THE PL. AC!! TO BUY 13 AT I TIlKilllXIWAY i Ki rr ii y l-iiuve g. mes?engek, Dealers In l'vrv".. Mo.lien'w, Psi'M;', OiU, Wbito Lend, Tailiiortlin;.; Oil, Lump Oil, TVicri Oil, Per. futiicrics i.f nil Kinds, Tim pines!. Varnieh, it lilies uf i-very Style and Gi.o Dye Stuffs, Pure ('oiilertionavirs Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wincn, Wnl-.-hcf, Jewelry, Rings, Tdmi o. & Sclavs l'liio L'ljijors for Medic -inr.l pur pose s only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful rflilniuing to the Drug l'usincps Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low 1 'rices l'uro Drus at Low Prices Notions in landless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American and English Watches ! American and Erlijh 'Watches Latest Styles of .Jewelry, Rin:;y, kc. Latest Stylos of Jewelry, ilin:;s, v.c, Fancy Article., Toy?, Latent Novels ! iancy Articles, Joys, Lnicat novels Albums, News, Stationery, BivJ-Onws Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Caes! Violin, Banjo an J Guitar Stilnu ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! mar'iOlSOO rHE SILVER SKIRT. .L WORE DURABLE, MOCK ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape and retain its place belter than any otber Skirt. fill ueirvid beatif ,1 style of Skirt (Pat entcd Marcn 7, lf?f5,) was awardul by the Grtat American Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 1805, i, SIEVES MEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. Tho Steel Springs are wound villi fine plated wire in place cf a cotton covering which will not wear oil or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, oud will be us rood as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines wilh the ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our SPver Skirt the bottom hoops uro the same as those us ed in the Silver .Skirt, the covering of whioh cannot wear nil', while the upper ones ariv covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of uur .Skirts, will be willing to wear nay other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds (ire soon injured and soileod. Tho ocjt mnteci-ils are used in their con Etriicliin, and, fioni ihoiv durability and nca'.tist; hoy are destined to become a I'uvoi'ito Skiit. Mn:iu'a:i :rcd solely by fno Silver kh't unci Wire Mami i during Company, oO and U:.', V-All CLAY ST. NEW YO UK. T. S. Si'KtiitY.'Sup'!. An;; 'Jlh-ly "TALUA RLE LOTS FOP SALE. V The undersigned has lald'out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining the l'idg way Depot, to be c-ille 1 ELK. Tho lots arc 50 feel front by I OH feet deep front' ing towards the niilro-i 1. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot. sold, HO. For the thir l lot sold, $l:JO and so on increasing in prioc as lot s are sold. Bf. First puvchasei s get the choice lot at the cheapest, rates. Purchasers will bo registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of the npplicat ion. ions will bo made to Job Q. Hall, Es.i., Ridiway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, niar,20-G0-lf. CHANCE FOR A 11 Alt GAIN ! 100 Acres of Timber land in Eik County for Sale at a Bargain ! fTMIE A HOVE MENTIONED TRACT OF land is situated n'loui one-half iniie from Kersey i!un, in .lav Ir-wnship, and is woll timbered with WHITE FINE, OAK nnd HEMLOCK. Four aero? arj cleared and under e;ood tilata of cultivation. Its cont;;rui'y to iv r'ey I'un makes it. one of the most valuable tracts of hind in this part of ihn country. There are t .vo coal hanks opened on the Iruel., which are four (Vet thick, and the of the best fuulity . 1 have ill jo m span of horses and one yoke of ox.u which v. ill bo sold .cry cheap. For fin i her particular iui'.iirn of the the suh-wrihiT or (diver (laruntr, at t.'alc. douia 1'om Oilioc, Elk (Mintv, I'a.!'it;:j.:i Jt'tfcS WEED. to coNiiJirrivts. 'I "MIK Advertiser, liain' been rcsiorad to be:ilt!i in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, alltr having sulVcred sever al years wit li a severe lun all'eoiion, and that dread disease, Consumption is"anx iousto rnako known to his fellow sutlerors tho means of eir e. To all who desire it, he will scud a copy of the prescrip.ion used, (free of charge), wilh the dirce'.iors for preparing ilio same, which lliey will find a. Sure Cure ior Con sumption, Asthma, lb unch-is, &e. The i n ly object of I lie advertiser in sen ling the l'reocriiitinn, is to bench! the nlllicicd, and spread iiit"iii,i!bin hVh ho fir.'f'iri to be. ii'va'uab'e ; and ho booes every snifeicrs v. .11 try his veirtdy, as it wi'd cosi .hem 1 . i . . 1 1 i 1 1 , aad may prove a blciiini;. t'arlies wishing the pre cr';.ion, will 1 lease address F.::v. EDWA11D A- WIEKoX, Williamsburg, Kiiie'J Voik.d, Oct. 2-jth DiGti-ly. J iSITl.Nti CAll DS N EATLY EXECVT ' cd at tub vlhcc. ' I Mill CHEAPEST GOODS 1" IN Til 13 COUNTHY A re Sold by Successors to Geo. Weis." PEALLBS IN St. Mnry'p, Elk County, I'a. QALL AND EXAMINE OUU IMMENSE STOCK OP HOOTS AND SHOES Wo hnvc no hesitation m saying Unit in tliiy Jepartaictit of our establishment, v3 can givo LarniiiB to our cufitoniere with which they cannot fail to bo ?atib fied. Wc buy btir stock direct from the Msnuficturcr, Richnrdsous' Colo, brated Loot & Shoo Manufactory, Eluit- ra, New York Wo warrant all gooda in this line Bold from ovi' establishment. IF EAV Y & SHELF HARDWARE YE AltE I'KEPARED TO OFFER To our customers) in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk comi ty. Our btDok is lurgo, well selected, and is cf jcially adapted to the wants of the community. TOADIES' DRY k FANCY GOODS An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Ctlicocs, tins, Delninod, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, Vhite Gooils, Cloths, l'launclr', Berecrcs, Laces. Coiiols, In fawt j Live e?errtliin corincetcd with Ladies' "Wear. We arc determin ed to sell Zit w, cheajwr and BETTER Goods than any other firna in the conn ty. Givo us a call, we'll prove it. "jyrARK WELL WHAT WE SAY TTc Sdl the Bct, thenore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of Jijcri oijs giiiitloel" .ii0 iUiiiicl' I 0 i til 13 IMMENSE, And wc confidently fihttcr ourselves that better Clothing canuot be found ANY WHERE. l'ersons, before purchasing cLewhcrc would do well to givo us a call. ItgNo troublo to show our Goods. QllOCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, eve. In Endless Variety, nnd CHEAPER thvi the CHEAPEST! At the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, I'a. piPUS.TCBACCOES 6 SEGARS We have now on hand AX EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo sold at a YE R Y H L I G 11 T A H YANVh On ct6 and ciu rutyc. t-Jit Our Store U U the new Sune II a I oil on Jl'tu Street . July 11, 1807-tf. KvV CASH GIlOCKllY STORE. JAMES McCLORKEV, Dealer in Groceries ko.t would respectfully inform tho citizens id Kersey and vicinity, that he litis gone into tho Grocery busit iss; unit will open on or about the middle of May. He knep cect?tly on haiic mi extensivo stock cf TEAS, FLOUR, sua AI1S, TOBACCOE3, CEQARS, win . :;ey l-y thcbnrrel or quart, and evcrythinn; eoiiuected with a first class Grocery Store. I will Fell for CASH nnd consequent. !y can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to coino slid satisfy themselves. JAMES McULOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. 6m. r he subscriber bets lcavo to announce to I the citizens of Elk and kdjoiniug conn, ties that bo baa purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Burnt I, and thai bo is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit, able style, SADDLE S,BRiDLES,IIA RNESS kept, constantly on bud t prices to'euit the times. Give me a call ihop in tho sec ond Btoy of Drug Store I ulding. ocll-ly. C. LEVrS. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, Zb fc 27, Jiroudiray, iV. Y. Opponiio Howling Orecn. KEPT ON Tilt: ia'KOl'EAN TLAN. HHIE STEVENS HOUSE id WELL J and widely known to the travel ling public. Tho location hi espeoially suitable to merchants and business men ; it iB in closo proximity to the business part of the city is on (lie oigbwivy of Southern uud Western travel and a-ljneeot to all the principal Kuilroad and Steamboat De pots. The Stevens House has liberal neemmo datiiin for over three hundred guc6ts it is well furnished, and poiW?ssecvcry modern improvement for the comfort and entertain mcni of its inmates. The rooms are spac ious and well ventilated, provided w ith gas and water, the attendance is prompt and respectful, and tho table is generously pro. vidd with every dolicaoy of tho season- moderate rates. GEO. K. CnASE & CO. May 0th, 1S67, Cm. Proprietors. LUMBEFL WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH upon nbort notice the following kinds of Lunrtior of tho best quality. AND SIDING, dressed In tho best possiblo manner, from seasoned lumber, reHdy for use. Also, LATH mH f USTEMKC We will put on ers when required. JktAU order dd:!cssed to us t this place promptly iUeuded to. tiOUTHKK, WILLIS k CO. junilOTtf Ridgwuy, Ta. PHELtDET PSI 1 & I8IJC B.liitABr SUMMER TIME TAELE. Thrt dyh find Direct Route lelwccu Ph'ladrlj'lii'i, Baltimore, llirris lunj, Wi,,iump'jrt) and the. G R E AT OIL It E G I OA of Pennsylvania. ULEG A N T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, Arr.IL 20lh, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run us mllows : V.KSTWAUO. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. m. " " " Kulirway lu.-l a. in. " " arrive at Eiio 4.0H p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..I'd. 00 noon. " " " P.idgway R J.ri a. m. " " nniva at E; io 10 U0 a. m. EASTWAKll. Mail Train loaves Erie 10.25 a. m. " " " llidgivay .'5.17 p. in. nrrivea! Phildvlphia 7.H5 a. in. Erio Exp leaves Eric fi.uO p. m. ' " " llidgway lti.41 p. m. " " are. at Philadelphia... 1.00 a. in. if ail ?.'Jtih train c-jnwtl n-i!h ail tririison Yi'iirrrn iu ! frfi. ', tin Ht, l'aii',r,-j,rhji-i!.g I'.'.i'n l' in at ,V. rrt lr,ir.f'in at V10 ' it. ":! t);i t'V'y S).00. m. J.Mvirir I'Ulatl'lphUt alf, 'Hi ;. vi. arriw ct Oil Citi at 4. So . m. All trains on Vi'arren 6i Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Franklin and Petroleum Centre. JiAGCAGE CHECKED TilUObGil. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. INSURANCE AG AINST loss or DAM AG E by FIRE 1TI1E Lycoming County Mutual Insur anco Company nt Muueey, Pa., con tiniica to Insure against Loss or Damago by Fire on all kinds cf Merchandise. Public and private uildinjis, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, &e., at the lowest possiblo rates, consistent with safety i the Insurer and Injured. The Lyeaming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invest i i gallon as to its stability. Its capital amouuts to 82,800,000! Thus assuring to overy ono of its patrons that their losses will be promptly, and satis, faclorily paid, lis management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty sis years fully demonstrates JAMES RLAKELY, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's MEYEltS NEWLY IMPROVED d-csnf Jvqii 0bel-s1hnc i'iono? ! Acknowledged to be the best ! London Prize Modal, and highest awards in America, received I Mclodeons, Second-hand Pianos and Music No 72-, Arch Street, below Eighth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ap213m C"'' AL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY! All of Hiiperioi cjuulily, lor sale by iho Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk Couuty, Pa. Widf Orders by mail promptly ittend- td to. scptlG N"' THE PEAG ETO BUY Id WIlEitP. YOU CAN 11UY The I CO a O m o c o 2 (-.-s ft a . o o 2 i" 1 ft O J ta e s o a s "5 2. v " 15 M O -i so H i s H E- 3 .5 H !iO 5 l- .3 a S a; cq S 2 S o E o e O o w o Sj 'r j 3 u o L3 & 3 rfj -S ' g Sir 2 r. fey O go S K o 1 t? a M o o Ss-s 2 35 K-goja ode 5 -fc! t, S 03" . 3 : W o OO Jig ao WE SELL GOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUOnT IN Brie ity GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL JP r o v c it PELOUEET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A GOLD MEDAL. "AS THE PEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New York, Oct. 1305. Peine pronounced superior u Quality, Power end Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America wcro there Contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to eonouer. Am. Art Journal, edited by a well known musical critic. They have also taken tho first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, tf o and three banks of keys nix pises ?250 to $1,500. Without ped.ds, Linjle and double bank in great variety, Ij 05 to $150. Theo Organs with their smooth, pipeilike (U..lily of lone, beautiful solo stops, strength of chorusk unequalled pedals, and general orgnua-li, eil'eeis, are superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They nro put ni in cases of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, nnd of thu host workmanship ! it being intended that ench instrument shall be a model of its kind. All instruments down to a fiuo ontavo portable Meludeon, have the bcaiuiiul Ticmolante stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our (tenet al W holesale and Retail Warc rooins, 811, J.'.roadway. Our lllu ;irr.ted Circular and Trice! wilh oiiv new styles, are now ready. Semi for a circular. PELOUEET, r ELTON & CO Manufasturevs. No. f II, inarMfmi P.. o.-.d'.v: y. N. Y. City. STORE AT ST- MARY'S, PA- OASH, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! ! Tlic subscriber kecj.s censtantly on hand nil sizes of Sash and Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Washstauds, Bookcases, Tables, Dciks, Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &c. Picture Fiftmcs, Sash rainfed and Glazed, All work warranted to bo of the best mai terial and workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as I fvel confident my work will give satisfac tion and my prices are as iow, if not lower than they arc in nny other market. OH AS. L. BAYER, myi:3d;7tf. St- Mnfiv y-sr. A. II. Okay, It. II. E.Mi:nsoN", A. I. Wilcox, E. F. Adams. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, Elk County Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Butter, Cheese, Feed. Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder, Canued Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, Glass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES December W lSOli ly. IIEDEi.lUrt VOGT, Praelieal Cloek & ' Walchiuukor, Si. Mary's, Elk county, I'n. Ruoms next, door to lliiitiuiuh's Clothing Store. All kims of work dune done iu a suttsfaetoiy maimer, and war-1-uuU'd. ( onsulialions in regard to work in tho German, rcneli or Engli.-h ln- gunyts. March 14, ltfijiif. 'it 'A 'iiJ 'i 2 n ' 1 RIDGWATf, l'f NNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find ''''Jsi S T O II E S AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANT TnE PLACE TO GET Good Hargains ! CALL& SEE! March 20th, lSGG-ly. APOE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth l and unequalled ppced, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities po. culiar to tlio Nonpareil Waliing NIa chino. It is a squeezing niarhine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, ami the ex perience derived from five years extensive use in femilics, hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser Tho manner Of operating the Nonpareil, by rotary motion acting on a crank ; shaft (with balaneo wheel,) whiih moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious ami most powerlut that can be do vised for the purpose, nnd accomplishes the work wilh tho greatest rapidity and tho least pos:.ul)io lalior. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from 'ho statement that it is geared to give six strokes ot I lie plungers lor one turn o. the handle, or, when worked leisurely, nbout four bun died strokes a minute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by tho entire absence of ruhtun-r. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma. chine, and do a vt :.ek's washing for a family ot six or eight persons in two lo three hours lime; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance lroni liaii.l rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms lo dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secure.!. OAKLEY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'OC-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! milE SUBSCRIBER respectfully desires Jl to auuouueo to the citizens of Fill; county that he has recently titled up an es tablishment for the manufacture and sale of TIN, COPPER, and S1IEET-I HON Ware, on Main Street, in Iiidgway, wlirro, by strict attention to business, lie hopes to merit tho confidence and patronage of tho community. He will keep on hand an extensive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, nnd repair iu tho ucatest possible mannor, nil work coining under his super vision. llo will also keep on hand a well-assorted stock of 0 V I S 4 sail able for cither Wood or Coal. Ho desires especially to call the atten tion of lumbermen to tho fact that he can supply thcin with RAFTlNG-STOVES made in a superior manner. Roofing and Spouting done to order on short notice. BfjuOld Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead and Scrap iron taken in cschango for p;nods or work. UGivc him a call oil lie asks is a fair trial. Customers will find him at their SERVICE." 0. W. SERVICH. Ridgway, April 4, 1K07-O'. J oBTiTmTNt NEATLY CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at theADYOCATE Ollico 05 he (i'llt advocate, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, OcvoUdto tho Interests cf the People ol Elk C IS I't llt.lSlllU) I;VKPV TtlVUSllAV, i ctmiTis i iSiinnv.TT, Ofiee m Ihd Court 7oisc. tennis Or.e 5?;P.f as 1 Fifty Cents pev annum, invariably in ailvnuie. No devia tion from these terms. JOHN O. HALL, Prcjhietor. Union ot Aclverlismyr. Adni'rs an I E::ocutor'3 Noticei, each 0 limes S2 fift Auditor's Noibe.-', tacit 2 50 Transient Advrlising, per square of 10 lines or less, .'! times or less For each hiihciU(iut insertion Professional cdar-', 1 year Special notice- per line Obituary are! Mnrrinfe Notices, each Ysai-ly Advertising, uie square Y:.;rly Adverli.-iiifC. two squares Yiiu'y .Vlvcr'irg three squares V iarly Advertising, column Yjarly Advert i-uig, A column Yvirlv Ad.cli sing, 1 column 2 OO M 5 00 15 1 00 10 OO 1 5 00 20 00 25 00 85 0 70 00 Advertisements displayed morn than ordinal Uy will be charged for nt the tatt (per column) of 90 OO JOBBING DEPARTMENT. Having lately added materially to stock of fob TypC, wc are prepared to do all kinds of work ilia manner which can not be excelled by nny establishment bo tween Williamsport mid Eric. , Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes Checks, Notes, Handbills, Blanks, Envelopes, Labels, Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter Heads and any other work usually done in a coun try ofhoo. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judc R, G. White. Additional Lav Judge Win. P. Williams. Associate J udges E. C. Schultze, Jcsso Kylcr. . District Attorney L. J. Blakely. Sheriff James A; Malono. Prothonotary, &c. G. A. Rathbun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James Blakely. Commissioners William A. Bly, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walmslcy. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, , Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. BE A L E ' S (latk towblu's) R M I? IT O C A T I O N t 1.1011 ALL l LSIiASES INCIDENT TO Horses, (,'altleiiud the Human Flesh, reiuiring the use of an extern ill application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a lull knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enter.- into its eomposii ion. is warron ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public as tin external a plica tion for the diseases for which ii is recom mended. We are satisfied thai it will work its own road into the confidence of nil who use it, and those who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and nil who have tried it to bo the bci-t application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, nnd il is only through the iuonasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public that 1 semi it forth as the grand remedial agent for (he various diseases to which that noblo and useful animal, the HOI'S!-!, is subject. Many remedies Lave been offer ed lo the Public under dilTcrcul forms, some ef these are injurious, others nt best of liltlo use, nnd many wholly in. proper to answer the purposes for w hich they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by ninny gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling t trust them to lie care of designing mid pre! tending Furriers. Their wishes are a length i'uiiy gi-.-itilied, by Dr. Bealo being pre i:ii'-e I upon to allow this valuable Em brocation iwl.ieh has proved so olhVacious to th- various diseases) to be prepared and brought out lo (he ; ubl;e. This embrocation was ext -ns'.ve'.y used bv the Government durio-r the war. Address a'.i orders to DR. I'D MONO BE ALT!. Ol'J, South Seemid St.'a. f,i?"I'ol- Sale by Bo: d well i; Me--ser.gcr, F.idgw.iy, Pa. ' npo'Hy milE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used 1 on Billiard Tables i ' the CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured bv Kavar.r.;:!. ft Decker, and patented Dee l$" lfeid. (See Scientific Am erican, volume Hi, number H-) It is the ONLY Cushion that possesses I all the qualities essential to a perfect Cu di ion. If is the most eh'.siio and most durable Cushion ever od'orcd to the bi'diard-playinj public, ns is abundantly proven by 'i'E great demand for il since its introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes tin CAT GUT Cushion and unders it superioi to nil others, is the tightened cord of cat gut w hich overlies the face and edge of Hit rubber, nnd running the full length of tim Cushion, which prevents the ball from bed. ding into the rubber and jumping from lb table. The addition of tho eat -gut cord also adds much to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been applied lo over 1000 tables which are iu constant use. It can bo applied to tables of any make, for S75 per set. KAVANAG1I & DECKER'S Factory, at the coi ner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. Y-, is tho most complete of its kind in Iho world. The machinery is ot tho most im proved character, the lumber drying room the largest in tho United States, the mate rial used the best that can be purchased, and Iho workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Cues und Trim mings, all of the best make, constantly on liand. Kavaiiagh and Deckerare the only agent! in Ihis coiiutry for KAY'S CU E CEMENT, adjudged by competent authorities to bo the best cement e er Used. Full Size Tables cut down for 100. Send for Idustral' d Priee. LUl. KAVVNAGK i DECKER, Cor of Centre an-lC i .i SH., opSOl New York City. i