t j literate. ou o. ham., rnnrBiirTOR. . noon, rusLisura. THURSDAY: Julv i : : : : 18th, 18G7. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. fob ivnm pv tin rtpi court, HON. GEO. SHARSWCOD, OF PHILADELPHIA. THE ISSUE. Tito i.sucs involved in tlic coming t lcekm lire important. It is a quostion in which the dearest rights of every lYccman ave at stake. I( the pcop!a of I'ciinsytviinin are willing that tbe no. (;roea should vote that the Southern Hates should slill bo kept out of the Union, and governed by military sat raps, they will cast their votes for tbe KaJIeu! candidate. If, on tbe other hand, they waut a restored and united country, as it was in bygone times, they will cnit. their ballots for Hon. Uooige Sharswood, tbe Democratic can. didate. The prospect for on overthrow of the Radical party wa9 novel better. Tbe elections that have taken phico during the present year all show imiueuse gains for tha Democracy. But Demo crats must bo active. They must not only be willing to go to the polls and vote ; besides that they should talk to their Republican neighbor and try and conviuce him of the error of bis ways ; they should also circulate Democratic newspapers, first, your local organ, and then some cf the city campaign papers, such as the Age of Philadelphia, or the Patriot A Union at Harrisburg, M. Bfti, A s yet but two announcements for county officers appear in our col. utons. There nre yet the offices of Commissioner, Jury Commissioner, Dis trict Attorney, Auditor and Coroner, for which no candidates are named. Hurry up, gentlemen, the time lor nominating is fast approaching. The announcement of Col. Hunt for Assembly will be noticed in another column. He will no doubt receivo the nomination, as his county by right and ngrccmcut, is entitled to the member for two terms. At tbo primary election held in Clear field on Saturday last, Thomas J. Me Cullough, E.-q , was selected as the choice of the Democratic voters of that county for Afseuibly. M. MRS. 8VBRATT. Even the Evening Bulletin admits there is great doubt as to tho guilt of the unfortunate woman who was murdered at Washington two years ago aud whose doom was then by loyal folks thought a ju.it one. Evcu the Bulllin is shocked at the story which is just now put in circulation that David Hunter's bloody tribunal formally recommended to the Prosidcut to commute Mrs. Surratt's punibhmont, and that their recommenda tion was suppressod and withheld from Mr. Johnson. He never saw it or heard ol it. Who suppressed it? Who with, held it ? These questions must be answered. The Military Commission was a devico of tho War Department. Stautou and Holt contrived it. Their judgment and, of course, their rccom. mendation went to tho War Depart ment. The War Department must know all about it. Let it speak. One ii. her witness there was, but his lips are pealed. Tha ooza of tho bottom of the Hudson covers him. This was Seward's friend Presion King. He it was, who, in the daik interval between Mrs. Sur rait's scntecee and csccution, kept guard at the White House. Ho repelled the weeping daughter. He denied all ao cess to the Executive And the day of doom came, aud the bolt was drawn and ihe manacled woman tell " six feet ' and died with a broken neck or ooogps iod brain : aud a few weeks later the man who barred the gates of mercy, threw himself off a Jersey City ferry boat, and with loaded pockets and a conscience burdened, sauk to the bot torn of the river. Rut Holt and Stanton Mill live to tell what became ot tho re o jinmendatiou to mercy. Philadelphia Dally Age.. !:, J er.eral (Jrnut has 01 tiered an investigation of the alleged flogging of a citizen by order of the military com wander at Fort Sedgwick. V.U is estimated that $200,000 changed hauda ru the trotting match in which Eihau Aihn made the unparalell ed time of 2-15, 2-M and 2 19. Tho Prussian government is ljriuiiig a fleet in the Baltic Sea. about Tha Xnnickjr C f i a. The refusal to admit the Congress, men who were elected from Kentucky by such an overwhelming majority ia a most high handed outrage. The Radi cals have just aa much right to ozolude any one of the Pennsylvania delegation. The two States stand id precisely the came situation. Kentucky never seced ed any more than di J Pennsylvania. The rights of the people to choose their own representations are precisely the same as ours. There ia not the slight est difference in any respect, so far as the rights of the members elect, tbe rights of their constituents and the re. quiremcots of the Constitution are con cerned. The majority can arbitrarily refuse to admit the members from any Northern State with equal propriety, and tho time may not be far distant when that will be attempted. It may be that within five years the Radicalb will find themselves dependent upon Congressmen elected by the negroes of the South for a majority. When they are placed in such a position, as we ba licve they will be, if their present ays. tern of rule is continued, they will not scruple to refuse admission to seats in Congress of delegates duly elected from other States than Kentucky. The right is the same, and it will be just as easy to plead necessity as it is to.day, or as it was at any period during the war. We may yet see the majority of the voters of the great Middlo States dis franchised by a combination of New England Yankees with Negro Congress men from the military districts of tho South. The Radicals have already perpetrated outrages equally as gross as that would be ; and have been encour aged to do so by the quiet submission of a people who seem to have lost the pirit of freemen. The Kentucky dele gation may all be admitted, even during the present session ; but not until the Radicals have made their point by as serting their power and putting forward their claim of right as they have alrca. dy done. Does any one suppose a sinr. gle one of thcte Kentucky delegates would ever be permitted to take seat f his presenco would destroy the domi nance of those who now rule the coun try through the agency of the despotism they have set up ? Let their repeated displacement ot Democrats fairly and honestly elected, and then utter refusal to admit any but extreme Radicals from the South answer. Tha Visaing Flank. Somo people wonder why the Repub. lican Convention of this State failed to insert a plank in their platform favor, ing the striking of the word white from the Constitution of Pennsylvania. W have it from the best possible authority that the Committee on Resolution deemed it unnecessary, after Mr. Mo- Pberson, the Clerk of the lower House of the Rump Congress, kaa read the seventh resolution, to say one word more on the subject of negro suffrage or uegro equality. It was and is distinct ly understood that Congress will pass a law abolishing all distinctions between negroes and whites in this and other Northern States, and that the Yankee Judge, Henry W. Williams, is, if elect ed, prepared to back it up with all the power and influence of the Supreme Court ot Pennsylvania. This is tow it came tha'. a most important plank was omitted in preparing the Republican platform. Lancaster Intelligencer. The Rads of the New York Con. stitutional Convention are entertaining a proposition to disfranchise the pan pers ot tbat btate. At the same time they aud the rest ot the Radical lead ers are laboring to extend suffrage to the pauper blacks of tho Sooth the thousands of negroes who have lived for years and are now living upon the Government bounty dispensed by the l'ruedmans Bureau. Is this conduct consistent? Ib it light, prop or ? I u not an unjust aiscriminatiou ou ac count or color and against the whites ? What say the poor whites of th North ? Immediately succeeding the sur. tender of the city of Mexico, Gen. Baez, the Juarist commander, ordered tht, nuns to vacate the convents wkhra forty-eight hours, and, in acoordat.ee with the order, on the 23d of Jane the eight hundred and sixty nuns were driven out. Henceforth, it is said mere are to be no more convents in Mexico. This is the " liberal " course pursued by the self.styled " Liberal party " of Mexico. In New Hampshire, the domioat iog Radicals debar aft Catholics from holding office. And yet they boast of their intelligence, toleration, regard for fiocdox, and the " rights of man. Wha,t hypocrites and fanatics Tram Washington. Washington, D. C. July 15. It is expected that the President wilt send in his voto on the Destruction bill to-mortow, and that the Senate will fin. ieh ail tha business before it in a day. Additional nominations are expected to be sent to the Senate by President Johnson to.day, including a minister to Mexico. It is understood that Got. Andrew is strongly urged by Gen. . Grant and others for the position. The movement to brinz out Satrap Sheridan tor the Presidency is training strength among Republican Congress men. Late advices from IIa7ana cive rca. son to believe that Santa Anna will ransom himself. A special meeting of the Cabinet will be held to day, to consider the Destruc tion bill. It is now believed that the President's veto will not be Teady until Wednesday, as tho disousston in the Cabinet may delay it. Ueorge Bancroft has just been con firmed as Minister to Berlin. Mr. Ray. niond's appointment aa Minister to Vi enna hag been tabled. Two attempts were made to-da7 to impeach the President, in tho House, but they wero both defeated on test votes. Mti8. Henry Wood's New Book. B. Peterson & Brothers, the Ameri can publishers of Mrs. Wood's works, ave in press and will publish in a few ays, an entirely new novel from her pen, entitled " Orville College,' which is said to be equal in interest and de nouement to ' East Lynne.' Booksel lers are requested to send in their orders without delay. " Orville College " has just been finished by Mrs. Wood, and is printed from tho author's manuscript and advanced proof sheets purchased by B. Peterson & Brothers from Mrs. Henry Wood, and will be issued here in advance of the publication of the work in Europe. The Rump Radicals generally put their feet upon Maximilian. They al ways do upon those who are down. It is generally understood that when the Despotism bill gets through the Rump, Dictator Sheridan will issue an order dispensing with Andrew Johnson's services as President, and vacating that once important but now insignificant, office. In a speech on the 11th, Sumner the Radical, said he could " not doubt that colored Senators and Representa tives would soon be welcomed into the Capitol." Perhaps it may be as Tom Corwin once said about our troops in Mexico: " welcomed with bloody hands to hospitable graves." At London Bridge, Virginia, a lew cays ago, during the registration of voters a " mean white " named Shep. pard asked an exrebel major of the 16th Virginia infantry, named Wood- house, to join with him and a lot of ne groes in a general drink of whisky. Wood house refused. After drinking with his darkey fribod Sheppard went up to Woodhouse, who is in ill-health and a cripple, and knocked him down Whilst prostrate he drew a pistol and shot Sheppard fatally in the stomach. The major was immediately arrested and is held for trial by court-martial of course. Ma. Stevens is a bold man in his de. dining years. On Saturday last h sneered at the Senate of the United States, because, to use his own elegant language, " 'he fragments of the old shattered Constitution stuck in the kid ncysof some Senators and troubled them at night." He is very valiant now, and rontcmptouslv pooh-poohs ' the ghost of the past Constitution," which he shrewdly suimests has fright ened souio of bit colleagues from their Radical propriety. But there was urue wnen x naaaeus was not quite so ; i mi j i . .. brave, and when tho back windows of the Senate chauiber at Harrisburg at forded bitu a speedy escape from iin aginary danger. A ' ghost " was after 1 .1 as. ... nun tnco, ana ne leit as quickly as Kcllcy departed from Mobile. ANNOTOCKMENTS. PRINTER'S FEE Assembly and Treasu rer, iu eaaii ; commissioner, $7 j Jury Commissioner and District Attorney, $5 each ; Auditor and Coroner. $3 each. No notiee will be taken of announcements uuacconipauieu wun me cash as per above rates. ASSEMBLY. l 7 K are authorized to announce the I V name of Col. J. D. HUNT. Esa. of foieit county, s a candidate fur Assembly, in the district eomtosed of me counties oi neaibeld, Ulk and For est, subject to the action of the Demo cratio party in said district. COUNTY TREA8URER. w E arc authorized to announce th name of HENRY WAUNER Esq , of Jones township, as a candidate tor tne othce ol County Treasurer, aub ject to the action of the Democratic County Convention. We are anthorsed to announce th name of CLAUDIUS V. GILLIS Esq , oi Uidgway township, as a cuodi date for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic Couuty Couveutiou. UNITED STATES IN tcrnal Revenue Tax. Take notice that I will attend at the following time and places for tha purpose of collecting the Special and Income Internal Revenue taxes for 1867 t At the Hyde House, Ridgway, Tuesday A Wednesday, August Gtk and 7lh, 1807. At the Alpine House, St. Mary's, Thursday, August Bin, ipw. By the act of Congress of March 2d,18l57, it is made the duty of the collector to add 6 per cent andl percent per month on all axes not paid within ten days of notice to pity the same, which act will be enforced. r. ruKu, Deputy Collector of 19th Dint, of Ta. Srnethport, Pa. July 15, 18G7. DTI. J. SAGEH, Dentist, of Warren, rives notice I hut. he will! visit Ridgway on Monday, August 6th, to remain a limited time, therefore those who bare any work to da should call early. warren, July in, 07 ONE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS IN ST. MARY'S BOROUGH FOR SALE. milE SUBSCRinEll offers for sale the property on the corner of Mehl and Walnut ctreets, in the thriving town of St. Mary's. The house is a good, new two story frame building The outbuildings are all good. There is also a splendid spring of pure water on the lot on which the house s erected. For further particulars inquire of Ihe subscriber on Uie premises. JOUN ROTE. 6t. Mary's, July lUtpd , BRICK! BRICK 1 1 BRICK lit THE SUBSCRIBEItS 1 oner for sale a superior lil or BRICK In large or smalt quantified, at their new brickyard, ST. MARY'S, Elk county, Pa. BUTLER CO. St. Mary's, July 11, 18ti7 tf. Begister's Notices. "TC-TICE is hereby riven that J. W. jl Brown and Charles Winslow, admin istrators of the estate of Eben Winslow, de ceased have filed their accounts in my office, and that the same will be presented at the next term of the Orphan a Court for con fir. mutton. UEO. A. KAT11I1UN, junl7'67te. Register. NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas SchluttenhotTer and Francis Sohlut- tenhotTcr, executors of the last will and testament of Wolfgang SchluttenhotTer de ceased, have tiled their accounts in my of fice, and that the same will be presented at the next termor the Orphan a Court for confirmation. GEO. A. RATIIBUN, julyll 18C7 Register. Iriiaolntioa of Farmerihis. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist between Ihe undersigned has been this day dissolved hy mutual consent. All per sons having unsettled accounts with said firm are requested to make immediate pay ment to Short & Wilcox, in whose hands Ihe books are left for collection. JOHN DOLPH. O. 11LANCI1AUD. June 25. 1807 jullietpd. MARY MONIQAN, In the Court of ny her next friend I Common Pleas of vs VElk co. Ao. 7, I January Urm,67. MICHAEL MONIQAN, J 8ubp. in Diroree To Michael Moniean : Take notiee that you are required to appear at the terra of said l.ourt to be held at uidgway on tbe first Monday of August next, to answer the complaint of the libellant In this case. Sheriff's Office, 1 J. A. M ALONE, Ridgway, July 6,'67 Sheriff. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of Venditioni Expona. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, there will bo exposed to PUBLIC SALE at the Couit House in Ridgway, on Mon. day, the bth day of A ugutt next, the following described Real Estate to wit : All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk, and Stat oof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows Beginning at a post on the south side of line of the l'liil'a. & Erie railroad theuce kouth 87 30' cast 1G8 feet 7 inches to a post on Weis & Bru ner'i line, thence along said line north 60 15' east feet 8 inches to a pott, IlirliCO north 87 30' west US feet and 8 in. to a post on the south line of the railroad afore, aid, theuce along raid south line of said railroad (SO feet to tlui place of beginning, coutaining .'7't square feet, exclusive of Ihe road to the railroad depot, upon which is erected one two story building with atone basement calculated for a storehouse oue tory and a half building with stone base ment occupied as a dwelling house, with stone foundation for another house Seixed and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Rauh at I he miit of Siegcl & SCOtt. J.1S. A. ALAL.OINU, Sheriff. FHILADELPHIA &, EBJJE BAILEOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. i nmign ana jJtreci Home, between Philadelphia, Baliimire Ilarrit burg, Wdlianisport, anil the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. and after MONDAY. APRIL 29th. J the Irains on the Philadelphia A Erie ivauroaa wm run as rollowa WK8TWABC. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 7.00 n. " " " Ridgway 10.47 a. m. arrive at Erie . 4.08 p. m Erie Exp leaves PbiladelphU.13.00 noon. Ridgwav 8 49 " " arrive at Erie. KASTW A&tt. Mail Train leaves Erie .10 OU a. Pt. ..10.25 " " " Ridgway 8.47 p. . " arrive at Pliildelphia, 7.U5 a. m. r-ria tip leaves Krie .............. o.UO ax. m " " RUIgway 10.44 p. bl " nrr. at Philadelphia.- 100 a. , Mail and Etprtu Irmint nuot wilk mil traim on Warren and FranHim Rail. Vattengert Itunmf I'kiladtJpki mt li.OO SI. arrival Irvmtltn at 6.40 a. m. and OU CVy P.50 . n. itavir i'tuUdrlfkm mtTf. SO p. m. an ti t at OU Uitv mt 4.S . All trains on Warren & Pranklia Railwav make close connections at OU Ciy with trains fi r Franklin and Pctrelaoja Cealr. UAuUAOE CHECKED THRO I'd II. ALFRED L. TYLER. Qoiu-ral Sarrtatetdi.t, CHANCE FOll A BARGAIN ! 100 Acres of Timber Land in Elk County for Bale at a Bargain I - riMIK ABOVE MENTIONED TRACT OK I land is situated about one-half mile from Kersey Run, in Jay township, and is well timbered with WHITE TINE, OAK and HEMLOCK. Four acres are cleared and under good stale of cultivation. Its contiguity to Kersey Run makes it oneof the most valuable tracts of land in this part of the country. There are two coal banks opened on the tract, which are four feet thick, and the coal of tho best quality. I have alxo one span of horses and one yoke of oxen which will h sold very cheap. For further particulars inquire of the the subscriber or Oliver Garducr, at Calc donia Post Office, Elk county, l'a. july3180G3m JUSTUS WEED. LTJHR IIOTJSrc. St. Mary's Elk County, Ta. This well known house has been entirely refitted and newly furnished with a desire to meet the wants of the travelling eommu nitp, and to make it an A, No. 1 hotel. t$a&ln8scngcrs taken to and from the Depot free of charge. GEO. IIATIIORN, jun27'C71y. Proprietor. Divorce Notices. IN the Court of Common Plena of Eik co., Pa., No. 7. January term, 18G7. Mary Monigan, by her next friend, vs. Michael Monigan. The undoraigned, appointed by tho said Court, to take testimony in the above Di vorce case, hereby gives notice to those in terested, that he will attend at the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow, in Benexctt, Kite county. Pa., on Tuesday, the 23d day of July next, lor the performance of said duty. RUFL'S LUCORE, jun27'C7 tc. Coniraiiwionor. TS the Court of Common Pleas of Elk co.. X P. No- 1. November term, 18C6. Jos. T. Hanonld vs. Nancy M. Hanonld. The undersigned, appointed by Ihe said Court, to take testimony in the above Di vorce case, hereby gives notice to those in tercstcd, that he will attend to the perfnn tnance of said duty, at Oyster's Hotel, in Fox township. Elk county, Pa., on Monday, the i'Jth ujiy o; July next. john c. McAllister, juu27'G"-tc. Commissioner. TN the Court of Common Pleas of Elk co., I Pa., No.. 14. November term, 1800 Harriet McCullough, by her next friend. Jacob Fields, vs. Julius McCullough. The undersigned, appointed by Ihe said Court to-take testimony in Ihe above Ui vorctf case, hereby gives notice to those in terested. that he will attend to Ihe perfor mance of said duty; at Oyster's Hotel, in Fox township, Elk couuty, Pa., on Monday, the ."Jth day or July next. JOHN C. McCALLISTER, jun27'G7-tn. Commissioner. rrVTHK MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT recently opened by Miss DAGGETT m the residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to the rooms over J. V Houk store, where will be kept a nice assortment of Spring qj5 5ih)hih ?j)!iiiiKH. DRESS-TRIMMINGS, STAMPED WORK Stamping and Drew. making done. Mrs. J. V. HOUK. my231807tf Ridgway, Pa. STEVENS nOUSE. 21, 23, 35 & 27, Broathcay, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN. 'PUE STEVEN3 HOUSE is WELL I and widely known to the travel ling public The location (s especially suitable lo merchants and business men ; it is in close proximity to Ihe business part of tbe city is on the oighway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pals. The Stevens Roure has liberal nccmino dittion for over three hundred guests it is well turnisliea, and ponsessei every moderu improvement for the comfort and entertain- meui of its inmates. The rooms are spac ious and well ventilated, provided with gas and water, the attendance is prompt and respectful, and Ihe table is generously pro vided with every delicacy ol the soason-a moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE 4 CO. May Oth, 1667, Cm. Proprietors. lumberT" WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH upon short notice Ihe following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, dressed in the best posxible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for uxe. Also, LATH FOR PLASTERING We will put on cars when required. 86rAll orders addsesHed to us at this place promptly attended lo. SOUTHER, WILLIS CO. jun21G7tf Ridgway, Pa. Clf.f.TCE OF FillJtl, 1TJM. M. SINGERLY AND JOSEPH V KIRKPATRICK have this day with drawn from 4he firm of Short, Hall A Co. The undersigned remaining co-partners will continue the banking business under Ihe old firm name, SHORT, HALL & CO. 8. SHORT, JNO G. HALL. L. VOLLMKR, May 20, '07 If. J. K. V. HALL. SETTLE TJP ! VTJIIE FIRM OF BORDWELI. & MES- I SENGER having been this day dig. solved, all persons indebted lo said firm nre requeeled to nake immediate settlement wiih Ihe underlined, ia whose hands the books are left fur that purpose. G.G. MESSENGER. June Sd, 18G7 If. M KEWLY IMPROVED Acknowledged lo be Ihe bcM ! London Prixe Medal, and highest awnr.N ia America, received ! Melodeon,SecouJ-haad Pianos and Music. No 722, Arch Street, below Eighth. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ap?l3in tOAL. COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! AU of auparioi quality, for aale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. -Mary a, Eik iVuntr, lu l3Ord:rt by tux', rr'aip.-ii u!tr, ci t. rsij.il 3-U Business J)ii'iol'ii. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOTICE is hereby given ihnl 1 have tak- en out a license as anciinneer. and ill a.lend promptly to the cnlUn nf.ll snlcs entrusted In my enre. Any person calling sales without a licence wit be held anewcrable to the slrict leticr of the law. P. W BARRETT, Dec2418GGlf. Auctioneer. WHEELER ft WILSON'S SEW I NO MACHINES. Tho under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Klk county. He keeps an assortment conslt.iilly on luind. Machints sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining tlicmcau address J. K. WIIITMORE, March Ot-'CO ly. at RMrway, Pa. BLAOKSMITIIING! H. S. RELNAP desires to inform the citi lens of Ridgwny and vicinity that he has leased J. H. Hydo's Dlacksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever ready to mako any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair (rial. May 17'0G-ly. HF. OVERHOLTZEU. . MERCHANT TAILOR, ltulgway. Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in. form the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepa. cd lo make to order as well as it can be done anywhere, anything in the line of his business." All he asks is a fair Irial. Good Fits guaranteed. 83u.Clotli, CasKimcrs, Vcslings and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. aug-10.y SIIEltEK. s Iea1crm ML'S.C ROOMS-. No. 45, Ferst Accnur, Corry, Pe n. Refers to J. Powell, II. F. Ely. Ridgway. Ignatius Garner, t'has. Haigen, St. Mary's, nov 22,'Of), Ompd. TiLjiwiijlile. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, TA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T W ARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, TA. l17to. 0 UR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making tha iron pasg smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon It makes old linen look like new. OUR. IMPERIAL BLUE is the best 'n the world. It is soluble in hard as well fw soft water. It is put up iu ihe safest, lu'iiu-m. And most convenient form of nuy oilered to the p'.iblic. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom wo offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK ST Alii'!! GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. NEWSIIOP. TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS.' ST. MARY'S, TA. Keeps constantly on hand anil for sate, a larpje aoj well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES Ac. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STO V ES contents in pari of ANTIDUST PARLOK& COOKINO STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT. 811 KAF STOVES.' STOVE 1'II'E can be had at our shop cither riveted or groved. SrouTi.vaAND roofixo, dono on short notice and at rcasonablo rates. June H'GG-Iy. A. II. Goat. A. I. Wilcox, R. II. Emkbsos, E. F. AtMxs. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLES ALU GUOCERS, sr. ."lAiirs. Opiosita Alpine House, Elk County Pa. DEALERS IN Floar, Feed, Gutter, Chiiese, Feed, Corn, Sa!t, Fish, Fori, nam, Powder, Canned Fruits, TJetf. !WI. Kni'a. Glass,