The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 25, 1867, Image 2

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    clvo i ate.
IOU O. tllL, 1-nill'HIKTOll.
. Mnum, r i' u i.isii in.
ion .it nm. i f inn rriTMt ruinr,
OF I'llll.AHr.l.VtHA.
PiesWhnt Johnisn's Vetoes.
Whatever may bo said against Pros!
dent Johnsou in support of the t.l.nige
thnt be is egotistical, wo have ytt to sec
in any instance where bis, numerous
maligncrs bavo succcss-fully brought to
bear an argument that would contradict
bis policy for tho government of the
Southern States. Iiia'llTi'is veto mes
sages he has tnkcn the Constitution for
his guide, relying on it for liis reseive.
In Iiis late in (an 1 it is of that
which wo intend lo speak,) bis argu. :
nients and deductions arc at on :e t'on
stitutional, logical aiul conelumve. lie
nukes his appeal to the people, leaving
no loop hole by which .he may be attack
ed, he docs -not appeal to passion or pre
judice, but poiuU tho way in which
right and duty lead, and asks tho pco..
pic to follow in their wake and watch
their endangered itilerests.
Id sptaking of tho second section of
tho ameuded bill as passed at tho late
session, he thus makes a poiuted attack
upon it :
" Not contcut with the general grant
of power, Congress, in tho second sec.
tion of this bill, specifically gives to
each military commander the power to
" suspend or remove, from office,;- from
the performance of official duties and tho
exercise of official power, auy officer or
person holding or exercising, o profess
ing to hold or exercise, any civil or mil.
itary office or duty in such district un
der any power, election, appointment, or
authority derived from or granted by or
claimed uudcr any so-called State or
the government thereof, or any munici
pal or other division thereof," a power
that hitherto all tho depaitments of the
Federal Government, acting in concert
or scnaratelv. have not dared to exer
cise, it here attempted to be conferred
on a subordinate military officer. To
him, as a lu'litary officer of tho 1'ederal
(Jovcrnmcnt, is given the power, sup
ported by a " sufficient military force,"
to remove every civil officer of the
State. Whit next? Tho district com
mander, who has thus displaced the
civil officer, is authorized to fill the va.
eancy by the detail of an officer or sol.
ilierof the army, or by tho appointment
of sonic other person. This military
appointee, whether bd officer, a Boldier,
or some other person, is to perform the
duties of such officer so suspended or
removed. In other words, an officer or
Mldicr of the army is thus transformed
into a civil officer.
" lie may bo made a governor, Ja leg-,
i.sla'or, or a judge. However unfit he
may deem himself for such civil duties
be must obey the order. The officer of
t!i army must, if detailed, go upon the
stnreuic bench of the State with tho
same prompt obedience as if he were
di tailed to so on a court martial. The
sc ldii r, if detailed to act as justice of
the peace, must obey as iiuickly as it he
were detailed for picket duty. What
is the character of such a military civil
officer? This bill declares that he shall
l evforin thcdutics'of the civil office to
wh'ch he is detailed. It is clear, how
ever, that ho docs not loso his position
in ti e military service, lie is still an
officer or soUicr or the army. lie is
sli ' Miljcct to tho rules and regulations
which "ovcrn it, ana must yield aue
inference, respect and obedience to
wards his superiors, Tho clear intcn
tion f this section is that, tho officer or
mldicr detailed to fill a civil office must
xecnte its duties according to the laws
of the State. If be is appointed a gov
i rnor of a State ho is to execute the du
ties as provided by tho laws of the State
mid lor tho time being his military
ih. i' actcr is to be suspruded iu his new
u il capacity. .
' A singular contradiction is apparent
be e. Congress declares these local
f-'t.ito governments to bo illegal goVeru.
tn i'ii t.-t, and then provides that the illegal
go einnieuts arc to be cairicd on by
l'e leral officers, who arc to perform the
cry duties imposed on its own officers
I y this illegal Stato authority. It
would be a uovel spectacle if Congress
should attempt to carry ou a legal State
government by the agency of its officers.
It is yet more strange that Coiigrcfs
ntleuipts to sustain and carry on an illc
giil Slate governtneut by tho same l'ed.
ral agency.
Throughout tho entire message ho
deals such conclusive blows at every sec.
ti-iii of, the bill, presenting it iu its true
and proper light. Wo wish every hon
est Republican in tho laud could read i',
for it shows so plainly that tho aims and
ends of tho Radicals in p.u-sing tlu bill
is uot to do i ny good fur the couutry,
.nt to make ita political engine
with whioli to retain themselves in pow
it, so thit they may go on with tho sys-
!....,.;. iilnii .li iii ' iImli tin V Hive
- i
iiuiUiiitraud iii the tvuntry. M.
Tha Coi! of HvlbalUra.
It is i in purt aii t tluittlu people should
know wliat it co?tn lo koqi tho Radical
party in power. A rosoliitiin, ndnptcd
by tlx) Senate of tliu I'liUed States on
t lie .'id inst., eallini upon the 1't'csidcn
aniuni: llio oilier items of in for nut ion,
to coiiiinunicule to tliat body whether
the mimint of money bitlierto nppro
priatcd for carrying out tho several re
construction ats will bo BiiHieient fur
tliat pttrpuae, lus drawn from the Kio
citivo sonic startling fact with refer,
cneetotlm iiostioti. Tlio President
says : " It will bo seen from the report
of the Secretary of Wur that tho appro,
priution or $500,000, made in the act
appruvd March ), 181)7, for the pur
pose of carrying into effect tho nets to
provide for the nnre cfuYicnt fovero.
ni"nt of the r?1.".'! S'.aies, bus dread v
been expended by the commanders of
th several military districts, and that
in addition the sain of $1,01.5,277 is re
quired for present purposes."
This is a heavy cxpenfiitaro. Oil the
VSM of Marcli, 1SU7, half a million of
dollars was appropriated. That largo
sum was placed at tho service of tho
commanders of tho several military dis
tricts into which the Southern States
have been converted by the lladical
party. Tlictc officers were tho dis
bursing agents of the appropriation.
1 he civil authorities Had uocontiol in
the matter. In less than four months
that appropriation was exhausted, and
a requisition made for over a niill;on
and a half of dollars lor present pur
poses, to cover liubilitcs already con
tracted by the officers who havo charge
of tho several military districts. In
what manner and for what specific
obiects all this money has liccn expen
ded is not stated in detail, but tho mere
facts nro sufficient to let the couutry
know how coj;lv a matter it is to de
stroy States and erect a military des
potism in their places.
But tho expenditure do not stop
with those stated above. The proba
ble expense of carrying into full effect
the two acts of March last, and the bill
passed during the present session of
Congress, must be added to tlu sum
total of cost. When that is done " it
is believed," so tho President declares
on tho authority of those having charge
of this matter of reconstruction, " that,
iu additjou to tho two million already
expended or estimated for, tho sum
which will be required for tho purpose
would not be less thau fourteen mil.
lions of dollars." And this, it must bo
borne in mind, is only declared suffi
cient to put into effect the machiuerv
ot the act3 of March last, aud that pass,
ed by the Congress in session. If sup.
plcniental or explanatory bills are
passed, if more offices are created and
greater number ot officers appointed,
as a matter of course, tho expenses will
bo proportionately augumcntcd. And
what guarantee is there that the present
act is a finality f No one ot the leaders
of the party in power has assumed that
position. The Southern States are now
destroyed and ruled by military power,
mid they will bo kept in that condition
so long an such action is Decenary lo
preserve the dominant aud ruling po
sition of the Radical party. Tho cost is
a miuor consideration so far as tho fae.
tion that rules the country is concerned.
In estimating the cost of this lladical
plot against the Republic, tho loss of
trade, commerce, and products, must bo
added to the disbursements made by
commanders under the different mili
tary reconstruction acts. But for the
efloits of the party iu power, the South
ern Stales A'ould now be enjoying their
old relations with the Federal govet n-
nicnt, and peace, concord aud amity
would reign in all parts of that import
ant section of tho Union. This state of
afl'aiis would have induced capitalists
to invest their funds iu tho South,
Larger crops of cotton, sugar, tobacco
and rice would have followed such sti
mulative action, and with something to
sell the Southern people could and
would become laigc buyers. In this
manner tho whole couutry would have
been made brisk and leiuuuerative by
receipts from the South, instead of be.
uig taxed and depressed by exactions
made necessary iu order to carry out
the despotic policy aud plans ot the
Radical party.
This is a practical way of looking at
the question ot recoustruction. J. no uu
sincss mcG can seo through this nie
dium what it is costing thciu to support
Stevens and Sherman, to keep ten
States out of the Union, to el vte mili
tary commanders over civil officers, and
to prostrate Hie materia!, interests ol a
sic'ion, rich in all thoso produc'3 which
cutci into the trade, commerce, manu
factures aud wealth of the nation. Ihe
report submitted to Congress by the
President opens up this whole question,
aud the active men of the country, those
interested in its progress and develop.
incut, cannot fail to see that they arc
paying too dearly fur Radical rule.
lulmlt ljnii Daily Aye.
RKt'jiNTLY u citizen of the United
States was arrested in France at the re
quest ot tlio J ortuizucso iroveiniuenr,
oud seut t Ijisbon. The American
Minister at the latter place has deman
ded his rtleuse, ut.d the matter is now
beinjj; considered by thcauthoii ies. It
is time that our ministers abroad should
pay more attention to the rights of
An.ciican citizens.
A CLAUi-K iu iho Indian appropria
tion bill prohibiting treaties aiththo Io
diiins has been rcpeuled by tho House.
It is now claimed that such treaties cun
be mudo with a number of the leading
tribes as will nriko than vuluubie allies,,
if they do not put ou cud to tho war.
A Cleveland pawn brokers tufo was
r.Aliid ol Sl'JjUOO the other aiLt.
Beware of the Fate of Mexico.
Tho white people of tho United States
ought to study tho history of Mexico
before they assont to tho Radical propo
sal to break down all distinctions found
ed upon race or color. In that country
Negroes, Indiaus and mixod breeds
enjoy tho same rights and priviligcs
that are enjoyed by tho whites. And
what is tho condition of the country 1
Sho has not had five years of good gov
ernment in the wholo period of her in
dependent existence'. Sho is a standing
reproach of Republicanism. Anarchy
ana civil war prevail there all the time.
'I ho has given place to the
cartridge box The only courts beard
of are courts-mania!. Murder and rob
bery are tho order of tho dav. The
couutry is full of Sheridan, all busy at
I " recQustruQt;r,-i. Tho bucnuan who
triumphs shoots tho Sheridan
he vanquished yesterday, who had shot
some other Sheridan tho day before.
" Mild confiscation " (of tho Stevens
kind) is, enforced continually. When
ever a jlcxicau Sheridan occupies a city
or district, he demands a " loan " and
collects it at the point of the bayonet.
Tho enemy who drives him out makes
a like demand aud enforces it kiu the
samd way.
Tho ouly race on earth that is capa
tie of wielding the ballot to good pur
pose is the unmixed white race. This
is indeed tho only race that has shown
itself capablo of maintaining a good
and stable government of any form,
cither Republican or mouarchial. Those
arc not mere random assertions' They
are liistorical facts. If uegroes, Indians
and mixed breeds are capablo of self
governmen', why has the Republican
experimcut been snch an unmitigated
failure in Mexico f Here is the United
States, where the ballot was confined to
tho white race alone, and so long as the
interests of the whites were kept steadily
iu view, of our experiment of self-government
was grandly successful. Rut
let us brei'k down all distinctions
arising from race or color, as has been
done in Mexico and a the Radicals
propose to do here, and confer the elec
tive franchise upon negroes and pcrsous
of mixed blood, an! who can doubt that
the fate ol Mexico will be ours r
The Veto. The President's veto
will be as vehemcntlv denounced u
those of Ins opponents w'uo do not read
a sciucucc ot it as by those wuo care
fully examine and consider it, and en.
deavor to find objections in something
beyond their prejudices. That his ar
guments are strong aud entitled to seri
ous consideration candid citizens will
admit, but that they will be faithfully
interpreted or honestly discussed by
those wl.o deny their appropriateness, we
have no idea. Were his words tho in
spiration of wisdom and patriotism,
they would be condemned as the indi
cations of wickedness and treachery by
men who seek not truth in discussion
but to retain their hold upon party pow
er and patronage. Therefore it is
hardly worth while for those at liberty
to commend oi condemn '.he Executive's
positions, as they may deem them sound
or falacious, tc enter into tho argument
with thoso whose judgment was pre.
detoriuincd, and whose kidneys, as Mr.
StcveDS would say are free from consii.
lutional obstructions. The better
method is to recommend to all a careful
examination oi' the President's reasons,
and thcu to give them the we:ght their
truch aud fairness merit, without bo-
coming the echo of any caucus bashaw.
ISotlun l ost.
Registration in Richmond has been
concluded, showing a colored majority
ot lll'J.
A man was robbed of $2000 in
Roston street car or. Tuesday night.
In Southwestern Virginia the
registration shows a large majority of
white voters.
The body of a man partially de
voured by hogs was found in the street
in bt. Louis the other day
The fatuous Tredegar iron wort
are iu lull blast near lucnuiond, cui
ploying 400 men.
What most resembles a prcttv girl
bathing : A diving bell (e.)
PRINTER'S FEE. Assembly aud Treasu
rer, 10 each j Commissioner, $7 j Jury
Commissioner and District Attorney, $5
each ; Auditor and Coroner, $3 each.
No notice will be taken of uniioiinocments
unaccompanied with tho cash as per
above rates.
WE are authorized ta announce the
name of Col. J. D. HUNT, Ksq.,
of Forest county, as a candidate for
Assembly, iu the district composed of
the counties of Cleat Guld, Klk aud For
est, subject to the action of tho Dctuo
cratio party in said district.
We are authorized to announce the
name of T. J. McCULLOUQ II, ot
Clearfield county, as a caudidite for As
sembly, in the district, composed of
Clcarticld, Ellc and Forest, subject to
tho action ot tlio Democratic party iu
said disirict.
arc authorized to announco the
naino of Uh.NlU WARM Kit,
Esq., of Jones township, as a candidate
for tho oflioe ol County Treasurer, sub
ject to the action of tho Democratic
County Convcution.
We are authorized to announce tl e
name of CI-ACMUS V. UII.I.IS,
Esq., of luduway township, as a cundi
dak' for the otficc of County Treasurer,
subject to the action of the Democratic
C ounty LoavcuUou.
ileiu admtisfmcnis.
tei iml Itevenua Tax. Tukc nnlicc that
I will attend at tlie following limo nnd
places for tlio purpopo of collating tlio
KHcint nnd Income lutrrnnt I'.cvcnue taxes
for 18117 !
At the llyilo House, Hiilgwiy, Tuesday k
Wednesday, August llth andTlli, 18(17.
At the Allne Mouse, St. Mary's, Thursday,
August 8th, 187.
Uy the net of Congress of March 2d, 18li7,
it is nindu the duty of the collector lo odd 5
per cent mid 1 percent per month on all
taxes ii(.t p.fcl'1 u it ti in ten days of notice to
pay the mine, which act will be enforced.
Deputy Collector of 19h Dint, ol Ta.
Smetliport, Ya. July 15, 1807.
DR. J. SAOKD, Dentist
of Worrcu, gives notice ihnt he Willi
visit Hidgway on Monday, August Clh, to
remain a limited time, lliorfltore those who
have any work o do tdioiild call early.
Warren, July lM,'ti"
onk Tiouse'and two lotsIn
st. mary's ijouougii
rpitE SUBClUnIl offer for sale Ike
J property on the corner of Meld nd
Walnut Eticcts. in Ihe thriinp towaofPl.
Mary's. The house is a gl, new Iwo (itory
frame building The outbuildincs are all
good. There is also a splendid fring of
pure water on the lot on which the hone
Is erected.
For further particlar inquire of tlie
subscriber ou the premise.
St. Mary's, July IHlpd
II HICK! MUCK!! JillWK ! ! !
otler for sule a superior Kt of
in large r small qunnliti, at their new
brickyard, ST. MAKY'S. Eik oulv.
JlL'TLKlt ti CO.
St. Mary's, July 11, 1W7 tf.
Begiatar'a Koticaa.
NOTICE is hereby given that J. Vf.
Brown and Charles IV initio nr. adu'iu
istrutors of the estole of Ebeo Wiiulow, de
ceased have tiled their account io uiy ofliee,
and that the same will be freeut4 at Ihe
next term of the Orphan' Court fur eon fir
motion. UEO. A. BATH BUN,
jur.l7'C7tc. Rcgiatcr.
NOTICE is hereby given that T h'Z'i
Schluttcnhoffcr aud VrJivis Schlat
tenhoffer, executors of tie last will and
i testament of '.Voiigang Schlullenhoffer de
ceased, have filed their ueeounU in any ci
lice, ond that the same will be presented at
tho next term of tho Orphan" Conrt for
confirmation. CEO. A. BAT1IBCN,
julyll Besisier.
Vuaolution of PartoCThin.
rpHF. PARTNERSHIP heretofore exM-
between the miuersigaeu bas been tasf
ifay dissolved hy mutual consent. All per
sons having unsettled account with said
firm are requested to mate inunediaie pay
mcnt to Short & Wilcox, in whose hands
the books are left for collection.
june 25, 1807 julllUlpiL
la the Curt of
Ceuamoa Ple3ir
her nej:t friend
Elk co. No. 7.
Jauojtrr tfrm,(iT
MICHAEL MOXIOAN, 1 Snbp. in Divorce
To Michael : Take oeiice lhat
you are required to appear at Ihe terra of
said Court to be held at Biwsy on tbe
first Monday of August neat, lo answer the
complaint of the libulluut
Sheritl ' Othce, I J. A. lALON.
Ridgwaj-, July fi,'U7 Sheriff.
of Venrlitiimi Erimnax, issued
out of the Court ot Common l'lcas of
Klk county, and to me directed, ihero
will be exposed to PlIRLIC SALK at
the Couit House in Rtdgwaj.on Mou.
day, (he SA day of Affvnt. tttj-ft the
following described Real Estate ti wit :
All Hint certain lot or pieee of ground
situate in the borou;li of JSl. SLury'a, einty
of Elk, aud Slate of I'euiisylvsaia, bounded
and described as follows- 15-gijtniii; ill a
po!t on the south s'ulo of live of line 1'hil'a.
& Erie railroad thence south 87" JW et
lo8 feet 7 inches to a post WeU & lim
ner's line, thence along sai4 line uorth W
lij' east ti feet 3 inches to a po Ihenea
north M" M' west loU feel and in. 14 a
post on the south lino of the railroad afore
said, thence along said south line of caid
railroad lit) feci to the phtee of beginaiug.
containing 8,573 square fe&, excluMVe of
the road to the railroad depot, upon which
is erected one two story building with clone
basement calculated for a storehouse one
story and a half building vitbvtvae base
ment occupied as a dwelling bonne, with
stone foundation for another hie Utitvl
aud tuken in execution and to be sold ti ioe
property of John Rauh at the ait f ieget
& Scott. JAS. A. M ALONE, SheriC
Through and Direct Routt fxiwee
I'hitadcfphia, liulttmyrr Jlarris
bunj, Wd!iainsiMrtt aud tie
of Pennsylvania.
Ou all Night Trains.
Xand after MONDAY, APRIL 20h,
the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie
Kuilroail will run ns follow :
Muil Train leaves Philadelphia. T.OO p. m.
" " " Ridgvfay 10.47 a. m.
" " arrive at Krie....... 4.0S p. aa
Erie Eip leaves IMiiladvlphia12.raJ noon.
'.' " " Hidway.... 3.49 a. m.
i i arrive nt Eiie...i 10.00 a. m.
Mail Train leaves Erie..... .10.25 a. a.
" " Ridgway . 3.47 p. a.
" 11 arrive at PhiMelphia 7.0o a. in.
Erie Exp leaves Erie 5.00 p. m
" " " Ridgwav 10.44 p. a.
" " arr. at Philadelphia.. 1 OU a. m.
.Villi and Ezurttt t rutin emmnett milk ali
Ira im on Warrtn and Frauklix Jiailir.
l'atttngcrt Uuving I'hiluJtlplu mt ltt.OO
M. arrive ul JrvittctvH at ti.40 a. u m4 OU
Cil'i It.ftOa. m. l.ravirg PkiUdtlpki elT.
30 p. . nrriiv at Oil VitiUII.Vi . au
All trains on Warren A franklin Railway
make close connections at Oil Cily with
traiua for Friiiiklni nnd Petroleum ieaitre.
Gt-ucral tjperiatudaat.
100 Acres of Timber land in Elk County for
Sale at a Bargain!
I hind is situated about one-half mile
from Kersey Hun, in Jay Hwnship, anil is
well timbered with WHITE. TINE, OAK
and HEMLOCK., Four acres are cleared
and undrr good slate of cultivation.
Its contiguity to Kersey Run makes it
one of the most valuablo tracts of land in
this part of llio country.
There are two coal banks opened on the
tract, which arc four feet thick, nnd the
coal of the best quality.
I have also one span of horses and one
yoke of oxen which will to (old eery cheap.
For further particulars inquire ot the
the subscriber or Oliver Gardner, at Ode.
donia Post Offioe, Elk county, Pa.
jnly318G63m JCSTUS WEED.
j tit. Mary's Klk County, Pa.
This well known house has been entirely
refitted and newly furnitdied with a desire
to meettke wants of the travelling commit
nit p. and lo make it an A, No. 1 hotel.
C$uPaf!enFcr8 taken to and from the
Depot free of charge.
Dhrarse Voticta.
IN the Court of Common Ilea of Elk to.,
I'a, i. 7. January tn, IW7. Mary
Monigan, l"jr her neat friend, 1
V. Michael MonigHi).
The undersif tied, appointed by the id
Conrt, to take tertiuioiiy in Ihe ahore Di
vorce ease, bcrebr riven notice lo those in.
iert-tfted. thai he will attend at Ihe house of
Mm. Elizabeth Whitlow, iu ISrnetctl, tin
eounty, IV. on Tuesday, Ihe iWd day of
July oexl, for Ihe jx-rfornianceof said duty.
jun27'C7 te. Commiasioner.
N the Court of Common Pl4 of Elk eo..
Pa. Ko. 15, November lerru, 1S;;. Jo.
Hanunld vs. Nancy M. Hauonld.
The uudcrsigued, nppointed by the aaid
Court, to lake testiutony in the alove Di
vorce ease, hereby give ttotiee to Ihoae i
tweisled, that he will attend lo tho perfon
niauee of said duty, at Oyetcr' Hotel, in
Fox township. Elk county, Pa., on Monday,
the TMh dr.y of July neil.
jnn27'07-te. Conimisvioncr.
the Court of Common Pleas of Elk eo.,
j,. Pa-, 'o. H. Kovember let, 18J6.
Harriet McCullough. by her next friend.
Jacob Fields, va. Julia McCuHwigh.
The undersigned, appointed by Ihe eaul
Court to take testimony in Ihe above Di
vorce eaee. hereby gives notice to those in
terested, tliat be will attend to the perfor.
manee of said duty, at Oyster Hotel, in
Fox township, Klk county, IV, on Mu day,
the 29th day or July next.
jim27'o7-tv. Comiui-isioaer.
I recenUr opened by Mi DAGGETT
at the residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk. has
been removed la the rooms over J. V.
IlonV store, where will be kept a nice
assortment of
flaTtififlj mtid Dressjuakisg done.
Mr. J. V. HO UK.
any318titf Bidwsy, Pa
21. 23, 33 & 27. JttwtJvo. Ar. I
Ojiporite Bowling Green.
L and widely known to the travel
ling public. The loeauow n especially
fiiilahle lo nereliaats nod busines men ;
ii is in close proximity to Ihe business arl
vf the city is on Ihe eiehway f Souihern
and Wexiern travel and ailjaeut lo all
the I'riBCii'! Baili-uad and steamboat lie
The Stevens House Uxs lilwm! aerninio
ualion Tor orvr tiree hundred guests it is
well furjiisLe'L aud posseseeievery luodern
litiproTemetit lor taeeatufortandesterlain
ueai vf ita inmate. The rooms are pe
ious and well ventilated, provided n ith cat
and water, the tUeridjcee is prompt and
ltCTIul, anil tae laftle if gtaerously pro
vided with every delieaey of the MUson-n
wo wmle rales.
51ay 9th, 17, Cm. Proprietor.
f f upon short notice the following kind
f LAnnuer ti tlie beta. jtiny.
drecsoil ia Ihe test possible anaaaer, frvia
easontsl luiuber, ready for nse. Also,
Vim will put urn ear whe required.
tT All urder j!JKfd It u it thu
ytt proiuily aiietided lo.
jan21C7if RiJgway, Pa.
Kl&KPATRICK have thi day with
draw) fron the firrj of Short, lLall& Co.
The underaic-ned remaining co-partner
will continue Ihe hukinr business under
tae m him auuae, MIORT, HALL k CO.
1.. VOLL34KK.
May 20, 67 If. J. K. P. HALL.
SENGER havine; been Ihi day dis
solved, all person indebted to anid trm are
requested lo auake immediate sellleoient
with the undersigned, in whose a ana the
book are left for that purpose.
June SJ, 1867 If.
tiilH 0Pji'sii t)i)g i'giioj ! Z
Aeknoledf;ed to be the best ! London
Priie Medal, and highest awards
in America, received !
Melodeons, Second-hand Piano and Music.
No TZ2, Arch Hireel. below Eirhlh.
J All of auperioi aliiy, for anle by lha
Tannerdale Coal Company,
tit. .Mary a, Klk Coautr, 1.
fcafirOrJcni by nail protnptlj mend
ed to. (.sepllti -U
NOTICE la hereby given that 1 hare tak
en out a license og auctioneer, and
will attend promptly to the calling of all
sales entrusted to my care.
Any pcrsnti cnllinfc sale without alieenC
wil be held answerable to the sirict letter of
the law. V. W BAHRF.TT,
Dcc2118C0lf. Auctioneer.
ING 51 ACII IN KS. The under
signed having been appointed Pole Agent
for Ih sale of Wheeler k Wilsou'a fewintf
Machines for Klk county. He keeps an
assortment constantly on hand. Machines
sold at Philadelphia and New Vor prices.
Any pirtics desirous of obtaining them ran
address J. K. W1UTMOKE. 1
March ttt-'CO- ly. at Ilidrway, Pa.
II. St. r.Kl.NAP desires io inform Ihe cli
tens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has
leased J. 8. Hyde's Dlnckrmilh Shop on
Mill street, and has employed pood work
men who will be ever ready lo make any
thing from a bnckle to an anchor.
Particular attention given lo Ihe shoeing
of horses. All I ask is a fair trial.
May I7'M-Iy.
Itulgway, Klk Co., Va.
Tfce eiiberiher desire rcpeelfii!l lo In
form the citizen of Kidgvay and vicinity
that he is prepa.ed to make to ordrra well
is it can be done anywhere, aaythingia Ihe
line of his tni-ine. All he asks is a fair
I rial. Good Fits gumanteed.
pr,.'ltli, af iutcrs, Wsitaf and
Triinuiiu'rv of the latest and most approved
Ktyles kept constantly on hand, hi b will
EST. fauK-ify
1 f liealerin
Kit. t-J, iWtt Artitur, C'irrd. I'r
Refer lo J. Towell. B. K. Elr. Kidcwar.
IgnaJius Oatner, ('has. Haiges. Bl. Mury'a.
nav '!. ?.,nn.
V A It P. EX, PA.
la the only article usej by first cUn Lolel
Laundries, nnd ihouMiud of tawilit. It
pure faeauiiful polivk, uikiiig ihe iron
msi fmoothly over Ihe elojji. viijj ninth
time anil labor. Cioodsduueup with it keep
clean mueh longer. euusejueuty will exit
wear out auou. It make li linen look,
like new.
is ihe bent n the world. It is colulile in
hard a well a soft water. It is put ap in
the fafesS, neaiet. and most convenient
Tuna of any offered to the public. It is
warranted not la streak the clothe. Afreats
wanted every r here, to whom we eficr ex
traordinary indueemeails, Address,
X. 218 Fulloa St., New Yot.
TIN! TIN!! T IX! ! !
John Sosenheimer & Co.,
ST. Mlir's, PA.
Keens constantly on hand and fur Fall' .
a brpe and well elected slock: tfTIX
V AltK, STOYKS &c We have
everything generally lept in a Tiu Shop.
Our Stock of STO V KS cx)n.i.-4s iu part
r VTiiirTrr niitnn e.
STOVE PIPE can be had at our
sliop cither riveted or grorcd.
crot'Tii'O and eoohm;, done on
abort notice and at reasonable tatcs.
June ll'CO-lj.
A. IL Cui.
A. L Wilcox,
R. II. ncasoa,
E. F. Adams.
Opposite Aljiina House, Elk County Pa.
Floor, Feed, liutter, Checne,
Feed, Corn, Salt,
Fish, Pork, Uaia, Powder,
Can ued Fruits, IiecF.
Deceuiber'.'O lSGti ly.