The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 03, 1867, Image 2

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    iuiil u. ti i.:., I'ltoru I r. iou.
. uai' ? i is !. i sum .
.Fuly :::::::: : Md, W7
ron .irimi: nr riir .rrrEMr ri.i nT,
OK l'IIir,AIKl.l'!IIA.
Iu Effect V)ji Business aid Finance.
The of gold is upward. There
kx been no sudden rise and no visil.le
r a-Uemeiit, cither as its cruise nr conse
quence. And jet the fact tint tlie
movement is in the direction of higher
i tlues is a circa nstancc too sign'fi j nt
to bo overlooked by ihoso who would
correctly estimate the financial and busi
n ;ss prospects of t lie country.
The tendency might fairly ho sup
posed to be the oilier way. Tho iu (lit.
cnec of the Treasury, so far as it in
understood, is rated on the side of green,
back appreciation. Theio is no heavy
drain of gold for exportation. The con
lition of the London money market,
the remarkable rise in English securi
ties, nnd tho reported eagerness to pnr.
oh ise United Slates bonds ar. consid r -tioris
which make it morally certain that
whatever balance may be against us iu
foreign trade will for the present be ad
justed with bonds, not gold. The crops,
too, wear an aspect that gives no en
couragement to gold gambling. The
grajn harvest promises everywhere to
bo bounteous, and the cotton crop gives
signs of a yield that will restore com.
parative prosperity to many portions of
the South. Iu all probability therefore,
wo shall shortly send abroad products
that will turn the curreut of fpecio
hitherward, and effectually remove the
only conceivable source of commercial
apprehension as to the price of gold.
For tho present movement la its
price, then, we must Keck an txplana.
tion outsido of ordinary business con
sideration. And there is no difficulty
iu determining where to find it. .The
only lever that has for months past been
available to specuhtors in gold is of a
political naturo. They have professed
reliance upon the disposition of Con
gress to circumvent yet more effectually
tho efforts of Mr. McUulloch in favor
ot contraction. Some of them have
affirmed a belief in the likelihood of fur
ther issues of national bank cunency,
and all have operated on the hypothesis
that the existing infl itiou will be con
tinued. These views have imparted all
the life which the gold market has re
cently possessed, and have prevented tho
Btcady decline that would otherwise have
been inevitable.
Au extra session of Congress will
help these speculative views immensely.
From the moment that it became prob
able, an unsettled feeling has been dis
cernablo in tho transactions of the go! i
8iom, and now that it is a certaiuty we
may look for renewed speculations.
Whether the anticipations of the specu
lations be or be not realized is, for their
passing purposes, a matter of no concern.
It is enough that a period of excitement
at Washington is at hand, and there
'ill bo no escape from its baneful in.
fluenco while the session contiuues.
The calculation is, that if a quorum
be obtained on the third of July, there
will be little difficulty in frustrating the
rlforts of those who would limit the
work of the session to the amendment of
the reconstruction acts. Tho more mod
prate Republicans will undoubtedly cn
di avor to restrict the session to the few
days that will be required for tho per
formanco of this specific task. ut there
aro other members who arc resolved, if
possible, to esteud the session, and to
reopen tho vexatious questions which
jeopardize the stability of business aud
exnose finance to tho vi issitudes of
A Wa.-hiugton dispatch reports a pur
pose in llidical quarters to indueo
Speaker Culfas to " announce tho com
iu it tees immediately, so as to be able to
go right at work." What work ? The
removal of doubt and misapprehensions
concerning reconstruction ? The muk
ing sure of reconstruction according lo
the will of Congress aud against tho will
of tho President ? Doubtless these
points will receive attention. 15ut the
work refeiicd to in tho Kadicul dispatch
is of another sort. Iuipeachiuont aud
tho overthrow of Secretary MeCulloek's
present fiuaucial policy are the great
i-uids to be lived. Aud niaik the which accompanies tho an
. o-nceuieut ! " Those who ace iu fit-
vi'f of a long session nay if once
qil.truin is obtained the session will be
k.'pt up long enough to settle defi. itely
the question of inipenthniciit." At any
rate the ntti-mp' will bo made so to pro
long t'.ie session that time shall be af.
lordeu tor tlio agitation ol tlie, var:ois
extreme project wliidi endanger tl o
juwpeiity of the country and tlie unity
of the I!ej uMiean party.
Every intelliguiit business man knows
what the effect of such a session will be
upon trade arid finance. Were the
former iu a thriving cuudition and the
latter endowed with the firmness which
spiings from well founded confidence,
the contingencies of ignorant and reck,
less legislation would excite tin- ai'ness.
Iu existing circumstances, however,
more thau uueasiucss will be created by
the policy which is now unblushingly
proclaimed. With trade already de
pressed and many branches of industry
paralyzed, the effect of Radical agita
tion on the currency qrcslion affect
ing as it will all values must be dis:
astrous. And with timidity as the chief
characteristic uf capital, what but alarm
and difficulty can attend the o.ntiuuauco
iu session of members leagued together
to carry out plans which arc not one
whit more iniquitous han opcu repudia
tion ? A'. Y. limns, (Ilcpublicau.)
Rows Items.
The Fourth is to be appropriately
celebrated at Emporium to morrow.
Posters aunoitnce a big celebration
at Corry to morrow.
Yellow fever is railing at New Or
The City of Mexico was captured
by the Liberals on the 20th ultimo.
The President aud party were at An
napolis on the 20th.
The Sultan of Turkey has arrivod at
the l'uris Exposition.
Maximilian was shot to death bv
order of Juarez on tho 11HU inst. So
say the telegraphic reports.
Judge Swayne, of the Supreme
Court, lies at the point of death iu
No presidential message or depart,
tueut reports will be submitted to Con
gress on Wednesday.
Day betoie yesterday was tho " be
ginning day " of tho new dominion of
The 1800th anniversary of the mar
tyrdom of St. Peter was eelobrated in
Rome on the 28th ultimo.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thumb, Com.-
modore Nutt anl Minnie Warren have
arrived in New York.
The number of voters registered in
Augusta. Ga., last week was 2,414 ; of
luese l,4 l were colo-e J, and 5)38 white
Our eastern exchanges report the
coming hay crop so large that it is fear
ed in some portions help enough cannot
be secured to " make " it. That is
better thau scarcity.
Our readers will bo glad to know
that the tianio of the Pole who attempt
ed to assassinate the Czar iu Paris is
Potrovolowski. Jarocwita Berezowski
It's such a comfort to know.
Prineo Napoleon has again taken
up his residence in Paris, and the Elysee
Palaco is now being prepared for the re
ception of tho household of his Imperial
Two deaths from cholera in Louis
ville on Saturday ; three in Mobile ; one
in Charleston ; ouo in Wilmington ; one
in Norfolk ; two iu Memphis ; one iu
Troy ; and one iu New York.
A monthly lino of steamers has
been started between Liverpool and tJal
veston. The first sailed from tho latter
port on Saturday. " Tho undertaking,
t is supposed, will be a success I "
Si? fat only thiify members of both
Houses of Congress havo arrived.
About 120, properly apportioned, wM
be necessary to secure a quorum. Tho
officers of both Houses aro confident,
from letters and verbal communications,
that a quorum of both branches will
answer at roll call on Weducsday.
Quite a number of nominations will
bo sunt by tho President to the Senate,
should there bo a quorum in Congress
this week. Among these are the uemi"
nation of Ministers to Austria, Prussia,
Mexico, llayti, Consul General to llu.
vina, Ouinuiissionu'- ot Agriculture,
aud several Collectors and Assessors of
tho Revenue and Postmasters. It is
quite certain that Mr. Raymond will be
renominated for Austria. Mr. Ban
croft's name will, of course, bo sent io
for the Prussian mission and probably
General Thomas Kirby Smith for Cou.
sul to Havana.
The Canadian Reform Convention
held at Toronto last week, was attend,
ed by about one hundred delegates, and
closed its deliberations on Friday. A.
mong the resoluiions adopted, :s ono ro.
commending the cultivation of lriendly
relations with the United States, offer.
mg every facility for the extension of
trade between tho two couulrie-", and
requiring a cordial reception by tho
Canadian administration of auy over
tures from the Amcricau government
for a new treaty aud commercial recip.
rocity based on equitable principles con.
sistent with the honor of both countries.
Hurrah fur the 1th of July.
From Bonth Carolina.
Charleston. June 2-").
Tho trial of 1'oag, tho surv:ving prir.
ci pal, and both tho seconds, in the latu
duel, (or murder was begun to. day, and
excited intense interest from the array
of eminent counsel engaged. It is ex
pected the case will bo given to the jury
to morrow.
'J he hose reel presented by the New
York firemen to the Columbia firemen,
arrived by stcamnr to day.
Genera! Stcadmau has written to Mr.
Johnson, asking the removal ot General
HUNTER'S l'EE. Assembly ami Treasu
rer, $10 cucli ; Commissioner, $7; Jury
Commissioner and District Attorney, $o
each j Auditor and Coroner, $3 e.icb.
Mo notice will be laken of announcements
unaccompanied with the cash us per
above rales.
WK aro authorized to announce the
namo ofJOHN LAWSHE. Esri..
of Clearfield county, ns a candidate for
Assembly, in tho district composed of
the counties of Cleatfield, Elk and For
est, subject to tho action of the Demo
cratic party iu said district.
Item gLlciM'LtinenuMtf;.
Oil A XV E FOR A MA li (J A LV !
100 Acres of Timber Land in Elk County for
salo at a .Bargain!
land is sitimtcd about one-half milo
from Kersey Run, in Jay ttwnship, anil is
well timbered with WHITE TINE, OAK
and HEMLOCK. Four acres are cleared
and under good stnto of cultivation.
Its contiguity to Kersey Run makes it
one of die most valuable tracts of land in
Ibis part of the country.
There are two coal banks opened on the
tract, wliich arc four feet thick, and the
coal of tlie best quality.
I have also one span of horses and one
yoke of oxen which will bo sold eery cheap.
For further particulars inquire of the
tho subscriber or Oliver Gardner, at Cale
donia Post Office, Elk county, I'a.
july318GG3m JUSTUS WEED.
L'uh n TTousk"
SI. Mary's Klk County, I'a.
'A'liis well known house has been entirely
refitted and newly furnished with a desire
to meet thu wants of the travelling commu
nilp, and to make il an A, "So. 1 hotel.
.),Vassengcr8 taken to and from tho
Depot freo of charge.
juji27'C71y. Proprietor.
Divorce Notices.
IN the Court of Common l'lcas of Elk co.,
Pa., No. 7. January term, 18U7. Mary
Monigan, by her next friend,
vs. Michncl Mouigan.
Tho undersigned, appointed by the said
Court, lo take testimony in the above Di
vorce case, hereby gives notice lo those in.
(crested, that he trill attend at the house of
Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow, in Benezett, E1k
county, Pa., on Tuesday, the 23d day of
July next, for the performance of said duty.
jun27'67 tc. Commissioner.
IN the Court of Common Pleas of Elk co.,
Pa. No. 15, November term, 1800. Jos.
T. H.uiould vs. Nancy M. Ilanonld.
The undersigned, appointed by the said
Court, ti lake testimony iu the ubovo Di
vorco case, hereby gives notice to those in
terested, that ho will attend to the perlon
inanee of said duty, at Oyster's Hotel, in
I-'ox township, Elk county, Pa., on Monday,
the 2'.)th i.Uy of July next.
John c. McAllister
juu27';7-tJ. Commissioner.
IN the Court of Common Pleas of E'.k co.,
Pa., No. I t. November term, I80I5.
Harriet McCiillough, by her next friend,
Jacob Field:), vs. Julius iMcCullough.
The undersigned, appointed by Ihe said
Court to take testimony in Ihe above Di
vorce case, hereby gives notice to those in.
(crested, that ho will attend to the perfor.
malice of said duty, at. Oyster's Hotel, in
Fox township, Elk county, Pa., on Monday,
the 2'Jih day of July next.
JOHN 0.,
jun27' Commissioner.
J recently opened by Miss DAGGETT
at the residence of Mrs. J. V. Hunk, has
been removed to the rooms over J. V.
Hoiik'H Store, where will be kept a nice
assortment of
Ppl'ii)i qnO jMtlnliKr-
Stamping and Dress. making done.
Mrs. J. V. HOL'K.
m.v2018')7tf Ki.lgwiiy, Pa.
T 1ST OF JUnOItS drawn
J for August Term, lbtiT.
CUANf) jettons.
liiwzrtt. George Winslow, Cok
man F. Johnson, William Derr.
lit:n::!njir. Peter Oeier, William
Gnusman, John stockman.
Fox. Michael Gillen, John Kylcr,
Hezekiah llorton, John 15. Cuneo,
Cliutou Uuiidy, Joseph llonzar.
Jny. Charles Gardner, Samuel Uhl.
Jour. A. I. Wilcox.
Ruhjvcay. Thomas Sullivan, jr., J.
C. Hums, 1$. F. Ely, Patrick Malonc,
ispriwj Crak. Hiram Cannon.
ist. Mut-y. Thomas Uraniff, Sebas
tian Ilahn, George ltettgcr, Thomas
Bvnizett.lX. M. Winslow, William
E. Johnson, I). 15. Winslow, Andrew
Overturf, William Mai ray.
Bcuzingrr. Louis Geis, Arnold Fie
derman, Nicholas Hill, Michael Lawler,
Joseph Sri aur.
Fox. Joseph Ernst, Martin Thalon,
Joha 11. Keltz, William Irvin, Isaac
llorton, sr., John Moyer, E T. Mere
James F. Martin, Henry li. Shons, F.
Sohoeiiitiff, Joseph S. Chamberlain.
J'iy. John J. Turley, John Hess.
Jove. Anthony Cole, Jao. Metier!.
HULjway. Nat. 1 Cumm'uiirs, B. A.
Dill, Nelson Gardner, James I.ove.
S'. Jllary'.M, Wcllendorf, Georsre
Waluisley, John Alios, Wolfgang Wei
gel, Frank Forcubaum, J. Sneerioger,
1 j upon short notice the following kinds
oi Sumner ut the best quality.
di-essod in the best possible manner, from
seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also,
Vie will put on cars when leiiuircd.
Ey-All orders nddarsscd to us nt this
place prompt lv attended lo.
jun2107tf P.idgnay, Pa.
KIRKl'ATRICK have this liny with
drawn from the fnr.i of Short, ILill& Co.
The undersigned remaining co-partners
will continue Ihe blinking bnsiiiesii under
the old firm name, SHORT, HALL & CO.
May 20, '07 tf. J. K. P. II ALL.
Stockholders' Meeting.
1 VKF.TIVf; fiL'TIIt.' STnei.-iini nr-na
of the Philadelphia & Eric R. R.
Company will bo held at the office of Ihe
Company, No. 2"0, Walnut street, in I lie
city of Philadelphia, on Saturday I he 20th
inst., at 1U o'clock, noon, lo lake into con
sideration a joint agreement entered into
nciwren tne malingers ot sanl Company nnd
tho directors of'thn Wnrrpn &. Finn
Railway Company, for tho merger of Ihe
"Bl"!,i iinncinscs nnu property or Hie lat
ter Company into the said Philadelphia &
Erie R. R. Company.
Phil'a, June 15, 1807. Secretary.
r,,.i,.ui,;r, i,)c...... v..
t U'Ontl llin l,-ui tintlnn
- .. ...u u.IUi, luv Kill,
name of Rordwell Messenger, istlii? dav
uissniveu oy inimiat consent. The lioukg
nml nenonntH of llin lit Arm vmnin I. a
hands of G. G. Messenger for settlement.
June 3d, 18G7iCt.
SENGER havinc been this Hay dis
solved, all persons indebted to said firm are
requested to nrnke immediate settlement
with the undersigned, in whose hands the
books arc left for that purpose.
June 3d, 18(!7-lf.
Acknowledged lo be the best ! London
l'ri.o Medal, and highest awards
in America, reeeived I
Mclodeous, Second-hand Pianos and Music.
No 722, Arch Street, below Eighth,
J AH of superior finality, for sale bv the
Tannerdale Coal Company,
St. Mary's, Elk County, I'L J
BQyOrders by mail promptly it tend
ed to. TscptlG '3-tl
1 lie stiiiseriner keeps constantly on hand
all sizes of Sash and Doors, also
V ardrobes.
Sofas, &c
Picture Frames,
Sash Painted ami Glazed,
All work warranted to be of ihe best mai
teriiil and workmanship.
lull ana examine my work and prices as
I feel confident my work will give siuisfac
lion and my prices are ns iow, if not lower
than they arc iu any other market.
1 11 AS. L. HAGEK.
iiiy2-!di)7tf. St. Mary s, P.i.
For Invalid Soldiers.
Incorporated bv Act ot Assembly of Ihe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, March 6.
The Hoard of Supervisors appointed bv
the above Corporation lo carry out the ob
jects of the act of incorporation, respect
fully announce lo the pulilic that the Legis
lature of Pennsylvania has authorized the
raisini; of funds for Ihe erection, establish
ment, and maintenances of an Asylun for
Invalid noliliers of the late war, to be built
on Ihe Rattle Field of Gettysburg, aiiJ as
an inducement to patriotic citizens to con
tribute to this benevolent object, have em
powered Ihe Corporation to distribute a
monst the subscribers such aiticlesol value
and interest, from association with the late
war, or uny moneys, etlects, property, or
estalo, real or personal, whatever, io (his
State or elsewhere, at such tune or wpoa
such terms, and in such way nnd raunner
whatsoever, ns to them shall seem nt, any
laws of this Commonwealth lo the contrary
The enterprise is cordially recommended
by the following named well knows gentle
men :
Major General Georpo G. Mead
Ex Governor Andrew G Curtia
Major General Galusha Pennypacfcer
Major General E M Gregory
Mujor Geuernl John It Krooke
Major General Charles II T IToJ'ii
Major General James L Selfridg
Ilrig Gen James A Reaver
ltrig (Ion llnrutio G Sickels
lSiig Gen Joseph K Kuipe
Brig Gen Wui J llollon
ltrig Gen Samuel M Zulitk
ltrig Gen John K Murphy
lirig Gen T F McCoy
lirid Gen tt K Winslow
ltrig Gen Henry Pleasants
P.rig Gen J P 8 Gobin
ltrig Gen J M Campbell
ltrig Geu Thomas M Walker
lirig Gcu (V Cooper Tally
lirig Gen D M M Gregg
Colonel F Stuuibaugh
The tito fur tho institution (thirty
acres) has already been purchased, and
it is Loped that tho good work may
commence before midsummer.
Subscriptions will lo received nt the
oflico of tho association, No. 112'J,
Chestn-Jt Ftrcct, Philadelphia, 011 mid
alter .Monday, tlie Olli Uav ol M.iy, IS(7
For each subscription of live dollars a
certificate will be issued, which will en
title the holder to such urliclo of value
as tuny bo awarded to its number.
The firs' distribution of awards will
be made, immediately upon the receipt of
SU,(M 0 subscriptions of So each.
The distribution will bo public, and
under the direot supervision ol' tho Cor
pora tt r.
Persons nt a distance arc requested to
remit their subset iptions (when practi
cable) by Post oflico money order, or
registered letter, to insure prompt de
livery. Direct all letters tit
Scc'y Hoard of 8upervisois,
Box. MSI, P. O., Ph-ifa.
The following is a schedule of the
awards to be made under (he first distri
bution. The items of diamonds and
other precious stones were purchased
from citizens of the South during the
war, and their ''C-nuincness is certiGed
to by Messrs. llenle & 5ros., the most
extensive diamond importers in die
country, and by J. Hermann, diamond
setter, New York
Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
March Gtb. 1807.
Office 1120, Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
FIRST msr-nsiTirw
Eighty Thousand Subscribers at $3 Each.
1 1 Diamond Necklace, 48
Brilliants, Talued at SilO.OOO
2 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch
and Ear Rinjrs 13,000
3 1 Award 10-40 Gov't Bonds 10,000
4 1 Diam'U Cross, set in silver 7,X0
5 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 5,000
b 1 Award 10.40 Gov t Bonds fi.000
7 1 Diamond Single St. Ring 4,500
8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000
t) 1 Diamond Single Stone
Scarf Tin ... 4.000
10 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000
11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000
12 1 Pair single stone Dia
mond Ear Rings 3.500
13 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch 3.000
14 1 Award 10.40 Gov t Bonds 3,000
15 1 liamond single stone Pin 3,000
li 1 Diani'd single stone stud 3.000
IT 1 D:amond Cluster Brooch 2.50(1
IS I Diani'd Single stone Ring 2.500
1!) 1 Diani'd to. Eme'ld Brooch 2,500
20 1 Diani'd Single stone Ring 2,000
21 I Diamond Cluster Ring... 1,500
22 1 Lnng India Camel's Iliiir
Shawl 1,50ft
23 1 Choice Emerald Stud 1,500
21 1 Single Stone Diamond
King - 1,000
25 (0 31-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov t
Bonds, each 1,000
35 1 Three slone diamond &
Ruby half hoop ring..... S00
3G 1 diuinoud single alone
Ear Knobs JUKI
37 1 P'r diani'd cluster studs COO
38 1 diamond single slono
Ring, star setting 500
3!) 1 diain'd single stone Pin 5tlO
40 1 diani'd Cluster bracelet 600
41 to 50-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't
Bonds, each 500
51 1 Lady's diam'd set watch 400
Hi 1 diani'd single stone ring 350
531 diamond and opal clus
ter iing 2(K
54... 1 diain'd single stone ring 200
55.-..1 pair Km'ld scarf Pins 2(Xt
5H...1 d'md single slone slud 150
57... 1 diamond Cluster Pin... 100
5S...1 cameo aud pearl Brooch
and car linpts UMI
5S lo 108100 Awards 10-40 Gov't
Bunds, each 00
15!) lo 258100 Awards, Gov'mt
Legal Tcndeis, each..... 50
3,0U0 Awards, Government
Legal Tendeas, each... 5
The distribution of the above awards
will be made in public as soon as the
subscription is full, of which due notice
will be pven through the papers. On
and after May 6th tho Diamonds will
be on cshibiduu at t'uc oGieo of the As
sociation. The public can rely on everything
being conducted in the most honorable
and fair manner. All the 11 wards will
be handed to certificate holders, iuime.
dhitely after the distribution, freo of all
cost, at the office of the company, Xc.
112G, CHESTNUT Street, l'liila
We hereby certify that tre have cx
amined the Jtiamond Goods, Pearls,
Kuieralls, Kubies, and other Precious
Stones, ns described in the above list,
and find them all scnuine.
iauiond Importers,
20 Maiden Laue, New York.
J. HERMANN, Diauioud Setter,
S1U Broome St., New Yort.
BooVs ean lie had containing 20 eertiflcales
All orders for certificates must be
ac!dressei to
J. I. HOFFMAN, See'y.
IJox 1481, Postoffiee,
5-9 w. Philadelphia.
Village Lots in Ridgway !
Price, Cue Thousand Dollars !
A small part io CASH balaoee in tea
V - W Tl -
muux i 1 uweii, umway, ra or
C R. McXCLTV, So, SSO, Broadway,
Kew York, Care Laihmp, Luding
toa 41 C., New Verk Cily.
May 9li, 187-4.
1 N THE MATTER 1 la tbe Coort of
J. of the Icoorpora- j Coju'noa Pleas
tion f the Elk of Elk County
Coanty Railroad and ( No. 11, Aug. T.
Mining OaxeUe." J 1S07.
Notice is hereby givcu tbot tho cer.
tIScate of tlie Corporatois of tha " Elk
County 11. ilnad aud Mining Gazette "
has been & ed in uiy office, and if no
sufficient ca re is shown to the cimt ar .,
a decret of 'acoiporation will be nude
at tun aeii term of the Court.
Maj 9th, 1867. ProthoDirtarj.
Bcgiiter'i Notice.
TyOTICE is hereby given Hint J. W.
Brown and Climlea Winslow, ndmin
islmtors of the estate of Ebcn Winslow, do
ceased have filed their accounts in my otlice,
and that Hie same will be presented' at Ihe
next, term of the Orphan's Court for coultr
mtit ititi. (jix. a. ItATMUUN,
jtir.lVOVtc. Ilngister.
I j ilown loririalal AujfiislSesiioiis, 180V.
Stoekdale 1 'owner vs .Messenger a Kawlo
Sntiic vs (. II. Messenger.
F A Leash vs Joseph WindfeMcr.
K O Clements vs L Arner ct al
James Blown vs li Woodward
.S.S M:iy vs J Elliott
Ilhines' ndniinislrators vs J N Brcedin ct 1 1
Joseph Willi, iu vs James Shrlry
.Ufiid Coxc el al vs England a Blown
J (J Chapin's heirs vs Bryant Emver
John Tudor vs II Woodward el al
Andrew Brehni vs BeniiiRer Coal a Iron CO
T Jackon rt ol C Wainu iKht
Charles Bellvs James Warner el al
V t hcreas the Honorable Thoruia
W. Williams. President and Hon. E. C
Schultzc and Hon. Jesse Kylcr, Asso
ciafe J udges ol the Court of Common
Pleas, and Justices of the Court ol
Quarter Sessions, and Or-.Lnnu'
aud Court of Oyer and Terminer, and
Gcucnil Jail Delivers, fnr flin trial ,f
capital nnd other offences in the county
oi jiiis, vy ineir precepts to me directed,
havo ordered the nfiie.-niil namoil nnnria
to be bolden at Ridgway, in md for tho
county of Elk, on the firet MONDAY
IN AUG US T it being tho 5th DAY of
the month, and to continue ono neck.
Nofipo is her.div mvn trt Oia t,.-..,nm
- J - - -
Justices of the Peace, and Constables of
the county of Elk, that they are by
iiiese preccpis eomnianued to be then
and there in their nrober noisu-na f IO
o'clock a. m., of said day, with' their
.it i i . . . '
rous, recorus auu inquisitions, and other
remembrances, to do those thin wl.w.1.
their offices appertain lo be done, and
mac an justices ot said county mako
returns of all the rccoffniranivw t.owi
into before them, to the Olcrk of the
rourtas per Act ot Assembly, passed
Slav 4. 183 1. And thoso wLn m
bound by their rccognizenecs to prose
cute me prisoners mat are or shall be (u
the i ail of said countvof Elk. and tn L
then and there to prosecute against thcin
I, i -
as snail ic just.
JIay ait, 1S07.
'6W O" H
5- K
a to
I'naciinously warded the First Viixe,
A:a. lu-t., Xew VorU, Oct. 1 315.
Being pronounced pnperior in yualitv,
1'owcr and Variety of Tone, and io nuvnln-r
of coaiViuaiion.
"As tie best instrument of America
were there contending, whichever won tho
bnitle would Laveuoihiuji left (o eonut-r."
Am. An Jouruil, edited by a m cjl-kaoun
musicul ci iiic.
They have also tk?n tie first jireui'uai
whererer t xhibileJ I hi seaaor.
FEDAL OKJAX8, ou, io and tljree
bunts of keys six sixes $250 (a $l,dUtt.
Without pedals. .inle ami double Lank in
(Treat Turiely, to $Ij. These Orni
wiihlheir siooulh, qualify of twuo.
beautiful i-fda kijs, slrecgth of chorw
naeiualled pedals, ad gtxtni rgau-)ika
effrcts, are superior for Chorclica, llalla,
I'arlors and 8 -hooU. They axe put up in
eses of Solid Walnut, ftiney Teoeered Wal
nut, (now and wniijue Wyles) an4 elrpant
liose wood, of f plendid desipns and finih,
aud of Ihe beM woikmaaship ! it bains
intended that each instrument shall be a
model f iis kind. All insirumrnta down
to a fine octave portabJe 3ielodeaa, hava
Ihe tteauiiful Tremulanl atop, without
lira charge.
A large assortment r-oustanlly ea hand
at our t-eueial Wholesale aod Ketail Ware
rooms. fH, 3rolwfiv.
Ir I11usirnd Circular and Price hint,
i:U our new siylea, ar now ready. Scad
for a circular.
l'i:UL'bET, TELTOX & CO.
Manufacture, X. SI I,
marl l&a Broadway, X. V. City.