EW CASH GROCERY STORK. JAMES MeCLOSKEY, Pculer in Groceries &o., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that lie h:is gone into the Grocery busit a. id will open on or about the middle I'M ay. lie kcej eomtaKfly on lianc un extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUli, BUG AllS, 101JACCOES, SEOARS, WHISKEY ly thobarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent, ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. K EROSENEAND OAS STOVES. iEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE, TOTS, OIL CANS, &c. &c. All the cooking for a tT family may be done with "58 If Kerosene Oil, or das, Asgr with less trouble, and at Xty less cxpensc,thau hy any "VjFia fr-Or other fuel. "ifl Enoli Article manufactured by tliis Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed fur it. I&y-Scnd for Circular. "tfcBJi LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER tCO., 200 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-l!)'6t3.-ly. G ROYESTEEX & CO., PIANO FOI1TE MANUFACTURERS, 409 Ih-oaJinii, New York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of .Merit ! at I lie HorAfj Fair, evor the best milkers from London, Paris, Ger many, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston ; also the Gold Medal it tfcc American Iii'lilufr, for FIVE succes sive' rears! ! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Over strung ISass, Full Iron Frame, and all Mod. cm Improvements. Evovy instrument war ranted FIVE peurs. Made under the su pervision of MB. J. H. GHOVESTEEN, who lias a practical experience of over thirty live j'ears, and is the maker of over t'.eern thuuiuvd piano fortes. Our facilities "for manufacturing enable us to sell these 'in struments from $1011 to $'2U0 cheaper tua liny first class piano forte. july-1'J'iitj.-ly. J.MPIltE SEiVIXG MACHINE CO. J'riiicij"tl Oificf, Gil Broadway, X. Y. CHEAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noiso less in actum. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable to pet ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notice is called to eur jew and Improved Manufacturing Ma. chine, forui'qrsaud Bool and Shoe Fitters Agents wauled, to whom a liberal discount wilf be given. No Consignments made, li p EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. July-lU'GG.-ly LIST OF JURORS drawn for August Term, 107. (Ill AND JLHOKS. fiemzft. George Winslow, Cole uian F. Johnson, William Perr. li nzi'mj'r. Peter Gcier, William Gausmau, John Stockman. Fuj Michael Gillen, John Kyler, Ilczekiuh llurton, John U. Cunco, Cliuton Rutidy, Joseph Ronzar. Jut. Charles Garduer, Samuel Uhl. Junes. A. I. Wilcox. RiJyway. Thomas Sullivan, jr., J. C. Rurns, 1. F. Ely, Patrick Malonc, Kpriuy t'retlc. Hiram Carmou. St. Mum's. Thomas Uraiiiff. Schas. tiau Ilahu, George llettgcr, Thomas i: TRAVERSE JURORS. B'-MMtt.Vi. M. WinsW, William E. Johnson, D. 15. Winslow, Andrew i ....r nr : 1 1: i Heu!nmr. I.niiis f!cis. Arnold Flr. licrmnn, Nicholas Hill, Michael Lawler, .Tnspidi Shnur. Fox. Joseph Ernst, Martin Phalon, John 11. Kcltz, William Irvin, Isaac Jlorton, sr., Julin .uoycr, J'j. I. Mere- James r. .uartin, iJcnry jj. mioiis, i fc':-hocuiu;, Joseph S. Chamberlain. Jui). Juhu J, Turley, John Hess. Junes. Anthony Cole, Jae. Mcffert Hiiliiray. Nat. P. Cummings, 13. A Pill. Nelson Gardner. James Love. St. Mary's. M. Wellcndorf, George aimsley, John Alios, ollgang ei Etl, r rank l-orcubaum, J. Suceringcr F I Hie subscriber begs leave to announce to 1 ttm citizens nf Klk and ndioiuiiiff conn. - -- . -o ti.'H t hut he 1ms nurchaHcd the harnuss Hhon lately occupied by John Sniutz, and that ho is prepared lo uo all kinds ol workiu a suit nblc style, SA D DL ES, lUllDL ES, II A UN ESS Kept constantly on hand at price.' to suit the timo.i. tiive uic a call shop in the sec- end story of Drug fc'tore building, ocll-ly. O. LEVIS. TVTOT1CU OF DISSOLUTION. THE partnership hercloture existing be. nveeu the uudei .signed, under tho firm name of It'.rdw cll Messenger, is this day dijinolved by mutual consent. The bunks ii in t ui't'imut of t lie late firm remain in the hands of U. G. Messenger fur Kriilcmcnl J, S. Uor.DWKI.I , ii. O. MESSENGER. Juuo od, lS'i'iOt. ' .VNVELOl'I'S, LABELS TAGS neat a j ly primed lit tlio Advucale Olliue itUlTT'OKB AND Kllti:-( I.AY ! j All of suici ioi quality, for Bale by the 'iannercialo Coal tompauj' St. Mary', El! CVuiiiy, la. . . i -i . .1. ... k-TUi Jtl's U) mu:i prouipm incii ,d to. sept 10 5-tl N THE PLACE TO BUY ISAT Til Kill I) OW AY KEPT UY , GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Prugs, Medicine, Puinfn, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lump Oil, Tanncr'a Oil, Per. fumcrics of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and . Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Coufectionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccoes & Segare Pure Liquor for Medicinal pur poses ouly. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pcrtaiuiug to the Prug Business Gen erally. Pure Prugs at Low Prices I Pure Prugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety 1 Aincricau and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, ko. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels 1 Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages I Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings ! mar201SGG rpHE SILVER SKIRT. L MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape and retain its place better than any otter blurt. till it andbeatif 1 style of Skirt (Pat ented ui.ircn 7, 1 805,) was awarded by the Qual American Tnstitutt Fair, held in New I ork, October, 1865, a SILVEB MEDAL, boine the Hizhest Premium ever given for n Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wouml with tine plated wire in place of a cotton covering w hich w ill not wear off or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshed without niury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the ordina Skirt the advantages orour Silver Skirt he bottom hoops aro the same as those us ed in tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones ars covered with cotton. No lady bavin? once worn cne of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other litdj are toon injured and soileed. The ce mnteeials arc used in their con-i-jcii:3, and, from their durability and nca'.r.jjs bey arc destined to become a I'ptvovito Skirt. Mr.sc?a:t ired solely by tho Silver kirt and Wire Manu- t cturing Company, SO and 32, B.4RCL.-1Y ST. NEW YORK. . T. S. Si ebuy, Sup't. Aug IHll-ly Tako Notice, pilli UNDESIGNED WISHES TO I say to the public generally, but more particularly to tho people of E1V County that lie has opened a Black smith and Wagon-Shop iu St. Mary's, where ho will be happy to execute all ordcr3 in his Hue with promptness and neatness- I have also purchased the risrht for Elk County, to manufacture and sell tho l. M. Hubbard i'utcnt Spring Wagon Scat, of which I will soon have a good supply on hand, or will make to order, auy desired stylo or size, l would lurtuer notuy tno people ot Elk Couuty that any person or per sons lnlrmging on my right in tno man ufacture or sale of said seat will be pros, ecuted to the extreme limits ol the law 0-U-3m LEONARD W1TTMANN. Tf ALU ABLE LOTS FOR SALE.- V The undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK.. Jue lots are 50 feet front by luO feet doep front ine towards the railroad. Terms ! or the first lot soM, $100. r oi the second lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $ll!0 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. Mf. First purchasers get tho choice lo 1 ut the cheapest rales. l'urchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of the application. ' E.Appluiatiuns will he made to Job Q. Hall, Est., Ridgwny, l'a. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,2'J'oG-tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. "tllE Advertiser, having been rcstorod to health in a few weeks, by a verv simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung anctiou, and that dmid disease. Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desire it, he will scud a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with tho directions for preparing the same, wincli tliey w ill liud a sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, llronehits, &o. The i n ly object of the udvcrliser in tending the Prescription, is to benefit the alllivted, and spread information which he coi.ceivcs to be invaluable ; und ho hopes every suffmers will try his reuiedw as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bleu: ing. Parties wishing the prescription, will pleuse addit-ss Rkv. EDWARD A- WILSON, WilliainsUirg, KingsCounty.cw Voik.d, (Jet. 5lh l;i0U-Jy, . 7-iSlTINtl CARDS NEATLY EXECUT .1 at t:ns omce. WARPER A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American Institute Fair ! OCTOBER 10, 18C5.'' In direct competition with all the leading makers in the country. 1 PELOUBET " ORG AN S AND MELODEONS. C. TELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Bespoetftilly Invite the attentron of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLL O WLVG 1X8 TR UMENTS Of their manufacture. Pedal I3aso Organs, Five sizes, FivcOctave, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Priccslf235 to ?00. Scliool Organs. Nine styles, single and double' Rsa Rosewood and Black Walnut oases, Prices, $130-$24O. Melocleoni?, riano stylo and Portablo, Twelve Varie ties, from four- to six Octaves, singla- nnor tlouble Uced, Rosewood and lllnck walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $240. ' Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, uneer our personal supervision, and every modern inprovement worthy of the name, Is intro duced in them. Among these we wouM call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only iu instruments of our own uanmao ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, we give the following extracts : " The pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Vtm. A. King. " It is a grand, good instrument, and does credit to the builder." II. C. Folgcr, Troy, New York. "They are among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Win. Berg, J. Mosenthal, Aptomai ' They have given universal satisfaction. W. E. Hawley, Fon-du lne, Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and Bympa. thetio tone which harmonizes charmingly wiin ine voice. vt . u. uooke. " I am particularly pleased with the ar rangement ot thcdittercnt registers. Vt m, Ii. Bridbury. 41 No other instrument so nearly an procHes the organ. "The Chorister, N. V "This instrument has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, N. Y. "The tones and the action are excellent." Rev. W. 8. Leavltt, Hudson, New York. " The more we uso it the better we like it ." J B Hague, Hudson, New York. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kinnicuti, Boston, Mass. ' We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. " It looks and aounds splendidly," 8 B &'axtou, Troy, New York. " The most erfect toucd Melodeon I ercr saw." Guy F No-th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of prioe. And we must say that in all their respects they aro well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. Kfcay"Every instrument Is fully warranted, and boxed aud shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price Lists, o., kont on application to C PELOUBET & S0N, UtOOMitELI), N. J. Or J M Pelton, 641, Broadway, New York ; Conrad Meyer, Vii, Arch Street, Pliilad'a s S Bruinard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio : J A Tucker Co, Jackson, Michigan : Werner & Gerard, Cincinutii, Ohio j Joel II Snow. Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July -'tl.OU-ly .': r;'.t ,..v.. A THE PLACE TO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN BUT The Ch cfipcst. CO S S3 4 J- . 1 '5r a. a co a a s a .? 5 J! M 0 o o W H P O w w 2 r . O.W ft, f3 L J r P 5 ' 3 O 3 7 2- t-i CD . to W a-i. 1 h g . h g o n CD a f B 5 3 1 as "5 (J 6,2 h Si-- csj o a oa fe5 "8 1 3 2 ft 3 o a 5 e-. B'H o o cr a- 0 o o QO O i t-s , Sw LJ WE SELL OOODS AS LOW A3 THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Er ie City I GIVE US A CALL, AND E WILL P r o v c i t . GREAT EXCll'EMEK 1 rs 93 ft O OQ o 93 , K Co HI o 93 W i 1-4 "A o S H 93 ei H o 93 ts o d y. 9) ri H 3 tJ O ri 93 , C o OQ o to a o M ca o H o A Co O f w !! O CQ as a o L i m n in o o ?r o ft o o 93 . CO H H a w o in INSUHANCR AGAINST lofcaor DA M AG E by FIRE THE I.yeoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Munoey. Pa., con tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public and private uildings, aiUier in town or county. Also on Mills, ianneries, Barns, slocks of Grain, ic, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with kal'uty to the Insurer anil Insured. 1 lie Lycoming County, Bin lual Insurance Company invites aa investit gallon as to its stability. lis capital amounts to - $9,800;00Q! Thus assuring to every cue of its patrons tuat their losses will be promptly and satis, foctorily paid. Its managemeul has always been pruuent, as its existence ol twenty sis years fully demonstrates , JAMES BLAKELY,, . , ' Agent fur t'li county, atSt. Miry 'a ' W m KJ ' Son ml m 'liir . 'imii i ',"' , . ' i ;: n 7 A RIDGWAY, PINSi siA It :t tl 'l ;t ;? ? I -? 't WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALKRIN DRY GOODS, ; ' ' -'l clothing; FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find S T O R E St . AMONG. THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY',1 ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains CALL& SEE! March 29tb,18G6-ly. IARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Strcgnth and unequalled speed, simplicity aud completeness of operation, aro qualities pe. culiur to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- tsninti. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex. perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public instilui ions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating tho Nonpareil. by roiary motion acting una crank shaft with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful that can be de vised Tor the purpose, and ueconiphshes (he Work with the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from tho statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for oue turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a miuute Safety to the fabric washed is insured by tho entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work the ma. chine, and do a week's washing for a fumily of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistauuc from hand rubbing. Send for free .Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 181, Water St., N. Y. July 26,'GO-ljr SOMETHING NEW!! rpiIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully desinf to announce to the citizens of Elk county that he has recently fitted up an es tablishment for the manufacture and sale of TIN, COPPER, and SHEET-IRON Ware, on Main Street, in Ridgwoy, where, by strict attention to business, he hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of the community. . He will keep on hand an extensive and varied assortment of every kind of TIN WARE, and repair in the dealest possible manner, all work coming under his super vision. f . , , lie will also keep on hand a well assorted stock of - i t ' ' STOVE S 3 suitable for citUer Wood or Coal.' -. t : He desires especially to cull the atten tion of lumbermen to the faot that he ean supply them with RAFTiNG-STOVES : made in a superior manner. Roofing and Spouting done to order on short notice. BF,OId Copper, Brass, Pewter. Lead and Scrap irou taken iu cschuno (or goods or work. ''' BF&Give him a call all he asks is a fair trial. Customers, will', fiacl Jiim at their 44 SERVICE." C. W. SERVICE, ; ltidgway, AprU 4, 1807-tf, J OR PRINTING CIIEAPLY& NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at tleAu'. oCAfJt Offito ;,1 QJhc (i;lh gtoqatc, A WEEKLY. NEWSPAPER, Devoted to tho Interests of the People of Elk Co. i,l i IS I'l'BMSIIKU KVEIIV TIII R80AY, RY JOHN P. MOOHE. , Ofwi t tki CcMtt Home. tr.VMn One T??'V" tal fifty Cents' per annum, invariably inadvutn.. No devia tion from these terms. , 30IIN O. HALL, Proprietor. Hates ol Advertising. Adm'rs and Execulo'-'a Notices, each 0 times ,f - 60 Auditor, Notices, each 2 50 Transient Advrlining, per square of 10 lines or less, 3 times or less 2 00 For each subsequent insertion btl Professional cdars, 1 year 6 00 8 social notices per line 15 Obituary and Marriage Notices, each 1 00 Yearl y Advertising, one square 10 00 Y jarly Advertising, two squares 15 00 Yiai'y Advcr'ing threo squares "0 00 Y arly Advertising, column 25 00 Y?arly Advert isng, i column 85 (yO Ysarly AdACtising, 1 column 70 00 Advertisements displayed moro than ordinarily will be charged for at the tatc (per column) of 90 00 J OBBING DEPARTMENT. Having lately added materially to Ojr stock of Job Type, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in a manner which can not be excelled by any establishment bo twecn Williamsport and Eric. Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes Checks, Notes, Handbills, Blanks, Envelopes, Labels. Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter Heads and any other work usually dono in a conn try office. OHh fljjounfg gircrtoijg. , COUNTY OFFICERS. . President Judge R. G. Wliito. Additional Law .Judge Heury W. Wi'liama. Associate Judgc& E. C. Schultzo, Jesse Kjlcr. District Attorney L. J. Rlakcly. Sheriff James A. Malone. Prothonotary, &c. G. A. Rathbun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James Rlnkely. Commissioners William A. Rly, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmnr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Uyron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley., County Surveyor Geo. Walnislcy. . TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday iu April. First Monday in August, First Monday in November. BE A L E ' S (i.yte Powell's) EMU ROGATION! IlOU ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO ' Horses, Cattle and the Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a pro c tical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to the public as an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We arc satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all wh tise it, and those who try it once will never be without it. nud therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounocd by Farriors, and all who have tried it to be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is ouly through the increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public that 1 scud it forth as the grand remedial agent for t lie various diseases to which that noblo and useful ani:nul, the HOUSE, is subject. Many remedies have been ottered to tho Public under different forms, some of these aro injurious, others at best of littlo use, and many wholly improper to answer tho purposes for which they arc recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from those object ions, bus therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have vttluablo horses, aud ure unwilling to trust them lo the care of desiguing and pretending Farriers. Their wishes are at length fully gratified, by Dr. Bcule beiug prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so ctllcacioiis to the various diseases) to bo prepared and brought out to the public. Tins embrocation was extensively used by the Govorcmcnt during the war. Address all orders lo DR. EDMOXD BEALE, COJ, South Second St, Phil'a. CcayFor Sale by Bordwell & Messenger, Ridgway, Pa. aptfOly 11HE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used on Billiard Tables is tho CAT-CUT CUSHION, Manufactured hy KavanngU & Decker, and patented Deo 18, 18GG. (Sec Scientific Am erican, volume 1H, number II.) It is the ONLY Cushion that possess sa all the qualities essential toa perfect Cush ion. If is the most eluslio and most durable Cushion ever offered to the bi'.liard-plnyiug public, aa is abundantly proven by tho trreat demand for it since its introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes tho CAT GUT Cushion and renders it superior to all others, is tho tightened cord of cat gut which overlies the face and edge of the rubber, and ruuuing the full lengtU of the Cushion, which prevent the ball from bed ding into the rubber and jumping from the table. The additiou of the cat-gut cord also adds much to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been applied to over 1000 tables which aro in coustaut use. It can bo applied to tables of any imike, for $75 per set. KAVANAG II & DECKER'S Faotory, at the corner of Centre and Cunal Streets, N. Y,, is the most complete of its kind in the world.-. Tho uiachinory is of the most im proved character, the lumber drying room tlio largest in the United States, the mote rial used the best that can bo purchased, and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, Bulls, Cues and Trim mings, u'l of the best make, constantly on hand. . Kavanagh and Decker are Hie only agents In this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENT, adjudged by competent authorities to bo the best eetneut ever used. lull Him Tables cut down for $100. SVik fur Illustrated iVicc Litt. KAVANAG!! t DtTKEIi, ' Cur of Centre and t'ani.l Sts., 4'Mly hew Wrk City.