i. iY io AT , e n r v. ri d i ii WHS i'.V ' ' i J v.J a H i II k r.r i" ly grove ;. mes-t.xgv:!?, i tt'ors in I 'ni' -. .'! i1:'itio:i, Paint Oils, Wltiiti r. 1, I. ul I ;t-:s:i)i;.C Lump Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. futucncs (I' ail Kinds, The :V. 1 Varnish, Bvt!. hrs .!' VI y I'-o Siulr,, r ,.v Rai.-ili-, Pit..:, , ,o '!,.. 1 ::it ,i'S v i, i - I'.T a a i- r. r r -v" -y Mv . A L!l'..u. no Jviil iiil.ii i or r.v.rni T":.r t :i i ii i t to 1 1 : o ' ' ' 111 Business Gen- I'uro Drily. ! '.. i'.l.-.is ! JV.r. :'.t ; r.t L-v.v rti-cf Notion.- in !li.,'ie. ; V:i: h :y ! l'..i'. in i '..i iifsi! Variety ! AiuciiYt.n and I'nuli.-.i Wtttobcs ! Amctieati uiA V.:v-.Y !i Walc-hes Latert .. .1. v..:y, liln;y., Ay. Latest .-!!. .-.)".-. J;y: Line's, &?. I'lr.ioy Ani'.-l , "'. Lutc-t Nevcls ! Fai.cy Ai , a.;v, Late-'. Novels Album.-, Now-, vy, Bird l"Y,. e: ! Albums Xc. , i'U::i..;y. Bird Cage.?! Violin, ':;-) a;; 1 G".'i'::v f'trir.s! Violin, 15:n;j- and G..:tar String ii'i.irJOl'"'.1'! :;!: vvr, atle, "ir.A-TiC, Amlv.-'l! I:i-t i, ! : vl , lin !(: J1oCC bellvr lli.i'.i a'!.v ..ti -:e r'.hl. Tlir ttrtv U .: f 1 rylo et ?kirf (Tut ci:t".l ..i.'.icn i'. '("."..' T m )-.vnr'U.l l.y t!ic Una. i.uiicr.i Tri.. J"u, licll in New Veil;, ():; 1-i. . j i - la-inr o.o liUbiit ri-:;i iiiia exer given fur ii llmip Skill. Tlie Sii-ol .cj.v'',! .- arc w.-'iin.l v. iili fiiio j.lati'.l w ii c in j.Vi.-i' el':' !! mi covering wliicli will nut v.-.-i'.r (.;;' l ; :oir.c roi'cl, Mill the w!m!f.-l:iit i . : y ' o w.v without injury or tear of m-'iir. auj will lc a. J-'OO.l ns 11I.1V. The Ccmliiuation Silver Skirt hi von i n rmiii; wilhiic oi.iina ry SI. in tliu .nlv;i!i:iipi i.r mir Silvi r f-'kirt i lie Imitdiii liot' .- nro ilm kihc as thoio us c.l in i lie !-'iV.i i' ,;kivl . tliu cuviTinp; oT rrliicb riinin.l v.-t.ii' nl.', v, hiiv I !u- upper Dues nro ciivi-i M'ii Ii ciiitKii. No lii'i.v havinjr crnec v.'in n din lit' i. ur . '.;'.'. 1 1. v'iU lie nrlltiii jx to vi"iv any r:;litr, :n i!.-1 i...v.o'.' lioops of all otl.f-r VIlO ; nro .-o.m iiijiiv.;.l and nilcd. J !: ; :i it iMitci-inl.- are n- I in their con sir.lC'L.'.i, niel. t'r. in ;!"'ir i ; ' '.; . ;j ; ! it y and l.i'i.'i hey :nv lU'-.iiicd to Vccotnc a :a!'.u..". :t jrod i...M,v 1 y ilio Silver hirt r.r.cl Tire I2anu i cturing' Company, and li.nu J-.iy T. NliW YOilK. T. S. Fi-kkhv, !- An:; Tiih-ly ri!K rxi'niMin wjjik.s 10 .;.y to i! iii' i u i j 'it in' ! r.iirlK'U'iV. 'V 1 f K:'; l ' . ; ; i ; : y th.it lei I.; ' i..d a !i:ui. .i.i! 1. and Vn::'i'ii-H. in Mary ';, v. in ro he will l.c y I ewito ail i. nil r- in l.i.- lii.o v. i:l; v r..U-.(.-ri atid i.i T Lav- i.'-i i'Urjii:,.- '.a il,o iivii! i''.r Klk ''!:.'.. ii !.:;.:,'.:"'; tun; : seM tl.O I. V..' i:-.' La I'd I'l.ient r I ,ii Y..l..:i ?.:., V. Licll I Wiil s' i'i. 1 :.ve' a '.'i - "i iy . ii li'i:: !, or v ii; inako tn ..V ..-i'. i i.v' .' '.t ' i.r I wi.i.i.l I'i:.:';. ;.:.-:i or .,r s, i:. i:.:,-;,iv.ii'j 'iii Iny ri.a i.'i tr.o :i::.tl i.. .. I j or -a'c i'i s.u i v;id t-i: rro t i t!i" exiv. i!i-i iliuii i i, tiio law. I.' I ' A ' AU'ALU: ! ' !T. '1 ": ; ,:d.-i'.-i'.'.:. d I 1 ii: ii, oi hi- ;;r- :i!, i in; f. . .t, I i ! " . i" 1. . ' ' - lV..?il 1 y : i Ii.-.' ' V'.i U I I'i- i-i:.; . a 1 '!'! .'. !.: ' Fi t' ' i.i- til' I ', l::e s. r-d I'.i 'I I 1 ...-I. !; I - all ! j : in- .i laisnre fid I. '., Fii -i par. '' .i a ' i : .in ii r . I i .i ' 1 -'. v..-. :i..':.s .:i' ' I.'I- r ,U"ir 111 i ll " I! I i- j.u: iii iii' .' r ;:;. :--.u:.- i '; 1 nut a il. i ":r the l .: ". 'j lie. 'en i r,. i' :M. '.:). F.-i I'nr lae ihiid i .t ri .-. iii'.' in li e eai'ice iot .a In? ir ' ' ."i. t ! I i:d at l nt ''"),- A.,i;' ',!." fi. ii.r', I'.-i r, K: I! b- v. I'll. :!; t'i dull .!. i'. I'.VI E. TO ( uN-'l-M i T' !.S. f i v!!i: A lv.-r: hnv. i( 1-ei rostami r in Ue.i'.ih in a few v, i k, by a very s-. . . . j ' i - r.-i.n dy, i.t.ir ii -ciiVr.'fl sever- i. v in w i ' . a i- ! V : ' :i,-'.i iua, and rai'lr.-i.l di-ea-r. '"H -i.i.,: i :..i; - ' - an v i a . ., nmUa l.u .v.. i i., i i . .hnf sii!l..'Ver;; I' . laeaas of i-.v.-. . i an wii a l " 're i:. h vi''. m-nd a ropy i i - i i i .ii :- 1. 1 1:: . :' I'liuri.' j, v,,': lie i- r 'i 'iariii; il.e mii :, 1 l,i Ii t!i"V will ti'i-i a I" ' me 1." luii- ! 'Illipl .on, .'. -: Ii : I-.- el "f il.. i.-i, ;.!-. i, . I. .et . 'I In; i n :. I , i i n r i a ..n'i.l: llie l-roci'ipli"'!. I- " a. ni. I I iii ai. '.. i l. 'l, ,iu l spread ini'ii n.ai i a '.'.: I"' e n ci iv; s lo be lnvalual.lv i in 1 he ! ' " '7 M.tl.-i crs v:ll try I.i- iv..i :. t '.)M them 1 I li i 1 1 -r . and i i y ! .' a b ; injt. I'arl';. i v.-i !.:!..; .1..- 1 .'v -.i i;.ii'j:i, wii! l lea.'.e a I if Hi. -.'. Vli'.VA !;' A V.d!"0, Vd'iaiii-l...i i. Ki i: 1 .: '.. w VoiU.il, ii-i .'.-.ih l:; ly. ' I Si i'ISi. i i;IS M-lAii.i' I.XEUl'T- ' ISl I I el ,i i ,VT '' o.x.vii v.;j;k.t.ky .'tori; JAMF.S McCLOSKHY, Dealer in 0 roeciies elc, would rcspcetf'illy inform 111" citizens i f Kersey nnd vicinity, tlmt lie Ins cone i n I o tin; Grocery bush iff. .!'! wiil i'i on oil or r.liout llio iniilillc i.i'Aiay. Hi? I:rc7 f.--i"-?'.y :m banc mi extensive flock of TEAS, FLOUR, sun ars, to ha cooks, fhgar9, whiskey !'V I'.iiiv-l iiv rjiKtri., unl everything i-im-iecled with a li.".-:t class U roecry i ' til!-'1, I will Mill fuJ- f.'.'i.'-'d niul cnnpri-juriit. !y im;i i ;i-.nl In f,!l Oili;A!M",M IlKin il c Oil !i. i''ii.;Vr. invito cvcrylotly to cmno and n'.sfy licntsolves. .! AM .McCLOKKY. lh,y 8.1, 'CO. Cm. F f. T::i' i.'.JjMTilH-r Iip'h loavc to nnnnnnce lo i; 1 1 1 e i'Ui;,nis oi I.Ik nml n ! ininiii noun. t'u s tliilt In; liiif; pui'ch;sv.l 1 1 1 1 Ii.tvih :.? shop liitily dciupicJ liy.tVlin Eunilz, nml Unit lio .f jivcptircl to ilo all kimls ol work in a buu iitiic "lylo, l."j t coiihliiiiily m MtvI nl f.iicca lo Hull ih,1 limoH. (iivii UK: a Orill slniji ill IliOI'CC nll 1 :) v i f jM'Ug Hluio lillil'lill. oiIMy.J 0. JKVf3. iti;i:n.s jutri:, 21, 2, Sr .0 27, JUowhvay, X. Y. Oplionilp 1'ii'vlil,;; flvrcil, KI'JT o;. 'J1IH Kl'HOl'I'AN 1'I.AN. 'PiiK ,:TKVj:x8 uousi: u wkll J fiivl widely known to the travel I'm;: r.ii",liij. Tli location is rnpcei.illy ltilalilu to mcrtliiuits ami IniBinesg men ii is in ilrtfo piiiriiiiily to the bin-incs3 part et tlio city is en I lie oigliway ol Southern and Vchlci'ii travel and a.i.iaceiit to fill j :!:e j rmcii'i.l Railroad and bteauiboat lc pe... The Sl.vcns Iloufe lias l:l,ernl acemmo Vition tV.r oyer three hundred jcuoKta it is iv ell :'i:i-!i'. -licl, and po.-".c:-?r i every modern ii .; rove ini nt fur the comfort and ectcrtain meiii nf ii inmate?, 'i'iia rooini arc spac iou.. an I well venti'atod, provided with pan nud water, the ntteiuliiiiec is prompt and rci-pecifiil, and the table in (tcniroiily pro vided wiih every delicacy of the scason-a moderate rates. c.ro. k. ciiasi; & ro. May Oih, 2 SG i". Cm. Proprietors. WE ARE l'ilEPAHKl) TO FURNISH upon short notice the following kinds of Luiiihcr of the best finality. FLOOIUKG AND SIDING, dressed in I he bet possible manner, from EtaEoned lumber, ready for ue. Also, LATH FOH PLASTERING V,'e w ill put on cars when required. UO"AU orders ndi'sesecd to us at this place proinpllv attended to. SOSJTHEU, WILLTS & CO. ji:nJlG7if Kidgway, Ta. IHILAX'ILIKIA &, ERIE EAILEOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thtrvjh on! Direct 12outa ln-.twcen VhUmbfjuii'tt, Ja?ti'm3rt! ILirris huij, i'i''ii;i,sjorl, an I the G A' E A T OIL R E G I 0 A of Pennsylvania. I. L G A N T Fi.E i: I'l.VG CARS ir. all Ni-ht Trains. (";." and uder MONHAY, APRII, 2ruh, the trains on t h; niiladc'phia & Eri-j l-.aili'ii.id v. ill run as fallow. : ' Will TH'AUIi. Mail Tivin le-evet J'hihid -Iphia.. 7.00 j,. m. " " " I'.iil-ivay 10. -17 a. In. ' " arrive at l.iio 4. OS p. m KiicE:.p leave-) l'liil id. Iphia. uoou. " " ' i;id..'-.vay " I'.i a. n;. " " arrive; at l.iie Hi 0;j a. u. r.A'-rv, auk. Mr.! Train lea --j Ja-i- U.V, a. in. " " En!way :i.-i7 p. m. " " ai-.ive in I'liiLLlphia 7.0" a. In. Kiie i'.r. ;i Jjav' .-: Erie .Villi p. m ' Ili-l'ivay lt.4! p. ui. ' air. at ri.;:'.i,l' f,.!.;a... 1.IM a. in. .Vi 7 ir l ifnuir, e nv r; Ii al! .. . ' ' i ii'.lf. . , Uifl ',-,.,.i'i J'rl.-lir,l :. 1 .. a ; ' ! 'iv i j '.'.;..'. 'yf.ia at I'l.CO V. ,'..'. ! , !,. ,i: o. 10 . ;. ,, (.(, ( V.-ii; 'J. .'.;. ii ;j 1 1, i..'.'- ;puia til 'jt ;.;. ii.t r- (;,y C'i,v" i. ''" . . .,.!:ti.;i:Mo:.V.'i..-.c;; .': l'raiilcl'ii llailevay i..ai:e eh.:,e cotauv-sioas al Oil 0:tywi'h tiiin: 1 r IV:!. l-'in an! l'droli'iun I't-airc. r..u:-.i,: i:;:c:;i-:i) tik:o;:i!. Al.' l.i:.') !.. TVI.ldl, flir.eral Sapeiiulendciit. i n w TjTTan 5T:: AG ATXFI htes or DAM AG K l.y I'I R Ii r jl ania i'..ii:pat.y at Minieey, l'a., C"ii. I'liui'S I i I n '!. a;'.tin-t Loss ur l unae by i iie i.ii .ill kin Is ef Mi l e:1 an li-a. Public aial piival" uilliii 's, eidicr in lowu ur ...iniiv. A1-.il i.ii Mil!'. 'I'-iimni-i,. l-,i.u ,!,'. (,f Cain, i.e., nt the We -I passible i aies , ,.i:-i ii-ni i.'.th Kit'elv tu the I usurer j a,. 1 Insaied. 'j he I.ycoiuinf; Ciiiinty. lu- I'i.-.i J ii. ui-ini ,e l oaipany iiivuei an mvestii ;ati:oi as to it .4 stability. lis capital I'.iiiounts to '2,H 0 0,000! Thus ijis'.iriiiT In every one of its patrons lliai iln i.' ii..-.ies will be promptly un.l satis factni ily paid. Its niaiia 'rmenl has always been prii luil, as iis exislrucis of Iweiny six year;; fully denionstiiile.s james i:i.Aia:i.v, A.'cnl for E'U county, at St. Mary's iSl. NEW LY IMPROVE!! t.'e'?'.-!'! Ofvi'sii'tiiiii iydos! Aikiiowlfdi e I o I o the best ! London Prize Medal, and hiahest uwurdu in Amviiea, reieived ! Melodeoiis, b'eennd hand Pianos and Music. No 7l'-', An h t'.'i" i t. In law I'.i'.'hth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Iip21nll ( tOAL, COKE AMI KHU'l ( LAV ! J All of -supurieii quality, for tale by the Tanuerciais Coal Company, Ft. Mary's, Kik County, la. C vif Oiduii by mail inuiipilj ittcnd- cJ 10. -.l'pllO J-ll Oivii'Oi's' -t'oltji,;.). riMii; ciu:Ai'i:sT goods T IX THE COUNTRY A ro Fold ly WEIS n Ii O TUER S Suceefrors to Geo. Weis. DEAI.KliS IN 'SH -l')1 eOolocpii,; 2 I'D Cioo??, i.ei. Ft. Mary'f., Klk County, Da. c A ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AN ) SIIOKS c have no hesitation in raying that in this drp:ir!mcnt of our cslublii hment, wc cau give bargains to our cu: deroers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Yo luy our slock direct from the Manufacturer, Riehaid.ionii' Colo, bratcd JJyol ci Shoo Matiufue-lory, Fdini ra, New York Wc warrant nil goudit in thin lino K'jid from our c.slabiii-hmoiit. jji'i iAVY & SIIKLF HARDWARE. WE AUE TRErAREI) TO OFFER To our customers in this lino barcraius which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our ttDck is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wan!.s of the community. T ADIE3' DRY k FANCY GOODS. An Uucijualltd Assortment ! M Lilian, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Moire Antiques, Chintzes, Whito Goods, ClothF, Flannels, licregcs, Laces, Corsets, In lact wo hare everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wc are determin ed to sell luwer, cJicujtcf unl BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give as a call, we'Jl prove it. J J-ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. We &JI tht IjLst, lltu-ifvrt THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG uld iu Elk County. Our Stock of ii:i) q5 2p' $iWi)i'e qt?D WWr $ 1 .o i li x n u 1.? IMMENSE, And wc coiilidi'iitly Cattcr ourselves that bolter Clothing cauuot be found AX'YWJERE. Persons, l eforc purchasing eLewhore would do well to .'ivc us a Call. RTJuXo trouble to show uur Goods. QR00i:UIE.S, NOTION'S, &c, Sir. la Endless Variety, and ' CHEAPER thun the CHEAPEST ! At the Floio of C 1 Ai ?li X .tl ,'J In St. Mary's, liik County, Fa, piI'KH.TCBACCOKH et- 3EGARS We have now ou baud AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo sold at a YE R Y A' . Q JIT AD YAXCE On cost and cui rtuyc. VQrOiir More 43 iii (lie ill 10 StQllf litiililiit'i on Main Strict. July 11, 1807-tf. UliE PLACE TO P.L'Y IS WHERE YOU CAN KL'Y The Cheapest. o (-1 B "J t- lis !3 9? j B s-i O S Si 3,3 f7 - r V 1-1 1 . ZZ 1-H . G3 s 3 K CD e i 5, CD ? TJ t: p i -v.-, --i i3 - 3. o - v 2 " - ? t"1 4 ; f M (J Its c r. fr H n ? C t 3'2 .- S s, c j -." -: J; o o W o o f- a. S a p r". ' -4 M V -n ? '.J ijrs s-i So n 3 " S -1 '-1 H. l s' O -J t-i :t A' c3 i-o f' K'3 -i ri Hf f" w 3 .sr ta 0 i ti i a (it t3 . '3 tvj C c c o i? b c -i ore " o a o 61 ri if tr . W 4 ME 2. Tj S'1? iA . t2 r O O i-l r.: r CO I o c vr n WE SELL viOOHS AS LOW AS TIIEY CAN EE BOUGHT IN Brie 'City GIVE US A CALL, AND ',VE WILL 'Prove it "TELOUEET ORGANS & MELODEONS. -.iiauiuiousiy nwai-iieii ine r irsi l rize, A (iOLU MEDAL. "AS THE UEST ("A EI SET ORGANS," Am. Inst., Iew lurk, Oct. liMo. Being liroiioiiiiced superior in Ounlity Power and Variety of Tone, and in number ol Ciimliinalions. "As lite best instruments of America wore there contendinp, whichever won Ihc battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art .Tom edited by a wcll-kuown musical ci ilic. They have also I alien the fu st premium wherever exhibited thin Benson. PEKAL OliGANS, one, two and three bunks of keys six sizes :M0 to $1,!IK). Wilhout pedals, sinede and double bank in (Trent variety, ij-'io tu flntl. These Organs with I heir si.ioulh, piienlike quiilil v of tune, beauiil'iil solo slops, si i cn ;l h ..f t ii naiK, tiueqiiHlled pedals, and ff'MKi'nl orra;i-Lke c'li'cls, are superior for ' 'iitire iii's, Halls, Parlors and S. tinnls. They are put up in cases of fvilid Walnut, fall' y veneered w al nut, (new and unique tiyks) an 1 elegant os. wood, of splendid 'b si'-iis and tinish, and of the best wni-kiuau-'iiip ! it being intended that each in- imuii nt siia'i be a model id'ils kind. AH iu-l 1 mucins down to a fine oetme portable Meludeon, have the bcauiifiil Trcniolirilu hi up, iihout extra chaiae. A lare .'!S: onmeut constantly on 1 and at our fieiiei.il Viheiesale' and Ki'tail Ware rooms, r 11, Itri.adway. Our 1 11 list in 1 e-.l Circular and Pi ice Li'ts, w ith our ne w Fiyle-s, arc now ready. Send for a circular. PEi.oiT.ET, pe:.t;;n & CO .Matiiifactui ers, N.i. Ml, marl i.u ji-oaiiv. ay. N. V. t'ny. 1 K 1 1 1 I If.-! VI I'-.T f, I,- it f'1,,. ir Waiehniaker, St. Mary's, EH: counly, Pa. ltoonn next ihiov lo II inteuaeli ' Cloihin.; Store. All kiios of work done dime iu a sautfaciory ni.inaer, trad war ranted. Consultations iu regard to work in i ho German, rcneh or Eripli-li lan jsiiaget!. March I I. lsi.rtf, TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVHS ! ! STOVES !!,: John Sossnheimer & Co., . WHOLESALE ,c lil.l'Atl, DEALEK.J. BT. MAUV's, I'A. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large and weil selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES etc. We have everything frcncrally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of AN iTDUST PARLOR et COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT SllliAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our .shop cither riveted or proved. Si OL'i'iXU AND UOOFIN'il, done OU idiort notice and at re:uonublo rates. Juuo 1 lTiU-ly. UN IT I'M) STATES IN leriial Keveuue Tax.-Tuke iioiioo that 1 will attend at the following lime and ibices for tho purpose of collecting tho Special and Income Internal Keveuue taxes for lli7 : At tho Hydo House, Eidj-wsy, Tuesday & Wednesday, August Cth nudTlh, 18ii7. At tho Alpine House, St. Mary's, Thursday, Aii-iist th, lKiiT. l!y the not of Congress of March 2d, 1807, it is made the duty of the collector toadd fi per cent and 1 percent per month on all luxes not paid within ten days of notice to pay the same, which act will be enforced. P. FOItll, Deputy Collector of 1 '.it It Hist, ol Pa. Saicihport, Pa. July 10, lh,l7. .ti)i(i iiii W 'Ha it4W 'ui iiutu' '4uM RIDGWAl, I'lNNi VHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Unyers will find w 'J w VdiS w S T O It E S AMONG THE Most Complete ilA'Z) REST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Hargains ! CALL& SEE! March 2fih,lSG0-1y. I A RUE CAPAf ITV", CP EAT Strcnth j and unequalled spi'ed, simplicity and coaiplctencf s of operation, are qualities pc. ctiliar to the Nonpareil Warrkiny Ala e hi ne. It is a squeezing niseliinc Cuii-truuted on rtsictly meehnnica' principles, and (he ex perieneo derived from five years extensive use in fianilii-s, hotels and public insl it tit 'niis proves it lobe of lasting value lo the pur chaser The manner of operating ihc Nonpareil, by roinry motion acting on a crank s'laft with ba'miice wheel, ) which moves the pluupers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious nml most powerful thai can be.te vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the lea?t po"sib!e labor. The great speed wiih which this machine performs work will bo understood from 'he statement that it is geared to five six hirokes of the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strikes a minute Safely to the fabric washed is injured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the nia. chine, and do a week's washing for a fimily of ids or ei;hl persons in t wo lo three iiours' time ; and ii may be relied on to clcar.sethe clothing thoroughly, wilhout assistance; from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. Y. July 2G,'CG-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! rjTilE SLT.SCKIIH' It respectfully desires J lo nunounco to the citizens of Elk county that he has recently fi.ied lip an es tablishment for tho inauufaeiuro and sale of TIN, COPPER, and SHE KT'-I HON Ware, on Main Stre-ct, in Ri.lgu.iy, where, by strict alteulion to bisii.es.', he hopes lo merit the confidence unl pali onat;e of the community. He will keep on hand au extensive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, ami repair in the neatet't possible maimer, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keep ou hand a well assorted stock of S? -0'V E suitable for cither ood or Coal. 15 Ho desires especially to call the alien tiun of lumbermen to llio fact that ho can supply them with RAFTiNG-STOVES made in u superior manner. Roofing and Spouting done to order on shorl not ice. t'.f"10ld Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead and Scrap iron taken in exchange, for goods or work. b'-'ii.Ciive hiu! a call all he asks is a fair trial. Customers will lind him at their " SERVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Ridgway, April 4, lH17-tf. JOB PRINTING NEATLY CHEAPLY it EXPEDITIOUSLY Eiccuttl r.t tucAu . ocate OiHj She dMk gduoptc, A AVEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Iutcreita of the People of Elk Co is I i iii.tr-tir.D Evr.nv tiu-usday, UY .TOIIN i isioori:. Ofike in tie Curt Route. TtiiMa Or.s DjT.iJ ui Tift Cents j.er nntuiin, invariably in nilvaiu,-,. No devia tion from these (crmn. JOHN G. IIALL, PiicjinETOB,. Hales oi Advertising. Adm'rs and Executor's Notices, each 0 times ?2 50 Auditor's Notices, encl 2 CO Transient A dvrlisin.f, per square of 10 lines or less, 3 times or less F.ir each subscquont insertion Professional cdars, 1 year Special notices per line (V.iiiuary and Marriage Notices, each Yearly Advertising, cue square Y?arly Advertising, two squares V niiiy Adver'ing three squares V'aily Advertising, J column Varly Adverting, A column V;arly AdACtisine, 1 column 2 OO liO c oo l.'l 1 (K) 10 no lo no 20 (10 25 00 no 70 00 Advert isenieiits flisplaycu uioro than ordinarily wiil be charged for nt the late (per column; of 00 00 J DBBIa'G DEPARTMENT. Having lately ailed materially lo o.tr slock of oh Type, wc arc prepared to do all kinds of work in a manner which can not be cxcelle-l by any ertaldishment be tween vi miainsport nnu i,ric. Cuds, Rill Head-., (hecks, Nole's, lilanks, Envelopes, T.itfs. Visiting Cards, Programmes Handbills, Labels, Letter Heads and nnv other work usually done in n conn trv edict?. Orlh djountj gircftoijti. COUNTY OFFICER S. President Judge K. G. White. Additional Law JuJge Henry W. Wi'liains. Associate JuJgofi E. C. Schultzo, Jesse Kylcr. Ijistrict Attorney 7j. J. Blatcly. Slu riiT Tame A. Mabmo. I'rothonotary, Ac. (!. A. Rathbun. Trranrer James Coyne. Co. oupcrintendent jamcs Blakely. Cnmnitsioners William A. Bly, J. W. Taj lor, Louis Vollmr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byroa J. Jonci-, Jacob McCaulty. Counly Surveyor Geo. Walinsley. TIME CF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Momhiy in August. First Mcnday in November. B E A L E ' S ' (l.ATE rO'VIU .'sj K NI li It O G A T I O X 1 I.OR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO Horses, Cuttle and ihe Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full hnovi ledge of all ihe medical virtues of each ingredient lhat enters into its coiop- i'.ioii. i-. v.arran ted to exceed anything ef the kind yd of fered to the public as an exiemal applica tion foe the diMiise's for which il i- recoin meieied. f are sati.-fie.l iha: ii v. ill vn.ik its own ro id inio the coiitidi nee of all who u-e it. and iIiom; v. lo. try it oie " will never be with' ui it. and ihtr. lore we :ely ,u cx e l iene as l!,e bi ,-i list of its iiri-i'tiluivt'. It is pronounced by Fauiers, ;,t, 1 all who have Hied it to lie ihe le st apj l'. ation ev er used. This I'l.ibi oe.i' inn his b. 'input uji fur ever eight years, and ii is only through the inn .-a-itig il- iuaii 1 and titgeiit r.'.it'-'l of toy fri .nds an ! Ih:; Pn' ! ., itrit I n;ud ii fm ih a- th" grand r: media! agent for the v.uioii- d.v:-.;-e ,'.i.o-li l'.it noblu and useful r.i.i.aal. ihe HORSE, is Mily ct. Many n iia iai hnv be -a o!;erel to tiio Public ii it , I -t did 'rent funis, some of theso nie injurious, oih. i s at be-l of linle H:?, and many wtoily inqireqiei- lo mr ivcr the purpo.-es for which t!:ey arc l ccoiiitiier.ded. A judicious and really useful composition free from those objecii.ms, hai therefore long been de.-ired by many geiitienien who have valuabl" horses, and are unwilling lo li u -l them to the care of dc i,Milu; and pretending Farriers Their wi-hos are at length fully gratified. Iiy Dr. lieale being; uevaib d upon to allow this valuable Em brocation !v,!t!'''i lias pevod ro e:liC;;eious to ihc various d:;:'.- t l be prepare ! and brought oat l. t'i.- ju' l e. 'i'his eiidiroeaiiou i.;ij c-atet.-'vey lire 1 by the Covert. mei.t during tin? war. Address nil or 1. rs tn DR. EDMOND PEAI.E. COL'. Soiiih S' c-i-id St, l'hil a. trFor Pale by I'm dwell ie M-?s.-ei!g"r, Ridgway, Pa. nplloly T HIE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION u-cd oil Eiiliui d Tables i , ihj CAT CUT ("iSini'N, Manufactured by Kavaiii.'h Decker, and patented Dec IS. lsaiii. (See Selena iliu Am erican, volume Di, number II.) It is the ONLY Ci..-'iim i bat possc:r,es9 all the qualiiies cssi li.i.:! to a period Cush ion. If is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever oS'eredio ihe bi'liard-playiii'; public, as is abundantly proven by" tho great demand for it since its introduction. The peculiarity which distingui.-lies ths CAT GUT Cushion and renders it .superior to all ,thers, is the tightened cord of cat gut which overlies the face and edgo of tho rubbor, and running the full lenglh of tho Cushion, w hich prevents the ball from bed ding into the rubber and jumping from tho table. The addition of the cat-gut cord ulso adds much to the elasticity of I lie Cush ion. The 0 T CUT Cushion has already been applied lo over lt'o tables which are in constant use. il can bo applied to tables of any make, for IrT'i per net. KAY A NAG If & DECKER'S Factory, nt the corner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. V., is the most, complete of its kind in Iho world. The mnchiui ry is ol tho most 'un proved character, tho lumber drying room the largest :u the United Slates, the mate rial used ihe b. -t that can l.u purchased, Hid Ihe v. oi liinen lliiii niighly skilled. llilliard Cloth, Ralls, Cue:! and Trim mings, all of I he heat make, constantly on hand. Kavanagh and Decker are Ihe only agents in this country Tor Iv Y'S Clili CEMENT, adjudged by competent authorities to be the best ceuient ever used. Full Size Tables cut down for f 100. S. fiit f.tr ifii.trntril Price Lift. KAVANAGH DECK I'll. Cor of Centre and Canal Sis., up-JOly Ne-yv Yolk City.