SILVER SK1KT. iuiu: i i nAiu.r, Monu 1:1. A' tic, MOKE (JUACKITI,! Ami will keep its shape and retain its place better limit any otl it iSUn. This ncwanl boiilifiil slvlo uf Skirl (Pat ented March 7, 1Si". ) was aw d by llic Orcat American Institute 1'nir, held in 'ew York, October. iNio, a SILVER MEDAL, being llic Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs .ire wound villi fine plated wire iu place ofii cotton covering which will not wear off or bceomo soiled, and the whole skirt may be woshod without uynry or fear uf rusting, nnd will be as : J us new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the pHinn ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops nre the panic as those us ed in tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones aid covered with cotton. No lady having once worn ouo of our Skirls, w ill be willing to wear nny other, as the lower hoops of all Other kinds arc soon injured and soileed. The best mnteeiuls are used in their con Blruction, and, from their durability and neatness they arc destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by the. Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, 30 aud 3-', HARVhAY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Spkbbt, Sup' I. Aug Oth-ly FAAPEK YEAH! ' jpJ?JVyV want Agents eveiywhc to sell ouriMi-noVKti S-0 Sewing Machine wc acre lies. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. -Warranted live years. Above salary orlarpo commissions paid. The only machines sold in the United Slates for less than 1? 40, which arc fulli licensed hy owe, Wheeler Wilton, Grovcr ,j' linker, Singer ;v Co., and liachelder. All other cheap ma chines are infringements and tho teller or user nre reliable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars eentrfe. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at liid.lelbrd, ;JkIainc, or Ohicogo, 111. may-17'0G-ly ANTED, AGENTS 875 to $200 VER MONTH for gentlemen and ?35 to $75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduco the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It fill hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only 20, making the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for thrco years. We pay the abovo wages, or a commission, from which twice that amouut can be made. Address with stamp, or call on C. BOWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. cell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-31'GG-ly. TO C ON SUM PT I V E sT TlllE Advertiser, jhaving been restorod I to health in a few weeks, by a very Biinplo remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung nffection, and thai dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known tohis fellow sufferers the means of cure. To til who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing tho same, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, lironchits, &c. Tho on ly object of tho advertiser in sending the Prescription, is to becefit the atHicled, and sproad information which ho conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every suflcrers .will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, nnd may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wj'liamsburg, Kings County, New York. Oct. 25th 1300-ly'. 1807 1SG7 TYHILADELPIIIA & ERIE HAIL IT ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric, on Luke Erie. JLt has been leased by tho Pennsylva nia Ran Road Company, ana is opera ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas scngcr and freight busiuess, October 17th, 1804. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT iUDUWAY. Leave Eastward, Erie Man Train 3 47 p. Erie Express Train 11 05 p. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 24 p. Erie Express Train 3 50 a. Passonccr cars run thrdtitrU without change both ways between l'hiladolpha and Eric. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., Arrive at Erie 0.00 a. ru. Leave Erie at 5.40 p. in., arrive at New rork4.40 p.m. E i. eg est Sleepin'o Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williumsport and Baltimore, aud llliamspurt and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the t. E. corner dUlh acd Market fets, Philadelphia And for Freight busiuess of tho Com nany's Atrents: S. B. Kingston , Jr. Cor. 13 th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds Eric. W.Brown. Aecnt N. O. R. It. Bal tiruoro. II. II. Houston, Gen'l Freight Aj't. JViiFa II. W., Gun' I. Ticket Ajt. rhW a. Alfred. L. Tyler, Gtneral Snpt Erie. c: lOPAKTNEUSIUP. The undersigned have this day entered into copartnership uuuer me nriu name o ii vil Y . f; T I. I.l S. iu the talu of Provis ions, Flour, Feed, Grains, &c, at tho Bland heretofore occupied by the lute nrm 01 nea . - .... W .1' 1-1 IU.M1 V Jy & lull. n'---"". March 14, 1807-Ct C V. GILLIS, 'I Cost's TjFcOiciiK?. T'im III I 1 in I IN Chil li IB c OST AIl'S EXTERMINATOR. Costar's Exterminator, Extcruiiuator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Fo. Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Red Bugs, I lea?, Moths and I'ursiu Ytoolcns, Insects on rianta, Fowls, Animals, etc. 18 years established in N. Y. City.' ' Only infallible remedies known.' 1 Free from Poisons.' 1 Not dangerous to tho Human Family.' IBcwarc!!! of all worthless imitations Sec that ' COSTAR'S " namo is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 4S1 Broadway, N. Y. QOSTAR S CELEBRATED Buckthorn Salve j For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils. Cancers, broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind nnd Painful Piles ; Scrofu- ous, Putrid and ill-conditioned Sores; LL. ccrs. Glandular Swellings, Eruption, Cuti eous Affections, Ringworm, Itch. Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, so. Jinxes, '2.j cents, 50 cents, and SI sizes. Sold by all Druggists, everywhere and by llfc.MtY 11. UOSTAK, Depot 485, Broadway, N. Y. C OSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Boies, 2i cents, CO cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by UtMlY It. CUS1AU, Depot 184 Broadway, N. Y. c O.STAll'S l'REPARATION-OF Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms, for Beautifying the Complexion. Used to soften and beautify the skin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, &o. Ladies are now using it in prelereiice to all others, Price 1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by UUAllY K. LUclAK, Depot 481 Broadway, N. Y. OSTAR'S PECTORAL V O U C U li EMEU 1 , For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, SorcThroal Cioup, n hooping Coughs, lntluenza, Agthma, Consumption, Brouchiul Affections, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 26 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by llfcMll 1. I'USIAU, Depot 481 Broadway, N. Y. C iOSTAUS CELEBRATED Bishop Pills! Universal Dinner I'M 1 A For Nervousness and Sick Ileadaclio, Cos- tiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil liousncss, Constipation, Diurrhoea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general derangement of the Digestive ORGANS. Boxes, 25 cents, 60 cen Is, and $1 sizos, an sold by ull Druggists everywhere, and by ltL.MU K. CU5TAK. 10-1.3a Depot itSl Broadway ;N.Y A WARDED A GOLD MEDAL 1 AT TI1H American Institute Fair ! OCTOBER 19, 18G5. n direct competition with all tho leading manors in tho country. 'PELOUI3ET O R G ANS AND MELODEONS. TJ.LOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite tho attention of pur. chasers, tho trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture; Pedal Base Organs, Five sizes, FiveOclftvo, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Heeds, friccs $235 to $000. School Organs, Nine styles, single and douWo Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut cases, rrices, 130 to $210. Melodeons, riano'stylo and Portable, Twelvo Varie ties, from four to Bix Octaves, single and double Reed, .Rosewood and Block Walnut Cases. Prices, $G5 to $210. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, uneerour pcrsenal supervision, aud every uiodorn mprovemeut worthy of the name, is intro duced in them. Among these we would call attention to tho TEI5MOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, wc give the following extracts . " The pedals I conceive to be unannroach. able in their beautiful 6iuooth qua lily." II Ul. A. Alllg. " It is a grand, good instrument, and docs credit to the builder." II. C. Folger, Troy, New i ork. 'Thoy are nmongdhe finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Wm. Berg, J. Mosenthal, Aptoma ' They have given universal satisfaction." W. E. Hawley, Fon-du lao, Wis. "There is a peculiarly sweet and svmna. thctio tone which harmonizes charmingly Willi the voice." W. II. Cooke. ' I am particularly ploased with the ar rangement of tho different registers." Wm. 11. lsrauuury. " No other instrument so nearly ap proaches the organ." The Chorister, N. Y " I his instrument has a clear superiority over every thing yet iulroduced among us." Independent, N. Y. " I he tones and the action nre excellent." Rev. W. S. Leavilt, Hudson, Now York. " The more we uso it the better we like H," J B Hague, Hudson, New York. '"The two Bank Organ is really a cem.' J"W Kiunicutt, Boston, Mass. "We have found them excellent in all poinlj constituting a good instrument." C Cook, 1 J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." SB iSaxton, Troy, New York. " the most erfect toned Melodeon I ever saw. liuy F Nonh. " They fallback on such substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of toe and reasonableness of prioe. And we Btnst say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praiso." Musioal Pio neer. BiayEvery Instrument is fully warranted, and bozed and shipped in New York City without charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Trice Lists, 4-0., sent oc application to C PELOUBET & SON, BtOOMFIELD, N. J. Or J M Tellon, 811, Broadway, New York ; Lonrad Meyer, Til, Arch Street, Phil ad a S Brainurd & Son, Cleveland, Ohio ; J A Tucker & Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner & Gerard, Cinciuatti, Ohio ; Joel II Snow Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS. July U,oo-ly NEWS DHl'OT AND PERIODICAL S T 0 RE. DAILY & WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at ru -r ci A HE JJOOK OTOllE I N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, cither American or Europen, Religious, Scientific, Phil- osopiueai, Historical, o., will bo pro cured on application as above. Any article in tho Book or Stationery line noi in Store, will be sent for by mail and be received in a few days alter or dering. jun- 14-ly. PHOTOGRAPHS. E. So H. T. ANTHONY &, CO., Manufacturer! of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Retail, GOi BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of i uuivunAriuo MAltlUALS W6 are ucauquarlers To the following, viz. STERESCOrES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American nnd Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups. Statuary, etc. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a completo Photograph ic history of tho great contest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS. Adapted for cither the Magio Lantern or the Stcrcscope. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of SI artrp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. we manufacture more largely than anv other house, about 200 varicfies from 60 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Acton, to., etc. Our Calaloguo embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods (J. O. 1)., will please remit 2o per cent of the amount with their order. EJayThe prices and quality of our goods cannot tail. to satisfy. (June 14 OG-ly, LARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Stregnth and unequalled Fpecd, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualifies pe, culinr to the Nonpareil Washing Ma chine It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and tho e'X pcricnce derived from fivo years extenshe uso in families, hotels and public iustitul ions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser tTIie manner of operating the Nonpareil, by rotary motion acting on a crankshaft (with balance wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious nnd most powerful that can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the worn with 1 lie greatest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed wifli wliicli this machine performs work will bo understood from the statemcntlhat it is geored to give six strokes f the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabrio washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. . a gin or ioy or fifteen can work the nnv. chine, and do ft wccVs washing for a family 01 six or eight persons in two to three hours Time ; nna 11, may oc relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right or sale is secured. OAKLEY k KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y, July 2G,'CG-ly J. GURXEY & SON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTiSTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. TN addition to our rhotogiaphic Art Gab I lcry, established in 1H1U. wo have for the last Five years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in ob taining sittings from life, of all tho I'rounu-ent, ueitDiities 01 the day in Card portraits, and are now publishing a Catuloiruo ot over 2 500 SUBJECTS, American and Foreign, also a largo list of copies of Works of Art and Engrav. mgs. Catalogues sent on receipt 01 Stamp. An order for one dozen pic. tures I'tora our Oataloguo will be filled at ci on, ana sent ry man iree. single .1 ai on 1 . -i r,. 1 pictures 25 cents each, copies of en. cravings 15 cents each. JN. li. e also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reproduc ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, Aiuorotypes, vavd 1'ictures, Sc., ot tie. ccaseu relatives aua mends, enlarging them to any size, and iinit-liing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid of ten talented artists. Parties desiring copies, should tbcro. lore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. Tho trade Bupplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open lor tree inspection, and strangers visitiug tho city will fiud our Gallery one ot the most agreeable places where. in to wtiilo away an hour. J. GURNEY & SON, Bep-20-6m. 707. Broadway. N. Y fOAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! J All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. BcrOrders by mail promptly ittend- cd to. Iseptlti 3-tf JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Execut cl at tie Av ocatk Offico mmw mm AT THE New Store of WE IS BROTHERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer for sale, at wholcsale'and retail, a well selected stock of SPRNQ SUMMER SILKS, MORINCES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whita goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Shirting in great variety. Ladies & C IIILDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as BONNETS, II A TS. CA PS, R IBB ONS. &e. GL O VES ct- HOSIER Y. GENTS furnishing goads of every descrijytion, CLOTHS, CASSLMERESdc.,Lc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large siock of PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS, In short, we have everythina; needed for family uso. Ledar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Uoulcctiouary, Jirush. es of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very largo assortment ot Segars and Tobacco. IV E BUY OUR STOCK directly " " from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment in Elk county, THE PUBLIC vited to call aro respectfully in ana examiue our stock and prices 1 Whether they wish 10 uuy or uot, ior we claim to Cava one I L ! I. .. of the most complete stocks and the nnest MUtt. in the countv and can sell for less profit, than any other house in ine county. Wkis B ROTHERS St.My'a, March lOth'66. RIDGWAY, PNNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DttY GOODS, CLOTIIINO, . FLOUIt GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find ST O RES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, AN1 THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains CALL& SEE March 20th, 18GC-ly. I BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk Countv JUST RECEIVED BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS. 000 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 25C -GERMAN STORYBOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL nd" t Stationary, Blank booksTimo books, Pass books, anil School books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, En velopcs &c. direo from the Manufacturers for cash, wo are enabled to sell at tho satuo rafoa tf at they can be purchased inANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cen allowed on all purchases of tea dollars asd UDwards. W. J. BLAKELY. June-14'GG-ly. E NTS WANTED J. T. IICAULEY'S HISTORY OF THE WAR. NOWJREADY- Comploto iu TWO VOLUMES, also ia ONE. It is admitted to bo tho most interesting, popuiir, and tuluuble His tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200 000 volumes, and a large portiou of the country still uncanvassed. e aro obliged to run our nresscs uight and day to enablo us to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who de sire a luciativo employment, will find this a rare opportunity. Tho price of the work in ow, volume is so low, (compared with our Histories) as to briug it within tho reach of all classes. For lull particulars send lor circular. Address tlmtritan I'ttitllshing- Com'tf 11H Asylum Street, Habtfokd, Conn. E MPIUK SEiVISQ MACHINE CO. Principal Office, 010 Broadway, N. Y. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewinpt Ma chines. Empire Shuttle. Crank Motion Sewing Machine. It is thus rendered noise less in action. Its motion being nil positive, it is not liable to get ovt of order. It is the best Family Machine! Notice is called t eur jew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, for ui'irs and llool and Shoe Filter. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal disoouut will be given. No Consignments made, u v EMPIRE SEWINU MACHINE CO. July-iO'l-e.-ly.