LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. !' Time at tli-.tgicfiif. Erie Express East 10:1;) p. m vo do West 8: "2 i m do Mail East 1:0 p. in. !o lo West 1!: !" p. m. Local Freight East ih-lOa. in. do do West 2:25 p. ni. JIIyde, Gillis & Co. havo just re ceived a splendid lino of Confection rics, which tlicy will dispose of cheap. Just Received. A largo stock of Flour and Groceries, at the storo ot Hyde, Gillis it Co. Give them a call. 8s"-Tlio best assorted, largest otid cheapest stuck ol Hardware in the coun ty, at Hyde, Gillis it (Vs. Magnolia WATi:a. A delightful toilet article superior to Collonc, and at half the- price. f7Rcad the advertisement of II. II. Thomas iu to day's paper. He his a splendid assortment of everything in liislinc. Give bim a call. B-5yScc the picture of tho Morning Glory in another column. It is a splen. did picture, and Service has tho reality at his sbop ou Main street. Business Phiectohv. Mr. J. M. Lyon is now in our village canvassing for a business directory of Ridgway. Specimens of other directories which he showed us are beautiful, lie is meeting with a deserved success in this place, and intends visiting St. Mary's on the last of tho week for the purpose of get. ting up one in that thriving borough. Tho cititens of that place can therefore he ou the lookout for hviu. I Wu baton's Ointment is an old aud well tried remedy, which keeps constantly increasing in popularity as its merits become known. Ithasbceu before the public for more than sixty years, and is universally acknowledged to bo the most certaiu and speedy cure ever discovered for Suit Rheum, Ulcers, Chiiblaius, Tetter, Pimples, Blotches, and all eruptions of the skiu, whilo it is a sure cure for tho itch, and will eradi cate tho most obstinate cases in forty cijrht hours. " Blessed be the Man who tixst Inventeu Sleep,'' quoth Sancho Pnn za. Sleep has often been " murdered," not in Macbeth' case only, but in many modern instances, by Indigestion, Ncr vous disorders, Headache and a host of other complaints. For all such there is a remedy, and sufferer may now ex claim, "Blessed be the man who iaven ted the PLANTATION LITTERS!" This delicious Cordial and fine Touic is now hailed by milliuua as the great Health Giver and Restorer. Resolve to buy a bottle, and don't ".sloop on it." " Re wi.-c iu lime." "Tiik Chilling Da y." Although the weather for the past week ha3 been like an unbroken summer day, we aro constantly reoiinded of the near ap. proach of tho wiutcr by tho whirling about of the falling leaves and the ap. pcaranco of the naked branches, that must ere long bo born down with weight of ice and snow, or writhe and cracklo in the wintry gale. The poor dread the winter, as it is to thorn fraught with untold terrors and privations The rich may find a field of charity without seeking for it among tho South Sea Islanders. There is in every town iuauy whose receipts aro barely enough to support them through the summer, and iu the winter, unless assisted, their families must suffer. A load of coal left at the door will look more like gcnu ine gratitude than a ship load of tracts to distribute among the heathen. The Normal School Some weeks ago a correspondent sect a communica tiou to this paper on tho above subject, spggestir.g therein a method of estab lishing said institution within tho limits of Elk county. As yet we have heard nothing furthsr on the subject, and it scorns to um that our citizens are stand in their own light in not going immedi ately to woik and seeing what can be done in the matter. We believe the State appropriation gives t tho sum of 815,000 for building purposes, aud there is not a township or borough in Eik county but is able to give the same amount, thereby muting 830,000, which when put into a building, would make au institution which our citizens might bo proud of. Right hero in Ridgway is one ot the most beautiful spots ihe State for a Normal School. Let our cit zeus mo70 in this matter. It is well worth th.c trial. Ca.NCUcI, Slilim'ULA, &.O., OOilfcU. Persons nfllicted with Cancer, Scrofu- j la. Tumors, Empties, o., nre cprkd by tho use of Dr. GRFKNES FJ.EC-TRO-MKIUOATKD JUT I IS aud In diau vegetable rouiedifts which cleiiuso the blood of nil Humor", Mertiry. Led &.O., and rcs'oro health to invalids at dieted with every variety of disease. A book describing Cancer, Scrofula, Hu mors and other diseases, with their prop er means of cure, may bo obtained free at tho Medical Institute, or by mail. Address Dr. R. GllEli'NE 19 Temple place, Roston. Mass. Predictions about the Winter. Wo see it generally stated that Eu. ropean meteorologists are predicting an early and hard winter this year; for the rcasoa that the birds of passage have begun their migration southwards at least a month earlier tht.n usual. Storks, wild ducks and other birds are reported to bo passing southwards over France and Relgium in large numbers. Similar signs of a severe winter have, from time to time, been noted in our own country, aud we arc inclined to attach more im portance to them than weather prophe sies usually deserve. Mctcreotagists say a wet summer signifies a dry wiutcr, and winters ore always proverbially cold. Housekeepers should make a noto of this inference, which we think will prove correct. The creat sale of aruiv clothimr. and camp and garrison eqnippago, com. mcuccd in rsew lork on luesdav. Uvcr three million dollars' worth of property as sold. 1 he salo was larsreiy attended and went off with spirit, but iho uoods brou"ht rather low prices. The sale will realize about ouo-quurter the coft of the articles. The London Ti'mci says that the I'opo has repeatedly and even very late, ly expressed his firm resolutiou to abide at his post, and, indeed, ever since his return from Gaeta he has uiadc no mystery of his aspirations to the crown of martyrdom, and ot his readiness, under any pressure of necessity, to take refuge within thoso catacombs whonco the church originally came forth trium ph ant. In concluding a paper on cotton spinning machinery, read leforo the Institution ot .Mechanical Lnginccrs at Rirmingham, Mr. Piatt stated that the number of spindles now employed in the cotton manufacture in Great Rritain exceeds 30,000,000. The produce ot yarn when in regular work is 04,000, 000 miles in a day of ten hours, which gives enough to wind four times around Ihe globe every minute. A man in Chicago stole some money a year ogo from an acquaintance, aud a day or two after eonicssed the crime and promised restitution. The next, day instead of fulfilling his promise, he ran away. His wife then procured a divorce and mairicd the man her bus- band had robbed. On Tuesday the thief came bick, aud was at once arrest ed at the instance of the mau who had taken his wife in payment for the money he had stolen. It is stated ic will cost 2,400,000 to complete the reconstruction of the fortifications in France, and that the amount will be voted iu five annual instalments. A French writer adds that they will cost a least another 2, 400,000 in the general mistrust and paralysis of trade to which these work y,ive rise. By tho time they aro com. pletcd the causes which have given rise to them will probably exist no longer. In rejoiciug over their recent victories, t!i3 Democracy are not wast ing their strength in idle joy. Every where, we learn, they are beginning to organize for the next contest. This is well and promises great results iu, the future. Our Democratic friends should sec that their papers are circulated as far and widd as possible. Mre shall be glad to enter a largo number moro of new names to our list before winter, providing they arc accompanied wilh the cash. Tho defeated Radicals, through their organs in this State, aro attempt ing to treat the clcctiou as though it had uot been held at least they are raising end threatening to raise con. tcsls for dozens of offices for which they were defeated by the people. Tbey had better bo careful in this matter. The " Ruckshot war " resulted from the attempts of a minority faction (led by tho present leader of Pennsylvania Radicalism) to thwart the verdict of the peoplo. The people meant what they said and did on tho 8th inst., and they don't intend to allow Radical politicians to reviso or set aside their work. IjTciTriTcn i itch : ! i scratca ! scuATcn ! ! scratch ! ! ! in from 10 to 48 hours. Whealon's Ointment cures Tho Itch. Whcalon's Ointment Wlic'iitoii's Ointment Wncntou's Ointment Wheaton's Ointment cures cures cures cures cures Salt Khcutn. Tetter. Harbci s' Itch. Old Sorer. Wheaton's Ointment Every kind. of Humor like Magio. Price, COccnts a bok ; by mail, GO cents' Address WKEK.4 & POTTER, No. 170 Wellington Street, Dodtoa, Mass. For eale by alldnigi.its. Sept. 17'07 ly .iCilA.iiGu ilOi'tl., KtDQWAV, PA. J. TT.VLFV Vnpvi -to.-. This limci is fc;oa mil siiuvfed em the bunks ot the War. mi River at.d KU Ci ek. at the lower end of l ie viiloire, Mr. l!i-ak ill spare no pains f r ttie cnvenie.co n'' his en'. lnvii'wnn nuJallto giw him ik call And try his lionso. R-pt, 17th'i7 ly. , " . II X ECU TOR'S NOTIC.. V, tier b lice. j'iy iven that lettors losuiiuc.iiary lli Estate of Ralph Johnson, lnte of llptipzott" township, deceased, have noon gra-iic-i I the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate, arc requested to mac imme diate payment, and thoso having claims against the svno will present I hum duly authenticated for settlement. RALPH JOHN' SON Jr., JOHN CHAPMAN, Oct lOili '07 to Exicutors. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that loiters of Admin i si nit ion on the elate of Jesse Johnson, late of Boncscttc township, Ieseael, have been granted to tho undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate, nre requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HA LI' 11 JOHNSON, Jr. Oct. 10'07.-lo. Administrator. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the final account of John Wegener and Oeorgo Schmit, Executors of the last, will of Simon Ernt deceased, has bean filed in my office, and will he presented at tho next term of Orphan's Court of Elk county for confirmation. GEO. A K ATM BUN, Register's Office, Register. Ridgway, Oct. 10'G7.-3i. j fi AUTION Vhcrcas, my wifo Theresa, yhns left my bed and board, without any just causo or provocation on my account. This therefor is to CAUTION nil persons from trusting her on my account, as I will - e 4..:., date. GASrKKO FUl'IAysY- rox ip., i ui.oi. pi. TXECUTOIfS NOTICli. I liby given that letters the cstuto of Lyman Wilmarth. township, deceased, havo been Enjti'&fi the undersigned. All persons imlSJStto said estate, ore requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims ngainsttho same will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. l. a wiLMArmr. FUEU YY1LMARTII, Sep. 19-07.-5w. Excsutors. "Beyond lis Mississippi." A CoMPi.r.TB IfisTouY of thkNkw States as i) Tkuritohirs, from tiik Giiuat Hivkh to the (Jbkat Ocean. Ity .Mlbcrl if. Xtlchartlson. Oecr 20,000 t'opies soil in onn Month. TIFF. AND ADVKNTUUE ON TT.AI j ries, Mountains and the Pacific Coast. Willi over 200 Descriptive and Photograph ic Views of the .Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New Slates and Tcrri'orics. To prospective emigrants and settlers in tho "Fur West," this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, nut hemic and reliiiblo guide to climate, Boil, products, means of travel, &c, &o. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars nnd seo our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. 507 Minor St., Phila'a Pa. 5Jf"The undersigned has taken the Agen cy, for the above book and will furnish by mail. In EXT1U ENGLISH clolhat $3,73 pcrcopy, or in FINE LEATHER. (Library Style) at $ 1,50 per copy. PosUgo Paid. Address FItED SCHOF.NIXG, Kersey P. 0., Oct. 10 'C7-tf. Elk Co. To., rigin and History of the Books of tho Bible. BT raOF. CALVIN E. STOWS, P. II. A work of teat value, and an almost indis pensable companion of tho Uible, showing what the Dime is not, what it is, ana how to use it; answering all tho objections to iU authenticity urged by modern infidels, and tracing the authority of each book up to its inspired authors, giving a vast amount of information heretofore locked up in very rare aud costly volumes, making one of the most popular books ever pub lished. 1000 AGENTS WANTED. Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school teachers aud others should send at once for circulars giving further informa tion. Address, ZEIGLEB, McCCRDV & CO., 501 Chestnut Street, l'hil'a., Pa, Sept. 2(i 67-4m. STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT John Sosenlieimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected stock ot WARE. STOVES &c. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT-SHEAF STOVES A'o also keep on hand and for sale the MORN1XG GLORY, A laree sioc of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia Iod is among our assortment, which are now '.ha best stoves iu use, aud can be gold os cheap as ov;r. SCRAP IRON taken in exchango for cooils. GOODS CASH. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, und satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. !2U'li7. tf. TAKE NOTICE ! A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM selves indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call and scttlo their accounts ut their eurlicbt poesiblo conven ience. Joseph a. ini'is Ridgway, August 1, lil7. Something Slew, A L.A11GK STOCK OP GOODS The undersigned have on hand a lnre and veiy desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, Oil FEED. which they will sell at tho very bottom figure and from this data will sell only for CASH, We will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of onr cu? turners to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We (Tavo de'craiiucd to cive tho SSrCASH SYSTEM a fair trial, helicvinjr it to ho the inter est of both, buyci and seller. powell & Kim:. Ridgway, Aug. loth, 1807. se. "TOTICE is hereby given, that the firm JL heretofore known as Slioening. Little At Co., is this day by mutual consent, dis solved All persons knowing themselves indebted to euid firm, arc requested to make immediate payment, to Fred Schocti' nig wlio is autliorued to act. for the same. And all having claims ncainat llin tirni to present Ihcm tor fliustnv'ut to II. Little & Co., by whom the business will be continu ed and who will keep a good assortmont of goods, and sell at very low prices for cash or ready pay ouly. II. LITTLE & CO, Kersey Oct. 5th'07-:5t. .SSIGNEE IN BANKKUPTCV. In (lie District Court of the United States for (he Western District of Pcnn'a. Iu the matter of John ) LoDO, iiaiiKrupt. in Uinkruptcy. Western Dist. of Pcnn'a ss. At Erie Pa., Oct. Ill, ISti". The undersigned hereby cives notice c.l his appointment as Assignee'of John Cobb of Ridgway in the County of J.rie, Stato of Pennsylvania within said District, who has been a judged n Bankrupt upon his oirn pe tition by the District Court of said Dist. CHAS M. LYNCH. Ocll7'C7-3w. Assignee. I7STHAY- Came to the premises 2j if the subscriber in Eox township, about thr 231 of August, a red bull culf eight months old. Tno ow ner is remicsted to call, prove properly, pay charges, and take it away, otherwise it. will be disposed of according to law. JOHN SIIOEBERLE. Sept. 20 C7'-2,m. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated BIBLE D I C T I O N A 11 Y (COMPLRTB IS ONE VOLI'MK.) This Dictionab Y embodies the results of the most recent sty. research, and investi gation, of about sixty-five of the most cmi. n cut and advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations approve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language, and one which ought to be in the bauds of every bi ble reader in the land. In circulating ibis Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually en countered in selling ordinary works will cot exist with this. But, on the contrary, encouragement end friendly aid will attend tho Agent, making his labor agreeable, useful, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teach ers, Farmers, Students, and all others whi possess energy, are wanted to assist in Can vassing every Town and County in the country, to whom tho most liberal induco incn.s will be offered. For particulars, apply to or address TARMKLEE BROTHERS. Aug. 20"C7.-Ot. 1ZX Samson St. Phila, Pa- A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, whilo residing in South Amcriea as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cuie f Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tho whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to I encnt tho amicted and u n for tun ate, 1 will send tho rcceipe lor nrcnariiur and u-ing Oils medicine, in a sealed enveiepe, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Address. JOSEPH T. 1NMAN, Station D, Bible House. New '. wk City. Aug.UuIi, C7. ly. E NVELOPE3, LABELS & TAGS nit ly printed 1 1 the Advocate Otli a AT-ISITING CARDS NEATLY EXECUT td at this vtlicc. hi OI1S fl. HALT., Attorney lit law. Eid,;- r, l-.ik county I n. jnnr-JJ (' Iy SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys nt Law, llHgwuy, Elk county Pa., will attend to all protcs.uoual business prompt ly. mar-22 Gf-1y. T AIJIUR .). P.LAKELV. Attorney nnd j Comiellor at law, and U. S. Commis. osner. Ridgway P. O. Elk county, I n. mar-22'i;-1y. JO. IS O. II A I.I .TAS. K. 1 II.M.I.. HALL fs 11RO. Attorn cvs - at. - l,a.w, ST.' MARY'S: BENZINGER P. O. EI K. COUNTY, TA. September 20, 1800. ly. DU.W. JAMES TiLAKF.LY rljsician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-2rf.i; ly. T) Pa. T) U. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrcvillo, Elk county mar-22'Olily. R. A. S. HILL Kersev. Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer nl!profesional calls by night or day. rcti-ly. "put. W. B. HA II T MAN. St. Mary's, Elk J county. Pa. Late of Ihe Army of the Potomac. Particular altcr.tion given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-22'OO-ly. DR. .1. S. BOR DWELL Elect icPhysU cian. Late of Warren county Pa., wi'.l promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Resilience one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar.22TG-ly. TOR WO UK of all kinds and dos. J criptions done at this office. ALPINK HOUSE, .ft. Mary s Pa.. Her man Krct!!, Proprietor. pugO'UO ItIXtTTh oaIVt t o its f,7 , WHtELEu & COBB. Phopuietors. This houso is conveniently and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Brock wayville. Every attention paid to the con venience of guests. Aug. 13. 18fi7tf THAYER IIOUSiJ, RIDGWAY. PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo nnd commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and tho pul lie gcnerlly. deel3'u0 ly DAVID THAYER. I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS. SUBPtE. j nas, Wnrrauts, &o., on hand and for sate at this otfico. (1 II. VOLK, Manufacturer and Denlo jm in Lngir Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. M.ir-22'(iti-l . TORDWKLL AND MES.SKNGF.ll Drug ) gists, Dealers in Drugs nnd Chemical's. Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary. Ridgway. Elk county Pa. mar 22'00-ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mat i lessen, rieturo Frames and Colfiim', Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main ami Depot St's. m.iy-17'i-ly. S. SHORT, JOHN O. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF ghort, gall it Ola. S'. Clary's, llcminsrcr I, O. Ei.k Cm xtv. Pkxxa YDE HOUSE, Einnw.w, Ei.k Co., Pa. M. V. MooitK, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patron igc heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict nt tentiou to the comfort nul convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Uct li IFtiii. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. "VfOTICE is hereby given that I have tak J en out a license as auctioneer, and will attend promptly to the calling ul all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling snlca without a license wil be held answerable to the strict letter of the law. P. W BARRETT, Dcc'J118GGtf. Auctioneer. WflEELEH & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Solo Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for r.lk county. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Macjiincs sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining thein cau address J. K. W II IT. MOKE. March 0t '6G ly. at Ridgway, Pa. HLAOKSMITHLNG! H. S. BF.LNAP desires to iuforuf the dti sens of Ridgway nnd vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Phop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to tho shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'00-ly. HI', OVERHOLTZEK, . MERCHANT TAILOR, J tideway. Kilt Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form Ihe citixins of Ridgway ami vicinity that he is prepa.dd to iwho to order as well as it can be done any where, anything in the line of his business. All he aslis is a fair Iriul. Good Fits guaranteed. EfTJuCloths, Cassimcrs, Vestlngs and Trimmings of Ihe latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will bi sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EjT. augflO.y SOMliTlIING- NKW! HOUSE, 6ICN &, OENAMENTAL PATNTIHO. flMlE SUBSCRIBER WOULD K E spectfully inform the ciliteus of Elk county llu.t he has just started in tho above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor bim'wilh their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE r;o.H fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this OHice or at tin Blinking House of Smilher, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Miy-17'O'j ly.