1 local iim-uiGOi:E Vnr Time at JltJ8'"'!J. " ... Ill- I" n. ni. Erie Express l;.s ' ' m do 'lo vtesi . ,,. Jo Mnil V.nst do do West Local Freight East . do do West. o:.i o. "" 10: 17 p. 1". ',' 10: 17 a. m. "'.".!.... 6:51 in" N O Hereafter the T I 0 B . Post Office will bo On at 8 o'clock. closed every cvenin 8 to Sunday H UI be Uort o " J at G M. 10 o clock ill n o Ml'k ja t T t .ITT Jl Klli 1 r- m for Mle at this office a ."fT. r.wnnt & Stratum's In- lege,. For Halo Cheap. Ap.IS-tf. BSrHTuTMASS Ml' F.TIN 0 ! There will be a MAS3-MEETING of the fricoJ ot Elk County Railroad Interests held nt ST. MARY'S on Wednesday, the 15th day of May, to take into consideration the importance of building a railroad from LufTalo to our county. Able MieakcTS will do prci-cm C. II. EAELEY, Prcs't. The K xuiniTioN.- In nuothor part , . , r.r tlm reader will observe the program., e of exercises for the vi ... . nvcnini nest Ex Wo bespeak for it a crowded house, and the, .election of pieces with a trifling esccp tion, merits it, o Tho r,,-; of admission will bo -0 nt for adults. The proeecdi, after deducting expenses, to go to furnishinn a globe for the use of the school. PROGRAMME O f Exorcise of tho RIDGWAY SCHOOL EXHIBITION. CHANT. Callino the Roll. Responding by ecutiiueut. SALUTATORY. The Death of Lincoln. George Mo. Gibbnny. Tuhleau.r. Faith, Hope and Charity, Sana. A. 1!. C 'I tic Tk-o R -Hi:te. Lizzie Cunning. haw. Cod ft Love Charlotte Sweaton. n.;-l.,m)i!m. Dennis Haley, John Clements, George Khincs. Jshmnel Day. Kutvett Chapin Sony. The Echo. I'jrw. Sallie Townscnd. Hat-barn Fritehie.VM. Williams JSnvif. Come Avoy, Ket l's Go. 7 hn Sf-..vs-.--.'-'ix little fir At'n'rati'His " f Y"ii!h. Cal. The Stnwj- L'ttc Boy, Luther Merle Wilcox. Sony. Jemmy linker. Av'ti'oil L'.i!ritorfnny. T. Hal ey Ik -ink I were a Hi 'nl, (t- Answer. Ida Fall and Chatles Farlinor. n, !uh lio .' 7b- a lliultnuL Nane Cunningham. Son 'j. The Workers. DetUvnntlon. Page Frindle. Aihhe to the Returned &M'un. Fiank VanoMdall. Sony. The Auction. HI LOGUE. Mr. t'anih. Laura IJarrett and George McGibbony. Sony. Pounds of the Summer Night. The Bn'd'd II hit Cup. Dialogue. The Munhic. Inez Craiidall. Sony. The Seasons. The Indian. -1-rank 1'Jy. Sony. The Cuttage by tho Pea. Lecture on Patent Medicines. Jos. Clements. J) ia for nr. Hired Help, Choriietr r of Lafayette. Henry A. Parsons. Sony. Reautiful Isle of the Sea 'J he Jfnnei maid. Siililnrniy. The Old Maid's W;i. Martha Prindle and Laura IJarrett. Sony. Grafted him into tho Army, by Lizzie Luther. Romlxist. Unbolt Williams. Diafoifje. The Sewing Circle. I "a fed h lory. Curtis V. E-trreU. SoNO. Vacation. Drmouest's Monthly. This biau. tiful and favorite periodical cornea to us with all the freshness and fragrance of the June roses. It improves with every issue, and we are not surprised that ladies find it tho indispensable companion of their working as well as their leisure hours. Its. varied conteuts embrace almost every tuple of interest in the parlor, kitchen, and nursery, while its sensible t.me aud the amount of valuable information furui.-hed, cot to speak of the money value of its ex cellent patterns, render it a capital investment of S3, without the premium which U sent fhr every yearly sub. Bcription. Address, W. JENNINGS DKMOREST, 47.'i Duoahway. Laugh and ginw f.it. Go Boo the Heath Family to niht. and BilWell of the lina cf Powell & Kiuie, has just returned from the fat where he bus purchased . tho Lauuest BrocK, Finest AsHuiiTMKNr, and Cheapest Gogij.s ever brought into Elk County, lie inl'iimies us that trade is so lively that ho has not had time to preparo an adveilisiiKiit. Rut it will appear next week. Heath Family. This excel lent Troupe will give one of their enter tainments in the Hyde Ilnu.se Had fi,; Tni'iiuiiAV evniili!?. J hi V are- highly spoken of as first class per for. mors wherever they have been. They ,;n nn furnish musio lor a uaucc after the Concert h over. VVr. Sager, IV ntist, of Warren, Pa., isiovin town, stopping a, ili- Hvdo House. Those bavins.' work to do in his line should etill and see him im mediately. rRead the new advertismcuts in this weeks paper. Cjn.YlOLET's comunication will np. nr-rir next week, it beitl"- crowded Out by a press of other mutter. Accident. A few days ago Daniel T) TTvnlt nf Fox Township had Ins lost j - - . fractured and dislocated but is recover iug finely. tOF Messrs. JJell iV Robinson are ubout ercctiiiir a foundry and machine shop in Ocntrcville SGTGo and see tho Heath Family to nic lit. Cincinnati, May 5. Judiro Kellev and suite arrived here tn.dav ai d left for Memphis, where he will make his first speech on Tuesday Concord, N. II., May 5. Almon Harris & Son's storehouse at Fishervillo was bujned to-day, Tho loss is $20,000 : partially covered by insurance. Highland, N. J-, May 5 The steamboat Scabird was totally destroyed by fire at Red Band this evening. The origin ot tuc lire is known. Raltimore, May Lieutenant-Governor Cot left this city yesterday for Cincinnuti to attend the annual convention of :,thc National Medical Society. He is prominently spoken of as the next president of that body. To-day was the second Sabbath of the running of tho street passenger cars in this city. They were crowded all pay. The park was visited by fifteen thuusand people. The preaching in the park was listened to with, much attention. Tho w:athcr was fine, and perfeot order prevailed EH! A L E S (late fowui.l's) EMRROCATION! 7OU ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO JP Horses, I'altle and the lliimnn Flesh, reiuiring the use of an external application 1 nis new ( onipouiid, prepared by n prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of nil (he medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed nnyihinir of the kind yet of fered to ihc public us an external appliea tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We are satisfied that it will work its own road iulo the confidence of nil who Ve it, and those who try it once will never bo without it, nnd therefore we rely on ex perience as the best test of ils usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, nnd nil w ho have tried it lo be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for ovoi eight years, and it is only through tho increasing demand and urgent request of my friends nnd the Public that 1 send it forlh as the grand remedial agent for the various diseases to which that noble and useful nuirnnl, the HOUSE, is subject. Many remedies have been offered to tho Public under different forms, some of theso are injurious, others nt bost of litlle use, and many wholly improper to answer the purposes for which they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition free from thoso objections, has therefore long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, aud are unwilling to trii't them to the care of designing nnd pretending Tarriers. Their wishes are nt length fully gratified, by Dr. Rente being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so ellleaeious to the various disci i lo be prepared and brou'jlil cut to the public Tliirs embrocation was extensively used by the Government during the war. Address all orders to DR. l-'.DMOND BE ALE, (;H2, South Second St, phil'n. t-','?" For Sale by Borduell & Meu..rig.-r, Ridgway, Pa. iipI'Oly T MIF. MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used on Billiard Tables is the CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by KavnnagH & Decker, and patented Dec 18, lWiG. ( Sec Scientific Am erican, volume 10, number 11.) It is tho (INLY Cushion that possesses all the qualities essential to a perfect Cush ion. If is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever offered lo the billiard-playing public, ns is abundantly proven by the great demand for it since lis introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes the CAT til T Cushion nnd renders it superior to nil oihers, is the lightened corj of cat gut which overlies the face tin 1 edge of ihc rubber, and running tho full length of tin Cushion, which prevents the ball f rom bed ding into the rubber and jumping from the Inble. The addition of the cat-gut cord nlso adds much lo the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been npplii.d to over It Mill tables which nre in constant use. It can be applied lo tables of any luiike, for 7") per set. KAVANAGII & DECKER'S Factory, nt the corne r of Centre and Canal Streets, N. V., is th" uiosi compute of its kind in the world. The machinery is of the most im proved character, the Uiinl.i r drying' room the 1 armrest in the I nited States, the mate rial used the best that can be purchased, nil. I the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard ( loth, Balls, Cues and Trim mings, all of tho best make, const am ly on bund. Kiiviinngh nnd Decker nre the onlv agents in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENT, adjudged by competent authoiilies to bo the best cement ever used. Full Size T.ihles cut down for SltH). Said for llusirat' d J'rire Li.f. KAVANAGII 4 PKCUIR, Cur of ('.'litre aud Canal Sts., niGOly New York City. Tin- SOMETHING NEW ! ! HIT. SlT..SCi:iP.ER respectfully desires J lo iiiiiiouiieo to the citizens of Klk county Hint lie 1ms recently tilted up nil es tablishment for 1 lie mnnnliieturo nii'i Bm olTIN, COPPER, and SlIKE'MKOX Ware, on Main Sheet, in Ridgwny, wliero, by strict irttenti.m to business, lie hopes to merit tlio confidence uinl pationiigo of the C community. lie fi',1 hoop on hand nn extensive nnd varied nssortmcnt of every kind of 11V- WARE, and repair in the. neatest possible manner, i.U work coining under lira super vision. Ho will also keep on hand a woll-asorted stock of ST 0 V E S 3 suit aide fov citli'er Wood or Conl. lie desires espeeinlly to cull tho altcn tion of lumbermen to the fact that lie tan supply Ihem with RAFTiNG-STOVco mnde in a sinu'i ioi- maimer. Roofina and Spoutinii done to order on Fhort nftl ice. RTSuOld Coniicr. Drass, Pewter, Lead and Scran iron taken in exchange tor coods or work. pnv Oive hire a call nil he nsks is a fair lvi.il " Cimlomera will find li tin nt their SEUVICK." W. SlillVlUIi. liidnwny, April 4, 1 807-tf. 3 9 J OSEPH WINDFELDZR OF THE ST. .If.mS IS ft E HER I Takes this method of announcing to the Public, that during the past season ho has manufactured TEX TIMES MORE LAGER than he has ever before brewed in one season, so that ho will be ablo to supply Private Families, fcaloons, and Hotels. with a Sunerior Article of this favorite beverage, at a price that cannot be undersold anywhere ou the hue of tho P. & hi. Railroad On or about the 15th of May he pro. poses to of his vaults, where ha has stored it, and of which the public are respectfully re quested to take notico. B!k,Orders shipped as soot ns rccciv with promptness and despatch. 83L.Address orders to JOS. WLNDFELDER, St. Mary's Buewery, Renzinger Post Office, , ap25tf. Elk County, Pa. F 10 R SALE, The Store-house nnd Lot oconpied by Burke and Wood is offrrcd lor sale. A desirable location in the thriving boroiiL'h of St. Mary's. Apply C1IAS McVEAN, Renzinger P. O. Jan. 3, 67.tf. Elk Co Pa. Sampson Short, John G. Hall, Joa. Kirkpatrick, Louis Vollmer, Win, M. Singerly Jas. K. P. Hall. BANK1NG-1I0US OF Iiort, Salt & . St. Jtlary's, Hcnxingcr 1. O. El.K Coi'NTY, PeNXA. PAY UP ! PAY UP ! All pursons knowing themselves indebted to the firm of John McCleary & Co. are requested to call nnd settlo their accounts immediately, nnd thoso having claims against tho samo are requested to present tliem duly autnenticntcd lor settlement, to W. A. BLY, and F. SIIOENING, of Ccntrevillc. JOSEPH WINFELDER, surviving partner of mar. 1-1, 'G7-3t John McCleary, & Co, T7 O 11 SALE .The entire ' Stock and fixtures of the Centrevillo Tannery formerly owned by John McCleary ec CO., are oiiercu lor sale. Apply to JOSEPH WINFELDER. St. MARY'S, or W. A. BLY, or F. SCIIOEXING, March 14, 18G7-tf. Centrevillo. 'niSSOLUTION- The copartnership heretofore existing be tween William C. Healy nnd B. A. Dill, un der the firm of Healy & Dill, is this day do. solved. Tho business of the firm will be settled by William C. Healy. W. C. HEALY, March 14, lS(17-Gt B. A. DILL. "I7IEDEMUS VOGT. Practical Clock & JL Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Rooms next door to Iliutenuch's Clothing Store. All kiiws of work done done iu a satisfactory maimer, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to work in the German, French or English lan guages. March 11, 18G7lf. It AINES BRO S PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA These Tiaiios nre universally acknowl edged by competent .lodges equal to tho best Piano made. For references, they nave many thousand city and country resi dents, including hu g numbers of the High schools, M ininaries, xc. Theso Pianos have not only stood the continued use and heavy l.raoiiceof on year, but have been used tho last Ffteen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken premiums and medals whe'iever exhibited. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Jinnies 4ro s nave iieen compelled to en large (heir works to the extent of 21 to HO Pianos a week. Having now one ofiho most extensive mid complete Factories in the United Stales, Factories alone covering over three tourtli of 1111 sere ot ground, comprising a lroiituge ot 2l'l tect on Second Avenue, They arc undoubtedly the cheapest lirat elass Pianos in mm 'id. Fully guaranteed for live years. Send for Illustrated Cireu lar. 11 AIM'S HIM S. Loo, SuS, b'Gll, !ir,2. :ij t, JiGil, i:ii8,o7l,372, Second Avenue, niui'71SG03mc4 New York City. $Hpiocsg il'celfl'j). OHN 0. IIALI., Attorney at law, ltidg wny, Klk county Va. tl,iar,i!2'(i0 y- J 015 WORK of all kinds and Ucs. criptinmf done nt this offico. AHVEIt HOUSE, Warren, Pn., Hull & Hall, l'roprictors. nug'J'00-ly ALl'INE IIOU.SP, St. Mnfj ninn Krctis, Proprietor. Ll'INE IIOU.SP, St. MKrj-'s ra.. Her- nng i uij fiillK art of JIO DANCING Mid 1SAN.10 I 1'l.AYlNO tniight by 3. W. PltOWN, liidgwny, Vti. scpl-ldf. 17XECUT10NS, SUMMONS, SUBrtE. nirs, Wnrrnnts, &c, on Land and for uule at this office. DR. W. JAMES 1U.AKELY rhysician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, . Elk county 1,V. mar-220(ly. TTvll. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine 1 nnd Surgery, Ccntrevillc, Elk county 1. mar-22'061y. DH. A. S. HILL Kersey, Elk county Va. Will promptly answer allprofessional calls by night or day. mar-22'GG-ly. DR. EBEN J. RUSS, Physician and Sur geon, St. Mary's Elk county Pa. Juue-21'GO-ly. J j Counsellor at law, and U. S. Conimis osner. Ridgwny P. O. Elk county. Tn. mar-a uo-iy. SOU I' OUTIIER AND WILLIS Attorneys nt Law. RiJewav, blk county ra., win attend to all professional business prompt ly. mar-22'G(l-ly. TAR. W. li. IIARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk I county, Vn. Late of tho Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all enses of surgical nature. mar-22'6G-ly. KEIiSF.V HOTEL, A. B. WHEELER, Pnoi'KiETon. This house is conveniently nnd piensnni ly loented in the thriving village of Centre- ville. Every attention paid lo tnc conven ience of guests. 1 31 1807tf J OH PRINTING, suchns Cnrds, Posters, Hand Bills. Bill Heads &c, done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices. 1 II. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd DealcV J9 in Lnger Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary s, Llk county ra. Mar-22'GG-ly. ORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemienls- Paints. Oils nnd Vnrnish. Perfumery Toil et articles nnd Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'GG-ly H' ENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Picturo Frames nnd Comns, Ridcwny Pa. Ware Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-1 7'G6-ly. TVH. J. S. BORDWELL Electio Thysi J cinn. Late of Warren county Pn., will promptly answer nil professional cnlls by night or day. Residence one door enst ot the lnte residence of Hon. J. L. Gillia, Mnr.22'GG-ly. WASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, Elk county Pn., Edward Bnbcl Pro prietor. This houso is new nnd fitted up with especial enro for the convenience of guests. Good stabling attached. Mar-23'GO ly. LIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale ,t- Retail Dealers in lorn. Pood nnfl Ornin CANAL MILLS, ERIE, PA. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt mar ket rates. aug 'Jth-GG-ly JO. IN 0. HALL JAS. K. V. Ul HALL & P.RO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MAUI e : BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTY, PA September 20, 1806. ly. S1 T. MARY'S IIOTEL.B. E. Wellendorf Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa 1 111s house is new and fitted up with cspe cinl enre for the convenience nnd oomfort of guests, nt moderate rates. Free Hnck, to and from the Depot. Good stnblinfc at tached. Lmnr-22'G0.1y, Trl ACTIO AL CLOCK AND WATCH JL MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Pa. Edward McBridc, keeps constantly on hand and for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jowelry of all descriptions, B5)'Repairing neatly executed, and done on short notice and rcasonablo terms Mar 29'GO-ly. SOMETHING NEW! HOUSE, SIGN iu ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, T 'HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD It E spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor mm witn their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMlNINO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashionnble nnd improved manner nnd style. Orders left nl tbis Office or at the Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. V. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'GG-lyi rpiIAYER HOU3E, JL , RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER. Proprietor. Tho undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends anu me pui iio generally. dcc!3 G6 ly DAVID THAYER rilhe subscriber begs leave to announce to X 'he citizens of Elk and adjoining coun. ties that he has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John Smutz, nnd that lie is prepared to do all kinds of work in a suit nblo style, saidles,br;dles,iiarness Kepi constantly on hand at pricey to suit tlie times. Give me a call shop iu the sec ouus.ory 01 urug etoro buildiii". ocll-ly. 0. LEVIS The Ulrard Annuity JLifc Insurance & Trust Co OF PHI LAD' A. I.V 1S.1G i II.tUTEllEli CASH CAPITAL $ 300,000,00. ASSETS $2.45r.335.W. Mutual Insurance combined wiih the se. curity of capital. . For insurance apply to JOHN 0. HALL, Ridgway, Pa. business J)il'cdortj. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOTICE is hereby given that. 1 have tak en out. a license as auctioneer, nnd will attend tiromntlv to tho ciiUini of all sales entrusted to my enrc. Any p6ron culling sales without n license wil be held nnswcrable to the strict letter of the law. 1 W HAHRETT, Dcc2418GGtf. Auctioaecr. WHEKLER & WILSON'S FEW. ING MACHINES. The under signed having been npnointed Sole Agent for the sale ot Wheeler k Wilson s dewing Machines for Elk county. Ilo keeps an assortment constantly on linnd. Machines sold at Philadelphia nnd New 1 or prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining tlicincan address J. K. HI 1 .Mini i;, March Ot-'CO-ly. nt Ride way, Va. HLACKSMITHINOI II. S. RELNAP desires to inform the dli lens of Ridgway and vicinity that ho has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on Mill street, nnd has employed good work men who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to nn anchor. Particular attention given to the shooing or norscs. ah l ask is a lair trial. May 17'GO-ly. HF. OVERIIOLTZER, . MERCHANT TAILOR, llidgway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizns of llidgway nnd vicinity that he is prepa;cd to make to order as well as it can be done nnywherc, ani-thing in the line of his business. All he nsks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. UFSuCloths, Cassiniers, Vestines and Trimmings of tho latest and most approved styles kept constantly on linnd, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. raug.'SO.y WSHEHER. . Ucalcr in ?i:W, MioQiO), t'l-niiiis and Shict MUSIC ROOMS: No. 45, Ferst Avenue, Com, Pcnna Refers to J. Towell, B, F. Ely, Ridgwny. Ignatius Garner, Chas. Haigen, bt. Mary s. nov 22, bo, auipu. Tjjal'eqiilili! RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T E WARREN, PA. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HALL WARREN, TA. l17tD. rUR STARCH GLOSS, Is the only article used by first class hotels Laundries, nnd thousnnds of families. It gives a beautiful polish, making tho iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much tune nnd labor- Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, consequently will not wear out so soon. It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE is the best in the world. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, nentest, and most convenient form of any offered to tho public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we oner ex traordinary inducements, Addres, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., New York. NEW SHOP. TIN! TIN!! TIN!!! STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! TnhTl Snsonri o? mtr Rr On WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS, sr. mary's, pa. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a largo aud well selected stock of TIN WAR B, STOVKS &o. Wo have everything generally kept iu a Tin Shop. Our Slock of STOVES consists in part of ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE k WHEAT SHE AF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our shop either riveted or proved. SPOUTI-Vd AND ROOFING, (lone on short notico and at reasonable rates. Juno 14'GG-ly. II. Gray, I. Wilcox, R. H. E.MKBSON, E. F. Adams. QUAY, WILCOX. & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MARY'S, Opposite Alpine House, 'Elk County Pa. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Rut tor, Chee se Feed, Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder. Canned Fruits, Ecans, yi!s, (; AND STAPLE GlioCEl!lr.3 December 20, 1SGG ly. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE HI I OWAY imam 9 KErr by KOUDWELL & MESSENGER, Dealers in Pruf's, M ..iicincs. I'nints. - , OiK White Lead, Lubiicatincr Oil. Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. funicrics of all Kiuds, The purest Varnish, 1'rushes of every Stylo anil Sizo Dye Stuffs, Pure Confeclionarics Citron, Itaisins, Patent Medicines, Wines atshes, Jetvelry, Kings, Tobaccocs & Segars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to tho Drug Eusiness Gen orally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Notions in Endless Variety I notions 111 r.ndlcss Variety ! American and English Watches ! American and English Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Jjutcst styles oi Jewelry, IUiim, Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I Albums, News, Stationery. liird-Cm Albums, News, Stationery, Rird-Cages! Violin, Eanjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, lianjor-.nd Guitar Strings ! niar20l8GG N JEW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, Dealer in Groceries Sic, would respectfully inform the citizens ol Kersey and vicinity, that lie h is pone into the (.rocery business, and will opcn on Or about tho middle of May. He keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY by thebarrel or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent! ly can afford to sell CHEAPER !than the CHEAPEST. I invito everybody 'o come and satisfy themselves. JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. K TEA EROS EXE AND GAS STOVES. AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE, POTS, OIL CANS, &.a. &.O. All the cooking for a "TBg fcif family may be done with "TJj3 JB&y Kerosene Oil, or Gas, -tsa 8ST" with less trouble, and at -Yj3a flfiT?" less expense, than by any "a iQ' other fuel. Tj5a Each Article iliamifuctiired by this Com pany is guaranteed to perform nil that is claimed for it. JpSrSehd for Circular. -a LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., 200 Pearl Street, N. Y. July-lO'GG.-ly. XT' ALII ABLE LOTS FOR SALE. V The undersigned has laid out a vil. lage upon his ground adjoining tho Ridg way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards tho railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Fat tho second lot sold, $110. For tho third lot sold, $1211 nnd so on Increasing in price as lots are sold. Ttf I'irst purchasers get tho choice lot nt the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in tho or. ler of their application leu percent of me purcnase money must bo paid nt tho tjineof the application. EFV pplic-utions will he made to John G. Hull, Ki., Ridgway, Pn. j. S. HYDE. Ridgway, mar.iO'CG-tf. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch t WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cit.e the Itch in IS Horns Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCER? CHILBLAINS, and ali ERUPTIONS OF THE SKI.V. Price "0 cents. For snlo by all druggists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 17a Washington street, Boston, it will bo for warded hy mail, free of po-iage. to any part nf the United .Mates. (june-7';i-iy ROVESTEKX & CO., PIAXO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 490 Broad i-ay, X, '. THESE PIANOS receive 1 .;,e nigl,,..t Award or Mem: at the II ...f, t'mr, civr the best makers from London. l'ris. inany, ihc cilies of New York, Pl,ib..lcll,i , llali.moro ,, 1 Bos,,,., ; also I he Ccld Medal it tho Anvr.s.m ,(;v. (,- -Vi; ,Tl.,,. ive yoirs!! Our Pianos contain ,1,0 r reiicl. .rand A,-.,, H up 10I .1. Over, strung Bass, l ull Iron Frame, and all Mo I. ''" .I';'pr;.vei.ieiils. Every insi,-,, , in ..I 1 1 A ,,-,. M.i mi,,r ,,, , Mi( I.erviMou of M3. J. II. GK0VESTE2f who 01s a practic-n! expo, ion. f Vl.r ,1,;,., , ive years, mid is ihe maker of ,...r , ....., ?;.,., fri,,. ,,.. j-,.. iinu!Hi,ti,Hiij eu-ible us ,, ,.ii .l4J, , ",' Y --"J sl'Wpcr ih-iii any first class piauo o ic, Ju:y-l'J Uii.-iy,