rr. . r v.. i . 11 iu vumurr, 1 JuHN ii. n.il.f.. I'linrnit.TuU. . Mnoitr, riiii.isiim. TirunsnAY JlUK1 ?7lli, 107, PK.MOGUATIC STATU. TICKET.; run JuiiiiK ok iii e sii'ki.mk ninar, HON. GSO. SHAR.SVOOD, (if vttu.Ain.i.i iu.. ASSEMBLY. . , Iii nnoilior column will be soon tli s ininnmtcpiiiptit ni tin natun ' ot Jnlin Lnwslio, lv(., of Clem field Ctmnly, ns a o.nnliibite 1or Assembly in this ' district. It is practically of little moment, from whit county (lie caiiilidatc comes, yet it does Frem like trampling upon usages mid courtesies that have almost ripened into rights, lor Clearfield to cl.iiin the Asycmblymau this year. 1 he nomioa t'.oc. of Cul. J. 1). Hunt last year was prntifjing (o the f Dtirc district, because it nas hoped and expected that it would tend to heal the breach occasioned by the unfortunate- troubles of the year be fore. It was expected that in the two years which would bo conceded to Mr. Hunt the bitterness occasioned by these troubles would die out. We hope that Clearfield will not be the first to disturb the beneficial arrangement which eho herself made. Nor is there, any good reason wliy Cul. Hunt should not bo lolurnod. II not a brilliant feglislator, he bag proved on honest one, and hon esty in these days of corruption is quite as necessary a qualification as brilliancy That Mr. l.uwshc is honest and capa ble we are satisfied. That, if elected, he would be an able and faithful repre sentation, wg do not doubt. But wo think that the party usage and the cotii. lnon courtesy of the, case require us to .lavor the return of Col. Unit. QtiEiiv ? For iIiobo who are clam, oring for the maintenance of the faith of tho nation. Wasn't the faith of the nation solemnly pledged, 1st, That the war was not waged for tho purpose of interfering with the domestic institu tions of the South 2d, That it Waa not waged for the subjugation or con inert of tho South '( 3d, That the States ot the South should be readmit into the Union with their sovereignty, rights, and even their dignity unimpair ed f Wasn't tiro faith of the nation, we ask, pledged to each of these propo. tuitions, vnd in each o litem Irvkcn ? By the very brazen villains who are now Appealing to the betrayed and beggared toilers of the land, and, in the name of the nation's faith., forsooth, asking them to pay the bonded Shylocks their ac. cursed interest, aod this, though their own littlo ones shall go huugry and in rags ! Exchange., Wise and Tknacious. -Tho wis dom and legal talents of the present Chief Msccutive canuot be bettor illus trated than by referring to theact that during the session of the Legislature ho was in the habit of vetoing litttle local lulls, in which there was no principles inv. lived, because they were uucousti. uti.iual, 83 he alleged ; but signed j-ueli as totally ignored that irccdinan'a havt. Tho Supreme Court has well 1 1 i v; ' ignored both Geary and his J.i-islature, but his vanity fails to iillnw his eyes to behold himself '1 1m " dead duck " had better como l in k, or Geary and hie private Secrc tary will turn the 1'tets into a blowing machine for their own private use ( I ui-field RcpuLUcaH. John Griffin, Ksq ., writes to the Mongrel apostle ol all negroes, giving l.wtury of his innumerable dclimjue . its, and tells him,"l knew you when mi were oue of Fanny Wright's follow ii.;au atheist of tho most ' daiunbl Mud J ' I kucr you when you were th Uuler of the Philadelphia church-burn n. rsin 1SH." This fellow, Kelley, is 1 1 1 tai lily just that kind of shaky timber t.i make tin into a mongrel leader. It i ppears from this letter of Mr. Griffin that' Kelley once tried to burn tho very church where he was baptized thereby tii-nvtntr liinmnlf to tin na irriMil n rnna , . , . i' Lrfie enaKment of laws plaeiu L-ade in religion as in politics. r..r.ir .,.' imiige.. Tun next annual exhibition of tho IV nnsylvania State Agricultural Society will be held at Pittsburgh ou the 2Uh of September. Great preparations are being made to insure a successful exhi. bitinn. Cf7Tlie State Department at Wash, ingtou have interceded with President Juarez, ot Mexico, for the life of Maxi milian, and it is s.u l with some hopes of ; UCCCai, Ths Coming Stulonof Congress. As the Radical leaders have determ ined upon holding au extra session of Congress, attempts are uow making -by them to throw the blame of such a cou. tinualion of agitation upon tho Presi dent They declare that his action un. dor the Attorney-General's opinion upon the reconstruction act has niado it necessary that Congress should meet and piss an extra act, or announce the real meaning of disputed parts of tlio.se laws which tho - military officers - are called upon to enforce in the South. They will not ng ree lhat the legal officer ol the government shall construe and in. terprct this law, . as docs all other. The Supreme Court of the United States is not to be trusted with the duty of saying which portions of their rccon.. struct ion acts are in1 harmony with, the organic law of the land, and which are inoperative on account of a want of power in the Legislative branch of the government to make such regu'aMo ns aud invest them wiih tho binding obli gations ot law and ordinances. The party jp p&wer has determined that Congress shall rule ; that the samo body which enacts laws shall construe them that the President shall be reduced to a mere ember, and the whole fabris of government shall rest upon the will of partisau faction which represents a minority of the people and a sectional portion of the Union. In looking at this position assumed ;y, tho Radical party, it must .be borne iu mind that tho President did not make this issue with Congress, That body enacted the laws by which the South is now . governed, and the military reconstruct i n bills which destroy the States. They erected the military divisions, and made it obli gatory upon the Chief Magistrate to lace persons in command iu those dis tricts. Tins was done, and it was the asking for instructions by those officers as to the meaning of disputed points in the laws they were compelled ta eniorcc that -called forth the opinion of the At. torney-General, and the action of the President and his Cabinet upon that opinion. I lie Uinct Alrgistratc sought no quarrel with tho Legislative branch of the government. lie did not place obstacles in the way of tho mi litary re construction acts, monstrous and absurd as were some of their provisions. . The Attorney.Gcncral did not volunteer his opinion. That was extracted in the usual way, by questions propounded to him by tho constitutional head of tho government. Congress is the party that lias recommenced agitation by proclaiming their determination to open tbo whole issue of reconstruction afresh, and so alter and amend the mili. tary acts as to make them tupreiue over the civil law in all respects. And why this, action of tho Radical party ? It will not be pretended that such a course will have the effect of healing the breach between tho sections. Continued igitation canuot build up the prostrate business of the country, open the mills and manufactories of the North, give more em ploy meat to me-! thanus and workingmcn, spread tho sails of American ships that have so long been furled, or produce larger crops of cotton, rice, tobacco and sugar in tho South.! None of these offects, so much to be desired, will or can be produced ly further agitaliou o'n tho reconstruction question. . The reason for a summer session of Con. grcss must bo sought for in another di rection. The peoplo are turning their attention to the manner iu which the couutry is governed. They are noting tho expenditures and calculating the taxes and talking of reform. This re turn of reason has alarmed the Radical managers and they demand that Con gress shall meet ; that agitation shall be renewed and appeals be made to the passion aud prejudices of the North, as a moans cf bringing back the popu. lar mind to the old channel, and thus in suriug them a triumph at the polls. This is the meaning of tho July convocatiou of Radical managers at Washington. It is not intended that Congress shall legis late for the good of tho whola country. The wheels of the reconstruction car arc to bo still further blocked by impractica. ble restrictions, and the sword ot mili tary power whetted to a kcciier edge by moie power iu ttie liauus ot military coin, maoders. This is the signification of the coming session of Congress, and the blame rests Willi the l.adical party, -there is no need fcr a meeting of Congress in July. Neither the President uor tho Attorney. General has dono anything to make such an assemblage necessary. The South is quiet. Registration is progressing. Law is supreme, and order is as conspicuous iu i the uurepreseulod States as those of the 1 1 North. If, in the midst of such a state o( facts, Stevens and Sumner and other leaders of tho Radical party insist that Congress snail meet, and in this man ner protract the season of unrest, which is blighting all the best interests of the nation, let the responsibility rest upon the Radical party, where it . belongs. They cannot shift it to tho President or tho Attorney-Gcner..!, and thus escape the punishment which will fall upon those who, for the purpose of retaining political power, aro willing to protract the reign of misrule which is now curs ing tho land. l'iilitdvljihia Agi, , For the Klk Advocate. Attorney-General Stanbery'i Opinion. Our friends, the Radicals, appear to be in a bad way over Attorney-General Stanbcry's opinion upon the reconstruc tion hilt. Those who know no better, and some who do, go into convulsions of rage, and declare that ho is wrong and intentionally so ; a traitor; a black, hearted supporter of Andy Johnsonism, and all that. Those who are candid, aud do not fear to ex cress their true convictions, admit that on legal grounds he is correct, and that his arguments would bo difficult of refutation. These, however, claim that though legally right ho is wrong on grounds of public policy. As if anything could be politically right that was morally or le gally wrong. Of ' one thing we may be certain, that if tho law making power, or those charged with the execution of the laws when made, neglect or refuse to obey, the people will also refuse to obey. Those who 'make tho laws should be the first to get tho example of implicit obedience. Such is not tho case with the party in power ; they enact statutes with the hope aud expectation that they will bo disregarded,' and thus give an excuse for further infractions of the or ganic law of the land the Constitution of the Uuitcd States. I Iu conversation with a prominent and active Radical but a short time since, ho admitted that neatly all the acts of Congress in relation to the Southern States were unconstitutional, unwarrant. cd, and consequently of no real binding force as laws ; but when taxed with upholding them, he added, " the South people have done wrong, they must be puuished, and as we have the power, they shall bo bo the method legal or illegal. That "might makes right" is as falso as that the voice of an irresponsi ble majority is the voice of God. There is no effort on the part of the dominant party to punish individual cases of crime amougst the lato ' rebels,' no trials for trcasou, consequently no convictions ; and th rule is that a ir.an is supposed to be innocent until he is proven to be guilty. Instead of pun ishing individuals they punish State, States that from their very formation could not be guilty of crime and thus punish tho innocent with thoso who uiav be, but arc not yet proven to be euilty. Under it government of law punishment follows conviction, but it has been reserved for tho. nineteenth century and tor the I'uited . Stole to furnish tho cxmrola of the infliction of a penalty without previous trial or ever. the form of an accusation. Wo do not take it upon ourselves to judge of the sincerity of geutlenicus opinions, but we cannot help bchevin that a day of retribution is approaehin for radical politic'nus, and that those who wrong and' oppress nn innoccut people, will find dee damnation both in this world and the nest. 7 NIX. Ro.vjon recently reported that Mi Marcus Otterbourg ha been appointed M inister to Mexico . in place of Lewis D. Campbell, but uufottuiiatcly rumor could not tell any thiii" about the new appointee ; aud, therefore, Otterbourg was by many incredulous persons be. licved to be a myth. But the New York Herald sets this all right, aud. publishes a letter from Mr. " M, A.," fully endors. ing Otterbourg, and proving tlut Otter bourg is really the right man in the right place. Now tho great qucstiou is who is" M. A 1 " The New York World says that " the proprietors of gome of tho first class watcring-placo ' hotels have lowere prices from live to four dollars a day and from thirty-five to twenty dollars a week, and fctill greater reductions have been made at establishments less fashionably located, but equally well kept." This will be good news to thoso who catt get away this summer, but there is a much larger class not affected by tho change those who can't get away at all, lor tho same reason the King of l'ortugal decliucd to go to the I'aris Exposition; ' 1 AHH0THTCF.MENT3. riUNl'KltS FEE. Assembly and Treasu rer, $10 esch ; Commissioner, $7 ; Jury ' Commisnioner and District Attorney, $6 each ; Auditor and Coroner, $3 emrti. fto qotico will betaken of announcements unaccompanied with the cash as per nborc rates. are authorized to announce the amo of JO IN LAWSIIE, Ksn., ot Clearfield county, as a candidate for Assembly, in tho district composed of the counties of CleatficlJ, Klk and For est, subject to tho action of tho Dcruo ciatio party in said district. )eiu gdwijtisnmcnts. f "UHlTl IOOUSE, J til. Mary's Klk Caunty, Pa. i'his well known house has been entirely rcliMed nud newly furnished with a desire to mccttlie wants of the travelling commit iitp, mid to make it an A, No. 1 hotel. BiaguVttSsengers taken to and from the Depot free of charge. , GEO. HATHOIIX, juu27'G71y. , -i .' l'roprielor. Divorce Hoticea. t IN the Court of Cotumun Pleas of Eik co Ta., No. 7. January term, 1(W7. Mary Monignn, by her next friend, ' vs. Michael Monigan. The undersigned, appointed bj the aid Court, to take testimony in the Above Di vorce CAse, hereby gives notice to those in terested, that he -will attend at the house of Mrs. Ktizabetk Window, in Uenesett, El a couuty, Pa., oa Tet"liy, the Tii lay of i uly next, tor the ferfonuaacs f said duty. UlTLiS LCCOttK. jtin27'G7 te. ' Cwnjuisnioner. IN the Our rCwuion Pleas of Elk es., l'a. No. 15, Koveraber term, IWJi. Jos. X. Hunonld vs. Sunty 5L lUaonli. The undersigned, appointed by (lie said Court, to take test imouy ia tie above Di vorce case, hertby Jives notice to those in terested, that he Kill attend to the petfon muce of said doty, si. Oj pier's llsiei, in i'ox township, Elk reunlj, Pa., onNendsj-, the 2',Mi (lav of July nut. . johx c. McAllister, jun27'07-'te. . CpmiolsBioncr. IN the Court of Conamoa Pleas f Elk eo. l'a., Xe. 11- Xevember tent, 1 8ii. Harriet JleCuUettgbvbj h"" next friend, Jacob fields, vs. Julius McLuJhjuj'u. The uuueriiirnedL aiipoiuteil iy the nam Court to taketestiiorv in tbetbove vi- oreo ca.e. hereby cures notiee to uiosem- cresied, that he trill aitetid to tho perfor mance of fatd July, at Oyster's Hotel, iit rux liuvnsuip, lilt couuty, fa., on Jliratliry, he "Ut;i ilny m July Ties''. JOJ1-V C. MtvALlilSTKK, jun27'li7-.ta. CoTuaiimsioucT. T"0T1C is hereby given iTtai J. W. Itrowa JUii Churns Wiaflow, tkdarin-isti-nt iirs of Hie et.a!te of liben Winslow, 4e ceased haTc fild their acouiilsioniyofiicf, and tlmt the aie will be fireCTitc-d S the next term of it)i? ItrpbnaVi Court fr eonfif. niittiiin. , HWJ. A. JUAI'llCUS, . juul7'07-te. lli.r;iter. T 1ST OF OAUSl'SSET I j do ivn 1'i'j'iiial.at Aaeus-t .Sesiiiins, 9 ijfi7. Stockdale it llswrner ts Mecscngrr it Rawle Same vs O. U. Htascnir-. F A Leash vi Jveph WiiidJi-'do'. U t lcmrnls ts 1. Aniei' lal James "i I'novn vs 11 Iff oud ward S 8 May ys J Elliott ltlnnes nflmrnifctTa1irvs i is SlKredin m al Joseph WilUelia ts James tsaelvy Alfred Coxe nl rs Kaitiand t lit una - J C CliupUTs lieim rt Uri iust a. Eaa er John riidurvs il 11 uodiriiTd tt al Andtew Urchin re IJenzinirer Coal it Iron so T Jackson et al f t C Waimriiht Charles lit 11 l-s Jjimes tVarncr et til LIST OF II liTA I L.K I iS of Foreicti and liituctid Alraxiiumlme iu 101k county, subject in ihe vuyzncui til License, lui llie jcar CLASS, ' StXAl-Mt Sam. TAX. 14 Shswrm.it Cl ConiMitijr, Fx $ 7 X) 12 Fred. 6 horning, 1'dk 12 m 12 James M Clotkej, Jul. 12 St ",3 Joseph K'xkt Sun, Fox Utt d 12 C. U. Eiulej. Fox ... 12 bO 14 Hyde & Bcel, Fc . 12 Joscftli Hillielia, lmnpw . VI i Coy no 8, Meveaii, iStnuiaigtT-. 32 ' Weiiis IWtheis, jUt'Dj.iji.'i'j-.. 12 i0 14 John Krieg & Co-, licnx iuger... 7 W 14 Fred. Rudolph. Kiii;iiigeT.... 7 HO 14 Clins, l.uhr & Co., Jfcenriirgei-. 7 ttg 14 bhcttcl & sen-man, Urnimger... 4 t 14 Mury Fibiiw, lieaiiitigtr...... 7 tKt 14 A. DerUciier, lk-iiT.iujrtT.. . i OU 14 J. Soseuheijuer & Co., Uenxbager 7 0 14 Bernard St ellcn'lDrii KenxiBgrr 7 W I f Adolpli FoehtmsB, Beniincr 7 W 14 A. T. Alflaueh, Jne . . . . 7 m 14 MLolniel tfeidisrt, J,ue... 7 0 14 Murtiu Suwers, Jones w 14 G, H. Boyd, Jones - 7 W 14 I'M ward Fletcher, Bernes-eMe...... 7 00 14 B. K. Morey, Keneietite 7 0 14 R. 1). V. Wizislov, lietittm 7 IM . 14 0. J. MeltimsIA, lieikezet:te . 7 HO ; 14 W. W. Wnlktr, IUtxt 7 W 14 J. J. UoWmhsu, urtngCVee. 7 00 11 l'owell k Kiaie, Kilgwy 12 TA) ; 14 Henly & Cillis, 8iis y. 7 U 14 J. V. Houk, Eidgvay 7 t0 18 J.8. Hyde, itidgwsy 19 00 14 E. 0. Oleuunja, liiilgwsy 7 (tW 14 Hortonit ISobinson, i'jdg-vaj 7 W 11I!SB.E11S ASM IllflTlIXECS. jlO Joseph Winditlder, Beuziager,. 15 W 10 Charles Volk, Bttainper 15 0 10 Cliarles lla-ut, Bemiuger 15 H 10 John Gveible, Keasitiger...... 15 tMt 10 August HiiiicS, lim ptr.. ii V 10 Geoige Weiiitiaa, Brmuttger 15 00 murium or Mi-EOT aeiucisEf. 14 Jiwob Begnrftv, lie linger... 7 00 14G. G. Messenger, lUdwsy... 7 OU Uioecs kit iui wwi. 14 V. J. Ulaiely, Btnilncr , 7 00 etxrcrusies. . 1 1 John flditJ, eazisger. 7 .K cscaAxr tjuub. 1 4 G. P. Uiateusch, lioniafzc-r . 7 00 14 Overhollr4- JuUxweJL iidgry 7 (W N'ntlcs is lienetty gie tlisa. sffxail will bo held ia Uidvay om tie 2'.ii vt June Je07; at 10'elek A xa. ' VILLI AM M'CArLrr. juu202t Jleituniile Aj j riM;r. T" T111U M1LL1XLRV ESTABLISHMENT L-cently vytmeA by Miss DAGGETT lesidi-nes f Hi- J- V. Huk, kss nl the been removed ! rasuis orer J. V. llouk's Htsre, who will lw Vej4. nice assort incut uf ?pWil3 Su-Hfoi ySiliirhj. DKKBS-TUlMMXXt;5. STAldPCD WOEE. Sliunpiu ud lJtaLijsij June. Jdj. J. V. UUfK. . iny2:HSC7tf , , La!jiy, l'a- , t LUMBER. WE ARE PRKTARED TO FLT.N1SH upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best qunlity. F100MKG AND SIDING, drccBfd in the best possililo manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Alo, LATHI OH PLASTERING We will put on cars when required. B3BTA11 orders ndd.ienxcd to us at this place promptly attended to. SOUTHER, WILLIS k CO. jiin2107lf , . llidgwaj, Tft. "TTf. M. PINGF.rtl.Y" AND .lOSF.PII K1RKPATR1CK have this day with drawn from the firm of Rliort, Hall & Co. . The undersigned remaining co-Jiartnrrs will continue the bankina; hupinrrs tinder the old firm name,, SUOliT, HALL & CO. P. SHORT. JNO O. HALL, 1.4 VOLLMKR, May 20, "07 tf. J. K. V. 11 ALL. BtotltlMlderi' Hneting. ' MEETING C A. of the Ph Company will be MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS hiladelphia & Erio R. It. e held at the office of the Company. No. 2S0, Walnut pit-eel, in the city of Philadelphia, in Satni-dsy the 2flih 5nt., at 12 o'clock, soon, to talte into en sidoratiuu joint agreement entered into met ween the managers of said Company aul the directors of the WJVren & Franklin Railway Company, for the merger uf the rights, franchises mi! pmp-rty of the lat ter Company into the said l'hilalelilila- k Erie tt- K. Company; OEOUflE 1 S1TTLE, riiH'a, Junel3, 1307. Secretary. "VfOTTCE OF DISSOLUTION. THE pnrtncrnhip heretofore estFt'uig bo. tveen the undersigned, under the fins nane of lkrdell k Mettoejiger, is this l:iy dissolved by Jimlual consent.. The books and nceiuiit of the late firm remain in the hands ofG. O. Messenger for Hlcweut. J, 8. 'ISORDWELC 3. O. MESSENGER , June 5d, I 807.C1. : SETTLE UP! yiHE FIRM OF RORUWELL MES- 1 KENGER Kavinjr been this ly din ulTe4, all jiergunH ludliied to naid Ht m Art riwKed to Hialic initucdiaie ott lenient trith the undereixned, in wIiofc hands iht books are left for that wrpose. O.O. MESSENGER. :.Tunc 51, J8ti7-tf. MEYERS KE"LV IWri'IOVED .-c$0i e Q-bchsjrtjBci iaiif? ' ActnoB'ledjrwd itt be t he bu4 i ItJiida 1'i-ixe Modal, anil liiglitsst wfil in AmtMRsa, received I Kcltnlcmis, cim-l-lian! rianori ntnl Miuiir. N 722, Arch fxet. below Eiphili. J'UILAUELI'HIA, VS. np213m CUA.U COSE AND nilK-CLAV ! AH of fujicriot quality, foi'ttak: bjllie Taunerdale Coal Company, tft. Mary's, Elk Ceuuly, V. .. lf"Ordcr by tnaH jiroiiipilj lltcud cd tou se4l(' 'i-ti FURNITURE STORE AT ST- MARY'S, PA- QtAsti, mons xsv rcnsiTCKis : : Tiie suhsei-iTiiT Vecjs eonstnntly on liiuid all fdzes el' JSatili ouid lours, nm Wai'di'O'Ue?. Jjnrunuti. JVnclistiindn. lionkcnscs, TaUi'H, .. . Desks. Loungeis, Uedads, Hof&n, i. Picture Frame,. . ! . Vaulted nn 01n7.fi, All wr1t nm-i amtt-d to lie of LLe twist tua tei-iii.1 mid srorlcmaiiBtiipL "a.11 Tid esatiilne any urork and pvveps a I feci oofiileni tny wmdt will pire f ittiffite tMa und niy price-, nre an tow, it' not lowrr iliiui Jlw-y xi hi iMj-otlirr maa Lei. C'HAS. L. UAGEU, wy23dfi7tf. Kt: Marj-'s, l'a. GETTySBriKi AStTLUSI ' For Invalid Soldiers. Ju(orjorateil by Act of Assembly fif the Cnnuubnirciilili if 1'ennM'K aiiia, Ms-rein C 'lHi',7. ' . ,; Tlie Bward if Supenrlsorii appointfd liy 1lie mIhit Corporation io carry out lie ot jeets of the act of iuervora.tien, .rewist- fully tindbuuee t o tie xiiilietiul -tlie Ijtih lut Ht e iA' riaiiiFjliiuii iia svoiUoriisud lio mitiii g f tuud for l ho erect urn, tkU.1lifii tatnt, and inatntvuancea of am Asylum for Inralid Soldiers of ttelate war, to be tmilt on t lie Battle Field of Gvttj-sl.inrp, and as a uiducrtueiit to juliriolie eiusens io eon trjjjule to tliis tieurToltiui tiljoet, karc co-jii-frod ljis Curpai-aiioa to Jjfvtrtbaile -in oust ll'C tiu1icrilitT s.ucli articles ol 1'iiliie and interest, from a.Kioclulioii witli ilie late war, or any metiej-s, ffieota, property, or esuite, real or jers.(al, m-li stiver, in -this txie cr elscwliere, ai. such time or uroa f-oth teiius, ttiul in kucIi way nuj mvnacr lialein'vtr, as io them shall fceera t, any laws of this Couimonwealitli to tlie contrary not whlisaa&d'Hi'. I'iie t-nHerjiri is cordially roooiuBeadcd by ike fMon i busmuI srell kaowa gtrnCa lata 3 . . Majw General Gpor-re G. Meade F.x GoTeraor Aniltw G Curlin Major Gvoeral GalnAs Pen tn-putter Ha'jor Geoersl E M Grepsry . Major General Juba 11 llimolie Major Gentsral Cliarles II T Hul'ls "' Major Geoeral Jaaies L Selfj-Uge Vng t Jtanaes A ltcaTer Itrig Gu Hamtio G Kk-keli 1'aig Gen Jmeyk F Kuije l'fig Gen Wu J Uolliiu litig Gen anmcl 3d Zulkt Biig Gen Julia K Murjliy ika T F MCiy ISHi Gen R E Wixalnv Kng Gca Ittury I'leasnails liiig Gen J V & G oLia lirlg Gen J M Cui.Wll trig t"j Tlaotuas M Walter Brag Gen It' (Vfrr TaT! Vtig Gem HUM Grrfg Cttliiael F tttnmUan- TLe t'lte for tbe iusdtutloa (ibirty acre) has abvadj beea orrL3M, and it b bojJ tliat tbo J;(K1 vork may coiDtueiict LcftM uiiluuinitr. Subscriptions will bo recoived At the office of tho asaociation, No. 1120, uncsinut fMrcct, l'hiladciphia, on and after Monday, the Gib dny of May, 1807. For each Bubsetipuon'of five dollars a cortidcato will bo issued, which will en title the bolder to such article of value as ni a j be awarded to its number. The first distribution of awards will bo made immediately npon Ihe receipt of 80,000 subscriptions of 85 etrth. The distribution will bo public, and under the direct supervision of the Cor porators. ' ' '". ' Persons at a distance are tvq nested to remit their subset iptions (when practi cable) by Port office money order, or rcgistcrcll letter, to in3urc prompt de livery. Direct all letters to J. D HOFFMAN, Scc'y Board of Supcryisors, 15oxH81,F. (.)., l'hil'a. , The fulWiDg is a schedule of ,lbor nwardi to be made under the first distri bution. Tbo items of diamonds and other precious stones were purchased from citizens of Ibe South during the war, and their genuineness is certified to by Mcrars. lleule & lirua., the Biot extensive diatuond iuiporters in Mio country, and by J. llcruiann, diamond setter, New York. GETTYSDL'EG ASVLCM FOB INVALID KOLUtEIW. , Iocorpora'tcd bf Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, March Cth, 18C7. OSLce 1 VM, Chestnut St, 1'biUdcipLia. Fiiier Disi'osmox. Lility Tliousand i5ub6crileiat $5 Each. 1 1 llianioud Kecklaee, 48 Brilliants, ralaed t $30.00 2 1 Dimnond toaster Brooch and Ear Kins: 1-i.OrtO 3 1 Award 10-40 Gotr't BoikU 10,OlM J 1 Diato'U Cross, set in siirer 7.WM 6 1 Uiauinud Cluster Brooch ' 1 Award 10.40 Gov't. Bonds . 71 Diamond Single St. King P 1 llinuiond Cluster Bracelet D 1 Diiitiiond Single Slotie ifcarf Tin ........... JO 1 liianioud Cluster Broovli. 5.i fi.ntw Asm 4.(tit 4, Mi a.5tw 5. ttiMt 3.i S.tKtil 2.5 2, .)! l.iXM 1,M 1,40 1 ,H 1 .M tVMt 0O iCOO MM aw aw 1(M uo ' 11 1 Dia muni fluster Bracelet. 12 1 l'air siiifrV eton Dia tuond J3ar llings It 1 lia.mond Clueier Siroocli 14 1 Award 10.40 Got" i Bondi 15 1 lUamond siugc Btoii I'in 3iJ 1 Uiaju'd single stone ftul 37 1 ll'suiond Cluster Brooeii IS I UisuiM Single stone Kins 'J 1 Uiaui'd .& lOiue'ld Brooeii 12;J 1 lijaui'U Single ston! King I'l 1 Diamond Cluster Einj; 22 1 Li.ni; JntSia Cmuel's Hair PUiIsrl 23 1 Choice Emerald Stud 21 1 Single Stone Uiamoud Biti; 25 Iu 51-10 Awards of 10-30 Gut . Bmids, cat'li. ....... 35 1 Tliiw Ktutie dtiiTiiimd Unity litilf iioj ring SHi 1 4inion'l single sioats Ear Kttnbs "j 1 Vr diniu'd elunter st udi 38 1 diamond Kindle stone King, Bta.r setting 3H 1 diaw'd siiny;'le stone i'ia 4il 1 diatn'd Cluster tiracclet -11 4o 50-19 Awards of 10-40 Govt luuds, each fil 1 Lady's diawi'dset arsleli 52 1 dioiiiM single stone ring b'j 1 diamond and opal clus ter titif: ..................... 511 diara'd single stoneriiir; Zt... pair Etn'M 'arf Tins ' ' 5S...1 d'nid wsplc stone etnd 57...1 diamond Cluster I'in 5H.1 cameo and parl Brooeli r.ud ear ritip 58 iu It MO Awards IO 40 Go t BoOiln, eatli . . 159 to 23H KJ9 Award, Gor'nat L''ga-1 Ten4fr,ca.eh -2,000 Awards, Gercrniueat Lcjral 'feaiideB, each-.- The distribatioa .of llic abore awards id be made in pulilie as soon jtallic subseriptloii Is fall, nf svliitJi due notiee nil ue "iren tin,ou";'li the papers. Ou aud alti.r Ma; 6t1a ih-e Din ui a nils trill be n czliTLition at lfl olliee tat the As-. soeiatiiHi. Tke puLlIe can jvclj on crerjl!tin Ll'Ius; coaduetcl in tlie most Louoralilj and i'uir manner. All tLe awards will be Lauded to eertifieate Loader, itntu -. dintelj after die distribution, Irei of !1 cost, ut llie ffic of Ac eotnpsnr, S-j. 1124, CI1 EST3JCT Street, Hula. CJiUTlFICATE. We IcTcbj cortitj tlmt e liare c z amlced lie Diamond Goods, I'tsai'.;-. Eineralls, lluLiss, and tier Preo-' Stcinrs, as described is tha alwreL'.. and find llicmi all pcBaln. HL'XLU UKO'S," liiamotd Imports;:;, 2t Ma5JTi lnni?. Near Vort. J. 31 EUM A.XX. JJlamoud Se-rcr, ' SI 4 Ursonie St., Sew Ytwk. AGENTS PASTED. Bonis can tf liad rntaiaiig 20 rrtit. ! OSE HCXliKtU tKJLLAKS. All orders fur eertiucates must r 6'llll'CSc3 to J. D. HOFFMAN, Set's'; Uox 1451, 1'ostofTioe, o'J 'Jui. riiiladcltdjLt IUlt SALE! ),. VIIL.Se Lut FIVE ACRKS Oi Lots la HUgsraj ! lYice, One Thousand Pollan ' Aetuall pait in GASH balance in I. .t ears. Inquire uf J. Towull. RideaMr, Pd.. gr C. C McM LTV. X. it-Hi, UruA-iwv, X w Voi t, rCr Lai drop, Iu LUr, tun si io., Hem lora city. May 9th, lsKi7-4t. ; IX TUK MATl'Kin hi the Court i of tltc Icojtpora- j Coui'non Vici lion of llic Klk of Klk County,. County Hnilruad aud Xo. 11, Aug, 'J , Wiuing; Gaititle." J 107. Xuticc is Lercb given that the ce:. lificttc of the Corporatois of the ' EKc County iLilroal and Mining Gaictla " has bot o b ed iu my office, an4 if p au2k-Hut ta. tc isahowa totUe coatrarv, a tliii-rcc' of :do-jrjKn.tion will be m;., at te jon. term of the Court. . G KO. A. JtATIIBUN, May 9th, l(iti7. rrothoaolarj.