K THE PLACE TO HUYISAT TJ IIS 3 11 1 CI WAV iKKl'T JtV G. MKSSKNGKR, Drugs', Koi35o!t-tf, Ptilats, Oi!, WLiU Lend, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tatter's Oil, Per. fumcries of nil Kinds, The purest Vainifch, l'rushes of every Stylo and Sixo Pyo Stuff;;, Turc Confcctionnrics Citron, Raisin, Patent Medicines, Wiues, Wntelics, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Scgais l'ure Lienors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LA FIG E ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful X'oiUiuing to the Drug Business Gen erally. Dure Drugs at Low Prices I Pure Drugs at Lov7 Pricrr. Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Kndless Variety 1 American and English Watches ! Aiucricau and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Ilings, &e. Latest Styles of Jewelry, lliugs, &c. Fancy Article.", Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, ISird-Cujes! Albums, News, Stationery, F.ird-Cngc? ! v tolin, Banjo and Guitar Stringa! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! marCOlSGG iHIE SILVER SKIHT. MORE PUR ABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! Anil will keep its shnpc and retain its place nMn.. UinH n mI-kh CI.!... 1 l't HIT inJ tcflt'f ,1 sfvln nf Slrirf iPnf cnied iilarch 7, j8fS,'i who awarded hy the cnled march 7, j W,i,) who awarded hy the flifat American Ins.iluts Fair, held in Xcw Ynrlr. ()t.n1inr. THUS. fi. York, October, 1805, fc SILVEK MEDAL. beinp the Highest rrcmiuui ever given for a Hoop Skirt. Tlio Stool Springs ato wound with fine pmieu wire m piacc oi a cotton covering which will not wear oil' or become soiled, nnd I ho whole skirt may be woidied without injury or fear of rusting, and will boas Th:Conibination Silver Skirt itus invention combines wnh tlio ordina ry Min t t lie navauinges orour b vor skirt till linflrim linnrta nrn ,ViA on.nA na ,KnciM .. n cd in iho Silver Skirt, the covering of which ennnot wear off, whilo tho tipper ones art covered with cotton. No lady havinj once wuru cne or our pmrttt, will do willing to rar uny oilier, ns mo lower Hoops or other kindj r.rn nctnn inlmil nml enilnAil .. v vvwv ... ... w . iiicji lull struoiiun, and, from their durabilily nnd iicu. ..Boa jiey are uesnueu to Liccome a I'avorito Skirt. ManuJ. jtircd solely by tho Silver kirt and Wire LTarj.ii i cturma:.Companv. 30 and 32, IL4RCL.1Y ST NEW YORK T. S. Si'EBBY.'Sup't. Aug 9(h-ly TTALIIAULE LOTS FOR SALE V The undersigned has laid'out a vil t.bc upon his ground adjoiniii"' tho Rido way Depot, to bo called ELK. The lots arc 00 fect front by 100 foet deep front iu4 towards tho railroad. Tcrnu For the first lot sold, SI 00. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For tho third 1'it sold, JfliiO and so on increasing in Jjrico as lots are sold. First purchasers got the choice lo t At .k 1 . . 1'urcnasors will be registered in tho or dor of thoir npplicatiuu. Ten percent of tho purchase money must be paid nt tho . . . ., . i . iitiiKui iuu njijincivtion. KX-Applications will bo mado to Joh U. Jiall, Esq., lviduway, l'a. J. S. HYDE. Itidgway, mar,20"CG-tf. RUSTIC WIWDOW A T WARREN, TA. RUSTiC wirliDovv SHADES T C D H WAliREN, PA. RUSTIC WlrlDOW SHADES V. Li 1 IT lo. WA It 11 EN, PA. T "Hit IK J J t-'i. A. Itiis well knnwu 1 vililird and newly i lo meet the wauls ot i il j'.aiid Kpiiiakc il i jun.7'7ly. liJj ny s l-.lk Cuuiilv. I'; uise has been riiliri-lv .rni.-hod with a desire iho truvidlinir coiiiinu il A, No. 1 hotel. '. 11AT1IOHN, l'ropr Ml!' CUKAl'KST GOODS IN Til!': COUNTRY Arc Sold by W HIS II II O T II i: R 8 f Successors to Geo. Vi'cis. dealers hi forcicji) nnd JJcSnjfilc Goof?, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. 1ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Wc havo no hesitation in raying that in this department cf our establishment, wo can give bargains to our customers wkh fthioh they ennuot fail to bo satis fied. Wc buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, ITichardsous' Celo. bratcd Boot & Shoo Manufactory, Elmi ra, New York Wo warrant all goods in this lino sold from our establishment. TJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. -L.-I. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot bo undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stock is large, well telectcd, and is especially adapted to the wants of the commuuity. T ADIES' DRY Ji FANCY GOODS I I I J An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, 7 Saitins, Delaines. Moiro Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Bcregcs, Laces, Corsets. In fact we havo everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are detcrmin- cd to sell hico; cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firia in tho coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY We Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTIIiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of 0 f II i a IS IMJfENSE, Ana WC COnudectlv ffr.tfyr nnrcnK-oo that belter Clotlnns cannot bn fnii nil ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do wyll to givo us a call. rQNo trouble to fallow our Goods. p ROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, &o. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST I At the Storo of In St. Jlary'e, Elk County, Pa. pIPES, TCEACCOES & SEGARS ' We havo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT. Which will bo sold at a VE RY SLIGHT AI) VA KdK On cost and carriage. t2f Our Store i in the n o S.'anr Building on Main Stnct. July 11, lSU7-tf. T 1 EW CASH GROCERY STORE JAMJ'S iUcUliHSIvKY, Jcalcr in fjracorirs .vn.. would rivinnnl ftillv infnrm the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he h is gono into tlio Urocory busn jps, and will open on or about the middle . r ir. l- , . ui iuuy. no cunmssiy on I1UIIC nn cstansivo biock ot TEAS, FLOUlv, SUGARS, TODACCOES, SEQARS, Will EY by thcbnrrcl or quart, and everything connccicu wnu a nrst class Uroccry cuoro. I will sell for CASfl and consequent. Ij can eflbrd to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come ana satisfy themselves. JAMES itfcCLOKEY, May 3d, 'GG. Cm. fJTie subscriber l.cs lcavo to announce to tan ruixeiis of J.Ik and adjoining conn. tics tlipt lie has purchased the harness shop b.tely cneupied by John Rimim, and that ho is picparcu 10 uo au Kinus oiworlt m a suit able style, SA DDLES.BR1DLES, HA RNES S kept constantly on hand at prices to suit ijiw Mm.". vivu iiiw iv can snop ia mo sec ond siory or Jirug store buiklmg. ocii-jy.j u. liiVlS. STEVENS HOUSE, 51 23, 35 d- Browhrau, If. Y. Ounocito Howlins Orcen. irrrT om Tire vmmiv a v tt av PHE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL I an-J wiuelv Known to the travel- lin,T public. Tho locatiou is especially suuai'ie io merchants ana business men ; it is iu eloso proximity to the business p;'it oTlhe r.itr is mi lu nihunv nf .Wmil Imrn and Weaievti travel and adjacent to all flic principal Tvuilroui and Steamboat Do- puis. Tho Stevens House lias liberal neemmo dation for over three hundred eiKta it is well furnished. ,md possesses every modern lnij.rove'iieni lor tao cominrtann entertain tncui ot its minalcs. The rooms are spac ious and well ventilated, provided with gas anu water, me nticndanfc is prompt au.l respecuui, ana tiio table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the scason-t moderate rates. OEO. K. CHASE & CO. May 9th, 1F87, 6m. Proprietors. LUMBER. TTTE AKF. PIlEPAltK!) Tf FrPVTSTT f V upon short notice the following kinds I . il . I . ... oi iiuuiucr oi ine oest quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, dressed in the best possible manner, from seasojica iiirauer, ready lor use. Also, LATH F0II PLASTERING We will put on cars when required. BcZTAll orders addsessoil to us at this place promptly attended to. SOUTHER, WILLIS & CO. jun21G7tf Kidgway, Ta. PHILADELPHIA & EEIS HAIiEOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. TJirmgh and Direct Roule lettcccn Philadelphia, Baltimore Jfarris lurg, WUfiantrport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. Nand after MONDAY, APRIL 20ih, the trains t n ilm r,l.;i.lnlni.i, c. r.: Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. .Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 7.00 p. m. " " " RidKway 10.47 a. m " " nrrivont Erie 4.08 p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 coon. ' Kid-way 3 40 a. iu. " " arrive at Erie 10.00 a. m. EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 25 n. m " Rid-way 8.47 p. m. . arrive at Phildelphia 7.05 a. m. Erie Exp leaves Eric 5.00 p. in. " R'd way 10.44 p. in arr. at l-lumclchihia... 1.00 a. m. Mail and Ezproa (rain) conned tviih al' trains on Warren and h'rmil lln nnit.,. VaitcngcftUvring VhttaltvUi at 12.00 V. arrin-at frvinnnn at C.4D a. m. and Oil Ciiy 0.50 a. m. Lf irg rhilaifrlphiit all. ui f. t. umerai uu Uittaf 4.:5 p. m. All ifaina on Warren & FranUlin Railway imivu uioso toiineciions nl, Oil (;ity wilh trains fur Franklin and Pt lrnlrmn i 'entro. ii.iuu.njii LlIl.CKKH TllttOI fill ALFRED L. T VI. Kit, fienerul 8iiierintcudent INSTJJJANCE AGAINST loss or DAMAGE by FirE J a lilt I.ycoming County Mutual lnsur n ance Cumnitiv ni i.,nAn.. i liuues to Insure against Loss or Damago hy I iro on all kinds ef Merchandise. 1'uhlio nnd pnvale uildinps, cither in town or county. Also on Mills. 'r,inn,i.,D n stocks of Cram, Sic, at (ho lowest po-sllde rnli4 f.nvi(.il ..... p.... .... . Miiuiy io mo insurer and Insured, l'ho Lvoominir Ponni M... iual IiiMirance Con. tiaiiy invites nn i,!vLi. urn as io lis stulu itv. Ti 8 3.BOO.oonj ThiuassiirinK to every one of its patrons " win ic)roDipiiy and ealis. tactonly paid. Its niunntreiuent hasulw.ivs been irudent. ns ii oviw,.... , . six years fully deniOBKii p.tcs " a . , i. IjLAKET.Y, AKf"t for Elk oouuly, at St. Mary'g TV-fEYERS' 1JL NEWLY IVfnnvm AcknowledKed to he tho best! Lo..,l iize Medul, and higliest awards 111 Ainni-i.... 1 i MehiMleons feecond-liaud Pianos and Music. i.-, ;iu Mroi-t, lii-low Tifrlnh P111LADELP1UA, PA. ap213m ' COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superior quality, for Ba! uy Tannerdale Coal Comnanv. t. Mury'B, Klk County, l'u. iS7OiJers hy nmil jirouiptlj jttend- to. Lsej.tltj S-ti N THE PLACE TO RUY 13 WHERE YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest. i o o CO fc.. to to P. '3 3 o H O -a z i Cm & 5 fi -5 ' W b N .-as m ris 0 o a fi 73 rj cz , n f! a U CD p. to o a J5 -t-i .2 a OS .13 3 5 o o 0 c c s o , 1 J o Y a m o o u o a o a 8. a a Q Q J O o 02 S o 3 "J 1.3 ,s & fe td a Sgl OS-1 Oco g t3 il t3 e u E3 C! . 13 7; CO a . g Tl rc-a 3rB pec S 85 If "J a , -3 fl P H in 0 c5 r el .2 W t3 5 '3 j D li j . Jl S TJ 'J C3 O o M o o - - rn P3 !: c - 2 ro r -S -C 2 5 - jT g - O hh ? eJ a M P ( J- to 3 o u o w o o 5 tM I o o CO o H n Q 2 CO EH WE SELL dOODa AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN IE vie .City I GIVE USA CALL, AND WE WILL 'Prove it. I' )ELOUDET ORGANS & MELODEOXS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, "AS THE BEST CAPINJiT ORGANS," Am. Inst.. New VnvW !.. 1.1R5 Being pronounced superior in Quality, Power nnd Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As tho best instruments of Amcri Wei'fl tllOl'n Pnnlnmlitlr. ilii..lir.a. ...nn tl. ""'i.iif,, 1. I v.. ,uu 1 11 13 battle would have nothini left to conquer.' A A T 1 - l.. f t ... MuuA-uui, vuiiau Dy a well-Known musical critic. Thev have also fnlrpn lio firaf mimlnm wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and threo banks of key six sizes :?2o0 to $1,500. Without pedals, single nnd double bank in Croat varieiy, !?05 to $150. There Organ, -wii li their sin nnili ni noili b fiin.lt t. beautiful solo aions. streno-tli nf nlmnmlf uiiequalled pedals, and general organa-li, vii wis, uro (superior lor Liiurciies, Halls, Parlors nnd Schools. Th P V nvr lint nn in cases of .Solid VhIii nf. fuTirv VAnor.i-fiil Will. nut, (new and uniquo styles) and clejant aiuouwouu, oi spieudul designs and tiuisli, and of the best workmanship ! it being intended that each instrument clmll ho a model of ils kind. All instruments down to a fino octavo portable Melodeon, have tho beautiful Trcuiolmito Btop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our Gencial Wlinloonln nn.l lt..tnil Wimo. rooms, 8-H, Prondwny. wur iiiut.ratcil Circular and Price Lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send PELtJL'BET, TELTON & CO Manufacturers, No. 811, marl lGm. Brordwav. N. Y. Cilv. FURNITURE STORE AT ST. MARY'S. PA. QASH, DOOU3 AND El UN1TURE ! ! Tliesuhscriber keeps ccnsCaullyon h.-.nu oitcj ui ousn ana uoors, alto V, ardrobes, Bureaus, WaAstands, Bookcases, Desks, Lounjcs, Bedsteads, C-o p. ricture Frames. ' Ciash Painted nml nlofl All Work wnrrnnloil 1. Kn .f ,1.. ' leinu una workmsuslnp. ('all and examine iny work and prices as I feel confident mv work will o4v .,t!c. . " mo uuab UIUI tion and my prices aro ad iow, if aot lower uiau iuey mo in any oilier market. U11AS. 1.. BAYER, iny23dC"tf. St. Mal'a 'y'sr. A. H. GitAv, rt. H. EMDnso.N, A. I. n.cox, E. F. Adasis. Q.11AY, WILCOX Ss Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. iMAHl'S, Opposiio Alpine House, Elk Counly Ta DEALKItSIM ' Flour, Feed, Butter. Choeso. 1'ceJ, Corn. Snlr. Fitih, I'ork, Ham, l'owilcr. CanucJ Fruits. 1I,...P Bcana, Nails, Oluss. AND STAPLE (J ROCERIhS December 20 1SGG ly. I7IIKDELIUS VOGT.'i'racticnl Cloek & ' Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Rooms next door to llintenach's t'llllllillL' HlorO. All t in.u nf n nvlf rlrillO done in a sutiiifactory manaer, end war- .Hindi. u...-,uiiiii;uiis iu rejnru io won; in the Ctrniau, tench or English hm- Eua!5ts- March 11, lBUTtf. IUDQWA1, P NNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SniNGLES, Buyers will find STORE S AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl 'HIE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 20tl 18GG-Jj. TARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth J ntld unnminllod anowl simrllnli.. 1 1 " ""imiijr U.UU compicicncss of operation, aro qualities pe. Nonpareil Washing Ma- It is a Smteezino' mnrliino rnnalntU,! strictly mechanical principles, nnd the ex rterionft dnrivod 4Yat 4 . . '" iiiw j-viii 3 vitfuaive use id fomilies, hotels and publio institui !ons proves it to be of lasting valuo to Iho pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary motion acting on a crank shaft with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, ia .tlio simplest, least laborious and most powerful (hat can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and tho least possiblo labor. Tho great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from the statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or. when wnrlrpil lo!ant.Al., j. i , . Wj , nuuui iuui Hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabric nsuiu isiLsureu Dy ine entire absenco of rubbing. G J " ...,. villi W HI 11113 ma chine, and do a week's washing for a family bja ui- eijrui persons in two to llirce hours' time; and ir. may be relied on lo cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without nssistanco iiuiu iiitiiu ruuuiug. Send for f:c descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'06-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! fpiIE SCBSCIlinEU respectfully desires .w uiiiiwuiiuu Hl II1U uuizctig ot 1.1K county that he l,aarr eenllv fin ml n tiiblishmeiit for tho niiiiin!':i..f i,,. ,.! of TIN, L'OPPEK, nnd SI I K ET-11!(1 Ware, on .tiaiii sirect, in Kutgway, where, by strict attcmion to business, ho hopes to merit the confidence and natronae-a nf it,. comuiu'iit v. He will keen nn li-iml nn nv. .;,... ,i varied assortment nf bvimv Liml nr tiv V ALL, and rupair in the neatest pussible maniier, all work coming under his super vision. lie will also keen on h.iml n. wivll.nttcnvtpi --C iM I. W. X 'Ej. suitable for either Wood or fun I. llo desires cspoelallv to ':.li iho atten tion of luinhermcn to tho fact that he can supply them with FlAFTiNG-STOVES made in a superior manner. ltocifinc and tipoutiiii; dmio to order on short not ico. r4OIJ t'onnor. jsr.iss. Prwinr T.nn.i and Scrap iron taken in exchange, for roods ur work. KrPu.Oive him a call nil l,n nJi ..:- trial, f'ustomcrs will tiud hiui at their "S Kit VICE." c. W. SEiivrrn Kidgway, April i, 18o7-tf. OB 1'ltINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at (he Advocate Office rSTptrt it Hi PI litArftWrt A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk C is rrni.isiiKD kvkut tiu trhav, firCUKTIS II B.iKKETT, Office in lid Court House. Tkrh One P;V.sr 4 Fifty Cents per annum, invariably in advam,.. No dtvia tion from these termn. , JOHN G. HALL, raciiUETon. liatcs ot Aclvortiping. Adm'rs nnd Executor's Notices, each 0 times f 2 O Audilor'6 Notices, each 2 60 Trnnsicnl. Advrlii-ing, per squnro of 10 lines or less, 8 times or less 2 (V) For each subsequent insertion t Professional cdarn, 1 year C 00 R OPfiilil nntiooa nw lino 1 ."i Obituary nnd Jlarringo Notices, each 1 CO enrly Advertising, one square 10 00 Y sarly Advertising, two squares 15 0(1 1 jai'y Adver'ing three squares 20 00 ! ;arly Advertising, column L'5 00 J ?ar y Advcrtisng, l coi,lmn fl3 0(, 1 sarly AdAetisinK, i column 70 00 Advertisements displnyea more than ordinarily will be charged for at the late (per column) of qq rjo J DBBIMG DEPARTMENT. Having lately added materially to ojr stock of Job Type, wo are prepared to do all kinds of work in a manner which can not be excelled by any establishment be tween Williamsport and Erie. Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes Checks, Notes, Handbills, Planks, Envelopes, Labels. Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter Heads and any other work usually done in a coun. try office. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge R. G. White. Additional Law Judge Win. V. Wi'lianiB. Associate Jud-e E. C. Schullzc, Jesse Kjlcr. District Attorney L. J. Ulakcly. Sheriff James A. Malono. I'rotlionotary, &c. G. A. Rathbun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James Blakcly. Commissioners William A. Hlv .T W. Taylor, Louis Vollmpr. Auditors Clark Wilonx. 1? rron .1 Jones, Jacob MeCauley. County Purveyor (Jeo. Walmslcy. TIME OF HOLDING CO'URT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday iu November. B E A L E ' S (l.ATK rOV.'KI.L's) EMBROCATION! IOH ALL DISEASES IXC1DEXT TO Horses, faille and tho Human Flesh, ro!uiiiiigthouio of an external application. This new Compound, prepared hy a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of nil the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters inlo it3 composition,. warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public ns an external applica tion fur tho diseases for which it is reeom-' mended. We aro satisfied thnt it will work its own road into tho confidence of nil who use it, and those who try it once will never be -without it, nnd then-fcrc wc rely on ex perience as the best te d of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who havo tried it to bo tho best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only throngh the increasing demand and urr-ont request of my friends and the Public that) 1 scud it forth as tiie grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noblu and useful aniaial, tho HOI!.'"!;, in subject. Many remedies have been offered to t'lo Public under dill'ereiit forms, sonic of Ihcso are injurious, others at best of little us", and many wholly improper to answer tho purposes for which they are recommended. A illllieinilH nml l-eull V lllefiil pnniniicillnn J ....... . V.-...V.. freo from thoso objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care ef dosicninop nml prettending Farriers. Their wishes are a length luby gvnliufd, by L'r. liealo being pievimeu upon io n;iow m:s . vaiunnic i.m brocatinn (which ha-, proved so ctllcftciou9 to (he various diseases) to bo prepared nnd brought out to the public. This embrocation was extensively used, by the Government during tho war, Addrosj nil oile rs to bl!. F.DMOXT) PEAT.E, tiOu', South .Second St, I'hil'a. ttoy'For Sale hy liiiidwe'.l & Messenger, Ridgway, Pa. r.pSOly T HIE MO.sT HELl.VEl.E CU3III0X used on Unlmrd Tables is tho CAT CUT Cl'?HI0NT, Manufactured bv Kava na?ii & Decker, nnd patented Ieo IS, lt'ili. (See Seieutifio Am- cric.iii, volume )', number 11.) It is the ONLY Cushion that possessor aU tho qualities cssonfial to a perfect f usl ion. If is the most elalic and must JuraYt, Cushion ever offered to thebi'liurd-playirg public, ns is abundantly proven by tl.f great demand for it since ils introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes th CAT il!i' Cushion nnd renders it Buperic-l to all other, is tho tightened cord of cat. gut which overlies the face and edge of tin rubber, and running tho full leu"ih of I'm Cushion, which proems the he.ll from I linor into the rubber ami mnn.in,, f. i.. . . r .... , ,. . f"ft ...".I LUl hiide. I he a ldiuou of tlio cat gut oord also adds mu h to tlio elasticity of iho Cush ion. The CAT-aiTT Cu hion hnsalready been applied to over ltKJU tables which are in cou-lant ue. It en ), applied to tallica of anv ninkn, for !7'i per set. KAVAXACII &DKfKI-:il'J Factory, at the ciiriK r ot feiiire mid Cnnul Streets, N. V., is the tiui.-t complete of ils kind in the world. The machinery is ol the most im. proved chui aet, r, tho lumber drying room the large' t in tho I'tiite 1 .States, theTmatc. rial used the best that can bo purchased, and iho wiiil.inen thoraiighh skilled. Hilliard f.o:li. I'.i.l I'mw nnH Trim mings, all of ihe best in iko, cuuttantly on hand. Klivannirli nnil ll.x'Vnvni.diltnfLnli.flanl. in t ils COlllltrv tnr KAV'S f'l'UI'VT adjudged by cnuipcteut authoriiies to be uu ne.-si oeiiioiii evr usoa. Full fciize Tables cut down for $100. Send fur Illustrated Price Lint. KA VAX AG H i DECKER, tor of Cei.tre and Canal Kt., l 3'y New York City. . e rl C!