LOCAL INaUM-NCH. Car Tincol IVil;rv c Erie Express Fn-'t 10: p. in (l0 ill) West " :'i u m do Mail Ei.m.i Mil a. ri. tio do Wo it Hi: 17 i . 1.1. bn'cal Freight. l'i! t 1"'H" n. m. do lo West H;.")! p. in. MOT! C K . Hereafter tho 1 V-t Onice. will le (closed every rvrtiitv f t !S i'' chick. On Sunday it will bo keff ft li'"1" 8 10 o'clock A. M. Mail '''' t! T. M. H. li. MivrMim, i. i. Removed. The Post Oflica, in this place was moved yctorday afternoon, to the I'm;: Stuiv of Mr. Crove. G. Jlcsscmrcr. fffi-On ouv first p: go will be found " The Widow Lccdom's Last Loaf." Artemu3 Ward's La:;t." "A Game Dinnor." Drothcr Crawford's Sermon." Resides other miscellaneous mattor. Bg.TIardvrarc, Qr.censware, Wooden ware &c. at Pcwc'd it- Kimes. tf3IoM:'.. Lullicr irw'I'or,e, Super visors of this township, are doing quito a nice t'nii for our little village, ly ry of tabic;; out t'ie t'uups and iadii. Center fr'trctt. tS?Thc fouiidi.tio:i fjr Hi; Epi.'copal CLureh at tLis place, is at the present time completed, aud ready for the car peutcis to continence v;ork. B3i,3Iossr8. Ikuly & Gillis of this place, dissolved partuership on the 15th, day of this u:onth. The bunincs still continues under the uame of W C. Ilealy. 8,Tho citizens of Ridyway, vrr.3 on last evening, honored by a Etrct speech from aniau calllnpr l iui:,elf, Jlcr.ry Ward Rccchcr. We Aiuk him a hir speci men of the party he was Lborisa; for. SGTWc call the attention ci cur readers to tlie diifercnt alvcrtiscmculs in this weeks iue. Also to the card of Messrs. Whtclcr& Cobb, of tho Rail Road House nt Rroekwayville, JtfTor. sou County Pcnn'a. fiyWhy not pijrclias.0 your IVy Good-:, Groccrk-s etc. of Jles-srjj. lVwoll & Kitnc of this place, thoy arc seliiug cheap for cash as any other c-tabiifl in thecouuty. They haiv iiit received a largo sto:k of jjinds fioia the city and invite one aud a!! to cub' and exam ine them. JSC)'-Mr. Daniel C. Oyster, of HoUen, county J'., has lately purchased ibo Iydc House, (formerly owued by Mrs E. 0. Clements), and intends taking possession on the 2d of next month (September). V. e uavo not tho least doubt, but that Mr. Oyster will keep a "No. 1 " bouse, he respectfully invites ono aud all to give him a call aud judge for themselves. fjyOur couuty was visi'ed on Sun dap evening 10th inst., by ono of the most terrible hail storms we havo ever witnessed not equaled in the remem brance of ibo oldest inhabitants. The hail being remarkably large, and driven by a strong west wind, made bavoo of windows not protected by shutters, bc-t-ide injuring morn or less agricultural productions. This i3 tho Crst storm of the kind sineo l'-'GU Wo may not ex pect another for years to como. Jte"Tho most beautiful engraving that we have come across lately, i.i in Godky's Lakv's Rock fur September. " A Rusfu Poetic." This engraving is enough, without anything else that tho book eontaius, to Liducc any and every young lady, to send a years subscription fur it. Wo think the term-, the mo?t reasonable ol any other magazine now published. Tonus, S3 per year. fcy"The ga'iie ot Rase Rail, played ut this place, on hnt Saturday, between t ho bilk's of Ceutrc7ille ami the Cala mounts, or Uidgway, was not a match game but merely a fricu lly game. Tho Catamounts, carrying the game by eight tallies, iiie J. iif a navn ciiai:-i:gea ti.e Catamounts to play tbein oti the laat day of tb 13 mouth, oil their own rounds. lU .STAECTI GLOS?, Is tlie only artiele u-ed by first cl.ijs huiels Laundries, and I liniisaud u f.uuilii -. Il (five.i a bi'iiinitiil p'ili--h. iii.i!.in 1'n ii'mi iss miiiiiiiily ovi I' die chilli, Kavinj loueil l:i::.!l.ll l lab.iri G jddsihillC up w'.ih a klip e i n ii nmcli longer, toii-ei,iii:n;!y will nut w- .r mil to .,i,uu. It iiiaked old linen look like new! OCR IMi'lilllAL RLl'Ii is tin; -t 'n t!,i. world. Ii is f iliib'e in hnrd tri well n -.i. tjui'. It is put up in the sufi .-t, in'iir. t, .u.J ul(,si convenient form of in. y i-r.Vvi- 1 to the pi blio. Il 'u warriiuied n-.l to ' '"C i'i l!ie .tin-.;. A- 'iiis wanle I cm :;'v in iv. i l.nri v, r i.lir u. ll':ici'iii:i.ivy iin'.u.'ii.i.-i.i!,. .a.l:-...H, ''H.iC i ( ii.l ,,.s Ci). V',. " ,!'6i. : ;., ;,.:.v Y'.-r!;. All niicy nt !nw. Kidp- y r; iv-i: :'i;ii ly 1'Ji: w ,) i-rlpli. WORK of all kinds and dcs. t tli 13 ofliec. ins dene A LI'INE II.IL'M:, .vi. Marys Pn Her- men Kic'z, 1'ivpi lelur. 1 .TXECl TlONe.'. SUMMON.1?, SUEPIE. i'j in.-, Wavrnnls, &c, on hand n ml for a!c it thi;- nllioc. D':. W. .1 AMKS It FTa" KKl7Y iMiHm . li 1 furj-ron, St. Mary'-, i;pt comity I nmr-22'tiOly. Y;- w. w. si! aw ,-t.;. Medii inc J unil Surgery, Ccnlreville. Elk county 1'iv. iiiar-22'iili-ly. HILL Kcrscv. Elk county En. prompt h- answer aUprofossionnl aiis by night or day. mar-22'G0-ly. EBEN.T. EUSS. Physician nnd Sur geon, St. Mary's Elk county Ta. Junc-21'fiO-ly. AURIE J. ELAKEI.Y, Attorney and j l.ounetlor nt law, ami U. S. Comnus- ostler. Eidgway P. 0. Elk county. Pa. mar-22'GO-ly. QOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys nt Law, Eidgway, Elk county Pa., will alter; .1 to a'.l professional business prompt, l.v. mar-22'CO-ly, TV1, vv J com IS. ItAUTMAN, tt. Mary's. I.Ik mity, Pn. Lalo of tlio Armv of l!ie lVto;ii;!o. I'ar'iciilav attention pivon t.o fill cate$ of ."'irgicr.l nature.. irar-2J'ljC-ly. ATT.l?OA7.TTOTTMl. WIICELEK'S CO IE?, Pitoi'iiiKTOBS. 'i'ii id nouso id coavunicntly and plonsant ly lofatetl in tho thriving vi'ilnfre of Evnek v.'nyvillo. Every attention paid to tlio eon venioncc of guests. Aug. 15. l.07;f (!'. rrJXTlSO. pnehns Cards. P..tem lima i;ills, JiiU Itends o.. done nt the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short nolke UlO . and find a! reasonable prices. c. II. YOLK, Manufaotm er and Dealo in Lftftr Eoer. ornopito tho Ilailrori' l'eptit, Pi. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-UiS'OuMv. OltLWI'.LL AKD MEPSENGE'I rru,; p:-". ucalors m Lrue:in'l Cluiniieal? I n;:iu. V.'.i an 1 avm.-li. Pei f inner v 'i' dl rt articles and Stationary. Iti-lpway. Elk county l a. mnr-:.'2 Oij-ly. HESRY H. THOMAS, Dealer in n: kinds of Furniture, Spring Ed an A.ntirc?re.'. P'oturo Iratncs and Cofiim ItidTway Pn. V.'arc Rooms on the corner of Mam and Depot St's. m.iy-7T'0-ly, Bn,.T. s. ronmvELL Eicctio ri;yf! cinn. Late of Warren coiinly Pn., will promptly answer nil professional culls bv n:;nit or ilay. lvej.idenee one uoor ea.st of tli? late residence of Hon. J. h. Gillis. Mar.2J'(ifi-ly. jTVMVKR BACON, M.vitifactiirers and f WIi i!erlc A- Retail Dealers in FloiiPj Fowl nml O-rnin CAKJ. L MILLS, ERTl- PA. O'.'.Wi :'..!:ci!etl nnd promptly filled nt mar- kci raios. ntii? V'tii-tiii-ly JO. IXC. IIAI.T T5. K. 1. HAH. b'ATJj & T3RO. At torn OA- - nt - Law, o i , .iini fi : BENZINGEE, P. O. ELK COUNTY, TA .September 20, 1800. ly. SOMETHING NEW! H0U3E, SIGN &o 0RKA7JENTAL PAIKTISra. fllllE SI. rsSCUIli E It V! O UI.U R V 1 epect fully inform the citizens of Elk County llifit ho has just started in tho nhovo husincss in llidgway, nml feel conn dent that he can please all who mny favor mm witn tiicir custom. UKA1MNG. PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININ'O DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Olfiee or at the Unnking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'CG-ly. THAYER HOUSfi, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and oommoMious Hotel on t lie southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits I he patronage of his old friends and tlie p'lVho generally. jlecE! T,ij ly DAVID THAYER. The Glrard JLife. Insurance, Annuity & Tmt Go! OF PIIILAD'A, Ctl.tllTEItKti .V JS3G CASH CAPITAL $ noo.nmi.on. ASSETS S2.'!.-.o,:!.-.r,5il. Mutual Iii.-.m.-.iicc cuiiibined with tho fe. curily of cipilnl. For insiirniii'O niply to JOHN G. HALL, Uidgway, Ta. H9 TOSEPH WINDFELDER. J (IFT1IK Takes this method of aiiiiuiiucin'' to tho Public, that during the past scasou he has luanulactured TEN TIMES MORE EAGER iha;i he has ever before brewed in one ea: mi, so that ho will be able to supply Private Families. t-uloons, and Hotels. with a Siiporioi Article of this favorite beveraft, at a price that cannot bo undiisnM anv whore on the line of the P. & li. Railroad. On or about the pith of May ho pro. poses to " Itah tier W " of his vaults, where ho has .stored it, nnd id' which tho public are respectfully to. ijiii'.-;ed to fake notice. , t-'l.Orders shipp.ed as soon as recciv wi'.h promptness and despatch, d dress i vilers to JOS. WINDI'I'MMCIt, !s i'. M Mil's J'.ai'.w i:k v, JiL-nzingt r i'l .-t ( Ulii e, nZ'jil. r'.'k Cn!i::ty, l'a. , i.. GALL, iy, Elk cauit Jiii.'iil.'.'P i)ilvc1ohi. LICENSED ACl.'TlONfcEK. . TVTOTICK is hereby piven that I hnvc lak X en out a license as auctioneer, nnd will attend promptly t j the railing of nil miles entrusted to my care. Any pei'smi calling sides without n license wil be held answerable lo the Klriet letter of the law. P. WEAUHETT, Dcc2413GGtf. Auotionccr. W IIF.I'iLER & WILSON'S SKW ING MACIIIN1M. Tho under signed billing 1cen appninted Sole Acnt for the snio of Vvheeler & Wilson's Fev.ing Machines for E'.k rminly. He keeps an a-' "riinpiit i nnsli.iiOy on band. Machines snid at l'liiiadi'lphiaiiud New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WII IT MOKE, March Ot.'GG-ly. nt llidpwny, Pft. BLAOKSMITHING! II. S. P.ELNAP desires to inform tho citi zens of Uidgway nnd vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hydo's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, nnd has employed goodirork men who will be ever rendy to make any thing from a buckle to nn anchor. Particular attention given to tho shooing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'00-ly. F. OVEUIIOLTZElT . MERCHANT TAILOR, llidgAvay, Elk Co., Pn. Tiio subscriber djsircil respect fully to in form tho citizens of Ridpwny. and vicinity thnt ho is prepnrcd to make to order ns well as it enn bo done any where, anything in the line of his business. All ho nsks is a fair trial. (Joed Fits piinrnntced. l.PX. .Cloths, Cnssimors, Vcstings and Trinunings of tho Infest and most approved styles kept eonst.'mtlv on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. rniH-nO.v L O -J o9'Umtuuim exit til'. A EAllOE STOCK OF GOODS il.c undersigned nave ou band a Jarpc and vciy dcwrablo stock cf GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, Oil FEED. which they will sell at the very -bottom figure aud from this dato will sell only for CASH. We will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have de'ermined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho inter est of both buyci aud seller. rOWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug 13tb, 18G7. sc. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T s WARREN, PA. RUSTIC window SHADES A T inn it J. 8 is, WARREN, r.V. RUSTIC WINDOW 5HADES A T VARIETY HAL! WAR REN, PA, 117 to. T UHIt HOUSE, .1 J Mary's Elk Cmmtv, Pn. this well known house has been entirely I'tii i i d nml newly I'm nir-be I with a itesiru ) iiti'cl. ibo wmiIh of Cm I ravelling romniii i.i o, nn l in hiakv u an A, No. I hole!. !.... l a .-.-ujj.-re taken to and li oui the l'i'J Ol live of eli.ii i-. - GEO. II VTliORV,- jm'-i li'ly. Proprietor. 1 ETTrCEVilG ASYLFM vJl Fur Invalid PolJiers. lnccrpoealcd ly Act of Asji mUy nfllio . iMiiinonwinllli ol I'eniipylvnuia, March 6. IPO. The Ronrd of Supervisors appointed by the above Corporation to curry out the ob- j' its oi itio net ot incorporation, respeet- lony nnnoiiuee to I tic public that the Let-is i.'Uino ol lVnnsylvnim has outhorized the raising of funds for the erection. eslnbliMli- ment, r.nd mntntennnecs ofnn AhvIiiui for T..i:.1 c.l.i: , . . . ... iivnii ! .-niuiirs oi ine into war, to lie hum on the lbiltlo Field of Gettysburg, and ns flit inducement to pntriolic citizens to con liibulo to t!ii;; bcnevoli ut ohjrct, have em powered Hie Corporation to' distribute a inoiisl the subscribers such niticlesot value niid interest, from association with the late wnr, or any moneys, effects, property, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in lliis Stntoor elsewhere, nt such tiino or upon such terms, nnd in such way nnd msiiner whatsoever, ns to them shall seem fit, nny laws of this Commonwealth to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the following named well known gentle men i Mnjor Gcnerat George G. Mcado Ex-Governor Andrew G Curtin Mnjor Ocnernl Oalupha rennypacker Mn.ior General E M Gregory Mnjor General John R lirooko Mnjor Ocnernl Charles II T Hol'is Mnjor Genernl Jnmes L Sclfri lgo Erig Gen Jnmes A Eraver Urig Gen Ilnrntio G Sickels Erig Gon Joseph F Knipo Prig Gen Win J Uollon Erig Gen Samuel M Znliclc Brig Gen John K Murphy Urig Gen T F McCoy Erid Gen R E Winslow Erig Gen Henry Pleasants Erig Gen J P S Gobin Erig Gen J M Campbell Urifl Gen Thomas l V.'aiker Urig Geu IV Cooper Tally Erig Gen D M M Gregg Colnaol y SinmbaiigU Tho tito for tho institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, aud it is hoped that tho good work mr.y commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the association, No. 11 20, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the Gth day of May, 1 8G7. For each subscription of five dollars a certificate will be issued, which will en title the holder to such article of value as may bo awarded to its number. Tho first distribution of awards will be made immediately upon thercoeiptel SO.OOO subscriptions of S5 each. The distribution will be public, and under thcidircet supervision of tho Cor porators. Persons at a distance are requested to remit their subsciiptions (when practi cable) by Post office money order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. Direct all letters to J. Tt HOFFMAN, Sec'y Hoard of Supervisors, JJox I-lSl, 1. O.. Phil'a. The following is a schedule of the awards to bs made under tho first distri bution. The items of diamonds nnd other precious 6tones were purchased ironi citizens ot tbe foutlr during the war, and their genuineness is certified to by Messrs. Hcnle & Rros., tho most extensive diamond importers in ha country, and by J. Hermann, diamond Better, New York. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania March Gth, 1807. Offico 1120, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIRST DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers at $5 Each. 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 Brilliants, valued nt $30,000 2 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear Rings 15,000 81 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000 4 1 Dinm'd Cross, set in silver 7,000 o I Diamond Cluster Erooeh G 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 7 1 Diamond Single St. Ring 8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 9 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf Pin 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 5,000 5,000 4.500 4,000 4.000 4,000 4,000 3,500 12 1 Pair single stono Dia mond Ear Rings 13 1 Dinniond Cluster Brooch 14 1 Award 10.41) Gov't Bonds Er 1 Diamond single stone Pin 10 1 Diani'd singlo stone stud 17 1 D-'nmond Cluster Brooch 15 I Dinm'd Single stono Rina 101 Dinm'd k Eme'ld Brooch 20 1 Dinm'd Single stono Ring 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair Shawl 2.1 1 Choico Emerald Stud 211 Singlo fcUouo Diamond lli"S 23 to 31-10 Awards of 10-10 Gov't Bauds, each 3 1 Three stone diamond & Ruby half hoop ring 30 1 diamond singlo stone Ear Knobs , 371 P'rdiain'd cluster studs 3S 1 diamond single stono Ring, star Ecttiug "D 1 diaiu'd single stono Pin 10 1 diani'd Cluster bracelet II to 50-10 Awards of 10-10 Gov't Bonds, each ol 1 Lady's diam'd set watoh 52 1 diam'd singlo stone ring 53 1 diamond utid opal clus ter ling C1...1 diam'd single si ono ring 5 ")... 1 pair Em'ld scarf Pins oti.,.1 il ni l single Mono stu I 57... 1 diamond Cluster Pin... 0S...1 cai.ico and pearl Brooch nnd ear rings 58 to 10S 100 Awards 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 150 to lot I Awards, Gov'mt Legal Tenders, each 3,000 Awards, Government Local i'endeas, cneh O.Uv',! 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 800 800 000 500 500 500 500 4oO 350 2t9 200 2O0 ISO loo 100 100 50 5 The distribution of tho above awards will bo made in public as soon as the siib.-oriptinii is full, of which duo uoticc will be fiiven through the papers. On and after May Gth tho Riamonds will be on exhibition at t'uo olliec of the As sociation. The public can rely on evtryibiua L ci tier comiuctej iii the most liomirablo nnd i'-jir iiunin r. All tho aurds will Jbe b: iid.;d to CClt'fitatO holdoi'S, i.'.il:ic diafely after the di.li'ibu'J jii, fre.o of all cost, nt the oflico of the company, Is o 1120, CHESTNUT .Street, Phila. CERTIFICATE. Wn hereby certify that, ffo hive cs nmiticd tho Riauioml Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Ruhirs, and other Precious Stones, as described in the above list, nnd tind tlieni all genuine. 1 1 EN RE RHO'S, Diamond Importers, Zii Maiden Lane, iNew lork. J. HERMANN, Diamond Setter, 894 Rroome St., New York. AGENTS WANTED. Books can be hud containing 20 certificates ONE IIL'NDRi: D DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must be addrcisc:! lo J. R HOFFMAN, Secy Rux MSI, Pnskiiiiee, 5 0 2m. Philadelphia. AT ST. MARY'S, PA. 1 ASH, O0RS AND FURNITURE ! 1 T'ie subscriber keeps constantly on hand nil sizes of Sash and Doors, nlso Wardrobes, Bureaus, Wnshstnnds. Bookcases, Tables. Desks. Loungos. Bedsteads, Sofas, &e. ricturj Frame, Sash Fainted nnd Glared, All work warrant od to bo of the best mai ferial nnd workmanship. Cull nnd examine my work nnd prices ns I feel confident my work w iilgivc satisfac tion and my prices are ns iow, if not lower than they are in anv other market. CHA3. L. RAG EE, my23ilG7tf. St. Mary's, Pa. ONE HOUSE AND TWO ROTS IN ST. MARY'S ROROUGH FOE SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER otters for salo the property ou the corner r.f M-b' r.rp N atnut streets, in the thriving town of St. Mary's. Thehouso is a good, new two stoiy frame building The outbuildings arc all good. Then is nlso a splendid spring of pure water on tho lot on which the house is erected. For further particulars inquire of the Eubccriber on the premises. JOHN ROTE. St. Mary's, j uly 11 II pil INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING:! CLOTHING ! Z.GTTIS,VG for Ihc SUM ion ! A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. HINTENACII, IN ST. MARY'S. " P.'3 ,Ff?'OSTP iO ALWAYS THE GP. HINTENACII having taken cn , tire control of tho establishment formerly occupied by G. P. Hintcnach & Co.. would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furuish them with tho EestKind of Clothing at rales which defy competition. Ho has on hand a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Cons-sting of PANTS, VESTS $ COATS, which helms lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Furuising Apartment is specially adapted to tho wants of his customer. He ha? also alareeand extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERKS. VEST. IN03 of Iho latest stylo and pattern. which ho will ninie to order in a neat nnd durable manner, and as CHEAP as it can he doao anv place in the conntrv. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction euar- anieci, ana goons warranted. All ou asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 14. 1807. HAINES BRO S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! Those Pianos nra universally neknowl edged by compotout judges e.Ual to tho best Piano made. For references,-they hnve iinuy lliniisiind oily ami country resi dents, in-In Itnf l ir j numbers of Ihc High Schools, Seminaries, .to. : Tho. c Pianos havo not only slood the continued ui-.e nnd heavy praotiee of on year, but havo been me t ilie la it Ffieen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, Unit Mes-rs. Haines Bro's havo been compelled (n en large their works to the extent of 21 to CO Piunos a week. Having now one of the most cxienaive and complete' Faciei ies in the United States, Factories ulmio covering over tln ee- loiiiiii i'i nn in. 1 1- hi griiiin-i, coinpn.iin . a frontage of 210 lVet on Second Arena. They nro undiuibn-dly the chenpest lirsl class Pianos in market." Fully pii.iranleed fir live years. Sen t for Iili:-.t-M.cd Cir.-u-lar. HAINES lEt-l'S 350, 35',' COO, 302. "ill, 3 :'7o,. '172, .Second Avi'!i;p, niniTHiiOOaios New York i'iiy. F Oil SALE. The Store house and Lot occupied by llurke and Wood is nOVre 1 Kir sale. -I desirable location in tlie thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply CII AS loVKAN, Remiinoor p. (). Tan. 3, 07.tf. SHORT. Jilk Co Pa. S LOCH VOLUME!!, J AS. 11. P. ilAI.L. JOHN II ALL, lUNKlXfi-HOU.SE OF fit.. Usury's, MZ tiziwrt r i. O. E. I, i.'.o '-. i. Y.-. , ci'S toiqi.'i. 'L M I li ClllOAPEST C-OOPK IN THE COUNTRY A re Sold by vr e i s nnoTiii'Rs Successors to Goo. Weis. urAi.cns is 3J J CfetV. St. Mary's, Elk Counly, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES We bavo no hesitation in say in" that iu this department of our eslablL huicut, we can give bargaius to our customer.! with which they cannot fail to bo cat's find. Wo luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardn.' Ccie. bra tod Root & Shoe Manufactory, Eimi-- ra, Now York Wo warraut nil goods in this lino sold from our cstabli.dnr.cut. H' EAVY k SIIEI.F HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this lino bargains which cannot be undersoil in Eik couu ty. Our stock is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of tho community. J ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment 1 Muslins. ' Silks, Calicoes, Satii: Delaines, Moitd Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, Rerc Races, Corse ti In fact wo bavo everything counccte ! with Ladies' Wear. Wo are delcrmitv ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTE1 Gooda than any other firm in tho coui ty. Give us n call, we'll prove it. JJARK WELL WHAT WE SA Tfe Sell the Best, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHi Sold iu Elk County. Our Stock c (3 1 .n i Ii n , 13 IMMENSE, And wo confidently flattor ourr . that better Clothing oannot be f ANYWHERE. Persons, beforo purchasing else" ': would do well to givo us a call. Is!XNo troul'lc to show our Goi . QROCElUEf-!, NOTIONS, &, In Endless 'aricty, and CHEAPER tha.i t7,e CHEAP, At tho Storo of V m In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. pin: TC15ACCOES.fr SEGA; We havo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT , Which will bo soil at a YE RY SLIGHT AD 111 A On cos! and earriaje. HOur St'h-e is intue.icw S, A',.'.'..',.. -,!! Jf-n'n Strert. n, i i-T-l !'. 1