WARDED A GOLD MEDAL! THE LARGEST I0 ijjg AT TI1E STOCK OF AND PERIODICAL, C3 S i II K Yi , American Institute Fair! R1DGWAY, TlNXi DAILY d WEEKLY PAPERS E ICST DESIRABLE ASSORT1 MENT. OCTOBER 10, 18(J5. will be for Bale hereafter, regularly at NEWS DEPOT A' WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN PRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STORES AMONG THE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, ANl THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains CALL& SEE March 29th,18CG-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk Countv JUST RECEIVED BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. COO .25 C GERMAN STORYBOOKS. AN i ads ASSORTMENT OF ALL . i Stationary, Blank books, 'Jme books, Pass books, and Suhool 'books will always be on hand. Purchasing our Books, Paper, En vclopcs &c. direc .iroin the Manufacturers lor cash, wo are enabled to sell at the same rates that they can be purchased in ANY OP THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cen allowed on all purchases of ten dollars asd upwards. W.J.BLAKELY. June-14'GG-Iy. A NTS WANTED J. T. II13ADLI11S HISTORY OF I HE WAR, NOW.'READY. Complete ia TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It it admitted to bo tho most interest in;, popular, aud tidwiUn His tory of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by tho enormous sale of 200 ftOO volumes, aud a largo portiou of tho country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses Bight and day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of character and ability, who do giro a luciative cmplojmeut, will find this a rare opportunity. The prico of tho work in o volume is so low, (compared with our Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes. For lull particulars ficud for -circular. Address lmerlcau Publishing Com 'if 14 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. E MI-IRE SErVINO MACHINE CO. Principal Office, 61b Broadway, A.J. GREAT IMPROVEMENT in Sewing Ma chines. Empire Shultlo. Crank Motion Sewing Mucliine. It is Urns rendered noise less in action. lis motion being all positive, it is not liable to gel ovl of order. It is tho best Family Machine! Nutico is called to ur jew and Improved Manufacturing Ma chine, forui'srsand Boot and Shoe Fitters. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. No Consignments made, ii r EMPIRE SEVY1NU M ACHINE CO. Ju:y-l'JX6.-ly. AT THE New Store of WEIS BROTnERS at St. Mary's, Elk County Pennsylvania Successors to George Weis. Offer for solo, at wholesale and retail, a well solooted stock of SPRING SUMMER XC1 I '53 S af' w 3 SILKS, MORINCES, POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A large assortment of Prints, Whitu goods. of every description. Flannels of all.kinds Gingham, Tickings and Shirting i great variety. IjADIE'S & c niLDREN'S Millinery Goods ; such as .BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, Jcc, GL 0 VES & HOSIER Y. sy t"t . mm . -. - U-cav-Zo juniisnrng gooas oj every description, CL 0 THS, CA SSI MERES etc., etc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A large stock of PETROLEUM CANDLES SOAP OF ALL KINDS. In short, we have everything needed for launly use. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtains, Beau, tif'ul Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment of Segars and Tobacco. WE BUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore we can afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk county. THE PUBLIC vited to call stook and prices ! are respectfully in nnd examine our Whether they wish to buy or not, for we claim to liavo of the most complete stocks and one the finest STOKE in tho county and can sell for less profit, than any other houso in tho coanty. ROTIIERS St. Mary's, March JOth'CtJ. XIIE XOOK OTOItE I N ST. MARY'S. N. B. Any work, either American or Europen, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any article in the Book or Stationery line not in Store, will be sent 'for bv mail and be received in a few days alter or dering, jun. 14-ly. PHO T O GRAP II S . E. &, H. T. ANTHONY to CO., . Manulaoturen of Photographic Material!, Wholesolo and Retail, COi BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of rilOTOGRAPIHC MATERIALS we aro Headquarters fo the following, vil. STERESCOI'ES & STERESCOriC IEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Uronps, Statuary, efo. BTERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph- 10 History ot tno groat nontest. BTERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Alagio Lantern or the Storesoopo. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of St amp. niuTUUKAriiiu albums. we manufaoture more largely than any other house, nbeait 100 variofies from GO oents to $50 eaoh. Our A LBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photograph! of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc, eta Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Ln- gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Uata- logucs sent on receipt of stamp. Photogrophcrs and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. EgS-Tlie prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. (june-14 00-ly. T ARGE CAPACITY, GREAT Slregnth I j and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities. pe. culiar to the Nonpareil Washing Ma- It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and the ex perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur chaser The manner of operating the Nonpareil, by rotary motion acting on a crankshaft (with balance wheel,) which moves tho plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious and most powerful that can be le vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and tho least possiblo labor. Ihe great speed with which this machine performs work will bo understood from tho statement that it is geared to give six strokes of the plungers for one turn ot the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a minute Safety to the fabrio washed is insured by tho enure absence of rubbing. A girl or boy ot htteen can work the ma. chine, and do a week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time ; and it may be relied on to cleanse the clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right ot sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y, July 20,'GG-ly J. GURNEY & SON, PHOTO GRAPHIC ARTISTS, 707, BROADWAY, N. Y. TN addition to our Photographio Art Gali I lery, established in 1840, we have for the last rive years had advantages su perior to any other establishment in ob taining sittings from life, of all the Prominent Celebrities of the day in Curd portraits, and aro now publishing a Catalosue ot over '2 5 0 0 SUBJECT'S, American and Foreign, also a large list oF copies of Works of Art aud Engrav. ings. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pic turcs fiom our Catalogue will be filled at $1 80, and sent by mail free. Single pictures 25 cents each, copies of cn. cravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advautago we have for reproduo ing, or copying, old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c, ot do. ceased relatives and tnends, enlarging thorn to any size, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Itsk, with the aid of ten talented artists. Parties desiriug copies, fchould there fore correspond with us direct. Send for a catalogue. Tho trade supplied at a liberal discount. Gallery open for free inspection, ahd strangers visiting tho city will fiud our Gallery one of the most agreeable places where, in to while away an hour. J. GURNEY & SON, sep-20 Cm. 707, Broadway, N. Y OAL, C"KE ASU I IRE CLAY1 1 j All of superioi quality, lor sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. aSFOrders by mail promptly ittend- cd to. septlti "5-11 JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed ot the Advocate Office In dircot competition with all tho leading makers in tlie country. 'PELOUBET " ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C. PELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers. Respectfully invite the attention, of pur. .chasers, the trade and profession, to the POLL O WNG INSTR UMENTS Of their manufacture PedaL'Base Organs, Five sizes, FiveOctave, one to three Banks of Keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices $235 to $GO0. School Organs, Nine styles, singlo and double Reed, Rosewood and Jilack Walnut cases, Friocs, 130 to $240. Melodeona, Piano'slylo and Portable, Twelve Vane ties, from four to six Octaves, Bincl and doublo Reed, Rosewood aud Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $G5 to $240. Every instrument is made by competent workmen, from the best material, uneerour personal supervision, and every modern improvement worthy of the name, 13 intro duced in them. Among these we would call attention to the TEEMOLANTE, which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own manufac ture. From among the flattering testimonials of eminent professors and organists, we give tne louowing extracts . ' I be pedals I conceive to be unapproach able in their beautiful smooth quality." Wm. A. King. " It is a grand, good instrument, and does credit to the builder," II, 0. Folger, Troy, riew 1 orK. "They are among the finest Instruments manufactured either in this country or a broad." Wm. Berg, J. Mosenthal, Aplomas ihcy have given universal satitdactiou. W. E. Ilawley, Fon-du lao, Wis. " There is a peculiarly sweet and sympa. tlietio tone which harmonizes charmingly with the voice." W. II. Cooke. " I am particularly ploased with the ar. rangement of the different registers." Wm. II. Bradbury. " No other instrument so nearly np proaches the organ." The Chorister, N. Y "This instrument has a clear superiority over everything yet introduced among us." Independent, N. Y. " The tones and tho action are exocllent." Rev. W. S. Leavitt, Hudson, New York. " The more we use it. the better we like tt J B Hague, Hudson, New York. '"The two Bank Organ is really a gem.' J W Kinnicutt, Boston, Mass. " We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument." J C Cook, T J Cook. "It looks and sounds splendidly." S B iaxton, Troy, New lork. the most ertect toned Melodeon I et'er saw. Uuy No-la. They fullback on Buch substantial mer its as superiority of workmanship, beauty of tone aud reasonableness of prioe. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise. Musical Pio neer. JiSyEvery instrument is fully warranted, and bored and shipped iu New York City without charge. Circulars, (Juts, and Price Lists. ,vo., Bent or. application to C PELOUBET & SON, BnOOMFIELD, N. J. Or J M Pelton. 841, Broadway, New York"; Conrad Meyer, 722, Arch Street, Philad'a ; 8 Brainard & Son, Cleveland, Ohio; J A Tucker Co, Jackson, Michigan ; Werner & Oerard, Cinciuatti, Ohio ; Joel II Snow Mobile, Alabama, WHOLESALE AGENTS July 2(j,0(j-ly g5ASiapgt C OSTAR'S EXTERMINATOR. Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, ftxterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Extcrmiuator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Exterminator, Exterminator, Costar's Extcrmiuator, Fo. Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Moths and Furs in Woolens, InsoctB on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc 18 years established in N. Y. City. ' Only infalliblo remedies known.' Free from Poisons.' ' Not dangerous to tho Human Family.' !!!Beware!!! of all worthless imitations See that " COSTAR'S " namo is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Address HENRY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway, N. Y, c OSTAR'S CELEBRATED Buckthorn Salve ! For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, broken Breasts, Sore Nipples Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles : Scrofu lous, Putrid and ill-conditioned Sores; Ul. cers. Glandular Swellings, Eruption, Cuta neous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, &e. Uoxes, zb cents, 00 cents, anil ijl sizes. Sold by all Druggists, everywhere and by HEINKY K. UUSTAK, Depot 485, Broadway, N. Y. OSTAR'S UNIVERSAL Corn Solvent ! For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &o. Boies, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. QOSTAR'S PREPARATION OF Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms, for Beautifying the Comphxion. Used to soften and beautify tho Bkin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, &o. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others, Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by llliKUY K. (JUSJ.AU, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. C OSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH RE MED Y, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, SorcThroat, Cioup, IWiooping (Joughs, Influenza, Agllima, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs'. Bottles, 25 cents, 50 cents, aud 1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere, and by iir.Mii n. woiAiv, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. C OSTAR'S CELEBRATED Bishop Fills! Universal Dinner Pill I For Nervousness and Sick Headache, Cos- tiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil liousness, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Colios, Chills, r evers, and general derangement of the Digestive ORGANS. Boxes, 25 cents, 60 cents, and $1 sizos, and sold by all Druggists evervwhere, and by 11ESRY II. COSTAR. 10 l-3 Depot 481 Broadway N. Y, f"IIE UNDERSIGNED offers to the pub lio at his commodious Sales Rooms in Kidgway, the largest and best general asw sorlcient of Merchandise that can bo found at any Store between WH-LIAMSPORT AND ERIE, and nt more favorh'ble prices than can lc bought at cither of these points. ills stock comprises a splendid variety if 1 PRINTS, DELANES, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTIIINH, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GROCERIES & PRO VISIONS &C, &0 BTbo proprietor, thankful for the very generous patronage thus far extended to his establishment by theoitizens of Elk and adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, 4.ug-16'GG.-ly. I FiAAPER YEAH!, AlJJJ wont Agents everywhere to sell our improved $20 Sewing Machines. Threo new kinds. Under and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or largo commissions paid. The onlt machines sold in the United States for less than S40, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler ( Wilson, Grover ,j Baker, Singer Jf Co., and Bachelder. All other cheap ma chines are infringements and the seller or user ore reliable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Illustrated circulars eentre. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, at Biddeford, Maine," or Chicogo, 111. may-17'0G-ly ANTED, AGENTS $75 to 8200 PER MONTH for ecntlcmeu and $35 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, improv ed and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautifully. Price only $20, making the elastio lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the abovo wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call on G. BOWERS & CO., Salesrooms, No. 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sell letters answered promptly, with airculars and terms. May-31'0G-ly. TO CONSUAiPTIVES. riHE Advertiser, (having been restorod J to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having Buffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow Bufferors the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with tho directions for preparing the samo, which they will find a Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchits, &o. The on ly object ot the advertiser in sending the Prescriptfon, is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable : and he hopes every sufferers will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. .forties wishing tho prescription, will please address UEV. EDWAKD A. WILSUIN, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. Oct. 25th 1366-ly. 1867 1867 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL LiUAU. 1 his great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Eric. It has been leased by the Pennsylva nia Rad Road comjniny, and is operat ed by them. Its entire length was opened for pas scnger and ircignt business, Uctober 17th, 1861. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAIN3 AT RIDGWAY. Leave Eastward. Erio Mail Train 3 47 m. m. m m. Erie Express Train 11 05 Leave Westward. Erio Mail Train 1 24 Erie Express Train 3 50 Passenger cars run through without change both ways between Philadelpha aud Erio. ' NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leavo New York at 9.00 a. in., Arrive at Eric 0.00 a. m. Leave Erie at 5.40 p. m., arrive at New York 4.40 p.m. Eleqenx Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business apply at the S. E. corner 80th and Market Sts, Philadelphia And for Frsight business of the Com pany's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. S Reynolds Erie. W. Brown, Agent N. C. R. R. Bal tiuiore. II. H. Houston, Gen'l. Freight Ag't, PhiCa. H. W. Gwinner, Gm'l. Ticket Ag't. Phtfa. Alfred. L. Ttler, General Supt Erie.