' l" 1 1 it t all !!,:, captain, it results ' !t icsultV, my dem George, ttia you "rr S'''no to "l l,'V u eh inning young j erson. 1 That is tint r vi uli.it I was i.bout to my, captain.' ' What, thou, wi ip ymi .quiiif; to 1 : y 'lt'iiv young friend '! ' ' Why, eaptiin, th;i! I W .S Il l: 1 :nu.-t eoiil' it, I Was lu.rribly I'Otied. Irhiht- i tied.' The captain burst out into a joyou.-L,iv-h. ' t-'o lr;:hlriicd lhat, to avoid fi.Jiting me you were going to ii;lit that P.iolislima'i, because lie woil'. l not Cede. ,: i..k -i to you! t'u.nc, tleoige.' And till' old soldier to.'k Li m by the liitntl. 'Hut Plunchc but bir moiher ! AY hut shall we say to tlioni to excuse my d.nduct ? ' said George, rcHectitig u tow PCCulid.S. We will toll tbeni tbo truth,' ex. claimed tbo captain ; ' it id far the shortest.' ' True. I was wail when I ran away from Blanche.' ' S-'h J thought si. VtiU mad wht ii vuii ' How fo : ' Madly in b vo Gerrizc wedded L 't b return. r still deem Blanche, end they worn happy. Tlie moral of which is, that if there ha 1 boon no flies in the Cafe du Palais Royal in October, 13-.24, George Bonier would never have fought, west probably, Captain Undct. If Captain llodet bad not persecuted George, he would, most probably have never pone to Italy. II bo bud not gone to Italy, be would, must probably, never ave met Blanche, mid become Captain BodetV bupi.v nepbewand a respectable member of 'society. All's well tbat f uds well. JFFR.SON DAVIS. The Scene in Court Dairs Eiscnarrd from Military Custody, Ito-Aircsted and Eailcd in tho turn of $10,000 to Appear in November to imwer the Norfolk Indictment. Biehmond, Va., May 13 Tbc I'ulted St;.t 'S Court was packed Ibis morning. A military guard was placed around it, aud a strong police iorce inside. About twenty ladies were, among tbc Fpcctatoisj also fitly negroes. At 11 o'clock Mr. Davis was brought in. He to-k a seat next to tbo prisoners' box, with (Jen. Uuitou and the United States Marshall. A eervant accompanied him- Mr. Davis, sitting by an open window, remarked ; " It is a little cold, isn't it." lie was removed to a scat near bis counsel, iu front ot the Judge. (Jen. Burton's return to the writ of habeas corpus was then read. Judgo Underwood complimented (leucral Burton on obeying the laws, imd relieved hiui cf the custody ol Davis. The Marsh ill immediately served on Mr. Davis a bench warrant to answer the Norfolk indictment. Mr. O'Connor spoke of Mr, long imprisonment, and feeble Davis' health, und asked t bat lie be uaneu There being no opposition on tbc part of the prosecution, who fixed the imiountat 810,000, Judgo Underwood announced his readiness to accept buil ; htating, at tbo same lime, that the rt pousihiiity of delay in blinking the case into court rested upon the Gov. eminent, and not unou the District At- .lornev. lie also said tbat ouchalf of the amount of bail should be given by p ersons residing iu the State of Vir ginia. The sureties then came forward, 1 ! on.ee. Greclv boiu'' anion'' the first, followed bv Mr. Scbell, of New Voik, in d Mr. Jackson of Philadelphia, aud fthcis. A number of peritleiucu rcsiaing iu Ir.'iuia offered their names as bail. Mr. Davis was congratulated by Fev but there was uo demon- Mialion or noise o! any Liud. Aftf,!- L'iv:iiL' bail to nnpear at tno '. vpinlii r term of the court, Mr. Davis whs taken in a coach to the SpooUwood Homo. Mark Twain, the California bu luorist. is iust out with a new book en tlio ' .Tuiiitiirifr Froz." ouo of the luuuiest of all lu:iny stories. It is written in his peculiar f-tylo, aud cou l iins the following dedicatiou : " To J-iiiu tiiiiiih, whom I bavc known in divers and sundry places a. bout the world, nod vtbuse memory i nd manifold virtues always commanded )i'.v esteem, 1 dedicate this Look. It is :. . . . , t. aul that the man to wauiu a u.uuiu dedicated ulways buys a copy If this proves true iu tins nisiatiee, n-.pi nin-j i llbicijcn is about to burst upon the iiutbor." V.Mi.in T.iiinville. of the Ilolliail Catholic Cburcb, died at Dardstown, My , Saturday cveniog, alter a long i.rid I ninf'ul i!lii(..H. His remains arrived in j.ousville jestcrday, snd wevo laid out in ftato at tbo cathedral. Tho" funeral ceremonies take place at 2 p. iu. to.day. A couple of stale constables called at ji .-aloouat Wcstfi'dd, Mass. the fcthei day, for the purposo of arresting the loiuor vender for violation of the liijuor l.w. The propriet U' slipped t'.n cbuin f t, in a large black bear which be kecjs, 'mid retired to an aiite rootii t i await re HI uli.-i. The cflivcrs tppned the uoor. iilHl id tbc bear eourleoii-ly m.vunccd to il.ini ;i fiieml v tmbrnce. Hie "ib.or 'arj'uitkly shut ogain. and no con- Miilbs have ssiico appeaieu in m I riuhburhoiid. Kussiaii A'lMiica costs the United StuifB about Unee ceins per mie, taking tbc wl ole territory. ffhc uMli gidi'onite, joiim n. ham., rnorniKTon. i. t. moOhk, irni.isHrn. 4. TIFUHSDAY: :::::: m inth.W 7. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. Tin' 1 nmi'i a' ic Stale Cnminltti', ul its iii 'cliu on .'iinunry L'Olli. ill IUi i isluil g, a.lopteil tlio fiillon iiijr rcn'iilioiis : 1t, Tlint Hie rrjjulnr t'onvrntitin nf Hip p.irty, for nominiiiinu n cunili'liilp for the Supremo P.nnrli, 1 ln'M nt Itafi'islmi'p, oq the 2m! TVKSDAY of JUNK. 1SH7, nl 12 o' clock, nml Unit sahl Cnnvpnllnn lia compoft"! of lit" umiaT initnhpi' of tli'lepulps. 2m!, In pJ'litinii therein, it rooomiuoiid eil In the Tie'iioeiaiy of l'eiiiivlvuiiia lo KUKTIl WITH fleet, in tin! usual liiniiijcr, two ik'lt'patun, tf ruoiifcuizeil pnf'niun unit in tliieiice in tho party, lor cnoh ltppres-n-tative nnd Semite in tln-ir reppptive 'lis. tiirl, who hall meet in JlASri COSVEN TION, nt Harrishurff. on u ilay to tin tixt'J by the Chairman of the fcilato Contial t'om niiltee. liy otder of the Democratic Slate Com mittce. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Chairman. H. L FonsTi'.a, Secretary DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COirVENTION. In neciinl inei' with thenhnve rcstltit "ons n mretiiiR of tlm Iiemoci iitie County Coin mitlee of Klk County will be held nt tho Court hotice iu Uidgwuj-, On I he 2 17 titty of Jltuj, 1807 to choosetlelopates to said Coiivontion. JOHN 0. II ALL, Chairman of the leui. County Com. Ilclcase of Jtlt'erson Davis. The news by the papers of Tuesday last bring to us the news of tho release of Jefferson Davis from confiuenient at Fortress Monroe. This news will be received with gladness tbioughout the entile country by men of all parties. We do not seek to be apologists for the conduct of Jefferson Davis during the late rebellion ; but we say tbat he has been shamefully treated ; not shame fully treated because ho has been suffer ing an iniprisoumctit of two years which tbo pnpere tell us, has reduced his phy sical frame to a . mere Ekeletou but shamefully treated becausa it will forev er bo a blot on the name and character of the American nation " The home of tbc fixe and the land of the brave " that it, for two Ion? and weary years, kept an alleged criminal confined in a Lastih, after he, through his counsel, had repeatedly asked for bis trial. For this gross violation of one of the main principles of our government the rilit of immediate trial by jury this gov ernment itself will have to answer for. We ask, in all candor aud fairness, why could uot hi have lecn held to bail for trial when he was first arrested over two years ago, as well as now ? His crime, if crime it was, has not les sened or increased siuce his imprison- mer.t Why not, then would ' it not have been better to have given him a trial at the jrvjcr time ? The trial will take place in November nest. Hie jury wlncli is to try turn, wo suppose, is tbc one which Judge (?) Underwood, in bis testimony before the Judiciary Committee, on beiug ask ed if be could nack a iurv in irijmia ------ 1 w who would convict Jefferson Davis, re plied that bo could. We suppose that Underwood lias indeed packed the jury, or caused it to be doue, as the forcuiau nf ibft samo is no less a personajro thati that arch demagogue and political trick .-tgr John Miuor . llotts, whose uamo is followed by those of , five full-Llqodcd "Americau titizcus of Afiicau Vcout." From tbo latter fact we conclude that treason will be made odious,'' whether Davis is convicted or not especially while the pet lamb remain iu the jury bos. For our own part, we do not see why Mr. Davis should be singled out from among tight millions of rebels to auswer foi their aud bis own misdeeds. Some may say, however, " (), he was their President, their leader!" Granted. Hut it yet remains to be proven whether he ever sought to be their leader. It is well knowu that; Jeffersou Dtivis for tho past twenty-five year was the acknowlcdscd leading man of tho South. Ever watchful of her iuterehts, be had so cadeared himself to bis people, that when their great trial came, they taught him. Wo leave it to the calm, dispas sionate sense of any man of truth and honor, if be i?"'c, with honor to himself or gratitude to his pooplo refuse to be come their champion, and iclp and up. hold tbcin iu the hour of their need, us he had done ii) their prosperity. " ' -We presume that Uiiduwood, when tbo trial takes place, wjll . make it a point of " professional pride," u i Jling- liani, in tbo Surratt ease, to convict bis .i .. :il prisoner. Wo thins, However, no win lail. We believe there will be more of a sense of right displayed, even by ' ju ry composed partly of negroes, than tbcro is is in a tboiisnld unmitigated upMaHs'like Underwood. -Pl. ' i'oral (ijorrespondcnce. For the Klk -H0M4N LIFZ. Advocate. .Swiftly tlido i.our rears down life's fleeting billows f they follow each other like,' tho waves of the ocean. " Whcu.old g. lias- stamper -its marks, upon oar brow, and wo look back, our whole lile? seems like the phantoms that bovor over our midnight dreams. IJehold tho boy participating in all the pleasures ot childhood. 1 1 is step n lit: Ins heart- has never known sor row ; joy beams from bis eye ; n smile is or; Ins countenance, a song upon l.n hps. For him, time never flows too quickly: ho is always anticipating the joy of years to como. When be bears of the deeds of great uicu bis ambition is aroused, bis pulse throbs with a pow- erlul. emotion, bo wantstobt a man. lie i anxious to sec his name among those ol the great men of his day, to hear the shout, of applause. oliold him now -1 I to has passed the meridian of life, silver streaks arc seen hero aud tbcj-e uidst bis bairt; wrinkles are upon bis brow. All bis ambition is gone, his dreams of pleasure bavb departed. J lo has been disappoint ed in all- his schemes. Fnto has dealt mercilessly with him. Who is tbat ag ed man leaning on his staff ? His step totters : his hair is silvered with the snow of years; he is daiiy approaching nearer to the giave. lie . looks upon ambition as vanity, tho hilarity of youth as folly. The world has dealt trencher. ously with him, but still be would linger in it. 1 hough ot beauty s areain,)! fancy's flash, of music's charm, ho can say, " 1 have no pleasure in tnem. Would von recosn'zo m him tue noble, ambitious boy of former years ? Though you would not, still he is the same, Ask nun wlncli were tne Happi est days of his life, and he will answer, " the days of my cluldhoud" lie is now approaching the grave. Happy for him if ho knew Uod, and served Inm during life. Such is human life, but such cannot be the ultimate end of man. VIOLET. For the Elk Advocnte. CATHOLIC CHRISTIAHITY NO. 5. Since that infinitely powerful, wise, and holy Ueiug, who made us and pro. serves us, is our moral oovernor ana Judge, it becomes us to inquire with all seaiousness and candor, how wo may so- cure the good which Fie is able to be" stow, and avoid the evil which he is able to inflict, ror when this short and uncertain life is ended, we must enter an eternal state of retribution, and our behavior in this world will determine our condition in tho next. All ques tions of merely temporal concern tre of no account iu comparison to tho inquiry how we may approve ourselves to God, and secure that fulac of joy which can bo found only in His presence those tinnloied jihasarcs which are at his light hand iorevermore. ?ut, here we arc met by a very sad i and surprising fac. Man is not only, estrayed from God, but is unwilling to become reconciled to Ilini. This fact we may observe every day. The reason of it we find declared in the ocriptutes. Where God had created man in his own likeness, he gave him one command a very easy one that he would not eat of tho tree that stood in the midst of the garden, upon pain of death, while he might eat freely of all the rest. We understand tbat if our first parents had obeyed this command, they would have been immortal, and their posterity also; but when they ate of tho forbidden tree, they and their children became subject to death, " By one man sin entered into th'n-world, and. death by sin; and so death passed upon all men in wdiom (or for t at) all have sinnod." 'tomans 5, 12. " JJy a man came death," " in Adam all die.". I Cor. 15, 21. 22. Tho human race fell iu that first transgress ion ; nnd so every individual, descend. ins niitavullyifroru Adam,-is born wi'.h a depraved wi'll-ia siuful heart. This de- ' . n 1 '11 1 1 !.....? pravity .ot the will, or neari, u totot. there is no moral goodness lclt ;-ras St. Aueustind cbserves, " Nothing is ours but Hin.".iAnd tbe Apostle confesses, " For I know that there- dwelleth uot in mo, that is in my flesh, that which is God." lt3nu-7, IS,- "That which is born of tbo flesh, is flesh J and tbat which inborn ot tbo Spirit, is hpinr. John 3, G. .So-tJiat all uankind, until "bom of the Smut, aro at heart the enemies of God ; having not a particle of truo love for Him whom they ougl.t to love with all the heart, and soul, and mind und strength. This " innate, sin ful depravity of tho heart" which we all inherit from Adam, is the original gin from which, aa an evil toot, spring all our actual tin the evil thoughts, words and deeds, from which no one can claim to bo entire'y free. Tbeso corrupt fruit show that tho tree is corrupt. The uniform developments of human nature for hix thousand years allord, the slight confirmation of tho Seripturo doc. trine couc.ruin sin. It is indeed sad to bo compelled to take such a view of human nature : but who would wish to find comfort iu a lie Sooner or later the Uuth will out, and it is best to meet it at once, aud shape our lutura eonduct accordingly. . If n ;man in wlHicleJ with a .mui'.tU disoaso, which, mni very soon, an I runt sometime, prove theoiilv prudent wav is to confess the Ii ulli. mid seek nid from the physician, while it i possible for the disease to be nrrtsted and the patient roi-toi-ud to health. Lei us lutn aekuoHlfdiru our sinful and lost eon diiiun by nature, and inuuire with all so briety und curiiesliicss, whether Jh"1'8 nny possible wny of enenpe from it wliolu er lost miners may be saved. 0. c. - Um'LEASANT The weather. Slciu adicrfecmcntn. ' h h DENTiSTRY. DR. A. FISHER. OF BARREN, TA., would respectfully Inform tbo ciii 7.eii3 of 111k county thai ho will be nt the Hyde Homo on MONDAY, tho UOIh tiny of May, 18:i7, nud will remain one week only.-':.' . llavinjr Pome ton years ciperience In Dentistry, ho flutters himself that he can ftive entire satisfaction to nil. Teeth in serted on Vulcanite nnd Hold, from one to n whole sett. All (lie late improvement in filling nn 1 paving-lcJth from d -cay And further pain. May IU. NOTICE. HKP.KAS, my two sons, JOHN nml IILOKUE KUEIQ, are in the lml.il of iimking debts without my consent, I hereby pivc notice that f will not pnv nn delils so mndo. JOSHPII KIM KG. lk'nzinjrer; May lCih, 1307. 1867 ' 1807 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL I ROAD. This great Una traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by the Iennftha via Had Road company, and is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 17th. 18G4. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Er e Mail Train A 47 p.m. F.rie Express Train 10 42 p.m. L . Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train IU 47 o.,na Erie Express Train 3 50 a.m. PassoiiL'cr ears run through without chance both ways between Philadclpha aud Eric. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at CbOO a. m., Arrive at Erie 1U.UU p. n. Leave Erie at 5.00 p. in., arrive at New York 3.15 p. m. Elkqknt Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Philadelphia aud Eric. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner oOth 'an.d Market-Sis, I'hiladelphia And for Fraight busiuessof the Com nanv's Airents: S. 15. Kingston. Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J IV. Revnolds Ji.rie. W.Urown. Agent N.C.R. R. Bal timore. II. II. Houston, Gen I. Freiyht Aft. rhiVa II. W. G WINNER, ' Gtn'l. Ticket A3t. riiiTa. Alfred. L. Ti ler, General iupt Arte. Take Notice. PIIE UNDESIGNED WISHES TO I .1.. ..ui:. n I Bay iu mo puuuu iieucianv, um more particularly to the people of Kik County that he has opened a Black smith and Waon-Shon in St. Mary's, where he will be happy to execute an orders in his Una with promptness and neatness- I have also nuroiiasea me riyht for Elk Count v. to manufacture nnd . sell . the V. M. Hubbard Patent Snrin Wagon Seat, of which I will anon have a - good supply on band, or will make to order, any desired stylo or sizo. I would further notify tbo peoplo of Elk County that any person or per sons infringing on my rieiit in tno man ufacture or sale of said seat will bo pros eeutcd to the extreme limits ot the law, 5-9-Sm LEONARD WITTMANN. CARDS NEATLY EXECL'T- ed nl this office. Sis8 tf.Q fL - i . M Sig mil g & r n y g 1 CD V ASYLUM For Invalid Soldiers Incorporated hy Act of Assembly of the C!oinnionveaUh of I'cnnsylvatlia, Murcli ti. lWi7. The Tionrd of Supervisors appointed by the nbove Corpornt ion to erry out the ob jects of the act. of incorporation, respect fully nnnnuneo to the public that, the Lepis bilure of lViiusylvania has authorized the rniving of funds for the erection, establish ment, nnd iniitnlcntinct1' of nn Aorliim for luviilid Soldiers nf the bile war, to b.i built on the Untile Field of (lollysbnrpr, nnd ns nn iniliie.Miienl (o patriotic citizens In con tribute, lo Ibis b"npvo!ciit chjeul, have em powered the Corporation to dUtrihule n inonsl t'-e subscribers fuch ni tides ot value nnd interest, from association with tho ble war, or nny moneys, effects, property, or estate, real or personal, whatever, in this .Stale or elsewhere, nt such lima or upon such terms, and in such ny nnd limnner whatsoever, to them phnll seem lit, any lnws of this fommonwealth to the contrary no'wil hslnnding. The enterprise Is cordially recommended by tho fallowing named wcil known gentle men ! Major General Geer'O G. Meado Fx -Governor Andrew G Curtin Major General Gnlusha I'cnnypnekcr . MajiT Gencrnl K M Gregory Major Gencrnl John H Itrookc Major General Charles II T Hol'is Major GeoeTal James L Selfridgo .' -15ri.!? Gon Jmnes A Heavor Jliis; Gen Iluriilio G .Siclicbt .. Urig Gen Joseph F Knipe " I'.rig Gen Win J Bolton ISrig Gen Samuel M Zulick ': F.rig Gen John K Murphy " ' Ilrig GeD T F McCoy. I'.riii Gen It E Winslow -Urig Gen Henry Pleasants Ilrig Gen J P S Gobin Urig Gen J M Campbell : Rrig Gen Tliomns M WaYkor ' F.rig Gen tV Cooper Tally iu-ig Uen J M M Gregg Colonel F SlumbimgU The fito for the institution (thirty acres) has already been purchased, and it is hoped that the good work may commence before midsummer. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the association, 'No. 11 2(5, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, on and after Monday, the Oth day of May, 18G7. J' or each subscription ot hve dollars a certidcate will bo issued, which will en title the holder to such article of value as may be awarded to its number. i he firs , distribution of awards will be made immediately upon the receipt of 80,000 subscriptions of S each. i he distribution will be public, and under the direct supervision of the Cor porators. I'ersons at a distance are requested to remit their subseiiptions (when practi cable) by Post office money order, or registered letter, to insure prompt de livery. Direct all letters to J. D HOFFMAN, Seo'y Roard of Supervisors, Box 14S1, P. O., Phil'a. The following is a schedule of the awards to be made under the first distri bution. The items nf diamonds and other precious stones were purchased from citizens of the 8outh during the war, and their genuineness is certified to by Messrs. Ilenle & Pros., the most extensive diamond importers iu the country, and by J. Hermann, diamond setter, New York. GFiTTYSBCRG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. Incorporated by Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot J'ennsylvania March Cth. 1867. Office 1126, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FIRST DISPOSITION. Thousand Subscribers nt $5 Each. Eighty 1 1 2 1 81 41 Diamond Necklncc. 48 Brilliants, valued nt. $30,000 Dinmond (Muster Brooch and Eur Rin;s Award 10-40 Gov't Bond Dinm'd Cross, set in silver Diamond Cluster Brooch 15.000 10.000 7.000 fi.OtKl 61 fi 1 Award 10.10 Gov't Bonds S.ftOO 7 1 Diamond Single St. Ring 8 1 Diamond C'.uster Bracelet 0 1 Diamond Siocls Stone 4,!)' 10 4,000 Scarf Tin 4.000 101 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 4,000 11 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet 4,000 12 1 Tair pinpde Mone Din- mond Ear Itiugs 3.500 13 1 Dinmond Cluster Brooch 3. OUO 1 11 Award 10.40 Gov't Bonds 8.00.1 15 1 Diamond single stono Pin f!,000 K',l IViam'd Einglo stone stud 8.0(10 17 1 D'amond Cluster Brooch 2.500 18 1 Diam'd Single stone lllng 2.5(10 101 Diniu'd At Emc'ld liroooh 2,501 20 1. Diuiu'J Single ston-s Ring 2,0(10 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring... 1.5U0 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair - Shawl 1.500 . 231 Choice Emerald Stud 1,500 21 1 Single Stone Dialuoud P.ing 1,000 20 to 31-10 Awards of 10-40 Gov't Bonds, each... 1,000 85 1 Three stone dinmond Jit Ruby half hoop ring...- 800 361 diamond single stone Ear Knobs 800 87 1 P'r diam'd cluster studs 600 88 1 diamond single stone P.ing, star selling 600 89 1 diam'd single stone Pin 500 401 dinm'd Cluster bracelet 600 41 to 50-10 Awards of 10 40 Gov't Bonds, each IK) 511 Ladv's diam'd set watch 400 62 1 diam'd sineleiiie ring Cji) 531 .'.i.iinond and opal clus ter ling 200 64 1 diam'd single stone ring ., 200 65 -1 pair Kiu'ld scarf Pins 200 6(i 1 d'md single stone stud 150 671 diamond Cluster Pin... 100 68 1 cameo und peurl Brooolt and ear rinB 1 . 100 58 ta 108100 Awards 10 40 Gov't Bon is, each 100 153 to 258100 Awards. Gov'mt Leeal Tenders, each... ; ou 8.000 Awards. Government: '. ,, Legal Teudeaa, tm;li...-, .6 The distribution of the above awards will bo made -in pbblio as soon us the subscription is full, of whioh due notice will be siven through the papers. I On and after May 6th the Diamonds will be on exhibition at the ofhee of the As sociation. The pnblio can rely on everything being conducted in tho most honorable and fair manner. 'All the awards will be banded to certificate. .holders, imoie "1 KTTVsuur.a dialely after the distribution, frci of all cost, at the office of the company, No. 1120, CHESTNUT Street, Puihi CERTIFICATE -We hereby coiti'y that wo have ex attiiiinn I ha llmin.l I . .; .. ,, - wuuus, i-earls, iMiicralds, J.ubies, and. other Precious Stones, as described in the above list nnd find them all genuine ' IIENLE KKO'P, Diamond Importers . 2(1 Maiden Tano, New York. ' J. HERMANN. Di anion 1 Setter, o'Ji Prooinc St., New York. AGENTS V ANTED. Books eati be bad containing 20 certificate:! ON P, HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for certificates must bo addressed to J. D. HOFFMAN, Seo'y. Pox 1481, Postoffice, 5-0 2m. Philadelphia. NOTICE TA MEimWoF THE Stockholders of the Kersey Oil and Mineral Company will beheld at the tiflloc of the Collector of Internal Revenue, at Williamsport, Pa., on the. 1st day of June next, at 10 o'clock a.ni; for the election of directors and officers of said company for tho ensuing year. II. A. GUERNSEY, Prcs't. A. N. Donaliison, Seo'y.. Williamsport, IV, May Oth, 1867. Dontistry.. DR. J. S ACER, of 'Warren, Pcnn'a. begs leave to announce to the citizens of Eikcounty that he will be in Itidgway on the Cth of HAY, and remain one week. rersoua. uiiving worn ta Uo my line will 1 r 1 please call on tho first or second day after my arrival, as teeth may have to be wedged anri nciorc lining. 1 colli extracted without pain by tbn nun nf n... ..nr.i v. - I-.... , HUJdll IM L) I I G E. 170 R SALE! FIVE ACRES ; Village Lota in Ridgway ! OF Price, One Thousand. Dollars ! A small part in CASH balance ia ten years. Inquire of J. Powell, Rrdgway, Pa., or C. It. McNULTY, No. 830, Broadway, No w York, Care Lathrop, Isling ton & Co., New York City. May Olh, 18G7-4t. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 35 fc 27, Broaditay, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. 'PI1E STEVENS HOUSE ia WELL JL . and widely known, to the travel ling public. Tbo location is especially suitable to merchants ami business men : it is in close proximity to the business part of the city is on the oighivny of Southern nnd Western travel nnd ndjnccnt to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pots. Tho Stevens House has liberal neemmo- dation for over three hundred guests it is wen lurnisneii, ami possesses every modern improvement for the comfort nnd cntcrtain meni of its inmates. The rooms are Fpac ious nnd well ventilated, provided with gas and water, the attendance is prompt and respectful, nnd tho table is generously pro vided with every delicacy of the scason-at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE & CO. May Olh, 1867, Cm. Proprietors. TN THE MATTER-) In the Court of Common Picas X ot the lecorpora- tion of the " Elk County Railroad and Mining Gazette." of Elk County. JNo. 11, Aug. 1. 1867. Notice is hereby giveu that the cer. tificate of tho Corporators of the " Elk County R. ilroad aud Miniug Gazette " has been fi ed iu my office, and if no sufficient ca se is shown to the contrary, a decree of ;ncorporation will be made at the next term of tho Court. GEO. A. RATH RUN, May Oth, 1867. Prothonotary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby givcitfliat. letters nf admin istration nn the estate of Anthony Hahu hauser, late of St. Mary's, in Elk county, have been granted to I lie undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate arc request ed to cail nnd settle, nn I those having claims against the samo will present them duly authenticated for settlement. lONATlUS GARNEB, LOUIS VOLM Ell, np25 Gt. Administrators. M1 i DAGGETT WILL OPEN on April l'ith, nt tho res'denco of Mrs. J. V Houk, a nice assortment of Spring flil5 tiFMoKrl). Will also provide u Fasuiouaulu Dressma ker for the Bcason. apll-tf. -ri I Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A GOLD MKDAL, "AS TnR BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. Inst., New York, Oct. 13''5. Being pronounced superior t'n Quality, Power nnd uviety of Tone, and in number of combinations. As the bost Instruments of America were there contending, whichever won tho battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critic. They have also taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two nnd three banks of keys six sites $250 to $1,500. Without pedals, single nnd double bunk in gretit variety, $B5 to $150. ' These Organs with their smooth, pipedike quality of tone, beautiful solo stops, Btrenglh of chorus, unequulled pcduls, and general organ-like effects, aro superior for Churches, Halls, l'arlora nnd Schools. They nre put up in cases of Solid Wulmit, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) ana elegant Rosewood, of splendid designs and finish, and of the bust workmanship ! it being Intended that each instrument shall be a model of its kind. All instruments down to a flno octave portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Treruolanto slop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our Genet nl Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Price Lists, with our now styles, aro now ready. Send for a oirciilnr. PKI.OUBET, PEI.TON & CO Manufacturers, No. 841, i Viai'llOm Broadway, N, Y. City.