LOCAL INTl-l.LIGlvSt'.K. rr J'fjiient Hi J way. Erie Express East do ilo AY est...., do Mail East do do West Local Froijlit En! .... do Jo V.'f I ...KVM p. m ... :'.:":! a m .... -I: !'- P. ... 2: I'l p. in. .... !: I'Im! m. ... :!:-' p. I". rur.Mr. I'li:i. Holes lias removed 1wVf.-1imrikcra!.l Jo'vclrr's taV.ih- lnciit into blimp's .'tore, iniitK'di.i'.ely Sot his ntl- wrsi nf tlio Mvilo Houe, vcr'i-cir.cut iu another column. B-sS-Mr. IT. S. lJclnrip 1i:m purolir.JTi! the store formerly occupied" by Mrs. Clements, ami is g'iinrr cast iu a few days to replenish his stock, lie tells us he will lot the community know cf it .ti the ri'ht way, when he receives his stock. Flrninvre. Mr. IT. II. Thomas has lately rccivcJ a larc anj splendid btock of the best furniture over brought to th'.s country. Ho certainly deserves patronage for the pains ho lias taken in making his selections, vrhieh arc really unique, both as to style and price. Yi'e would advise our readers to zha him a call. Retired. With the Into term of Court, our young friend Ulakely's term as District Attorney expired. Mr. Blakjly through his official term has Conducted the business of his office iu a praiseworthy mannev. In tho recent trial of the Shawmut prisoners, espe cially has he done nobly. Were it not for the fact that his successor is well known to bo a slai-jlil-forward, con scientious, youn' lawyer, we should s:iy that Mr. lilakeley's retirement was a loss to our county. -SrMr. and Mrs. V.'. II. Davis have requested us to .stale that they will bo here on Monday cveuiug next, without fail. Owing to couit holding over on Friday evening lust they were disappoin. ted in irettini: their room. Mr. Davis is a pleasant little gentleman, pays his bills and deserves a generous patronage. His wife is aa excellent vocalist Mil musician, auu we warrant they wiil give satisfaction. Mr. Davis has reduced the price of admission to 30 cents. Cancer, ScitoruLA, vtc., Cureu, l'ersons uClieted with Cancer, Scrofu la, Tumors, Eruptions, &c, are cured by the use of Dr. G IRENE'S ELEC TRIC MEDICATED 15ATIIS and In dian vegetable remedies which cleanse the blood of all Humors, Mercury, Lead, &c, and rcs'oro health to invalids af flicted with evcrv variety of disease. A book describing Cancer, Scrofula, Hu mors and other diseases, with their prop er means of c urr., may be obtained free at tho Medical Tostitafo. or by mail. Address Dr. It. (JUEL'NE 10 Temple place, Boston. Mass. It is now certain that we are to have an extensive steam tauuery in I'idgway. Mr. O. 15. Grant, one of tho firm, is now here engaged in the purchase of hemlock Ends, and has already secured quite a number of pieces. Tho tanne. ry is to be located, wc understand, be low tho saw-mill of Judge Dickinson, at the western end of our village. The eredtion of this tannery will make things quito lively ia our towu, and we hope tho projectors of the enterprise will meet with such success which will am ply repay them. Mr. Grant is also ma king preparations for tho c.uly erection of buildings next spring. St. Mary's. Duriug a recent visit to this prosperous borough, wo were struck with its businesslike appearance. In almost every part of tho town could be seen evidences of its onward mareh in improvement. Business of ull kinds seemed to bo brisk. Tho stores are well filled with desirable goods. The differ ent hotels were well tilled with guests, and we do uot know when wc have sccu so many people in one place with so lit t4o rowdyism, kc. A spleudid hard ware cjtalli.-diment has been lately start ed in tho store formerly occupied by Coyuo and McVcan, by a couple of iner.. chants from Warren, l'a. liut it would bo losing our tbie and space to enu merate. St. Mary's is one of tho most prosperous town iti the Stat.j a uicc place to live in, healthy in ull respects, and what is bettor than all is Democrat, io to the back bone. In the inmcdiate vicinity of tho town arj two collieries, employing tome lifjO hands. Iu the northwestern part of tho town is situa ted the Young Ladies' Seminary, under the care of tho Heuedictino Sisters, an institution widely known and well pat roDized, and said to bo ono of tho best in the Stato. We suppose there are 2, 500 inhabitants within tho Borough limits, and tho township (Beuzincr) contains about o'Mj'.i. t'o:nl i'roccciliiigis. COMMON fLFiAS. AVeis for nf, vs Otig. Sci. Fa. Contin ued. Elukcly for defendant. Hall for plaint ill'. JS- tho vs ciime. Continued. Same counsel. Same vs same. Continued. Same counsel. AYuiu.r'g'ut vs Crowell. Slander. Con tinued. Souther k Willis fur plain':!!, Hull for dciendaat. .T. V', Brown vs Woodward. Trespass. Trial had. Verdict for defend int. Souther & Willis f.ir plaintiff, !'all for defendant. Cox ct. nl. v Eng'nnd ct. nl. Trespass. Souther and Brown for plaintiff.', Armstrong for defendants. !o:.'enr:rr vs Barrett. Trespass. Con tinued. Souther for plaimifl', Elukcly for defendant. Hi ;irs of Chapin vs Bryant ct. nl. T'jeet. incut. Verdict for pla'nliffj. Curtis and Hull for plaintiffs, Souther for defeiulants Hell vs Warner ct. nl. Fjectment. Cell tinued. Tudor V3 Woodward. Tresp.r s. Trial had, and plaimilV lakes nou-suit fcofoie verdict. Souther and Brown for plaintill', Hail for defeudunt. Hechnorvs Scott. Ejectment. Hamlin and Hull for plaintiff, Souther ,J- Willis for defendant. Continued. Bri Igcns vs Powell. Administrator case. riaintia uon suited. Noblo for plaintiff. Souther for defendant. Hill vs Rrecdcn ct. nl. Ejectment. Con tinued. Souther & Willis for plaintiff, Hall for defendant. Looinis vs Elk County. Assumpsit. Con tinued. Souther & Willis for plaintiff, Hall for defendant. Ralhbun vs West Creek Manufacturing Company. Trespass. Continued. Souther i Willis for plaintiff, Hall for defendant. qi'ArtTEB sessions. Commonwealth vs Branilf. Nolle Tros. Same vs MoCarty. Continued. Sumo vsTambini. Assault and Battery Defendant plead guilty. Fined S-5 and costs. Same vs Shay. Continued. fame vs Jane Shell and Sarah Davidson, Felony. Trial had. Guilty as to Sarah Da vidson, not guilty as to Jane Shell. Blakely and District Attoiney J. K. 1. Hall for Commonwealth, Hall for defendant. Same vs AVasson. Felony. Triul had Verdict not guilty. Hull and District Attorney J. K. P. Hall for Commonwealth, Ulukcry and Souther for defendant. fame vs Edward Shell. Felony. Trial had. Verdict uot guilty, Elakely and District Attorney Hull for Commonwealth, Hull for defense. " Pkmorest." Tho Christ mas number of 1 this unrivalled magazine has boon received, and is really a gem, Its cngravingi and stories pro excellent, its " Christmas Din ner," which is illustrated, looks good en ough to cat, and 13 accompanied with prop er receipts for cooking it. We notice several additions, iu this num ber, of interest to ladies. One of which is the enlargement of tho already complete Fashion Department, and of large page il lustrations of bonnets, cloaks and children's costumes. The pattern sheet is a very valu able oue, being printed on both sides. A feature, of the fashions is originall y, and, therefore, of special value to American la- lies, who want practical designs and infor mal :n. Subscription price, yearly. Address V. Je.n.nixos DtMoitEST, 473 Eroudwnj, New York. Dallou's Monthly Maqazine. TJii3 very popular and excaedingly cheap Mag azine presents an attractive tublo of con tents for December. Tho illustrations are also remarkably good. Tho publishers of- ler unusual attractions tor the coming year. With, tho January number the .Mag azine will bo enlarged to one hundred pag es, and several new and attractive features introduced, , It is only one dollar and fifty ccuta per year, or 15 cents a number. Clubs receive it for $1.2-3. Tho proprietors have gn0d cause for calling it. " tho cheapest magazine in the world." Published by Elliott, Thoines & Talbot, Boston, Mass. " Wnn rouu Metallic Qi'lihications a man may be pretty suro of earthly success- These are gold iu his pocket, silver in his tongue, brass iu his face, and iron in his heart." But for a tonio appetizer, and as a gentle stimulant, there is rcliablo virtue iu PLAN TATION' BlTTEItS. No article has ever been so popular or dono half so much good. Let all who havo not tried this great stoiu aehio at once test its quality. We under stand that the Druggists and Grocers of I this section are selling vast quantities, aud that scarcely a family is without it.. Magnolia Water. A delitrhtfui toilet artiole superior to Cologne, and kt half the prico. Personal. Da. Eaulei will please con sider our hat doffed for favors of, late Southern paprs.- " , i Gov. Gkaby will please accept onr thanks for an early copy of his Thanksgiving Proc lamation. ' i ff.Thc Columbia Spy comes to us this week greatly enlarged aud improved. Barring its politics which are as black as Erebus tho Spy is a good paper, and we wish it success comensurato with its merits. BflUllead the prospeolua of the Weekly (N. ' Y.) Press iu another part of to-day's paper, and subscribo for it. Sxow. The first suow of the season in this section fell on Monday last. ' itiiV, tiiliia & Co'g., Co1ihm?. UV 1'IUM AND Ni:V GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! NEW GOOD3 ! JUST HKCEIYINJ JUST RECEIVING JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF AT THE STOKE OF AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, QNEENSWARE, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. CANDIES, NUTS, &c. CANDIES, NUTS, &o. , i: ..-.'. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. . DRY GOODS & GROCERIES: DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ELK COUNTY. IN ELK COUNTY. - IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER TH AT WE SELL CHEAPER THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTUER STORE THAN ANY OTHER STORE THAN ANY OTIIEll STORE IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. IN THIS SECTION. ' ' WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK iV. !J . ADDING, TO OUR STOCK ADDING TO OUil STOCK It. : , ' COME AN!) SEE US. : ; COJJE AND SEE US. ' COME AND SEE US. Oot.Cht, 18G7-ly. THE BEST ALWAYS THU W 'iulil -bl m,i4 V'lliJ 'Ui,4 fkl4 .ill T.MIKNTL'lJRE. COillXS, I'KJ l1 TL'JE-rivAME!?,-Vc. The undi'rsijrr.cl havin ol-l bis inferett iu tho wagon chop, now iuleu Is Juvuiinit his time rxclusivclv to the I'urnituie ti-.-i !e. He has just received a large stcek oj the BEST rUilNITUIUi MADE which he offi-rs nt prieop that cniv.ijt fail to lilcasi-. II !s Hliick consists of licdrooni Suits, i Upholstered Goods, Iiuieaiis, Wnslintiindp, Commodes, I,nnn23S, BcdnteniN of Maple. Oi'k. AVhitc-wond nnd J!lftc-k Walnut,- Sprinir liclsi and Mat trasses, Extension, Dining-, Break f ist. Ten Pnrty nnd yuarlette Tables. Chairs of every kind a.id description. The largest. nertment of Cane Seated Uliairs ever tn-ougm into tins sccimn of the country, I'artin r's Secreta ries, What Nets, Brackets, nr.d everything nsun'ly found in a First Class URNiTUREWAPvE ROOM Picture Frames of ev k!nd size or Quality, kept on hand nnd made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking Ulass Plate and Pictures. We would call at tention to our large stock of Collins, con sisting of Pino, Wlntcwood, Cherry, Chestnut an! Black Walnut, any onetf which we can furnish in three hours time, trimmed in any stylo to suit. Metallic cases of any kind procured iu Inrte .hours time. Feeling confident thai with a liberal pat ronage, we shall bo ab lc to keep up a First Class establishment, appeal to the peo- plo of Ellv county, to say if it is not better to keep llioir money in circulation at home tjin to send it off to the cities w here if they buy but littlu they ar sure to get cheated aud pay a good round sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, nevtr buy away from home what can bo had just as cheap at home, and the cheapest place to buy Furni. t'jre in Western Pennsylvania is at H. H. ThomaS' Ware Booms, Excelsior Building, corner of Main and Depot streets, Kidgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 81, 18U7-ly. II. H. THOMAS. BOOK AGENTS AVANTED. To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY . (COMPLETE IS ONR V01.V51U. ) This DicTioiAv embodies tho results of the most recent sty. research, and iinesti. gation, of about, sixty-five uf the most emi. neut and advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations approve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language, nnd oue which ought to be in lue hands oi every bi bio reader in the land. In circulating rhis AVork, Agents will find a pleasant nnd profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually en- ceuntercd in selling ordinary works will not exist with this. . But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend tho Agent, making Ins labor agreeable, usciul, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Tench era, Farmers, Students, and all others win possess energy, are wanted to assist in Can vassing' every Town nud County in the ooantiy, to whom the most liberal induce ments will bo ottered. For particulars, apply to or address FAUMKLEE BHOTII EES, Aug. 29'C7.-t. Til Samson St.. Phila, Pa A DMINISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice t is hereby given that letters ot Admin islrntion on tho estate of Jesse Johnson, lato of Benejot to township, desceasod, l.nvo been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate, are requested to make Immediate pnynient, and those hav ing claims against the same .will present tliem duly authenticated for settlement, 1ULPI1 JOHNSON, Jr. Oct. 10'C7.-te. Administrator TT'XECCTOIl'S NOTICH, Notice is here Jjj'ry given thnt letters testamentary on the Estalo of Ealph Johnson, lute of Benczetto tonship,"deceased, havo been granted to the under igr.cd. All persons indebted to said eslnte, are requeued to make mime diato payment, and thoso having cla'ms against the samo will present them duly autiienticaieu lor sett lenient. RALPH JOHNSON Jn., JOHN CHAPM AN, OctlOlh '07-te Executors. A SSIGNEE IX BANKRUPTCr. In the District Court of the United States for the AVestoi n District of Peun'a. In the matter of John A Cobb, Bankrupt. Via Binkmplcy. . AA'estern Dist. of Penn'a ss. ' At Erie IV, Oet. 10, 18i17. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of John Cobb of Ridgwny in tho County of Erie, State of Pennsylvania within said District, who has been a- judged a bankrupt upon his own pe tniou t,y the District Court ot said Dist, CUAS. M. LYNCH, Ootl7'67-3w. ' Assignee A CARD T"0 INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered safo and simple remedy fur 'the' One Nenrofts Weakness, Early llecay, Disease or the I rinary anil Seminal Ui-cnns, am the whole train of disorders brought cn by baneful and vicious habits. Ureal uumbers have been cured by this noble remedy Prompted by a desire to I enefit thoutllicled and unfortunate, I will send tho reeeipe lor preparing ana UMiig ilns mcdiuiiio, in sealed enveitpc, to any ono who needs it tree or Charge. AiMress. JOSEPH T. IN. MAN, Sittiiou 1', Bible House. New ! irkCity Aug .Ij'.Ii, 'U7. ly. T'UilN C. li '.!.!.. .V!,.niey nt Vt"-. !-' !r," way. I'.Ik cetiiiiy i'u. jii;ai-.;'J '.i; !y fOCT.'IKi: AM!) WW.US .',!,:)"-... el 3 Lew, rid;.-w -ty, V.. coiiniy I'u., . '! iiliend to nil p: olir-sional bur-ii..-"- -f.pl-ly. luiiv-.!" j -! y . T" At'ilIU J. I I Ki l.V. AiK.r.-y and lIuuiMi-lhir M 1-r.-'. ami (.'. t;. CuMmin-o-.ner. Ui-ljjway P. O. E'k eoutiiy. I'u. .III. IN U. HA' I ' ' " i. 11 M.I.. I f A I jT i i;: Iili( . Attovni'vs - Law, M-,MA!:V'S : I'-ENZIVGn!! P.O. IK K CDl.'NTr, PA. hVj.tui.;r ;'.'. 3y. r. ?.in 1 T'.u , eon. ft . Mary', Illk rmmly Eu. niar-'J'J'iHi ly. !!. 'V. V'. SIIWV IV-;i,-(. Melieino and Surgery, Ccntreville. Elk eminiy IV. rn-ir-'jarii; 1y. Oil. W. li. II A M AN. M. Man 's, V.'h c-tunl". Pa. I.ate of ilie Army of tin Potomac. Part i'-ular uileN'i-iii tivn to all cases of surical liatme. mar-ilJ'ti-l-'y. T"!i. .i. m. i:o;:;iM r.i.i, lOeciic Phyi- J eian. EnlenT U'urren cnuTy Pa., will promptly nTfwer nil u-iife-'i"nal rail" ly night or day. residence one door east of Ilie late residence of lion. J. E. Gillis. Mar.rtiiMv. .1 015 WOltlv of nil kinds and do criptions ilone. at llils oHii'O A I-riNE HOr.i'. -Si. Miry's IV. Iler- man Krct., Proprietor. riigO'tii f All JtOAD HOUSE. , IIEKl.r;H X CO It 15, I'liotj: i k ii i:h. This house is eo:ive:reoily and p'eaunt ly lonate-l in the t hri-. 'tti vi V- i:te K Eioek wnyville. Every attention paid to the rem venience of euest. Ancr. 1 ". lT-7'f A,.AV1 It HtiL'tT., ' II I DC W A A. PA. D.tA-II) TITAVI'.ti, Proprietor. The undendgnc-l having tilled up a larffl mi'l coi-iinoiliittis Ii-itel on the sc)ii;hwe t rorner of Centre nn-l Mill stia-'ts, with good an-1 cnvenii-'it stabliii!? atia'-'ied. re-;ti.'et- lully solicits i he p i' r'-n -cfC of hi:., old friends and the p-il lie gcnci-AlU-. decloCG ly PA A' ill THAATlt. XECUTlON.f, KUMAION-Sf, PL" r-rii:, nas, Warrant", &c, on hand ufd lor sale at this olltce. c. H. A'OLK, Manufaeliire;-nrd lleule ill Laprr Beer, opposite the I' lilioa I Depot, St. Mary's, Elk eouiity Pu. Alar-aruti-I . T"OKDAVKLL AND MESSENUi-lIt )rnc ) gists. Dealers in Drugsand Chemicals Paints, Oils and A'aruisli. Perfumery Toil, ct articles aud Stationary, llidgw.iy. Elk county Pn. mar Y.ti-ly, S. SHOUT. JOHN 0. HALL, LOCI.? AC JA.S. K. P I.I.M!":t. II ALL. LANKINi!-;iOU.-l'. OF hort, Sail & do. SI. Elk Ok i v. V A'DE HOUSE, Rn.uwAT, Er." C I A, f..ro l:rv al- M. V. Mooiik, rn-rriotDr. The.nkfr.l for I'm patron i;; h: so liberally bestowed 1:1. iu 1 lln proprietor, hopes, '.-y t-.j vin :t;ii tention to the etun.irt an 1 c.-rivi tiieiiee of guests, to merit 11 contir.ua:i- nf Co tame. ocl .1 l'i'''. LICENSEU AUCTlONFEi:. iVTOTICK is hereby p-ven ihal 1 have tak Jj eu out a licence us niieliouei-r, snol 11 alteiul proinpllv to the culling ot ml sales entrusted to my care. Any person eallin,' saks without alieen-9 wil be held answerable to the stri- t letter ut the law. P. VV BAEliElT, Dccli HSGHif. AuctK.acor. E XCH.VNGEHOTEL. EIDOAVAV, TA. ,T. H A LEV Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situated on tho banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower cud of the viilage, Mr. llealy will spi:ro no pams Tor tho conveiiie.ee of his guests, 7c invito one aud ull to give him a cull and try his house. Sept, l"th'07-ly. HLAOKSMITITIXO ! 11. S. HELNAP desires toiut'-uiii ihe citi zens of Uid.jway nn l vieinily that he has lease 1 J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever ready to uiuko any thing from a bucklo to nn anchor. . Particular attention given to tho shoeing of lnrses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'CH-l.y. II.' llidi OVEKIIOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Avay Elk Co., Pa. Tho subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizms of Ridgwuy nd vicinity that he is propa. ed to make lo order as well ns it can bo done any where, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Ooo 1 Fits guaranteed. rj.Cloilm, Cassimers, Vcsi?Hjrs nnd Triiiiuings of ihe latest nnd most approved styles kept constantly nn hand, irhich will hi sold CHEAPER. THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug::0.y SOIETITIXG NEW! HOTTSE, SIGN & GJTAlrElTTAL TAINTING. rpilE SUBSCRIRER WOULD It li- specifully iufoi m the cit'uens of Elk county thr.t he has just eiartcd in the abnve business in lcidgvvay, and feel confi dent ihnt ho can please ail who may favor him with their custom. ORAININ'iJ, PAPER 11 A N (1 1 N 1 ! AND CAI.C1M1N1NO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rao.-t fashionalde and improve-t manner nnd style. Orders left tit this Oliice or nt the Blinking House of Souther, V, illij & Sojtker will be promptly nrteti I d t.v W. P. WILLIAMS, Muy-17'Cl-ly. TAKE NOTICE ! A LL PERSONS K:-.0VlN(i Til EM. 2. Helve. uulebl'-.l to ihe li'iders'i-ncd ale hereby ii;i;iiesle 1 to 'all and sol lie Ituvr aecounls at their lurlii sl 1 . ' -1 i ' ! o-t:eu-icnee. JOSEPH HIDE. Ridjway. Au-;a'l I, ls'j'.".