The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 25, 1867, Image 3
iOCAL INTEUIGEISCK Car Time at illtlgttay. Kria Express East 10:4'2 p. m do ! West 3:50 a lit lo Mail East 3:47 a. in. 1I0 do 10:47 p.m. I.ocnl Freight Kant 10:47 n. tu. do do West bM p. ni. Jf OTIC K. Hereafter the Post Office will le closed every crcuins at 8 o'clock. On Xtindnv It will be kcut oncn from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt M. L.LUTHBU, P. M. Insure yout Life iu Mic Manhattan. vTlie Catamounts had '('lite spirited panic of banc ball on Salmday lnt. They arc determined to ' scratch ' their way to notoriety sometime, cue ccm to them. Insure your Life in the Manhattan. Til. J. Saobr, Dentist, of Warren, requests us to announce that he will be at the Hyde House, in thi place, on Monday, tho 5th of August next, Court week.) Those having work to do should trot fail to i'c him a call on that day. 3i Injure your Life iu the Manhattan. gSJf Thof c persons who subscribed to wards the erection of a Catholic Church, in Ridgway. will please hold thenW.ves in readiness to pay over the same, to tho undersigned, or to Mr. J. Vaughan, or Ii. J. Blakcly, within thirty days. List can be seen at Mr. Yaughan'a 1 el, at tho depot, or at Mr. Blakely's IB.jc. V. Meyer, O. S. li. P. P. Insure your Life in the Mauhattan. A Steam Tanneiiy in Riuuway.- W'e learn that negotiations are about be ing made at this place for the erection of a larsc steam tannery. Mr. 0. B flrant, one of the firm who propose erect' ing the establishment, is now here, en gaged in the purchase of baik. lauds, of which there are inexhaustible quantities in our immediate vicinity This trill be a new thing iu our community, aud wo hope the arrangements may be com pleted so that it may be alike proGiablc lo its projector, and au improvement to our village. Obituary. Pmkd On Sunday, the 21st instant. nt his residence in Kersey, iu this county, Lyman Wilmabtii, aged about 015 years. Mr. Wilmabtii was one of fhoe early settlers who came into this part of Elk countv in the Year 1832. His name is closely idcutified with the pros ncritv of our countv in all that rtlutcs to improvements, lie was a mau of in domnitable cucrgy aud iron will eve kind and obliging, always taking sid with what he thought was right, he had won the coufidoucc and esteem of all who knew him. Iu literary attainments lie was well advanced, and our readers have no doubt been frequently intcres cd in his History of Elk County, which he wiote for this pap.r under th nom lc plume ot " Northwestern 1 enn 6ylvanian." His !oh will be deeply felt i the community, and by Lis timily. 11 was a member of the Piotcsiant Episco. pal Church. In politics he was a stern and unyielding Democrat, but tve 1: neve never touiiht or held any ollieo His remain were taken to Pitt.-bur on the day following hit for inter men t M Tho Manhattan Life. Agent. L.J. Blakoly JESrTho Annual Report of the Ly coming County Mutual Insurance Com Viany will be foinid in our columns to-day Jt will le Keen that tho capital ot t! compauy has been materially increase during the past year, it now reaehin the large sum ot S.'KSK.Ol!) 49. Th number of polices in force Juno 10th "was 1G.012, and the total amount o property insured &10,VMAC0 47. Th total amount of losses paid the past year was 5? M) 1 ,j'.M W, iho whole ainoun paid for losses since the organization tho company $1,818,750 Gl. Tho Lycoming Mutual is now one of tho strongest, most reliable, aud best conducted companies in tho State, and h constantly increasing in strength an usefulness. Jluwy Luminary James Blakcly, Evj., of St. Mary's is the agent for this county. Give him call if you wish to bo insured in a rtlia lie Company. The advertisement of the above com pany will be seen in another column. C. C Yours to hand, and will ap- pear next week. im mi There oie 3,000 Chinese in one county in Idaho. Souator Sherman arrived in New York from Europo ou Saturday. 2,030,771 in specie were shipped to Europe fiooi New York on Saturday. The iuteinal revenue receipts dur ing tho rust weft amounted to $4,87.'), 294. Kin Orleant, July 22. Bj way of alvestou wc have one week's later a tea from Mexico. The Brownsville Ranchcro doubts the report of an army of observation under Cortinas, and pub lishes an extract from a letter said to have been written by Escobedo to Gom-. ez, directing him by every mean iu his power to mako the country Mexican, nd as all property in the hands ot lor. eigncrs was acquired by Mexican iu'uj- oriuuec, ho should take it, and nave power to hunt them from the country. He says : " My motto is ueath to an strangers, and there will bo no danger of the Yankees so long as tho Southern tates arc kept out of the L niou. JJe. sides tho black men would fide with ue, and may at any time pronounce against Uicni. 'Jieluio we get through witn tne foreigners, the Yankees will think we nre in earnest, and the time will come when their notables will be hedging their owu heads instead of those of Austriutis. Up to the 13th Marques and O'Haran had not been feund. HotLO of their ad- icrtiit had suppostd them to bo secret ed in tho houso of the British M il inter. l.'ii.z has ordered the capture of the for cign representatives who do not recug- nizo the Liberal tmvcrtiment. J uvrtz has Issued au order for the con vocation ol a emarom to elect a President. Ortega is in prison in Mon. tcrcy. Captain Freeman, or the reve nue cutter Wilderness, who convened Madame Juarez's party to Vera Cruz, reports the Liberals extremely indepen dent and saucy. I he Prussian Consul at era Cruz was conducting negotiations with the Liberals h r the release of Austrian pris. ouers. Santa Anna is still alive in Uaui. peachy. . His captors are awaiting ad. vices from the Liberal government, and failing these he will undoubtedly be shot. Matanioras advices to the same Iate have been received. A Missouri vigilance Committee has been transformed into a band of outlaws. I!at hunts arc fashionable in Illi nois. J.y a recent one i.WV vermin were killed. The royal family of Enuland spend or pocket over two and a hall millions yearly. INbUKANCi; Q AINST lots or HAM AO H by FIRK T "WIB Lycoming Counly Miiliml Insur ance Company nt Muncey, l'iv., cun I times lo Inoure againnt l.oft or Damage by r ire on nil kinds cr Mrrvhnndise. 1 ublic und private uiMinps, cither in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, slocks or Urnin, Sc., at the lowest pogslble rates, consistent with tnlty to the Insurer and Insured. Tlio Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invcstii gntion as to its stubility. Its capital amounts lo 89.800,000! Thus assuring to every one of Us patrons tbnt tlitur Iosbcs will be promptly and satis, fnctority paid. Its management has atwnys been prudent, s its existence of twenty- six years tully uemonstrates Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's o p a o 4 K cr 5! c 3 H 4 R 'A t-3 3 R m tot? w i?5V R o h mj o Cl o a T 1ST OF CAUSES SET I j down lor trial at Aucusti Sessions, lbb7. Siuckdule t Liowner vs Messenger Ruwle Same vs ti. u. Messenger. F A I.cusli vs Joseph WinJl'e'.clcr. E O Clements vs L Arncr ct al Ainm Keinmcrcr vs M'Cuuley et. al. James V Urowu vs II Woodward S 8 Maws J Elliott II Lines' udniinistrutoriivs J N fireediu et al Joseph Willielin vs Jumes Shclvy Allied Coxe t al vs England Brown J C Chapin's heirs vs Bryant Euwer Jnliii Tudor vs II Woodward et ul Andicw Brelim vs Beniingor Coal a Ironco T Jaekbon et al vi C Waimnght Charles Bell s James Warner it al 3Uii? $ror' Golnini). T MIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A re Sold by IV E I 8 BROTIIER8 Successors to Geo. vTcis. DEALER IN fefriiti) qnj 3)h)cil Qru, Goof?, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES ! Wc have no hesitation la saying that in this department of our establishment, wc can give bargain to our customer with which fltcy cannot fail t he aiU fial. We tuy our tock direct fron! the Manufacturer, Riehardsous Cele. bratcd Root & Shoe Manufactory, Elmi ra, New York We warrant all goods in this lite sold from our establishment. H': EAVY k SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARB rKEPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stick us large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. L ADIKS' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silk, Calicoes, Satin, Delaines, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, While Goods, Cloths, Fin Duels, Rcreercs. Laces, Corsets, Iu fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are detcrniin cd to sell lower, cheitjier and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. 1 f ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. 1U ll'e Sell tlus lies, tlurcfort THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sohl iu Elk County. Our Stock of ?M &l1iS' l)Kr- 5)1)3 jDiniel' (!) 1 o i li i it tj IS IMMENSE, And wc confidently flatter ourselves that belter Clothing oannot be found ANYWHERE. 4m Persons, before purchasing ch-cwhere would do well to 'give us a call. EHS-No trouble to show our Goods. rillOCERlES, NOTIONS, &o.,&o u Iu Endless Variety, and CIJEAVEli than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of in nig In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. PIPES, TCRACCOES tfc SEGARS JL We have uow ou haud AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will bo sold at a VE It Y SLIGHT AD VANCE On cost ami earriaye. K3 Our Store m tu the new Siotie Building on Main Street. July 11, 1867-tf. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM For Invalid Soldiers. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of (ho Commonwealth of I'cnnsylvania, March 6, 18R7. The Board of Supervisors appointed by the above Corporation to carry out tho ob- jecls of tho act of incorporation, respect fully announce to tne public mat mo j.cgis luture of Pennsylvania has authorized the raising of funds for the erection, establish ment, and maintenances of an Asylum for Invalid Soldiers of the lale war, to be built on Hie Battle Field of Gettysburg, and as sn inducement to patriotic citixens to con tribute to this benevolent object, have em powered Ibe Corporation to distribute a tnonst the subscribers such aiticlcsot value aud interest, from association with the lalo war, or any moneys, effects, properly, or chi al c, real or personal, whatever, in litis Slate or elsewhere, at such time or upon sueh terms, and in such vay and mrnner whatsoever, ng to them shall seem lit, any laws of this Commonwealth to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the following nnmcd well known gentle men i Major General George G. Meads Kx-GoTcmor Andrew Ct Curt in Major General Galusha Tcnnypacker Major fleucrnl K M Gregory Major General John K Brooke Major General Charles II T Ifol'is Major fliJBeral Jnme L tMfridgo BriK (I I'M James A lienvw II. IK tiMi ttamtfo 11 nkkU )ttfj (Jen Joseph V Ktilpd n. (in Ww i Bolfun Brig Oen Samuel M Zulick Biig Gen John K Murphy Brig Gen T F McCoy Uri3 Gen R Wiuslow Brig Gen Henry Pleasnnls Brig Gen J P 8 Gobin Brig Gen J M Campbell Brig Gen Thomas M Walker ' Brig Gen tV Cooper Tally Brig Gen D M M Gregg Colonel F Stumbaugh The rite for the institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that the good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the association, No. 1120, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the Ctb day of May, 1807. l'or each subscription ot hvc dollars a certificate will be issued, which will en title the holder to such article of value os may be awarded to its number. 1 he urs1; distribution ot awards will be made immediately upon thercceiptof 9U,0UU subscriptions ot co each. The distribution will be public, and uudcr the direct supervision oi the 'Jor porators. Persons at a distance are requested to remit tneir subscnptions (when practi cable) bv Post office money order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. T.f 11 1 .1 1 - jJircci an tellers to J. D HOFFMAN, Sec'y Board ot Supervisors, Box 1481, P. 0., Phil'a. The following is a schedule of the awards to be made under the first distri bution. The items of diamonds and otjier precious stones were purchased from citizens of the South duribg the war, and their genuineness is certihed to by Messrs. Ilcule & Bros., tuo most extensive diamond importers in he country, and by J. nermann, diamond setter, New lotk. GETtYBBt'RG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot rcnnsylvania March 6th, 1867. Office 1126, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, FIFOr DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers at $5 Each, 1 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 BrilliantB, valued at $30,000 I 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear Rings 15,000 3 1 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000 4 1 Biam'd Cross, set in silver 7,000 61 Diamond Cluster Brooch 6,000 01 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 6,000 7 1 Diamond Single St. Ring 4,500 8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 0 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf Tiu 4,000 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 12 1 Pair Bingle stone Dia mond Ear Riugs 3,500 13 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 3,000 14 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 8,000 15 1 Diamond single stone Pin 3,000 16 1 Diam'd single stone stud ii.OOO 17 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 2,600 18 I Diam'd Single stone Ring 2,500 19 1 Diam'd & Eme'ld Brooch 2,500 20 1 Diam'd Single stone Ring 2,000 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 1,600 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair Shawl 1,500 23 1 Choice Emerald 8tud 1,500 21 I Single Stone Diamond Ring 1,000 25 to Sl-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 1,000 85 1 Throe stone diamond & Ruby half hoop ring..... 800 36 1 diamond single stone Ear Knobs 800 37 1 P'r diam'd cluster studs COO 88 1 diamond single stona Ring, star setting 500 89 1 diain'd single stone Pin 600 401 diam'd Cluster bracelet 600 41 to 60-10 Awards of 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 500 61 1 Lady's diam'd set watch 400 62 1 diam'd single stone ring 350 63 1 diamond and opal clus ter ring 209 64... 1 diain'd singlo stone ring 200 65...1 pair Em'li scarf Pius 200 56... 1 d'md singlo stone stud 150 67... 1 diamond Cluster Pin... 100 68...1 cameo and pearl Brooch and car rings 100 68 to 108100 Awards 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 100 159 to 258 100 Awards, Oov'mt Legal Tenders, each 60 8,000 Awards, Government Legal Tendfcas, each..... 6 The distribution of the above awards will be made in publio as soon as tho subscription is full, of which duo notice will be given through . tho papers. Ou and after May 6th the Diamonds will be on exhibition at tho ofliec of the As sociation. The publio cau rely ou everything being conducted in tho most honorable and fair manner. All tho awards will be handed to certificate holders, imuie. diately after the distribution, froo of all coat, at tho office of the company, No. 1126, CHESTNUT Street, Phila. CERTIFICATE. Wo hereby certify that o have ex amincd the Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubies, and other Precious Stones, as described in tho above list, and find them all genuino. 11ENLE BRO'8, Diamond Importers, 26 Mnidcn Lino, Now York. J. HERMANN, Diamond Setter, 394 Broome St., New York. AGENTS WANTED. Books can be had containing 20 certificates ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must be addrcssoi to J. D. HOFFMAN, Sce'y Box 1481, Posloflice, 5 9 2in. Philadelphia. FURNITURE STORE AT ST- MARY'S? PA- ASIT, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! ! The subcribcr keeps constantly on bund all slices of Sash and Doors, also Wardrobes. Bureaus, Washslands, Bookcases, Tables. Disks. Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &c. rivturc Frames, Sash .Painted and Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best niai terial and workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices as feel confident my work will give satisfac tion and my prices are as iow, if not lower than they are in any other market. I'll AS. Li. liAUtili, my23d07tf. St. Mary's, Pa, IN THE MATTER") In the Court of I ot the incorpora- common I'lcas tion of the Elk a Elk County. Countv Railroad and No. 11, Aug. X Mining Gazette." j 1867. Notice is hereby given that the ccr. tificate of the Corporators of the " Elk County R.ilroad and Mining Gazette" bas been n ed in my omce, and it no sufficient cat. re is shown to the contrary a decree of incorporation will be made at t.ic next term of the Court. GEO. A. RAT II BUN, May 9th, 1867. Prothonotary. INTENSE EXCITEMENT CLOTHING: I CLOTHING CLOTUI.YG for tlu Million t A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P.. IIINTENAOI, IN ST. MARY'S. TH ill ALWAYS THE GP. HINTENACH having taken en v tire control of the establishment formerly occupied by G. P. Hintounch & Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with the Best Kind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. He has on hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS ty COATS, which he has lately purchased iu the East, und which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', FUrnising Apartment is specially adapted to the wants of his Customer. Helms also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VEST INGS of the latest style and pattern, which he will mate to order in a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as it can be done nny place ia the conntry. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satiffaction guar anteed, and goods warrauted. AU he asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it, St. Mary's Pa.. Feb. 14. !S(i7. HAINES liRO'S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! These Pianos nru universally acknowl edged by competent judges equal to the best Piuno mado. For references, they hnve many thousand city and country resi dents, including lurgj numbers of tho High Schools, Sumiuut ics, &c These Pianos have not only stood the continued use. and heavy practice of on year, but have been used the last l'ftcen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Haiues Bro's have been compelled to en large their works to the extent of 21 to 3U Pianos a week. Having now one of tho most extensive and complete Factories iu the United States, Factories alone covering over three fourth of an acre of ground, comprising a frontage of 2I'J feet on Second Avenuo. They are undoubtedly the cheapest lirst class Pianos in market. Fully guaranteed for 8ve years. Send for Illustrated Circu lar. 11A1NICS IIIIO'S. 35li, 358, 800, 302. KOt, 300, 8i!H,370,372, Second Avenuo, mar7180C3mos New Vork City. F 7011 SALE. The Store house an Lot occupied by Burke and Wood is ott'rml lor sale. -1 dcsirabio location in the thriving borousdi of St. Mary's. Apply C1IAS McVEAN, Benzinpcr P. O. Jon. 3, 67-tf. Elk Co Pa. 8. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMElti JAS. K. P; HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF ghort, gall it ty. St. Mary's, lltnxtngir i. O. Elk Covntv, I'i nx. JOHN O. MALI,, Afftfrftey nt law, Ridg way. Elk eoanty F. finnr-22 60 ly. JOB WORK of ail kinds and dei. criptious done at this ofliec. A' Pa., man Krelz, Proprietor. riieO'Oli 1 EXECUTIONS, SUMMON, SL1I10-;. J'j nns, Warrnnls, &c on linnd and for sale at tins olline. m Pa. W. JAMP.S BLAKELV Physician d Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk counly mar-22'Oti ly. DR. AV. W. SHAW Practices Mcdicino and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county Pn. rmar-22ftj-ly. DR. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer nllprofessional calls by night or day. nmr-22'fiO-ly. "TR. EB 1 geon. June-21'l EBEN J. RUSS. Physician and Sur- 8t. Mary a county Pa. CO-ly. 17 AURIE J. BLAKELV, Attorney mid Counsellor at law, and U. S. Commis- oa tier. luugway P. O. Elk countv, P. mnr-22'UO-ly. OUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys nt Law, Ridgway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt- mar-2J Gu-ly. TVR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk j county. Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-J2'0li-ly. EltSF.V TTTkTj. A. B. WHUKLTTK, Piioi nir.Toa. This house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in tho thriving village of Ccntrc- ViPe. Every attention paid lo the conven ience of guests. 1 31 1807tf TOB the A I OB PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters, and Bills, Bill Heads &c, douo at s &c, uouo at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short noticn and at reasonable prices, CII. YOLK, Manufacturer and Dcnle - in Lngtr Beer, opposite Iho Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22G0-ly. BORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemical. Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'UO-ly. ENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffins, Ridgway Pn. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main ond Depot St's. my-17'66-ly. R. J. 8. BORDWELL Eloctic Physi cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer alt professional calls by night or (lay. Residence one door east of the lato residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar-22'CO-ly. OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale j- Retail Dealers in Flonv, Foful and drain, OA NA L MILL S, ERIE, PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket rates. augOlli-GG-ly JO, IN a. 1IALL .IAS. K. 1. UALL. ttaiIj & mio. Attorneys - at - Law, ST.J MARY'S : BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTV, PA September 20, 1806. ly. "SOMETH ING N EW ! HOUSE, SIGN So ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E 1 spectfully inform the citixens of Elk County that he has just started In tho nbove businnps in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please nil who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THH rcost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left nt this Office or at tho Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'GG-ly. r pHAVEtt" HOUSE, ' JL RIDGWAY, TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. Tho undersigned having fitted up a large aud oommodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill st reels, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronngo of his old friend and the public generally. decl3'U6 ly DAVID THAYER. SWEILAGER? J OSEPH WINDFELDER OF TUG ST. .W.IH-'S it K Ell Takes this method of announcing to tho Public, that during tho past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than ho has ever before brewed iu ono season, so that he will bo able to supply Private Families, Saloons, and Hotel, with a Superior Article of this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot bo undcisold anj where on tho lino of the P. & E. Railroad: On or about the loth of May he pro. rjoses to " grcati tier Mall " of his vaults, where b.3 has stored it, and of which tho public arc respectfully ro. quested to tako notice. Bf!!t.OrJers shipped as noon as rceeiv with promptness au l despatch. BQuAddress orders to JOS. WINDFELDER, Sr. Mary's 15:tKVKRY Bon.incr Post OHice ap25tf. Elk County, Pa. The Olrurd Mfe lannrttnct Annuity & Trust Co, OF PH1LADA. C ti1 it TfJIt Eli CASll CAPITAL n W.OflO.n.l. ASSF.TS 2.4."w.8"..V,. Mutual InsiliHildc combined with the j, curity of capital. For iuHuiuuue apply to LHS . H'.'A Kiagway, fn.