The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, November 05, 1867, Image 2
Ufa JOHN F. IMOoRE, EniTon. ' TH mTaijXY; December : : : : 5tli, 1867. Vol. Van. liter. Wc notice in several of our exchang es that tho name of the gcotlemau who heads this article is mentioned in their columns as a candidato lor Fresiden tial honors. Without committing either tho Democratic party or ourselves we would say in this connection that if pa triotism and national pride of our coun. try should bo tho tost of a candidate s availability, then certainly Col. Rice would carry off the palm. We need not say any thing in regard to his immense ropnlarity it is a household word throughout the length and breadth of our land. Tho following is tho Colonel's plat form : "As bv tho ceoplc alone, without dis. tinction of party, rebellion was crushed, to tw the party of the people alone can the Union with all its couutless blessings be restored. In order to accomplish this.vindictive, fanatical, and dilatory legislation must be rebuked : the absolute rirht of each Statt to determine the qualifications of citizenship, under thcConstttution main tained ; corruption in offico deucunced and punished ; honesty and tho strictest economy in the administration of public affairs required ; equalization of taxation imperatively deuiauded ; the uppoint mcnts of soldiers particularly of those wounded or disabled in the service to oil Government offices the duties ot which they were qualified to perform, conceded ; protection for labor guaran teed ; religious tolerance assured ; and tho lights of every citizen before the law defended and maintained. The .Yotnai School, 1gatn. It is now a considerable time since the noble and well conceived plan ot erecting a normal school if this place, was first broached in our rti'.iiinis. Such n institution is most certainly to he es tablished somewhere in this district. composed of the twolve surrounding counties, relating to wh it'll our county occupies tho most central and advanta geous position. And heuce.if wo prompt, ly act, our claim holds all oilier in abey ance. The feasibility of this project we sav was fully set forth in communications by many of true well-wishers, but now with a fcel'ng regret we notice that a gCDeral listlessncss seems to prevail on the subject, and that not e?cn the sligh test measuros ore a taking toward its pcrfor manec. What we ask, can he the cause of this self prejudicial inaction? Is it a fear that the necessary funds will not bo forthcoming ? It cannot be, for, as to this, there is not a grain of doubt in our mind. The State appropriates 815,000 and the district is to raise the sum of 830,000, Now the men who are expected to, and who will, principal ly assist in acsomplishing tho end, sure ly are not likely to do it unasked and without a word, when such men as ought to bo movers and leaders remain idlo and apparently careless. We will talk of the advantages of a lycfeuui where perhaps some 1'lato is destined to be bred ; we will say that " Virtue and learning are endowments greater than nobleness and riches," but all to no pur. pose, if, as the Satirist says, " We spo the right and wc approve it too Condemn the wrong, nudyct the wrong pur- Tfcto tM'iHisslriciilj. SPECIAL NOTICE. We h".ve found it nocesary, in order to keep the financial department of tbe Advocate on a good basil, to aiont theiollowinit rule : Transient Advertisements must be paid for in ad vance : and all Job work as soon as compietto. B: Is madsout and press- ted to yearly advertisers at the bomnmmr of each quarter. Suhscripti us to be paid for invariably in advance. uovtf John r. .Moork, I'uDUsucr All orders for Stoves and Hardware wilt bo promptly attended to an soon us received, nt the 12'07 Si. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. N EW HARDWARE STORK 1 The subscribers have just opened in RT MARY'S Hoods. Nuhins, and nil kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Do you want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign ? if so, go to 12-67 HYDE, GILLIS &CO. esh Oysters constantly on hand at the store of 12X7 HYDE, OILLIS & CO. F tSTThe testimony of Gen. Grant, before the Impeachment Committee is by no means calculated to increase his chances for tho Presidency among Re publicans. Taking his testimony all through in regard to the Govorn-nent of the Southern States, he is of the same opinion as President Johnson. His testimony shows that while the Presi dent wanted to have Davis, Lee and others, tried, be, Grant, steadfastly op posed it and recommended their pardon. from Washington. Washington, Deo. 2. TUB IMPEACHMENT QUESTION. Doth the "impeachcrs" and "anti-im. peachers" of the Radical party are hard at work preparing for tho great conflict which commences on Wednesday. The former are endeavoring to secure a ma jority for their resolution, while the lat tcr'are marshalling their forces with the view of killing it as soon as it shall have been called up. The tone of the Presi. dent's message, which is understood to bo a rather stiong document, may pos sibly drive a few week kneed Radicals into the impeachmeut tiap, but beyond that the indications have not changed, and the better opinion seems to be that the scheme will bo defeated. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The President's Message went in day before yesterday. It charges that the State of reconstruction is most unsatis factory to tho people. It declares that the upholding of negro governments in the South will cost two hundred millions per year. It says that ot all dingers which our nation has yet encountered, none arc equal to those which roust re suit from the success of the attempt now being made to Africanize half the coun try. Tho late elections admonish tho Na tion to retrace its steps. While the Executive Bhould carefully refrain from interfering wilh the execution of the laws, a case might arise in which the President would be bound to tako the Totions of nil kinds in extensive variety nt Hie store oi 11(17 HYDE, GILLIS CO. A n extensive assortment ot LLUllllAu Ai nt the store of ........ r r r r . ri YZ U7 111 Dl, tilLl,13 tv. TiOOTS. SHOES and GAITERS every I ) kind, style nnd variety nt the store of IZiil 111 UK, Ult.t.13 lU, 4 large nnd complete stock of Hardware nnd cutlery nt the store ot A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HABDWABE ! ! And will keep constantly on hand a great variety of COOK AND HEATING STOVES Bur Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellows, Nails, Uorsc Shoes, Springs, Build in-t Hardware. Saics ami Files of Eri Description I G11X3, TISTOLS AN!) CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Tinted Ware 'ind House Furnishing Goods. Al' kindsof Mechan ics Tools ! , TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH TRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES 1 AND PARLOR FURNACES ! 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. T 10BACCO The finest brands for smok ing and chewing, nt tho store of 1207- HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Q L'EENSWARE an extensive assort ment, nt the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS K t'U. "fewest Styles of Balmoral Skirts ot the cheap store ot 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS SCO. L mlit")' Dross Goods latest nnd most fnshionable figures, nt the store ot 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS stu This is what stands between us and our grand dcsideiatuui. Some of our influential men seem to think, as it were, that the ponderous and powerful ma. chinery of an engine should go into op eration, when not even a Sro is kindled ! It is thus with some of the men whose duty it is to take a part in this enter prise. If they would proceed as they ought to do, all necessary things would flow as a conseqnence. If, on tho other hand, this golden occasion is allowed to slip, it is foregoing one of those brilliant opportunities whose like we never look upon again. To insuro success, then, we must first begin, "Dimidium fact! qui cacjiit habit," the beginning is half the work Once that we are up and doing, all the other things will be given. We for one, will perforin tho part in cumbent on us, and discharge the duty that we owe, as every one owes, to the community ; by apprising tho county of all meditated movements, and of the time of meetings, &e., and also taking an active nart in them. In views of the many undoubted benefits aud advan tages of our location, as being, by means of railroads projected and already executed, far the most accessible point in the district, as combining the scenery of Tempe aud the gelid Ilacmus, and which in salubrious air anu waters is not surpassed by Dallston Spa, and iu view of tho fact that straugers always leave this place heartily convinced that they had never known a mora healthy locality, and other thing more than we could name, who will dispute what we emphatically as sert, that our title ex cludes all others? Wc would ask iu fine, whether our citizens can be so bliud to the welfare of their children, as to neglect this enviable offer, the comple tion of which will bo the making of the place. nts Cnns nn l furs, in treat vnriety . - nnd nttlie lowesi price, in uitsiuitm i 12 G7 Hi Dr., GILL1S& H OAfi FARMERS, to engage in alight and honorable business for the winter months, in the vicinity where ther reside, which will net them from $60 to $100 per moDth. For particulars apply: to or address PAR. MELEE BROS., 722 Sansora St. Philadol. phin,ra. Nov. 14, 18G7-4t. CAUTION. Alll persons are hereby cau. tioned against trusting my wifeJohnn. nuCoughlin on my account, as she has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, Rnd I shall pay no debts of her contrncting, unless compelled by due course of lnw. MICHAEL UUUUllLlJN. November 14, 1807-81. SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED. The School Board of Ridgwny twp. art desirous of employing a Competent Mali lEAt iiF.R to take charge or scliool jno. i or said township during the coming winter term. To a good teacher a liberal salary will be given. JOHN G. HALL, 15. F. ELY, H. A. PARSONS, Secretary of the Board. Ridgwny, Oct. 31tf NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds of builders' materials in general can oe una cneaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than any other place in Elk county. (n28'G7) 17 RANK ENTZ, Merchant Tailor, Centreville, Elk county, Pa., desires to inform the citiiens of Centreville and vi cinity, that he is at all times prepared to do work in a neat and satisfactory manner. cive me a call. nov671y LOOK HERE I ens' woolen nnd enssmer Shirts at sensation prices, at the store ot 12 G7 HYDE, GILLIS Stll. M TTndorshtrts nnd drnwers, cheaper thnn J the cheapest, nt the store ot 12G7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. ATEST ARRIVAL ! 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 1 ! IN CHEAP EST G OODS RIDG WAY I AT THE STORE OF H. Ss BELNAP tThis Senatorial district may well be proud of her Senator at Ilartisburg We mean the Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, the present efficient Chairman of th Tlpninnrntifi State Central (lominittee. 1 high responsibility of his oflbe snd save J,ner waa recently given him by some tne nation at any uazaaas. r,rr,minPnt- DrTnoeiatsot l'hi ade nhia. at He charges the great frauds in the wh.jch Mr. Wallace made one of his collection of iuternal revnue to the usuauy eloquent and able speeches. The workings of tho tenure of offico bill, i)emocrats owe Mr. Wallace a debt of which has prevented him from removing ratUude, whi ch, when opportunity of. irecjy, anu causeu xuguea iu oeuuic jers they should lose no timo in repaying. 9 Which have received Four First Class Tre. miums at the New York State and oth. er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Ami erican Institute, held in New York City, 1805. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to be mado curing the season. M. BEECHER, Jr. WM. II. COPELAND. nov28'G7 ly Something A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Tho undersigned have on hand a large T .... .if a Ano I v' ... and vciy ueiiraoio stocs oi uuuif, couriot tommon neiis, WATCHES, JEWELRY' & SILVERWARE. CHARLES HOLES, Practical Wntchma. ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgwny, Elk county, Pn. The subscriber beg leave to announce to the citizens of Ridg wny nnd vicinity that he is prepared to do nil work in his line on short notice and at reasonable rates in tho very best manner. fchop in II. S, liclnnp a btorc. special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on band a Inre assortment of Clocks, Wutches, Jewelry bihI Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nov7'67tf. IN BANKRUPTCY. Tins is to Give Notice: That on th 81st day of October, A. D. 1307 a War rant in isnnKruptcy was issuca against me Estate of Chauncy I. Moore of in the County of Elk and State ( Pennsyl vania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of nny debts and delivery of any property be. longing to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, nnd the transfer of nny property by him are forbidden by Law ; that a meeting of Creditors of th snid Bankrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Ridg wny, in the County of Elk in snid District, nt the Court House, before T. E. Woodruff, Register, on the ith dny of January A. V. 18U8, at 1 o clock, p. m. THOMAS J. KUW Lt.1 , Nov. 7'67. 4t. U. S. Marshal. BC. BOWMAN et. al. vs. John Finton. . In Elk county Common Pleas. No. li ot April term, ieo. Foreign Attachment, lor money pmu lor and goods sold to defendant by plaintiffs. Notice is hereby given that the plaintiffs in the nl ove entitled action have entered a ruio to have the damages assessed by the prothon itary, and that the (liiruages will be assessed in accordance with said rule, by the prothonotary nt his office in Ridgway, on Saturday, the 4th day of January next, at 2 o'clock p. M. ll., nov27'G7-6t Plaintiff's Attorney. AMES PRYOR vs Georgo R. Welton and R. B. Welton. Iu the Llk county Cor. of Main Wnter, end of Hyde House, Where he lias on hand nn extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, 5Ius. lins and Cali. o o o s 1 Balmoral Skirts, Blanketa and Counter- w l T FH ! panes, .Ladies uress inmmiags, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass and Putty ! ! ! Call and 6ce my stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dec. 5,'67 ly. lU ' UVVOW Wlk3LX KJ L ID JL-XXTJ-e TERVS.-One half cash, and the balance secured by bond and mortgago on the prop erty. Will be sold cheap. Apply 10 AA ItAUIl, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. which they will sell at tho very bottom figure and from this dato will sell only for CASH. We will use every endear or to make it to the interest ot onr cus- tomers to adopt the universal Domestic Attachment. Notice is hereby civen that the report of trustees in above ease has been duly filed in my office, and no objection appearing, the same will be confirmed at next term. GEO. A. RATHBUN, nov28'G73t Prothonotary. PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber wishes to dispose or the property formerly occupied by John Ruuh in the borough of St. Mary's. Said property consists of two two-Btory frame buildings, with stone foundations, and one house finished entire and has been used and is suitable for a store room. The other la not quite finished. The property is situa ted three doors west or tiie r. at i.. ft. it. Depot, and buyers will find it one of tbe JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT TIIE CHEAP CASH STOKE V. HOUK, Main .Street, Ridgway, Fa. in office. He las a long argument for a return to specie payments, and a strong argm nieut also against the national banks. He announces that a treaty has been made with Denmark for the cession of the island ot St. Thomas, and thinks that the West Indies will gravitate na. turuliy towards the United States, He says that he has not accepted the arbitration proposed by Euglaud, con cerning tne Alabama claims ; asserts tne claims to lejost; and says that Eng land cannot refuse to settle them with, out violating the international law. OUPHAN'S COURT SALE. In pursu ance of an order of the Orphau's Court of Elk county, greutcd on the petition of Peter Chambeilin and John Chaniberlin, guardians of the heirs of A S. Rhines, de ceased, lute of Warsaw township, Jefferson county, said guardians will expose to Pub lic Sale on the premises at 1 o'clock P. M., on SATURDAY, December 21, 1807, nil the interest of A. S. Rhines, deceased, being the third interest in nil thai certain tract, piece or parcel of land, Bitunte in Spring Creek township, Elk county, Pu known as the " Oregon " tract, surveyed upon warrant No. H'JoO, bounded on tne norm by o. sjoz, and tract known as Carr's tract, on the east bv No. 1!913. ontue south by No. '2'Jli, on the southwest by Jefltrsoiucuuuty line, and on the west by No. Also one steam saw-mill in eood running order. TERMS. One-third of tho purchase money iu hand, and the balance in two equal, uunuol payments, with interest from interest from the date of continuation of B,The initial number of the Daily State Guard, the new ltadical paper at Harrisburg, bas been received. It presents a neat typographical appear ance but in politics is blacker than the gale, to be secured by judgment bonds wilh gates of Hades are said to be. PPveu secuniy. C1IAMBERLIS Tbe President's Messago was read bo. of ft gf AMBgLlj. loio l'onrrsi! yesterday. novjlids-pd HAVING just returned from the eastern cities where I have purchased a large uud well selected assortment oi goous, i invite the attention of the public to call and examine ay stock, consisting of Dry Goods, lotions, Clothing. Hardware Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Queensware We have determined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be the inter est ot both buyct aud seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. I3th, 18G7. sc. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. St. Mary's, Nov. 7'G7.-tf. PROVISIONS, ie., &e. BUYERS WILL FIND I place in the county. MY STOCK -CA8B p"d 78 .ryue FULL AND COMPLETE, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN rilHE subsciibers having completed their X New Grist Mill in Kidgway are now prepared to furnish the people or tne sur rounding country with nour ot tne jjesi uuiiijri and of their own manufacture, at the lowest mnrlfAt ratoa The attention of lumbermen and othrs is called to our lacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it can be bought any other and well adapted to tbe wants of the community. J. V. IIOUK. Ridgway, Dec5 ly. November 7, 1807tf J. V. HOUK. J. K. WUITMORF. T"iLACKIMlTH'S CARPENTER'S AND 1) joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest "t al theJSt. Mary's Hardware otore. uovooi.j PHILADELPHIA &o ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Through and Direct Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris burg, Williamsport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MO.NUAr, ixuv. zom, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWAKn. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..!!. 15 p. m. Ridgway 2.45 p. m. " arrive at Erie 9.00 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.00 noon. ' " Kidgway 3.D2 a. m. " arrive at Erie 9.45 a. m. KA8TWARD. MoilTrain leaves Erie 10.25 a. m. " " Ridgway 4.88 p. m. " arrive at Phildelphia 8.55 a. m. Erie Exp leaves Erie - 4.25 p. m. " Kidgway 1U.13 p. m. " arr. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. m. Mail and Ezprett (rami connect with all traini on Warrtn and Franklin Railwav. fautnger$ leaving Philadelphia at l'i.UU If. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a. m. and Oil City 9.60 a. m. Leavitg Philadelphia at M OO p. m. arrive at Oil Vity at 4.30 p. All truing on Warren & Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil Citywita trains for Franklin and Petroleum oentr e. BAGGAGE CHECKED Tllltuuuit. ALtKKU Ij. J-lt-tv. Qeucrai Superintendent.