TT'hc .uv orate PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICIAL VOTE OF THE STATE. Adams Allegheny Armstrong Iscaver Bedford Berks Blair I! rail ford Rucks Butler Cnmbria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland .... Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayetto orcst Franklin ulton Greene ,. Huntingdon ... miiana efferson uniata Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon- .ehigh ........ Luierno Lycoming M'Kcan Mercer Milllin Monroe Montgomery.. Montour Northampton.. crry Philadelphia.... I'lllO rotter Schuy'kill. Snyder Somerset... Sullivan.. Susquehanna .. Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington Vtayno Westmoreland , Wyoming., York JOHN F. MOultE, Einon. TlinUHlJAY : COUNTIES. Valedictory- Although unanticipated tit tlio time, our cuniicction with the Advocate AS pnblibher close! with the last number. Fincc that data the office has changed hands, " from boss to devil," and it is only by the indulgence of the new cdi. tor and proprietor that we are permitted to say good bye to those who have been our patrons. Our connection with the Advocate cxtcuds over a number of years past, as devil, bur nnd publisher, and wo desire now to return our thanks to our liberal nntrnns. whoso many kindnesses wo i i never can forget. Should a future time require us to appear before them again in a similar yoilion, wo liopc that Umo antl naaca experience will prepare us better to dc Bcrvo the universal kindness we have olwnys met. C. W. 1SARRETT. To the M'eoptc of Elk County, In r.ssuming the uolo control ot the Aduoca:e,vie desire, at the start, to ask the forbearance of our patrons for our many imperfections, and to appeal to every wcll.wisher of Elk county for their support and encouragement. Wo arc well aware of the many difficulties to bo encountered, and without this as sistance we cannot hope for success. YVe intend to' publish a County Taper, in the strictest sense of the word. Whatever is for the boncfic or advance nicnt of the prosperity of Elk county, and her hardy aud honest people, will secure our hearty support. Upon this point we arc for Elk county against the world. In politics, its tone will be Democrat ic. It would be impossible for us to take any other side. In being a Demo crat, we are in favor of the freedom of tho Press ; and as long as there is but one paper in the county, our columns shall not be burthened with political matter, and they shall at all times be open to our political opponents for the expression of their views, limited, ho7. nvor. in r.rnrinrtion to OUT SpaOC. With a full determination of making every effort to publish such a paper ns every citizen of tho county may be proud of, we solicit tho earnest support and kind indulgence of the public Ilcdiilriis. At last tho long dark night of gloom over the prosperity of our country has passed. On the 8th day of this month tho people of Cvo great States of this Union put their seal of condemnation upon the courso pursued by Congress in regard to the government of the South cm States. This is glorious. Not alono glorious for the party which was successful, but for tho whole people of our common country. Glorious for tho reason that a party which has ruled and almost ruined the country for the past eight years, has been started on its road to political perdition. Mos. Lincoln's Wardrobe. Just now the nowspapers Lave a big time over mis subject, we arc not among those who think she has been misused in regard to her financial affairs by the admtrer3 of her lato husband. Mrs Lincoln, by her own showing, has yeuriy income 01 tfl.UU. JM0W We know of hundreds of widows widows of men who died while fighting face to face with the enemy, who havo not the pittance of teventcen dollars from the government, and for tho lifo of us we cannot sco wherein she k entitled to the sympathy and support of the American people more than those who have hard ly the common necessities of life, The itfli ocalc. Our readers will doubtless notioo tha wo iiavo decreased the sizo of the Advocate. At the same time, however, it is our intention, by keeping clear numoug advertisers, to.givo as much reading matter as formerly. Tho press we are now using is a broken down con ccrn, and was never calculated for print ing a larger sized paper than tho Advo. cale now is, and we have conclude that we could print as acceptable &ucet at mis sizQ.aa at tho old. A soon, though, aa we aro ablo to chase a new press, we will make Advocate a soven column paper. 0 O VKn NOB . CI n 8fP. Jiinon. 5' pur the Judge Sharswood's nmjority, t-iul isW2. " " offi 2'Jlll .ilfjiii iUi U0.M1 127!t."i. 10MH8 8708 W'i. 32H5 8310 2:?S.j 'ZM 2.V.M 'JW15 2:!05 , 7121 i:?288j CI 17 1 . a.r.20 27DH 8118 . 7131 80J11 6SI6 . CSOH 730!) C224 . 3511 30fil 2!8! 2fi-13 32fir, 2008 . 374 303 sr8 . HM)t; 2339 1087 . 30!" 1 8.")(!5 2790 . 8500 (,221 7751 . 1770 2813 1410 . 1G50 2780 1477 . 1751 2387 102 . 1905 3583 1490 . 0714 4909 5400 . 4030 4507 8451 .. 5091 4301 5247 . 3047 220f 3207 ,. 876 910 280 .. 7237 8957 6504 .. 05(l( 4359 3184 .. 100 70 289 .. 4299 4100 8773 .. 775 1055 709 .. 1699 3230 1343 .. 3248 2289 3009 ,. 4458 2109 3008 .. 2015 1912 1800 .. 1510 1814 1308 .. 14592 8592 12799 .. 3570 1410 2833 .. 4194 2090 3025 .. 4159- 5731 3514 .. 8733 12087 79S5 ,. 3871 4418 3004 .. 877 714 705 .. 4410 3757 3935 .. 1725 1835 1505 .. 705 2099 613 .. 7290 8342 0580 ,.. 1130 1523 1000 .. 3859 C870 3027 d 8301 3829 3023 .. 2581 2495 2427 .. 51205 18817 49587 ,.. 350 1084 235 ,.. 1346 02O 1134 .. 8793 10514 '7250 .. 1792 1320 1030 ... 3002 1759 2757 ... 430 701 421 ... 4429 2981 8949 ,.. 4791 1G28 4C90 ... 1991 1287 1075 ... 4409 3492 3040 ... 2087 1 572 2131 ... 4977 4712 4018 ... 2357 2883 2320 ... 5040 6113 4212 ... 1408 1499 1357 ... 5896 8780 4848 S 2829 9994 ;IM 2278 2033 1912 2590 2038 0910 2002 3020 800 2124 8473 6854 2003 2740 2228 8453 4018 4231 3847 2148 751 8428 3859 819 896: 1019 2753 2258 1807 1851 1095 7475 1281 2501 6141 10404 43 645 3414 1769 2359 7083 1383 697 34C 2292 52075 001 481 8880 1199 1440 083 2G90 14 1200 2010 1459 4513 2586 5G45 1474 7671 Geary 807,274 Clymer auo.ouo Geary's Majority 17,178 Sharswood 207,740 Williams 266,824 Oliiusnuuu "s Mujuilij CDd Democratic gain 18,100 Representative O rnci at.. Following will be found the official vote of this legislative district : Counties. McCullough; Welch. Clearfield 2,739 1,412 Elk 705 Forest 313 288 Total 3,817 1,730 Maj. for McCullough, Dcm., 2,087 No votes polled for Welch in Elk county. Tho Hodman cuu makes a great noise at Vienna. Dickons Bails for this country next Saturday. Tho Cape Cod cranberry crop.shows an aggregate of ten thousand barrels. It costs $300,000 per month to nn" thn n'ttv rP Ktu Orl.mna Brick Pomroy calls Congress the great 131ack Crook. Some friends of Brflwnlow have given him two suits of clothes. A house has been moving: "in Port land, Maine, with tho family living in it undisturbed. 982 tubs of butter and 83.70C pounds ot cheese were sent from St. Al bans, Vt., last week. The wives of thirty "leadins men" of Kansas have published an address calling upon the women of the State to demand suffrage, A Mississippi negro treated some of his cholera-stricken brethren with figs and salt as a medicine, aud killed eleven voters. a luuauo wuose Hallucination it was to think himself Solomon, was lock ed up in Providence the other night, But Sumner is still at large. An intoxicated woman in Cincinat ti walked into a quarry fifty feet deep tho other day. Sbe had fallen very low to get arunic, put ttiat last lull was worse. "Utter want of &elt.respcct," says wenucu runups ' has wrecked the lie publican party, and nothing etae." In that case it ought to stay "wrecked." The !Virs. FOUMU.V. News concerning the Italian revolu tion Rt ill continues oxcitinsr, ' Napoleon has ordered an iiriny to Italy to resist the insurgents. Spanish troop aro lnus. tcriug for the same purposi. The Gar ibaldiatn wore beaten by tlio papal for ces at Orto. Varoli, which they occu pied, was assaulted and carried by storm. It is likely that the uanman ques. tion will he revived. J no grand lzier and other members of the commission met the Cretan deputation at jiinea, when the latter insisted cn the union ol Crete with Greece. The Czar of Rus sia makes the Bamo demand of the Sul tan. -Tho Mont Ccnis railroad is ouc of the greatest mediums of travel iu Eu rope. 1 rora the Kcsistrar uenerai s re port it is seen that tlio number of sui cides in Enpkr.d during tho last year, amounts to 1,300. Tho tolls on the Ca. olo despatches are to bo reduced, lhe remans mado a vain attempt to tiro the police station at Chester. UticJeadw powers of Europe join with France in immediate intervention lor tuo restora tion of peace in Italy. A German statist estimates the en tire population of the earth at 1,350, 000,000. DOMESTIC. Peter Lorillard, who died at Sara toga on Sunday the Cth inst., aged 72 years, was tho richest person of his trade in this country. lie succeeded his father in the tobacco business fifty years ago. The Lorillard establishment has seen a continuous existence of more than a hundred vears. A frightful accident occurred at tho Iloosac (Mass',') tunnel, on the 19th inst. Thirteen men were killed by the falling ot o shaft. The lodics wore tot exhumed for several days. A riot occurred at West Geld, Mass. tho circumstances of which were the following : Four constables mado a de scent on a gaming establishment in that place, and arrested eight persous engag ed ut a taro bank, lhey then sent to authorities to havo them committed but in the meantime, some spectators, who had escaped, gave the alarm,- and raised a party lor the rescue ol the pi is oners. They cut tho gas pipes, leaving them in the darkness, and then com nienced hurling stones and brick-bats through the windows. Several were in i tired by these missiles. The officers now attempted to escape with the priso ners, but the crowd closing on all sides. they were compelled to stand ; several pistol shots were fired, and one man was killed by constablo Chahin. Tho fury of the mob being wrought up to a high pitch, the constables found it necessary to look to their own safety, and acoor diugly decamped, lotting their pr'usuncrs go, and thus ended tho fray. ISext day a corouer s lury returned a verdict justi fying tho officers as firing upon tho crowd in self defense. In conscnuenjo of dry weather in Indiana, the farmers arc selling all their stock, but keeping their grain, as the yield ot grain is mateiially lessened In several places, water for domestic uso is transported many miles. Tho proprietors of the Willard's Hotel gave, on the 10th a dinner in gen. erous stylo to all the press correspon dents in the city. Every shade of po litical opinion was represented. b ivo hundred negro votes wcro llle. gaily polled at Xeuia, Ohio. XCHANGKIIOTF.L. T TT.VT.P.Y lYovii'ietor. This hotel is violently fitiH'tcd on tho Ijnnhsof the t'luvion Uivci'iind i:lk Creel;, at the lower end of the village, Mr. llcaly will spare no pains for the of his rupsK einvitosono aud all to give him a cull and try lii:i house, Sept, 17th'07-'y. TP! v frlvp.ii I lint li-ltors testunientarv ou the .state ot lialpu Jonnson, line oi ownslnp, deceased, nave Dccn pi .imi.- iu he undersigned. All persons indebted to aid estate, are requested to mnke imme diate payment, nnd tlioso Imving claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for etllemetu. KAL11I JUli.NSU: JR., JOHN CHAPMAN, Oct 10th 'G7 to Ksecutors. k D M IN ISl'tt ATOM'S NOTICK.- N'otico is hereby given that letters of Admin Mtmt on on the cstato ot Jesse .n.iinson, Into of Honc7.olto township, desceasod, have l,of.n m-nntr-cl to I in mulcisliriieil. All pel sons indebted to said estate, are requested tomako immcdiato payment, nnd those hav ing claims against tlio same win present them duly authenticated for settlement. - i. Linn TAirvanM 1 Oct. 10'C7.-tc. Administrator. Notice is iiekf.ijy gij;n that the final account of John Wcgemer and Uoorge Schmit, Kxeculor of tlio last will of Simon Krnt deceased, has been filed in my oflice, anil will be presented ut the noxt term of Orphan's Court of Elk county for confirmation. GEO. A RATH BUN, KcgistfMj's Oflice, 1 Register. Ridgway, Oct. 10'67.-3i. r'VVUTION- Whereas, my wife Theresa, yhas left my bed and bourd, without any just cause or provocation on my account. This therefore is to UAL iiu-"S nil persons from trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting nfter this date. GASl'EKO FOPIANNA. Fox tp., Oct. 7'67.-3i. pd. jby given that letters testamentary on tlie estate of Lyman AVilniarth, late of Fox township, deceased, nave licen granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, nre requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims agaiiistthe same will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. L. C. WILMARTH, FRED W1LMARTII, Sep. 19'G7.-3w. Executors. Recorder Dunn, tho now negro Ige of New Orleans, has just fined a a $25 for insulting tho court. The jud ma man was a white citizeu. Insanity is not a ground for divorce in Maine. Jleccutly a woman sued for a divorce on account of cruel traatmont. when the husband ploadcd iasau'ty and gained the caso. Tho Petersburg, Vi., Judex says that, within the last week, there have pecn circulated through the Post-office ot 1 ctersburg, buudreds of lladieal doe umcnts,without stamps attached to them, Hyde" house, Kidqway, Elk Co., Ta. M. "VT MOORE, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 1806. NOTICE is hereby giveu, that the firm heretofore known as Shoening, Little it Co., is this day by mutual consent, dis solved. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment, to Fred Schoen- ing who is authorized to act for the same. And all having claims against tho firm to present them lor ajustment to H. Little & Co., by whom the business will bo enntinn. ed and v. ho will keep a good assortmont of goods, and sell at very low prices for cash or rcauy puy ouiy. H. LITTLE & CO, Kersey Oct. 5th'G7-3t. JTC11 1 ITCH 1 ! ITCH ; 1 1 SCRATCA ! BCRATCfl ! ! SCRATCH ! ! ! in from 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tho Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tettor. Wheaton's. Ointment cures Larbers' Itch, Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Soree.. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magio. Trice, 60 cents n bok ; by mail, CO cents Address ttlSEKS & TOTTER No. 170 Weshington Street, Doston, Mass. For sale Dy an druggists. Sept. 17'G7 ly. A SSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY-. Iu the District Court of the United States ior me vt estern liistnot of l'cnu a. Iu the matter of John ) Cobb, Laukrupt. I In Cinkruptcy. Western Dist. of Tcnn'a ss. At Erie Pa.. Out. 10 8f, The undersigned hereby gives notice of ins uppouuinem as Assignee ot John Cobb oiiuugway initio County of Erie, Slate of i euusyivttiua wit tun said District, who has oeen a judged a Uunkrupt upon his own po tition by the District Court of said Dist. CHAS M. LYNCH, c'-3w. Asoie-iiue I Oct 17 "Beyond the Mississippi." A CoMri.F.TE History of the New State3 and Territories, from the Great River to the Gheat Ocean. By .llbcrt It. lllchartlson. Over 20,000 Copies sold in one Month, T IFE AND ADVENTURE ON TRAI I j ries, Mountains and the Pacific Coast. With over 200 Descriptive aud Photograph ic Views of tho Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To prospective emigrants nnd settlers in the " i'ar West," this History of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, supplying as it does a waut long felt of a full, authentic and reliablo guido to climate, soil, products, means of travel, &c, flcu. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 507 Minor St., Phila'a Pa. ESyThe undersigned lias taken the Agon cy, for the nbovo book and will furnish by mail. In EXTRA ENGLISH clot Hat S3,7o per copy, or in FINE LEATHER (Library Style) at $4,50 per copy. Postage Paid. Address, FRED SCIIOENINa, Kersev P. 0., Oct. lO-'Gi-tf. Elk Co. Ta., rigin and History of the Books of the Eible. omcthgin gtcw. A STOCK OF1 GOODS The undersigned have on hand a largo and veiy desir ablo stock of GOODS, and will oonstantly keep an cxtensi7e assortment, including everything thai is wanted to EAT, WE All, Oil FEEI which they will sell at tho very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CASH. We will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have de'ermincd to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho inter est ot both buvci and seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1867. sc. INTENSE EXGITEMENTI CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CJjOTMIIA'G for the Million t A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. HINTENAOr, IN ST. MARY'S. im BEST IS ALWAYS THE GP. , tir o by rnor. calvix e. stowe, d. p. A work of real value, nnd an almost indis pensable companion of tho Iiible, showing what tne Uible is not, wiiut it is, ana now to uso it ; answering all tho objections to its authenticity urged by modern infidels, and tracing the auihority of each book up to its inspired authors, giving a vast amount of information heretofore locked up in very rare and costly volumes, making one of tho most popular books ever pub lished. 1000 AGENTS WANTED. Experienced ngents, clergymen, ladies, school teachers nnd others should semi at once for circulars giving further Informa tion. Address, ZEIGLER, McCURDY & CO., 601 CheBtnut Street, Phil'a., Ta, Sept. 20 67'-4m. ''Si ij r STOVES AND TIN-WARE AT John Sosenkeimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. MABY'S, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &c. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our stock of felOv ES consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHliAT-SlIEAF STOVES. iVe also keep on hand and for sale tho MORNING GLORY, A largo Bioct of GLOIiE HEATERS with Russia top is among our assortment, which arc now '.lie best stoves iu use, and ciiu bo sold ns chcup as evir. SCRAP IKON taken in exchange for goods. (it)ODS CASH. SPOUT1NU & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a cull, nnd Bntisfuc"lion guaranteed. Sept. iiu'C7. tf. TAKE NOTICE ! VLL PERSONS KNOWING THEM, selves indebted to tho undesigned are uereuy re.jucsieu 10 call uud tetl lo their accounts ut their earlier: t possible eonveu " JOSEPH S. HiPi;. UiJgw.iy, Au;:iis,t I, 1807. HINTENACH having taken en- lro control of the establishment formerly occupied by O. P. llintenach & Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish tucm witn tne Best Kind of Clothing: at rates which defy competition. lie lias on nana a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Consisting of PANTS, VESTS J- COAT, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Furnising apartment is specially adapted to the wants of his customer. He has also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST. ot tlio latest Btyle and pattern, which ho will mafre to order in a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as H can. be done any place ia tho country. uive; him A UAl.lj. .Satisfaction guar anteed, and gooils warranted. All lie asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 14. 18G7. J" aines Pryer vs R. II. Wclton & Geo. R. Weltou. IN Elk Com. Pleas. No 15, July T. 18G6. Domestio Attachment, Trustees Sale. flhore will be exposed U sale by public J vendue or outcry at the house of Joseph Windfelder. in tho Borough of St. Mvry's on Tuesday, the first day of October next, at one o'clock p. m., the following described Real Estate to-wit ; All the above named defendants interest in thul certain tract piece or parcel of land situate in Reniinger township, Elk connty. Pa., bounded and subscribed as follows: Ou the North by the Now Brussels Road, on the East by A. Fochtman lands, on the South by St. Nicholas road, ou the West of lauds of N. Hill, II. Cook, J. Windfelder & A, Fochtman, contuing twenty-five acros more or less upon which ar erected one two stery framo house about 24 feet by 83 fuet with a wing extending buck a frame barn about 25 by 85 feet. There is also a. email orchard-a coal mine opened, tracks laid, Coal ehute, weigning scales &c.,reaby for immediate mining operations. Taken as tho property of R. U. & George R. Weltoa. JAMES COYNE, CHAS. LUIIR, C1US. 1I.VOLK. Sep.-10'G7-3w. Trustees. ' A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South Amcriea as a missionary, discovered n safe and simple remedy for the Cure -if Nervous Weakness, Early Deay, Diseases of tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, ami tho whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Gi-e-it numbers have been cured by this iiub!e reined v. Prompted by a desire to I enefit the nWiote l nivd unfortunate. 1 will send the roc. ;)-,) 1 , . r preparing and u-ing this medicine, iu a senle I i-nveiepo, to uny on" who lu oiisi,, I'l-e vf Chime. Address. JOSEPH T. IN M AN, Station D, l'iblu lions New'. nkCiiy-i Aug .loth, '07. ly.