'.5 ! i; i;1-1 X i 1 1 J i : : : I Hh, 1-'" .ft i.e. ft. At l;:,t the tlav el' jt.lilrc f(T white iiuii r.f t-oiiic. '!;c e't (.'liens recently l,vM have fold in p'-iii tonus that 15 id ira! niiMuloar.il ruin n ro to lie stopped. The prt.ple have spekm, atr.l they must lo ciln vi'il. They have said in plain ft mis that Out: :ri.-s lias no m;lit to malic laws f i i- tin: Sia'cs, tliat taxation vitlnuit rcp :!)' :iti is tyranny, tint tln-v arc tired of il" infi-mal lin" tilnmt t!'0 v.icn:-s new lo I: kv 1:1 1, I !" 1 1 ! ;-!.i i.l' ;.i!:.'i.. mill are nc injx ef lliv.ii' c.v:i liberties. ;,k i'i iii;:i:i terms, the ! .li't.M initio 1 to pot th rrood .!' i-'M into the Itau H of ti.n. .! fci.vj v.'i;i.i,u-!v it it lor i iiriny year 1 t i !. nr !' -v. ,y !(!: i:tnl bronher that !av in iis vatli. until il;o acee-siou of the (.r ut ii:ev:i'-ofrti.:! to nwcr. Tlit'm-huut the caava'3 just closed the l'c nmcr.tcy have done nobly cvtry place they have lad opportunity, md lire just s-ufliciently waked tip to do or die in the coming Presidential contest. Let il.cin he vigilant, energetic and ac tive, and ere annthcr year has been lumbered with the past, our great, free, and duiiotu ccuntiy wiil rank, a? she should, with the greatest nations of the earth, and her people will be strain a? happy and prosperous as they were be. fore our iutei nrviue stru;."j;le tore asun der the sacred ki:d el' Uinta (ormcd by our ancestors. We ere not di-rocd to exult. Wc do n't feel like bvinir noMly demonstra live. We have no hard words for the dcfvi ud enemy. The inspiration of null a jr.."it victory snrgct9 a calm, ii.teu.-e thaukluhx-i-s. We feel that a p;re::t mil In- been avoided. We can cuiipatuhic our fellow countrymen upon the event that -e.ils the promise of their restoration to true Iiepublieanifciu. Now under this rebuke, let fanaticism bide its head. Let us have no more intern perate, iudictive legislation. Under a policy of moderation and generous for bearance, Lading us quietly 'buck iuto the (.11 patl:3 where our fathers trod, the r.epublic will move on upon its ca reer of grandeur and prosperity. We would &ay to every "Democrat, then, fro to roik. The I.atc Elections. In our last wo estimated the majority in New York for tho Democrats at 20, 000. It since turns out that it is even better, being over 4.1,000, and both branches of tho Legislature, nro Demo cratic. This is a gaiu since last year, cf nearly T.OOO. Tn New Jersey the gains are tremen dous. The Democrats have both bran ches of the Legislature, which secures the election of a Democrat, in place of 1'relinghuyscn to the United States Senate. The average Democratic ma. jority in the State is 13,000 a gaiu of 1 1,00 since hist year. In Maryland tho gallant Democracy have not left a grease spot of radicalism. Doth branches of the Legislature are unanimously Democratic, securing the election ol a man instead of that politi cal bummer, J. A. J. Cusswell to the United States Senate. The most remarkable change to re. cord is in the State of Massachusetts the Democratic paiiMii the State being over 40,00C, and its Legislature antb radical. Hurrah for the Day State for once. In the otlier States the radicals have succeeded in electing their State officers by greatly reduced majorities. lJut in uo State have tho succeeded in carrying negro suffrage. (.'ol. Dan. Dice is about retiring from bis profession, and made his farewell ad drcs3 to an immense audience at Pitts bur?, a short time since. Mr. Rico has been in the show business sinco 1841 and during that time has mado more mriiipv than anv six circus men in the United States, and has given one million and a halt dollars in charities, &c. lie is emphatically one of nature's noble jncii, and we venture to say has more personal friends than any other man in the Uniteii States. He once ran against Morrow D. Lowry fur Stato Senator in Erie county, and if wo remember aright came nearly whipping him. Cri''J'had. .-uevcus lias written a let icrin which bo proposes to pay tho Na tional debt in Greenbacks. How are you, Copperhead '! i:nt. r;v:?r an: The C;inm rciJ puolishes a three enlii'iin necount of nn interview wiih Vice lV-i loiit Vade. Ho says that the negro Hufl'rai.e amendment Has the cause of the defeat of the ltadieals in ( )hio, 1 ut at the sam-3 t i .no lu is utterly opposed to abandoning that issue. He adds that he had no idea that there were to manyRailicals who were willing to sec negro suffrage in the South, but opposed to it in Ohio. He denounced Tom Kwing'n letter, and said Congress would never modify tho re-' construction laws, but would make them harder if the South did not behave bet ter. On impeachment, Mr. Wale, said he wanted it distinctly understood that he expressed no cpinion. lie did say, however, that ho thought the elections would have some cfTect against the movement; but if President Johnson had been impeached, he also believed that the elections would have resulted differently. He added that ho was sorry to sec a disposition in the Radical party to take up Grant for President aud run him in with a "hurrah." "Let him come out" said Mr. Wade, "like a man and show us his principles." In conclusion, the Vice President denounced s unwise Thad Stevens' confiscation bill. A Proposition. Some of our friends seem to find fault with us because wc made our paper smaller. Now, all we have to tell them is this, If they get us 100 cash subscribers by tho Crst of January, 18G8, wc will immediately af. ter that time make the Advocate a seven column paper. Wlat do jousay, gentlemen ? It is no disgrace to be poor,only incon venient, and wc are too poor to expend the amount of money it would require to purchase a new press, &c.,at present. We intend to publish tho Advocate, and in the end, make it a paper which every citizen of Elk county will be proud of, if our efforts aro seconded by them. 8a?Tho Warren Mail says tho Erie Republicans arc already speaking ot candidates for Congress from this dis triet. Tho Mail's choico falls upon Gen. (?) Johu Patton of Clearfield, aud we suppose the Mail speaks for Mr. Scoficld. They uccd not, however trou. ble themselves, for it will make uo dif ference who they nominate, ho will bo ingloriously beaten. They may take this as a mere assertion, bat they must rcmembpr that revolutions never go backwards, and that even there can good come out ot this political .Nazareth. The President's Puty. Knowing what is known to-day knowing what is the sentiment ot the sovercicn people of the Republic, if Andrew Johnson fails to oppose tho executive arm against the usurpations of Congress, he, too, must share tho fate of tho Radical party po litieal destruction. He has now before him all tho evidence a that magistrate could desiro of tho popular will. lie is aware that they will support him in his opposition to tho outrages of Congress. It is his duty to secure for the Southern States Congressional representation. It is his duty toscc that the popular verdict against negro suffrage bo not reversed by tho arbitrary measures of military organizations. If he neglects that duty. he will bo branded as false to the obli gations of his office at this crisis. On the 20th ult., several islands in tho est Indies were visited by a dis, astrous hurricane, which in its terrific effects, remains unprecedented in tho memory of any living man. Iu the town and harbor of St. Thomas, alone more than sis hundred lives were lost Several towns in other islands which have been heard from, are reported to bo in ruins, and a large proportion of the inhabitants are said to have been killed Largo trees were torn up by the roots and swept away. Houses were lifted from the foundations, and dashed to pieces on the earth. Ships and steam ers were hurled together, instantly breaking into lragmcnts and sinking and in many cases tho entire crew goin down. Thousauds are wandering home less and penniless, beside the numbers killed instantly. There is no attempt at any sort of trade ; every one is paraly zed with terror. In tho night, several vessels were shattered in the storm, as tho lighthouse had been swept away All tho wharves are ono mass ol ruins foils and barracks aro gone; whoio blocks of buildings destroyed. Thirty vessels were sunk ic tho harbor of fct Thomas, and thirty-eight damaged by running ashore and other ways, lhe cyclone came from the east, aud seems to have taken a narrow path, as a vessel which was ninety miles out, experienced only a breeze. Z-j i'en. ade lias lately been giving his opiuieiis about mailers ni.d things through n coivespoudcnt in ll.eCincin naiti Cnirf n k'l. lie don't like the idea of having Grni.t u tho Ivepublicaii candidate for Pie.-idi iit, o bit. O'y'H is now pretty generally conee. d tbfit Gen. Grant will not accept the liadieal nomination lor President, and wishes to be, if at all a caLdidato of both parties. It is most likclv, therc- oio, that Chase will be tho ltadicul ndij.ile. It makes litilo difference ho that pi.rly nominate. The people have taken things in their own liiiuds, aid are going to elect a iminmil, man. A N K LNTZ. Mkbciuxt Tah oii. Ceiitrcviile, Klk county, i'.-i., desires inform the citizens of Ccnti'i-ville nml vi- inity. tl at lie isnt nil times prepared to n work in n neat nu t salislactory lniitincr. ive m c a call. novtuly OP A I A MLl;p' to '"gape in a liplit )J mul liunurnliU' luisiiicsa for the winter rnonllis. in the vieinily where thev rcsiJn, w hich will net them from $50 to $100 per month. 1-or i iwticiilavs apply to or au.lrs f AH- MI'.LKE 15KOS., Vl'J. Snnsoni St. Pliilavlel phia, Pn. Nov. U, 1PC.7-H. II.K. II ALL ASSOCIATION. Notice is lj hereby given that n Meeting of the CKi'iiorntiirs el t lie liu nan Association win ie helil nt the elliee of (Jcoi'go A. lvntlilnin in HiJcwnv, on Tuesday t lie 19th day of November 1 sT7. In the meant hue (lie books of the Asioeiuiion arc oncu for Subscrip tions at the above mtmovl place. CHARLES U. EAIiI.EY, A. B.vrnnrN, Sec't. Prest. Nov. 11, l:i7-lt. "ACTION. Al'.l persons arc hereby can- ly tioncd iirainst tiiisling my wife Johiin ki Coiiglilin Gil my account, na sho has left my bed and board without just causa or provocation, and 1 shall pay no debts of her contracting, unless compelled by due course of law. MICHAEL COLGI1L1N. November 1 1, 1307-ot. :foh lO CENTS! Only a few more subscribers arc required to insure the speedy issue of the Great Illus trated Taper THE WEEKLY PRESS. which in size aud nppcarnnco will resemble IIAIU'ER'S WEEKLY. but in value will far transcend that publi catiou. . The TRESS will be an embodiment of the nirit of the nee. Each dennrtinont will sparklo with the genius of the most, eminent writers of the diiy. An original SERIAL STORY of the most brilliant character, will bo com menced iu the first number. THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be entirely original and of the most at tractive style nnd nature. The great expense nnd labor involved in this enterprise render it necessary that we should start with an ENORMOUS CIRCULATION. Iu order to do this, ws shall do as fol lows: $10,000 in sums of 100, will be dis tributed through the first edition. To every number of papers SUM) will be allotted. Every copy of the TRESS will be enclosed in a stout wrnppcr, so mat tno papers con. tniningthe greenbacks will not be know n by their external npptarance, and all puroh as ers will have nn equal chance for the money nnd gifts. Besides the $100 BILLS, orders will be enclosed in certain copies of the edi tion for the following GIFTS: 5 Grand Tianos (Steinway'sl Value $500 6 Grand Tianos (Chickcring's) Value 500 1 CaiTiaec. frouiC.Witty's Repository GOO 10 Gold Watches 150 5 Melodeons 1 10 Ladies' Gold Watches 100 10 American Silver Watches 75 0 Music Boxes 4a 6 Ellintic Lock-Stich Sewinc Machines 50 3 Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Ma chines 4 Wilcox k Gibbs Sewing Machines.. 45 50 Thotographio Albums 10 Tho balunoe to consist ot ccorueons, Tea Sets, Silverware, &c. No Dollar Jew elry. No Gift worth leas than Ten Dollars. TllJS I'lU.ftS will be mailed to any address upon the re ceipt of price, Ten Cents, or clevan copies for s-l, twenty. three lor a, ana sixty lor Avlvlrcss STUART & CO., "Nrw York Tress," No. CI Broadway. New York City G U A N D M TI S I C A L AND DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT. AT THE Ou MONDAY Evening November 18th Mil. & MltS. W. II- DAVIS, Iu Songs, Dances, Burlesques, Negro Eccentricities, Xe. Forming ut onco an Evening's Amuse merit that cannot he excelled. ADMISSION, - aOots DW. HUTCHINSON, Attorney at Law , Girard, Erie County Pa., will attend specially to business iu Bankruptcy before the Register iu the District at his oflico in Uirard. Nov. ( 07. n. CAUTION. All ncrsons aro hereby cau yj tioncd against buying a noto given by me to Harvey parsons for $100.00,. dated about tho middle of May lust, as I have not received vluo therefor, and will not pay it unless compelled b law. no;71hi;7 W. SHOEMAKER rnni' AcniToiis oi- iiiuuw.w i.iwn. J i'i'' will meet at lhe f-:'iee ol'.l.il.n O. Hull in llidgwny, nu Motnlny. Nov'r lilt-t, 1SC7, for settlement. Tho scvcf ii tow nship treasurers, school IrenM'rvi -s and all others having un-eltle.l necounti wiih said township, will appear at t-ai.l .late for settlement. GroiUlH DICKINSON J KLOM K I'OWKLL, ' JOHN O. HALL, octSl luT. Auditors. QCIIOOL TEACIIKU WANTED. Tho School Hoard of Ki.ljrway twp. nrc desirous of employing a Co.mi'K.iknt M.m.b Teacher to take charge of school No. 1 of said torvnship during lhe coming winter term. To a good tea. her a liberal salary will b? given. .lOIINfi. HALL, H. V. KLV, H. A. I'AIiSONf?, Secretary of (lie Hoard. Ridgway, Oct. Sit f 1'liOl'l.UTY Foil .SALE. MIK subscriber wishes t.i dispose of the properly torniPily occupied by John Hauh iu the borough of St. Mary's. .waid property consists of two two-story frame buildings, with stone foundations, nnd one house finished entire nnd has been used and is suitable for a store room. The oilier is not quite finished. The property is situa ted three doers west of the P. & 11. It. K. Depot, and buyers will find it one of the best business sites in St. Mary's. TEliMS. One half cash, nnd the balance secured by bond and mortgage on the prop erty. Will be sold cheap. Apply to ANNA HAUH. St. Mary's, Nov. 7'b7.-tf. LOOK HERE I WACIinS, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. CHARLES HOLES, Practical Watclimv Iter, Jeweler mid Engraver, llidgwny. Elk county, Ta. Tho subset iber begs leave to announce to tho citizens of llidg. way and vicinity that lie is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in J. V. Ilouk's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on hand a largo assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry snd Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nov7'G7if. IN BANKRUPTCY. ins is to Givr. Notice: That on the 31st day of October, A. D. lHi)7 a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued ngainst the Estate of Chauncy I. Moore of Benczette,tp. in the County of Elk and State of Pennsyl vania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property be longing to such Baukrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of nny properly by him nrc forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of Creditors of thj said Baukrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, lobe koldcn at Hidg way, in tho County of Elk in said District, at the Court House, before T. E. Woodruff, Register, on the 7th day of January A. D. 1808, at 1 o'clock, p. m. THOMAS J. ROWLEY, Nov. 7'67. 4t. U. S. Marshal PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR.. FEED AND GRAIN. rjlIE subscribers having completed their New Grist Mill in Ridgwny nro now prepared to furnish tho people of tho sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen aud others is called to our facilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KISDS, cheaper than it can bo bought any other place in tho couuty. JQTCasu Paib rort C.RAiN-a. J. S. HYDE. J. V. IIOUK. Nevcmber 7, I8C7tf "Beyond the Mississippi." A Complete History op the New States and Territories, from the Great River to tub Great Ocean. By .tlbcrt Mi. llicha rttio. Over 20,000 Cnpics soil in one Month. T IFE AND ADVENTURE ON PRAI- I i ries, Mountains nnd the Pacific Coast. nun over UOO Descriptive and Photograph ic; lewg of the Scenery, Cities, Lnnus, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To prospective emigrants and settlers in the "Far West," this History of tliat. vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does a want long teltofatull, authentic nnd reliable guide to climate, soil, products, means of travel, &c, so. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars and seo our terms, aud a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 607 Minor St., Phila'a Pa. EiS"The undersigned has taken tho Agen cy, for the above book and will furnish by mail. In EXTRA ENGLISH cloth at S3,73 percopy, or in FINE LEATHER (Library Style) at $1,60 per copy. Postage Paul. Address, FRED SCIIOENING, Kcrsev P. O., Oct. 10-'C7-tf. Elk Co. Pa., LIST of Letters remaining iu the Post office unclaimed to Nov. 1st, 1807. Edward Aldridge, Dudley Denison, W. Eilcr, Catharine Gawn, II. Gregory, David Hall, V. II. Hooper, S. S. Han. pett, John Ilershy, N. 15. Laao, Q. Q. McMeans, M. S. McMahon, William McMahon, Nathaniel Itishel, Charlotte Sherwin, Charles Stubbs, John Steven, son, Michael Sexton, W. W. Shaw, M. Q. Tonipkius, William Wclchman, (o) Martin Voublo. FOREIGN LETTERS. Francis DulTy, Moise Geauthicr, P. M. Murphy, James McDonald, William McDonald, (2) Michael Murphy, Will iam llanney, Alfred Sullenfarn, Beuj. Ycuug. REGISTERED LETTERS. II. L. Campbell. One cent due on abovo for advertising. Persons will please give date of List. G. G. MESSENGER, P. M. E ENVELOPES. LADLES & TAGS neit ly priuted 1 1 the A Ivo lie Ofli c WOULD llli.NOWNED 1 M O R N I N G GLORY! Vjvsrhn'S t.0''ft'jif? la-L't'"'?'--' FOR SALE AT SERVICE'S, EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand nnd am now receiv ing tho most complete stoc k of Cooking and Parlor Stoves ever brought to this section. I buy tho best, believing thoy are the cheapest. I have the exclusivo ngency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for Specr's Cooking and Parlor Stoves. I havo somo beautiful deigns from Erie, Buffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing to fur nish on short notice any .-Move made in tho country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted seventeen years exclu sively to the sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I am satisfied that tho most fastidi. ous can be pleasftd at my shop. Don't fail to cull before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware nnd Stove Pipe m low as can bs bought iu Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Ho Is plain and fancy, and every thing usually kept in a first class Tin and Stove Store. Rags, Copper, Pii'ass, Pewter, Lead, Scrap Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmers pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. in tttwt i h have lhe Agency for tho UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WltiNGEH, it is the best, 300, 0OO of iheiii in use. Each Wringer wan rained lo be as poo l at the end of one year as when frt purchased. Call and take one home with you and if it docs not give good satisfaction after a fair trial, it may be returned and your money will bo rofun. dcd. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES SAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WHITE HANDS, il have smilv.3 instead of frowns on WuA - I'O" i r "1 iilipii .5 1 1 el. oLt, liCV ly.