3L0CAL INTELLIGENCE. Var Time at tUdgtrny. Erie Express East 10:42 p. m. do lo West :60 m Jo Mail East 8:47 a. m. do do West 10:47 p.m. Loral frrlffllt East 10-.47 . m. Ao do West - 6:51 p. m. NOTICE. Hereafter the Tost Offiee will be dosed cvcrv evening at 8 o'clock On Snn.lnv it will be kcrt open " - . . . . ' from 8 to in o'clock A. M. Mail Closed nt 6 M. L. LUTHER, T. M. The following Cable tclngram has just been forwarded from New York, to Messrs. Sumner C- Co., of this city. 'Ani3. June 27, 1867. At the 3'aris Exposition, tlio Wheeler &, Wil. sou Sowinj' Machine has been awarded the only Cold Medal for supeiiority as a Sewimr i'uclune lor general purpo cs, over eighty-two competitors. Howe, received a Cold Medal as an inventor, not for machines. The sewing machine interest was fully represented at Paris, every machine of any prominence be fore tho world being on exhibition, making this the greatest triumph ever Achieved bv nnv scwinar machine, and certainly entitles the Wheeler & Wil son to the enviable position it Iia3 so long held, the best sewing machino in tho world. Pittsburgh Chronicle. J. K. Whilmoro, Fsq , of this place, is the acrcnt for tho sale of tho above machines in this county. Ilia card is published in another column. JSSyTho Annual Report of the Ly coming County Mutual Insurance Com pany will be forud in our columns to-day. It wil! bo scon that the capital of the company has been materially inorensed during the past year, it now reaching tho large sum ot SiJ.Slra.UlU 4'J. Tho number of polices in foreo Judo 10th, was 16,012, and tho total amount of property insured $30,489,460 47. The total amount of losses paid the past year was 5:i)l,f)L'3 50, the whole amount paid for losses since the organization of the company 81,818,700 Ul. Tho Lycoming Mutual is now one of tho strongest, most reliable, and best conducted companies in tho State, and is constantly increasing in strength and usefulness. Muncy Jjuminary. James Blakely, Esq., of St. Mary's is the agent for this county, Oivo him i call it you wish to be insured in a relia bh Company. 8tj Dr. J. Saokh, Dentist, of Warren, requests us to announce that he will .be nt the Ilydo House, in this plaoo, on Monday, the 5th of August next, (Court week.) Those having work to do should rot fail to give him -a call on that day. 3t Catamounts, Attention I There vill be a meeting of the Catamount B II. Club held at their grounds on Satur day next, ot 3 o'clock, P. M. Play to commenco one hour thereafter, It is hoped that every member will make it a point to be on hand punctually at tho hoar specified, as business of importance will be transacted. By order. J. F. Moore, Secretary Bask Ball in Elk County. Quite a number of B. B. Clubs have been organized in cur lounry the present reason. We learn thcie are two Clubs nt Ilcllcn and viciuity. One was organ izcd at Lentreviilo about a week ago, and we have no doubt but it will make its mark sometime during the coming fall. Tho Alpines of St. Mary's will pluy a match game with the second uinc of tho Ucnovo Club at Emporium on the 25ih inst. The Alpines have won two match games the present season and we predict that they will also win th coming one. Success to them. The Catamounts, since their defeat with the Alpines have been lying dornraut We leatn, however, they have determined to iin lie a new start, and yet win the title of champion in Elk county, which we hope will prove true. t&" The Columbia Herald Js the title of a paper lately started at Colum. bia, Pa. 'Its mechanical appearance is neat and tasteful, but better than that, it is a Gnu and ardent supporter of the principles of genuine bemocracy. The Emporium, Independent came to lis a couple of weeks since much im proved in typographical appearance. The Independent is a noutral paper, and if it would como out as a Democratio organ, could very materially enlighton the pcoplo of that section political?y. Come out, Hackctt, be wh'te or black fish or flesh. Mareied. On the morning ot July 4th, at the residence of the bride's fath er, in New Bethlehem, Clarion eounty, IV, by tho Rev. Mr. Engle, Mi. D. C. Oyster, of Ilellen, Pa., to Miss Mary E. Jlohoey. A good way to celebrate the na tion's birthday, we take.it. May the married life of the happy couple be a perpetual honeymoon is the ardeut wish of the priuter. IPQuSeverul iutesesting articles appear ou our outside this week. JUcis Brokers' Coltilqn. T MIU CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY Are Sold by WEIS DBOTIlBRt Successors to Geo. Wets.' DBALtns ia foreign and )oli)J3ii(5 J)rjJ Good, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK. OF BOOTS AND SHOES ! We have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can etvo Darsains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis. fied. We luv our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Ricbardsons' Cole, bratcd Boot & Shoe Manufactory, Elml ra, New York We warrant all goods in this line sold from onr establishment TJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. FL WE ARE PREPARED TU Utr&K To our customers In this lino bargain which eannotbo undoriold Id Elk ooun ty. Our stack is largo, well lolcotod, and Is ospeoially adapted to tho wants of the oommunity. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS An Uncquallod Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines, Moire Antiquos, Chintzes, White Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Berogcs, Laces, Corsets In fact we bare everything conneoted with Ladies' Wear. We are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the ooun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove It. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY We Sell the Best, tlterefure THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of anj Sojjs' uhiiJr 3.1)3 SUU)Ut i 1 0 1 I t I u n IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter that better Clothing cannot ANYWHERE. ourselves be found Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. tgi.No trouble to show onr Goods. r ROCERIES, NOTIONS, &e.f &o. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of OK'. o-1 In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPES,TCBACCOES & 3EQABS. We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Whioh will be sold at a VERY SLIGHT ADVANCE On cott and carriage. t&" Our Store it in tlie new Building on Main Street. July 11, 1867-tt Stone GETTYSBURG ASYLUM KoC Invalid Soldiers. Incorporated ny Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. March G. 1867. The Board of Supervisors anno inted bv the above Corporation I carry out th ob- ects or the act of incorporation, respect fully announce to the public that the Legis lature of Pennsylvania has authorized the raising of funds for the erection, establish ment, and maintenances of an Asylum for Invalid Soldiers of lhelaie war. to be built on Ihe Rattle Field of Gcttysbnrg, and as an inducement to patriotic citiiens to con tribute to this benevolent object, have em powered the Corporation to distribute a nionst the subscribers such articles ot value and interest, from association with the late war, or any moneys, effects, property, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in this Stat or elsewhere, at such time or upon such terms, and in such way and mtnncr whatsoever, as to them shall seem fit, any laws of this Commonwealth to the contrary notwithstanding. The enterprise is cordially recommended by the following n timed well known gentle' men : Major General George G. Meade Ex-Governor Andrew G Curtln Major General Galusha Pennypacker Major General E M Gregory Major General John R Itrooke Major General Charles H T Hol'is Major-GeDeral James L Selfridge Brig Gen James A Beaver Brig Gen Haratio G Sickels . Brig Gen Joseph F Knipe Brig Gen Wm J Bolton Brig Gen Samuel M Zulick Brig Gen John K Murphy Brig Gen T F McCoy Brig Gen R E Winslow Brig Gen Henry Pleasants Brig Gen J P S Gobin Brig Gen J M Campbell Brig Gen Thomas M Walker Brig Gen W Cooper Tally Brig Gen D M M Gregg Colonel F Stumbaugh The site for the institution ("thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that tho good work may commenco boforo midsummer. Subscriptions will bo received at Ilia JM . aw a otneo or tno enunciation, no. lizu. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and rtor Monday, tho 8th day of May, 1807. For onoli subscription ot nv dollnra a oortiiiaato will bo issued, whloh will on- titlo tho holder to suoli article of Value as may bo awarded to its number. The first distribution of awards will bo made Immediately upon the receipt of ov,vuv muaoripuuui ii o.j uhuii. Tho distribution will bo public, and under tho direct supervision or tho Cor porators. Persons at a distanoo aro requested to remit thotr subset iptions (when praoti cable) by Poet ofnoe money order, or registered letter, to insuro prompt de livcrv. Direot all letters to J. D HOFFMAN, Seo'y Board of Supervisors, Box 1481. P. O., Phil'a. The following is a schedule of the awards to be made under the first distri bution. The itemt of diamonds and other preoious stones were purchased from oitiiens of the South durbar the war, and their genuineness is certified to by Messrs. Henle & Bros., the most extensive diamond importers Id be country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, iew lork. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Aot of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania March 6th, 1867. Offioe 1126, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIRST DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers at $8 Each 1 I Diamond NecVlace, 48 Brilliants, valued at $30,000 21 Diamond Cluster Brooch and Ear Rings 15,000 81 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000 4 1 Diaru'd Cross, set in silver 7,000 61 Diamond Cluster Brooch 6,000 81 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 6,000 7 1 Diamond Single St, Ring 4,600 8 1 Diamond Cluster Braoelet 4,000 V I Diamond Single stone Scarf Tin 4,000 10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 J- 1 l'air single stone Dia mond Ear Rings ., 8,500 14- l Diamond Cluster lirooch 8,000 14 1 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 3,000 15 1 Diamond single stone Pin 8,000 18 1 Diaut'd single stone stud 8,000 17 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 2,600 18 I Diam'd Single stone Ring 2,600 19 1 Diam'd & Eme'ld Brooch 2,500 20 1 Diam'd Single stone Ring 2,000 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 1,600 ii l Dong India Camel s Hair Shawl 1,500 231 Choioe Emerald Stud 1,600 241 Mngie Btone Diamond Ring 1,000 ZD to 51-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 1,000 &o 1 three stone diamond s Ruby half hoop ring..... 800 861 diamond single stone Ear Knobs 800 871 P'r diam'd cluster studs 600 88 1 diamond single stone Ring, star setting 500 89 1 diam'd single stone l'ia 600 401 diam'd Cluster bracelet 600 41 to 60-10 Award of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each 600 M 1 Lady's diam'd set watch 400 62 1 diam'd single hIod ring 850 631 diamond and opal clus ter ling 209 61...1 diam d single stone ring 200 60...I pair Em'ld scarf Tins 200 I ' 6b... 1 d'md single stone stud 150 1 67. ..1 diamond Cluster Pin... 100 ' 68...1 cameo and pearl Brooch and ear rings 100 68 to 108100 Awards 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each 100 159 to 258 100 Awards, Gov'mt Legal Tenders, each.... 60 8,000 Awards, Government Legal Tendeas, each... The distribution of the above awards will be made in publio as soon as the subscription is full, of which due notice will bo given tbrongh the papers. On and after May 6th the Diamonds will be on exhibition at t'ae offiee of the As sociation. The publio can rely on everything oeing conducted in the most honorable and fair manner. All tbe awarda will be banded to certificate holders, imme. di&tely after the distribution, frco of all . i . f . . v - cost, at me oiuce oi toe cuinyany, ivo. 1120, CHESTNUT Street, l'liila. CERTIFICATE. . We hereby certify that re have ex amined the Diamond Goods, 1 earls, Emeralds. Rubins, and other Precious Stones, as described in the above list, end find them all genuine. IIENLK Hill) 8, Diamond importers, 26 Maiden Lane, iNew lork. J. HERMANN, Diamond Setter, 391 Broome St., New York. AGENTS WANTED. pooks can be had containing 20 certificates UKK HUNUKCU DWL.li.Min. All orders for certificates must be atldrcBsci to J. D. HOFFMAN, Seo'y. Box 1481, Postoffice, 5 9 2m. Philadelphia. FURNITURE- STORE AT ST- MARY'S) PA- tASII, DOORS AND FURNITURE ! 1 The subscriber keeps constantly on hand all Bites of Sash and Doors, also Wardrobes. Bureaus, Washstands, ... - - Bookcases, Tables, Desks. Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &o. Picture Frames, Sash Painted and Glazed, All work warranted to be of the best mai terial and workmanship. Call and examine my work and prices ft I feel confident my work will give wttlsfno tlon and my prloss ars n low, If aot lower titan nicy art in any emitr marxm, ffltAH t. MArtL'tl my23d0"lf, fit. Mary's, Pa. TN TllK MATTK111 In the Oourt of 1 of tho Inoorporn- ( Common Pleas tlon or the Klk ) or Klk Uounty, County Railroad nod No. 11, Aug. T. Mining unitotte." ) 1807. Notloo Is hereby given that tho eer. lifloate of the Corporators of the 11 Klk County U, llroad and Mlnlnir 0 motto " has been h ed lu uiy office, and if no lufBolent ea,(e Is shown to the oontrary, o deoree of 'Aoorporation will be tnado at t.io rioxt term of the Court. GEO. A. RAT II BUN, May Oth, 18G7. Prothonotary. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING:! CLOTHING! CLOTUIJTG for the Million I A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OP GEO. P. HINTENACII, IN ST. MARY'S. THI BIST l ALWAYS THE s aT3 GP. niNTEXACII having taken en . tire control of the establishment formerly ocounied by G. P. Uintenaoh & Co., would respectfully inform the citiiens ot Jbik oounty that he is prepared to iurnish them with tbe Best Kind of Clothing at rates which defy competition. He has on hand a large assortment of RFAnv-M AnF n. rrruxwn Consisting of PANTS, VESTS COAT, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on eost. His Gentlemen', Furnising Apartment is spcoially adapted to the wants of his customer. He has also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST ING3 of the latest style and pattern, which he will mate to order in a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as it can be done any place ia the conntry, GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction guar anteed, and goods warranted. All he asks is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa.. Feb. 14. 1807. "TTAINES BRO'S PIANOS. XI THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! These Pianos are universally ncknowl edged by competent judges equal to the best funo made. For references, they have many thousand oity and oountry resi dents, including largj numbers of the High Sohools, Seminaries, &o. These Pianos have not only stood the continued use and heavy praotioe of on year, but have been used the last Ffteen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using tbem. They have takeh premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Bro's have beea compelled to en large their works to the extent of 24 to 80 Tianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the United States, Factories alone covering over three fourth of an acre of ground, comprising a frontage of 219 feet on Seoond Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest first- class rianos in market, rutty guaranteed for five years. Send for Illustrated Circu lar. HAINKS BRO S. 850, 858, 800, 862, 8U4, 8G0, 808,870,872, Dceowd Avenue, mar718GG3mos New York City F OR SALE. The Store house and Lot occupied by Burke and Wood is oflrred lor sulu. A dcsirablo location in the thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply UUAS JloVEA.N, Jtenzinger P. O. Jan. 3, 67.tr. Klk Co Pa. 8. SHORT, JOHN 0. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER. JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF ghorf, gait & tyr. 61. Wry', Bentivgtr J. O. Elk Cumtrr, Pssha lEDELIUS VOOT, Practical Clock & Watchmaker, fit. Marv's. Elk county. 1'. Ronma next door to Hintcn.vh'H 'kit liiti Ktoro. All kiiW of work done done in a atifactory maaaer, and war ranted. tonnuLUtions in regard to work in the German, rench or English lan guages. March 14, 18C7tf. I 1ST OF CATJSKS HF,T j down for trial at August SeHsions, 1WI7. Stoekdale A Downer vs Messenger Rawlo Same vs G. D. Messenger. V A Leash vs Joseph Windfc.dcr. E O Clements vs L Arner et al Adam Kemmerer vs M'Oauley et. al. James H Brown vs II Woodward 8 S May vs J Elliott Rhines' administrators vs 3 N Brccdin et al Joseph Wilhclin vs James Shelry Alfred Coxe et al vs England Brown J C Chnpin's heir vs Brynnt. a Euwer John Tudor vs II Woodward nt al Andrew Brclim vs Bcnzinccr Coal a Iron CO T Jackson et al vs C Waimright Charles Bell vs James Warner ct al pOURT PROCL A5IATION. V. ) Whereas the Honorable Thomas W. Williams, President and Hon. E. C Schultzc and Hon. Jcsso Kyl.cr, Asso ciate Judges of the Court, of Common Picas, and Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other onences in the county of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid named courts to be holdcn at llidwny, in and for the county of Klk, on the first MONDAY IN AUGUST it being the 5th DAY of tho month, and to continue one week. Notioe is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the county of Elk, that they are by these precepts commanded to be then and there in their prober persons, at 10 o clock a. m., ot said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things which their offieoR appertain to bo done, and that all Justices of said oounty ninko roturns oi all tho roooitmtancos entered Into boforo them, to tho Clerk of tho Court as per Aot of Assembly, pns?od May 4, And those who ro bound by their rcoocnlzcnces to proso eute the nrihonors that aro or shall ha lit tho Jail of said oounty of Klk, and to bo then and there to proscouto against them as snail bo just. J. A. M ALONE, May 80, 1807. Sheriff. PELOTJBET ORQAXS & MF.LODEOXS. Unanimously awarded tho First Trizo, A GOLD MEDAL. "AS TnE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New York, Oct. 1315. Being pronounced superior m Quality, Power and Variety of Tone, and in number of combinations. "As the best Instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-know n musical critic. They have also taken tho first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, ono, two and three Tranhs of keys six sizes $251) to $ 1,600. Without pedals, single and douhlo bunk in great variety, $05 to $150. Theao Organs with thelrsmnnth, pipediko quality of tone, bcantiftfl solm storrsr, strength of choru, unequalled pedals, nnd general orgnn-liko effects, are superior for Churches, Hulls, Parlors nnd Schools. They are put up in cases of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and uniqne styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, and of the best workmanship ! it boing intended that each instrument shall be a model of its kind. All instruments down to a fine octave portable Molodeon, have tho beautiful Tremoluirre stop, without extra ehargo. A large assortment constantly on hand at our Gcneial Wholesale and Retail Waro rooms, 811, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send for a oircular. PELOTJBET, PELTON & CO Manufacturers, No. 841, marllftm Broadway, N. Y. City. F Oil tatf SB g . 33tiRir)C!ts J)il'Ccrtt. rOMN . HALL, Attorney nt In, nidg viny, Klk county l'a.. mai-iLU'liU ly; JO WORK of all kinds and dcs. criptions done al this office. A LPINR HOlJ.fR, St. Mary's l'a.. Her- man Krctr., rroj.rictor. f ug!) liu IXECUTION.?, SUMMONS, SUBrtE. 'j nns. Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale nt this oflico. TR. W. .TAMES BT.ARELY Physician L unu ourgeon, oi. diary s. Elk county ntar-22'6rily. R. W. W. SHAW I'rartices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrcville, Elk county mar-22'Oti-ly. l'a. DR. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer nlliirofessional calls by night or day. mar-22'GG-ly. R. EBEN J. RTJSS. Physician and Sur geon, nt. Mary s blK county l'a. c-2rGG-ly. June IAURIE J. BLAKELY, Attorney nnd j Counsellor nt law, nnd U. 8. Commis. ostler, ltulgway v. O. blk county. Pa. mar-22'GG-ly. SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys t. Law, Eidzway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'UG-ly. DR. W. B. HARTMAN. St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. mar-22'flO-ly. KE11SRV TTOTEL. A. B. WHEELTTR, Pnor-niBTOn. This house is conveniently and pleasant, ly located in the thriving village of Ccntre ville. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 31 18G"tf TOR PRINTING, such as Cards, rosters. Hand Bills. Bill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. c II. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dcalo l T ii : . - ,u. r : 1 1 m 111 UMUtr JIL'VI, l'l)IMISIIU IIIU lltllll uiiva Depot, ft. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'C.n.ly. TJORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug I) pints, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals. Paints, Oils nnd Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ot articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'Gti-ly. MENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Bedsnd resscs, rictuve Frames and Colds,. Rldgwsy Pa. Ware Rooms on the come of Main and Depot St's. may-17'GG-ly. DU. J. 8. BORliwELL-El7clio Thysi elnn. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Residence ono door east of the late rcsidenco of Hon. J. L. Gillis, Mar.22'GG-ly. OLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale ,j Retail Dealers in Flour, Food nnd Ornin, CANA L MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicitod and promptly filled at mar ket ratss. aug9th-6G-ly JOilN 0. HALT, JAS. K. V. HALT.. HALT, & URO. Attornovp - nt, -Ijaw, ST." MARY'S : BENZTNGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, I860, ly. S OZS I ET 1 1 1 N ON EWI BOUSE, SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL PAINTnfO. rriHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RE I spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent, that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE M03t fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left, at tliis Oltiee or at tho Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'CG-ly. rTWIAYER HOUSE, J. RIDGWAY, TA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. Thft lindftrinfrnpil linvinfr AHml nn a lftrA r o i' f - and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with good And nnnvprnnn! fllnhlin. attaclm.l ia,nMt. fully solicits the patronage of his old friends ana mo pnriio generally. uecia UU ly DAVID THAYER. SWES LAGER JOSEPH WINDFELDIR O OF THE ST. 7.ltl'5 Bltt'If'JEKV, Takes this method of announcing to tho Publio, that during tho past season ho has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than he has ever before brewed ia ono season, so that ho will be able to supply Private Families, Saloons, and Hotels, with a Superior Artiolo of this favorito beverage, at a price that cannot Do undcisold an) ; where ou the line of tho P. & K. Railroad. 0:i or about tho 15th of May he pro. poses to " Srtah tier Mall " of his vaults, whers ho lias stored it, an! tif which the public are respectfully ro. fucsted to take notice. B'TSL-Orders sliippod as soon as recoiv witli promptness and despatch. P-AtMress orders tr J OS. WIXDFKLDER, Sr. MAKY'8 lKWKKr, Henziner Post OfDee, ap25tf. K!k County, Pa. The Oiiutrd Insurance Anrmity & Trust Co. OF PHI LAD' A. t !ItiCTi:ilXli I V CASH CAPITAL $ 3.0T.H ASSETS $J.4"i.!l'r.;l. Mutual Insuranoe combine 1 with the ii eurily of capital. F'.r iusuiauoe spuly to JOHN 0. IIVLL. ' Rid2vy f