. i., rri'i-niKTf.u, 'IMUTIISPAV : .Imio : : : : : : : : : "i li, li-'OV. SSMOCrHTIC CIt.T3 CPNVSSTION. .. ,m'1.' S'lMt" fVniiTi: t 1 -o. M ils '.iini'i. v 'Ji'lli. lit I f 1 1-i I 1 1 1-il-iptc-i I i. i but it-nlm ..in'- : 1st, j iiui Ilf i u .1 l.ir ' 1 1 1 v i t i ti ill Hie v ''.,1- 1? laiill.ll il: II I !llnli'l:ltl T". l til" .Siipro. i nrli, I e lu-M at llnn-i-lan a. on the itl VC l'ln.V .1 I'N l is-;;. all:! o- chirk, M.. r r i 1 lllr.t s.ii-l f 'nil v-'li-'-til In.' e-iiiipt-"! of ill-. ti-ii:il munli'-r -t '!-,,ir:i e- Jml. Iiigid Ili-i.-n tli-i'i't-i. i! i-.j-f-i i in '?! I riltol'ie ! i!i"ci-:icv --I' IVi;iim1 mia tit l'OI'.TM V. l'ril rl.-.-i.'iM tin- ii-m.i'I iiinn-r. two ih-lej an-.-'. nI' v'c-i"iiii"l i.n:liim :ilt I iuHnmi'i; in I'll1 l-i'i'v. for carh lirpivsi-u-talive and Sen. ii e in til-.'.!1 iiirulivo dis. trie', wlio i-lmll lni-'t ill M SS t '( N Vl'.X TION. nt 1 l.i i i-'i. I.i.i ;-. en a ilny In 1-.-1-y t lie Chairman of I lie. Stale Central Cum lniltec. By in I'.v i-f the P o : : i -1 . Tatio Sis.!o Coin Uiilteo. 1VIU.I.UI A. W.VJ I Ai'K. ("n.l'.l l.i.'.II. t. I, l-'..-.'-! I l Se.Tel.U'V HOSACE Gr.a'Sr.y AT1D TII! LEAGUE. Tlic Union L'-njua Club of Now Yoil;, of which Grecly is a member, addressed, rn cfTi-iisl notice to him, on tlic 10th, ('oniaiul'ug his appearance before a spi.c-ial nicolin to g'wc an aceuunt.of his " locality " in tho matter n -burnt tu:m Jefferson Davis. Horace Lii&tlca up iu Lis reply of over a column of close print, and tells the League iu plain terms that they arc "-iiaiTOW minded blockheads." His reply is aldre.-sc.l to Messrs. Cieorge W. lilunt, Johu A. Kennedy, John O. Stone, Stephen ITyatt, and thirty others. .Wo make the following extract : " Gentlemen,,! shall r.ot attend your meeting this evening. I have an en izagcmcnt out of town, and shall keep it. I do not recognize you as capable of judging or tvc.i full apprehending me You evidently regard uic 03 a weak sentimentalist, misled by a maudlin -philosophy. I arraign you as narrow inindcd blockheads, who would like to be useful to a great and good cause. you don't know how. Your attempt to base a great enduring party on the bate nud wrath necessarily engendered Jy. a Woody civil war, is as though -you would plant a colony on an ice -berg which had some how drifted into a tropical ocean. I tell you hero that out of a life earnestly devoted to the will' select my going to Richmond and signing that bail bond as the wisest aet, and will feel that it did more for free-t-Ioin and humanity than all of you are competent to do, though you had lived to the age of Methuselah: " All I care for is, that you make this a square, stand up fight and record -your judgment by yeas and nays. I .-care not how few vote with mo, nor how uii.ny vote against me; fur 1 know that tlio latter will repent it iu dust and n.shcs before three years have passed, Undcn-tavd, once for all, that I dare you and defy you, and that I propose to fight it out on the line that I have held from the day of Leu's surrender. So long as any man was seeking to over, throw our government, he was my enemy ; from the hour iu which he laid down his arms, he was my formerly f iring countryman. So long as any is at heart opposed fo the national unity, fi-o federal authority, -or to that asser. tinn of tho equal rights of all men which has become practically identified with loyality and nationality, I shall flo my best to deprive him of power ; but whenever lie ceases to bo thu.-', I di-mand his restoration to all tho privileges of American citizeuship." " I give you fair uotiec that I shall ui .;e re-enfranchisement of thos-j now jdc-eribed for rebellion so soon us 1 .hall feel confident that this course is iv;r-Litetit with the freedom of the Ll.o'ks tind the unity of tho republic, Mid that I shall demand a .recall of all now in exile only for participating in I';-' rebellion, whenever the country i-hV.I have been si thoroughly pacified that its safety will not hereby be en dangered. And so gentlemen hoping that you will heueufiii'th comprehend me somewhat .bc'ter than you have done, I remain, Yours, T. Y. May 2:i, HoiiAre Giif.ely. (Miicngo, June a. A fire at tho coiner of Taylor and Clarke streets, this afternoon,' desrtuyed dockus' livery stable, and damaged some ti-ljoiuiug buildings. Loss ?1,000. J.t:suruucc 50,000. ' Jersey Cily, June 3. On Saturday uight last, u train from New York, on tho Mom and Ksscs llailroad, when near llloouifield Junc tion, betwoeo Newark and Orange, was Ihrown from the track ly a bar( iron placed across the track by ffomc mis creant, doubt Ices with a vicvv to plun der. None of the passengers ffcro iu j urod, I'on'hkeepsLC, N. Y., June.". Robert Hciidcraho't, well kuowu as the drummer boy of the Ituppuhaunock, i lopc frum this ciiy with a rich mer. chant's da ighttr on Friday last. They were married at Newburg. The inter i-tiiig i air are '' scaiee nineteeu years hl. I'm- llie Klk Ailvuciile. TH3 ISJUE OF, THK UOVV. " Why H'aml ye lin e nil tlic day iille ? Is He .- (1-ar, it I'l'ieo so tuveet us to lie liiiii'liancj at the ivi:o of chains aiiJ .-In-very V ' There ijiu rh s of Patrick Henry ore t i.dny n pertinent as when nioro than ninety years agi his cln-Uoiice the Ainerican heart, and aided in arousing the people to what posterity has de clared to be -a justwbellum. V.t,-tas ridden, s!amp accursed, and loaded with an irredeemable and depreciated curien. cy, we fo diy groan beueath nn oppres siun a hundred times greater than any ever Imposed upon tho Colonics by King (icorgc and his Parliament. Our forefathers rose and (brew off that tyranny, and arc we. idly mid pas-' sively, without one effort to release our selves, to stihn.it tu tyranny po much worse '! " JWlnl it Mmi.jlily Coil! " !lood and trca.sura have been squan dered lavishly to maintain and enforce obedience- to a Constitution which is now tramphni underfoot by the very men who bat a few short months ago were loud in its praise ; by men solemn, ly sworn in tho sight of God and their fellow men to its support ! Is there one count of the indictment set up in ;hc Declaration of InJepeudeucc, -that iMagna Chaita of American liberties that might not with equal truth be brought by tho people of these disunit ed States against their Congress ago ainst those men who-uhould bo but the puppets of their will,? Disregarding their oaths. disregard,. mg all their own solemn cled-'es. and lgiioricg laws which they themselves have placed uhon tho statute book, us. ing power but to oppress, raising hope but to destroy, God forsworn, treacher ous and cowardly tho Coasrees of tho United States has .forfeited by mis. user all the riglits ever given .it, and the power to make ;la,'.vs aud command oho. dience, rtverts to its source and where it of right belongs to tho people Trembling cowards, without honw or, manl ness, shrinking from the liht of day, fearing their own shadows, and dreading open discussion of their plans aud hopes. Congress resolved in the first months of the war that tho war was only prosecuted to suppress iusurrec tiou and maintaiu tho supremacy of tho tho Constitution aud the laws, and when that was aeeo.tiioji-i'!"'' 1, - -!. cease. Lehcving this promise, tho people, when tho last insurgent laid duwn his arms, looked for tho rainbow of peace to brighten Iho political hoii. son, for the mechanic to return tc his tools aud tho laborer to the fields. More than two years havo passed since the last armed foo disappeared, but tho gentle influences of peace havo not yet re.iumed their sway. From tho fertile fields of tho South come the wails of famishing men, women and children, aud ten States bow beneath tho iron heel of military rub,iud life and prop, crty arc held only by the -vufTcance of the irresponsible, unprincipled and des potic shoulder-strapped miuiou3 of a corrupt and venal Iegislaturo. " JIow long ? O, Lord ! How long ? " From tho gently springing grass, the rustling leaves, tho rippling brook, tho rolling thuuder, tho Cashing lightning from each of God's ministers and agents, comes the answer in tones clear and unmistakable : Until the people rise iu their might aud .assert .their right to His gift, te " life, liberty aud tho pursuit of happiness." Connecticut, but the other day, ought at the ballot-box the'battlo of right against might fought boldly and conquered. The power of wealth aud the voices of demagogues availed not against minds awakened to our peril, and seeing tho downward path which tho nation is treading towards tho prec ipice which threatens tho ruius of ua-1 tiona! uuity, general and individual prosperity, arid civil aud political liber, ty. Mechanics aud operatives, threaten ed by the loss of employment if disobe dient to the commands of selKsh capi talists and manufacturers, cast a loving look upon tho upturned luces of wives aud children, tcuiug perhaps in those gentle eyes only faith and truth sceins perhaps hope for that legacy of honor which is dearer than life walked boldly to the polls and cast their votes iu that scale wherein lay tho right. " Trutk crushed ta earth will rise again." There is no doubt as to Iho result, but as to the means. The probabilitica are that with very littlo extra exertion, wo can succeed in effecting change in tho political status, but in such & ease what assurance havo wo that the men in power will submit to the deeisiou of tho people. Nono whatever 2 Indeed; judging the future by the past, remem bering the hubituul disregard these men have I'm all law, we can only think they will refuse to submit. What then ' Will the people be compelled to give tip their choice and slink baek ito their kennels like whipped spaniels, cowering before the frown of Thad. Stevens or Don. Dutlar ? . I ween not. There is something of tho old spirit of '70 left, and if it is onco fairly aroused let tho tyrant bc wai e. They may-have moro money, but the people havo the muscle, brains, pluck, and in tho long run these aro the win' ning cards. Tho cloud ot popular iudignation is lowering, deeper, darker, thicker, and unless there is a chango in public affairs ore long, it will break out in a storm thiit will sweep the Radical leaders from tho face of the earth, consigning them to a blacker Hades than was ever dreamed of iu heathen mythology, aud leaving their names to bo resoucd from oblivion only by tho nicmgry or their crimes. Again wj..say, let them beware. Shnl! th aibitraticn boo by ballot or bullet ? JJix. For the Klk Advocate. CATHOLIC CHKI STIANITY -NO. 7. Suppose an Israelite, bitten by one of lie deadly serpents, and knowing that tho bite would prove fatal iu a few hours, if ho did not obtain relief from some source, should say nevertheless that he would not lotik.for healiugto the brazen serpent which Mescs had .lifted up Ic cmc he believed it was a humbug ; .should wo not say 'that such a msu de. scivcd his fate ? Yet a man might say it was contrary to reason ar.d common tense to supposo that looking upon the brazen imitation of the eerpent which had bitten -him would cure the fatal bite. But all such objections were out of place. This was the way which God appointed Jar -tho healing of the. people, a way, indeed, whiuh was entirely arbitrary, but which none could misun. derstand, and ivhich cost them nothing against which no honest mau could have the least objection. After this, if any died of the sorpon'Jo .bite, it was their own fault. God had promised a certain cure if they would only look ; refusing to do this was evidence of an unbelieving or rebellions spirit, thouuh they might boast of reason, and accuse Moses of humbugging tho people. Vnn- !.:- ,-1. KnToro n. we hea the glad sound of the Gospel : "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the des. ett, to shall tho Son of man bo lifted up ; " and accordingly he was lifted up ou the cross "lhat whosoever belicv ctli in Him shall not perish, but may have-life everlasting." A-nd net as in case of the serpent ia tho desert; but now wo aro informed as to tho way in which the iiftieg up of Christ effects tho salvation of those that Jook to Iliui. His death was a sacrifice to divine jus tice an atonement for human guilt ; so that God may be just and justify tho believer in Jesus. Jiut I wish now to insist on tho FACT that Ktivution which includes the for giveness of sins and a blessed immortali ty is freely offered to all men through faith in Christ. And for any sinnento doubt that God will savo him if ho looks to Jesus, is just as wicked as it would have been .for any Israolite to doubt that God would heal him of the serpent') bite if he would look upon the serpent of brass. And since, in the ono case ns in flic ofher, thero is no other icaj to escape the impending evil, we can understand why uubclicf is tho prevailing sin of the world. Sec John 10, 8. 15ut why is it that all men are not saved, when a suffieieut atouenicut has been made for all, and -all aro invited to como and " tako of tho water of life freely ? " Why is it, than when Christ is preached as willing aud able to save forever All who come to (Jod Ly IL'm, so many refuse to come Tho fact, strango and sad as it is, cannot bede wed. There aro vory many, even un.. df tho fullligfct of tho gospel, who Hi7 net como to Christ that they might havo life. TJipj would rather die than ho saved in this way ; or at loast run the risk of death, than look tft. tho Sa vior noic tho only opportunity they are sure of ; and this is unaccountable, except on tho ground that the human heart is " deceitful above all things, aud desperately wicked " " enmity against God." But como believe ; and since all are by nature esseutially aliko all aro " dead in siu " we must iiHjuiro whence the difference? C. O. ttJ"Tbe Mayor of Angusta, Georgia, announces iu his late inessago that there is just $10 ia the City Treasury with which to a Sotting debt of (112, 000. LATE NEWS. St. Louis, Juno .1. Lufo Dcnvo papers report-that fifteen tu eighteen inches of snow and heavy rain fell I hero hctwoen tho 15th and 20th ultimo. Tho snow was so deep in the mountains that the coaeh could not go throngh to Ccnttal City. A bey name 1 Gcorgo Miller, seven teen years of age, who was captured by tho Dlr.ckfeet in 1S(?", and stolen by tho Clieyenncs the following year, had escaped and reached Denver. Ho ro. ports that five white women aro held captives, xmo of them tho wilo of a doctor at Council 'Bluffs. The Indians keep thoroughly posted in regard to military movements. They have, many Spencer rifles, procured from the . traders. The Indians con template a general and simultaneous attaek along tho Platte lliver, early in "June. Tho Indian Comui'ssioner, (Judge Kinney) and party were attacked at Bridge's Ferry on the l'uth. Captain Willis, with troops, pursued and re covered all tho stock, and killed .one Indian. Tho Nebraska Legislature on Satur day appointed a couimittco to act with' tho committee, of citizens of Omaha, to give tho railroad excursionists a recep. tion . ILnrisburg,-.Tuno 3. Steel was -manufactured to-day at the PcnnsjJvanian Steel Works, a few miles below here, in thirty minutes, by tho Bassamer procoss, just introduced into this country, and by which steel rails arc manufactured almost as cheap as ordinary iron. In thirty minutes sixteen steel ingots wero made, each ono largo enough to roll into an ordinary T rail. Judge David B. Green organizod his courfhero to day, under the act passed last wintcr, creating tho first district of criminal juris Jictioil to bo composed of Dauphin, Lebanon, and Schuykill Coun. ties. There being no business ready tlio court adjorne'd until the first Monday of September. Ylu. II. Bell, a well-known citsan of Ilarrisburg, diod to-day. lie was married on Thursday last. Albany, Juno '3. Tho Constitutional Convention will meet at tho Capitol on Tuesday morn ing. Several delegates have already arrived. The question of oigrtniy.atiou is being quite freely discussed. Chariot J. Folgcr, Ira Hatris, and William A. Wheeler arc spoken of for President of the Convention, and James Terwtlligor and'ETfthcr Caldwell are candidates for clerk. The Republican caucus to decide upon the organization ot the Convention will be held this evening. Tho project for adjourning to Saratoga has but few advocates. Burlington, Vt, June 8. Another lubbery was committed here last uight. Tho jewelry store of L Freeman was broken open, and a small safe containing about 82,000 worth of watches, was carried off. The safo was found this morning 'by the police, buried iu a sand bank, -unopened. Nashville, Tenn., Juno 3. The argument 5n tho impeachment trial of Juduo Frazior havinnr ln concluded, tho Seuato to-day, actios as .1. . r . . ... . . ' . . mo iouri or mipeaonmcnt, rendered a verdict finding him guilty at tho charges prctereu. iuo verdict removes htm from offieo and disqualifes him fiom holding any offieo hereafter. 'Cincinnati, June 3. James Iungley, an old citizeu of Montgomery, iu this county, was drowned yesterday, wliilo attemptiug to cross the river iu ahuggy at that place. Tho horse, a stalliou, valued at $1,000. was also drowned. Portland, June 3. Tho vote on the fiyuor law, submit tod to tho people by tho Legislature, the questions being ad increase of penal itcs to imprisonment, in any case, elicited n vote of 1,139 yeas, and 302 uays in the city. Springfield, Mass., June 3. Tho City Couucil of this place has directed Major Briggs to extend tho hospitaTites of the city to President Johnson on his proposed visit to Massa chusetts. Washington, Juno 3. A clear majority of the Judicory Com mittee is known to favor an adjourn ment until Dccimbc, becauEO they do not deem a July Bession of Congress cither advisablo or -necessary, aBd this majority includos cue member who be lives an impeachment can be sustained before the House. The matter will be definitely decided this afternoou. The seven Republican members of tho com mittee, although strong iu their cen sure of the President, are divided on the impeachment question. The charges of oourplicity iu the assassination have not been sustained. Messrs. Bcntwell, Lawrouca and Wil liams aro ol tho opinion that articles of impeachment should be presented, and it is believed that Mr. Thomas inclines to this conclusion. There is much excitement to.day ou account of the election, but nc disturb ances have occurcd up to this hour. Orders havo been received to place the jebel ram Stonewall, in readiness for sea. She ia deliveied, and tho Government has granted Couciuandcr Brown the neoessary leave of absence Tho Japanese government will pay him a handsome prico for taking her to Ja pan. Oue mouth will be required to'put her in good order. Tho Government advices from New Orleans show that the Government is fully secured in its accouut with the First National Bank of that city, and that private depositors will get a large share of their money. The largest wonau in M lines is MissSylva Hardy, of Wilson, wh-i is seven feet high, and weighs 3-Vl pnnuils. Uiu gliiucitisitments. pnrtnevsliip licrcloloro existing ho. tween tlio un-lcisigncii, i.-ii-lcr tho firm name of Hr.rilwell ii Mcpsenjrvr, is this day ilissrtlve l hy iiiutiiiil consent. Tlio hooks nnil iiccniints of the late firm remain in tlio liati'ls of O. O. Mpssungir for PnHk-incut. J, .S. liOKDWICr.L. O. O, M r'SXCiI'!ll. .Tunc "(1, 18fi7iOt. SETTLE UP! jHiK 1'inM op nouDwiar, & mi:s- I .SKNGKlt having ticon this flay dis solved, nil icrons indebted to paid firm m e requested to make inn:iikinlii 'retlleuictU with the undrrsigiied, in wliufe hands the books are left for that purpose. U.U. MI'SSKNGWl. June 3d, 1867-tC cMf.iJi't-ii or nsiJtr, WM. M. SIN'GKUI.Y AND JOSEPH KIllKl'ATKICK have this day with drawn from tlio firm of Short, Hall & Co. iriie-uiidei'sifjiied ri'iiinini'ii; co-partnerp will continue tlio liankinjr luixinoss iindir the old firm name, SHOUT, HALT, & CO. S. SHORT, 7iNO (!. HALT,, 1.- VOf.LMElt, M'.y 2J, 'C7 tf. J. K. 1'. HALL. mTIIK M I LL1 N l: Y EST A UL1S II M UN T JL recently opened by Jliss I)AJGETT nt the residence of Mrs. J. V. Honk, has been removed to the rooms ovr J. A Honk's .Store, where will he.kept a nice assortment of pi'iilCI 1)1)0 S'-linhKr- ?,i!iil0Hl. DilKSSj-T KIM MINGS, STAMPED WOKK. Sluinping.and DresB.iiinking done. Mrs. J. V. 1IOUK. iny2:ilSC7lf llidgwiry, Pa. FU11NITUIIE STORE AT ST- MARY'S, PA- ASH, DOOMS AND FCRNITCRE 1 ! The subscriber keeps constantly on hand all sixes of Subh and Doors, also AYurdro'tius, Bureaus, WftSltstnufls, Ilodkcascs, Tables, Decks. Lounges, liedstcuds, Sofas, &c. TiUure Frames, Sash Painted and Glazed, All work warranted to bo of the best mai tcriul and workmanship. Cull mid examine iny -work and piicC3 ns I feel confident my work will give satisfac tion un my prices aro as low, if not lowor thenahey are in anv other market. Oh as. l. hag nr., my231li7tf. St. Mary's, Pa. ('1 ETTYSBUItG ASYLUM T For Invalid Soldiers Incorporated by Aot of Assembly of tho Cenmion-wenltli of Pennsylvania, March 0. The Board of SiiDcrvipRrs annointrd bv fhe uliove Corporation to curry out the ob jects of tho act of ineoriioralion. respect fully announce to the public that the Lcgis- uiuirc or rennsytvania lias nutliorized tlio raising of funds for tlio erection, establish ment, and maintenances o.f na Asylum for T 1! loll; .i i. iiiriiuu noniicrs oi ine laio war, to te nuilt on the Bnttlo Field of Gcttyshnrg, and as an inducement to patriotic citizens to con tribute to this benevolent object, have em powered Iho Corporation to distribute a monst the Hubseribers such articles ot value and iuluri-st, from cssoc'iat'ion with the Into war, or any moneys, effects, property, or estate, rent or fcrsiinal, whatever, in this State or elsewhere, at such lime or iipen snob terms, and in such way and nicnncr whatsoever, as to thein shall seem fit, any laws of this Commonwealth to tho contrary notwithstanding. Tlio enterprise is cordially recommended by the following named well known geutlo men : Mf.jor General George G. Mcado Ex-Governor Andrew G Ciirtin Major General Gahisha Pcnnypackcr Major General E M Uregary Major General John 11 Itro'oko Major General Charles II 'f Hol'is Major General James L Selfridgo ISrig Gen James A Beaver Brig Gen Haratio Q Sickels lirig Gon Joseph V Knipe Brig Gen Wm J Bolton Brig Gou Samuel M Znliok Biig Gon John K Murphy Brig Gen T F McCoy BriiJ Gen 11 E Winslow Brig en Henry Pleasants Brig ie .1 P S (Jobin Brig Gen J M Campbell Brig Geti Thomas M Walker Brig Gen IV Cooper Tally Brig Gen 1) M M Gregg Colonel F Slnmbaiigh Tlio tite for the institution (thirty acres) nas already liecn purchased, and it is hoped that tho good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will bo received at the office of the association, No. 1120, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, tho 6th day of May, 18G7. For each subscription of Gvo dollars n cortideato will bo issued, which will cu titlo the holder to such article of value as may be awarded to its uuniber. Tho firs'; distribution of awards will be made immediately upon the receipt of SO.OOO subscriptions of So each. The distribution will be public, and under tho direct supervision of the Cor porators. Persons at a distance aro requested to remit their subsciintions (when nranti. cable) by Post office uiouey order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. Direct all letters to J. HOFFMAN, Soc'y Hoard of Supervisors, 15ox 141, P. O., Phil'a. Tho following is a schedule of the awards to bo made under the first distri bution. The items of diamonds and other precious stones were purchased from citizens of the South during the I war, aud their f'cnuineuc.-ui is certified to by Messrs. Ileule & JJros., the most extensive diamond unporlcrs iu tte 1 lerniapii, diamond ur.iiioiu liti a.syu m i-ou INVALID BOI.DIEHS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania March Cth, 1807. Office 1 120, Chestnut Ft.. Philadelphia FIB ST DISPOSITION'. F.ighly Thousand Kiibsci-ibcrsat So Each. 1 1 Diamond N-ji-klace, 4H 10'illnu.ifa, valaed nt S?;iO,0(H) Diamond Cluster Brooch 2-1 and Ear l:inn;s . 1 -.. f o 31 Awnvd 10-10 Gov't Bonds 'lO.onij ii 1'iani n i. rosfi, set m Bilver 7. lino o l IMainniirt Cluster Brooch fi 1 Award 10. 10 Gov't Bonds' 7 1 Diamond Singlo Si. King H 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 'J 1 Diamond Single Stono Scarf Pin Ci.OU) 5,0110 l,o(io 4,1100 4.000 4,000 4,000 J) 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 11- l Diamond Cluster Bracelet 1 Pair sins-le utmin 121 mrnid V.nr Uiiiirs 1 ie -1 "Diamond Cluster Brooch ViiX) 8,000 3,000 3,000 3,0(10 i..1u0 2,.roo 2,600 2,000 1,000 111 Award 10.10 Gov't Bonds o 1 Diamond singlo stono Pin 10 1 Diani'd single sfone stud 17 1 D:nmond Cluster Brooch 18 I Dinin'd Siinrlo stono King 10 1 Diani'd ,v, Iirue'1-1 Brooch 20 1 Diani'd Single stono Ring 21 1 Diamond duster Bing... 2 1 Lou.-; India Camel's Hair Shawl 231 Choice Bnierald Stud 1 Single Stono Diamond Bing 2o to Cl-10 Awards of 10-10 Gov't Bonds, each 33 1 Three stone diamond & linby half hoop ring SO 1 diamond singlo stono Bar Kuohs...,, 37 1 P'r d'mm'd cluster studs l,i,t)t l.ooo 38 1 diamond single stone Bing, star Betting 000 an l .iiu.i ... B.. r..r. . x....... r-.iiKiu aiuiie i in 40 1 dinm'd Cluster bracelet 41 to 50-10 Awards of 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each f-1 1 Lady's dinm'd set watch 02 1 ilian.'d single stone ring 03 1 diamond and opal clus ter ling..... frl 1 diani'd single ston ring 03 1 pair Km'ld scarf Pins O'i 1 d mil single stone stud 57 1 diamond Cluster Pin..." 58 1 enmeo and pearl Brooch and ear rings 58 to ICS 100 Awards 1010 Gov't Bonds, each 150 to 258100 Awards, Gov'mt Legal Tenders, each 3,000 Awards, Government 100 00 legal lenilcas, cue 1 8 Tho distribution of the above award will be mado in Tniblio as soon as tho subscription is full, of which duo notice will be given through the papers. Ou and after May Cth tho Diamonds will be on -exhibition at the office of the As sociation. The public can rely on everything being conducted in the most honorablo and fair maimer. All the awards will be handed to certificate holders, iinme. diately after the distribution, fre-j of all cost, nt tho nflioe of the company. No. 1120, CHESTNUT Street, Phihi CBItTII-'ICATE. We hereby certify that e have ex. nmined tho Diamond Goods, Pearls, Mnicralds, llubips, and other Precious Stones, as dcsciibcd iu tho abovo list, and find them all genuine. IIENLE 15110'S, Diamond Importers, 20 Maiden Lane, New York. J. II BUM ANN. Diamond Setter, S91 ?rooine St., New York. AGENTS V'AXTUD. Books can bo had containing 20 certificates OXE HU.VDIf Ft) luir.r a All orders for eertifi bo addressed to J. D. HOFFMAN, Sco'y 1 1 mi " UOX 1'ostollicc, 5 0 2m. Philadelphia. NOTICE. F OR SALK! FiVH ACLIKS OF illago Lots in Iiid-nvav ! Prico, Ono Thousand Doll A small part in GASH balance in ten years. Infinro of J. Powell, Bidgwav, Pa , or C. B. .MeXLLTV, Xo. 3;;o, iiroa-lway, Acw ork, dire Lathrop, Lading. , U V" Now Vork Ciiy. May Oth, l(i7-4t. ' STKVKS Ilfil-ii.' 21, 23, 3.5 0 27, lhoadwa,,, N. Y. Oppopile Bowling Green. KEPT ON TUB V.V IK ii-l- i v Tr i v rPHK STKVK.V3 HOl'SK is AVliLli 1 and widelv known tu thn iunl. lilllf lllllttu. Thrt lAnnllnn . .. .. , t.u ivuuimii i.t tr- ieoi.il V ... nV .3 mi iiiu- uiiin.-iy oi SOIlllll'l'Tl nud Wi-stei'ii tr:LVrl ami t..l;nK. . ,k .. : .... . I. .. - Iho principal llailroad and Steamboat De- The Stevens II ouso has liberal oecitun. dation for over three hundred Riiems it is well fitruislie-1, and possesses every modern linproveiiK iit for tho comfort and cnrerlaiu meni of its inmates. The rooms aro sp ie loin and well voniilatod, provided with K-w an-1 water, tho attendance is prompt mi'-J respectful, and the tablo is (--onerously pro vided with every d.ilit-a-.-y of tho season-i moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE h CO. MayOth,JUs67, tim. Proprietors. "TN THE MATTER j Iu the Court of 1 of the Incorpora- Common pica tion of the " Elk Uf Klk County. County Railroad and No. 11, An. T Mining Gazette." J 1S07. Notice is hereby giveu that the cer. lificate of the Corporators of tho ' Elk County II. ilroad and Mining Gazette" has been n cd in my office, and if no suffie;ent ca- se is shown to the contrary, a decrea of 'noorporatiou will bo made at the iicxi. term of tho Court GEO. A. ft AT II BUN, Mayj)th, 1807. Piothouotary. country, ami hy J, setter, New Yo'ik. 1,000 1,000 800 800 (300 Olllf 000 000 400 350 200 200 200 150 100 100 XTriin.r, NOTICE. . i'-'- my i wo Hons, JOHN and H GI'OltGE KltKfO, are in tlY" h'bit j- ' .l..b;s without my consent. I hereby ive notice that I will not pay any U :i. t-U JOSEPH ICM1EO. Bcn.U.--r, X'ay 16th. Im.7. 4