,i) Jlibt-qi'tj Colnfi.-ii)!). r pin: WASHING i I UN LH'.liARV I'OM- I l'A.VNi . Tin;:. Lili liiiiia. is chart ercd bv i SiVe i f J'i nil vlv,iuhi ii'i I niL'.ini.Hil in aid i'i1m Riverside liiflilnlo, fur ciliie.il ing p'liiiiiioii'l;,- .St.l'lier.V nud .Sailors' Or phan. 1 iii ni i n-mi .1 by Hie Stale ol New .ler-ry, April (-ill, l'.ijV. Siih-eription One Dollar. 'I'lit AVi-!ii;i;rlci Library Cmnpany, by Virtue iii liirir cliarli t, i;nl in tieroriliince villi ii r provisions, wiil tli-trilmlo Three J ! n inlic. I Thousand 1 . 1 1 . i r in. jufsonl a In tllC Sllil VclluliK r.-. till Yc l;U'.;l:iy, the Sill 1)1' January, next, i.t J 'J i ! .i'I-1 1 )t i.r, Til., or it Ihi" 1 ni it til o, t'lf i.U-, '. J. One Present, worth $10,01)0 One Present, ivt-.it h U'J.OOn 'in- Present, worth 1(Mj:ki Cine Present, worth 6,(HMl Two Presents, worth ?2.500 each bXW One Presetl, valued nt 10,000 Two Presents, valued :it l-V'Klcach :'.t) O'i'i One Present, valued it I Kl.Oill Four Presents, valued r.t ,V(i'10 c.u-h Two Presents, valued at Il.O'lO each C.tlOil Three Picscitls, valued at e.H-li y.O-H. Twenty Prc.-c:i.s, value I at 6 ) each lO.IHNl Ten Presents, v.'.'ucd a! ;;00ciic!i ,ooO Three Presents. .i!i::.d t 1!-Y each 70 Twouiy Pre-cnts, valued ii'J.j each 4,0UO Filly live l'r .s. nl vulm-il at L'.JO each 11,000 l'ift.v Prcjents, valii'-'l at 7o each 8. 730 One hundred nml ten Presents, at 100 1 1,000 Twenty l're..cn! ill. 7-j eue.li l.ijllO Ten. Presents, valued nt 60 each. 000 The remaining Present.! cvusist of (Htiele of use niul v."lue, npper tainingto tlte dill'ir bm of Litera ture und the Fine Arts, 82.000 S:J0O.000 Each Certificate is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel Date Engraving, worth moro at retail than the cost of certificate, tnnl alto injures to the holder u present iu the Great Distribution. Sl'RSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. Any person sending lis One Dollar, or paying the same local Agents, will receive immediately a fine Steel Flute Engraving, at choice from the following, list, nud one Certilicate of Stock, insuring one present in the great distribution, One Dollar Engravings. No. 1. "My Child I My Child!" No. 2. ' They're .Saved 1 They're Saved ! " No. 3 " Old Seventy. six ; or tho Early days of the Rev clution. Any person paying us $2 will re ceive cither of the following Steel Plates, at choice, And two certificates of stock, thus becoming entiled to two presents. Two Dollar Engravings. No. 1 "Washington's Courtship." No. 2" Washington's Last Interview with his Mother." Three Dollar Engravings. Any person paying Three Dollars will receive tho beautiful Steel Tlate of " Home from the War," nnd three cer tificates of stock, becoming entitled to three presents. Four Dollar Engravings. Any person paying Four Dollars shall re ceive the large and splendid Steel l'late of 'The Perils of our Forefathers," and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to four presents- Five Dollar Engravings. Any person who pays Five Dollars skull receive the large and splennid Steel Plate of " The Marriage of Pocahontas." The Engravings and Ccrlificales will be delivered to each subscriber tit our Local Agcucie.i, or sent by mail, post paid, or ex press, as may be ordered. How to obtain Shares and Engravings. Send orders to us by mail, enclosing froml lo $20, either by Post oll'ice orders or iu a Rcgisteied letter, nt our rick. Larg er amounts should be sent by draft or ex press. 10 shares with Engravings, $ 0 CO 25 shares with Engravings, 23 50 It1) shares with Engravings, 4l5 50 i j share3 wnli Engravings. 09 00 100 shares with Engravings. W 00 Local ngents wanted throughout the U. S umiii i ,. i ........ .. . . jiii. i.i Yj.iisiui. LssmoTE, situate at Riverside, Eurlington countv, N. J., is iounded lor the purpose of irrntuitouslr edu eating the nous of deceased Soldiers and Seamen of the I'tn'tod Smtnq The Board of Trustees consists of the fol lowing we.l.kuowii citizens of Pennsylvania nud New. Jersey ; Kou. W. B. Maim, List. Att'y ef Philadelphia ; Hon. L. R. ilroomall E:-( hief Coiner V, S. Min., and liecordcr of Deed. Philadelphia t Hon. James M. ScovcH, New Jer. cy: Hon. W. W. Ware, Iiow.ler.--ey, Hom-y Carman, Es., Agent Adams' Ftii-.re.?' Philndii'rvhi.i .1. i:. r.i , of Jt . ("OC i CO.. Philailellibi:! Treasury li. pirtnicnt, Washington, P. C, April IS, 1-Vt7. Ol'iee of Interna! ltev fiiue Having received patisfaetory evi dence that tho proceeds of the enterprise conduct vd by the Washington Library Com pany will be devoted to charitable uses, permis-jiou is hereby granted to ;.;aid Com pany to conduct such enterprise, exempt from all charge, whether from special tux or other duly. E. A. ROLLINS, Com. Tlio Association liavo uppoiuted ns Jlc ceiyers, Messrs. tieorgo A. Cooke .j- Co., f!3 Si'Ulh Third Street, Phiadelphia, whoso v eil. known integrity and busiuess experi ence wiil be a itili'ioient guarantee that tho money entrusted lo them will be prouitptly lipplicd to the purpose staled. Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1807. To the Cli'.eer.s and Members of the Wadi. ingion Jubrary Co.. N. S. Head, Sec'y. Oenlloiiien : On receipt if your favor of the 15ih instant, notifying us ofournp liointniout ns Heri'ivi.i-a r.ip ,.'.'.in. i,n...... we took the liberty to submit a copy 'of Jr cuiiiier, wiiu apian or your enter prise to eminent legal authority, and hav ing received his favorable opinion iu regard to its legality, and sympathizing with tke lieneuolenl object of your Association, viz: the education nnd phau children of our soldiers nnd sailors of inu juversiue institute we have concluded to accept the trust, and to use our best ef forts to promote so worthy aa object. respectfully, yours, ic., GEO, A. COOKE & CO. Address nil letters ami orders to CEOliGE A. COOKE & CO., BANKERS. 33 South Third Street, Phil'u., Pa. Beccivers fur the Wush. Lib. Co. November 21, 1S07, 3m. DAW HUTCHINSON, Attorney at Law ,Girurd, Eric County Pa., will attend i-pcially lo business in Bankruptcy before the Register in the District at his othce in '"-ard. Nov. 7'07. 4i. WIIEELEIl & WILSON'S SEW INO MACHINES. The under ngned having been nppointed Solo Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Phihtdelphiaund New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining Ihemcnn d'lrcs J. K. WIUTMOKE, March Ot-'CO ly. at Kidirwoy, Pa. I4S 'ELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neit Aj V" 1 iinttdi t the Adtocate Oftit 5il!?k'il;ivi)3 JiObilrtist'lnciii?. FH1LAPF.LI HI A to TRIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thi"ii;ih nnil Direct Route hetween riiiltuliljiln'ii, Jhtllimarc Jfirris bun, Wifiumxmrl, and (he a n i: a r oil n n a i o a of Pennsylvania. Ii L K 0 A N T SI.KKI'LVG CARS On nil Night Trains. ON' and nfier MONDAY, OCT. Mth, the Ir iim on Hie I'liila lelphia & Erie U.i 1 1 road will run as follows : wi:s twabh. .Mail Train leaves Pliiladelphia..1 1.15 p. m. " " " Bidgway 2.45 p. ni. " " arrive tit Erie." 8.45 p. m. Eric Exp Kmvch Philadelphia...!:! 00 noon. " ' " Bidgway 3.52 a. m. " " arrive at. Erie It .45 a. m ;ASTW.tt!. .Mail J rain leaves Erie 10.40 a. m " " ' Bidgway 4.88 p. m " " arrive nt Phildoliilua 8.5; a. m. Erie Exp leaves Erie 4.25 p. m " " " Bidgwnv 10.13 p. m. " " nrr. nf l'hibiilidriliin... 1 00 n in Mii!l and ,Vvc?. train connect with all trilUKrn W'tirvtn and Fratthlin l!inhttin l'airengcriilrarhi ritHiil.hihia at 12.00 If .. . .. 7...... . i in . . . ii i r 1 1 ' u l ji iiti''if'ii oi ii.hu . tp. ana uti Vi'i il.oOff. in. Lcirirg riilrtrlfljihia at ,8 CIO m. arrive at Oil Citn nt X Rr, d n All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make ctoso connections at Oil City with trains lor rTnnkiin and Petroleum Centre. JJAUUAUB CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent 4,11 ,4 .j,;J '.nail 'ulj :J 1iS, .U ''uuiil1 i... i. STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT John Sosenheimer & Sons. AVIIOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. mary's, pa. KeCDS constantly on linnd nnd Tnr n-ilo a lavc and well selected etock of TIN W Alt 13, STOVES &c. 'e have cverythinz eenerallv kent in a Tin Slinn Our Stock of STOVKS consists in part of SPEAKS ANTIDUST PARLOR & UUUKIiNO STOVKS, ALSO IRON U A 1 13 & WIIHAT-SIIEAF STOVES. Ve also keep on hand and for sale the MOItXIXC, GLORY. A lnrge stoci of GLOME HEATERS with Russia top is among our assortment, which are now the best stoves in use, nnd can be sold as cheap ns evar. SCRAP IRON' taken in exchango for eoods. GOODS ('ASH RPOUT1XO & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 21VG7. tf. 1)AlNTSfor FARMERS The Graton Mineral Pain nnd others. 'nint f:v urn nnn luanfaetiiring tho Best Cheapest and most durable i'aint in use: twn n.iiii ni.ll mi on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last iu or 10 years ; it is ot a liglit brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to gicen, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit tiie tasle of the consumer, it is valuable lor Houses, Barns, Fences Carriage and Car-makers, Pails nnd Wood en ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels mid ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and ii liter prooi rioor on Llotlis, (one Manu lacturer Having used 5U00 Mils, the past year,) and ns a paint for nny purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $0 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for ) i.tra to couiu. ti arreiitea in nil cases as above, bend fov a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded iu irauo mam uratton Mineral Paint Address DANIEL B1BWELL, 251 Pearl Street, New York. 5eft. 6-'C7.-Gin. EW CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEV, Dealer in Oroceries &o., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kcrsev and vicinitv. that. .j' tic ii, is gone into tlio Uroccry busu. m ii ml will opeu on or about tho middle of 51 ay. He kecs constAtilv on hnnr un extensive Etock of. TEAS, FLOUfc, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS. WIUSKEV by thebarrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than tic CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to como and satisfy themselves. JA31ES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GO. Cm. T?!KDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock & V Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pu. Rooms next door to Hintenach s Clothing Store. All kiuts of work done done in a satisfactory manaer, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the Gerniat, rench or English lan ei"ges. March 14, 1867tf. The a Irani lAfe Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. OF FHILAD'A. ClUtltTEMlBU 1836 CASH CAPITAL X nn nnn no ASSETS $2.4oo!86ri!rift! Mutual Insurance amnbtnnil will, l.n bA curity of capital. or insurance apply to JOHN G. 1ULL, Kidgway, fa. VISITING CARDS NEATLY EXECUT. d bt this cSce. ifJt, tJilliii & Co'?., ColtllOi. N E W IT RM AND NE W GOODS 11 NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOOD3 ! JUST RECEIVING! JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORK OF AT THE STORE OF AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, QNEENSWARE, HARD WARE, QUE ENS WARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &c. CANDIES, NUTS, &o. CANDIES, NUTS, &c. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. TIIE I3EST AND CHEAPEST TIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST TIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. COME AND SEE US. COME AND SEE US. Oct.Sht, 1867-ly. C. ilJ. Si'l'bijc's Ccitli)i.' ' I Ml E W 0 R L D li E N 0 W N E D MORNING GLORY! 'IJSt.V.'SilJiitiililwnr , wmmm a-;. FOR SALE AT SERVICE'S, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I liavo now on hnnd and am now receiv ing the most complete stock of Cooking and Tnrlor Stoves ever brought to Hit's section. I buy tlio best, believing they are tho cheapest. I have the exclusivo nscnev for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Ppccr's Cooking and Parlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, IJuiralo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen 3'ears exclu sivcly to tho sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron nnd Copper. Ware, I am satisfied that the most fastidi ous can be plensod at my shop. Don't fail to cad before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low at can be bought in Erie. TINS IS NO HUMEIX;. Coal Hods plain and fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Prass, Tcwter, Lead, Scrap Ircu, Sheep Pelts and Farmers pro duce generally taken iu exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. have (he Agency for tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is the best, 800, 000 of them in use, Ejek Wringer w ar ranted to be as good at (he end of one year as when first purchased. Call and take one home with you aud if it does not irivo good satisfaction after a fair trial, it nmv be relumed and your money will be rcfun. dud. SAVE VOL' It CLOTHES, SAVE VOL'R LAROR, PRESERVE VOL'R HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frowns on Wash Days. &)il9 $'0)C'$' Gflljlni. fjlJE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TIIE COUNTRY Aro Sold by WCIS II El O T II 12 R 8 Successors to Geo. Weis.1 iii:.u.i:s in Foi'cigii J)oli).'.'-ii Jji'i) Cxceif, Pt. JIury'H, Elk Cjutty, Pa. Q ALL AN I) EX A 51 INU OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wo have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to bo ratis fied. We buy our stock direct from the 5Ianufacturcr, Richardsous Celo. brated Boot &, Shoe 5IatiUfactory, Elnii ra, New Yoik We warraut all goods in this line sold from our establishment. JJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE r RE TAR ED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot I e undersold iu Elk coun ty. Our stack is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the Wants of the community. T ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! 5Iuslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines, 5Ioiro Autiques, Chintzes. White Goods, Cloths, Flannels, BercL'cs. Laces, Corsets, In fact wc have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are uY-ferimn-cd to sell loiccr, cheaper ami LETTER Goods thau any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we"ll prove it. M ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. He ,SV the Lent, tharfore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold iu Elk Couuty. Our Stock of ?l.'i ni)? Sou' SiibjiiKl- iiqd ajjinkt- ! 0 1 1 i it fj IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing canuot be found AK1'V HERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. BQUNo trouble to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, &o. In Eudlesa Variety, and CUE AVER than the CHEAPEST t At the Store of on .I I In St. Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. 1 )IPFS, TCBACCOES fc SEGARS We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will lip Rohl nt n VE R Y S LIGHT AD VAXCL On cast ami carriage. tSfOiir Stnre in in the nnn fMn Biiildnir on Main Strict. July 11, l?G7 tf. Oct. 3la lS07-ly.