Ivornte. . it C r. -i r :;. it i 1. 1.. 1' : il vr" Jin'.n:. I i i.i.i-op '!. Tl 1 l.'iisi AY : :::::: :T' ; l;u7. X..H I'.ATi'' t-'CATi; '11... Mi i v a i !.: r .i r-i.fi-; en kt. HON. cn:o. gkarowcojv CI' l'UU.AliH.rll I A. ' A I "til I.I of f-wroT-r. J Til ere mi f.i i.Us fio.n Clea:!i 1-1 an ..sirli'fir:iiit lit 'Jo slo:t, wh'ch o'er lea- 1 may or tii'y not l.wvc fe n, i-al'.-jd j : 10 iC-i''ii.n.i'.t . (.'.'..', i i;.i coil, il, or I t I -iibllshcd i..ii.cr, since ir i.t ts 1 t !!('!. : a!i:!r,g, by a cif' ii, ti e it. it i;.!s o! ; whose iuiu.o aic S'uii.ikI J. How, called F.-.j.i, It i' short. 'ibis Jouiiiiil m. in, culled ;im, i- fdiyl.tiy r.i lio.il in his views, him! it is getielaliV sut Iv known, t' : 'i, illon-li mi! p.-sltivc-' I j t -. i . Olio) V:'!,.i!s c.lis- from .1 .v , kii.i"! S'lh.i! thousands. l ul el ilui'i.;: ibo i..to war To l.w lli;.i he " still 1'v.' " ' lie pitches into ot.r coi ro.; ; onuctit ' .Nix,' I lit, that no ill libels have jit s; .pi arc d from Sam's toiriWe asf-ault is ivilont from an ni t!'.'!.; in another column, in which ho pnjs no attention f hatevor to tbo .!)'uiit attack. Iti'locd we ijties tion whether l.c evi r sets co obscure a hhcet, and if ho did we me very sure l.c would uvat it with the silent contempt it deserves. The proprietor of the Aiiriirntt? docs not ni'il.c himself responsible for tlic Fcntimoiitd o! the publisher or of corns, p 'udetits, and our columns are open foi communications up on a"! j.rofcrs'uiijcct.. ' W'e l.now ;'iis ..,(, m' man thoromji ly, and his !:o!e course dm in;; the war f-how3 tli-it he bcli;--o.s with l.'f.l.vtv that "The pou i.s militier th.in the sword." Acting p"n this I'vit.oii lo, he vemaintid at home during the war and " hlowed " throug'i the cohmin.s of his onr-horse pnpet, and contented l.imsf lf with giv ing particular fits to ' C fP' i'hea.'.s,'' Lie. lather than rx poses hinuclf to the hard ships nl a soldier's life, and the dangers of Coulederato rifles in practically up. holding his nigger loving tenets. Sam is " biyttl " to the core. He de- llglllA 111 UUUUllli lliourj lliiSLCcliaituu nnd ' pith." How it would have re joiced his heart during the dark days " of Clearfield, to have had tlic J?jiuUi mn office carted into the Susquehanna. 1W. fellow, the " mokes " and blacks'' would not come to time. )y the '.! -s in his pap, t : vlii rs v.-eie Font into ( ''!e-.ii'1ie!d !o four ll.o husband and brother Lum thvir families, to be carried to one of Lincoln's l.astiles, and there ket for mouths v. ithout trial! A.-k those two ::r:iy haired IVni'.ari'.tie veterans Major Vilhclm and ir'ti la-icl, Lansbeny w Lo.-c cauif.i will live in ir.imortal .'lory, when stuh as I'o'.v will be buried to deep in eternal iiifamy that we doubt if Ke.-uri'cetieii will ever reach there ask them who it was that vas the in;,, ii ;n.tigaticn ol tlietr being torn irom their families, for no !;r.:e.vn (ra:'.se,:cs ' against the laws i f their eountiy. Tiny will aiio.ver thu: it was lluw and i'i revciliii." to thi.; subject we cm but speak ur mind feelingly. Who v.'.-i'd ad'.iso the destiueiiou ff h'. 1 t'l'ibbor's property, been use they d.li'er. d nitli him throug'i conscientious feel, it g-, in politic', would not letig stop at the half-way etiti .n b;twcen that and t' e wort ( rime in the catego: y, if he cold m.i.-liT brute courage enough to c n in: IK CO. !.f.vai:y t. Ill . t IV :i.ueh hoi K-ii', for '.he light cf l'cniccr.itic tri v.n hs that a) ; eared in tho east litt A; lil hss gained the west and will soon ,-proad around the hori oi, dispersing the s.hades tf move than Kgypt'un dark, i.c-s that have broodod over Republican corruption and venaliiy. Then shall the chuinii be stru'.k f.oiii the Iml'S i f ibe citizen nnd tho wbito Amuiean oi.ee more siul upvijht in tho sight of (!od a free MAN'. Tremble 'J'leuiblc Samuel, called S im ! The day ol retribution is at hand ! Cull upon the mountains tin i rocks to fall upon you and hide you from the just wrath of a deceived and betrayed peoplo. M. EjrsA couple oi' weeks since the AVi' j the di.'toe Ibi :r Ii-t if w.tn ssos a f;Wr',-t.iiMou.' eon,i.U-.ab,yM.lin-'.pu" J'ot ''''IjI. Wim .scs have , , . . . ii- I iio'ciiti'jed the bullet which killed .dr. cd and o r.'.-i v. so ini'.n vcd. i e are , . , ,, ... , . , e , , . ' Liac hi ; toe pistol wl-.ieh trad the bul- gratifud to note tois o idenee i f ps.v, lt llnj u VoVJ. Sllu j,:w.c if tho skull ei'iiy on the part of our fiieud Whit- wl i.di the bubct di.-pLecd. Sergeant una. The friw a faithful mid j Dye, a veeioiiiu sergeant, has neig f. aih-ss exponent of those r,,;,ip( s j nize 1 Sorritt as the ninlly drevee 1 per. 1 I e.,n iVi- . ... 1 1., 1 fli.i tio n tl'i'O.i linioii cisui, by trcathjry and deceit got the U'ins of i -ii'i-1 ii m. ut in lb ir hand". l!in 51 I'owna Ilel.ici'i Nc-.v Book. lYilinps ul' al! the i ublicatio'i.-., eith r !y !-j ci ch or viitinj, that ailed in liiii.in en li e events of tin- past sis u:us 1 1 1 ihus lire partly n nso.ro; able lor ilu Jin sent condition ul' ilio country, n !.! -a'led the " '!!' A' oi.f-'' (' '. " did !i- m-i.-t f.v.vui J-s Ellin .' fanatic ! "a: ii w'i-.'i li.i'.re 1 for the South and J :!.o Soi.tlor i pi o, h-. 'J'hi.-i 1 ook i:e- 'on pli.-l.id tn ; .i :n il.e v'ny of harm j bftu a" tho i.!.i!o-op!i:.::tl utieraiiei-H of , I tli-oi 1 WMia il.ao the fervid haiangoes J of (Lirvir-oi i.n 1 I'hildp-', or the ditty ' niou:h:eg of iho tloej-nod and one j M-i'li.l'i r.4 fir 1 1: j con: try i! olicnl i ress. A an rvidi i:en that the World imvcs, lend that wi;!i par.'inpr u-ars some me,n -MOT li- ll'.lt t Illlllior of lloit :.:K. iio was til I v an an.-' i o! liuht. ('e ( Yunpion of the r pj.( -od sh.ve, and who f 'f Ids siivh:;-.s wi.s re'.viir It.l with i c 'i -itb-hlp, i row, and for s-aia n time h::: lot r. on m r.i 1 (d ilarkio s.i. Wo find 11 a X.'A' Yoik pai i r the following i.oiiee : " N;vioi;it. ; A i''".:Tini ron a Cosn :.;:'.'r. i'.y 1IINT() HI WAX HKI.I'KI!. of Vn ili I'.ii iliii.i. N"v Vin li : Georyo V. Ciii'lii'in .1 t.'n., 1''li!T.'' In S(' , Holj.cr found tho Ki'.glisli language iinuh iin!e to Imnisli exple tives to, in his opinion, properly charac terize the v. hiti s of the South ; so, in 1'-!'.7, he finds his st-.ck of IViHiiig.-ga'.e and filthy adjectives too scaut to ex. press ail of Ids hate and loathing for the neirro. I ho Pemoerat, who four years j doubt. And ssioh shonll be tlu repata ago itsed sueh hngnigo in rcgud to tlic an-1 tfiraetor of any mail who as paily in i. Aver as this fellow now holds, would have found himself in 1'ort Lny fayette or tho "Old Capitol." Vc never comd.'ered Helper atiything but a loafer and a place hunter, nor have we yet char.gcd our opinion. IL'W do you like tho following on the M "' " Tliis is tiio incorrigible nn.l snivelling j their power to bestow, and in whose in ipunrumus iipro, U,,i it is pr.iposod at j , ., , . . . , ineei'. confer (lip iiriviU''i in voting tlic e ' ' 1 lis'it of iniiveisal sii.Trae '. Tliia is t!ie lun i !i -.tiiio a'i'l in it psec.'.ible w retell (rank Mm;'.!!!. 3 end Itiileous nicli criminal tloit lie is) wlio lias Imcn iiiciitioiicl m one tit to have a voice in tlu cnaciinent of laws fur l lie geveniiiient of I lie An. o iean peuplu ! Sli.i'.l we eonfer t'le e'eetivc franeiiise mi tiiis Vee'e-l.orn inul ill bred bliiekiinoioi' lliis ; p:il hi nisi' aiul skunk sci'iitoil i'lint ? Xt I Wliy not '.' lleeanse lie iloe3 noi know and ciinnot Uanw liu.v to vote intelligently. llweu'.d tlierpfioe, to say tlu leait, bo nil act of gross folly on our pp.rl, to pxtend to tlii negro I lie privilejic of d'jiig wloit tlio oninipotent (i.el ofXitinro ln.s obvimisly and lor all time, denied Uiia poa'er lo do. Tfioso of our lin'if wilted .Mid deiimgo'fiil leg:iil.-lor? lio waste time in iitlemplinir to pmve tlio equality of the negro, and in llio ilmfiinif of nlisurd laws for liis recognition in g'jim I ii t it us a citizen ol i lie cinuil S ales, lniglit with ctin:l propiicJy, busy them elves in tlu ridiuuioiis irrutionnlity of frmning codes for hIIowIiit; I lie gorilla and the choiip.iii.ce to nliend common schools, andfir.tiie habenu nnd ouraigoiitniig to test ily in courts of equity ! I.i-i tlieblund- I'lin;; and baneful two tlni'is nnijiirity of the i.lacl: L'ongress both bluli nnd beware." How arc you, " Black Congress ? '' How arc you, nigger sufl'rac '! How are von, llioion Helper. Attorney tiencral St mbcry's Op. itii-.in ivijii the " lt.co:i.:rtu:ioa " act is U!id vcty fcolleiusivo Ooeio lnetil. Ho detie.es the mutter of regis-' traticn rn r-ncci'Ct!y a? to Icwc in or.c in doubt about his rich's or'wron'-s un- .Jct the The milita:y are declared to have no iituhoriiy to remove civil of fieers or to appoint caalures of their own I.) civil iisi'.ions. The removals uhi-'h have been nindo by ShtriJan and oilier eo'ii.n.'iiolers will, thd'efore, be dec! ire J U'l'iu'.'io.'ie 1, ai.d tho persons removed will id course be reinstated. 'i he opinion will have the i fleet of toning iwtj lpotism a Utile, but not ly any meat.s ci.uiig ,i. 1 ul .,! I. V iJl' n; IK V S i.l'.'au , i .1 ot ..U .'.l I . . -I l .1 . ..... . o I ... ... tool 0 of e liece.'a tute ". S'i'.iibory's cp'i.ioLS u July sis.-ioii of Coiieress." An 1 ai. other session i f ' Coiigre.-s ;' will i. tee-sit; to a few m.re of Mr. 'i. rv s o; .ol.. i. s. TlIK Ibm. Mr. M:l"nei.-:ou Clerk i f the I'n'oed States liou-o of llepre sentvtives, di-;ieu.ier of gov enun.' nt ad veltiu'iiicnts, and editor m' lots tleltys burg (I'a.) Stii? is very angry with cvtrpoody who dares to dissent from 'J bud. S:cvci ' coi.fi.-tut'oti rol'eyjbu! hi:i deniai'-iatioi s are not very uluiming. il i.Unu J (. To cnfireo tho prietiea of viceiu atioh's a bid ha.) been to':' ! i ; 1 1 into iho IJriti.-h i'uili'Miicht. Its jo-iAisions ions are very slrii gent. It is istinnited that ten thousand people died of small pox in great liritaiu last jear. -'J he I rial of Sinratt has actually roii.u:f no 1, tiller a consiilerablo anicunt of tiuu spent in tirguing whether the pro.-eeu:io;i should bo ulUged to show III ti"it. ui x UIU a invalid 'J l'H"in, W lies let n Sin rail's faoc -1 f. e ple.i.Iy his slievi." T.is rmtiiait-Jd of JiuV'SlittWio!.. Tl o ii'iiiririt'o'i ot this onntl. in n by ihn li:iM.r.i!i;j jj.i 1 1 y i.i oiio of the I est scL'O'.'ii'i that can uo otic red I" (lie voters of !Vnii.-!v;inia Ilia.', the jicat obj 'ct of th.i party ii the real wcl. faro of the jioplo. Whoever may bathe ll'T.l'ilCi) of tho l!"pll!:lii';Ml par'v, he ' a inot bring tj tho elov.ile I an 1 uspon I'ible ollieo of J',i lgi of t!ie Supreme C Jtti t a hi thorough kno'.v'e of 'ho dutic?, or better itt.iliil:.iti-ju-t for their iiitrlligi-ncj and fiithlul ie.f r inanee. Men ol all ariits thrn'ont t ie S;ato, liivo lmg known .Ji lgA Shar.i woo 1 a-i .01 h ) mi i')ls, upright mm, ai 1 h'arne.l j iiist, p )- sc-i:v; in nil eminent degree a cleir, t "iiip.vhon iive, an 1 im pnrli il m'nd mid spiri', tho great ele ment of the pet feet Jadge. " A men like J I go k'hars'.vocil cannnt be a mere party mm- There are traiti of character kn r,vn t ) belong to him thai must, of nccosfity, elev.ita their posc-ora ub ivo mere party feeling, lint the grand priiioiplos whioli tho in. tclliircnt men of the Democratic party advoealed, and would if they coul 1,'re cstablish in our State and country, will, we may bo sore, find in Judge Sliar.-- wood cen.-i-,!ent p man to be carried vn-t. lie is not a .v. iv 07 too wir.in of any parly, and if parly should swerve I tlio I)..ni3cr;itic mi the right, it would find it-'cif sailing uw iy from its nominee, Of this v. e cannot e.itertaiu a pil es to the distinguished and iuflnetiti il l"js'tion of Julgo of the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania. Judge Sharswood does ncl stand in need ol fulsome a lultatioii. Ho is above it.' lie is a pl.tin, honest, c ipablo man, entirely worthy of tfo highest honor which. I lie people of our State have it in tlio most implicit conliiloiiee. While yet a young man, while serving tho people faithfully and industriously in the Legislature of his native Su'e, ho win regarded by the lute eminent Chief Justice (Jirson, as possessing one of tho best judical minds in tho State. Other superior legal genilcnien, though differ, iog with Judgo Sharsv.'ooJ in politics, entertained tlio same opinion. AuJ time has proved that the opinion was well founded. When our Constitution was changed, in lfSdS, making our Judges elective, it was feared by many wise men or lioiu parties, that tho popular clamor for party would lead to tho nomination and elec tion of mere partsar.s, and thus lower the dignity and usefulness of the Courts. Uut tho good sense of the rcopla has since demonstrated that they are cep.i. blc of appreei iliiig real merit an 1 of j'i lg:ng of'tho proper qu iliS:itior.3 for the high oiliee ol "Judge, ; and gineialiy iho men olootcJ to tho Judgeships in Penn - Iv.'ihia have proved faithful to the great trust reposed in them. If Iho ucpn'iiic.iiis nontuiutc as a mr.n t-di.ir-woad, tin people may rest contented tint .hoi.1 interests will be safe so far as the action of tho Supremo L'ouit can make them so. I'it.'.Jniij l'oxt. Tho la lien! press are d"7:i Jely bar J to please in iho matter of the Demeei. jti 3 pl.uf.'rm. To one it is to short ; .-mother finds it lo long ; a thir l says it is bar rcn ; a fourth declares it expressed too touch ; a lilih objects to it Localise it docs iiel contain a pu.T of the I'lcidi ut ; a s..txf!i ni C A er.i n j jia'i iotism o- piety in it : an I sti Ir; others ol-j-.-et to it oecaii-'o it n " the vn? ol 1 s iog about i violate 1 4'..as:itnt'i..i and" negi i snf frago." t)o the -shole, we uo.vi it will do about as well its Could be expected, notwithstanding. A tiUANU s. hi ino is til foot in Chicago to build ,i niiigui ieient sjseui of d e!;s to extend ny. tr:d hv.u !red feet feet fio.o .-h ire iiio.ig i'i i lake a d'n. tan;eof halt a mile. Tli-i ts'.imited eot is from f .i.OvJ.OOJ to 57,U'e'i;UUd. 3fl.ttrci.i53 Jleet. The lla.lical new-paper editors, " the litllo creatures lio," as (Ireely says, ' Hod permits for some seruteblo pur pose to edit Hepublicin newspapois," at e going ofl into extaeies over tho en dorseinent of negro ku lira go by the rebel (leiK nil Longstre.et, and his ap proval ot tho military despotism e-lab. I'sl' incut in the South. That a rebel like L'lhg.'treor, a man not remai kablo for ability, should join bunds with such hfc'long enemies to tho Union us the leadcis i f tho Ilcpublif an party is r.ot to be wondered at. Tlio two factious, the secessionists of tho South and the Uudicals of tho North always were traitors. They were alike eager to do. stroy our form of fret goveri.ineut, and they labored with 00,11. d dilligrnce to do so. Uelween them they succeeded in bringing m ui. tains u! mL-eiy upon the people. It is not strange that they rhoulj uuio to ici-pctcs'ii '4tl 0 evil's they create 1. Kxtiemes will meet. i(Jed',- I11I1 !'!' v-mciv. Iljiltjna. .M xtMtt I ', Mirimo 1, an M--ji.i, are ti bo t e'n-1 by orb-.r of General I'll eole 1 1. 'l'lio t no I'hnpnror iiste 1 lint oei I liu pvj ms lo tlu City of Mexico misclit b"! Mtiii.''Uit";-l t) act as his coon sei, wb.ieti r"j'n.st w.'.s granted. fate of M iximilin doo -nds upon Juarez A trial will mil unit ti) uolhiiig" I he signifies a de-ire for conviction. Jt is to bo hopil t'mt tho L'bjraliit loil.-r wl:-' n.t sully his eauso by tho lute'iery of prisoners who sorreti Lire 1 unler th nil es g ivernitig civliixol wnfirc. The shooting of Maximilian wml l injure the Ilepuhlic lono th in a doJU lost battles A c.vi'.r.K tehgraui frotn London rc. centlyann ouno.-d that a " llelorm nnb " att iekc l a Tory or (1 nvrtitn-jnt mooting at St. Jainei' I I iU, stormed tha plat form, and hii-iel tha T3.1 fl.i g-lt' 111 mote I by a liberty cap." That kind of " re! inn " i? not c ilouluto.l to do its a lvooilci inueh good, and tho ch inces are th it, unless it ha confined within proper limits, it will d) mora damigo to the Iv.'forni trs than to tho Tories. L;:wis D. C.VMi'Hur.r. has resigned his porition as Minister of tho United States to Mexico, and wanU to cuuo hmua.. As 110 successor has yet been appointed, hera is a chiinco fur an ct - tcrprising young man, who wishes to spend a lew weeks in thut liealthy conn, try and variegated govoniUiOiit, A p. plications to bo addressed to tho lion Win. II. Seward, Washington, --An auti Topery riot broko out in lilruiingh iiii, lhiglaiid, yooterday, 'I ho rioters obtained possesion of tho town, sacked some of the stores, and tiUaokud a Catholic chapel. Tioops wcro dis patched from London to ijuiot the di- turbunce and restore oidi. v. Sueh mi oc. euireiiee is a disgrace to tiio intelligence and progress of the nineteenth cetitui,y Aye"" Juns 10 th. An expoditioo will soon leave En gland in search of Dr. Livingstone, tho African explorer and traveler, The fact that this movement is anstiniing1 u prac tical form fihows thut tho publio Leliove that tho Doctor is still ftiivo, Two cases of cholern have nrids their appcaranen in Now York. Otir City Councils sccui to think that oholoio is not halt as bad us clcautiuoss, and don't intend to expend ny pi nicy in promoting the latter. iUir adiertifjcmcnifj. Ii ot Soiei -'i an 1 UvMiuutiv Meuininluo in i;ik county, subject lo ihe wyineul u( License, fur tlio your 18(17, Cl.ss, DKW.KBM Still!, TAX. ! 7 0 12 C-0 l 12 ,10 7 MJ 12 ") 12 -V) I t O'J 7 m 7 O') 7 0,) 7 (j 1 7 (i ) 7 00 7 (:: 7 ID 7 0 7 (i) 7 (a) 7 no 7 (v.) 7 on 7 ttt) 7 00 7 00 7 0.1 7 in) 12 iin 7 01 7 t) 10 INI 7 On 7 b'J 15 Ot) 1") ii) II rn lo 1 11 lo ni ! tn 7 fHi 7 7 to 7 00 1- .l.'.aiei .M'iMo-,k(y, l ox, .....,. '." .luscpli K ieh & Son, t'ex. 12 0. It. Knh v, r-oc 1 1 Hyile & !-cii, Vox 12 Jj.-epli V ill, i on. lii-niincr I- Coyne & MeA can, Ucijiingcr... 12 Wei.s Ci.jrhprs, Beaiaei- 14 .Ii.lin lli-li i'i , iteaxiiige-r... I t 1'icd. llud ilo'.i, l.-,is;.'igvr I I I' , t.-.!iv Co., l;--n;iuger... il Shcftcl . Xev.'MTi, iknsin jt... Jl M.ie.v t-'i-iher, !'.en,:!n -j -r II A, Derl.ielier, TemiiiTiT I t J. . iseaheii.iiO' .1 ('0., iiinziuger II r.'-ieiai-ii Wtiiei,.lji f, i;eaiii,2;er.. II Adololi r:iel:ti.i;i'i, neiiiin::er... I t A. T. Aehieli, Jones V 14 Michael Weldert, Joeo? 1 I Mai-iin Soweis. .leees I I ti. Ii. i!yd, J.oies II Kd . :o il I'ieielo r, llenoielle 1 I II. !'. Mii-M-, l'.eii.-.eltc 14 H. P. ). Wiio-luw. l-cno.-.ctl I 1 j. .1. .Mjlloii:.' I, Heiifielle. ..'... .. Ii V. V.'. V. 'a'.l'.ir, llenere-lte 1 1 J. J. Ilole.noei, Snrliis Creuk.... 1! INcveii . Klin', I'.i !-v:iv 1 t lle ilr .'C II ill s, lii'lTvay 14 .1. V." II oik, Ili.L'i-w I:! J. .S. Hyde, llid;-ii:.y 1 I K. O. (.'! 1111 oils, Kidi'W iv j It iloriu.'i ;c lleliio-in, lioiway ... I ; HE IV MILS AND I.ISIII.LUIS 1 10 Josi-pli iiidfeliuo', IVnyinger... : 1) I'loii'les Vi.il:, itni.'.ir-si- ' l'l Charles lino', !!. n: i:w r ; 1 ) .John tjreiblo, llenniioT Ill Augnt JVibol, li.ii.en.xei- 10 tiinrgo V. eoui.in, iiiintr ri;ru.i:as or vatknt Miiueixk 11 J.o oh l'.eg.i.' g,-r, llouinger It (!. (1. M' sscn.f Ilidjj.vay...... l;OOIS AMI n TATIOXKll V. 1 1 W. J. llliiktdy, ilen;uj;cr co.Niite i'io.iiiii:s. 11 John Wiiehul, lieii.inger unto 11 wr r.ui.oi.i. II (i. 1'. II iiileioo li, lli-iiiiiigfi- 7 00 1 I (Ivt i hi.li.er Jl Mux'.vull, Kitlgtvuy 7 (Kl Xoiico is hereby given Ihiit. an appeal will be held in Itidway on tho lillih of Juno INm, at 10 o'clock A in. WILLIAM MX'AULEV, junJOJt Mercantile Api raitcr. Vtl.i.YHK OV Jt'itt.ff, M PINil'i:bY AND JOSKPII UlUKI'ATiUCk liuvo this dny wiili dr.iwu from tho tin 1 nf .SI101I, II11II& Co. Tile iiiideisigiud reinuiniii co-iiiitni'is wi.l ciiiiiiiinc the bmikiiig business under Ihe old firm name, MilultT. HALT, CO. . SHOUT, JNO (I. II ALL. I.. VOLl.MKlt. May - ( 7 if. J. K. 1'. HALL. t vicinily opened ly Miss D.UiGKTT ul llio ieiliu i.ee of Mis. J. V. Houl, lois Imeii r. 'moved to the rooms over J. Y. Hunk's Krnr where will be kept nice assortment of Ppi'Iifti itoO HW TJi'llioclij. Dlti:s.-'-TKIM MIXUS, STAMPilU WOKK. Siimipin and I'rcf.mak'n;; done. Mrs. J. Y. HOCK. .my.Cl;7tf liWSwa, To. LUMBER. ITrK A UK PilKP-XUBI) Ti) FCRXI8H Yf iijoni short netieo the fillu'A'iio; kinds of i.iiMib'-r of the be;-!, rpiality. VIcOORING AMD SIDING, l ;! el in the lieft io"fil)"c tin nner. from sea-'jio d tunilx-r, vi a l v for ii-c. Al .1, LATH FOIl riASTKUING V,i will put on c.ii w'vm required. r-;.?"All oi lers n..l.H4so I to us ut this pli' juoino'le nllcndel In. rtOUTUi-lit, W!l,f,I3 & CO. j'li.ri'j'if KiJgwny, Pa. Si-KWloIiora' Setinij. a MKHTiX'j orv:'K.Toci;nouiKn8 of ll.o 1'iiil i l.'lp'i 6i Ulio U. 11. Coeo-y ill lo' li.-llnl j'-'ice f the C)iiii..iiiv, f-'o. W',!imt Hiec, il " e;ty of rii.l o li'liie., on M itni'oiy lhi Iiiil., ut 12 o'clock, u-'oii, lo tiika itiln eon. siihriitl'ia 11 joint ri'ccent eul ei ( d lulu lictvviji.ii tlio ina'oijjPi H f si. d Company nnd Ilia UlivcliOH of Ihe V,iir -n ' tVnnUII 1 It'illw.iy I'.ui.p my, for tho mi'igf' of tlio ritfh'- 1'i'aaelii.oe; an 1 properly of (he la! tor C.,111, 1. int 1 i'i" s:i:d l'h'ilit lolpliii. ' Hid a It. II. Co'mi:i:iV. (UIOIKIK 1'. PM'TL r, Phil'a, J11113I0, 107, rteerelary. Ti'r; t.TL St.i;? V-n. rSllw v.ovli 1.1 h.Mti.)M lloi M'Ke-in. F'll:, J I'ori'sl nnd Clai'iim ftinl" I'ni'd will be lei on oi' b, I'nm .lii'io ojj,!, pin-lies W'llO U'isii In luivo rIiowu Ihom tlm wind; to bo done and jobs to by let w ill iiijsimiiIiIo at llnwirl Hill, -Hamlin township, M'Kou'i "iiMiiiy. Mou-l iy Jinm It), at 0 11. 1:1, M. ', I'lvuli i, Viie.einy, Jain 1 1 , '.) eon, T. James', lllijliln id l'i,vii'!ii. illu comity, .hoi" 12,!' e. ul. I, 11 iim's, l-'orest county, 'i'iim's I'my, Jiia - l.t. ni 110011, Pnyimuil n il! bn neidu in Hr,;;d i'mi'li. Written propnsulH are Inviti-d bofovc Ilia 'JOih, ndditsscl to lino or i.ioru of the iiiideribi;niv. TltOS. I,. KAN I!. WILMS IIAUUUTT, Jnni-M-lt. .1. U.IICNI'. joTict: ok Hissoi.uriox.- Tin; 11:11 -liii'liln liorclororri oKistinff bu. iweun llm undei Ji(.'lleil, uulur (lie mill name of liordwoll i Mi'xspnu.'r, isiliis day dNi ilvnd by leiiliiiil eons-lit. Tin) bonl; nnd ni i'oniif- of Iho Into firm remain in tho hands of (J. tl. Mussontrei' for nettloineiil, j, h. hoi:i)'iVi:m 0. U. MiCeSK.N'UKU. June ij, lSil7il!t, HIVVVIAZ I TIM riMlK I'lllM i 5 M KN J i; it h tiTyed, nil luo vni I'lllM op lloitlMVjlLL A Ml'fil- liuvin beioi this day dis- lil.l'unll 111 u.l.lpil In uiir.l tirm ti i' re jiiei led In lnal.o inniojiliiile nut lluiiicm Willi llio undrislgnod, in whose humid lle l!Ool. ale led for lii.it piiiposn. (1,0. Mi'.H.SK.V.jMll. June til, 1)7 -If, Nl'.WI.Y IMl'ltOVIlI) ti'iSv'Jijf 0bji'11-t.)fj !?ii)i!0! AeliiiO ivledgs I lo ba Iho bust Lniidoli Prinu Medal, and highusl iimshIs ill Anieiieti, r'eidyad ! Mel idcnitx. 8econ 1-lian 1 t'iiiiins nnd ililsl", Jn'o 722, Arch H'roO, belli- I'irrtit Ii, lillLAtiKI.VHU, 1A. np'2l Ini ryi cokk asu vmK-n.w J AUof superioi fpiulily, for eula by I lie Tannerdalo Coal Company. St. Mmy', l-JIk LVut.iy, I'a. ' JJ'-OracM by mail proinpMf itfend- Cd to. cj'!l'J 'J-iJ I' H N I T II II E AT Titii); MARY'S) PA- UOOU.i A."D I'LltXlTL Ki: : : cash, Tl. ? subreriber Vcrni constniiilv on lonul nil i.l.e of Sash tin I Iluui s, a'..- j Wardrube. llureuui. Wiisltstan Is, ILioiic ise , Titjlei. 1), .,'.::. Lt!iiige, li.dsteads, Sofas, Sc. Picture Kt.vucK, ' Sa-h P.-ioited sod (Ihncl, All ivoi-li ivariaiited in be of ihe best unu tei i.il an 1 ivm kni in -!iip. Call ii4 eionin-: my work tin ! pricos as I feel coiiti lent i iy v. iil ffivs Si.lifie- li.m nnd my iieei aieaj ios', if not lower than lio y nra i:i usv o l.. v nou!:. '. CilA.5. L. i:tii:i!. inyM.I I'.if. ;it ;,Ury's, Pa. f KTTYSIiUtd ASYLUM "X K..r Inv ilid S.,1 : laem p o-ute 1 by Aei of A s -inl.ly of ih Cni.iniiiaivea'i'i of I'eiiii-ylv .aia, M ircli '. 1 .- ' r. The Hoard of fV. p ry:;oi: appointed by the ut-ove Coiiii-.ii ion I 1 tarry teal ihe ob .1 ctsiii ilo-iiel of in. 10 i.trni ;oa, repcel i.lly anr, . i-ice lo the j wb.V.c lli.n tlu Leiris Liiilrc ef I'i no-yi v.i.ii.i )-.;i i .nUiuiiy..d ih.t raiding of loads I'n erection, cst.iblish meiit, and iii itnl-omnet-s of 1111 Asyl'.un for iiiv.ilid Sol !ier of ihtf hiio iv ir, lo be built ciilli- Hall!; li.ddof lietiy.-bnrg, nnd as an ind i.'e.iieitl lo pmioiic cogens lo cin li'lbute la iliis b m vo'.ent ot jvcl, hsve em-p-weie l ill l rponti.n In di-tribme -111011.-I 1 l-c siibier.bs-rs u.di niiiilesnt value and inl ere-i, f. oni nssoeiation with the late war, or any Moneys, clieels, properly, or eol.-ile, real or persona', whatever, iu this Statf or elfetiliro-e, at ucli lime or r.poa sneli term", ninl in sue!i way itn l airliner whiilsocver, ai to them shall teem lit. ny laws of ill is Cooiiuonwciilili to the contrary not williflnudiug. Tlio enterprise is cordially lecoinuiendcd by the fj'.leniiig nuiiivd well known gcullo men : Major General Ccorjo 0. McmIo llx-llnvcrnor Androw li Curtin Major Ccneral (U'uslut Peimvpuckcr Mnji r (leiiornl K M (ircgiw' Major Oeiiernl Joliu It I'.toi.ko Major (lineiul Chnilcs II T Hol'is Major (leneral J imi-s L Sedfridgo llrig (ivii J a iocs A ltt-aver itrijf (leu Hmatio 0 Sickels lliig (Ion Joseph F Kiupe ling den Win J rtolton Urig (leu Samuel M Zuliek l'oij? den John K Murphy Hi itf (icn T P McCoy HriS (icn U B Winilow Iirig (leu Htrry Pleasanls llrig Ct n J P S Oobin llrig (leu J M Campbell 1'oig (ien Thomn M Walker Brig Gen IV Cooper T!!y llrig Gtn U M M Gregg Colonel F Stumbling! Tho lite for (ho institution (thirty acres) tins ulrcady been purth.w-ed, and it is hoped thut tho f,ood tro; ruuy cotiiu.euco btfoio uiid3U.UMcr. Subscriptions will be received at tho office of Iho nfsochitimi, No. U2fi, Ciiexlii-.it Street, IMiiladelpliia, on nnd nder Motid.iy, the Oth day of .May, 18C7. l-'or each uttbKcrip.ion'offive dollars a rerliiictite be ifiicd, which will en title the boldei to such article of valuo as may bo awarded to its tmnibef. 'I he firs', distiibution of awards will be made immediately upon I he receipt of'" 80,000 fuihseriptioiis nf?:) each. The distriliutioii will bo public, nnif under the direct pupcrvision of ihe Cor poralorp. I'craons nt a distance are requested to remit thoir puhseiipliona (when practi--cuble) 1-y l'ost ollice inniicy order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. N l'irecf all letter t- T. D 1 10 I'I .MAN, Pec'y )or''d of Supervrsorr-, iiox ir;,r. o., I'hii'm U19 following is a Rcliedtdc erf tfi nwar.J to be mado under the first di,-.Mri- bulioti, TliO lb ma nf Jil ''.tl ' "' Kfhct' prctiotis toncn wcM r,or0l,n,rv "i-i""lliJH UU'I i roii) out . a v ino poutti during tho war, and their roautnetic.vs h cort'rflcd' (. . V . I (i . . to by Messrs. Ilcij.'o & Jims , tho menf extotiisivo 'liiiiticnd importers in ho countiy, nnd by J. Hermann, diamonov welter, New York, GliTTYSIlUnO ASYLUM FOIl lXVALltf .. r-OLUlKltS. Iricorjioriilod by Act of Assembly of tho Cuniinonwealili of 1'cnnnylvanio March (5th, 1HH7. Offico Chostntit St., Philadelphia. FII5ST HiWPOSITIOy, K!g!ily Tliousaiid Bulisui-ibors at 5 Bc( 1 1 P'oiiinmd Noe'?bio, iH r.ii'.liunts, vubied at,,!in,00(l 2 1 Ulniiomd Cluster ISrooeb and lliir Itinjis ,.,.,. lS.OIK) B 1 Award 10 iDliov't llon4 10.0IW) 4 I )!.iin'd Cross, eat in gilver T.OlHI 01 inumonil I loiter Krooen jil A win 4 10.40 Uov'l llonjs 7 1 Diamond Hinglo Kt, 1'ing K I Diamond Cluster lirneelut U 1 Diamond iiiila (jione Scarf pin ,' , , 10---1 Diiiiiomd Cluster llronuli,, J I 1 ) tin nmn I Cluster llraeelet i 1 Pair iinu'lo mono pl ft.tMii) ft.lMHI 4JIH) 4,"LH 4.007 4.IHM) 4,00t n.iwv ;). w H. IKHI U.IMIi) tl.lllll) i.rm ijm a,.vji I, 500 l-Glfl leoiid I.n 1- Itings Di im viid Cliutai- ISrooeb AyHi d l. i (Juv't (lomls Diamond fiiole stone I'in J:l--1 1 l-t Jo 1 10 I DiiiiiiM niiilo stoua mud 17 I D'aioninl Clualer Drooeli IH 1 Diani'd Single (tone JtinK I'.'-i-l Diam'd ft, Kmo'ld liroooh 20 1 Diain'd Sliilo stuns King Di'HMond Cluster )!iig, 2'!-l ."Ma India Camel'ii lltdr fihawl ..,.. , '.!:! 1 Choice lviiiHrabl ri'i, (. U 1 Siiii?lo Stoiu. DL'uiK.ml ""f J,(K) 5 lo Avii U of ).) Gov t M'oids, cacli l.ODtl Co I Three sloue dim.iid St liuby linlf h..op rin)t.., NKI 3'i 1 diamond eiiigle moiie Fur Kii'ibs.,.,. , Ron "71 P'r dlam'il cluster Kfinls 61K) 6 I diamond (duple nione King, ntnr selling yxl !3'l 1 di.im'd sin-;!e Ktuno Pill ftimt 10 1 diaiu Cbti- brne.-lt-i " 0(K (1 lo .VMli A ,vni Is of l) i t Gov't P.nintH, -ne!i. ,Vil il 1 La ly' loioi' I nt-t wnlcli (HI -1 -La h'-1 ningie stone ring So l o:5 --1 -" i,e-.a fuel rje.J t'.us- ( r 1 ii.r 2i .r'..l diaei d s'.nijli.- si-n.e r'm 21') ii"-... I p iir H-Vl l scarf Pins 2ih) "'i...l -I'm 1 -"iaeie stone stnl f "...l 'i.i lion 1 Cluster Pin... 1W H...' en- i -o an 1 pearl Uroouli i.ad -.si- riii UKI W to ; -I'l l Awards Dl !) j v t Ilon.'s. cseii y l.!Mo2"3-P,.) Award-, G.iv'mt I.e.t.l Teii-l.-i':, cae!i... " &. 8, '.'' Aw -ids. Government L";-il T en-'e is. raeh 5 The disirihtricn !' the above tiTards will be !iialvj in public ns soui as tho subserijiiioii is full, of which duo notice will be "ivvn through tho papers. Oil and af'.-r May 0;h the liiani onds will be on cxhibid. 11 at the o:Ti;a of the As sociation. The publio can rely ci cvcrylhini bein conducted in the most honorable and I'.iir manner. All (ho awards will '00 Landed to certificate holders, iinino. di .tely alter the distribution, froi of all cist, ut the iiiTi.v 1 f tho company, No. 112 1, CflMSTXUr direct, I'ldh. ciiiniricvrn. Wc hereby ect ti'y (hat si have ex amitied llio L'ia.iio.i 1 ti 1 .ds, I'earls, Mineral ! I' abi-'s, a-.id other IVeeium .Stones, as deicii' l in tho above list, an 1 find thorn all yoiiuiuo. Ili''Xi.H l!t0 8, iHaiuoni Inrvirters, -it Maiden Lane, New York. J. HiCllUAXW liiauiml Setter, ij'.il llrouuic dt., New i'oik. AGENTS V-' VN'TKD. Honks can b lm I roiiiniiiiiiir 20 ceiliiieatcs (INK UUNbllL'D DOLLAUS. All orders for ccrtiQoatcs must bs add 1 esse i to J. 1. IIOFFMAX, Pcc'y. Dox U1, Piwiolico, 5-9-2m. rhiladelphia. T.0:i SAI.R! FIVH ACUm 01 J.1 Village Loti in Uidway ! Price, Ouo Thousand Dollars ! A small part in CASH balance i-i ten years. Iiuiiire of J. Pnwell, Itidgwnv, Prt., or C. H MoM'l.TV. No. HHO. ilnmdway, New York, rCaru I.alhrop, I.nding ton Co., New Yurk CilY, May Oth, 1:0,7-41. fYrilK MaWkK"! In tho Court of 1 of iho Icoorpora- j Common I'loas lion of tho " Klk of JOIk County. County UailiHWid and I No. 11, Aug. T. Mining Gazette." ) 18G7. Notico is hereby giveu thut tho cer. tifioato of tho Corpoiutois of iho " Klk County ltilroad ond Mining Oaiotto" has becu u ed in my ofliio, and if do suflvjieut ca. re is bhown to Ihe oontrary, a dei roe of ''acorporation will be mudu ut tho aexi term of tho Court. OKO. A. ltVTHHUN. May 9th, 18G7. I'roihonotary, A J