L "LOCAL INTELLIGENtX far Tltnrttt Hhfgimy. "Trie Express Knst 1":42 P- m- do do Vest... ill A do Mail Past tin do West : Local Freight Fast... Jo do West... .. :i: 17 n. ..10:17 p. ...10:47 n. ... o:"i1 1. NOTIOK. Hereafter the. Post Ortiee will ho 'closed every evening at S o'clock. On Sunday it will be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mail Closed at fl n. m. l. luther, r. m. (t7Thc return game between the Alpines of St. Mnry's and the Cata mounts ol Ridgway came off on FriJay, resulting in the defeat of thehittcr club. The scoro standing 'Catamounts 46. Alpine C4. We have been informed that when the Alpines reached St. k -Mary's Monday Evening, they proposed n Mircc cheers'' fr their own. and three groans lor .Z taumut Club. Wo sincerely hope the Alp'.ucs may bo aula truthfully to deny, er eatisfuetji-ly ex plain nwny tho report, ns the Cuta mounts neither luck courtesy . nor proper appreciation for their opponents, und though def.atcd nro by no menus deterring of ctn(vn:ely. CAT AM 01. 'NT. fct,Our icndci will rcuolleet, tha rub Very in this plana on tho 2!!d t I May ln.st, which was nhVoted by tha Uncves pntcvit'g eoiiitr winutiw, i uu aiicgi:.! value ot the pnuds wtulon wob tstlinatcd tit some SUuO, Tho alleged thieves evidently dvoineJ their precautions well taken fur security, mil their plans well laid fjr suaueii. Hat sineo tha robbery thu par les uiril ed. ou Tuesday 'charged wttH tt tsoatmi'Wiou had been clusuly '8tfhvd, ?nd uhii'ist their every action "noted, They are both well known to our eitisei-.s, 1-nt wo refrain .Hiving their names publicity. On Sunday last one ot thcai, iu cviivorsauon with a yuung inan from New Jersey dropped t-oine Mats lo hid companion which aroused tho suspicions ot iho ktler. Ho accor dingly, by fiuestiouing elicited the cntiro htory, ii: iis details, as well i.s tlieir plans for the future, and was nisi tukeu to the place whero the goods wtro secre ted. The New Jerscyite, on Monday, liutl a coiivcr.-ntk'ii with tho other alleged thief, who was more cautii.us in his ro. marks, refusing, to lis cicdit, to tell who his companion was, but aeknuwleg nx tho commissiou ol tho crime, and lii'g participation therein. It wa3 their intention to leave for the E:ut Tuesday ; Jiutoll beim in reu;lii:css tl.r-y wire arrested by Constable Uairett, un Tuoi day morning, and taken before Etrjuiro ' Wniimore, who after a.hcuring reVucd bail in the sum of 6800, in default of which tbcv were committed fur ti ill nt the August Sessions. Mr. Rlukclv sppe.ared r the prosecution, iherc h hecn no evout for a long time oe eurtug in our little villago, causing the excitement which tho arrest and eoin luittal of these portits have aroused. V,'e refrain from passing any opinion m tSie guilt or iunoeeuce oi the parties. S'hcy n;c uot aaieoablc at the b-.r of public opinion, and we think it no part of a jouicalitt to attempt to influence oj inien en such subjects. C5SWe learn that a little son of Joseph Chamberlaiu's, of Fes tfrnship. was run over ou Tuesday List by a two Lorse wagoo. The wagou passed diago nally over the region of part of the abdomen and breast, inflicting internal injuries from which it is feaied the little fellow cannot recover. Tub Radicals arc evidently deter mined to have a July session ot Con gress. They have numerous axes to grind, and thu hot weather will not pre vent a quorum being present. iad bciy's pinii ns furtn-li them vuh an excuse, and they boldly announeo their intenti. n to give the South a little Uioro " reconstruction." The Dei by iJa.Mauli plan for the redistribution of scats in tNi English Purliaiiif nt has been adopted. The ma jority on its passago was eight, which shows how nearly parties aro divided ou the question of refuim when some of the more important features ol that issue ore brought bebrc tho representatives of iho peoplo. A Dispatch from Cincinnati, re ceived ou Tuesday last, stated there wcro two murders and three suieidos iu that vicinity in ouo day. A plcusant place to live in. A meet J no ol colored people been h'll at Thiboduux, La., trotest against tho proscription in his to the militiary bill of so many of tho best white uion iu tho South, and also of " Indians not tuxod," whom tl.ey dc cluro to bo the only true nativo Ameri cans of this country. case has recently come before the court in Chieago, iu which a woman testified that eceiy day for fifteen jeais hor husband bad quarreled with and teuton her, eho living during this tiuio iu coustaut fear of deuth. George Frauds Tulu thinks th-J lest way to put an end to tho ludiuu war is to kill tho Iolisn Agents. Tho rcmocraey of Wattcrbuiy, Connecticut, achived a signal victory at the city election on tho 10th. They car- ricd the city by on nveingo majority of three hundred. Nearly 1,200 votes polled, which is a much larger vote than that of last year. 1 he vote for Mayir last year was, Rockwell (iOG, Enow 311. This year the vote tor Mayor is, Joseph 15. Spencer, Democratic, 7(7; Charles 15. Mcrriinan, Radical, 475. On nil tho Aldermen the Democratic majority is considerably over 300 ! and on some over 830. Last year tho Dcmocratie ticket was defeated in Waterbury, and tho people, after one year s trial, pot heartily sick of that sort of " reform." JLcgtll Hf K'H;?cii):iji?. f 10UKT 1' R O C L AMATION. i Whereas tho Honorable Thomas W. Williams. President and Hon. E. 0 f chuitzo an i Hun. 'Jcsso Kylor, Asr eiate Judges of tho Court of Cooimon Picas, and Justices of the Court of Quarter SCioIoas, and Orhr:;' Ourt, an 1 Uov.rt of Cv:r nnd Terminer, and General Juil Delivery, fur the trial of cipitnl nn 1 other offences in tho county of Elk, by their precepts to vno directed, have otdered the iifutesuid naniid courts to bo holdon nt Uidiwny, in nid fur tho e.mnly of Eik, on tho "flat MONDAY IN A'lKll'Sr it being tho oth DAY of tho month. nud to coiitia'ta ona week. Notico i.s hereby given to tho Coroner, JuMi'Cfj i f tho Pcr.ea, and Constables of ill o county of Elk, that they aro by these preccnls cmnmanded to bo then and there iu their prober porsens, at 10 o'clock a. in , of said day, with their rolls, records and inniisitiuns, and other venirnibinnccs, to do thoso things which their offices appertain to bo douo, and tlv.it all Justices of said county make returns of nii tho recognisances entered into beforo thein, to tho Cleric of tho Court as per Act of Assembly, pascd May 4, 1S:H. And thoso who !re bour.d by their rccognlzences to proso cuto tlio jiiM)ners that aro or shall be in tho jail ol said county of Elk, and to bo thuri nod thcro to prosecute against them as shall be just. J. A. M ALONE, May SO, 1SU7. Sheriff. 99 o a r-5. 4 a 0 05 J5 W V si s9 CO CO H O o A t5oJ f i 3 Ei ta a H i i H O I X A- c o r: 1 6 id? 03 c LOU15ET OKU AN" S .c; M EL) )D EON'S iiiiniiiioii -1 v mv.nili--! tlio First Prize A (J OLD ME UAL. 'AS Till' I'.KST CAIUNET OUCAN'S,' Am. Iii.-t., N'ew York, Oct. 10'J'i. Polng pro'io:i:ietil siip'rior in Qiiality, lower ant Nain.'lyot I une, uirl in numbi t uf coiiibinations. A tlio bc-t 11I--I uiiieiits of AiiH'lii wero tlicre cnnteud!u', whiolicver won the buttle, would have nothing left to conriuer." Am. Ai t Journal, edited by a well-known iiius;t-.-il critic. Tiny have also taken tha first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL OtlCi.VNS. on:-, two nnl three 1 inks of key six sizes "-'Vl to s-'l.fjW. Without pedals, single and ibiiihlu bank in llicat vni-k'ty, fiia to ol-"'". These Organs wUU their .-mriutli, pipediko quality of tone, beautiful util'i stnii.-!, strength of chorus. iineiiialled pedals, and (leneial urgiiil-liko eft cis, nr -j suyienur for t'hiiieUes, Halls, 1 arlors mi I h.-hool.s. T'n v m u nut in in cmesiof S.,lid Walnut, fiu:cy veneered Wal nut, fnew and uiiiiii0 ttyles) and elegant ltosewoo-l, of splendid de'ilgii.j an 1 finish, and of tho best woi hmaiisliip J it lioinr; intended that eaeli iii-ti iiuicut tliall be a model of its kind. All iuslnimnUu down to a tino nelavo poitiiblo Meludeon, have tha b?aiititul Tienmlanto tt-.p, without extra chiir;(o. A large assortment eonetnntly on hand at our Cieneiul Wholealu and Ketuil Wure room.s, 811, Proadway. Our Illiistratud Circular and Prioo Lists, with our new styles, aro now ready. Stiud fur a uirculuf. PliLOt'CET, TELTDX & CO Maniifaoiurcr.s, No. fill, mail 10m Uroudwuy, N. Y. Cily. S. SHOUT. JOHN li. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, J AS. K. T. HALL. PANKIXtl-lloUSE OF hort, g;itl & SI. Tf y's, Sit it in per P. o. Elk County Pf.nx.v J 03EPH WINDFELD2 R. OF THE Takes this method of announcing to the Public, that during the past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than he has ever before brewed in one season, so that ho will be able to supply Private Families', Saloons, and Hotels. with a Superior Article cf this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot be vndcrsold anj where on the linn of tn J. & E- Railroad. On or abnuc-tho i'nll ?f l'c pro j noses la " git;i!t tier WM " of his vaults, whero ha has stored it, and of which tho public aro respectfully ro. quested to tako notice. r.sa.Oruers shipped as soon as rcceiv- with promptness and despatch. A duress orilcrs to joh. windfeldi-:r, St. Maiiy's 5:tKVEny, Ucnxinjier Post Office, ap25tf. Elk County, Pa. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! cloth7ngTcl6thing i CLOTUS.YG for the Million I A Well Dressed Man J3UYS HIS CLOTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. IIINTENACII,. IN ST. MARY'S. BEST IS ALWAYS THE 1 P. IIINTENACII having taken cn- I. tire control or the establishment, formerly occupied by O. P. Hintcnach & Co.. would respectfully inform the citizens ot Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with the Best Kind of Clothing lit rates which defy competition. lie has on hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS .J- COATS, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which ho will dispose of at a slight ad vanee on cost. His Gentlemen', Furnising Apartment is specially adapted to the wants of his customer. Helms nlso a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES, VEST IN'GS of the latest style and pattcra, which he will inn re to order in a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as it can be done any place in the conntry. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction guar anteed, and goods warranted. All he asks is a PAIR TRIAL to prove it. St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 14. 18ti7. HAINES PRO S PIANOS? THE PIANO OF AMERICA! These rianos arc universally acknowl edged by competent judges eiiinl to the best Piano made. For references, they have many thousand city and country resi dents, including larg-5 numbers of tha High Schools, Seminaries, Sic. These Pianos have not only stood tho continued use and heavy practice, of on year, but have been used tho last Fftcen years to tho utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals wherever exhibited. Such hits been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. li. lines Pro's have been compelled to en large their works to the extent of 21 to CO Pianos a week. Having now one of tho most extensive and complete Factories in tlio United Slates, Fiu toi-iis alc.nc covering over three fourth id' nil ai re uf ground, comprising a froiilagu of'21'.l feet on Second Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest lirt class Pianos iu market. Fully guaranteed for live years. Send for lllns'truted Circu lar. II A 1 N ES PRO'S, o-j'i, ."., CG0, ;)(,-.'. :;i;, tHid, ;liiS.:57il,0T2, Second Avenue, mai-71si'.r.:liiio.j New York City. STEVENS HOUSE, o-J it1 'J 7, J'n-miilutiy, Ar. Y. -'I, flppt.riln Powlinji Green. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. MIE STEVENS HOUSE is WELL and widely kiK.wn to the tiavel- l:ng public. Tlio location is especially t-irulilc to merchants and business men ; it is in close protiniity to the business a: t of !!i city is on the oiyiiwny of Southern und Western travel and adjacent to all tlio principal Railroad and Sicambuat De pots. Tho Stevens Houc has liberal nccmnio dation for over three hunilrrd guests it is well fin niidied, and possossei every modern improvement lor the coiuturt und egtertuin ineni of its iimiatcs. The i Going uro spac ious and well ventilated, provid.i l with gas and water, tho itttendanej is prompt and respectful, and the liiblo is generously pro vided with every d jliuaey of tlio ajusou-a moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. Mi;y Oth, lr67, Cm. Proprietors. NOTICE. WHEREAS, my two buns, JOHN i nd GEORGK KKEPi, are in tho habit of Linking debts without my couseut, I hereby givo notioo that I will not pay an debts so .,,ilo. JOSEPH KKIEO. Panzingcr, ifoy ICth, 1&G7. CI A R 'JS, HAN lJ 13 ILLS, PI LL-II EADSj neatly printed at this oflice, t?ii)s 3)irie1ol'jj. J OHN O. HALL, Aitoimy at In, wny, K'ik comily Pa. inar-S'J't'O 1y. J 015 WORK of all kinds and des. criptions done at this oBieo. ALl'IXE HOUSE, Si. Mary's Ta., Iti r lnnn Krels, rroprletor. pngtl'liO I.IXKCUTION.S, SUMMONS, SUHI'tE. j nns, Wnrrnnts, &e., on bnnd and for sale at tins ollico. IVR. W. JAMES r.LAKELY Vliysiclnn 1 J and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Llk county l'a. mar-WOO-ly. -pvlt. W. W. S II AAV I'rneliccs Mcilirfne I and Surgery, Centrcville, Elk county nmr-22'06 ly. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Tn. Will promptly answer allprofessional calls by night or dny. mnr-22'ftO-ly. DU. EHEN J. RUSS. Pliyslcinn ami Sur geon. St.. Mary's Elk county Tft. June-21'CO-ly. L' AURIE J. ULAKELY. Attorney and Counsellor at law, and U. 8. Commis- osnor. linlgwny r. o. r.lk connlv. I'n. raar-22:G0-ly. SOUTHER AN'U WILLIS AllorneyTat Law, HiJirwny, Elk counly Va., will attend to all professional ImsincFS prompt ly. rmar-2200-Jy. S. '. . :UI!TM.X, St. Mary's, F.Ik county, l'a. I.ato of tho Army of tl.e iilnmne. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical naturo. niar-22'G01y. Ki:ilSF-V HOTEL. A. P. WHEI'.lXil, PitiiiMiiKTon. Hits liousc is conveuientlv and pleasant ly located in the thriving village of Ccntrc- villc. Every attention paid tn the conven ience of guests. 1 Si 18t;"tf J l!i Oil riUN'TlXO, such as Cards, Posters, Hand Pills. Pill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices, CIL VOLK, Manufacturer and Deale , in Lagtr Peer, opposito the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-2JGU-ly. EORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Denlcrs in Drugs and Chemicals. Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ridgwny. Elk county Ta. mar-22'Cti-ly, HEN BY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Pods and Mattresses, Ticturo Frames nnd Cothns, Ridgway Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. mny-17'CC-ly. R. J. S. PORTVWELL Elcctio Physi cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or dny. Residence one door east, of the Into residence of lion. J. L. Gillis, Mar-22'CO-ly. "OLIVER, & EAOON, Manufacturers and Wholesale S' Retail Dealers in Flonv. Foptl Grain, CAXAL MILLS, ERIE. PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket ra t cs. an g ut h- on -1 y JOilX O. HAM. .TAS. K. V. UAL TT ATjTj & mio. Attorn oy f - nt, -Law, or. wdiii b : BEN'ZIXGER. P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA, September 20, 1806. ly. som e t hints- new r HOUSE, 8IGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, rilHE SCI1SCRIUER WOULD HI X spcctfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the nbove business in Ridgway, and feci confi dent that he can please all who may favor turn with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE i".03t fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left nt this Office or at the flunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C0-ly. 1HIAYEII HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA, D..VID THA YEP, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on tl.e southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends anil i ne pur no generally. dccl3 l)ti ly DAVID THAYER. frihe subscriber begs loave to announce to I the citizens of F.Ik and adioinioar conn lies that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Smutz, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able style, SA DDL ES, UR1DL ESJIA RXESS kept constantly on hand at price.' to suit the times. Give me a call shop in the sec ond storv of Ding Sture building, ocll-ly. C. LEVIS. The Girard Life Insurance t Annuity & Trust Co. OP P11ILADA. i.r i3G CASH CAPITAL $ nOO,000,OA AS.S ETS Si -I-15,o j ), 50. Mutual Insurance combined with tho t-e. curily of capital. I'ur intui-auea npplv to JOHN G. HALL, P.i.lgwBy, Pa. ADM IX LSI RATOU'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin iMialion on the estato of Anthony Hahn hauscr, late of .St. Mary's., in P.Ik county, have been granted to tho undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are request. e l to cull und settle, and thoso having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IGNATIUS GAP.NLB, LUU1S VOLME1!, ap2- Ct. Adiiiin-i-trators. F JUSALK. The Store house and Lot occupied by Puihe und Wool is otfrred iur sale. A desirable loeatiou in the thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apjily OUAS McVEAX, J'ctminf-er P. O. Jan. 3,C7.tf. Elk Co Pa. E ,1NVEI.OPi:S, LAPKLS & TAGS neat ly printed ut tho Advocate Oilico. F lKDLLlCS VOGT, Praetici.1 Clock & Wulcliinukcr, ,St. Mary's, Plk county, Pa. Rooms next door to Hiutenaeh's Clothing titoie. All kind of work done dono iu a satisfactory manaer, and war I anted. ConsullHtions iu ree-ard to work in the Gel man, rench or Knglinh lau guiiyci. March 11, lbuTlf. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOTICE is licrehy given tlmt 1 Imve tak en out a licence ns nnctioneer, nud will a. tend promptly to the calling of till sales cntrtiste'l to my enro. Any person callinp sales w'nhnul a lirmiHe wil be held answeriihlc to the slrii't lct'erof the law. T. WHARHETT, Dee2418C0tf. Auctioneer. WHEELEll k WILSON'S FEW. INO MACHINES. Tho under signed having heen appointed Polo Agent for tlio sale of Wheeler & Wilcon's Sewing Machines for Elk county. Ho keeps an assortment constantly on linnd. Machines sold at I'hilndulphiaand New Yor prices. Any pirlics desirous of otitaininj; them can address J. K. WHIT.MOHE, March Ot.'CO ly. at liidp-way, Pa. 13LACKSMITHING ! II. S. P.ELXAP desires to inform the oiti. rens of l(idp;wny nml vicinity that he lias lenscd J. S. Hyde's Plaoksmith Shop on Mill street, and has employed good work men who will be ever ready to nnike any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of lmrson. All 1 ask is a fair trial. Mny 17'CO-ly. 117 OVERllOLTZPIt, M EKCHANT TAILOP., ltklgwuy. Elk Co., Pa. Tltfl eli'itfftt'U'er do-dres rneixielfiillv in In- form tho citizens of Hidgwuy and vicinity that he is prcpa.cu to tiiako to order as well as it can be dono anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All ho auks is a fair trial. Good Fits cuatantccd. tf.C'loths, Cassimcrs, Vcslings nnd Trimmings of the latest and mo3t approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. raugoO.y WSHEltEIl. . Dealer m t ycloojoii?, P i'n .10 s wo ?l)ed Jljllf-k. ML'SJV ROOMS; Xo. -13, I erst Arc ne, Com.', Pa. n. Refers to J. Towcll, P, F. Ely, Pildcway. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Ilaigcn, St. Mary's. nov 22, Gti, Suipd. yCl'iIOOlilfl RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T E WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T E WARREN, PA. 1-17 to. QUR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pasg smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labor. Goods done up with it. keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the boat !n the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. Il is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW VOliK .STARCH GLOSS CO. No. J18 Fulton St., New York; NEW SHOP. T IX STOVES T IX! ! STOVES ! ! T IX! ! STOVES 1 1 1 John Sosenheimer & Co., WHOLES ALU i RETAIL DEALERS. ST. MAIIY'S, PA. Keeps constantly cn hand and for s-ile, a lar;re and well selected stock of TIN WAKE, STOVES &c. c have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of A NT 11) EST PAULOR& COOKINd STOVES, ALSO I HON Q ATE k WHEAT S1IEAE STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be h:.d at our simp either riveted or groved. SrOUTINU AXD ROOKING, done Oil short Dutioi' ami at reasonable rates. Juno 1 1'liiJ-ly. A. II. fia.v, A. 1. Wilcox, It. II. pMcnso.N, E. P. Auams. QUAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GKOCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposito Alpine IIuuso, Pile Counly Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Peed, liuttcr, Cheese, Peed, Coru, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ilaiu, Powder, Cunued Fruits, Beef, Eeaus, Kails, GIom, AND STAPLE GROCERIL3 Dcctuibcr 20 1SGG ly. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THU lllliOWAY OeUG STORE, KMT nv GliOVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils, hito Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcries of all Kinds, Tlie purest Varnish, liruslies of every Stylo and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectioneries Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Wntshcn, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Segars Pure Liquor? for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful rcrtaiuing to the Drug Business Gon erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Notions in Endless Variety '. Notions iu Endless Variety ! American end English Watches ! Amcricau and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, ko. liatcs-t Mylcs ol Jewelry, Rings, Sic. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I l auey Articles, loys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages 1 Albums, News, Stationery, 13ird-Cagcs J Violin, 15:itJo and Guitar Strings 1 V mini, lianjo and Guitar Strings I marJOlSOG N EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer ia Groceries &c., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he h:is gone into the Grocery busii ;ss, and will open on or about the middle of M ay. lie keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUIt, SUG RS, TOI3ACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thcbarrcl orcjuart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent! ly can afford to sell CHEAPER ;than the CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GG. Cm. TT'EROSENE AND GAS STOVES. IV TEA AVD COFFEE POILERS, GLUE, POTS, OIL CANS, &o. &o. fiia?" All tho cooking for a -a fiSy family may be done with "Sa jfcaS Kerosene Oil, or Gas, fiaf with less trouble, and at -a S&" less expense, than by any -a fii'iy other fuel. -j Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. Jf-iy-Send for Circular. -S LIBERAL DISCOUXT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20G Pearl Street, N. Y. July-19'GG.-ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE The uudersigned has laid out a viL lage upon his ground adjoining the Ridjf way Depot, to be called ELK. Tho lot are 50 feet front by 100 foot doep front iiifC towards the railroa.L Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Fot the second lot sold, $110. For the thinl lot sold, $120 and so on increasing ia price as lots are sold. First purchasers get tho choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of tho purchase money must be paid at tha time of the application. B62U-tppliu.itiuus will bo made to Joli G. Hall, i:.ii., liid-jwny, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, inar,2!)'GG-!f. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch t Scr.tlehl Szntlch t VHEATOH'S OINTMENT Will Cms the Itch is 48 Hoi bs Also cures SALT ItllEt'M. ULCEUS CIIILI'.LAINS, and nil ERUPTION'S Ot THE SKIN. Price VI cents. For salo by all druggists. Hv seiilin.; C(l cents I WEEKS & POTTER, S.i'le Agents, 17G Washington street, Host an, it will bo for warded liy mail, free of postage, loauy part of I lie Unite 1 Mates. ( june-7'liil-ly. IK It lOVl'.STEEN & CO., PIANO PORTE XIAVUI'A(TL'Ri:R3, 4!H) l'lt,l,nn, Xnr York. TIIESI-: PIANOS received iliR llihejt Award nf Mei it ! at tlio Warhft f'-iir, eror the best ninker fi on I. nnd, hi. P.-iris. tier, many, the cities i.f New V.irk, Phil idcl.lii:i, llaliiuinre and llnsliii, ; aUo !m CM Ked.il at the .mnicin liulitutr; f.ir FIVE succcs siro yeai-f.!! Our Piano-i colli till the French 1'nand Aoliou, Harp Pedal. Owr strung Puss, Full Iron Fraiue. nnd nrl Mod. era Improvements. Every insiiiiiiicnt -ir. muled t'lVli war; M..do under the mi. pei vision of MIL . H. OHC.USTESli', wh i has a praelios! experience of over thirty, five yours, and is me maker of oir thouainJ piani Juritt. Our facililie-i fir niaiuifactiiring enable us to sell ll-eso in slruiiicn' from .MOOtoJuO cheaper l!n any first diu pi inn Tirte. july-l'J'wi.-ly.