local nmuuKNi:,; Car J'ittti 4( P-iic Vs if .-s Ka-t do ili V,.- tic Mail do do Vi i t Local Pi-eight Unci lo do iVc-O L'tiififirtty, Id; p. i : :i i.i 8: 17 p. in. 10: 17 n. m. 10: 17 a. in. o;l " p. in. Not en Time. Wc arc Forry lo say, that tin; score of the game of Ease Hall played at Centre, villc on last week, did not reach us ir. time for this i:,-nu, hut will appear in our next. Divine Service. Protracted ncctiDgof tho Methodist Episcopal churuh, commences to-morrow cvctiiti (Friday) at half past seven o'clock iu the Court House, and will continue until Pahhath evening. To our Subscribers. One and all should remember that ly paying in advance fur the Adccatc they pave tho small Mini of fifty cents. Our terms for the 'Adrocatc, Job Work &c, hereafter v. ill le invariably iu ad vance. EcEcalieir.ver & Sons. Soscuheimcr !c Son3 of St. Mary's " would respectfully announce to tho peo ple of Elk county, that they havo on ImodahifL'c stock of Stoves, Tiu-ware, c., which tlicy are felling at reduced prices. f?ea Advertisement on this pae. Bible Dictionary. Wc have received a volu.ne of this Fplendid wo:k. and have perused it caicfuliy, n::d think it one of tho most complete yet published. It is edited by William Smith and published by S. S. Scranion k Company, Hartford Conn. Every family should have a volume of this work. AUrcs, l'anueloe Droll crs,722 Samson Ft. Philadelphia. Address. St. Mary's, Fcpt. 25th, 1SGT. .ill. J'.r-ITCK. 1 lease nuncuuee in your nest i.-suo that the Hon, J. 1', Wickf rthjin Slalo Supt., Com. Schools will address th.e citizens of Elk count) at the Court House on Saturday cvcuiu at 7 o'clock. I trust that thero will be a j.'euc:ral attendance of Directors, Teach, crsaud tho public generally. Yours truly JAMES BLAKELY, County Supt. Dr. Jackson ig Coming. We are requested to .state that Dr. Jackson, late of Erie l'a., uow of Angel ica, N. Y., will be at tho Hyde House, Ridgway, l'a. on Saturday and Sunday. October 1 2th and Elth aud will atteud to all calls promptly during his stay iu the place. He will also be at the Al pine IIoi'.c in St. MaryV, on Monday Oct. 1 -I tli. As far us our acquaintance with, the Doctor, we cannot say but what lie is oneaiiiona' 'he host of medical men. Tin Shop. Why not buy your Tin-ware, Stoves Ac., of C. W. Service, Ilidgway, Da. ? He is selling at the present time, at pri ces that defy competition. .tuolhtr Outrage This city has been the secuo of nu merous infamous outrages recently, most of them committed by negroes, and wc have still another to record On Fri day evening a young lady isitor at the residence of Mr. Harry Thomas, on Front street, while returning home from u neighbor's in company with a little daughter of Mr. Thomas, was struck with a brick thrown by some unseen ruf. fian, which knocked out one of her teeth, wivl inflicted severe bni'scs on the side of lu.r face and neck. So great was tho force of the blow that t-lie fid! to tho ground and remained insensible for sev eral minutes. At tho same tima the little giil was fitruck on tho back, and juiic severely i, jure. Her screams alarmed Mr, Thoma-, who was iu his house, and he immediately ruiscd the window, when the scouudi-tl fl.jj. In the darknc.s it wa ii.ipts.,ihlo to distin guish the color of the ns.-ai!ant. No motive can bj aligned f,,r such a brutal assault upon two young ami 10. spectablc females. It is to be ngroUed that the se juiidivl e.-u:ip.:d. Mr. TIlhii. as authorizes u-i to .stale that he will p'iy u I'cwuid cf one hundred dollars for such information va will lead to his arrest aud conviction. .ncr wr:img me uiiove a straii'c nc. gro, named J.uiics Collins, was aire.ttd by ofiicor Osier, upon information fur libhed by an jthcr nogro, o:i ;;uspici'iii of being the perpara'.or id the outrage. TIo got away from the c nicer aad made a desperate attempt to escape, but was finally recaptured and with great diffi culty conveyed to the luuyur'a office. A'ier a partiul, unsatisfactory examina tion, the fellow was committed to pris. oo, and will li ivc a tecend hearing thu morning. Jir.'ut iC' I'n.'oa. A CARD. i , lltV o in form mil '.w.ic u ,t riii.'i. no fia:s reeenlu purclad directly from the publisher ill the Cities of Xcv; Yuri,- anil J'hibt dolphin, a yncral and complete assort mm! of r, o oks ,t 7'.! rroxA i: y nnilabte forth,; SCHOOLS a ELK mid adjviiiin, counties. 7u farther de.urc. to toy, that nnrcJutsiihj from the Publisher of School Books i(c, and not from Jobbers, he is enabled to sell lower than those who purchase in smaller quantities. Also, that every thin; wanted in the above line can be found at once, or trill be procured by Mnil or P.ipress, As usual 10. j' ct. discount vil be allowed on all sums of 810. W. J. BLAKELY. ;yimu Sldrerji.'jemcnt.'j. STOVES A X D TIN-WARE AT John Sosenhehner & Son3., AVIIOI.ESAI.E & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. maryV, V.. Keep? constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected slock of TIN WAliE, STOVES ko. Wo have everything generally kept in a Tiu Shop. Our Stock" of STOVES consists in part of STEAKS AXTIDUST PARLOK & COOKlXCr STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE k WHKAT-SIIEAF STOVES, rte a'.3.5 keep on hand and for sale the :jcrxixg glory, A lariTfl Mooi of OIHIE HEATERS with !us?i:i ton is aintinimir nssortiiient, which arono-.v ;'ie best stoves in ub, and oan lie t'M'i clif-ap as cv2r. SCRAP IKON taken in cxchaii"0 for goods. GOODS UARIT. 8it'TlNG & KOOKINC done on short notice. Give us a call, and Batisfaution giur-ir'.teud. Sept. 20't'7. tf. O ig'n aad History of the Book of the Bible. IIT 1.POF. CALVIN E. STOWE, n. J). A work of real value, and an almost indis pensable companion of tho Bible, showing what the Bible is not, what it is. and how to use it ; answering nil the objections to its iiutht'iiricily urped by modern infidels, and tracing the authority of each book up to its inspired nuihoi-s. giving k vast ninouni of information heretofore locked up in very rare mid costly volumes, making one of the most popular books ever pub lished. 1000 AGENTS WANTED. Experienced necnts, clergymen, Indies, schorl teachers and others should send nt once for circulars giving further fnforma- tum. Address, ZElGLEli, M..CURDV & CO., oill Chestnut Street, rhil'a., Va, Sept. 20 OT'-Jiu. fWJ'ItA Y- t'ame to the premises f (he subscriber iu Ko-x townahin. about thr 2P.d of Aiiitust. ft red bull calf eight months old. Tno owner is rcriuosted to tall, prove property, pay charges, and take it away, otherwise it will be disnosed of according to law. JOIINSIIOEBERT. Sept. 2C C7'-2.m. J" aincs Pryor "1 IN Elk Com. l'leas, vs No lo. Julv T. 18(58. It. B. M elton & f Domestic Attachment. Geo. R. Welton. I Trustees Sale. There will bo exposed t sale by public vendue or outcry nt the Louse of Joseph Windfclder. in the Borouzh of fit. Miirv'a on iiiesu.iy, me nrst u.iy ot Uotobcr next, nt one o etocii p. m., the lollowing deseribud All the above named defendnnls interest iu that certain (rue! piece or parcel of land ntuatein in-iizinircr liiwn-bip, J,lk county, i a., ijouiiniMi anu siiiiserincil as follows: (Mi die North l v the New llrussids Rnad. n tho Eact by A. I'oehtnuni bind", on the f-oulli liy M. .Nicholas road, on the West of lands ol N. Udl, II. Cuol;, J Windfeldor it . J ocoittimn, contiiing tweuty-tive acres more or less ujiou which are creeled one 'wo s .-: frame limsntout 24 feet by 3d ti'C. wit u u ving cvli-mlnr? back n frame 1'ani at.jiit i:y "-) te. i. There is ul.-o n small orcliard-ii c: al mine opened, tracks laul, Loul atiiite, weijrmn,'; scales ,vc.,rea for imiiii;tiato i.iiniiur opei-ations. Taken as the properly of It. 11. & Georgo ii. ii enra. j.inia wimj, rii.-s. I.T'llll, CHaS. II. VOLK. fit-.-10T-.'iw. Trustees. jlXKi'TTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is here jby ;riv.'ti that Iclii'is testamentary on llic c-taie of Lymiu Wilmnrth, lute of Fox township, deceased, have been itrauted to the uuderMjjtied. All persons indebtod to said e-'tate, are rcUited 10 uuiku imnicdi ate jiiiymcnt, and those having claims tiga'iiot ! in. panic will present them duly au-thci.tic.te-1 for seitlc'iiont, L. C. WILMARTH. FRLU WILMARTH, H,v,. IO'oT.-3'.v. Exeeutois. l 'I A 1 on ihj i!,th day of Auirusl. A. w urruu: in Bankruptcy was is '!','' "ir-i't the e,;ti. of Jo!,,, Cobb of Hi. (.-way, 111 the Coumy c f P'k und Ptato ot IVmisylvmii-i, who bun been iidjud-ed a I.aiikrupt 011 hu own j cinion; (hut the pnyuiciii ol'iiiiy dobts an 1 delivery of nny property biloniriag to f-ucli Rimkrupt, to li.iii, or lor his 1..-.C, iu:d the ir.iu.-for ot'anv pioperty by him nr.. C..i-l iddcu l,v nw that 11 iik cting of tlio (!,e,litni-s ofl'lio said li.'inkitijit, lo prove their debts, bud to eiioose on': or more Assignees of his Estate will be hell lit a Conn of RiiiiVrnpley, to b. hidden ut the Court House in the City of Erie, before S. E. Woodi utf, Register, on the nil, tii day of October A. D., 1 C07, at 2 o'clock p. iu. THOMAS A' ROWLEY. U. tf. Murih il for mi id Dis't. 0. P. DAVIS. Dep'l. U. S. Muishul. ' ep:. o-'07.-'. 10LilT J'KOCLAMA'J U).N. J Whereas the lion oiahlo William J'. Williams, President oud llou. li. 0 Heultzu and Hon. Jesso Kyler, Asso cinto Judges of the Court of Common I leas, and Justices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court aud Court of Over and Terminer, nnd General Jail Delivery, for tho trial of capital and other olleuees in tho county of Jilk, by their precepts tomo directed, have ordered tho oforesaid named courts to bo holden at ltidgway, iu aud for the county of lilk. on tho first MONDAY IN InOVKMKER it being tho dlh DA Y of tho month nnd to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the coroner, J ustices of tho Peace, and 'Jon stables of tho county of Klk, that they arc by those precepts commanded to be then nnd there in their proper persons, at iu o clock a. in , ot said day, witn their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoso things winch their olliecs appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns ot nil the recognizances entered into before them, to tho Clerk of the Court as per act of Assembly, raised May 4, 183-1. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prose. cute the nrisouors that are or shall bo iz the jail of said county of hk and to be then and there toprosecule against them as shall be just. J A. MALOXB. Sept. 12, 1307. Sheriff. JL1ST for November Terra ct f.M County Couinoii rlcas, commen cing 4th of November 1807. Geo. Wois, fur uso vs M. Gerg. sumo va Same. Same va Same. C. Waiuwright, vs O. G. t'rowell, J. Yi. lirowu, va II. Yt oodwnru, ot ai Ford Coxc, et nl vs E. B. Enirlaudct ul J. v. cnapm 8 Heirs vs Bryant. John Tudor, va II. Woodward " " Charles Bell, Charles Ilatnci" Thomas Bridccns vs Jos. Wimor " vs John C. Scott, vs J. Powell, Adin'r. vs J. N. Breedeu ct al vs P. W. Barrett, vs The County of Elk va West C'k M i M Go vs M. Ge-g. vs Panic, vs Same. Jake Hill, G. U. Messenger, R. C. Louinls. G. W. Raihbun, Geo. V.'eis for use Eatne Same GEORGE A. RATIIBUN, l'roth notary. ) AINTS for FARMERS and others. tne li niton Mineral 1 mat to. are cow limnfnoturing the Rest Cheapest and most durable Paint in uso : two coats well puf on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or to years; it is of n bcht brown or beautiful chocolate color and can bo changed to crccu, lead, Monc, drab, olive or cream, to putt the taste of tho consumer. It is valuable for Houses. Haras. Fences Carriago nnd Car-makers, Pails and Wood- en-waie. Agricultural Implements, Cannl isonis, esyels ami snips Bottoms, Canvas Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and vi atcr proot I, Moor Uil Cloths, (one Mauu. faeturer haviufr used C000 bbls. the paet ear, ) auU ns a paint for any miruose is unsurpassed tor bouy, ilurability, elasticity. nnd adhesiveness. Price $0 per bbl. of 00 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to coiao. Warreutediu all cases as above. Send fo a ciru'.ar which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded iua trade mark Grnftou Mineral Paint. Addre DANIEL 1HDWELL, 'Jo4 Pearl Street, New York. Sept. 5-'07.-t!ui. ROOK AGENTS WANTED. To Solicit Orders for a New Illustrated 1J 1 11 L E DICTIONARY (COJirLETE IN ONE VOLUME.) Tbis Dictionary embodies the results of the most recent sty. research, aud invest i. gution, of about sixty-five of the most emi nent nud advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations approve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in tho English language, aud ono which ought to be iu tho hands of every bi ble reader in the land. Iu circulating )his Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually en countered in belling ordinary works will not CXMl WUJl TIII8. Rut, on tho contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his labor ngrceable, useful, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teach ers, Fanners, Students, and all others wliD possess energy, arc wanted to assist in Can vassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal induce ment will he ulTered. For particulars, apply to or address PAR MELEE EHOTIIERS, Aug. 2!V(i7.-(it. ': Samson St. Phila, Pa- 5iSWESjLfL5 JOSEPH WINDFELDER Takes this imsthod of announcing to tho l'ublic, that during tho past soasou he 11:1s manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than ho has ever bef ore brewed iu one season, so that he will be able to supply Private Families, Saloons, and Uotclrt. with a Supor-ioi Avtielo of this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot bo undoisold auj where on tho line of tho P. & H. Kail road. On or about tho 10th of May Lo pro. tiPSCR tO " grcali ilc; " cf his vaults, whore It a has stored it, and of which tho public are respectfully 10. tjuectod to tako notice. tfX,Urders blr.ppod as soon as reteiv- with promptness and despatch. B?J..Aililref3 orders to JOS. WINPl'ELDCK, Kt. Mary's Kukwery, lk-nnincr Post Oflico, P-otf. Klk County, l'a. TOU PRINTING, nuchas Cards, Posters Hand Rills, Rill Heads &e.. doua at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short icciiot una a:jasoaablepr:cu i. iiAirr,, '" "JI , U.HAM,, Attormy f.t law. Ridg way, 1-.1U county l'a. inar-L''fltl y QOETIIER AND WILLIS Attorneys nl yj) Law, Ridgwny, Elk county Pa., will attend to nil profcst'ionnl business prompt mnr-SS'llO-ly. I AUItlB J. RLAKELV, Attorney nnd oouiiciior at i.nv, nno u, s. Comniis osuer. Ridgway P. 6. Elk county. Pa, niar-llJ'OU.ly. JOii.n o. lui.r. jn. K v ii . . ytaiAj & una. Attorneys - at Law REN5IINGEU P. O. ELK :0UNTV, PA Krnlamkn Oil 1 Ullil 1- " i'-uJi ly. DR. W. JAMES BLAKELV Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county nar-2'U(j ly. D Pa. ana burgery, Ccntrevillo, Elk county Lmar- nu-ly "PVR- A. S. HILL Kersev, Elk county Pn. 1 n ill promptly answer allpmfesslonal cnlls by night or day. mar-22'OG-ly T)' U. W. 15. 1IARTMAN. S. Mni-v' Klk enmity, Pn. Lnte of (lie Armv of the i oioinno. i-nriiciiinr attention 2 von to nil caws 01 surgtcal nature. mar-22'Cij-l v, I VI. J. H- ROR DWELT. Eleetle Phvi J cinn. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer nil nrnfussinnnl nallH 1,0 night or day. Residence one door cast- of uie mte rnsiuencc of Hon. J. h. Gillis. Mar-2a CC-lv. TOIl V01tK of all kinds and do. O criptiotis done at this office. II OTEL CAltDS. ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pn., Her man Kictz, Proprietor. pugO'OU HYDF, way. Pn. D. C. OYSTER. Prom- This House is convenient! v nnd r,loiinnt ly located iu the buniuesB part ot the vil lage, j-.very nttention paid to the conven ience of guests. Sop. 12'G7.-tf. T A I T AU) A 13 1 TOUR K jLlj " ni.j-L,cii iv uouu, 1'noritiiiTons. Tins house is convetiientlv nnd ulcnannl ly located in the thriving village of Brock- wayville. Every attention paid to tho con venience 01 guests. ,ug. 15. ISoTtf rpiIAYER HOUSE, L R IDG WAV, PA. DAVID THAYER. Proprietor. The underpinned havintr fitted un n larce nnd OOlnmodious hotel nn t!i. kr.nl!io-nul corner of Centre and Mill strecta, with good and convenient stabling altnehed, respect fully solicits the pntronane of his old friends ana ine puruo generally. uecuooiy DAVID THAYER. I EXECUTION.?, OTMMON'S, SUI5P03. "i nas, Warrants. &c. on hand and for sale at tuis olhce. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dcnlcr In Lnger Beer, opposite the Railroad iiepot, tst. Mary's, Jilk county Pa. Mnr-22-C0-ly. BORDWELL AXD MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs nnd Chemicals Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ct articles aud Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Ta. " niar-'OG-ly. HENRY II. THOMAS, Deoler in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Matiresses, Picture Frames and Collins, Ridgway Pn. Ware Rooms 011 the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-1 7'G6-Iy. J . F . MOORE WITH IGUCIHIEIM BROS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING 3()3 Market Street, AugSth tf- PHILADELPHIA. S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, J AS, II. p, HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF hort, gait ft 0, SI. diary's, llcuxlnger I. o. Elk Coi-nty, Penna riTHE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT J rccontly opened by Miss DAGGETT at the residence or Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to the rooms over J. V. Houk's Store, where will be kent a nice assortment of DRESS-TRIMMINGS, STAMPED WORK. Mauipiug and Dress. making done. Mrs. J. V. HOUK. my231807tf Ridgway, Pa. SOMETHING- NEW! HOSE, SIGN &. ORNAMEOTAI. PAIHTINO, rillU SLUSCIllliER WOULD RI X petfll'ully inform tho citizens of Klk county that he has iust started in the nbovo business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor nun jvjin uieir eiisioni. uii.MMM. PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DON L ON SHOlir NOTICE AND IN TUP reesl fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Oltico or at the Ranking House cf Souther, Willis & Souther will lie promptly attended lo. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-1 7'C-y. The J Irani Life Insaraiirc, Annuity & Trust Co! OF PHILAD'A. cmjnTEiti:n i.r issg CASH CAPITAL $ 000,000,00. ASSETS $2.-ir,5,855,50. Mutual Insurnnoe combined with the te. cui ily of cupilal. For insuriinee apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway, Ta. A CARD TO INVALIDS. " A Clergyman, while rosidinj in South America 113 a missionary, discovered a sale and simple remedy for Ihe Cine if Nervous Weakness, liurly Decay, Diseases of tho lirinury mid Nominal Organ, and the w hole liuin of disorders brought on by b.iiielV.l and vicious habits, limit numbers have been tiirrdby this noble remedy. Piompled by a desire iu 1 mifu Ihealllieted and uulortumi(e, I will tend the reecipc tor pripuiing and UMiiir ihu inedieii.ii. in 11 Benkd euvelepe, lo nny ono whu needs it, free of Cl,nye. Addles. JOSEPH T. IN. MAN, teiatiuu , Jlible Hoiiso. New VorkCity. Aug .1 Jili, C7. Jv. Tifeivdiiiii. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Xi W 'ai a w Vi ' Tho undersigned have 011 hand a large aud very desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an cxtcnM7e assortment, including everything that is wautcd to EAT, WE AH, OHEEEn, which they will sell at the very bottom figure aud from this date will sell only for CASH. Wc will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of our cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wc have determined to give the CASH SYSTEM ft fair tiial, believing it to be tho inter est ot both buyei aud eollor. l'OWELL & KIMB. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1SG7. sc. IUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARjETy mu WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAU WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY MAIL WARREN, PA. l17t0. B P D STATIONARY 4 VAIilETY 0 R E In The Tost Office Buildino, Saint Mary's, ELK COUNTY, l'EX.VSV EYAXI.V. OLIVER & RACOV, Manulaeiurers holesl ,( Itetail Daulers in and L'lOtir. ! C(mI ami fl-,i CAXAL MILLS. 111? I!-' i' ' Orders solicited uud pro jiptly tilled m i,V it rati. nm. fu i, ...... i e tyii)ii(,s o':;ci'ij. LICENSED AUCT10NILK. TWTOTICE is hereby given that I h ave l"k cu out a license ns nnctU-t.et, 'and will lutend promptly to Hie taLii'a of all sales entrusted lo my care. Any pcif ou calling rales without license wil be held answcrnLlo to ihe strict let'erof " elaw. P. W BARRETT, JDceJllSCGlf. Auctioneer. WTf EE MCI? & -IN7SSlrW ISO MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Pcwing Machines for lilk county. He keeps nn assortment constantly nn hiind. Machines sold at Philndeljihiaund New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WIHT.MORE, March Ot.'CO ly. nt Ride-way, Pa. Ii LACK S.MIT 11 i Tn a T" It. S. liELNAP desires to inform the citi-r-ensof Rhlgwny mid vicinity that he has leased J. .S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop oil Mill street, and has employed pood work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shooing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'0(i-.y. H.' OVERHOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Jlid'-rwiiy, Elk C l3a. The subscriber desires resnprl Tnllir 4 . form the citizens of Riilpway nnd vicinity that he is prepa.cd to make to order ns well as it can 1 e done any where, anything in tlu line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits L'lmiauteed. Cloths, I'assimers, Vesiings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept cot'istantlv on hand, which will bo soid CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP ST. augSO.y 0 UR STARCH GLOSS, Is the-only article used by firs I class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making (he iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean mtieli longer, consequently will not wear out jo soon- It luukcs old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best In the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soli water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any oil'eied lo the public. It ia warranted not to streak Ihe clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK .STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 21b Fullon St., New York. .TOE SALE. The Store house and Lot occupied by P.urke and Wood is offrrod for sale. -l desirable location in tho thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply CHAS MeVEANT, l'enziugcr P. O. Jan. 3, G7.tf. Elk Co Pa. TAKE NOTICE ! t LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM. f selves indebted lo tho undersigned nie hereby requested to call and settle their accounts at (heir etirlicft possible conven ience. JOSEPH S. HYDE. Ridgway, August 1, lfeGT. BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK!!' ryi r k s u ii s c n i niuits I otter for sale a superior lot of BRICK in large or small quantities, at their new brickyard, ST. MARY'S, Elk county, Pa RL'TLER & CO. St. Mary's, July 11, 1S07 tf. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING XCLOTHING ! CE.OTItr.rc Tor the .11 ill ion I A Well Drosspd Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING- AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. IIINTENACII, IX ST. MARY'S. THE BEST J3 ALWAYS THE V;,,..' ..u m ''i, a -a . ft P. IIINTENACII having taken en T. tire control of the establishment formerly occupied bv G. P. Ifintennel, Co., would respectfully inform the cituen-t of Elk county t hut he is prepared lo turuish Iheui with the Beet Kind of Clotluntr at rates which defy competition. no lias on hau l u large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, L'unsiMiiiK of PANT?. VESTS ivnrv which he has lately l.ui chased in H.n and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen'. Furnisinif -tnnvtmon is specially adapted to tho wants of his cMomcr. neiius also a large and extensive slf.uk of CLOTHS, t.'ASSIMERES, Vli.s'T. 1NGS of Ihe latest sivlo nn.l n,n,n which he will uiae lo order in n n..i dunible manner, and as CHEAP as it can be done any place in the country. GIVE HIM A CALL. .Sat isi'jl el iiOl mini. anl ued, and goods warranted. All he asks in a FAIR TRIAL (o prove it. ot. .naiy s i'u i-vij. I. 1m;7, "Beyond O.e Mississiani." A Ciimpi.itk ilisTnuv or tiikNkw States asu leiiitiroaiK.s kiiom the Giuht Rivrit ro tiu: Guk.at Ockan. JlU .It hu t I. llcf:.tnfso:t. Oecr UU.OOO Copies sold .i ono Month. TIFE AND ADVENTURE ON I'RAl 4 Hi's, Mountains and the l'aeilie Coast. V. ii h over I'. s.i-iptive mid Pholcvn p!i le iew.s ot the Scenery, J'iijes, Lands, Mines, People and Cutiosltiei of the Sew Stales and Torri-oi U s. To prospei iive o iii-raiil.-. an,! s-liUi-g in Ihe Far We.t," this History of llotl vast And leitile re.L' on will prove an invaluable assiMiineo, supply ing as il does a want long tell of a full, iiiiiheiiiie and reliable guidu to cluuute, soil, products, l ie ms of luivel, Sc., e. .GKNiS ANTED. S,-n 1 lor Circulars ami m .,, ten, s, an I u fu li de-.ii-;pliou uf :..'.Tl'J.bM-j:i.I.sfilNG CO-., S, M!ir,rf:., phila'a Pn, Ai.1 It. pUilJS, II AN DRILLS, RII.L IILAdT V "Cj Ucatly printed at this o5ce, '