The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, August 01, 1867, Image 2
if lie ,5(lvocati John ", John f. .Uoorr, i'uhffsHr, THUnSDAY: Auu-t : : : :TT: 1M07. DEMOCRATIC fcTATH TICKET, run -m-iuir ov hie m imikmi: i-nriiT, HON. GEO. SHARSWCOD, 1)1'' l'lUl-ADKI.l'HIA. p i... .. , , County Convention. Tlio De'nocmtic County Convention will meet nl lliu Cuurlliuiisc in Riilgwny, at i o'clock, 1'. M., on the second Monday in Ann""'. 1'i'inc the IJ'li day of tlic month. The primary mci-lings fur the election of delegates to tho Comity Convention will be held in l lie respective town-hips at the us Urtl places of liolilin election", ou the Sat urday preceding the Convention, lifinjr the 10th ilny of the !:ioi:t!i, opening at o'clock F. Jl. .1011 N i. IT ALL, C'h.i'i 1'i.m Di-in. Co. Com. Hidgwny, IVim';-. July 2Mi, l!"l7. if not nil, the Republican .'Into, livc openly declar, uivini; tho ri:;ht of suf Nc;:ro. Whito of do yon desire it '! If you Williams for Supreme papers in this cd in favor of frnjjc to tho I'onnsvlv.inl'i, do, v.d'j lor Jud-e, and you will help to c licet it. But if yot: want a man who will take (ho r-htnlilished laws of the land for his guide in making his decision?, you will east your Ir.'ilots lor lion. Gcvrge Shnrsvood, the white man's candidate. There arc now but two parties whito and hlac!; chouse yo between them. There is no middle ground. 51. That decision. The Radicals are striving to make capital aguinst Judge Sharswood, out of an opinion which he delivered in the case of Uoric vs. Trott, declaring uncon. etilutional the act ot Congress which made greenbacks a legal tender in pay. incnt of deb's contracted to bo paid iu gold and silver. Out correspondent Civis argues the question as follows: Mr. Eviirou : It is to be hoped that tho votors of Pennsylvania will appreciate the difference between the rqudiation of debt and the repudia tion of a dishonest attemjt to jxiy one's debt in a depreciated currency ; al though tho Radicals would have us uu. dcMaud that " tho repudiation of our euvrcucy " k the rrpi'diuiion of debt ! Suppose, for illustration, that our State has contracted an euormous debt ; the treasury is empty, State credit declining, and current expenses require all that ran be raised by taxation. In this emer gency the legislature, seeing no other way to escape repudiation, (which all honest men abhor), decrees that tho Ptato bonds, though now worth, say CO t,, r,0 cents on the dollar, shall be Hal Inula- for debt at their par value. By act the poor State is enabled to pay its creditors, and a great many .. ,-ople are enabled to pay theiis. poor But h is it with the creditors ' They get one third or one hall their debt, us the e is j may be, while tho other half or two thirls is rcpu Hated. But some man h " Copperhead," of course does not i t .-. ri'.M half nar svstem. and brings the Hi. n " l J J 10U 1)01010 TUtt UUUlls, wujv- " The locrislature of the State of Pennsylvania, the Key ..fthe Federal Union, has d;creed hs State bauds bhull be considered no 1 t vi 1 ' I 0 ken by all creditors as of e'ual i with gold and Kilter, and this ' court mu.t give judgment accor ly ;" and the uMhinking, but hi't ,1 pe-lo respoud Amen ! Rut this mil-;;-.iiu-.n for insolvent debtors is not juite coinr ; for there arc other judges upon tin bench who remark that the Consti tution, aud not any supposed financial, or .Military, or political necessity is tho rul! !or t"A . laturcs ; and sineo the le "ul tiinder act is contrary to the letter c f !l e Couo'itutioti, it luu.t be held by tli - "ourls to be null aud void, and viO cvnnot, without perjury, avoid " entering i j L'tnont for the plaintiff." He is en ti'h-il to the full umouut of the debt in ; 1 and silver coin," which alone can I l made a ;" itdur by any act of the h-.Mslature. To the few " old fogies uu 1 " Copperheads" who survived the war, this opinion appeals to bo 'Only common sense and common honesty j aud recognizing these qualities howev or useless to Ifijinlulure as ot some aceouut in he judiciary, they nominate the jud"0 who delivered tho opinion and who is not less learned because he is Louest -as " candidate for tho Supreme Rcnch." Xow irhii h hind of '' repudiation si, -ill we pn iei '! Thai of Judge Wil liams whioh repudiate dtll ; or that i.l'Jiidgo Sharswood which repudiates a !o 'islative attempt to delraud the credi ,r ,v muhvi" a un er dollar is as ircod is a'oMeoo" Take tint! CiV! The Piesidenl's Vato Ktsnge. This important dneuuiont will be fiiim '1 nt length on the out.siilo of to day's paper, to tho exclusion of our us ual variety. Wo hope it will receive a caioful mid unbiassed perusal from oil who have an interest in their country's welfare. By the friend-- of President Johnson it is considered op.o of tho most uuaswcrublc constitutional arguments ever written, whilst his enemies only condemn his poliey, and do not deny that he is constitutionally riht. Read it and hand to your noihbor. M, Qy The Krio IKxpatch claims to bo an imlc.pundcut paper. It also claims to ho an enterprising concern. Wo have yet to sco much independence exhibited in its columns. It secius to us, howev er, that both enterprise and. a desire to deal fairly, would demand that a mes sage coming fiom the Chief Magistrate of the nation should have a publication in an eiht-paged daily. Ou the other hand, when tho chair man of tho Radical-Disunion party in this State get a parcel of insane smat terings strung together, tho Dispatch gives them a prominent place in its col umns, with a spread-eagle editorial en dorsement. M Written for the Elk Advocate. CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY- NO. 10. If tho printer will have patience with me, I will try and finish what 1 have to say on this subject in three or four woeks. Bv that time the fall elections will call foi more space to be devoted to politics, and religion must retire. We have considered briefly several fundamental doctrines of the Christian iolij?ion : that God is One Being, etcr. ual, 8o)f-existcut, unchangeable, infinite. wise, holy, holy, benevolent, just and true, subsisting mysteriously in three persons, the Father, tho,. Son, and the Holy spirit ; that God created man in His own imago, intellectual and moral : that man fell from that happy condition o! innocence and righteousness by trans, pressing the divine coirjand,--by which transgression not ouly our first parents, Adam and Eve, but their pos. terity, in the natural order, became sin ful and mortal Ly nature sinful and mortal, enemies to God and obnoxious to ;t . al x ..i.'u wrath,' Uph. a, 3 j ) that God did not leave mankind to suffer without hope tho penalty of sin, but in the greatness cf his mercy provided a way of escape gave his own Son to die, the just for the unjust, that those who could never ob tain justification by their own works might be "justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; that God now commands all men everywhere to repent and be lieve the gospel, offering full and free forgiveness to all who believe in Jesus ; that strange to relate ! man (and every man) is by nature so depraved, so fast to goodness, that ho doeg net wish to return to God nay, ho will not come to Christ for salvation, though convinced that he must perish forever without it, so that, notwithstanding the abundant provision for all ineu, uoue would be saved had not diviuc mercy done something more. I think we had arrived about to this point, namely, tie ii' trssift of rryeneration, before our last interruption. The reason of this neces sity is the nnwillingncss of men to accept the unspeakablo gift of eternal life ; which unwillingness is ot so interior and vital a character that it creates an iua h'tllty to come to Christ. " You ivil not come to mo that you may have life." John 5, 40. " No man can come to mc, except the Father who hath sent mc, draw him." John G, 4t. Connect ing these two thoughts Christ asks (";, -11) " How can you believe who ae ccpt glory ono from another : and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek 7 J he Jews were m such a tutc of mind that they runhl uot be lieve, and this was not peculiar to the Jews but common to all of our fullon i ace. Paul declares the same ihint?. Kph. H, " For by t?raco you arc Raved through lailh, and that not of yourselves, lor it is the "lit ol God. halvation is freely offered to every one that believes in Christ ; but this lidicvtnj, this faith, is " thopftof God." lho unbeliever will then say, "How can I be guilty for not believing, if 1 cannot believe till it is inven me from above 7 " The answei is plain ; your inability arises from tho pervereeness of your owu will, the depravity of youv own heart, i here is no comnulnwn in the matter ; yet there is a necessity that you continue in unbelief until you are born flC-iiii, because iu your own heart there is such a deep seated enmity aonnnt O od that yon cannot come to Christ. It surely cannot be a justification for continued impenitence that one is so far gone in sin that he cannot repeut ; that lie hated God so mucn that he cannot turn and love him ! Yet this is the sad condition of all men by nature, He alone excepted who was God as well as man and though born of a woman was born without sin. Hence the uecossity of regeneration, which s variously spoken of as a new birth, the drawing of the Father, being railed (effectually) by the Spirit, beiug created uueto in Christ Jesus, uuit kencd or- made alive from death in bin. C. c. I wiee during thu leuncssce can vass the Stars and Stripes have been torn lroin the stand where Ktherdij;e was to speak and trampled into shreds by the Radicals who support Brown lo;v. Itadical Incendiarism in Tcancsset. Tho New York Herald of tho 18th contains a letter from Memphia, Ten nessee, from which we take tho follow, itig description of affairs in the State ruled by Rrownlow, An cjtensive correspondence with every section of this State enables mo to speak confidently as to tho extent of the mischief ah cady accomplished by the Radicals of Tennessee. Loyal leagues and other still more nefarious orgauiza. lions havo been established among the negroes, who are being educated in the belief that os soon as tho Legislature meets steps will bo taken to accomplish for them such division of tho private propcrity of their opponents as will com pensate them for their years of slavery. An-old idpa of the negro that at some iuturo day ho is to rule bore as master j has been revived, and the present is sug gested as the time to meet which God permitted their ancestors to bo exported from Africa. They are told that Lincoln was murdered by direct instigation of tho Almighty, who knew that he was about to fail in successfully establishing the day of jubilee. Their emancipation was but part payment of the immense debt owing to them by the whito people. They firmlp believe tha'. to complete the work and discharge that debt the politi cal mastership must be theirs, to the ex. elusion forever of their old masters. They firmly believe that nothing short of a complete turning of the tables will put them in position to make good to themselves and their generations auc cccding forever a monopoly of the good things of a land that once flowed with milk and honey. To accomplish this and they will be satisfied with nothing short their white leaders instruct these poor, ignorant, irresponsible creatures in tho manual of arms and school of a sol dier, in preparation for a possible failuro at tho ballot box that must bo reversed by tho cartridge box. Everywhere in Tennessee there is ap prehension of trouble with the negro, and whole families are going noith, fearing a riot on election day. I hear of men iu ail the towns and villages, na tive conservatives, who ore preparing for such an event as that of Fraukliu, sending their families north and arm ing 1 and unless th.e President intervenes the .strong arm of tho military power of - mo rcpuonc mere is uu roomier aouuv that such a carnage awaits the coming of election day as will startle even the tools ot radicalism it it does not auord them such an end as tLey used to covet for Jctt Davis. This is about the animus of the contending parties in the State. As they are here, so they are in all the other once Confederate States. Passion rules tho hour and Jiisrcprcscntation is the stock is trade. of the politicians -who run on the side of so-called loyalty. Office, office, office ! is the cry of those Radicals, who comprise the very worst elements of the population. They have not only secured all the offices exibting at tho time ot their advent here, and which it, the better days of the Common, wealth were all-sufficient for the public welfare, but they have created others of fatteniug emoluments for the support of which the trade and commerce of the State is taxed well nigh out of existence Murders they commit with impunity. As in the palmy days of the church, Had. icalism has erected a refuge in whioh its culprits are safe from tlie vengeance of the law. Thefts they commit every day, which being charged as only minor of fences, arcslurrcd over as of no moment, and " certainly not to be discussed when party unity i.s so necessary." A Squadron for Our New Buuian Possessions. Tho United States steam-frigate Sara, nae, bearing the flag of Admiral Thatcher, commanding the North Pa cific Squadron, is daily expected. On her arrival it is thouzht the Jamestown will bo sent North, so as to thoroughly disinfect the ship from any possible f rF Hi a tprrinln vol. 1R1"C1IUU iviliuuuv w - - . J - low fever, which has made such sad havoe anions her officers and crew. As the Jamestown is a roomy vossel for sloop -of -war, and is in good repair, she would make an excellent guard or har bor shipfor the port of Stitka. Tho .Navy Department, we understand, Las in contemplation tho making up of i-mall squadron of two or three vc;scls for duty ou the coast ol our new pos. sessions. itii tlio Jamestown, in aa dition to the United States revenue cut. tcr Lincoln, already preparinjr for that purpose, could bo added tho steamer Saginaw and the light. house steamer Shubrick. To tbcao su.all steamers could bo assigned the dutv of thorough ly cxuiniuiim tho wholo coast, of which so littlo now seems to be known. The Russian Indians, as well as those of the neighboring islands, ate both numerous and warlike, and exploring parties will have to go in force aud well protected The Hudson Bay Company, in their trading on that coast, have always bad their vessels well arm id aud manned and have taken the further precaution only to allow a lew natives ou board their ships at a time. Among the un recorded history of the English navy, is the fact that a few years since these Indians repulsed an attacfc made ou their villages by the boats of her British Maiestv'a friirate Thetis to duu - rf rf 1 1 F. ish them for some depredations which they had committed, and so expert and daring are they as thieves that while another vessel of tho British navy the sloop-ot-war Medway was lying at anchor in oue ot the bays of the coast Ihey actually stripped off largo sheets ot her copper without bciu; detected It is these Indians that in 1857 made raid on Whidlcy s Islaud, in l'ujct Sound, and killed Colonel Kbby, the former Collector of Customs of that district, carrying off with them his head as a trophy. It is their savage custom to behead their victims, over which trophes they preform ceremonies similar to the sculp dauco of the Plains Colonel Kbhy's head, was, through re peated efforts to that effect, recovered a year afterward by the exertions of tho agents of the Hudson Ray Company Governor Douglas, tho Governor of Vancouver's Island, and tho chief fac-1 tor of that company, twice sending a steamer up for that purpose, and suc ceeded nt last only by paying a largo ransom of several hundred dollars worth of blankets uud Indian goods, and ' which, to the shame of the United States government, has, up to this day, not been repaid. For tho privilege of trading with these Indians, the Hud son Ray Company for years past have paid to the .Russian authorites 2,0" J Olter skins, San Franc-ico Time$. A Well-informed Lawmaker. Zach. Chandler, United States Senas tor from Michigan, made a speech to the Senate ou Friday last, justifying and glorifying the shooting of Maximilian in Mexico. This is the same bloodthirsty individual who besought tho Governor of Michigan to appoint anti. compromise delegates to tho Peace Convention at Washington and expressed tho opinion that " the Union would not bo worth u ru9h without n littlo blood letting." He is still for blood-letting lie appears to be as ignorant aa he is sanguinary. The New York Tribune expose his ignor ahco in the following drily caustic een tenco : " We reckon that Mr. Chandler erred in telling the Seuate repeatedly and emphatically that a eon of Henry Clay was garrotcd iu Cuba as a filibus ter." We reckon he did ! He had probably heard that a son of Henry Ulay was killed as he lay wounded on the battle-field of Buena Vim by the same Mexican " greasers " who shot Mazimilian, and in his ignorencc ot geography he supposed Ruena Vista was in Cuba 1 Of such stuff are Radical lawmakers made. Lancaster Weekly Intelligencer, In the case of Surratt, on the 27th, Judzc r isher ruled to let stand as evi dence against the prisoner the testimony about the attack upon tho Vice-President and Secretary Seward, and also that relating to shooting Union soldiers escaping from rebc? prisons, &o. He considered these things partot aceneral and preconccutratcd plan to murder the l residont and overthrow the uovern ment. Fisher seems determined to make himself worthy of the position to which he was appointed through parti san motives. It will bo remembered that afewyearsago, tho Rump Congress finding no other method of " loyaltting" the District Court, repealed the act creating tho court, and then made now act. under which lusher and two other Radical politicians were appoint ed by Lincoln. Ihey are of a piece with Underwood the modern Jcnreys. Both candidates for Supreme Judge in this State arc Presbyterians. Waldo F. Davis, tho late post master at Vnn Hcrt, Ohio, against whose removal the Rump Seuate took decided ground at its late session, has been committed to prison ou a uar of embezzling money from letters. The Connecticut legislature re fused to give suffrage to all citizens- male and female by a vote of yeas 93 navslll. A bill to tax tho U. S bonds passed tho House, which is Demo cratie, tut was lost in the Kadical ben ate. It is sai-1 that tnera are over twenty thousand officials under control of the Treasury Department. The moat ot these are a supernumerary tax upon tho country, made necessary by the Radical papei currency aud bauking system. A return to trje Democratic metulio currency would make an anuual saving to the people of many million dollars. ANNOUNCEMENTS. PRINTER'S FEE. Assembly nndTreasu rer, ?1Q each ; Commissiouer, ?7 ; Jury Commissioner and District Attorney, $5 each ; Auditor uud Coroner, S3 each. No notice will be taken of announcements unaccompanied with the cash as per above rales. ASSEMKL7. WE are authorized ti annouuee the name of Col. JOHN D. HUNT, of Forest county, as a candidate for Assembly, in tho district composed ot tho counties of Clear hold, liilk and lor- est, subject to tho action of the Demo cratic party in said district. We are authorized to annouuee the tn T r nfTf T AT1 It . name ot x. J. jmcuujiajuuu, oi ClearGeld county, as a caudidte for As sembly, in the district composed ot Clearfield, Elk and Forest, subject to the action of the Democratic party iu said disirict. COUNTS' TREASURER. are authorized to announce tue name ot Hfc-NHI WAiiauit, Esq , of Jones township, as a candidate tor the olhce ot County ireasurer, sun- iect to the action of tho Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to name of CLAUDIUS announce the V. GILL1S, Ksn . of Kidcwnv township, as a candi date for the office of County Treasurer subiect to tho action of the Democratio Couuty Convention. We a-o cu ho iz d to anm uui the name of H. D. DERR, Esq., of lienne zett township, as a caudidate for the of Gee of Couuty Ticaburcr, subject to the action of the Democratic County Cou-vcr.tion. $leiu gdicrjifjcmcntii. TAKEnOTICE"! VI.L VKIISONS KNOWING T11F.M. pelves indebted to tlio undersigned nri) hereby requested to call and settle tlieir nccounts nt their tnrlicst possible conven ience. JOSKl'U H. I1YUE. Uidgway, August 1, 1 807. "Beyond th Missiuippi." A CoMri.KTK IIisTont or thrNkw States AND TunRITOIllKS, FBOM THE (JllEAT lUVElt TO TUB UltKAT OcKAN. Ill) tllbrrl D. mchardson. Over 20,000 Copies fold in one. Month, IIFU AND ADVENTURE ON PR.Vt j ries, Mountains and tho Pacific Const. Willi over 200 Descriptive and Photograph ic Views of tho Sconcry, Cities, Lamia, Mines, People and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. To prospective emigrants and settlers in tho "Far West," this History of thai vast and fertilo region will prove an invaluablo assistance, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic anu renuoie gumu to climate, soil, products, means of travel, &c, &o. ACiENTS WANTED. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of tho work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO , 607 Minor St., Phila'a Pa. Augl-4t. UNITED STATES IN ternut Revenue Tx. Take notice that 1 will attenu at me louowiui; time ami t)laces for tho purpose of collecting tho Special and Income Internal Revenue taxes fur lSlii : At the Hyde HoiiFe, RidgwAy, Tuesday & Wednesday, August 0th and th, 18(17. At the Alpiue House, St. Mary's, Thursday, August tub, 1W. Itv the act of Concress of March 2d, 1807. it is made the duty of the collector to add 5 per cent and 1 per eent per month on oil taxes not paid witnin ten days or notice to pay tho same, wuicu wt will be entorced. r. ruKi, Deputy Collector of 10th Dist. of Pa. Sracthport, Pa. July 15, 18G7. "TVT1. J. SAQE.Ll, petitit, Jul uarrcn, eives nonce limine n un visit Ridnway on Monday, August 6th, to remain a limited time, therefore those who have any work to do should call early, Warren, July 18, Of ONE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS IN ST. MARY'S BOROUGH FOR SALE THE SURSCRIBER offers for salo the property on the corner of Mehl and Walnut streets, in the thriving town oi at. Mary's. The house is a good, Hew two story frame building The outbuildings are all good. There is also a splendid spring of pure water on the lot on wuicn tue no-use is erected. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber on the premises. JUlll ltoits. St. Mary's, july 114tpd BRICK I BRICK II BRICK II l THIS SUBSCRIBERS I oiler for sale a superior lot ot BRICK in large or small quantities, at their new brickiard, ST. MARY'S, Elk county. Pa. 15UTLER k CO. . St. Mary's, July 11, 18117 tf. riA AV.'A.' Vdlf A It A It f! A I V 100 Acres of Timber Land In Elk County for Sale at a Bargain! rpHE ABOVE MENTIONED TRACT OF land is situated about one-half mile from Kersey Run, in Jay ttwnship, and is well timtcicd with WHITE PINE, OAK and HEMLOCK. Four acres are cleared and under good stato of cultivation. Its contiguUy to Kersey Run makes it one of the most valuable tracts of laud iu this part of the country. There are two coal banks opened on the tract, which are four feet thick, and the coal of the best quality. - 1 have also one spun of horses and one yoke of oxen which will b sold very cheap. For further particulars inquire of the the subscriber or Oliver Gardner, at Cale donia Post Office, Elk county, Pa. julySlSGlMiu JUSTUS WEED. T TTH ll IllSlTST Xj is'- Mary's E1U County, Pa. litis well known house lias been entirely refittei and newly furnished with a desire to meet the wants of the travelling commu- mtp, ana to make it an A, No. 1 hotel. BtWuPassengers taken to and from the Depot frco of charge. liU. UATHORN, Jun27'C71y. Proprietor. T YfHE MILLINERY ESTAULISHMENT recently opened by Miss DAGGETT at tho residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to the rooms over J. V. Uouk a More, where will be kept nice assortment of Spi'ioci qi)i) Sih)hKl' ?iJiii!Kry. DRESS-TRIMMINGS, STAMPED WORK. Stamping and Dress.makiug dune. Mrs. J. V. HO UK. my2318G7tf Ridgwny, Pa. INSURANCE AG AINSI lohs or DAMAGE by FIRE 1 WIE I.vcoining County Mutual Insur ance Couinauv at Muncey, Pa., oon tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Publio and nrivato uildintrs. either in town or counlv. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Rams, stocks of Grain, &c, t tho lowest ponslble rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investii gation as to its stability. Its capital uuiouuls to $2,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management has always heeu prudent, us its existence ol tweuty six years fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's X1 NEWLY IMPROVED Crescent geala Obcrgirttnci 'ikm ! : Acknowledged to be the best ! London Prize Medal, and highest awards iu America, received I Melodeons, Second-hand Piunnsand Musio. No 'I'll, Arch Strict, lu-low hiprhth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. sp2l3m J)'liMi!Sg J)ifici0l'J. LIC EN SK D AUCT lONKER. NOTICE Is hereby gWcu that I have tnk cn out a liccnso ns auctioneer, and will aileiid promptly to I lip nillinir of all sales entrusted to my care. Any lierson calling sales without lirpnpn wil be held nnswciuble to the sivicl lctlcr of the law. P. W HAHUKTT Dccli HKOutl. Auctioneer. WHHKLHH & WILSON'S 8KW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Rewiinr Machines for Elk county. Ho keens an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia find New Yor prices . Any parties desirous of obtaining theincuu address J. K. VVIHTMORK. March Ot-'CO- ly. nt Ridpway, Ta. UIjACKSMITITINa! II. S. I1ELNAP desires to inform the citi- ens of Ridgway and vicinity that ho has leased J. S. Hyde's Rlacksmitli Shon on Mill street, and has employed good work- mon who will be ever ready to make any, thing from a buckle to an auohor. rartioular attention given to tha ahocin? of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17C6-ly. HP. OVKUHOLT'KK, , MERCHANT TAILOR, liiclyway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the ciliztns of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prcpa.ed to iumUo to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in I Ik. line of his business. All lie asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaiautecd. BJSuClotlis, Cassiiners, Vcstlngs and Trimmings of the bitc?t and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will bo sold CHEAPER- THAN THE CHEAP EST. faug30.y WSHEltER. Ocalcr in i'lqilOS, TjJjloOiOflS, Pi'tJillJS WO l)tCt ll) t sie. vrrsun i?nnv.v. No. 45, Ferxt Avenue, Corru, Penni. Refers to J. Powell, 11, F. Ely, Ridzwav. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Haigcn, St. Mary's. nov oo, auipu. TJek'qijlile. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, TA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY MALL WARREN, PA. 1 17 tc. QUR STARCH GLOSS, Is lho only article used by first class hotel t Laundries, and thousands of families. gives a bcautiiul polish, i lie irrn pasg smoothly over tue cloth, savin; nmcii time and lubor. .Goods done up with it kern clean much longer, consequently will n a wear out so soon- It makes old liueu to like aew. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best 'n the world. It is soluble iu hard as well as soft water. It is put up iu the safest, neatest, and most conven -t form of any offered to the public. I ii warranted not to streak the clothes. Ag - ' i wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NLW VOKK tfTAltCIi ULOS3 CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New Yor!:. NEWJJHOPT T IN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !.' 1 John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE it RETAIL DEAL1.1L.-J. 6T. MAttVti, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and fin' sal'.', , i ii i i ...... a laro anu wen selected Btcfc i. WARE, STOVES &o. We h'.o everything generally kept in a Tin ;:jn Our Stock of STOVES consists Iu i mi of A NT ID UST PARLOIl COOKING STOVES. ALSO IRON GATE & WliiiAT- siii:af STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be hr-d at our shop cither riveted or groved. JSPOUTINO AND ROOl'INU, ;..,o c:: short Dotice and at reasonable im-l-.s. Juno ll'GC-ly. A. II. Obat, A. I. Wilcox, R. II. E'lKHSOX, E. F. A in mm. G RAY, WILCOX & c WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, Elk County Iv. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Butter, ('In', si- Feed, Corn, Sa' , Fish, Pork, Ham, iWuVr Cunucd 1 ruits, Bed', Beaua, Fails, (ja6 AND STAPLE GROCERIES December 1SGG ly.