far Th'it nt eiSi'trir:th Erie V.xpvc? V.iihl... ,1 (In V'oH... ,1 Mail IVt do iloV'i"t Local "freight F.at.. jo do Vest.. ..10-12 p. m. . P.: fit) a m .. P,; 47 n. m. ..10:47 p. in. ...10; 17 a. m. N O T 10 K . Hereafter the Tost Office Vv 111 closed every evening at 8 o'clock. u..n,1.iv 'twill be kert oren frntn be On 8 to in nVWfc A. M. Mail Closed at G p- m. L. LUTHER, V. M. Wc liave fur falo nt tliis office n Fcliolnrsliip in Pryatit & Stratton's In ternational Chain of Commercial Col Icrcs. "For Sale Cheap. Ap.lS tf. The Exhibition. This affair camo off in the Court House, and was attend ed by a large concourse of people. Ev erything passed off pleasantly. Taking into consideration the fact of the youth of n majority of the scholars, we think it is seldom equalled. The speaking, dialogues, tableaux, &o., showed that care bad been taken in the production, selection and delivery of them. The sewinc-circlo was very life like, Ha npntiinent and the action of the amateurs. Hired Help was also excellently well done. eer-We neclccted . last -week io call the attention of our readers totbo adver. figment of the Gettysburg Asylum. The object of the corporators is to raiso funds for the erection of an Asylum lo the reception of Pennsylvania soldiers who, by reason of wounds received ir. Ihe late war, are now uuable to cam a livelihood for themselves. The object is in every way a laudable one, and should meet with a hearty response. Tor further particulars, consult their advertisement. BiWc learn that the hdics of Cen trevillc, connected with the Catholic Church at that place, propose holding a fair during the coming month for the purpose of raising funds to defray the expenses incurred in putting repairs on their church building.' - They have our best wishes for the success of their uu- Irrtnkinp-. and wo have no doubt but - CJ it will meet with it. '. ' t&T The Xcio York Sun-lay News. Any of our raadera in want of a good, first-class weekly newspaper, shonld subscribe for this one. It contains about fifty columns of excellent reading matter, each week and costs only 3, per year. Address, Penjamin Wood. N. Y. NeW3 Building. No 19, City Hall Square. vjPov.-ell & Kiisie are now selling their immense stock of gools at a rapid rate. They call particular attention to their splendid assortment of Ladies' Press Good3. Go and see. Cf?i.T)r. Fisher, Dentist, of Warren, Pa., desires us to say that he will be at the Hyde House on Monday next. ' Jteir The Dime Society meets at the, bouse of Mr David Thayer, ou to morrow (Friday) cveuing. Mawukd On the 13th of April last, by J. Z. Lindemuth, Ksq., Mr. J. C. Hollingsworth to Miss Alzeina Murray, both of Beuczette, Klk couuty,, Pu. NEvVG OF THE WEEK. Berlin, May 13. It is aunounced that the Kiug of Prussia will vusit Paris dutiug the sum mer in company with the Emperor of B ussia. , Berlin, May 13 Eve. The funeral of the late American Minister, GoveinwWiight, tcok place to-day, and was attended by all the American residents and visitors here, nnd a large number of citizens Loudon, May 13. Eve. Lord Lyons, formerly Minister to the United States, has been appointed to succeed Earl Cowley as embassador ot Great Britain to Paris. , , . ' '' k ' i Augusta, Ga., .May 13. As the sexton of the frsv Baptist Church was lighting up for last even iog's service, the entire ceiling fell iu". with a loud crttoli, breaking the p3ws . nnd furniture. Li'ortuuately none of the congregation Lad assembled aud no one was mjured" Cherbourg, Mfay 13, Four iron clads of tho French fleet arrived this morning from the Gulf of Mexico Wiinhington" May 13. In the Supremo Court at noon the Chief Justice disiuit-ged tho Mississippi and Georgia injunction cases on the ground of a want of jurisdiction. Thp cpiuion of the court will not therefore cjme up at the present term on the constitutionality of tho reconstruction bill. Brooklyn, N. Y May 13. Thomas Uuilv, lutemu! llevenue Collector for tlie 6r.,t district,, was. a'r-, rested this moi uin by U, i Marshal Nodyne, charged with having' defraud, rd the Government to the lainyunti of S7.3P3. ' - , Pmltiinore, May Jo. The special correspondent of the Svti at Havana, says the English West India lunil steamer nrr'vejl from VerirCrnz on the 23th, but brought iciil cr papers or letters from Mexico. " Vera Cruz was still vety closely be sieged by the Liberals, whu-worj using their only available siege piece w.th little ofioct, ns only same lew nouses iiuu been injured and no lives lnnt. '" There was no probability of tne Liber nls taking the city; unless the" Imperial generals should disagree, and thus cnusj a surrender. Sickness among tho besieg ers had taken alarming proportions, over two hunenjd . and ; fity invalids being iu Medillin. . The city of Mexico was invested on the 18th by Gen. Porfirio Piaz. It was the intention of Marques to defend the city at all hazards. The besieging force is 12,000 and receives addiiions daily. The fall of the city was con sidered certain. Iluncrcr will soon compel the besicg' to enpitulate, when another massacre of general othcevs may be expected. The accused was brought before Justico Newton, and. after a prelimi nary exarcinatic-n, was admitted to bail in the sum of $15,000. Ilealy is said to. have lost the money id unproutable speculations. Itafv and Peljiium have been invited to narticinate in the Peace Confedera tion in London. The Prussian Newspapers complain that France is violating the preliminary understanding with regard to the JjUx etnburg nfgociations, by continuing her armaments.. -; - General Gresrg.has declared all tribes outside of their reservations in Arizona and Idaho, hostile, and has commenced putting them- to the eword with a will. The American Consul at Lumbaoquc, Teru, reports the discovery of a silk plant in that ncisrhborhood, which grows wild and vlelds ' a fabric finer and stronger thau that of the silk worm. The presence of the Japanaso(. com missioncrs is said to be tor the purpose of obtaining advice, as to the best means of defense ajiainst iron clad Also to settle with Thurlow Weed and his contractors, for vessels which they failed to receive, one only having been scut, and that not up to specifications Germany, .united as bismarck pro poses, will have -10,000,000 inhabitants, JThe great-- organ fov the Mormon temple nt Salt Lake, will, it is said consume 20,1101) -feet of lumbor in its construction. " ' " i ,'. lho Lau ot Jcfurson ' JJavw was ?100,000, not C-10,000 an . roportoJ. Thowifo. of. - Goyoriior . MoConniek died suddenly - at L'roaoott, Ariona; April UUtu 1 ' - - 1 arid, .YUy lu Tho President of the Co:ps Lrgis latif has officially announced to that body that the peace of Europe will not do disturbed. Fortress Monroe, May 1-1 J he reception of the intelligence at Noriolk yesterday afternoon of the action of Judge 'Underwood in bailinj; J elf Davis occasioned general congratu lations. l no newspaper ollices were crowded with persons eager to obtain lull particulars. ' it. Paul, Minn, M'ay 11 Moses A. "Ilawka, who killed his wife to get tlue.insurauco on her life has been judicfo4 for uiurdw.in the first degree. : . ; The Luxemburg PeP.0-, treaty has been signed but apprehensions of war are still rile throughout Europe Both France and Prussia continue the most active preparations. The former Gov eminent havo just scut Commissioners to England lor the purchase of cavalry horses. Count Bismarck remarked the other day in a private conversation that he considered war between Prussia and France " inevitable." The Prince of Wales is now Paris visiting the great Exposition. at F OR SALE. The Store-house nnd tot occupied by Burke nnd Wood is otfrred lor sale. A desirable location in the thriving borough of St. Mary's. Apply Beuzinger P. O. ' Jan. 3, 67.tf, . Elk Co. Pa. AT OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS 1 The Stockholders of the : Kersey Oil and Mineral Company, are hereby notified that tbe"annual meeting for the electioa of Directors and Officers of said company for the ensuing year, will be held at tneir oflice, in Kouscvillo. Ve nango county, Pa., on Saturday,: the 1st iay ot June, 1 7. between th. hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., ai.d 2 o'clock P, M., of the said day. J. W. Hctfield, Jas. W. Guernsey, Acting Secretary. - President. ltousevilJe,.Pa;, May fth, 1807. ' Sampson Short, oLa G. IIaU, Jcb, Kiikpatrjck,' lonii Vollmer, Wm. M. Smgerly EAXXIXG-HOUS. pF. ft.'IiiU. ft (la: 1 "'''" ' Ei k County, Pe.nna. TJtl'FMTJ fVOOT.'PmcKcul Clock & county 1. Ii0lii3 ,lli;',itjoor.; to Hiiitvuiicjl.'i 1 muted. u'ujjai&iu,!i i"i.u(.:aiu U't veil in;Vn.jgoim,1)iie1i r I'nglivli lUn. SOMETHING NEW ! ! . - trt SHlSClUHEIi respectfully desires to nMiiiiinre to the citizens fif Elk county tlmt he hns recently tiMeil up nn os t iilil Islimcnt fur the mimifnoturo nnd sale nfTIN. COlTKH.nml SIIKKT-lliON Wave, on Main Slreet, ill Pi'lgw.iy, where, by strict rltentioii to lmsiness, lie linpos to nicvit Hie ooiili'lencp nml pat l ounge of t lie community. lie will keep on lmml nn extensive nnil vniicil nsaorl unlit of every liinil of TIN AV.MIK, nml rvpnir in (lie nontcst possiljlo lnar.'ier, k11 work coming niiuvr Ins pupcr- TTt will (ttso keep on liana a well assorted stock of piiilnMo for I, her Voml or t'onl. He "lesires especially to call the ntlen- ion of lnniliernieii to the fuel that lie can Kiipply tliem with riAFTiNG-STOVES made in a superior ninnm-v. Pioofiiifr nmf f pouting done to order on short not ice. Rfl.()!d Copper, Brass, rewter, Lead and Scrap iron taken in exchange for coods or work. rntive mm a can aunensKsis a iair trial, rustnmcrs will find liim nt their "SKUVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Kidgwny, April 4, 1807-tf. 3 j OSEPH WINDFELDZR OF THE ST. ,7W1'S MlEirEIll Takes this method of announcing to the Public, that during the past season he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER. than ho has ever before brewed in one season, so that he will be able to supply Private Families, ,v . .Saloons, and Hotels, with a Superior Article of this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot be undcrwld anywhere on tho line of the P. & E. Hnilrond On or about the 15th of May he pro poses to u dor MM i i of his vaults, where he has stored it, and of which the public are respectfully re quested to take notice CtSuOrdcrs shipped ns unci os roeoiv with promptness nnd despatch. - StSU A duress orders to JOS. WINUKKM1RR, St. .Mauv'h Bnuwr.nY, f liomsinor Pont Olfloo, INTENSE EXCITEMENT CLOTHING" ! CLOTHING CI.OTSIt.VG for the Million A Well Dressed Man BUYS HIS CLOTHING ' AT THE STORE OF GEO. T. IHNTENACII, IN ST. MARY'S. THE BEST LIS ALWAYS THE G. P. IIINTEN'ACII liavine taken en tire control of tho establishment fuyiuurly occupied hy G. P. Ilintcnach Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of J'.lk county that he is prepared (o furnish (item with tho Best Kind 6f Clothing nt rates which defy competition. lie has on hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING Consisting of PASTS, VESTS .j- COATS, wlnolxtae has lately purchased in the East nnd which lie will dispose of at a slight ad vance ou cost. His Gentlemen', Furnising Apartment )B specially adapted to (he wants of his customer. Ho linn also nlnrpennd extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, VEST INGS of the latest style and pattorn which he will ma fa to order in a neat and durable manner, nnd as CHEAP as it can bo done any place ia the connlry. GIVE MM A CALL. Satisfaction guar- nnteeii, ami goous warranted. All nsks is a FAIR TltlAL (o prove it. St. Mary's Pn.. Feb. 14. 18(17. ' H A1NES PRO'S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA llicse Finnos nro universally ncknowl edged by competent judges equal to tho best Piuno made. For references, (hey nave many tiiousanu city ana country res dents, including lnrgi numbers of the High OLIUJlllS, ICS, &C. These Pianos have not only stood the continued use and heavy practice oT on year, but have been used the last Ffteen years to tho utmost satisfaction of 'those,' UBUlg lllBlR,. ... i ' They havo taken premiums nnd medal wlievever exhibited. Such lina been (Uo Uenianil for these Pianos, lha( Mcesr iinincs jiio s nave ueen comieIIe(I to en large their works to tho extent of 24 to 80 Pianos a week. Having now one of tho most oxtonsivo,- aud complete FaotorH)3 : in the I'nited htates, factories alnno coyormg overjlirec lourth of an ncre of ground, comprising noningo oi ziv ieej on neeonil Avenue. They nro undoubtedly. the cheapest lir clats Pianos in market. Fully guaranteed lor live years, fwnit tor lUustruled Circu. lar. HAINES PRO'S. 350, 8,'.8, 800, 80J. 8H4, 8Rf, 8fiS,370,37 Second Avenue, mnr"18ljG8mos New York City. MJ; :yeiis' NEWLY IMPROVED Obel'f ii'pcj fk)c$ Z Acknowledged tc t Li Pjri.Ii'dttL to ha; the best ! London find Jhfghcst uwards in -jviueriea, received I y Melodeons, Second-hand Pianos nnd Mufic? No 722, Arch Siri'.-t. below Eighlh, PHILADELPHIA, PA. V Sjtisioess JjifccJpfji.. JOHN O. HAM., Atlnrnry nt lnw. Hi'lg wny, Klk county. Pa.- ; Biar.22'tin ly. 1015 WDI1K of nil kinds and dcs. J criptiotis done at this office. l AHVF.R HOUSE, Warren, Th., -Hull & U II all, Proprietors. nug'.t uo-iy ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Ta., Hcr mnti Krctz, Proprietor. rug!V()(! 1 1 K nrf vf .IO DANCrS'U rn P VN.IO I PLAYING (might by 0. W. P.TiOWN, Pidi;wny, Pa. r fscpMdf T7XECUTIONS, SUM jPj'iins, Vnirrnits,&.e., saTc at thistiBicf. , . SUMMONS, KUP.PtK. on lianiu' nd for X)an4S .TAMES P.LAKELY Physician Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county i . " jniar-i;- oo iy. DR. W. AV. SHAW Practices Medicine nnd Surgery, Contrevillo, Elk county 'a. fmnr--- uo-iy. TVTt. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. J J Will promptly answer nllprofessional calls by night or day. mar oo-iy DR. EliEN J. IIUSS. Physician nnd Sur geon, SI. Mary's Elk county Pa. juno-zruo-jy. TAURIE J. BLAKELA , Attorney and j Counsellor at lnw, and U. S. Commis osuer. Ridgway V. 0. Elk oounly. Pa. mnr.22'('.01y. SOUTHER AND WILLIS Attorneys at. Law? Ridgway, Elk county Pa., will attend to all professional business prompt ly. mnr-22'GG-ly. D' R. AV. B. HARTMAN, SI. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to nil cases of surgical nature. mar-22'GG-ly. KERSEY HOTEL, A. B. AA'IIEl'.LEK, Piioi-nir.Ton. This house is conveniently nndplcnsnnt ly locnted in the thriving village of Ccntre- vule. I'.vcry attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 31 18G7lf OB PRINTING, such as Cnrds, Posters, Hnnd Rills. Bill Hends &o., done at (ho AUArOCATE OFFICE on short notice nnd at reasonable prices. ( II. VOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dcnle . in Lngtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, ElkcounlyPa. Mar-22'GG-ly. ORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug- gis(s, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals- Paints, Oils and Varnish, Perfumery Toil et articles and Stationary, Ulilgway, Ulk county Yn. nmr-22'no-ly, TT vTFr"fll 0M A 8 3Te71iinil r 11 11 'In nf I'urnlttire, Pprliift nnds and MitfMe, Plehire Frnmcii and f!oflins, tlMgwny Vfi, Wnr flnnitu nn tlin corner of Main nml Dspnt HIV. miiy.J7'0(J-1y. n. 3. P. !01ll)YEI.L Elcc(io Physi piftfli Late of Warren county Pa., will jirnmv'.ly answer nil professional calls by nifilit or doy. Residence one door east of the lale residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis, Mar.22'66-ly. -TTASHLNGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, V V Elk eounty Pa., Edward Babel Pro. prietor. This house is new and fitted up with especial oaro for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-29'GGly. ""LIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and V AVholesale Retail Dealers in Flour, Fpod and. G-r.ain, CAXAL MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates. nugUth-GG-ly JO, IN G. nAM. JAS. K. V. IIAl ttat.t, sx nno. Attornovs at - Law, Cll. Mrtlll 8! BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 18C6. ly. CJT. MARY'S HOTEL,!. E. AA'ellendorf iTp Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa This house is new nnd fitted un with esne, cial enre for the convenience and comfort of guests, at -moderate rates. Free Hnck, to nnd from the Depot. Good fdnbling at iftcueq. . .... mar-22 GG-ly. T)RACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk ceunty Pa. Edward. McBride, keeps constantly on hand nnd for sale, AVntches, Clocks, Silver listed Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. BFJIuRepniring fjeatly executed, nnd done on short notice nnd reasonablo terms ' .Mar 29'GG.lj. ' . SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGK So ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. milE 8URSCR111ER W II It I. 11 HP. X spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that be has just started in Ihe above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please nil who may favor mm with tneir cuslom. UKAIMNO, PAPER HANGING AND CALC1MININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE ixost fashionable and improved manner nnd style. Orders left at this Office or at Ihe Blinking House of Souther, AA'illis & Souther will be promptly attended to. AV. P. WILLIAMS, May-1 7'GG-ly. rjnriAYER house, X RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo aud commodious hotel on the . southwest corner of Centre and Mill Btreets, wiih good and convenient slabllng attached, respect fully solicits the pnlronnge of his old friends ana me p-itlio generally. docl3'GG ly DAVID THAYER. rpiio subscriber begs leave to announce to I the citizens of Elk and adjoining conn. ties that he hns purchased the harness shop lutely ocoupied by John Smulz, and that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit able style, SA ddles,br;dles,iia rxess kept constantly on hand at price to suit Ihe times. (Jive me a call shop in tho soc- omisrory 01 urug fctoro building, oc.ll-lj. (J. LEVIS. The Girard Annuity TAfe insurance & TruKt- Co OF PIIILAD'A. crr.mTEHEit j.r'isse CASH CAPITAL $ 300,000,00. ASSETS $2,455,355.60. Mutii il Insurance oombined with these, curity if capital. For insurance apply to ' ! i ' !' "'' JOHN G. HALL, 1 1 . ' Uidgway, Tu. LICENSED Al l TUSM Eit. "fOTICrc ishfnbj given I lml I Iriv. Ink en mil n lionise ns niiei loneci . nun will nltcnil promptly to Ihe cnlling of all sales eiitnutct jo my tnrr, Any person culling pes witiiout a iieonp wil be held iinswernble to Ihe si riet letter of (he lnw. P. AY ISA 1! RETT. Dec24l80Gtf. Auctioneer. WHEELER WILSON'S PEW. TNG MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Solo Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Klk county. Ho keeps nu assortment ooiiptatitly oil hnnd. Machines sold nt Philadelphia nnd New A' or prices. Any parties desirous of obtnining (hem can address J. K. AV1I1TMORE, March Ot-'GG 1y. nt Hidpwny, Pa. nJI.ACKSMITlTING! H. S. BELN'AP desires to inform the oti ions of Riilgwny nnd vicinity that he hns leirsed,.T. S. Jlydo'g Blncksmitli Shop on Mill stlreel, nnd'hns employed good work men who will be ever ready (o make any thing from a buckle to nn nnchor. Fnrticulnr attention given to the shoeing of horses. All 1 ask is a fair trial. . May 17'GG-ly. . x ' : . J-' 4. TT p. overholtzkrT XX. MERCHANT TAILOR, Itidgway, Elk Co., P;.v. The subscriber desires respectfully to in. form the citizens of Ilidgwny nnd vicinily (hn( he is prepn;cd (0 make (0 order ns well ns it can be done anywhere, anything in (he line of his business. All he. asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guninnteed. BP?lClotlis, Cassimcrs, A'eslings nnd Trimmings of (he latest nnd most approved s(yles kept constnnlly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST, fnugno.y T SI-IEREIt. f f . Dealer in MUSIC ROOMS: ATo. 45. Ferst Avenue, Com, Pcrna. Refers to J. Towell, B, F. Ely, Ridgway. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Haigen. St. Mary's. nov 22, (SO, ;iinpd. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T AVAR REN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T I AA'ARREN, T V. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES AT VilBJETV HALL AVARREN, PA. 1 17 tc. O L'R STARCH GLOS,?, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, savins; much time and labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon- It makes old linen look like new. OUR .IMPERIAL BLUE is the best . in the world. It U soluble In hard as well at soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, . and most convenient form of any offered to the public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary inducements, Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Kulton St., New York. NEWjEEOP. T IN! TIN! ! T IN! ! ! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! John Sosenheimer & Co., . AVHOLESALE a RETAIL DEALEUS. 8T. MAEY's, PA. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well telc?ctcd stock of TIN WARE,. STOVES &o. Ve have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of HTO V KS consist in part of ANTIIM'ST PARLOE& 4 COOKING STOVES, 1 ALSO IRON, GATE WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. . STOVE PIPE can bu had at our shop cither riveted or groved. ' Spouting and roofing, done on khort nutioe and at reasonablo rates. June lPCG-ly.. ...... A. II. Gray, A. I. AVilco.x, P.. II. Emkiison, E. F. A i AN. 1 Q.IIAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine Itouse, 'Elk County Pa. DEALERS IT Flour, Feed, Putter, Cheese, Feed,' Corn, Suit, Fish, Pork, , ' Ham, - ' Powder, Canuod Fruit. Ueef, P.cans, , Nal'v v' : Glass, and staple cnocr,PiiLs , Dcceailcr '20 lSGii ly. THE PLACE TO BUY IQA1 TlIE'fll.DGWAY f r? tr ft. ft n -o t rt t -b KIUT 11 A' 150 U DWELL & MESSENGER, Dealers in Dnifjs, Medicine?, Pninl i, Oilf, Wliite Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. f'unierics of nil Kiuds, Tile jiurnst Vnrnisli, IJnislics of every Style aud Size Dye Studs, Turc Confcctionarics Citron, . Riiisitis, Patent Medicines, 'Vines, AVatshcs, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccoca & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful rcrtaioiog to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! J'ure Drugs at Low Fnces 1 Notions in Endless Variety 1 iNotions 111 Jiiiidlcsa Variety! American and English Watches ! American and English Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &.C. Latest blyles ot Jewelry, Rings, &C. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, loys, Latest Novels ! Alliums, News, Stationery, Rird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery. Bird-Cages ! Violin, Banjo nnd Guitar Strings 1 Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! mar2018GG N EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Crroeeries :c., would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey nnd vicinity, that ho hns gone into the Grocery business, and will open on or about tho middle of 31 ay. He keeps constantly on hanc nn extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUlv, SUGARS, T0BACC0E3, SEGARS, WniSKET by thebarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent! lj can afford to Fell CHEAPER ;than the CH EAPEST. I invite everybody to conic and Satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. OSENE AND GAS STOVES. TEA AND COFFEE P.OILERS. GLUE. POTS, OIL CANS, &c. &c. All the cooking for a BQy family may be done with "a JKa?" Kerosene Oil, or Gas, -a &3y with less trouble, and at -a less expense, than by any -58 BS?" other fuel. "Visfl Each Article manufactured by this Com pany is puarantced to perform all that is claimed for it. CSTSend for Circular.-Qj LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TRDE. TIIE KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 20G Peart; Street, N. Y. July-lOm-ly. VALTTAPLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned lias laid out a vil. lago upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lota are 50 feet front hy 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Foi tho second lol sold, ?110. For the third lot sold. $120 and so on increasing in price as lota are sold. BfSt. First purchasers get the choice lot at the cheapest rales. Purchasers will he registered in (ho or der of their application. Ten percent of tho purchase money must ho paid at the tjme of the application. TTTi Applications will he made to John G. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,20'6G-tf. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch I Scratch t Srriteh I WHEdTON'S OINTMENT AVlLL t'l'IlB THE IlCU IN -19 IIoi'RS Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERf, nilt.r.L.HNS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE PRIX. Price 00 tents. For sale by nil dnig'.'ists. liy sending CO cents ta WEEKS & POTTElt, Sole Agents; 170 Washington street. ioton, it will be for warded hy mail, free of posingc. loany part of the United Males. ( june-7"till-iy. novr.sTUEX & co., P1AXO FOIITE MANUFACTURERS, : 4 it!) Brn-nlvoy, N'V- York. THESE PIANOS received the lUghe-t Award of Merit ! at the Worl-tt Fi r, eror the best lunkcn IV. .n Lonilon. Paris, (ier. many, the cit ir of New V.-i'k, J'hihidi-liihin. Iitiltimoru and 1'osion i also the (W.i Medal at the A'ttrr:c.in nntimte, for FIVE tu.ves sivu yenrs!! Our Pianos I'.intnin l'iv'ii:!i (ii ui'l Anion. H irp Pedal, Over Klriin.n Has. Full Imn FriMin. nnd nil Mo I. ern I Mi,rovt.iiiiils. Kvi'iy iiiHiriiinenl ici." rantiii l-'l V I' .r. M.nln imdi'r llio su. pei vi-ion nl'Jia. J. It. CH0VESTE13N. win lias a prnclie-il oitpi'rit'nei- of over lii'riv tive yer, HndistlM1 eioker of oi--r c.V fti tkiniinii 1'irin'i f.-rfri. I'litr 1 :i il I tor in.-nnif.icl m in ..-, I, V us io pll (hose in slrutpen ! .' ."I'"!' . riicir-M' tl.a liny firit i l iss i mo forte. July-l'J'CO.-ly.