The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 24, 1867, Image 3

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" Var J'wf at Hitlgiray.
I'.rlt Kspress Enst 10:13 p. m
do lo West r.:5'2n in
do Mail East p. in.
lu do Wi'sl 2: ti ). in.
Local freight East l':40:. ni.
do do West -.J" p. in.
Maunoma Water. A delightful
toilet article supciior to Cologne and
nt hull the price.
Tun IIvuk IIduse. It would beiu
vidious to particularize between the out.
going and incoming proprietors of this
popular hotel. They have both given
eminent satisfaction. Col. Moore now
assumes the rcsnousib'.o duties nt land
lord, and any one who knows him nt all,
is aware that he "knows how to keep a
A'Kew Firm. Wo learn that the
Btorc lately occupied by J. S. Ilydo has
been sold to Messrs. llyde, Hull & Gil
lis, and will hereafter be conducted
in the name of Hyde, Gillis & Co. The
gentlemen comprising the new firm are
men of knowu worth and ability, und
we lave no doubt but they will receive
a largo ghatc of patronage. It is the
intention shortly to lay in a large stock
of goods. When they arrive the public
will be duly potificd through the col
umns of tho Advocate.
Wagon Shot. Messrs. Eclnap,
Lesser & Diobh have lately purchased
the interest of II. II. Tliomss in the
wagon making business, aud have al.
most completed within a week's time, a
new shop immediately in tho roar of
Mr. Thomas's Furniture Ware Rooms.
Tho new firm area strong team, and we
bespeak for tliem a liberal patronage.
Mr. Thomas intends now to deal in
furniture, picture frames, &c, exclu
sively, and lias started for the cities to
make purchases to fill up tho space
which tho removal of the wagon shop
li is occasioned.
Tiortrsr.nY. On Tuosdav evening last
II. A. Parsons' shop was entered and
some $00 taken therefrom. The mon
ey was not missed until Wednesday
morning, when suspicion at once attach,
cd to a man by tho name of Bingham,
who had intendod to leave on the morn
ing traiu for tho west, but overslept
himself, and did not leave until the lo
cal freight train went east. Ho was
found at St. Mary's by Constable liar
rett, who arrested him and found some
of the money on his person, lie was
brought to this piaco, and after a hear
ing before Justice Fuller, was commit
ted to jail to await his trial at the com.
ing session of Court.
Some of our Cotemporaries seem
to think that tho triumph of their cause
depended, like the fato of Jcrieo, upon
tho amount of noise made in these
days of refinement nnd luxury, an arti
clo of real intriusio merit is soon appre
ciated ; henco tho unbounded aud un
paralleled success of PLANTATION
This remedy has ever and always been
found reliable. As a ccutlo stimulant
and tonic appetizer it cannot be execll
ed. It is no doubt a sovereign rein.
cdy for stomachic disorders for Dispcp
eia. Liver Complaint, aud in stiiuulat
iog a healthy appetite.
A Model Farm. On Roon's Moun
tain in tho southern part of this county,
a score of years ago, a man named Pe
tr Smith, foud of hunting and trap
ping, built a shanty and clcuicd a small
field for potatoes, turnips, &c., but after
a crop or two he fancied that the laud
was woru out, and each year ho cleared
ah additioual field, and so on, uutil bis
farm contained a hundred acres half
cleared and half tilled laud. But des
pite his coiubiued efforts with tho farm,
(juns, and traps, his resources began to
become inadequate for tho support of
In- lugely increased family, so in des
pair he pulled up stokes for tho '-Far
His successor is an iudustiiotis Ucl
gian knowu by tho name of Johu Rel
gian, whoso incoaio this fall from this
mountain farm is 1000 bushels of com,
150 bushels of ryo, 200 bushels of oaU,
over 200 bushels of potatoes, 100 bu.Jk
els ot buckwheat and IS fat hug, aver-
0"iipf200 pounds of pork each, besides
a meat nuantity of cabbage, turnips,
pumpkins, beans, etc.
"lie' that kcepcth himself, God will
liclp." Bible.
- DiKb. Ou last Monday evening, iu
Fox tD.. Mrs. Dillo. wife of George
Hillo. a'.'cd 23 ve ir?. 7 mouth and
The New Giust Mill. Tho Flour j
and Feed Mill of Hyda tfc Ilouk, lately
repaired and now in complete running
order, is destined to give a new impulse
to tho trading interests of llidgway and
vicinity. The main building is 20x30,
and three and a half stories high ; the
addition is 1Gx20, and three stories high,
Besides this, there is an overshot, eight
feet from the rutin building, and front,
ing oa the road. It contaius two runs
of burrs, with new elevators, &c., and
has uo superior, if an equal, in the
county. This mill, which directs to a
new channel our flour and feed market,
will cause some reaction in the trade of
old establishments. lnlo ws compli
ment tho proprietors on their success iu
the enterprise, tho public will not fail
to bctow a generous custom that will
sustain them with the profit their ener
gy well deserves.
Wq cannot drop this subject without
awardiiii? tho due meed of praise lo
.Iml-n Derhv. the contractor, and bis
able assistant, Mr. Rurbank, for the
prompt and energetic manner iu which
they have done their work.
Mns. Miller. This unfortunate
woman will soon expiate her crimes.
Gov. Geary has issued tho warrant lor
her execution, which will take place on
Wednesday, the 13th day of November
uext. ShciiiT Faust, with two clergy,
men and several other gentlemen, re
paired to her cell on Monday about ten
o'clock, for tho purpose of reading the
Governor's warrant to her; the reading
of which seemed to effect her nervous
system considerably, but otherwise she
betrayed the same stolid iudiffernce man.
ifested upon her trLl, The Sheriff and
his wife had visited her cell on Sunday
morning and iulbrrmed her that the day
of her execution had been fixed, nnd
font tho warrant was now in his hands.
He asked her if she was ready to meet
her fate, to which she replied, "yes, to
morrow, if necessary." Clearfield lie.
Demorest's Illustrted Month
ly. The current number of this favor'
ite periodical is a very good oue. Iu
addition to its usual illustrations, iuclu-
ding the colored fashion plate, there are
three large plates devoted to fashions,
and another feature of special interest
to ladies, viz : a lull siza pattern of Win
ter cloak. The special departments are
not neglected, and there i3 tho usual va
ricty of excellent reading matter, stories,
poem , etc. This is the best and most
useful of the parlor magazines, and no
family can afford to do without it.
Subscription price, 83 yearly, with
valuable premium. Address,
W. Jennings Pemoeest,
4773 Broadway, New York.
November contaius its usual beautiful
variety of original, pure and sparkling
matter. All new subscribers for 18G8
sent before the close of November, will
receive the November and December
numbers of 1807 free. Great induce.
mcnts are ollerea to tuoso ivho raise
clubs. Terms, ono dollar a year. Sam
ple copies sent post paid to all who ap
ply before tho close of tho year, wheth-
er the usual ten cents are enclosed, or
uot. Tho Little Corporal will make all
the children better and happier.
Address Alfiied L. Sewell,
Publisher, Chicago, III.
JCifUold weather is last approaching
and our liiend Service anticipating it
and the wauts of tho people, has just
received a new lot of tho justly celebrat
ed Morniii'' Glory Stoves, which he of.
fers to sell at sensation prices. Service
is always up to the times, aud the com
munity should see that ho is rewarded.
Mauhied Ou the 22d instant, at
the residence of the bride's lather, by
the Rev. Mr. Vomer, xMr. O. L. Mc-
Ciaeken to Miss Kato Ross, both of
11 id -'way.
The happy couple have the best
wishes of tho printer, who hopes that
their married life may bo a continual
honeymoon. Long may they wave.
rr&,Godey, for November, has been
received, and abounds with its usual
variety. Godey pays more for Fashion
Plates tbau any other magazine publish
er iu the country.
The Hoard of Registration at At
l.inta asked a freed fruuehiser his tame.
'Rob." "Bob what?" ."Rob nuffin.
lob. llic absurd boarl insisted on
two names. "Well thcu, Bob Radical
Ohio elected a Republican govcr-
uji' aud a 1 ciiio.:i alio legislature.
In Mobile last week, as a white ma l and
a negro wore nt work on the tcalTolding of
a llireo story building, they wero precipi
tated lo II: o ground by llic giving wny of
the scaffolding. The white man was pick
ed up in nu inscrsible enr dition, but the
negro fortunately fel1 on bis bead, and es
caped with but a few light bruises.
Some three years Ego ft nin was ar
rested in Ntw York and incarcerated in a
foul and loathsome cell of a dungeon by
military edict, bis only cr'mo being that he
hi d " "disrespectfully of Mrs. Lin.
r.oli" but she was the irife of the govern,
mert then. The Radical paper ail now
saying worse things about, her than wore
ever dreamed of by any Democrat.
The Jews contiiue so larg9 and i n!lu
cntinl an element nt Pan Francisco (fi
nishing fully one-third of the pupils in the
schools,) that school holidays and vacations
arc enming to be governed by tho Jewish
holidays and festivals.
On Mr. Alexander's stock farm at
Woodburn, Kentucky, thero are one hum
dred and twenty brood nmrcs ot thorough
blood, running over its acre3, ono hvudred
cows, nnd eight bundled sheep of the finest
est varieties, just, tho half of the number
before some epidemic swept over the flocks
An Ohio editor had ciphered out the
nnmhar of crnsshorricrs in that Stall. lie
estimates the number at 42,f;2G,li0.000.
Thcso placed in single file, allowing one
and a half inches to each hopper, would
reoeh a distance of 8,9150,000 miles, or
would girt the earth 2,400 times.
Thr continued agitation in Italy, aud the
determined disposition evinced by the par
ty of action to persist in its attempts at the
invasion of the Koruan territory, cause3
much financial uneasiness aud depression
iu London and in Paris.
SMI unifies S.ILUS.
IRTUK of sundry writs
iuui Krionas issued out
tho Court of Common Pleas of Llk
county, I shall expose to sale by public
vendue or outcry at tlio Court House
in llidcrway, on Mouday
November next at 1 o'cl
tho 4th (iay
clock p. m.,
tho interest of tho defendent iu and
the following described real cstato :
icit :
ALL that certain tract or piece
land, situated in Jay township Elk coun
ty Pennsylvania, jicginuing at a Ltei:
lock Pott, South West corner of tract
No. 5028, Thence- North 313,5 rods
thence East 525.7 rods, theuco South
5 IS. 5 lods to a Hickory, thence So dc
erees .South, West 51.3 rods to a span
is!i oak, thence South 843 degrees west
51 rods to a Hemlock, thence South 84
degrees west, 19 rods to a Hemlock on
north side of road, thenco South 88 j
degress west, 27 rods to a Chestnut,
thence North ib degrees west .14
rods to a post, thence North 40 J de
grees west 53 rods to a Pine corner,
thence North 8i': degrees west ten rods
to a Hemlock, thence North 84 degrees
west 8 rods, thence North 85 J- degrees
west lu rods, thenco est 10,2 rods to
a l'iue, theuco North 88 degrees west
1G.S rods, thence North 88 degrees west
11.5 rods to a Hemlock on the North
West corner of Gray's land, thence
South 57.2 rods to a post on South bide
of tho road, thence along tho road South
77 J degrees west 17.6 to a Hemlock on
tho South side ofsaid road. South 7-
degrees ffest 17 rods to an oak. South
80 j degrees west 14 rods. South 77
degrees west 7 rods to an Oak. North
74 J detrrccu west 22.4 rods to a Hem.
lock. North G'JJ degrees west 17.2
rods Nottu 71 decrees west 8 rods to a
Hemlock, north side of road. North
i 91 decrees, west 11. o rods tc au oak,
North GO degrees west 6 rods to a hem.
lock, North G8 degress wc:t 9 rods to an
ouki gouth side of road.
South 8'J de
grees west 10 rods, north 84 degrees
west 44 rods, thence -Nortn a oegrces
west 81 rods to a hemlock btump ou
Ovils east line, thence North 3 rods to a
post, thenco 1'astwardly along the road
40 rods to a post, being Uvils boutn cast
corner, thence isortn ou rous, incnce
West -10 rods to an oak ou tho western
line of tract No. 50ai, thenco North
183.5 rods to the place of beginning, ex
ceptin' thereout five acres to-wit : Re
'louiii at tho distance ot oue red nortn
of tho North bauk of Sapriujr llun at a
point tiear tho mouth ot olt Lick llun,
thence extcuding South across Spring
Run a suffieieut distance to a point at
the distance of one rod south of tho
South bauk of said Spring Run aud cx
tending north from the hrst
named point, at the distance of one rod
from Wolf Lick Run, and from the oth
er point westwardly at the distance of one
rod from the said Spring Run; each of
said lines following tho mcanderings ol
Wolf Lick Run or Spring Run, and to
bo ear far estcuded as by a lino running
duo North connecting the two lines shall
embrace five acres, and also all the Coal
Iron ore Lime Stone aud riro Clay, eon
taiucd within the aforesaid particularly
described tract first mentioned coutain
iii ono thousand nine hundred aud
twenty.scvcn and ono tenth acres, upon
which lirorierty not excepted is crceteu
oue old sawmill not in ruuuiug order
one two story plank house, about 30x40
leet, one old iranio barn aud a Email gar-
den natch, one oil derrick &c. Seized
taken in execution nnd to be Bold as the
property of The Spring Run Oil & Lum
bcr Coumanv of Elk county, at the 6Uit
of A. W. Gray.
Al RO-David Kvlcr lot. contain
in-? seventv acres more or less, situated
iu Pox township. Elk eountv Pa. Re-
ginning at a post on tho South East cor. 1 1
nor oi land ot V lllinni Monolith ratfitn r
thence oast partly by land ef William
Taylor ono hundred and forty-eight rods
to a JJocch, thenco Nurth by land of
Geo. Ortz, soventy-five and ono half
rods to a post, thenco Wct by land of
David Meredith one hundred and fortv-
scven rods to a post, thence South by
lands oi lllium Meredith cstato to the
place of beginning. About 8 acres im
proved, one small lor bouse and one
small Ion; barn erected thereon. Seized
and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Sarah Jane Kyler, Ia.
vid Kyler and Lavid Meredith, at the
suit of Henry Souther & Albert Willis.
I.SO 1V simdrv Writ ftfyiri! rtli-Ult.
.'ss,u''l out of 'he Court of ( oiiiinoti
Huas of Elk County, 1 sh.iHexiwe to sale
by public vendue or out cry ut the Court
llou-o ui Hidgway, on Monday the illi day
of N'ovomlii'i- next at 1 o'clock p. m., nil I be
interest of the defendeut in and to the ful
lowinjr described real estate to tcit.
lioinmiig at a beech corner, thence norsh
seventy degrees east nineiy perches loa
snii'll hrnilocK, thence South iiineleen do
grees ea.t about one hundred and seventy
four and one half (17-1 j) perches to ntnaple.
thence south about seventy degrees west
ubout eighty 'eight perches to a post, ihetice
north twenty degrees west, about one liun-
dred and fevciity-lour and one half liU
perches to t lie place of beginning, nnd con
taining ninety-eight acres, more or less, nn l
being part of warrant Ni. -t.V.iS, being the
same land allotted to Sophonia Welih dr.
ceased, by proceedings had iu the Orphans'
Court of L!U County, .No. d, January term
iQlso all that tract, niece or parcel of
land situated, lying and being in Jay town
ship, Llk County, Pennsylvania, being part
of warrant No. 4S'M, described as follow.
Beginning at the north cast co ncr of said
warrant 4M):i. thence west on the norlh line
ofsaid warrant 4803, so far that a duesuutii
line to the north lineofthclot or piece of
land late bebmhing to Charles Garner which
is apart of tho aforesaid warrant -IS'.),, from
thence cast on tho north line of the aforesaid
warrant 18ft;?,sso that aline to the place of
beginning will make and contain ninety
three and three fourths roajl acres strict
ilso all that certain tract, piece or par
clc of laud in Jav tn, Klk Co, l'a., and do.
scribed as follows beginning at a pine the
north west coiner of -warrant No. 43'.i,
thence east ninety one nnd three fourts
(01 3-4) perches to a post in the north line
of warrant No. 4f-95, thence Southerly two
huncved and fourteen and live tenths
(21 1 5-10) perches to n hemlock in the
north corner of William Webb's laud, thence
south seventy desrees, west thirty an
three tenth (83 3-10) percher to a maple the
south cast cornor or land allotted to boptio
nia Vi'ibb, thence north about twenty do
grcos west along the east line of Poplionin
Webb, nllotnient one hundred aud seventy
our and one fourth (1 1 4 1-4 to) a small hum
lock in the west liue of warrant No. iW-
beini the north east corner of Kftid Sophoni
Webb's allotment, thenio north along the
west line of warrant IS'JOto place of begin
ning, containning uinely-cight acres strict
Seized nnd taken in excculien and to be
sold as the property of David Tyler at the
suit of Emcrnon nnd Adam.
J. A. MAI.OXE, Sheriff,
llidgway, Oct. 3d, 1S07.
Whereas tho Houorablo William
P. Williams, Presideut aud Hon. E. O.
Scultze and Hon. Jesse Kjler, Asso
ciate Judaea of the Court of Common
Pleas, and Justices of the Court oi
Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court,
Bud Court of Over and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of
capital and other offeuccs in the county
of Elk, by their precepts to mo directed,
have ordered the aforesaid namea courts
to be holder at llidgway, in and for the
county of Elk, on tho first MONDAY
IN NOVKJUsliri it being tne -itn
DA Y of the month and to continue ono
week. Notice is hereby given to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the county of Elk, that they
are by these precepts comuinnded to be
then and there in their proper persons,
at 10 o'clock n. m ,of said day, with
their rolls, records and inquisitions, and
other reuienibrauces, to do tho:-o 'things
which their oflices appertain to be done.
and that all Justices of said county make
returus of all the reeoguizanccs entered
iuto before them, to tho Clerk of the
Court ns per act of Assembly, passed
Mav4. 1831. And those wno arc
bound by their recognizances to proso.
eute tho nrisouers that tire or shall bo i
the jail of said county ol f.m ana to oe
then and thero reprosecute ogaiusi mem
as bltallbc just.
J. A. J1 AhUA I'j.
Sept. 12, 18G7. Sheriff.
To Solicit Oiden for a Hew Illustrated
This Dictiosabv embodies the results of
the most recent sty. rescarcn, una hivcmi.
gntion, of about sixty-nve ot tno most euu.
nent aud advanced Biblical Scholars now
livii. rierirvnien of all denominations
annrovo it, ami regaru h as me uci ui ui
;u bind in thn Fnfflish lancunce, aud one
which ought to be in the bauds ol every n rumler in the land.
In circulatinc ibis Work, Agents win miu
a ideasaut and nroiitable employment. J he
numerous objections which are usually en
countered iu'selling ordinary works will not
ii'itli -riiia
Dut, on the contrary, encouragemeni ami
r,i.nillv nid will attend lho Aneiit, making
l.wl.ilior mri-pcable. useful, and lucrative
Ladies, retired Clergymen, ocnooi xvueu-
ers. Farmers, Students, and all otnevs win
j cnertrv.are wanted to assist in Can-
Vassing every Town nnd County in the
country, to whom themosl uuerai luuuts-
men. 8 will bo offered.
for particulars, npplv to or aanresa
Aug. 29'C7.-Ct. 722 Samson St. Phila, IV
ly t the Advocate Ulnno
cd at this oiiice.
J 11 N . MALI., Attorney ut lnw, l'.idg
way, Klk county l'a. inar-'JJ W I jr
QOL'TIIKH AND WII.L13 Attorneys nt
3 I-aw, ItiJgwny. I'lk county l'a., WiH
attend to all professional business prompt
ly. mar-:2-fi-ly.
ALKIE J. Ilf.AKKI.Y, Attorney nliil
Counsellor at law, and V. S. Comniis-
o;mer. llidgway r. O. h'.k rotintv. Fa.
1 1 a n . &
..t.S. K. I. 11 A LI..
t tome v .-J -
it - Ln,v,r,
nKKZINOIllt V. (). K.IK. COU.VrV. I'A.
September lh'G'i. ly.
BR. W. JAMI'.P r.t.AKI'.r.Y Physician
.Hid .Siirjciu, t. Mary's, F'k county
Va. unr-2'2'(iii ly.
T't. W. AV. :il.W Practices Medicino
! and t'lirtery, Ccntrcville. Klk
2SC6 lv.
BU. A. S. illl. I. Kersey. K.Ik county l'a.
Will promptly answer nVtprnfcsional
c-i'.ls by night or day. fmar-22'l'iO-ly.
cases o
W. 1!. IIAHTMAN, f't. Mary's. Klk,
eountv, Vn. Late of thu Army of tho
rotoinno. Particular attention given tn all
cases ot surgical nature. mar--- iitj I v.
.7. 8. POtimV.!.!, I'leelic Physi
cian. Lateol H arrcn county I n., will
promptly nnswer all prnli ssional calls by
night or day. 1'csidi-nce ono door cast of
the bite resilience of Ilou. J. L. Oillis,
Mil-. ','',. v.
JoT5W01lKlfnll"kitKls" aud dos.
crtptions done at this oflice.
Mary's Pa., lie
f man Krctz, Pr
priotor. ougO'Oti
T)Att,i?oai iksutsi:.
, .Ki ('(Milt. Vii-M-nir.K.ns.
This house is conveniently and pleasant
ly loeaied in the thriving villase of lirock
wayville. Every attention p:ii-l to the con
venience of guests. Aug. 18'i7lf
PAYI!) T HAYEK, Pronrietor.
The undersigned having fitted up a largo
and commodious hotel on the southwest
corner of ("cut re nnd Mill stieets. with good
nnd convenient stabling attached, respect
fully solicits t lie patronage of his old friends
nnd the reirlitf gcner-tllv.
nut. Wnrrnni
on hand aud for
sale nt this ollice.
II. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Deate
in I.ngtr Heer. opposite the ltailroa I
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
Mar-'lil', 1 .
gists. Dealers in Drugsand Chemicals-
Paints. Oils nnd Varnish . Perfumery Toil
et articles and Stationary, ltidgwny. Elk
county Pa. inai--i:'(ili-ly.
HKNKY II. THOMAS, Dealer in nU
kinds of Furniture, Spring Heds nnd
Mattresses, Picture Frames nnd Collins,
Kidgway Pa. Ware lloonis on the corner
of Main aud Depot Kt's. niay-lT'tiG-ly.
J AS. li. P. HALL.
Port, gait & Ola.
SI. Mary's, tScnziiifrcr M'.'(9.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that 1 have lak
en out a license ns auctioneer, and
will attend promptly to the calling of all
sales entrusted to my care.
Any person calling sales without n license
wil be held answerable lo the strict lctierof
tho law. P. W lUmtKTT,
Dec2418Gt3tf. Auctioneer.
signal having been appointed Sole Agent
for the eale of Wheeler it Wilson's Bewing
Machines for Elk county. He beeps an
assortment constantly on hand. ..Machines
sol i at Philadelphia and New Ycr prices.
Any parties desirous of obtaining them can
address J. K. WIIITMOltE,
March 9t-'G0-ly. at Itidirway, Pa.
H. S. HEI.NAP desires to inform the citi
zens of ltidgway and vicinity (hat be lias
lensed J. S. Hyde's l'lackpinith Shop on
Mill street, nnd has employed good work
men who will be ever ready to make any
thing from a buckle to an anchor.
Particular attention given lo too eliocmg
of huvscs. All 1 ask is a lair trial.
May 17'Gu-ly.
Hi'. OVElillOI.TZKi!,
llidgway, lullc Co., l3u.
The subscriber desires respectfully to in
form the citizens of llidgway nnd vicinity
that he is prepared lo make to order as well
ns it can bo done any where anything in the
line of his business. All ho asks is a fair
trial. Good Fits guaranteed.
Brfv.,Cloths, Cussitners, YesLlngs and
Trimmings of the latoet and most approved
styles kept constantly on hand, which will
EST. augSO.y
soaiitTiinct newT
rpnt; sfiwcraitEK would u e-
X. spcctful'y inform tho citizens of Elk
county thr.t l.e has just started in tho
above business in llidgway, and feci confi
dent that he can please all who may favor
him with their cusioia. UitAIXlVr.
rc.ost fashiouablu nnd improved ninnncr and
Rtvle. Or.lors left at Ibis Cilice or at the
Dunking Housoof Souther, Willis S: Souther
w ill be promptly attended to.
ljof llw. kubkcnber
ne I ) the piemiscs
Lo township.
al.mii thr -J:M of Aumist. a re I bull calf
ei','ht l.u.nths old. Tiiooan-r ve.iie'e l
t.)ciill, piovo pi' -perly, pay 4.:irc-e. ai.d
take it av.-ay, otlu'.'ftUe it will bo disposed
ul'ucuoidiug lo Jaw.
JOHN fcHOr.i'-r KLE.