LOCAL INTE ,UCK -;Gii, a! Liu ;:; jr. ...1: .'i ). nj I'l-'iUa in ... !t:17 a. Ml, I r ; ;f Li,!.... Mail EaM do Hrf do do 10:17 p. ui, Local i reij;ht Ett do do Wert..... ,. p. in. JfOTICK, liwcattv't' tin' JVt O.'Bee v ill be loccd every cvcuiiy at o'clock, (.'if JJ.jn.'.v ii will I- !.( ci rn front li M o'clock A. M. Maii Plowd at J r-m. l. i.i:T;u;jf, v. n. Inkuh: i'm iattam. L. J. 1 l.:iK I.N TIIF. iijt.ke)y. nent Man- ilic ;,rit advcrti-enicst cf ia to oav .1 r-npcr. It willoepivn (Ij-it they km. Uow to wake jim; of jriiitcr'a ink to atfvattape. Thpy Jj not, like n.any of tVe n:rch;inte in oar eovtr ty " bk'e their hjit under a Tjtu'tcl," as though they were afraid to let llcir v : res ho fier-fi. V .Tho X J' u ':.!.: an Life Iuuianc Coutpat: s J'iVjJ. udo to ;u'iusrr 1st, zf iu :i.l die new aIvertiK.-n.pntK in Ho day'a pr.f er, Jdiu itot3 has a hottte and two for fale iu h:t. Vsry's. Jiiuier & Co., have a fine lot of brick which they with to dispose. id. Sheriff Matane hn al.so poniethitis to fell. John Dolpli and Geor" .P!a?.ehrd hare tilts cwlveJ fail:iorkliif iu tho bJ-tckmii!i!n; UThc i;iu!iiiitau Lie. Paid claiim I;- death ju IbSlJ, f 31G,27.0'i. aa,i'cr.-o)js traveling iroai tl.is j.li.co iViHi-cyiilc,. .SitiiioaialiouitiS and eav-y i1f f? -gt-.'d to Ica'rn ttkt J. Ilyitt Di'Lcr Inve ti.k.:u ch-irge of tho r-.uto. J:A: i.i a!r-av-i a'.tiuve, inou-pt and oMi nn;;, and ii ho t i; . Le "will set you '. at a certain i-Lee i a ccr ain tiiiie, jou csu re! pi, i!t J.'oiiiL' d-j:i. ?t:t.;e? -avo ti-.U vlace cu 2l c ua v 1'ii 'avs of wl Cffu'l'he roui i'lxinii Maniiattsn LitV. is :-i:i VW.Zl.m li m. "'nz t.il-Kf-u. WV-rk l.as cl lust k-CTj CMi.iD-'Lce; f.n tl-6 5'. K. Cl.urclj. t'.c lusii'n:? v.Lioii . h.us for a king I::mo boon iu coototpj.lati'm j tlie i;,tel. ! ': :-; ?-',ti to hear Ti:? f rm l of ilie ,1,,-n !, ,;.; bell Tl. j-o luvk.; and valleys ne'er Lave heard. Instil c your lifu in tho Maiihat. tan. L.J. lllakcly, Agent. ty'ilic l'ourlh was oWrved at thi, place Ly doing nothing. At Kniporr.im, Warren, Corry and Krio the day was appropriately celebrated ly pic.r.ics, aud other festivities. J!3yTho Mituhaltan Life Insurance Cviiipacy is Soa, .Soma, Rdiullc. you have any counterfeit, torn, or escefrively dirty, or :uuiilatcd currency, don't rent it fo -as, lor it v iil be returned to yon cvry tlinti. Keep it cart-fully untd you f;o t j church, when you can put it in the collection plate for the po-.r be nbt.-d Icatlcu, wLo, iu their i:;iKtroo?e, cniiot tell a couuteifJt sliiLji'tcr a bout- lo not delay. Have yoar Life insured in the Vat.hsttan. I)r. C. IL Karly, aud W. James IKkc)y, ?Iedical EsaniiDtrs. . The j r.: T.ci el Luuntilul basvett ol cereal. friiit fi.d vegetable crors tbrouhout the ci'.irc ce'iu!ry was ctr er letter, ar.d iis a cCLteutcce the pric es of tlicni have a downward tendency. 3iveiyb-idy will be jrlu l of this. List or jiji utux r"5n Xor t.Vfiut Jm-Bt. 157. - Iienj.Ul. Otori'e AViuslow, CV.cw loan F. Johnson, William Derr. litiizinje.,-. 1'ctrr tieier, Willkui Gaasman, John SiockmEa. Midiae! Cilleu, Job a Kyliir, Ilcxckia'u Ilimo-.i, John It. Caneo, Cliuton liundy, Jop'u Uonzar. Jnj. Charles fisrdner, Samuel Uhl. Joms. A. I. AVileoj. JZuljicuy. Thomas Fullivan jr.,J. C. Hums, I'. Illy, Patrick Malone, tipriui) ( W tie. lli'-am Ci rin in . Sit. M-Jiz'f Tl:f ii.:i IJraniiT, Sls tian llalri, Gecr:x . tt:5er, Tl: yjias Kinicislt. "' ! TftAVKRrX JVRonS. B in i:. H. M. V,"n-loT, Vt'i'diam K. JohnM',,, 1. 15. Window, Alidrew Ovcrturff Vv'iliiaiii Jlauay. . - J) lumfjrr Loins Cei.s, Arnold l-'lc-acriiian, -NiiliuLii Hill, Michael Lawlcr, Joseph F-1 aur. Juje. Ju-Mp!i KrBKt,- Slart'c Phalon, John It, Kcltz, Vv'iiiiam Irrio, luae llortou. fcr., J.jI.u Moyi r, V... T. Mei- J lines 1'. Martin, iit-ury 'A. Shoci, V. Sihocnin;', Jovph t'liainUvrlain, Jtij. JoLn J. Tui'. y, Juun 1'cSi. J i.tt. Aiii'iouy CJlc, Zzc. 5I.l!crt. .Vy-d.i. Nat. P. CctatalasK, IS. A.; Pill. Noljii Qurir.c t, JiiMies Ixive. 1 St. Mijf -d. Vt-::.-:.Jurl, J,,ruc V1,t.-Vy,'jclin -AHa, WoHan Wii-j-t? I'urti.tc32i, J. J'tcerinjicr. .! ft J (' Jo valid idicri. iT).-n!'j.riiO-j l,v ,V.t d A' -.'jji'J Die CouduinweaUJi igif Peneiy)v.m. Hlaiu -;, The Jiotird of Kvpci-Yjtior apjoiMed by ine uowve 01 poraijou i carry ,ut tue ob I jcci of Itie acl of imwpwaiWM, repet. lull' aHomillC" o l!i I !'(lictt (lie Lifia- liiiure of Vnn)nt hut juitjrir.A. ( fijinjt f lJ r lib "iwli, esislilJjeii iineui, ii'l miKuU-usijce of no Af jluiu f-r InviiliJ uHisiti of ti l4 wr, la j of li.e i'.raj'o KivMwf j..'llllii-fc M ij iiil!u-.iol to jirj4.;c . il)xm tutu lrii)Ut livuvvoiMit 'ljiMN, linyii jp)u, 1" " .'rj)i a. to dti(ilMtf. WHXN !!jj l4illMliM-l5u sii'i ini w, from ewx'tsu iu ju li y.-nr. or sijy igono, irfliwu. jjrMy, or tf!.1l. of -lf.yO )i-.'fr, iu til(4!or Ct wl.r, St M;!i tiiH i- lerrn, at)-! ju yri av so j nifum-r vli(lFoAr. i o Ji-)il ea fit. any Jw of Cowui.oiivj'aiijj (.(j coww iwMJwiiUnujji 'iijr. 1(be eiitt-rnviKc );. lia'iiy- reccudiKd I k., 11 : j 7 . B Uifti : I's Y.rjior An lsn j Cun'm taj ;f iil-nl JoIjo iijo,fc jMnjor jenei;il UlmHeg 'i' IJuJ"i Mnjof (jooernl James L Kt'lfil( lij ijf f!i n Jampx A C'-over Hdi juJo tif-faet JJiSr tiv.i Jos'.j.J) F Kdij IJrijr O'-u Wui I!ji.jo ;''11 Sa-ami U Zu!itk JJrij: 'A'ti Jpl.n tv Murj ljjr r.rijf i'u 'f F Mwl.'ojr Jiii t'vn ft K Viijufow I'.j-ijf on U'wy :itaj fi?n Tiioi iM M Vi'a'k ''liny On H' 'uopor T11 IJijtc M u 1 M jvj , Ti:C liic for the i lie ior lue ii.-ttKnt on Aiiirfitr crij can ajreauj Dcen jjtirctMiwJ, siiI it h iiujtd tLai the food work jaaj coiumcncb ln?fare iuidsu;iitaer. .i'uLwr'tiws t rcceired at the (ifHrt iS, aoe)ation, No. 1125, Clie-lt.'st .tiett, I ijilidt-Jphia, on and after .Monday, the tin dar of Mr, 17. l".;r t-atJt w;)icr;,-don of five dull-jrs a i . i . . ccrtii-cata Bill ou ioed, Kukb trill eo tilie ilic liiilder to auch article of value aijiaj lc awar kd io its etnWr. iiie dinirjuution o( award rill be r.Ktde iiuajcJiaieJy njxio the receipt of 'fl.3 difiriiiiiiiyn will hi tiiblic, arjd under the dkect FtppiTi9i! of the 'J-jr- porsi Vers-yns at a distance arc rcjiested to remit their caWi mi ton (when praci calli:) by l'ost ofiice nioiicy order, t r rt Kcreu iciter, io inare- proni4 de liv.ry. Uireci all leticru io J. 1) II OFF MAX, Sec'y l-arJ l .Supervisors, liox im, P.O., l'hila. The following is a schedule of the awards to be made under ihe Civt distri bution. The items of diamonds and other precions !one were pnrehxcd fimn ckizens of the South during the war, and their nccuincncKS is certified to by Mewns. lleule & Uros , the niot extensive diamond impjricrs in hc country, and by J. Hermann, diamond wtter, New "Aik. CETTVSIil'ItO AfiVLCM FO-1 INVALID Incorporated by Act of Awx'nihly of the Counuiiiwelth of I'enn-vivania . Slareh Cth, If 07. Office 1 12S, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FICST DIKPOH1T10X Kiglily Thiieaiid.ubK-riWal g-5 Each. 1 1 Pi:i:i.nl XertU??, 4H U.-i!liaalk. !ajl al iW,(HX) 2 1 li4;no-M;!iui'.-r V.rovh an 1 l.-ir Rit:; 1 ',,() at Ji.'"i 8-1 41 A-l 1 7-1 1 V I Aw lJ0-l'J4i'H t lU,a.U I'i'-it.i'.; I'.fnv. j.;t in k.l.'rw li.-o'i';ii! '!u':r I'r'MW-n Av.-.).l JO.i'KJov't 1'-juu4 l.-:'.:i.o;i! i?ing!c ftl. I.ilix Djtll'K ii'l 0;r Ui'4Mdt hiuwjii I .Vii.tltf on! Sc.i. f riu... 10 1 &K.-iK.ndC1iiir l!roocli 1 1 1 I.'i.-i.u ,!i 1 C'J-il i- V.rtweUA 12 1 I'a;r fine -f'.cnc l;a- 4sm 4,Wt 4,tMt z.tm :;. 2.-Vit 2.x) 1,K) uiV.iJ lar Bia lfl 1 Iisu..'aJ C!ul..-r IJioocti 113 Ana: ! JO.tOG iT I J5onls 1-j 1 I'inT.; ii l ftn'f- .jana Yin 1' 1 JHsiiu'd fin! su-si at nit JI 1 U'auioa-l t''.-.er ISrwidi I linr:i''t .rinif -tony i.ia li 1 Irian ! . Emf'M Urouca -0 1 f'iau'J .irJe sionj Ring 21 1 ItiauoB-J Cluster l:.'o... 2:' 1 Lnn IuJia Ci:.el Hair Wi-iwl ; 2C 1 Chicc EiuerjJJ Siail...... -i 1 Sinlt.' hloae Dtauion'l u;i 20l Sl-10 Aar liof 10-40 Got' Imiii'Is, each '. j 1 Tiirec stone. diamond & 1mi.- hoir S'j 1 iiiiiou1 single Moue s EnrKiiols fj 1 I' r Ji im'U clueicr sluJn '" 3? 1 i!anionJ tiule stone J'.ii g. siar felling - 21 1 tjiaiuM iry!e utone Tin 40 1 dlaiu'd CIii!ier braceli-i 41 to 00-10 Ann -Is of 10 4e Gov t 1! iiul, each 51 1 I.a ly'B 'liiua'd sci wa'c-h hi 1 iliam'd sialic fcloiieri;i 6o 1 ili.iniond and opal c!u.i- u-r I in pr cl:atid sinak- eluucrUJ 5...1 pair Knild Marf YU V...1 l'ud fcinaic floae itod "7...1 diuiuoud CitLtJi r i'in... W...l tuSLtoaxi J pearl lliwucli nil tar r'ug-' M to 105 llt'j Awards 10 lo Gov t lJonJn, emrii 1C01o2jS Joy Aard, Gov'iui Lvgd '1 tllJvtd, twM.ii. C,W) Avrai'ds, Covei iiuivUt 1,00) l,jOC 800 i 500 40 2'fi 2'iJ :.(( liO 100 1W) 109 hcul TciK'eji, fc li... 6 The distribution of the above award will be iiiade in f.oblie as goon h the sub.-ifripii'iii is full, of which due notice will be pven through th p:irs. On aiid afi- r Msy GtU the Diamonds will Lc on exhibition at the oSnc of the As-soti'-.tioii. The public can rely on everything bt-in conducted iu Cut uiuti tiuoorable and fair manner. All liie aaards will be haiidd to certifitiite holder?, tintne. d.'Myly (ir i!i ituu-.'K, Tre cj il 115, tfJHKCT Struct, l'J U CKIiTIFICArK. Ye hervhy certify I Lai e bam ex amii'd tlie UUwou4 jxxU, Tftsrlw, lOiiiffi ald, and oilier l'r.dou ftoti', a dwijd iu ilic i1ove lift, and f.ud iSiciii alt gamine, UKSW, VYA)'; Dmm wirizr, Maiden mt Voiik. J. lUWMAS.V, lwwnl SctVr, J5St J5rwn:c Jit , ew yti. A:;X y A.1TK5), IJoot.? n l Jia'l pt)ntUtttK W irn'ificat 0K HfSOKFM IHttAAm, All otAcr fr eertiJlwUis ist lie ddrl n J. 1, KF! MAX, fite'j. ST PA- alt ).!. of ifh t'l itwir, TUr. BlJ, .! f''i8(S?iKi d fJtwl, A!! a-k swstV.4 do f L fc ua -?--5k! and irorkntnutbip. Cx!J eiiJ fjcsnjifii'! nay rk and nn's Sii I feel oaferit mj nark ia gWe faliffae tini a4 107 pr5fr r? a iw. if aol ltiwr Slin s!i-'jr are in fi t;!i- nrt. Oil.Uf, L. BAG KB. nr;33;7tr fcl. Jury's, Pa. IX T1IK MATTKH i To SJie Crt of 1 of H;e Icc,rp-Jra- I CV?uuicn Fleas non t f tLe " Klk of K"! J Ojuziis Uailroal and j Xo. II j Mining OaueUc." j 157. .btite is hcrct r siren that the cier tifieatc of the CorporaffiiM of the " EJk Gv;ii7 R. ilrsaJ esj Micinir Gazette " dm been fi cd ;n my t)ffic; and if no siiu.-tot ca-.sc is tuowa 10 uc Ci.ntrsrr. .1 . .... c' a (ii-cim ?i corpora! ion t'ui ws made at tc jest term of tie Court. GEO. A. -BATIIBtX. May ?th, 1SG7. Prolhonotaiy. IXTF.XSE EXCITEMEXTI CLOTHING,! CLOTHING ! CX.OTHI.VC far the SIUHvh ! A Well Dressed. Man KUYS HIS CLOTIIIXQ AT T1IE STORE OF GEO. T. HIXTENACn, IX ST. M All VS. ST IS ALWAVSTIIB fi V. IIIXTEXACH having uUn n JT lire cnirol f the cttahlnfhnient loruierty co(ii. b 0. , lintenacti & ., would retict fully inform Ili etH-u-n of Elk eouuiy tbat be i prepared to turoteti Iheu wUh Hie UcetKind of Clothlnff ai ral- wliicfa dely covittiiim. Jle.ha uu hand a larjfe tumortumti ot READY-MADE CLOTHINfi CotiioMinftof VAST. VEST8 t'OKTS. lie ias t.ijrcljal in ,,,,, t' ,.)cu te am di-pwse f t fytj,it :il)'- 60 CO!l. ilia ii;oin', VuntMux At.znmcui t peia:ly tulapwd ta . ... eiomor. H? J. a lrp and x;TiiiT oi'K-ls of t.'UITIIK, CAKSIMEItl'f?, IS:H at the laleft aud fxntlern, wjiic-b he will uilte to or-ltr ia a neat and durahie lonoir, and atCttEAl'aj it can he done tny place ia the eoantrj. GIVE Hi M A CALL. .ali-f.clion euar- LLtoed, aod ponds armnte-t All he e.pfca ia FAIR TRIAL to j-rove it. Si. 5Uiy- I'm.. Feb. 14. 1807. nAlXES HEO" riAMIS. THE VI IM) OF AMERICA! Tii ese Pianos are nniTersaUV akiiol clpe'l Ijt couij.Hnt judges tijual to the best ra!io aia-le. For r-f:rcnc", iher liaie 1.H.1.V llioufad city nid coun'ry reci lfu(ff, iuc!u''.:!is lar?cunilters of the IligU Schools, Seminaries, kc. Tliese l'ianot bare nut only s'ow-I liie continued urn and lieaTj practice of on year, but liare bit-n used ilic last FAeen u.-ir. Ilicrn. Tlicy have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such ha been I lie demand for these Tiiuioa, that Meaara. Huiues Dry's Late been compelled to en large their to the catcui of 21 to OU l'iaaos a week. Having now on-s :fthe iturf ctt'.'mite gu I co:. plcie FaHorica in the L'uitod FtaU-, I'alork alone eoT-riiiy v"r tlirt fourih of 1111 acre tf ground, e.ii;pr:ieir a fi!iia;;e of 21'l feel ou !vciiad An na'. Ticv are undouliled'y l!i elutioi-si bi-t-c'.- VisMj iu insti'kcl. Fully (riar .ni'M d f-.r Svc year, fv-cd l r ll'nMtatvd Crtu Uir. HALVES URO'fi. ii-Ai, Zj, Si, :i;. 8 8i;870,S72, &sC4iiid Avenue, tuar71W3mos Xew Toi k City. 10 It S A EE-The tore-hvute and Lot oceupiel by Eurke and Wood ia offrred lor sale. A di-eirabie Lication in the thriving Loroush of St. Jfary'a. Apply CIIAS McVEAX, Uctzinper I. O. Jan. 3. C7.tf. lilk Co Pa. s -iluiiT. JOilS G. HALL, lJl'IS VOLLMtK. JAS. K. T. HALL. BAKWS'i-UorE OF horl. gall & Co. Cut tuin t, l'tisa' l'ini.',utt. All kia of work done dne ia a tir'ir)r umuavr, aad war. rm4. iii)ultti.ii in tt f.xr'l to ryk iu ilia German, mich r Engltwb lao. aa- Maren 1 1. Iif. T I KT O l: n A UK KKKI-ir I li fecoi.Ui AwraM -f;o)t. If;;. Kwklle lflTit' SlMs-uT Kam-J! fui ii, U, iU&.-K?er. V A L'b r Jvb ill-lw- E (ut - I, Amet i J A -l-w m'VjiI- . . lif wn ff ir.odwrd I X fy J C!!i.-4t liiiia d;aMStrit. i S? R, a! Mr4C N cf r -;ff,WN J C Cl-an'a fccira trv i;jyii-(t . E w T4 II V'w(n( j t-t AnJwErfJ,fi l-iiiif.-r r&4 fr-snw ty':kflfi t N n; j(,(t-,, V, KJL'BT T Ii O C . AKATl'o'v V .ra tin? tl.irLL Tl . iiwsftt, i'yKVt, st,i Koo. E. C ffftliii5f7? and J!u, Joss Kltr, Aw rieJLf tfce Cctf f i'vmttion Pl&as, and Jtulkca f f; Cftt of Ci'istlcr Fawmtl, 1 (Ir; lnt'; Cirt, tii Cwtrtof )yr and T(,TOtftf, and ftcncral Ja;l Vr.liv&ry, for the trial yf ftspijal and olbtr olunc its tli cwtnty of K;k, Ly ilicir iet tUtomnYtiMM. bare t)id.i5d tbe bi'ntf! mtrfi cmrtx to Ii holdf.-n st Ilidjray, ia 3,d f,,r ihe muutjcf V.lk,ott the Snt 31 OX MAT IX AUMPrf f it Wns- tfc? fttb MAT of the month, am toeoaUane cue ck Xi;s w bcr:by jjmn to the Gtroncr, fl.tt(tt the Pts?, sad CVoMiaMcs of ins tftly d Jk, that tbsj are by !;' freoepl e unhanded io be tbcu and ll.ctc iu tLcir prober iM.n, at w'efock a. in., t.f raid Jay, wiia tfietr rcctd and Jzytions., and otber retnetnlrancc to do those tbins which their owces appertain to be dace, and that ail J nstiecs cf aiI coanj make rctarn' of ait the rccostiiiancas entered mtti Ik lore tuetu, try ihc Clerk cf tbe i.oart a per Act cf Ar;tiitly, yfed May 4, 13 i. And those who are t-our. I by tbcur recoynirencca t vrose- cnle the priviocra that arc or ehall Ic in the jail of said county trf Elk, 3nd v be tben and there to frtisccaSe against tbea as ktall he just. 3. A. MALOXE, Jlay SO, lsft7. KhtriSi PF-LOCEET 0RGAX3 & SaELODFOXS. I'nanimoosly aaardI ihe firot Prise, A GOLD HF.DAL, "AS THE J1ET CAlilXT Or.GAXS," Am. Inrt., Xew Tork, Oct. 1305. Being pronounced runerior in Quality, Power and Variety pf Tone, and iu number of eombinaiious. ; " As the beat infirumenla tf America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left i-nr." Aci. Art Journal, c-diled by a well-known hiii:cl eriiie. ... They hve i.i.o i.Ceu tha CtU preiaia wbero.'o ehibii7l luir Mawu. 1'ti'AL ()l'JSSti, oae and liir'-e banks of kcra fit sunt S'Z-4 10 Sl.oi'O. W ithout bWH3f and douMe t-iak io yrraurariely, l $t'AK Tii- Of fan wilJt iliclrtiiioib, pipUi, ualiiy of tuue, beautiful solo st i&, nlitLjL.lt of chorus, one uaUeJ pedal, and g cut-ial or(fn-bke effect, are auperior for CLarchea, lla'la, I'arlom and KebooU. Tlity are pul up in caca of Solid Walnut, fancy T-iiet red Wal nut, new aud uui-iie aiylt) aud eieiit Ii rne o'"l, of fplendid dt;tfua and Cuius, aud of toe best workmaarhip ! it Itfinpr intended tbat each lri -truiucui thu'l be a modelof its kind. All lutruiueuis dou to a Cue octave urtabVe Meludton, hat e the beautiful Trvmolaute atup, without extra charge. A Uirfcc aAsortment e-inftant'y on hand al our Ucueml U bUale and Beuiil Ware-rt-ouis, 811, liroadway. Our 1 11 u rated Circular aad Price Lists, with our new aiyles, ate now ready. Send fur a circular. 1 ELuCBET. PELTOX k CO Mauufaeturera, Xo. 811, . inarlloia Eruadaray, X. City. S al at? i s IOHS O. HALL, AMorary at la. Ei-lp-way, Elk eounty J'a. mr -Z Vi ly. JOIi WOISK of al) kind an l das. ctijdioua dnc at I hi offif-c. 4 LriK HOCE.. Mary a l a. n :tuf. t r, Watranta. k.. on Labd taw,, at Ihif J?i.-. a u. n. .ni.n i i ,m.i,i l lirijMa I ,Tat p-'jirj-on, jm, wary , la. A. iff. HILL Swt- Elk ctrtr W)J! rwtrtlT answer ttnrf.,i- ealfa t.y nrjrlntl r Jsy. ftitr-'t''My. TTV tCTtKTlM?? I'f.ydatifsTsuT- 7 ft. Mxry' Eik c-vawy la. Bue-2r&-ly. 1; ACP.IE J. JJLAKXLV. Atlomrr and C.cn-Jr at law, and C. S. ComrotS' r. EHjrway P. O. E:k cnnly. Pa. o.r-2i! i-ly. SOUTH ETt AM) riLL(K Attmcyir 7t liw, ItSJway, Efk conuly Pa., trjTj astnl to ail ofj)'tta! bntn? f(rimj, -'7' luir-Z2t-ly. Tyi- y. 15, !UBTM,lV,)t. V.vrj li 1 wrtty, I'a. I(vfth Artny tti l'w(AWia, I'f icntar Uei-ivm pi-n tn ttU 01 mitjpeiu oat are, mar-is (iVl y. A-fe. SflfEELrii. I'rf.i ly to.I in tW (i.nrir-if r.ilusr' ,f Centre riJic. Evfy attention paid t the etmrett at pietfs. 1 J';7if XOB PBISTIXO. tarFist Card-, f i Hand loiLv 11,11 Ha.ls Ae.. dose i Ihe ADVOCATE OFFICE on eiiort notfee ati'I at re'aftfnWe prices. CD. YOLK. Manufacticrer an l Ireale io Latctr Beer, sptiojiie the Railroa.I Vir-ot, St. M try s, t..s cuentr Pa. SIar-22-M-ly. B'-jniVELL-13TDMESESOEB Irtoa; jirte, Dealers in Vrxg-t ao 1 Chemieikls I'aintj, Oitsanl Vrti--:t . p?fixmery T'i?I. ct article and Stationary. Kid-way, Eft ertrnty Pa. rjir 'V ly. HEXP.T II. THOMAS, Dealer In all tlii'Ii cf Fimttwre, f priBg Effl an'! Mnurcixev, Picture Francs acl Ci5o. Et4!Tway Pa. Ware T.ntim mi ef cirner or JJaia ana Dcpil Ht'a. may- rt'i-ly. DH..J. S. EOR&TTELL Electie Pty-i-cs.nn. Laleof Kxrren cittnty Pa... wEH ptutrpily snwcr al! t-rr ,fwrra aJ eatls It night cr day. Keidne one d'r east of ins late rMideitee of Hon. J. L. Caiia. Mar-2-rCO-Ij. OLrTER & BAPOX, Mannfactorcrs and Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Orders solicited and promptly fltel at mar ket ratas. aaKfth-OT-ly JOifS C. HALL. -MS. K. F. BAU. HALT. X' TtTr ... - - - - ' " x ' . AtlOfU'- -;t - Law. STmAKY'S : ' EEXZIXGEB P. O, EI. IC COCXTT. PA. fc'cptcmber 20, 1 SGG. ly. HOtrSB, K6 to OffSAJCEHTAL FAnmSflf, rauiji MKHCKIKKK W O C L V R E X apcetfoKy inffjrm the citizens of ESk eoaniy tl,t be has jnt ctarte.1 in the alioro btwiinexe in Eidrwa. arr1 fW! ta mar farnp bim with thfdr enrtom. na Aixtvrt PA PES I1A.I5 AVD CAUrliflTIXfl DO.VE OX flflOKT XOTICK AND IV tiik tcosrt ihi'onab1aand improivnd manner and iyV. Orders If ft at tUU fnTi.-e or at ihe tanking Haase rif Stmlher, WHIiii & Sonlher will be promptly attended Io. W. P. WILLIAMS, ihsj-J( w-iy. rprjAVEB IOCSK, ,.,.PA. JL 5'rtiTietiw. VA.VlUx1lfH hai.. i. ',1 . t -ii eouiir.o Iioui hoiftl on ,,uthwtt corner of Ceritr and Mill srtert, wnii and convctflent xlabltng; atltehed. rejeet fiiily if!aU Ihc pacrotmjte of las old fnen-U and the p-if lic genervl'.y. JeclS't!; ly DAVID T? AVER. sweiTagsb, JOSEPH WINDFELDc R tl OF TUE sr. Jf.tn-s jtuEWEttr, Taies tills method of announcing to ti e Public, that dating the pa-;t season be has manufactured TEX TIMES MORE LAGER than he has ever before brewed in one season, ) that be will be able to snpjly Private Families, Saloon?, and Hotels. with a Superior Article of th'ia favorite beverage, at a price that cannot be nbdetsold auy where CD the line of tbe V. &. E. Itailroad. On or about the 15th of 3Iay be pro. poses to " Srcafc itr Mall " of bin Ysults, where be bafci-toro l it, aud of which thcpubliis are rcppeetful'y re. titJCftcl to take nvtice. DtX'r uTi aLipid aa soon as recciv wiih pMu ptocss and despatch. i5,Addres order to JOS. WIXDFELDER, JSr. 3lAav'ti Uatwtav. lien tinker Port Office, ap25tf. Klk County, I'a. The Girurd fJfe Ittsttrure Annuity & Tmst Co Of PUlXAD'.k. CU. 1 R TJ? JS El) i.r Ht CASH CAPITAL 5 24Q.OO0.Ofli AcET3 , i4.-,i.i,5. Hutual Iunuranoe combined with tLe ft. ourity of eaiital. -- - -For inri ranee apple to JOH3 G. HALL, lUujrway, Pa- .LlCEXED AUCTIONEER. "JOTICE is brrl.y giren that 1 hnve ln'( ea out a iie.tmn as anctiourcr, urn" will i tl rrwcufytor the calling .,1 all rl eotfiit il (., ity cn,.c. I Ar tnm t-nZirg ie!, wittiont a li- : il aniaiidlp 1,1 tl,,. ion..,, t ,b,','- 1'. W I'.A Hit KTT, ltcc2llc-JCf. Auetioneer. "IItIKEu;& WILSON'S SK'Ar. V F-'JACnrXK.S. The under .ii'. t twiti toen appointed .ole Af.-nl f-r I irt.-W of Hfiwler & Wil.Ws Scwi, . Uein f..r E!i comity. Ic tcep- 1.11 '.,nt,,n,i f,h(.j;y i,nnd. Mnclui;--'.. I at Pi iSfW,-l,iaai.l New Vcr price-:. Any p.njfr9 tJ..ti.-Ai.i of obtaining them S'i'lrM, J. K. WIMTMOllK, Satch M.' ty. at Uidrway, p-.. ULACKSMITIIINCI; TL . RCLXAl' desires to inform the i ' Ki'tfrway and vicinity that he M.-d J. j?. lf,,Va ItlacksTnith Shop ,1 ..tiH r?et. ottd has employed pood -,v.v !--Witwi;i l.e ever rendy to make at , -ti,;'.j froM n hucV.e to nn anchor. Panicutiirauentioii given to the shocirr of hnr!. Ml I a,.k is a fair trial. M;y 1 7'C5-I.w, II.' E. 0VEiMini,T7i.-n JIEKCIIANT TAILOR, JUclvvny, ink Co., pa. Tte Buo;rif:Y4e(.irps rerpcctfnlly to ir f.tm the eiir'ztnsof Ki-lgway nnd vicinitr U.f. lie 1 .i-;j.snd 10 make to order as wo' t ?. " ywhcro, nnything in thn liw ofljifKiflSMs. All ho asks is a f'ai trial, Gwxl v'un gnniantecd. W.patU, f assimcra, Tcalinits nnd Tnmurifcgs t,f the latest and most npprovou ty ki14 CUfturnlr on lmtwl .l,iu ;i, fce fd CHEAPER THAN TIIR THEM'. aug.SO.y T SHEI1EI1. r T Denier m Ua'fcJ.vnn, 0igni?8 t).)0 gljcji i.rcsio jcoo.vs; Aw. 45, W ylren.v.', Cocy, i'c-.nrr. Kc-fp-r to J. Powell, II. F. Ely, Ridpwr.y. firmer, Clms. Haigeu, St. Mary s. Igcasiu. vnpd. 5tfere.1ijlile. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAIL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T TV HAi v.VRREN, TA. KISTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, FA. 1I- rAr.iAYAr.cn fit aSS, fStfonty 'elc nsed by first class nu... Liid icfi, au l. shonsnndu of fnmilics. It ie Ifcintffri! polish, making tho iron 'OMf.iify sr tho cloth, siivinpr much jif an I lihor Ooods done up with it keep M(Za mai;i U.ug'.r, couseiiently will not V wesir oat ta soon- It makes old liucu look like ncc. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the bct fn the world. It is soluble in hard a scii a oft wntor. It is put up in the 3afet. noacet, and most convenient form if any a fere! to the pulilic. I' is wsrranied no ti srcnk the clothes. Age .ts rui!J everywhere, to whom wc oiler cx- raor-l:nary indnceuients, Address, XLW VOkSK STARCH GLOS3 CO. Xo. 2 Fulton St., New York. -:kewshop. TIX! TLX!! TIN!!! STO KS ! rroVES ! ! STOVES ! ! ! &Suheim5r & Co., ' W HML1.I LK CRIVl'Mt. nr" l,i:i!S. fcT. Jt.-uv'8, PA. Kccpa coiistautly ot. hand and for sale, a kxpc and well fleeted stock of TIN WAKE, 8TOVKS kc. Wd havo ertrylbins generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Huk V t.f STO V K8 eoui'ts in part of AT.'TI DtTST PAH LOU & coo r. ixc yroviis, AliTO IKOX GATE & WHEAT eiiEAP STOVES. STOVE iiPE can be bad tit our t-hop c 1' !i-:-r rivet. -J or proved. Si1-4.fi .-.! AND RiKiVINi'., lloliO OU it it rioticc and at reasonable rates. Juue 1 ro-ly. A. II. I11.ii, A. 1. Vi'iLeoa, 11. Emkuson, F. Al'AMS. fJ.U Y, VI I AM X Co, WH0LF...ALE GROCERS. il'. MAllY'S, Opp-iolia Alpine House, ;Elk County Pa. - DEALERS IX Flour, Feed, Hutter, Chn'j, Feed. Corn, Salt, Fisht lork. Ham, Powder, C.nbt I Fruits, IVef, Eeaas. Vails, GLs-s. A5D STAPLE GROCERIES L'tt-t-xUi 0 Ibtjij ly.