uThe (iMk Sldioralc, A WKEKLY NKWSlMl'HIt, Devoted to the Interests of t'ae People ol Elk Co, is m hi.ihikh kvf.isy Tin i.shay, nv .loiiN r. moouf. Oft.? in III Civrf I!m. If nis une !.. .:' Fifty Cents per iinmim, uivin miily in advance. No ucvih lien from lhce termn. .IOIIX (J. 11 ALL, I'uoritirroa Kates ot Advertising. Adin'rs nn.l Dxccuto'-'s Notices, cm ti titties Auditor's Notices, each Transient A'lvi lining, per square of 111 lines or less. M times nr less V.ircneh si iTst- ii l-h t insertion I''ofession.-il dais, 1 year f fecial notices per line "liilnary nnd Marriage Notices, each V -arly Advertising, one failure V ?ar!y Advertising, two j u :iii'S Yai'y Adver'ing three siti:ires V -nrly Advertising, r-it unni YniHv A'lvi -rt istig, column Yvuly A 1 aoi i si )i l'. 1 column A Weil ivctncv.ts displayed mure tiian ir-liintvily will be charged fur at. the late 'per column) of h , ."0 . 2 f( 2 00 ml o 00 I". 1 00 10 00 1 ". 00 L'O 00 jr oo (,o To oo oo oo JDBBI.MG DEPARTMENT. Having lately milled materially to n.ir stock of lob Type, we are prepared to to nil kinds ot work m a manner whicli ean not be excelled by any establishment be tween Williamspoi I aii'l Erie. Cards, Hill Heads, Programmes Chocks, Note-, Handbills, Elaiiks, Envelopes, Labels, Tape, Visiting (.'aids, Letter Heads nnd any other Work try office. sually doue in a couu. cMk (Count!? IHmlorn. COUNTY OFFICERS. President .Judge It. (. White. Aiulitiutial Law JuJgo llcury W. W Hiatus. Associate Judges K. C. Schullzc, Jesse Kyletv district Attorney L. J. L'lukely. Sheriff James A. Malono. Prothunotary, &o. (r. A. llullibun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent dame'? lilakely. Commissioners William A. lily, J. W. Taylor, Louis Yollmor. Auditors Clark Wilcox, I'yron J. Jones, Jaeoh McCtiuley. County Surveyor Ceo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDINU COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday iu August. First Monday in November, B E A L E ' S (latc Powell's) tJF. M 11 KOCATION! 1011 ALL UREASES INCIDENT TO Horses, Cat tic and I lie Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the, kind yet of fered to the public as au external uppliea lion for (lie diseases for which it is recom mended. We are satisfied that it w ill work its own road into the confidence of all who use it, and those w ho try it onee w ill never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, an 1 all who have tried it to be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation lias been put up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand and urpenl request of iny friends and the Public that 1 send il forth as the grand remedial ngcut for the various diseases to w hit h that noble niul u-cfiil aniinal, the llOHHi, issubject. Many remedies have been ollou-d to tho l'ublie under dillerent forms, some of these are injurious, others at best of little use, and many wholly improper to answer the purposes for which I hey are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from those objections, luis therefore Uing been desired by many gentlemen who .;ve valuable horses, and arc unwilling to trust them t tho care of designing and rctondiug Farriers. Their wishes arc at lei.gth fully gratified, by Dr. llealo being prevailed upon to allow thia valuable F.iu lii H'ation (tfhieli has proved so clllcaciotls to tho various diseases) to be prepared und brought out to tiiu public. This embrocation was extensively used 1 y the Ciovcrr.iuciit during the war. Address ail orders to Hll. EDMUND EEALE, (i'ej, South Second St, 1'hil'n. !.-." For t'ale by Hordv.ell & Messenger, 1'. blgway, l'a. npudly Mlii MOST KELIAIil.K tT.SlllON used on Uilliard Tables is the CAT-OUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Knvanngh & Decker, and pateiitel Dec 1. 1 still. (Sec Scientific Atn r;e i:i, volume 1',, number 11.) I: is the ONLY Cushion that poscsoss nil the qualities essential ton perfect Cush ion. If is the most clastic and most durable Cushion ever otlcrci to the bt!liard-phy ing public us is iibiin lantly .roven by the great demand for it siio-c iis introdiielion. The peculiarity which distinguishe tln CAT-O'LT Cushion and render-, it superior to all others, Is the tightened eorj id' cat put which overlie- the face an I edge of the lubber, and running the lull length of the Cushion, which prevents the 1., ill from bed ding into the rubber and jumping from the l.ible. The addition of the cat-gut cord uUo adds umeh to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The C VT-fil'T Cushion has already been npplied to over llMMI tables which Are in ei.ustant u-o D can be ajiplie'l to tables ofanv make, f f " To per sei. KA VAN A! il & I'F.CKKIt'S Factory, at tho coiner ol'Cenire in 1 f inal Street-, N. V., is the niu-l c.iriiplete ot its kind in the worhl. 'i'he lo.iclnii'-ty i-, ot the 100--1 im proved chain. Hi', the io ab r drying room t'10 largest in the I 11 i t I S'-.i'f, i'ie male l'al used the be -t t!i.;f :i n b.' . 0 I el, used, nn.l the worl.oiin l!ii.ii:ilil.v skilled. Dilliar l ( I'. ih, II.ill.-. l ues and 'J'riiu loings, a'l of ilie lo -l ina!.", col. -lantly on hand. K'lvuu.igh aa I I'e, ker are the only agents in this coiini.y for KA YV) C UK CK.M LNT, iidjudged by c"iiipet,nt aulhoiilics to be I he lies! ceiio iit evi r used. Full Suo Tables cut down for f 100. Snul fur tlnl,-atI I 'fin' List. K WAV ''-.I! I PI ?'K I'll. t oi ol (.' . Mi"- and ( ': loi I St s., dj.loly New York Ci'v. HHF tSILVI'll fiKIHT, MOKE DUIIAULE, MORIC ELASTIC, MORK (iltACEFUL! Anl will keep its slnpe nnd retain lis plncc better than any oil er Skirt. Ill im tn I cmir 1 ftylc of Skirt (Tat cr.'nol m'.irrr. 7, lf!"i5,) trus nwardtd by llie Uttnt fineriuan Inslitiits Fnir, held in New 5 ork, Oatober, IStio, i, SILVER MEDAL, beinp tl-.e Highest l're.uium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs .ire wound with fine plated wire in place of n cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, nnd the whole skirt may be wnshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will bo ns good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the nrdinn ry Skirt t he ndvnnlnges or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops are the came ns those us ed in the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear oh", while the upper ones nri covered with coltoti. No lady having once worn one of our Skirls, will be willing to wear n'iy other, ns the lower hoops of all oihet Vit..lj arc soon injured and soileed. The cent mnleeials nre used in their con strucii.a, nnd, ftnm their durability nnd iic&tisrs hey arc destined to become a 1 'avorito Skirt. Ma-Li'l.;! ircd solely by tho Silver kirt and Wire Mami i cturing Company, 30 am! 3l', lUHG'L.lY ST, NEW YORK. T. S. Sritunv, Sttp't. yfug Pth-ly Take Notice. rpiIE UNDESIGNED WISHES TO L say to the public generally, but more particularly to tho people of Klk County Hint lie bs opened a lilack- smith and Waon-Shop in St. Mary's, where be will be bappy to execute all ordet'3 in bis line with promptness and neatness- I have also purchased the iirbt For Elk County, to manufacture and cell the V. M. Hubbard 1'atcnt Ppi-inc; Wagon S-eat, of which -I will soon have a good supply on hand, or will make to order, any desired style or size. 1 would Dinner nouly tho people of Elk County that any person or per sons lulnngin on my right in tho man ufacture or sale of said scat will be pros ecuted to the extreme limits nf the law. a-'J-iiin LEONARD WITTMANN. 1S07 18G7 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This great lino traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the rcnnsulua- nia It ail lioad company, and is opera cd by them. Its entire !en"tnwos opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th, I80L TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Eric Mail Train 3 47 p. m. l'2rie Express Train 10 42 p. m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 10 47 a.m Erie Express Train 3 SO a. ni. Passenger cars run through without change both ways between Pbiladelpha and Eric. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., Arrive at line 10.00 p. m. Leave Erie at 5.00 p. iu., arrive at New l ork o.lo p. in. Er.ixiKNT Slkkpino Cars on ExVircss Trains both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner 30th and Market Sts, Philadelphia And for Frsight business of tho Com pany's Agents: IS. D. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Fts. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Erie. W. Drown, Agent N. C. R. R. Hal timoro. II. II. Houston, Gen' I. FfJjht Aft. PhiVa. II. "W. GWINXEII, Gen'l. Tieket Ajt. VhiVa. Alfred. L. Tvr.Kn, General Siipt Krie. nil'lllK SEiVlXG MAC1IINJJ CO. J'rincipal OjVcr, Clli IirouJicay, K. Y. C, UK AT I M l'UO V KM KNT in ScwinB Ma chines. Li in pi l e Shullle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine It is thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion hemp; nil positive, it is nol liable to pel ovt of order. It in the best Family Machine! Notice is called to our .iew and Improved Manufacturing Ma. chine, for t.ii' mis and Hoot and Shoe Tilleri Agents warned, to whom a liberal discount will be (riven. No Consignments made, u p JJMl'IKK SEWINU MACHINE CO. July-iyC.-Iy TO CONSl'Ml'TlVES. T TI! IS Advertiser, having been restored to liealin in iv tew weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered cver ai years with a severe lull; affection, and thai dread disease, Consumption is anx i u u .s to make knuM'u to his fellow bullerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will Fend a copy of the prescript ion u-ed, (free of charge), with the duc-iions for preparinjr the sauie, which they ill find a Sure Cure for Cou Miuipt hoi, Asilima, liroiu li'is, &c. Tho on ly object of the ndverli.-er in sending the l'resciipliou, is to benefit the ufllicted, Vnd -plead information which ho conceives to be invaluable ; und he hopes every Bufrercrs will tiy his remedy, ns it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blesrin. rariie-i wishing the prescription, will please address I'.r.v. KDYVAIU) A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County. ew York.d, Oct. li'uh lotiti-ly. ADMTI-N'i CAKVS NEATLV EXECTT (.J ut this oUice. T ARDED A GOLD MEDAL 1 at rnK American Institute Fairl OCTOUEU 19, 18C5. In direct competition with nil the leading makers iu the country. 'PELOU13KT ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. TELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention of pur. chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLO WING 1XS TR UMEXTS Of their manufacture; Pedal IJaso Organs, Five sizes, Five Octavo, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Kccds, Prices $:W5 to $000. School Organs, Nino styles, singlo and double Itce Rosewood nnd Black Walnut cases, Trices, $130 to $2i0. Melodoons, Tiano style and Portable, Twelve Yurie ties, from four to six Octaves, single and doublo Uecd, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $05 to $240. Every instrument is made by oompclcnt workmen, irom the best material, unccrour personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the uauio, is intro duced in them. Among these wo would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much ndmired, and can he found only iu instruments of our own manufac- t ure. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, wegivc t Ho following extracts ; " The pedals I conceive to he unnpproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Vi ni. A. King. " It is a grand, good insirtiinent, and does credit to the builder." II. C. Folgcr, Troy, New York. "They arc among tho finest Instruments manufactured cither in this country or a broad." Win. Berg, J. Mosenthnl, Aptouitu ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Hawlcy, Fon-dii-bio, Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. thetic tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice." W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly plaascd with the ar. rnngciupiit of the dillerent registers." Wm. II. liridbury. "No other instrument so nearly np pronches the organ." The Chorister, N. Y " This instruincni. has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us.'' Independent, N. Y, "The tones and the action aro excellent." Rev. W. S. Leaviit, Hudson, New York. " Tho nioro we uso it the better we like it." J B Hague, Hudson, New Vork. "The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kiuuicuti, Boston, Muss. " Wo have found them excellent iu all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "Il looks and sounds splendidly." SB Saxton, Troy, New York. " Tho most erfect toned Melodcon I erer saw." Guy F No'th. " They fall back on such substantial mer its ns superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that iu all their respects they are well worthy of praise." Musical Pio neer. JHY" Every instrument is fully warranted, nnd boared and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price Lists, .Jo., scut ol application to C- PEL0UBET &JS0N, JitOOMFIJSU), N. J. Or J M Pelton. 841. lirondwav. Kn VnrU . Lonrad Meyer, t'i'i, A roll Street, l'h ad Mever. 72' J i-nb Ki ll.:i. . B liraiuard & hon, Cleveland, Ohio : J A y ' ' "l 1 mom , tucker i: Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner & Ueiurd, Cineiuatii, Ohio ; Joel II Snow, Mobile, AlaUuia, WHOLESALE AUENTj! July O.bti-Jjr WARDE AT THE New Store of WEIS RROTIIER; at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successoiis to Geouce Weis, Offor for sale, nt wholesalc'nnd retail, a well selected stock of Sl'lUXO SUMMER SILKS, MORIXOuSt POPL1KS, DKLAINKS, MOHAIRS, l'lain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whit i goods of every description. FlanDels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and S'hirting in great variety. L,ADIE'S & c IIILDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as JJOXXKTS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, Ac. GL O VKS .0 HOSIER Y. GENTS fimdshiiiy grods of every dcserijitivii, CL O rilS, CASSIMKRES etc., dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for tamilj use. Cedar mid Willow Ware of every do scription. Confectionary, ISrush. csofall kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Piiper Curtains, Reau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Segars and Tobacco. yEBUY OTIR STOCK directly ' from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to (sell cheaper than any other cstabliihrnent in Elk county. THE PUKLTO arc respectfully in vitcd to call and examine- nnr stook and prices ! Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to liavo one of the most eompleto stocks ami tho finest STORE in tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in luc county. Wkis B ROTUERS St. M.:v'i, March lOth'GG. THE PLACE TO BUY IS WHERE YOU CAN BUY The Cheapest. 1 Si GO I 5 a ) 3 2Z Wra a a I i O IS 3 S re O e- E 5 "i M o x d fr P o 3 a s c a o - " 1-5 S OS 2 Mo5 a i S a E'S h- fe- 3 r'-H' M W 1 11. ft ft o o 0 2 P S's: 3 -t 3 a 'SI m a 3 CD rf s il a a M i -w ts S W r- r CO 5' W a. pi IS & re S P Ol 8 3 (Si C E3 Cj P fe) re a MP.? a a o 3 3 33 CD J) e5 11 I a s 4 CD X a. o B - 2 o 9 CO S. o o; -n o c 5" g. S'V1 Of WE SKLL OOODt? AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE nOt'CIIT IN Erie City GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL Prove it. GREAT EN CI TEM EN 1 r5 2 32 a o o o CO O O o & 11 w CJ3 f o H O W o M f n o ri H W M H O W w c I I cn H to s & O vn w c o H cn cn a Til o 7? o ft o o 05 O W o m o W M cn H H a o M cn 'A O H o CM INSCJIlANnt.' AGAINST loss or DAMAU E by FIRli rpiIK Lycoming Cmmty Mutiml lnsttc 1 unco ( o-uiiHiiy nt Muncv l' ..... ti.iues to Insure a-ainst Loss or Ium'Ke l,y rire on all kiln nf M....i..,.i;.. uiul iirivuto iiililin.ru ;,i, :.. , county. Also on Mills. Tiiniicriiw l!:,ri,a slocks of Oram, &o., ut. tin, lowest iii.ksIIiIc mten, consistent, with Bitfoty to llio lusinvr anil liiHun-.l. 'I'l.i, I liiiil Insurance Compiiuy invites an inveslii gation as to its inability. lis capital auiouula to $S,800.000! Tims assuring to every ono of its fnilrona tllllt their Iossum will lit' ttroninllv nnl HulU. fnctorily paij. Its niiinureineni liiisalwuys neen prudent, as its exialt-n:e of tweuty sin years fully demonstrate Agent for E'W county, at St. Mary' RIDGWAY, TINNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOLll GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STO RES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good .Bargains ! CALL& SEE! March 29th, 1800-ly. LAUGH CAPACITY, GREAT Ptrepntli and uneciuilleil fpccil, simplicily and completeness of operation, are i unlit ics ie culiai- to tho Nonpareil Washing Ma chine. It is n siiieezinnr nmcliino co'nstruclcd on strictly nieclmniciil principles, and tho ex pcrience derived from five years extensive use in fcniilics, hotels and public institutions proves il toba of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by roiary nioiion acting on a crank glinf't. ith balance wheel,) which moves the plungers iillcruatcly, is the simplest, least lnboi ious ami most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes tho work with the ercatost rnr.irtiiu o,wi .i. least possible labor. J lie great speed with whicli this machino performs work will I Irt II 11 il n.ul .,.,.1 f. it. st.itcmeiitthat it is geared to give six strokes ... in.: i.iuiigi.i s ior ono turn ot the handle, or. when worked lisin-,.l,. 0K... e drcd strokes a minute Sa'fety to the fabrio washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A chl or bnv of fift chine, and do a week's washing for a family . i suus in iwo io tnrec hours' l line : and it mav b n.lin.l m, i ,.i clothing thoroughly, without assistance Il'otii Ji'ind ritliliiiii Send for free Dtwrrmtiua r:...,i-.- terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of 8ule is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'CO-ly ' SOMETHING NEW ! ! rpiIE SL'BSCRIBEIl respectfully desires I to announce tn Dm r.;r,,n -. county that, ho has recently fitted up an (s- of TIN, COI'l'ER, and HHKBT-IHON W are! on Mum htreet. in Hi,l.0 ,i . ' ... . ' ft, " j , nnvic, UT sliict attention to business, ho hopes U merit. tliA naniMnnAn i r . 7 '"v.u auu imironage or Die community. 1 will keep on hand an extensive and IvVu ,ass0I',,"fcnt f every kind of T1N-- A Uli, and rupair in tho ncatost possil.lo manner, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keen on lmnil un....i., w n ... IWOVJ LL'.t stock of S T 0 V E S 4 suilablo for cither Wood or ('mil. " Ho desires especially to cull the atten tion of liiiiibi riiicu to the fact that he cua supply them wiih RAFTi NG-STOVES made in a superior manner. Kout'iiiz and tSnoiitin? done. I.i m-,1. ,. short uolii.-e. Bt)()lil Ciinnor. Brass. I'nivtnr T.n,l ami Koran iron taken in exehaiifn f- roods or work. lT't.'iivo hiio a call all he aska in iv r,,;. trial. Ciislomers will ii ml In.,, i il...; SI'.RVI. i:.'' r. W. SDUVICK. llidgway, April 4, 1SC7-II'. JOB l'RINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITHiT'st.v Eifccutea at theAc ocate OiEce