V, Y V y y the ol!h Uli'u;;.ti A weekly niaysiwp;;;:, DivMcl'o to I'llc'c-'.s cf t"itio1i:Cf Pa C 1-' I'l l:! l.-iiiMi I '. ::i'V Tr.r::--i.Y, i j v -i o n n i '. i o or, r a Jr.r.-.iv.-(V.R H-.11.- and Piny C, mini. iii. uiv 'i' i:1 y m r, lieu i'i o-.a thcsi U". rr-n. VIA Advevti.-thij A ! in" iv mi l lxi-cu!ov'.j Nut .ecs each 0 tililf Aii'li'or'.- N'lliii'", each T.'-in-ocnt A-lvrli.-ino-, per s pa-.ro cf 10 liii: or 1 " . '! I -ii'i-i w Ies I'.ti" each s.i'i..t'niu'iit insertion V -ofo'sion-il clars, 1 yiar ! K-cial nolb-es vol' lino ! CO r. r.o ...n c CO r l (in 1-) on 1.". no LV i:o :;. on n t;". oo 'Sit navy nr. urn 'in;t. ii".'. II g! NolilCS, Ciiell c no s qunrr ( VI) y ( 1 ..T 11-'- '.VI! Mi:arc- C'..ll!ltlll '. c. lin. ai 1 n-'ui'iin !ayi"l i-.-.nre t aan ci'in f..r ill .ma) "!' M.-ly A.lvcrl mvIv AdvoV ai'v Advev'iii'r A.lvn li ii A.lvi-r:i-i- V Mi 1y Al -.i--if.ii. A-lvei r.'i!'.''ii; s i r lir.arily vill I lie i ate ; i.ci- c o o: I'.-IMI If (!!! ii : l'.i f ! of r.d lei l.l:ll ( ! .1 v t -)'c. vp nve i'. IVl ii (o i nil !i in i! k ina manner which can l "I I IV o . i'('Xii!It'l by ii'iy o.-tabliMiinent b..--n Vi';!',i:i"i -pe-. 1 r.rnl I'i !e. ('.'.'li-: I'i. ,',-'. I : T . i 1 1 T-. V ' . f.a.l ii: l.-v oi 1 II Heads Frog.-nnnu-s ,u Han Hi ill.-, IV -i-'f'T"'. .!) vi-i. ..;i;i.ci !'' i-vJicr ir..; is I'ai v;.. . i- v. -il.Tv (l.)iK- in a roiui C-! rrosiil.-iit "TV (.i'r'IOivi;.. Jiuln 1!. (' Wiii'o. Ami JU'1-C-K C. Sciiulir.o. Jo-- i.-tric! Aftorr.oy- r,. j. r,iaii I'lv. . iiov: !' Ja!u. A. j;i-)larv. -(.'. A. liiilliuuti. Cuvr.o. i':oanrc-r .laii:-:.s ! 'o. Si;.?viuli Tiil-.-'it Jainos 1';lal.cly. Ci'inmir i-iin: Julii'.i tl.iiic.-i, J. W. ;il.,r. L .'.lis V"iii-r. Aulitor- Clark Wi'i-ox, rron J. niios, Jac.il) J'cCanli v. (.'o'liiiy i-uvvc-jv-r (Jco. WalmMcy. '! i.mi; cr iioi.i-ini; rouc r. i-ici-oii'l JJntnlay in January, j.a.-( Mutiilay i:i A pril. 1'n-st Mi'imlay in Anp.ust. I ii. t M'.i;day in Xovoiiiljcr. U ISTOFTilAVj::-; JUilOHS IN -"Oyer r-ti i 'iV-rmiiicr, I'lawn fur Nov. Tciui'lsCT. J'r nr::i fp. flcoi'dC Jiclll, J. '. 1'rown, li ti..'ii "u:!r.v Jr., Yailaoo T.jltn:-oti, Curctliu.i Waiuwrii'lit, laviJ ;.Ir.r.-!i. .lor.'.-.yrr I'liilip Illai'.cl, Iv.I- vnrd ).il)c!, J'.n. Kcrner, Anton I'illo. Anion JIusiii-li, Francis Cai-i-Jy. '.,..- l,. i low lit, A. -.Ill-I. V. filT-S3, Jo'CUlillll Hill, I ju; n- X a Mi an ays Kylor, r'.co l.ittlo, inpiio. j. Ii'iiwn. Y, 11. f ! i-:ilr.V: ctuLLi, .7 '. C..H i ,1 , o. v. t: iMllZ. 1'1i0'.ii:h 'aliilililo, th Win. :). YM !j, Tlio.inns KicliarJ ClieatJo, Oliver Dodge, J. '.:!. ;', I!oo. o MayliooJ. ,l-,fs !j. Mic'o'.c-! I'i'.l. i::.h,,r,ij lp. c. iioaiy, ri. v. Dickinson, JMw ird DerVy, 11. V. Ki rue ll.P.Dulnap. nji, ;ny ( '-. p. Miolmcl It'll?, ''iipiutl Harps fit. Mir' n.ro.Josopli Craft. W. C. Sciuiltzo, (!. Jl. Volk, I'hi'.ip Wil. lu-lin, W'ai. (.ij-nss, Coorgc Iintiuir, Mi f liacl Draacr, Joloi VuucktuI, Drank AVtis. 'ff I ST O I- C 11 A ND J IJKOllS, J rawn M Nov. Term ls07. Hun :.!.: j'.li'.c.i Dci:t p. Julin Z. l.iiulfnintli, Charles Yin:-!ow, Ahnor Ol cr, i;.:v,-:.r,l l'lctfhor, Jacob -li.O.: Jicnjan in Joloison, Milln'i Chare. lit tr.itrj .- tp. 1'runc'w Toirlor, Tlios. Kerncr, Anloti D.inor, Jo. D. V,' err. or. t't:' tp. V. X. A., Ilt-nry Ltirjry, W. V.'. lio '. i .Tool 'Jajlor, J. Kocli, J'l'i 1. Kjlor, .li'liiii:. Williiaiis, li. A. Wood, Aiac-1 'J'urloy. :;.i;ir;! tp.). d. Cu.ik. .';.(, '( V. .- II. J '. Hull.stnan, I ..:: ! IK I'avi J:.ui. f-fM"f..v No unity ( 'iiui.ion 1' ember Term i .is Coiinacn- V i;h . C. Vc ":n:e of :-. l-er ri.;;. is, fur M Govg. r -una. S-ilno. O. (!. Crowcll, II. Woodward, et nl 11. H. l'liglaml ( ul V. l'.ryp'.t. " " II. V.'n'.idwarJ " " .los. Wii'irv " ' John C. Scott. .1. P.. will, A.liu'j". .1. N. P.vecden t-t ul P. W. i'.arrett. 'i'hc Connly of Elk-We-t C I, .'.I & M Co "1. Gerg. i:.lit:0. S'.l 111 0. A. HATlinUN, vs vs vs vs C. Walirvrlil.l, .1. W. Ilrown, 1'ci d ( i, ! nl .1. 0. 'hi. in's Heir? vs .lolm i iiioiv, i Imib'S Hell, ( l-ii-'e- ll.illo-r 'iff.-, ir.s. i'lidrelis lake Hill, I',. 1 1. ,lf"'"B?"r, I;. ('. 1.0'iir.is, vs s V- vs vs vs s V-l i vs !. V,. Hal 1,1,. m, i- li (no. V, li no (;"o:u;; 'iftr (ih'ftri Aimuily S.ifc Insurance iv TphsI, Co. 01' PJtll.AD'A. CA.-i! CAPITAL A.-;i:is .Mo! .oil I ioiii i.LCe c. t.ivilj el l-.pil.il. Ill- ill: lli-al.' '! I. pi 'V .;.:. ;.v ( i .' F r.O'i, onoio. C2,l"i"i.;.i5,.jii. nil inc l v.i.h the fe. la. niiLAW-.I-rjilA & EKI2 EAILHOAD, ff)!i:R TIMK TAR-LIS. T :. ; 1 Iirrit Rul'V' hrlvccn In,-1, Vi!i'tiiin-l)'irf, mi' the u n a t o i l i: e a i o a df Pennsylvania. L F. T, A N T f U'.KliNG CA1VS On nil Ni;,'l0 Tinins. ; .mi i n or monhav, Aruir- 20111, llr: Iniins nil tin- riii'.n.lcli.Iiia & Kric l'.aili u.iil ill run ns fnllow.-i : V'K" T'.VAH). A T : 1 1 1 riiiliiKMTMl'liilii'l-li'liin.i .no p. in. " " i::.l,;vyny .... " " ni i-ivp i line Eric Kxp 1,-nvca l'Lilii'L IpLin. " ' " Hiilfrwny " " fti-vive n Kric i:i!TiVA 1:11. Mr.il Traiii lcnvrs l".i i " " ' l'.i Vrwny.... " " nrrivo al l'liiKloliili .10.17 ii. m . 4. OS p. iii .12.0(1 noon. ,. 1.1 ft. in. ,.10 00 a. in. .10.2.-) a. . a. -17 p. i 7.05 a. i.i. in. in. i;. ;.- I'.xp 1cav( a Kric o.Oil p. " " " l'v.i.!j;v.-iy 10.41 p. ' " nvr. nl riiilai'.i'fi.liin... 1.00 n. in in. in. Mii.'i it n I .'in,::t triim ec-nnf! villi a'J nrnxfit Yrr n ffii-' Frniihiin I'ifit'cair. J'n-ir.rrs I. a, ',',,'.'..-., !t.ltia at 2.C V. orr'rr ;( rr,'nr!un at i'i. 10 a. vi. nni Oil C;i t.ol. i'i. l.cnrirn rhilaititjihln alt. 'Hi . J". inrirr nl Oil Vihi at i." . w. All ( rains on Yi',htp,:i ;i I'ruiililin Hail-.v.-iy inalto closp coi'iipctinns at Oil Citywiili t-.iiiiiH fi:r Kinnlilin uii'I IVtrnli'iiin C'cnlro. r.A'IC.U'.K t'lUTKKIl TII'.iOlTOH. AM'KKH V. TVLIiil, (icnpi-al Siippi'iulcinlciit. laolT.liT or.fiAXS & MKI.ObKOJCS. I iiaiuinnatly .-iwar-K-il (lie 1'ii'it l'ri.p, A (iili.l) M I; lAIi. As Tin: liKsT c.i:im:t ono.vxs," A, a. 1.:.-!., New Yoik. Oct. 1 :". li.-i i' 'i!.pi.'.ii:pO'l l-iui" m Qr.ii'ily, i'i -,y,-i- r.a i Ynvkty of 'i'ono, an.l iu number ul' ri'inli'n.'.tioii3. 1 1 o 1 1 ia-!inaipn!s of Aincric-S woi c '.lu'i-c ciiuivU'liii. liiclicvcr wun tlic l.iUil" v.-iaiUl 1mvv'iiatliin;U"ft to conquer. Am. .Ni l .li.unia!, cililt'l ly a well-known i..i:.--.il ciilic. i hoy- have also (aki-n tlio In-sl r-rcnuun v. lici-i'vci exliil.iinl liiis Benson. I'KiiAIj OliCI AXrf, one, two and tlncc 1.:i!:!:s oriiivK fix sine! : P2V1 1 o fl.yOO. V.'iib.-.u! petals, sialic ami (l'.ul.lc bank ill Eivat v-.vii ty, in S .!l. Ihcsc !):. lis ii ii i!ip:v si.ir.nl li, pippilikp finality of tnac l.'.-.u; t . ; nl mjIo B'oi'S, strcnjitli cl c.ioi-i.v uii-.-aallcil (H'.a's. aiol priii ral orgaiis-li oir-.-eis, I'.ro si'pci ior for (.'liurclicij. Halls J tii-luvs an.-l r-i-lionls. i Iicy avo put up in r.oo-.j of .ali-l Walnut, faiipy vcuoerp-l yal- imt, fr.-w ami unioiio slyk-i) ami olopant lln. pu rni'1, of S'lili'iuiiil ilosipns mul finish, ami ol the best. wovN maiisliip : it I.pin intcii'loil (lint cncii iiistviiiiiont slinll be a inoi'cl of iln kind. All iiistvuiiients down lo n fine optfivp portable alclodcon, liavo ;!ic beautiful Trcnuilaiito Blop, without extra charce. A l.irpp asovl input onntnntly on liand at our (icneial Wlmlo.'alo and I'.ctail Vurc- vooais, Ml, liroadwav. Our lilustratpil Circular and Price lasts, with our new ttyles, arc now ready. Send fur a circular. l EI.OLT.KT, TKI.TOX & CO Manufacturers, No. P 11. mni-1 10m llroadway, N. Y. City HINTS for I'AKMliltS and others. The (iralon Mineral Paint Co. are now luaiifactui-iiig the liest Cheapest ami most durable Paint in use ; two coats well put" on. Mixed with pure lansocil Oil, will last 10 or 15 years: it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be chanced to crccti, lend, stone, drab, olive or crcaiTi, to suit the taste of the consumer it is valuable lor Houses, iianis, Icncc.i Cirriajrc and Car-makers, Pails and A"oud en waie. Agricultural linplenicnts, Canal boats, Ycsscls and ships' l'ottoins, Canvas. Metal and f-liinir'.e Hoof-", (it beinj; Fire and V.'ater proof), l-'loor Oil Ch.tlis, (one Mann faeturer bavins used 6O00 bbls. the past year.) and ns a paint for any purpose unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity. a n-1 r.dhcsivcnoES. Plica !' Vcr '.bl. of lift) lbs., which will supply n farmer for years to come. Warrculcdin nil cases as above. Send for a oireulnr which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded ina trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address UAS1KL H1UWELT., 251 Pearl Street, New York. Set I. f) 'C7.-lim. EW CxVSll GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries it a, would respectfully inform tho citizens cl Kersey and vicinity, that, lie has gone into tho Grocery busii. ,'ss. and will open on or about tho middle of May. He kecy confcLi tly on banc an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, T0IJACC0E3, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thcbarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first cla.s3 Grocery htorc. I will sell fur CASH nnd consequent ly can iiiioru to sell unAl'liK than the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to coinc anJ satirly tnem3i-lves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May Sd, 'CO. Cm. ITHoI'EI.IUS YOG I, Practical Clock & I' Wi.tcliniaker, t. Mary's, l'.lk county. la. boons next door to liintenaeh's Clothing Stiiro. All kiiu.'s of work done dune in a pntisfnutory maiiaer, and war rant e. I. Consultations in regard to work in the German, rcndi or English lan guages. March 11, 1807tf. TJHlt ITOTTSn, i St. Miiry's Elk County. Pa. J lijs well known house has been entirely refitted and newly furnished with a desire Iu meet the wants of (he travelling comiuu. r-iip, mid toiuako it nn A, Nn. 1 hotel. juu.27'i;71y. GEO. IIATHORN, Pvopv JjOli PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY I Executed ut U.cAi ocAia Office SOMETHING NEW ! ! Ill IS Srr.SCntP.lSr. Tcpccirully desires ta iini-.o-.iiico lo t ho nl'.';iis ol 1.1k county that he lias recently filled up nn es tablishment f"r the lunniifacl urn uiul sale of TIN, COI'I l'.l!, and Sil KiST-l HON Ware, on Main .Street, in Itidwiiy, where, by slri-'t attention to buiiiiess. be hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of the coniiiiunit y. Me will keep on hand an cr.lciisive ami ii-iod assort mi nt of every kind of TIN- WAKIS, mid repair iu the neatest possible innnner, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keep on hand a well assorted stock of ST 0 I S 3 suitable for cither Wood or Coal. lie desires especially to call the nlten m of lumbermen to the fact that he can supply them with Ft AFTi NG-STOVE 3 ma le in a s iprrior nanner. Poofin and .'.pouting clone to order on hnvt notice. IV5..0M Copper, Tirass, Tcwtcr, Lead aud Scrap iron taken la exchange, lor 'roods or work. ps.,.ri!vc birr, a call all lie asks is n tnir trial. I'ustonicrs will find lion at their SI'.UYR'F.." C. Vi. fSlSKYICE. Pidgway, April -1, 1807-tf. rgllliS MOST KV.T.t ARblS CUSHION used j on I'illiitrd 1 aides is the CAT GUT CUSHION, M iiir.fartiircd by Knvannpli& HeeVer, and patented Pec 1. ll'IIO. (See Sctcntihc Am iririin. volume Hi. number 11.) It is the ON LY Cushion that posaessesr all the (iiialities e.---entia! to ft perfect t'ush ion. li T is the r.iot el.islio r.n lmost uiirati'.f Cio-hieii ever olleve.l to the bi'.liaril-playinf pub!', ns is nl undaiitly proven by tin tm Ueniaii-l lor li since us iniromci;on 'iWW(t;irity which distinguishes tin CA'M T.i'-hion and renders it snperioi tmn'.Wjj 31s the tightened covd of cat gut whiurveiTios the facennd edge of tin UibhpQpd running tho full length of th( Cuslibijk which prevents the ball from bed (li,rJK3fn the rubber end jumping from tin tabic. The addition of the cat-gut cord nlso a-M.s much to thcclasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion hasalrcnd- Veen applied to over 1000 tables w hich arei? constant use. It can be applied to tables of nny make, f..r ??7" per set. KAYANACH & 1KCK1S1!S Faetory.N the corner of Centre ar.d Canal Mi-eels, s Y., is the most complete of its kind in the world. The machinery" is of the most ini proved character, tho lumber drying room the largest in the United Males, the mate rial used tho best that can be purchased, nn.l the workmen thoroughly skilled. Pilliard Cloth, Halls, Cues and Trim mings, all of the best make, constantly on hnr-d. Kavanngh mid Docker are the only ngontB in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENT, adjudged by competent authorities to be the best cement ever used. Full Size Tables cut down for $100. Scurf for Illustrated Price Libt. KAVANAGII it DECKER, Cor of Centre nnd Canal St?!., npHOly New York City. B E A L E ' S (i.atk rowr.i.i.'8) i: Ttl II II O C A T I O N ! 011 ALL DISEASF.3 INCIDENT TO Horses, Cattle nnd the Human Flesh, i'efiiiri'.ig tne use oi nn exieinai application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of nil the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of tho kind yet of fered to the public as nn ixtrrnal applica tion for the diseases fur which it is recom mended. Wo are sati.-ficd that it will work its own road into the ennfidenco of nil who use it, nnd tho-;o who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is prnnoiinoeil by turners, and all wno have tried it to bo the best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for ovci eight years, and it is only throush the increasing ueiiinmt anil urgent request of my friends and tho Tubbo that 1 send it torth ns t lie granu renieilini ngeni for the various diseases to which that noble and useful nniml. the HOUSE, is subject. Many remedies have been offered to the Publicunder different forms, some of these arc injurious, outers at Desl or mtlo use, nnd many wholly improper to answer the purposes for which they arc recomnicniteil. A judicious and really useful composition free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust thein to the care of designing aud prettending Farriers. Their wishes are ft length fully gratified, by Dr. lleule being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so etllcacious to the various diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the public. This eiubrocilion was extensively used by the Government during the war. ' Address all orders to PR. EDMOND REALE, 002, South Second St, phil'a. r.Ft'i' Sale by liordwell 4; Messenger, Ridgway, Pa. npllOly rilhc subscriber begs leave to announce to L the citizens of Elk nnd adjoining conn, liei that ho lias purchased tho harness shop lately occupied by John Ssmitz, nnd that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suii able sijle, SADDLE S,BR:DLES,11AR ESS kept constantly on hand at pricea to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond story of Drug Store building. ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. LUM3ER. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of tho best quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, dressed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Alio, LATH 011 PLASTERING We will put on ears when required. liyAll orders nldscsscd lo us at this plucc proinp'lv attended to. r OUT PER, WILLIS & CO. jun21.'.7.f Ridgway, Pa. Mil ,7ilvii;i'i's' Coliihii). mi; cih;aim;st goods IN THE COUNTB.Y Ate Sold by , IV E I S II U O T II K H B Successors to Co. Wois.- liK.U.F.ltS IM tOi'i'lCJi) Jlf)J )olf0?iiil fti'J) GooiV, St. Jlnry's, l-;ik County, Da. G ALL AND EX A MINK OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SIIOKS TVc have no hesitation in Faying that in Ibis department of our establishment, wc car. give bargains to our customer? with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wo luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Cele brated Doot & Shoe Manufactory, E!mi ra, New York YVo warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. H1 EAYY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE TREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this lino bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stack is largo, well selected, and is especially adapted to tho wants of the community. TOADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS, An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, 'Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Dclaiucs. Moiro Antiques, Chiulzcs, Whito Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Dcreo-cs. Laces, Corsets, In fact wc have everything ccuueetcd with Ladies' Wear. Wc arc determin ed to sell loiccr, clicojicr and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. We Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of (3D I 0 i It i jj IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Tersons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. B?No trouble to show our Goods. f ROCERIES, NOTIONS, Kc, ic. In Eudlcss Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of CV1 (? In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. T)1PJ-:S,TCRACC0ES it- SEGARS Wc have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo soid at a VE R Y SLIGHT AD VAXCL Oa coit und currimje. 6Q- Our Store i in the new Si'oiic Buildiuij on Main Slrnl. July 11,1 RC7 tf. THE PLACE TO RUYIQAT TIIERIDOWAY 0 STORE Ki:rr ky GROVE G. MESSENGER, rcaiisra in Drag", Medic-ir:'-?, re.'-jt, ()U, Wl-.ile Lrad, Lulric-.tinj Oil, . I.-nrap Oil, Trr.crr's Oil, Dcr. fumerica of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Dnr-hcs of every Style and Size Dye SlnlTs, Dure Confoclionarirs Citron, Raisins, Datcnt Medicines, Wines, Wtitshcs, Jevrelry, Rings, Tcbaceocs & S.'am Dure Lifjuors fur Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful I'ciliiiiiing to the Drug Easiness Gen erally. Puio Drugs at Low Driers ! Dure Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Motions in Endless Variety I American and Enclii.Ii Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &e. Latest Styles of Jewelry. Rings, &c Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I Fancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Dird-OiigosI Albums, News, Stationery. Dird Cagest Violin, Dar.jo and Guitar Strings! Violin, llanjo and Guitar Strings 1 mar201SC0 "Vf A LI I A I Hi ! 1 i( V The unilersigne OTS FOR SALE. ned has laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining tho llidg way Hi-pot, to bo cnllcl ELK. The lots arc 50 feet front by 100 fect deep front in? towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot Fold, $120 and go on increasing in price as lots are sold. 1!, First purchasers get the choice lot at tho cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of the purehnso money must bo paid at the time ot the application. lP?Applications will bo ma-Jo to Jou G. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. j. a. niuii. Ridgway, in.ir,20'CG-tf. COAL, COKE -AND FIRE-CLAY I All of superiol quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. .Mary's. Elk County, Pa. ti'Orders by mail promptly attend ed to. fscptlG S-tl INHUltANOi: AGAINST loss or DAM AG E by FIRE "MIS Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Miincpy, Pa., con tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public, and private uildin;", either in town or county. Al-o on Mills, Tanneries, Hams, stocks of Grain, kc, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. Tho Lycoming County, Mu tual insurance Company invites sn investii gat ion as to its stability. Its capital umounts to ,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patron tliat their losses will be promptly and sntis. faelorily paid. Its management has always rieen prudent, as its existciuo of twenty six years fully demonstrates Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's FURNITURE STORE AT ST. MARY'S?. PA- SAS iSH, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! ! llio subscriber keeps constantly on liana nil sizes of Sash nnd Doors, also Wardrobes. TJurcaus, Washataiuls. P.ookcascs, Tables. Desks. Lounges, Ucdlcads, Sofas, &c. Picture Framf s. Sash Tainted and Glazed, All -.voik v. nri nuted lo bo of tho best mai terial and workmnnship. Call and examine my work nnd prices as I feel ci. nlide.il my work will give satisfac tion and my prices mens iow, if not lower than they are in any other market. CHAS. L. PAYER, my2.M'i7tf. St. MaPa 'y'sr. S1EYI.NS HOUSE, " , if" L!7, Jiroatf icni, V. Y. Opprile Piowlinit Green. KEPT O.N THE EUROPEAN PLAN. 1' Mil STEVENS HOUSE is WELL r.d widely known to tho ttavel- ling public. The location is especially suitable to merchant nnd business men ; it is iu close proximity to the business part of the city is hi the oighway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to nil tho principal Ruilioud und Steamboat De pots. The Slovens House lias liberal aecnimo datita for over threo hundred $ nests it is wi ll furnished, jnd posse sses every modern improvement for t he comtort and eEtertaiu lr.ei.i cf Us iumatciK. The room are upac ious ami well ventilated, provided with gas and water, tho attendance is prompt and KTL-tt'ul, nnd the table is generously pie vide I with every dulicaiy of tho Beasou-d mo.Ierato ratfs. GEO. K. CIIASF, & CO. M.iy tllh, U'C7, f ui. Pr. prit-lois.