LOCAL INTELEiGENCi Vur Time at ithTfcireij'. J.rie Express East 1: 12 p. m no uo vt est do Mnil East do tin Wctil l.OCIll l'lclgllt I'llHl.. Uo do West.. ... 3: 17 n. in. ,..10; 17 p. tn. ...10:47 in. ... 6:51 p. m. NOIIU E . Hereafter tlio Post Otheo will to closed every eveuing fit $ o'clock, On Sunday it will bo kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail ("Wo.! at (J V- M. 1. LI'THIMt, 1'. M. J"Thote persons who subscribed to wards (lie erection of Catholic Church, in Pidgway, will plcarc hold themselves in readiness to pay over the sum?, to tbo undersigned, or to Mr. J. Vutigliatt, or L. J. I'lakely, witliin thirty day. Lists can be seen at Mr. Yanghan'a ho tel, at the dc-pof, or at Mr. Plukcly's office. W. Meyer, O. 8. 15. P. P. (tT"" announcement of cnodi dates. tSfOf-c and ail thould subscribe for lllC Al'YOt'ATE. J&aTTIic uew ,owoship forn'.ed from lower end of Fox. in named in honor f Hon. Issse Horton Sr. tt in an hon or well deserved. WarOa our second page will bo found the card of our Urother Typo, jack) who, we are sorry to say, has left our little villago for the " quakcr city " of Philadelphia, we with him buc cess, and hope Lo will prosper in his new business. Ned Nkvinh, Tub Nkwskoy, nrt Street Live is IJosrox : The fif teenth thrmsnn I. Retail price ?!,' ): Agents havo them at 75 cents, Per sons proposing to act as agents can te coivc sample copic by mail at SI, It is naid to be a book full of life and soul. The motto of Ned Nevins (should alone recommend it. It I do lio'hiti.' wtong eoiuothin good 'Home to mo. Address the author Kcv. Henry Morgan, No 0. Grotin Street, JJgstoo Tdass Convictkd. Prowii.i.ud Strickland, who have been boarding pome time past, (at the expense of the county,) sit Ma. loncs Hotel, have been found guilty ot the robbery of Mr. J. V. IIouk's Store. Vc anticipate f t them, a vi'lt to AL'e. ghony. We 'iHvtio j oor greek slave, Cl'Tableaux Vivnnls !'nui. Vol nanglit but a pardon will save The man of a plural name. Tiik Youth's Klecxio. Mr. Kim ball, of the " Pelville Advocate," lias just started a cow rapcr for tbo bo; and nub), etyled tbo " Youths Elecfic." It in a paper made v.p cl the best .se'.ec tioue of juveuils literature, and well adapted to the families of young read ers. The terms of the 1'icclio arc as follow : Oj9 copy, one year, iu ad vanccdKta. 'j nree copies one year in advance ?2,00. Five copies one year, in advance ?3,00. Ten copies, one one year, in advance, $5,00. Twonty copies one year, in advance, Ss,00. The Elcctic will be aont free, three months to all who sen 1 their names for it. Address, G. F. Kimball, Publish er, Bclcvillc, 111. Burglary. On the night of tbo Oth inst, the house of Geo. Ed. Weis, iu the Borough cf St. Mary's, wxs entered by eorae person or persons, and a gold watch and sonic jenelry belonging to Mrs. Weis, aud the pocket book of Mr. Weis was stoleu. The thieves entered the room where Mr. & Mrs. Weis were sleeping, took Mr. eis pants and vest out on the eido walk, rifled the rockets A land left the pocket book and papers which were in it, but minus of any money. Tho loss U about ?200. The game night the house of 15. Weiden bcencr of the same place was also enter ed by some person, but nothing etolen. Tba thieves wcro probably frightened off before they could accomplish their designs. BElk County U getting to metro politan in more respects than one, but this week the piiueipal exoitumeut ap. pearcs to bo iu tho line of burglarie Klsewhcre is an account of the entry cf Mr. Weis" house at St. Mary'a on Tuesday evening, and this .rooming just as we go to press, we learn that tbo resi. denco of Albert Wiliis' Esij., of thus village was entered last night, and the 6anio proceedings gouo through da at Mr. Weis.' We have not learned the amount of Mi. Willis' h. but lour it large. This seems to bo tho same gang who Jjave becu loHovYing tliu hue ot the Pail lload, mopping wherever there eeeuicd a probability ol a ' good thing." jl would afford us pleasure to chronicle tbe arrest, conviction, and ticntenco oi ,ioKe leiiuwM. unu we iihiiu milieu '. in i ll 1 I . : .V. . :il not Io"g ucMy. .'';ll.t.lt.S.'H'.OI, ..iii. ,:r .... ngi the l'cnn'a JljLtuie puo-e.l a uv. apportioning tho ncvoiul countic of this Stale into Normal School lb:tricts, cauh district being entitled to an appropria tion of 615,000 from the Stnto for build ing purpoei. Tho district In which Klk i, U composed of the counties of Camovon, Clearfield, Klk, Forest, Jcfl'cr. con, M'lCcan and Fottor. It will thus bo Hceu that our county is tbe geo graphical cenfer of tbo district, and therefore would ho tnlurally the one to select. Our county contains many cli. giblc sites for an institution of this kind, but we know of nono bettor calcntalcd than riht here in Jlidgway. IM our citizens take bold and attend to Ihbi matter. ea?"VVe dip tbo following pieces, from exchanges. Buy If urdr ia Mvw Hxvm. Vcsicidiy an aflray occured in Tut nam stro'it betwtcr. two boy, which re sulted in (be death ol one of them nam ed Matthew Cabill, a son of woman iamd I'ridgct I'abill. The fact arc thfc ! The two boy?, Tboinan Hnllivn aud Matthew Cahill, both aged about fifteen year, were going home about V-MO o'clock from h't, John's Catho lie Chnrcb, where they bad been crit to Sunday School, in Company with pcveral other boys. Ou the way home (. ahill and hu.ivan got into a quarrel about something that had trancpired a few days before, daring which Cabill sprang toward Sullivan to attact him. At the same instant Sullivan raised a good sized one bladed jackknifo, and wi;h a dcncrato thrust drove it into CabiU's Irea&t, the blade parsing throu-b the sccuud and third ribs of the left breast, and entering ti e body about three inches and a half. Tho blade was one somewhat worn and rath, cr dull, so that a heavy thrust was re. (juircd. Young Cnhill was immediately conveyed to hir! home cliwe by, but no medical aid con! 1 save hiuf? and about 'Z.'W o'clock bo died. Young Sullivan was soon after arrested, and taken fo tho police ofli"c. He exhibited very little concern about the matter when toll that Cahill had died. His parents called soon after and talked with him, when bo tdtowed aiorc felling and wept. We saw him at 7 o'clock hot evening, when ho appeared very calm. Ho is ((uiteyouthlul in appearance; with a clear open countenance, indicative of frankness, and impresses one with the idea that be would b-irdly be tbo boy that won! I commit such a deed. Nae . JJ icui Jourwxl Anjuft 5. Horrible j.K'iitii Bnitit Vlnyhii ta'th Poicdcr. Two oojs about H years of ace, ia the village of Mexico, Oswego County, N. Y , were dreadfully injured, one latally, last haturday, tiy a powder explosion. They filled the pockets cf their pants with powder, went to a by pl.iec and commenced trying experi ment to sec if it would lilt one stone from another by being exploded be tween. The consequence was that one was badly burned in tho face, aud bad his clothes sot on fire. The other, coming to the rescue, got his clothes ig nited, which fired the powder in bis pockets, making a terrible explosion, and completely disemboweling him. He lingered iu great agony until ucst morniug. when death came to bis relief. He was tbe son of Dr. ltaulstou. How came these boys to get possession of so much powder for a plaything 1 A Old Man Killed by his Child of tSi.ifecu 1 tart. A brutal murder case occurred at l'coiia, Mahaska County, Iowa, on Tuesday morning, 'Jod u't. It seems that an old man by tho name of Kllis Jones bad deeded away all of his properly to his tions, with the condi tion that they ehould support him the rest of his lilo. On Tuesday morning a quarrel oro!.e between tho fathor and a son, 10 years old, about a most trivial matter. During the altercation the son drew a pistol aud khot his father iu the left side, iuflicting a wound which caus ed his deaih in sis or eight hours. Public opinion in that neighborhood seems to iuclino to tbe belief that the affair was a premediatcd one, concocted by the brothers, aud that tbo boy who committed tho act was merely madt the tool of tbo older but more cowardly ones. o UR STARCH GLOSS, Is i lie only aniule used by rbt c'uss hotels Lai.ndi'ie!, aiM tlicusands or families, it gives a beautiful polish, making (lie iron pass smoothly over the cloth, suviug much lime and labor. Uuousuoue up with it keep cleau much longer, consequently will not wear out no soon. It makes old liuvn look like new. OUIt IMl'FltlAL BLUK is tho t.csl !n tho world. It is eolublo iu hard an well aa Buft water. It is put up in tho safest, neulest, and most convenient form of any otrercd to llio public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, lo whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, AddrcHu MiW VOKK .STAItCIl UUtAA (X). No. t!IS I'ViiouSi., New York. ONE HOLISM AND TWO LOTS IN ST. MAKY'S BOnOUGH FOll BALE. rpiIK fcl'li.SCIUISi'lt jfl'-r3 for Bale thu pi-o.ti'ty on tlio corner of Mehl and V itlnut tirrcls, in the thriving touaofrit. Mary's. The bouse is a good, new two story fraino building 'i'Uo outbuildings uro all good. There' is also a Kplim lid spring of j.iire water ou tho lot ou which tho house ij erv-ctcd. For fiirihur purticuUr.i inijiiiro of ihe Mibseribcr ou i!ip premises. JOI'N ROTK. fc't. Miiy's, jaly llt'p 1 tlCKNSJJlJ ALX'XiONEtlt. TyjOTrCE is hevchy given thnt I lmvo tak XS en out a license as Auctioneer, and will attend promptly to tho calling of all sales entrusted lo uiy care. Any person calling sales without alioonpe I1 bo licld answerable to tho strict letter of tlio law. 1. W BARRETT, IW-MlSOGtf. Auctioneer. WIIKKLKU& WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. Tho under signnd linvlng been Appointed Solo Agent f r the siilo of Whoi-lur k Wilcnn'i Sewing Maolilnoi for Elk county. He keeps an ftiMornneiit eiitmtf.ntly mi Imnd. Machines sold at 1'lilliidvlplilannd New Vor prices. Any pirtlon ilumroim of olitiilnln;? I he in can a'l.nves J, K, WIIITMOIli;, Match Ol.'flfJ ly. at RUrmy, I'a. II, H. IIHI.KAI' dwaii-es to iut'oi tn ths citl ratisofjtidirwsy snd yiuinfty tl(Rt m l,s Idssd i, . Hy4 IIlHekeiiiitli hop on irci.i, mm una tiuipioyei) goO'l Hoi'U men who will be evwr refy to make any thing from a buckle to an anctinr. rai'iieiilitreiiemfoi) givi'ii lo the lilioelog ofline. Ait I k is a fair trltnl, Hf, OVEItilOLTZKK, MI'ltC'ilA.NT TAILOR, ltidwny, I5llc Co., 1. The nuhwiilier ilwircs rejeelfulty to fn form the eitizii r Iti.Pw.. v that lie is prepaid to make to order in well " e o'mcaiiywiiere, anytiiingln the line of bin bmincss. All lie utU U a fair trial, flood Fita guaianlccd. Trimmings of tie latest and most approved fiy.es nepi constantly on homl. which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAr KST. anglO.y s a o 1 K CT. o o w if 5" 'A W H v H O a i . o n H O H f r 1 o a H 8 PL. K o c RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, TA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY l-JALL WARREN, TA. MJSTLU WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY Mil WARREN, l'A. 117 to. A. II. fi BAT, A. I. Vl'lLCOX, R. II. Emkhso.n, E. I' Adams. G HAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MAUY'S, Opposito Aljiino House. Elk County Pa. 1KALEKS IN Flour, Feed, Duller, ChocKO, Feed. Corn, Salt, Fish, 1'ork, JIam, Powder, Canned Fruits, -Beef, Beuus, Nnils, Glass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES I.Vccmbtr 1') 1SG-3 ly. e Tij S (g m GUI T 811 LUG ASYLUM. "" For Invalid Soldiers. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pcimsvlvania, March 0, IS' 17. The Board of Supervisors appointed by tho abovo Corporation to carry out the ob jects of tho net of incorporation, respect fully announce to the public thnt tho Legis lature of Pennsylvania has authorized the raising of funds for tho erection, establish ment, and inatiileimnecs of an Asylum for Invalid Soldiers of the late war, to be built on the Battle Field of Gettyshnrg, and as an inducement to patriotic citizens to con tribute to this benevolent object, have em powered tho Corporation to distribute n uinnst tbe subscribers such ni tides ot value and interest, from association with tho late war, or any mouevs. ell'ccls, moneitv. or cumte, real or personal, whatever, in this Hulofcr elsewhere, at such time or upon ita-li t ji iiis, nnd in such way and inrnner ilmli(i.'vcr, nil to them s'infl seem (it, any laws of this Commonwealth to the contrary liolllli!utid!iig. llio enu'i pi io is cordially recommended by the fallowing tiMitcd well kuowu gentle, men i Ibdor Oenflral n.'oie fl, Meade i: Oovernor Andrew l Cm tin Jl'ijor Oeumul IIuir J'onnypaekcr Mii,i. tlmitiii.l V, hi OrcKivy .Major (jcii'iiiil JiiUn Jl iii'wiko Mnjor Ccncri.l Clmiles ft T (o('i M i) r ininil Jni L Mclfvldge J!tii fien .billies A llavcr t lg den llsii.Uo l Nickel Brig Ceo Josi ph F Kuipe Brig (in Win J Bolton Brig fien H.nuuel M Z.ilidt Bflg in John K Murphy hri den T V McCoy Brl len It V, Window Brig Ccn Uturj I'leasantf Brig Oen J V H Oobin Brig Gen 3 H Cmjldl Brig Ccn Thomas M Walker Brig Con tV Cooper Tnlly Brig Gen V M M Grpg Colonel F StuiubauU The rite for the institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that tbe .ooJ work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will bo received at the office of tho association, No. 1120, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on end uftor Monday, the 0th day of May, 1S07. For each subscription of five dollars a ccrtiiicato will be issued, which will en title the holder to such article of value as may bo awarded to its cumber. 1 ho first distribution of awards will be made immediately upon the receipt ot Tho distribution will bo public, and under thcdircct supervision of the Cor porators. Persons at a di.slanccaro reoucsted to remit their subsciintious fwheo practi cable) by Post oflico money order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. Direct nil Idlers to J. D HOFFMAN, Sec'y Board of Supervisors, Pes l-lSl, P. O., Pbil'a. IIio following is a schedule of tl'c awards to ;,u made under the fin;t distri bution. The items of diamonds and other precious etones were purchased from citizens cf the South during the war, and their genuineness is c?rti5ed to by Messrs. Henle & Pros., the most extensive diamond importers iu .he country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, New York. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania March 0th, 1807. Office 1120, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIRST DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers at 5 Each. 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 4 Brilliants, valjcd nt $30,000 2 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear Rings 15,000 3 1 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000 4 1 Dinm'd Cross, set in silver 7,000 6 1 D'.amond Cluster Brooch 5,000 01 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 5,0XI 7 1 Diamond Single St. Ring 4,5110 8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 8 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf Pin 4.000 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 I- 1 Pair singly stone Dia mond Ear Riugs 3,500 131 Diaaiond Cluster Brooch 3.000 II 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Buuds 8,000 15 1 Diamond single stone Pin 3,0il() 1C 1 Diam'd single stone stud 3,000 17 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 2,500 18 1 Diam'd Singlj stone Ring 2.500 19 1 Diam'd & Kmc'ld Brooch 2.500 20 1 Diam'd Single stona Ring 2,000 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 1,500 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair Shawl 1,500 23 1 Choice Emerald Stud 1,500 24 1 Single Stono Diamond Ring 1,000 25 to 34-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 1,000 351 Three stone diamond Si Ruby half hoop riug $00 SO 1 diamond single stono Ear Knobs 800 87 1 P'r diam'd cluster studs 000 88 1 diamond Binglo stone Ring, star Betting 500 30 1 diam'd single stone Pin 600 401 diam'd Cluster bracelet 600 41 to 60-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each COO 61 1 Lady's diam'd set watch 400 62 1 diam'd single stone ring 850 63 1 (Jiamoud ami opal clus ter ling 209 M...1 diam'd single stono riug 200 65... t pair Em'ld scarf Pins 200 6ii..,l d'ind singlo stone stud 150 67... 1 diamond Cluster Pin... 100 68... 1 CHincoand pearl Brooch unci ear rings 100 58 to 108100 Awards 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 100 159 lo 258100 Awards, Gov'mt Legal Tenders, each 6 ) 8,000 Awards, Government Legal Tcmleiis, cuch... 5 The distribution of the abovo awards will bo made in public as soon as the subscription is full, of which duo notice will bo givcu through tho papers. On and after May Oth tho Diamonds will be on exhibition at tlio. oflico of tho As sociation. Tho publio cau rely oa everythiug being conducted in thu most honorable and fair maui.tr. All thu awards will be baaded lo ccrtLicuta bjlJ.'i.' iinaio diatcly after the distribution, frcj of all cont, at tlio ntlire ot the company, No 1120, CHESTNUT Street, Pl.ila. CERTIFICATE. Wo hereby certify that sre have ex nmiued tho Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Ilubir-a, and other Precious Stones, as described in the abovo list, and find them all genuine. HENLE PRO'S, Diamond Importers, 20 Maiden Lano, New York. J. HERMANN, Diamond Setter, ovi iMoome tot , iNcw lork. AGENTS WANTED. Looks can be had uoiit.iining 1M certificates ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must addressed to be D. HOFFMAN, Scc'y. Pox 1 iWodiee, Philadelphia. FURNITURE STORE AT SI'. MARY'S, PA- SA!" DOOR Si) FURXITUftE If TliestiL-vribr kfeps citi(ant!y on Jin! nil iz. of J$al and Doors, also i arironcs. Bnrcaus, Wnshsland. Bookcases, Tables. Desk. Lounges. . Bedsteads, yf", Sic. I iclure Frames. Sash Painted and Glazed, AH work warranted to be of the best niai toi-ial nnd workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as I feci confident n'y work will five tatisf.ic lion nnd my prices are ns iow, if not lower than tk.-y arc iu any other mnrkr'. C1IA3. L. BAGER, my23.1G7tf. St. Mary's, Pa. I N THE MATTER In the Court of of the Incovporn- Ci ommon 1 leas tion cf the " Elk County Railroad and No. 11. Au T. Mining Gazette." j Kij7. Notice is hereby given that tho cir. tificafe cf the Corporators of the " Elk County R. ilroad aud Mining Gazette " has been fi cd in my office, and if no sufficient cai tc is shown to the contrary, a decree of ''ncorporation will bo made at .ic itexi. term of the Court. GEO. A. RATH PUN, May Oth, 107. Prothonotary. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOThTG T'CLOTHING ! VLVTISISTG for the JltlUon t A Well Di'cswcd Man BUYS HISOLOTIIING AT THE STORE OF GEO. V. niHTEKACH, IN ST. MAUY'S. 7 H l. , ALAVAYS THI- ft '.JWUI Uid '.LI L-mXI XAti Idmim Gr. V. HINTEN ACH having taken cn tiro control ot' tbe establishment toruierty occupied by G. P. Hiulcnajli & Co., would respectfully inform the citi.eus of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with (he Best Kind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. He lias on baud a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTd ,y COATS, which helms lately purchased in the East, and whiob be will dispose of at a s'ight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Furnising Apartment is specially adapted to the' wants of his cstomer. lie has also a large an I extensive stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMEIIBS. VEST ING3 of the latent stylo mid pattern, whicli lie will maie to ord.-r in a n al and durable manner, nnd as CHEAP as it can be done any place ia Ihe canntrv. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction guar antced, ant goods warranted. All bo asks is a FAIR TRIAL lo prove it. St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 11. 1807. HAINES DUO'S PI ANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA I These Pianos are universally acknowl edged by competent .judges equal to the best Tiana made. For references, they have many thousand city and country resi dents, including lnrgj numbers uf lue High Schools, Seminaries, &e. These Pianos havo not only stood tho continued use and heavy practice of on year, but have been used tho last Ffteen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been tbo demand for theso Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Bro's havo been compelled lo en large their works to the extent of 21 to 30 Piiinos a week. Having now one of tho most extensivo and complete Factories in tho t'nili-d States, Factories alone covering over three fourth of au ncre of ground, comprising a frontage of 21'.) feet on Second Avenue. They are undoubtedly the clioaiiost first- class Pianos in market. Fully o-uaranteed for livo years. Send fur lllu.-aralod Circu lar. - HAINES Bit I S. 350, 338, 3'iO, jjiiL', 301, B iu. "i;V!7. 1,372, Second An'ini.'. mar71SGu3mo3 New York Cliy. V "OR SALE. Tbo Storehouse and Lot occupied by Burke and Wood is oll'rrcd lor sale. A desirable location iu the thriviug borough of St. Mary's. Apply CHAS NcYEAN, Reuziiiirt r P. . Jan. 3, G7.tf. . 'Elk Co Pa. a. short, JOHN G. HALL, 1.01'IS YOLLMKR, JAS. K. HALL. BAXKING-HOL'SE OF SI. .Titry's, Utiizlngtr J. o. Ji'll. JOHN 0. HALL, AHorney at lnw. Hi,)., way. Elk county P.i. mat-.22'CU lyC J OP. WORK of nil kind.s and do,, cnplioms (Tunc tit thin cfTmo. A I.PINE HOU.9I?. .St. Mrv- Pn., Her rugn'OO man Kret;:, Proprietor. 1xfj:ution.?, summons, subpie. y nns. Warrants, &c., on band aud for sale at this office. DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY riivsician and Suvgcoii, St. MaryV, Elk county Pa. mar-22'60 ly. R. W. W. sTrrw'lctTcTTMTuMcTn? and Surgery, Ccntrcville, Ellt county mar-22'titi-ly. T) I'll. m A. S. HILL Ki-tspv'. Elkrunnlv l'i Will nroinntly answer nllni',,r.."!nnl calls by night er day. m.ir-22'i(i-1 y. DR. EKX J- KUPS'. PliysUian nnl Su peon. t. Mary'aEik eonr.t-y P June-21 '(545-ly. 17 ACHIB J. BLAKLI.V. i,,rt. n,..i Contoellor at law, nnd U. S. Coinmis. owtr. Bnlwny P. 0. Elk county. Pa. (mnr 22'';t!.1y. QntiTHnPA"xT7irLi.s-AtT;re Kt Lnw, Jti lifwav. Elk rounlr P will a'tcud to all piofesf.ioiial business prompt, j" fmar-:.'2'C(i-Tr. It. VY. B. IIAl.TM , St. Mary's, Elk county. P. Lnte of tlm A i.mu r.r u Potomac. Particular attention trivnn in sir cases of surgical n.ttttre. mar-22'00-ly.. KEHWFIY .HOTHf A. B. V HLKIXti, Pircii arKToit. This lions, is convnieti'lv m.1 hln... ly located in the thriving village of Centre villc. Every attention pn'd to the conven ience of g-iostj. 1 r,l 18(i7if TOR rRIXTIXO, such as Car.'.s, Poster? ITand Bills. Hill Beads Sc., done n nt the AU or.TB OFFICI: and at reasonable price;. on short notice fi II. YOLK. Manufacturer nnd Deile y in La'. r Beer. opposite the Railrond lepot. St. Miry's. Elk caunl y Pa. Mar-220(i-ly. T')i:iiVr.LL AND MESSEXtiER Drug I (fists. Pcabirs in Dmind Cliemicnls. Paints, Oils and Varnish. lVrfumerv Toil. et articles and Stationary. Bid-'wav. TAk county Ta. mar 2'!'t;tj-ly. H' EXRY If. THOMAS. Dealer in nlf kinds of Furniture. Si rintr Beds nnd Maltres-ses. Picture Frnncs and Cnftins. Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the rnmi of Main and Popot Si's. in,iy-17 (i(J-ly. Ti" ' J cian. S. BOB DWELL Eleclic Physi Latc of Warren cnuntv Pa., wilr promptly answer nil professional calls hy nighl or dny. Residenec one il inr rnt of late resilience of Hon. J. L. nillis Mar.22'00 ly. OLIVER & BACOX, Manufarturcrs and Mlio!ol .t nctail Dealer.'- iu Ii ?? -. r1 '"V ;r.' I ''!"! Hrnin, t'.l A A h MILLS, ERIE, l'A. Onlors solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket ra'es. a'ug t'th-CO-ly jo. in o. n.M.r T J A T .T . .TVS. IC. ) H.U.l Atloriipvs - nl Jjfi v ST.' MARY'.-' EE.VZIXGF.R P.O. EI IC COINTY, TA. Heptcmbcr2'), 1S00. ly. "somi I :t liixci n i : w i nOTJSE, SIC-W &. OnXASTENTAL PAIKTINO. frwi! Sf'tscmi: 1; n woeld r e- J speetfnlly inform the ciiizens of Elk county llu.t he has ju-t started in tho nbove. business in Ridgway. nnd feel rnnfi-d-.-nt that he can f lea-e all who may favor him with their custom. CHAINING. PAPER H ANGING AND CA LCI Ml NIXO DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN TJH1 r--c.it fashionable nn I improved manner nn f style. Orders left nt this Office or at tho Banking Housa of Souther, Willis 4: Souther will be promptly nflcnded to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C(j-ly. rp.IAYEH IIGl'SE, JL RIDtTWAT, PA. PiYID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo and commodious hotel on the southwest, corner of Centre and Mill slre tx, with gnml and convenient stabling attached, respect fully elicits the patrms jc of bis old friends- nnu inep'iinc generally. deelO ii'i lj I'-VUD THAYER. JOS SEPH WINDFELDIFl OF TUB ST. JtI.mtS KKKHTRP, Takes this method of announcing to the Pnblio, that during the pait season 1k has manufactured TEX TIMES MORE LAG E l thau ho has ever before brewed iu one season, so that he will be able to supply Private Famiiie?, Saloons, aud Hotels, with a Kupei-ioi' Ax'lii'lo of this favorite beverage, at 11 price that cannot bo undcisold any where ou tho liuc of tho P. & E. Railroad. 0 j or about the 15th of May Lo pro. poses to " .n;;iti tier Mall " of his vaults, where I13 has stored it, und of which tho public arc respectfully ro. ijuesti'd to take uotiej. ft.Ordcrs shipped a.i soon as rccciv- ' with promptness and d.-pi!eli. K?.-.ldrc.Js orders fo JOS. WIN'iU'MLPHK, &T. MAUY'S I5.JKWEKY, Pt'n;'.inu'"f Post Ollioc, .ip-"tf. Ell. C.unty, Pa. lAfr. Insurance, OF PIULAD'A. Anuuily A.i.'.ii):.? 1 ii.iiiTr.nini M.r issg CASH CAPITAL $ r.;lo,Ono,on. ASSETS $2.-55,:i.30,5i!. Mutuui Insurance combined wiili tho n cu iiy of capitnl. For iusuiiiitc apply i JOIIX C. VM.I, Hiljway, Pa.