I SKIRT. MOl !E DPR A RLE, MORE I'.LA TIC, MORE GRACt'-Ft'l.! Ami .in Veen lis shave '' vrinln it" ! Into belter than any el. or Skill. Tl,! new nnd hcnlifnl style "!" (''a' u!l March 7. iS'i'O VIwTV i Great American Institute l air, held in ..i York, October, ISO"., a SILVER TSEDL, being the Highest rn.ir.iiuu ever giv''" f..l ' T'0PS.clri,.vin a o wound with f.m plated wire-in place of a en. Ion cvenmr whieh will .h.. wear on or -' j nnd .he whole skirl maybe wo.he . m injury or fear of msling. ai.d will be as good as new. The Combination Silver SHtt Tins Invention combines with the orduu. ry Skirt, tl.e adv-niiagrs orour Silver s-,rt the h..U...n hoops arc . he s . , i,e as.lo.se ..s cd in .be Silver Ski... the covering ol cannot wear o.V. while the V1,,7'rv;;:!; coverc.lv.-it I. cotton. n la; .V l.:.M p n worn one of our fkiv . ill be d,,,,g o enrnnvo.her. an .he lower lino, o ..1. other kinds arc soon in.iiired and .- The best iiiiitecialsn.oii-cl.nt.icii " ftrue.ion. and. from .heir durabil.ty alio Lcatness Ihey are destined to Kcou.c a F;ivoi-io trkiit. Manufactured solely ly t'no Silver Skirt and Viro Manu facturing Company, 80 and 32, B.1UCL-1Y ST. NEW YORK. T. S. fil'KUISY, Slip't. Aug n:h-1y r I c "vrvlM-"".!? r I '11 II I .Went cvcivw-.orc dlo: -,,,, Maehii.es. Three new kinds. Ln leran.i upi Bent on trial. Wanan :d five years, ;uovc !....,, .Missions T'aul id. J lie ONLY machines sold in the United Slates lor less than S-iO. which are " '"" ''.' y'olr' Whtrlrr .V H'(.'oH. GVo.vr .y Ilaker, A.-i.T JV Co., ;. r. ,1' o.Lcr cheap ma chines are iiifrimifmn't and .he telhr or Mf i sro rAfcVh cm', ,V ,Vr;-"a"""-Illustrated circulars sent-.v. Ad;.ress, or ..oil ,,r,n Sloiw .St ai j.o.-.t Maine, or Chicog'1 in. .i"y iT't'j- iy Take Notice. rPIIK UNDESIGNED WISHES TO .1 say to the -uolic "p-.ierilly, hut more particularly to tlio people of Elk County tli.it lie lias nr.onctl a Black omiili on 1 Va-..t-.-?li"P in b't. Mary's, wlicrc lie will bo lnn-y t0 esccutc :.!1 ordci-3 in hi line with j imihi tncss f.nJ neatness- I bi'.vc tilso puvcl.iisi.J t tic Ti"lit fV.r Jilk ('..imtv, to u;anur.i;lui-e nn.l Fell thu '. M." I!ulkv.-d Patent piinj; Wagon Seat, of which I will soon have a gmul Eupj.ly en lnno, or will make to oi-.ler, any desired stylo or size. I would further notify the people of Elk County that any person or per sons iii(i-iiio;ii. on my right in the man. ufaeiure or ca'lo of s-ild seat will be pros rented to the extreme liu.ils ol the law. iVO-;!m UlUNAUl) WITTMANX. 18G7 1) 1ITj.1)i:limiia & eiue rail .jL KOAD. This jiieat line traverses the Xorihorn and Xorthwe.it counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the I'lynsylvc via h'atl lload Company, and is opera ed by them. IU entire length was opened for pas 5etper and l'reight business, October 17th, 1SGI. TIME Ol'1 PASSENGER TRAINS AT RI DO WAY. Leave Lu! want. Erie Mail Train 3 47 p. m. Krio Es press Train 10 12 p.m. Leave K'csticarJ. l-'tic Mail Train 10 47 a. m Eric Express Train 3 50 a.m. Passenjrcr car.s run tlirousrli without -!i:.rie both ways between Plnladclpha and Erio. NEW YOUK CONNECTION. E' l-ve New York at 11.00 a. in., Arrive it. Eric 10.00 p. m. I, rave Erie at Ti.OO p. m., arrive at New York 3.1") p. in. Er.KOE.vr Ei.kki'In.i Cars on Exprcs? 'i'rains both ways between Phi'iudelphia mi l Ei in. I'or inlormation respecting Pawenprcr l i:-:iicss apply at the S. E. comer UOth a:.d Ma'Act Sts, Pli lladelpl.ia And !'.- ! ' r ?i-rtit outness oi inu com- . , . , i-. i . n Kin-;.-; --V1 , Jr. Cor 13th and K-irket .Vt.!. Pl.'i!adlj.liu. J. V. H.-yiioM Erie.. W.Drov.a, Aj-e-.it N. C. tiaioro. II. II. IIorsTON', OWL iw.iu Jj'i. nr,. If. W. G WIN Kbit, 6',iv. : t Aji. n.T.i. Alfred. L. Tvi Central S"jt Erie. ATOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDEKS. l The Stot-kliol lers oi tho Kersey Oil and Miui'ial (Jon. pan y, are heieby notilied lb-it Hie annual nu etiii-r for the i;!i'.c!if:i ol' 1 fompu-'V f ti tl.c and ( !::i -i-rs ot paid li'ii;; year, ill be . in i'ouc ilie, Ye. I .-1,1 a I. IliU 1 d-v id i.! l . .'!., ol p-n-ss ,.1-ih.' Salii-.Oay, I.VcCU til tl.e l.-t i hi.ur, dock P. 1., c,tid iii.-1-l, .1 w . ; ; . i i' j;..u.-.cvi n-cy, ,-ut. l'a (!.!l, .:i;so i S''ort, :n O. Kill, ' 11-!j 0 a. RA" OF Shavi, i)all ft cfo. f put. silver kt.iVary', iititzinzir J. . Elk Coi.vi y, Tls.na, WAISIJKD A GOLD MEDAL! AT THE American Inttitixtc Fair ! OCTOBER 10, 18(15. direct eompelilinn Vfith nil the lendinj makers in the cum. try. 'l'ULOUIJKT 0 J I Ci A AN!) liiELODi'OIsS. C. TELOUEET & SON, Jlunuracturcrs. Respectfully Invite the allcniinn of pur. chasers, the. trade and profession, to i lie FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture PecLal IJato Oi'gnns, Five sines, FivcOclnvc, one to Ihrfe Ranks of Keys, three lo eight eetts of Reeds, Trices S:)5 to 000. School Organs, Nino styles, sinf-le and double Reed, Rosewood and Rlack Walnut cases, rviocs, $130 to $40. rulodeon, I'iano style and Porlable, Twelve Varie ties, from lour lo six Octaves, sinpK. and double Reed, Rosewood and Rlack Walnut Ca-os. Trices, $05 to $240. Every instrument is made by competent Vf oi Kincn, irom tne best material, uneer our personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the name, is iniro duccd in them. Amonjr these we would call aiten-.ion to the 1 KE.MitLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found on'y in instruments cf our own runmifao ture. From anions the flattering testimonials ot eminent proles-ors and organists, we give n. e loiiowincrexiracts : " The pedals I conceive to be unapproacli able in their beautiful smooth quality." Win. A. Kin'?. " It is a pi-ami, good i.-sirumcnf, nnd does credit to the builder. 11. C. Folger, Troy, .cw l oi-K. "They arc nmong tho finest Instruments manufactured either in Ihis country or a- broad." Win. Rerg, J. Moment hal, Alounn l my nave given universal salislactiun. W. E. Ilaley, Fon-du 'n..., Wis. " There is a iieeiiliarly swe-1 and sympa tholio tone which harmonizes cl. iru; Inir' i willi the voice.'' W. II. Cooke. " 1 am particularly pl.iased silli the nr. raneemenl of the dillcrent regisnis.'' Win. II. Rridbiiry. " No oilier insti-iimtnt fn nrr.r'y aj proac'ns the organ." The Cl.oristir. N. Y "This inslriiiiuii, h:iS (l clear superiority over cverylliing yet Intro duccd niuuiig us." In b-n.-ndent, N. Y. 'TIo tones and the uoli. n are esjellent." --R-y. W. .S. U-.tvitt, lliid-on, New York. ' Tha -l.i.ie vc use it. 1U belter we like it " J I! Ilii;.ie, Hudson, New York. " The to Rank Organ is really a gem.' I ' Kiniiicmi, Roston, Jli:.-s. " We liuvo found them excellent in all l-oinf., constituting a good insli umeni." ! C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." Sll .S'-ixioii, Troy, New York. " The most erfect toug 1 Melodeon I oi-cr saw." liny F No-lli. "They fall back on such sMbiilnntiiil mer its as superiority nf workuuiiiship, beauty ot'toiio and reasonableness of price. And wo must sny that in all their respects they arc well Worthy of praise." Musical l'io liCer. t- .y Every inslriii.icut is fully warranted, an I biu-od and skipped in New York City w it limit charge. Circulars, Cms, nud Trice Lists, .yc., vni ul appnc uioll lo C PI'LOUBET & SON, Rloomiiiuld, X. J. Or J M Pulton, 811, Rroadway, New York Conrad Meyer, V-'-", Arch Street, Phllad'a S loai.iard i Son, Clevelund, Ohio; J. I m-kor ( a, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner l.'-i-iid, ( iu.-iualli, Ohio ; Joel II Snow, M ..bile. Alul,.,n,:i. V.IIOLISALE AGENTS July 2';,Cli ly NEWS DEPOT and niiuomcAij S T 0 R E . DAILY .0 WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at The Book Stoiii: i x ST. MARY'S. N. 13. Any work, cither American i r Europen, Religious, Scientific, Phil '.sophical, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the IJook or Stationery line not in Store, will bo sent for by mail and bo received in a few .days alter or- (ierma. jun. 14-1y. l'lIOTOGRAPHS. E. & H. T. NTF0KY & CO., KaJiufactureis of Photographic Materials, Wholesale nnd llelnil, W. RIIOADWAY, N. Y. Tn addition to our main business cf TIIOTOCRAPIIJC MATERIALS wo arc Ilca biuarters fo the following, v'z. STF.RF.SCOrES & STEREF.CoriC IF.WS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes. Croups, Statuary, elo. PTFRERCOVIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From ncralives made in the various cam paigns and forniin a complelc Photograph, ic history of the crreat contest. STERF.PC01MC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for c'nhcr iho Magic Lnnlern or the Sterescope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any nddress on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC A LP. CMS. Ve manufacture more largely than any other house, about ?00 variefies from fit) cents to f 50 each. Our ALBUMS have tlio reputation of being Rnperior in beauty and mirai i ity to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embrneos over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. 1'hntogrnphors nnd others ordering goods C. O. 1)., will please remit 23 per cent of the amount with their order. r-rTT-Thc prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. (junc l Vfifl-ly. TARGE CAPACITY, CREAT Strcgnth j nnd unequalled speed, simplicity and co-.npleteness of operation, arc qualities po. culiar to tire Nonpareil Wnshing Ma- enmo. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived irom five years extensive use in fcniilies, holds nnd public institut:ons proves it to be of lastinj value to the pur chaser The manner of operating (ho Nonpareil, by ro.nry motion acting on a crank shaft with balance wheel,) which moves tho plungers alternately, is tlio simplest, least laborious nnd most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, nnd accomplishes the work -witli the greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed wi.u Which this ninchine performs work wiU be undersiood irom 'lie stntemcnt that it is geared .o give six strokes of the plungers for one iurn o. . lie handle, or, when worked leisurely, nbout four hun dred strokes a minute Safely lo ihc fabric. washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work (he ma. chine, nnd do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours time; nnd it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without nssistonco from band rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 2f,'GG-ly COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of Biipei-ioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. CSyOrdcrs by mail promptly jttend cd to. sept 1(5 '3-tl 013 P1UXTIXG NEATLY cn i-:aply& EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed at the Ad ocatk OfTico TO fONfcTMVTIVr.S. F Advt riiser, having been restr.rod to I.ealili in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered sever al yc'.'S w'ih a severe lung nll'eclion, and that dicad disease, Consumption is nnx io'.u t -j make known to his fellow sulfurers ll.v b.i ai. - ..I' cure. To ul! who .h-ire it, he will send a copy of the proscription used, (free of charge), with the direct ions for preparing the same, whi-.-h Ihcywill fu. lnSuio Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, lironch'ls, &o. The i n ly ob.ii-- t ot Cn.' advertiser in sending the Prescription, benefit the aillicted, and spread informati n which ho conceives to bu invuluable ; mid l.c hopes every sufferers will try his ii-iiudy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blciring. Tar. ich wishing iho prescription, Will plcuso address HKV. MIViAlIUA. H ILNl.N, Williamsburg, Kiuirs County, ew York. Oct. 2-jlh iaC0-ly'. ANT E ITaO ENTS S75To $ToO PICK MONTH for gentlemen and 835 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated ( onitnon Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, st teh, (jUiIt, bind, braid and cuibrouli r beautifully. Price only 820, making the tlastio lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We nay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can bo made. Address with stamp, or call on C DOWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pu. cll letters answered promptly, with airculais and terms. May ol'tltj-ly. Vis ITING CAKD.S NEATLY EXECLT- d u this ofiice. Ck ''4i,.;IU '"Uti ir--7 STS?1 HQ. AT THE New Stoio of W CIS at St. Mary's, Eik County Pcnnpylva-jia Successors to Chough V.'Ets. Offer for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of Sl'IUXO Sl'MMEU '....j. i.J U w 'uu W . SILKS, MORIN&S, POI'LINS, DELAINES, MOITAJRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Vt'Lits roods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and hirtin? in great variety. Ladie's & Children's Millinery Goods; such aa rOXXETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, if v. CL 0 VES iD HOSIER Y. CENTS ftunuliiii'j goJt of every ill srription, CL 0 TI1S, C'A SSIMERESilc, lc GROCERIES AND PROVISIOXS A large stock of PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for f ami ly use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every do gcription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all hinds. A full asfort muit of Stationery, Vall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Scgara and Tobacco. E BUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore wo can afford to pell cheaper than .i ....I .. .... any o-.ncr estaoiiiumcnt in ji.it county. riMIE PUBLIC I viled to call stock find m ires 1 arc respectfully in ami examine our Whether they wish to buy or not, for vre claim to Lava one ol the most complete stocks and the finest STOBE in tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other house in the county. Weis Brothers St.M "arch lOih'GG. THE PLACE TO LI Y IS WULRE YOU CAN 1SUY The Cheapest. CO 5 n. w B ' EH cr C3 ' oi O 2 o, 3 p 3 " ,3 b2 H ei -5 r ui - v. n .-s " rn pop? a o ti. 3 a a l& o o H O c a tl o 3- M 2 g 3. c f -a. - hi . i - to ts 2 t -i - ft; " 0-33' - i to ? Ci S3 2 S. M a "--3 f '-. ' S. . d ti:i' o o 4 2 T cn " f 5 3 2 B OB CO t a c 6- .r o a K 5 ii CD c 2 o 7. H a OS t9 S C - n o o S co C- T 4 3 S5 i 53 S 2. I ? s. H 5? o 7 T3 4 1 o 9 a a. ? . E S --( c o 2 2 5 S' o -T K c s -- A . ? c 2. o e 3? 5 . p "3 . - W v WE SELt -JOODt? AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOrOUT IN Erie City. GIVE IS A CALL, AND :VE WIIL JP r o- v c if. G R E A T EXCIT E 31 E X 7 t-I o o o o TO O in o o i w w n t- o H O W S3 o 14 3 Hrj O O f-J i. H t-f 'k- K H O (St? 5 H r i ! WW f-1 d (-'8'4!t O rj O i 'A m H w c o CO a o td fg3 K."Ji m if) e o o M O H O CO O tr1 I t '3 co t H H in o o W2 INSUIIANOR AGA1XSI lessor DAMAGE by FIRE. riHE I.yer.miug County Mutual lnsur- mice Company at Munecy. Ta., con Uiiucs la Insure against Loss oi- Damage by t iro on ad kinds ef Merchandise, public nnd private nil lings, cither in town or coui.ly. Also on Mills, Janncriea, Rarr.s. stocks ot t.rain, e., at tlio lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to tho Insurer and Insured. Tho Lycoming County. Mu tual Insurance Company inv.ies an iuvestii gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts lo 8.800,000! Thus assuring to overy one of its patrons that their losses will heprompilv and salis factorily paid. lis management bus Hlv..y9 been piu lcnt, in iu exi-'en:e of twenty six years fully dcinot.-ti-aies JAMES RLAKI'LY, Agcat for EVk couuty, ut St. Mary's 'i...m RIDGWA1, riNNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEEXSWARE, FEEft HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will Hint lim hJI 'iM 'iiitf' 'miMi h' S T O RES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IX THE C 0 U N T 11 Y , AN' THE PLACE TO GET argaisis ! CALL& SEE! Marr-I. '?V,:U, lRCP.-Iy EOOK STOIII'. St. Knry't?, Klk Countv JUST RECEIVED 0-JC BEADLE'S DIME .NOVELS. 10) IIAUPE113 NOVELS. 2CC GERMAN STOItV UOOKS. .I.V ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd i i Stationary, Blank books, Timo books, Puss books, nnd School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, Envelopes &c. direo from the Manufacturers for cash, wo arc enabled to sell at tho samo rates that they can be purchased inAXY OP THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per ccn allowed on all purchases of ten dollars and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. Juno U'liO-.y. C. I' NTS V A X T V. I 1 3. T. HIMDLEV'S I IS TO R Y O V 7 HE VA R , NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It in admitted to bo the most hlnrcxtiii;;, pupal ir, aud ralunHn His tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by tho enormous sale of 200i 000 volumes, and a largo portion of the country still uneanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses uiylit and day to cnablo us to supply our Agents. Meu of character aad ability, who de sire a lueiativo cmploymeut, will Cud this a rare opportunity. Tho prico of tho work in oh volume i$ no low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within tho reach of all classes. For lull particulars send for circular. Address ilmerlran Piihllshlngr Com if'. li? Asylum Mreet, Hartford, Conn. I i ii'i I: r sir vi vr. r piiivi en J rmcipal VJict, 010 lSroatlm iy, X. 1 , 'iii. 'i . 'iiiii GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing M.t el. ires. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing M ichine. It is thus rendered noi-e-less in acli.ui. Its motion being all positive, it is not liable to get ovt of order. It is ihu best Family Machine! Noticj is.e.'i'lrd to ..r ..cn an l Improved M inufaeturit.f M. chin.!, fort.ii'si satid Root anil Shoe Filter g ntM wanted, to whom a liberal dlsisou it, wi.l be given. No Consignments made, u e E.MP1RE SEWING MACHINE CO. July-llAC-iy