ijhc (iMIi gdiocak, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk C in rvntmiEi) evert TiirnsPAT, 11 Y JOHN F. MOORE, Office in the Court Howie. Imam One Polk, and Fifty Cents per nnnum, invariably in navam,v. No devia tion from these termi. Rates of Advertising. A Jtn'rs and Executor's Notices, each 6 times ?2 50 Auditor's Notices, each.... 2 60 Transient Advrliaing, per square of 10 lines or lee?, 8 times or less 2 00 For ench subsequent insertion......... bO Professional cdars, 1 year 6 00 Special notices per line 16 Obituary and Marriage Notices, each 1 00 Yearly Advertining, one squaro 10 00 Ysarly Advertising, two squares 15 00 Ysai'y Advcr'ing three squares 20 00 Y jarly Advertising, J column 25 00 Yjarly Advertisng, column 85 f0 Ysarly AdACti sing, 1 column "Jib 00 Advertisements displayed moro than ordinarily will be charged for nt the tate (per column) of 70 00 Ilaving lately ndded materially to oar stock of Job Type, wo are prepared to do all kinds of work in a manner which can not be excelled by any establishment be tween Williamsport and Erie. Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes Checks, Notes, Handbills, Blanks. Envelopes, Labels, Taes. Visiting Cards, Letter Heads nnd any other work usually done in a coun. try office. , - " (glli ountjr gittcforjr. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge It. G. Whito. Additional La Judge II. W. Williams. Associate Judges E. C. Schultzo, Jesse Kjler. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A: Malono. Prothonotary, &o. (I. A. Rathbun Treasurer James Coyno. Co. Superintendent James Blakely Commissioners Julius Jones, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. Something A LARGE STOCK OP GOODS Tho undersigned have on band a large and very desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED which tbey will sell at the very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CASH. Wo will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM We have determined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be the inter est ot both buyei and seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Ang. 13th, 1867. so. The Glrard Life Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co Vr rillLAD A. ctianTEiiEO ijt is3G CASH CAPITAL $ 800,000,00, AbbhT3 $2,455,355,66. Mutual Insurance eombioed with the se urity or capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway, Pa "IT? HEELER & WILSON'S RttW VV ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Bole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. H keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines soia at rnuaaeipmaand New Yor prices A . ' J ..... . any panics uemrous or obtaining them ican March 0t-'661y. at Ridrwsy, Pt PHILADELPHIA & ERR RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thri-vqh and Direct Route, between 1 fuutdcfjdna, Baltimore Harrit burg, WiUiamtport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, OCT. 14th, the trains on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia!!. 15 p. m. " itidgway 2.45 p. m " arrive at Erie 8.45 p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " Kulgway 8.52 a. m. " arrive at Erie 9.45 a. m. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.40 a. m. " " Ridgway 4.88 p. m. " arrive at Phildclphia 8.55 a. m. Erie Exp leaves Erie 4.25 p. m. ' Kulgway ..10.13 p. m. " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. m. Mail and Ezprett train connect with all traini on Warren and Franklin Railway. l'atsengert leaving I'htladelphia at 12.00 it. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a. m. and Oil Cily 9.50 a. m. Leaving Philadelphia at & OO p. m. arrive at Oil Ctty at 4.85 p. m. All trains on warren & f ranklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with rams lor f ranklin and retroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT John Sosenheimer & Sons., WIIOLE3ALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. MART'b, PA. Keeps constantly on band and for sale, a large and well selected stock of TIN WAKE, STOVES &o. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in port of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT-SIIEAF STOVES, (Ye also keep on hand and for sale the MORNING GLORY, A large stoc of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia top is among our assortment, which are now the best stoves in use, and can be sold as cheap as ever. KCKAF ikon taken in exchange for goods. GOODS CASH. Bl'UUTINU & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 26 67. tr. TAINTSfor FARMERS and others. i The Graton Mineral Paint Co. are now nianfacturing the Best Cheapest and most durable Paint in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years ; it is of a light brown or oeautuui chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage ana Car-makers, Pails and Wood en-ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal lioats, Vessels and ships Bottoms, Canvas. Metal and Shingle Roofs, fit beine Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Mann. facturer having used 5000 bbls. the past year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed tor body, durability, elasticity. and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warren ted in all cases as above. Bend fbv a circular which mves full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Urafton .Mineral Faint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. Sell. 6-'67.-Cm. N EW CASH GROCERY STORE JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer io Groceries &o., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that be hits gone into the Grocery busiL ;ss, and will open on or about the middle of May. He keep conitaatly on hand an extensive biock oi TEAS, FLOUIt, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS WHISKEY by thebarrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent ly can afford to sell CHEAPER 'than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come ana satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, '60. 6m. T?IEDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock & JL ' w atchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Rooms next door to Hintenacb'i Clothing 8tore. All kinds of work done done in a satisfactory manaer, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the uerman, r rencn or English Ian guages. March 14, JB67tf. LUI1 II HOUSE, St. Mary's Elk Counlr. Pa Ihis well known house has been entirely refitted and newly furnished with a desire to meet the wants of the travelling eommu nitp, and tomake it an A, No. 1 hotel. jun.27'671y. GEO. HATHORN, Propr JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at IheADTOCATK Office V18ITING CARDS NEATLY EXBOUT ed at this . IfijJe, Gillis & Co'f., Cotton. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS 1! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF AT THE STORE OF AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, QNEEN8WARE, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. CANDIES, NUTS, &o. CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. DRY GOODS & OROCERIES DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. COME AND SEE US. COME AND SEE US. Oei.8ht,18fl7.1y. rjHE WORLDRENO WNED MORNING GLORY! A V; m FOR SALE AT SERVICE'S, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand and am now receiv ing the most complete stock of Cooking and Parlor Stoves ever brought to this section. I buy the best, believing they are the cheapest. I have the exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Spcer's Cooking and Parlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, Buffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any stove made in the oountry or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen years exclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper- Ware, I am satisfied that the most fastidi' ous can be pleased at my shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low as can be bought in Erie. THIS IS NO nCMBUG. Coal Hods plain and fancy, and everything usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, Sorap Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmers pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. have the Agency for the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is the best, 800, 000 of them in UBe. Each Wringer wan ranted to be as good at the end of one year as when first purchased. Call and take one home with you and if it does not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may be returned and your money will be refun, ded. SAVE TOUR CLOTHES, SAVE TOUR LAB OR, PRESERVE TOUR HEALTH, SAVE TOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILT WHITE HANDS, and have smiles instead of frownj on Wast Days. Oct. 81it, 1867-ly. I 51 aiJds $roil)er' Golqh)if. rjHE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY Are Sold by TVEIS BROTHERS Successors to Geo. Weis. DEAi.sns is foreign w$ 2)olTK?1i3 2)rjj dooif, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wo have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis ed. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsous Cele. brated Boot & Shoe Manufactory, Elmi- ra, New York We warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. JJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stick is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. JADIES' DRY &, FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment I Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Sutins, Delaines, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, While Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Berezes, Laces, Corscta, In fact wo have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are detcrruin- ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm io the conn ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. JJARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. Tie Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNO Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of $ 1 0 1 Ij i IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. B&No trouble to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, 4e. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than tht CHEAPEST I At the Store of 1 f!0 gSlf 00 In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. IPS, TCBACCOES d SEGARS We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VERY SLIGHT AH VANCh On cost und carrlaje. tSfOur Store it in the new Stent Building on Main Street. July II, 1807-tf.