r LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. 'ar Time at IZitfgtrair. Erie Express Fast ll:d"p. ni. do tin West 3: 17 n m lo Mail Fast n:f,n p. m. lii lo West 1:2 1 p. in. Local Freight Hast 10:MOfi. m. do do West 6:15p. m. NO TICK. Hereafter the I'ost Offiee will be closed every evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday it will bo kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M. Mnil Closed nt 0 F- M. L. LUTHEll, P. M. AVe call tho attention of our readers to the Advertisement of Demorest'-s Monthly Magazine. We believe it to be all that is claimed for it. Iu point of size it is ono of the largest magazines published. In tho variety of its matter it ',s excelled by none, as a fashion and .pattern monthly it stands at the bead. Every family owjlit to lure it. Tho Subscription price is 3. Wo will fur nish Dkmouest's Monthly Maoa zine and the Elk. Advocate for 3,.ri0 in advance. To those who have alrea dy paid their subscriptions to tho All o cate wc will send Pemorkst's Month LY for 82. We arc enabled to do this under a special arrangement with the publisher. ay The Comciissionora of Elk coun ty will meet at their office iu llidgway, on Friday, the Il'th day of April next. Jas. K. V. Hall, Cl'k. 8gT"Attention is directed to tho card of Miss Padgett in another column of to day's paper. Call and examine her stock. High Water. Yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock it commenced raining and continued into the night sometime, which has raked the water too high for running. Tiuai. Game. Tho '' Catamounts " intend having a trial game, at base ball on Saturday afternoon next. We pre sume there will bo any amount of graud an J lofty tumbling done on the occasion. Uaitinu. Most of the lumber fiom this part of the couuty has been started on its way to market ; and we learu that favorable progress is being made on Little Toby. Notich. Tho Catamount Dase Bail . Club will meet at the Courthouse on Saturday evening next. A general at. tendance is requested, as business of im portance will be transacted. II. II. THOMAS, Pres't. J. F. Moore, Secretary. Tiiakk.3.. Mr. Love, who " runs der mashcen " at J. S. Hyde's store, a few day's ago called our attention to an improvement, is tho shape of a board, walk from the west side of Main Street over to the above-mentioned store. The ladies in particular, and everybody iu gcucral, will find it to their advantage to try this new walk, and call and see a large assortment of everything useful at J. S. Hyde's store. B,Frieud Morris, of the Warren Lnhjcr feels good over tho Connecticut election. Why shouldn't ho ? It is certainly a lij thing . By tho way, Morris is a cliaj) an enterprising ono too. He has succeeded, by uutiriug cf. fort, in making his paper what it should be a paying institution. And although his party arc only about 700 behind in hii county, lie can boast of having an -cxteuded circulation, and a good con. Science iu batiling for the right; Hear him : " It is a new light, a new life to us all. . It is hope and no more despair, as hitherto, and Despair vauishes now for. ever. It operates like an electric bat tery, and runs with electrical rapidity, while it every where galvanizes into ex istence tho doubting, the balaneiug, the Lopeless, as, alter a hurricane, or a typhoon, the tossed and affrighted mari ner re-sees tho stars and rc-feels the calm. We sees throwjh now. Wbat the first rainbow must have been after tho flood, to the few left alive from its destruction, so is this rainbow from New England, alter the six years' flood nud storm and tempest, wo have been ha iug from the pitiless pelting of New Eng land dominion." The Elections. The Democratic State ticket iu Connecticut is elected by lOOO.uiujority. Tho Democratic major i ty on the Cougrcssional vote is 1 hou and the average Democratic majority ou the whole ticket, 1,200. St. l'aul, Minnesota, elected the Democratic ticket ou tho 2nd by 1,000 majority. In Dayton, Ohio, tho Democrats gain ed two couucilmcu over the Raiis ou the 2d. ' Madison, Wis., elected the Democrat ic 'ticket by 2"0 majority. A pain. Milwaukee, Wis., gave the Democrats 1,500 majority on tho 2d. a gain of -100. Tho Democracy gain oue Councilman in Ciuciunatti. St. Joseph, Missouri, has elected a 'Ucmocratio Mayor, Hip, Lin ud irncs oar hat. The borough of Ilagorstown, Md., pave a-largo Democratic majority on Tuesday last, showing n gain .of over ioa. M!)tWAY MARKET REFOET. KincWAY, April 10th, 1M7. Flour 14 to fl'V Pork Mess, No 1, !?J0 per barrel. Ilnnia 18 cents per pound. Shoulders 15 cent ppr pound. Heif i"20 per barrel. Corn McbI $2 70 per cwt. Chopped Feed $2 70 per cwt. Dried Apple prime 16 cent per H). lien n $4 60 nnd $4 per bushel. Cloverseed if 11 per bushel. Timothy $5 per bushel. While Fish S3 per linlf barrel. Ti-out $( r0 per half barrel. Mackerel No 1. $12 per half bbl No 2, Si 1 per barrel. Codfish il cents per pound. Hut tor 33 cents per pound. l-.pgs .ni cents per dozen. l ine Hoards' (common ) Clear $40 Ilen.locTt, $12 SIS per 100(1 Shingles Si CO Edwiu Foraest 1ms iven $500 to ward relieving the starving sufferers of the South. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CM.OTMII.Ya for iltc Million I A Well Dressed Mnn BUYS I TIS CI.OTIIINO AT THE STOKE OF GEO. P. IIINTENACH, .IN ST. MARY'S. . fiaRTvQT ALWAYS THE T. IIIXTEXACII having taken cn X ti'O control of tho establishment formerly occupied by G. P. Hintenaoli & Co., would respectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that ho is prepared to furnish them with the Best Hind of Clothing at rnlM which defy competition. , He has on hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTd ,j- COATS, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a s'ight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', Furuisiiig Apartment is specially adapted to the wants (f l.is custom?:. He has also a large nnd extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, TEST INGS of tho latest stylo and pittern, which he win mate to order in a neat and durable manner, and as CHEAP as it can bo done any placo ia the country, GIVE HIM A CALL. .Satisfaction guar anteed, and goods warranted. All ho asks is nJFAIIt TRIAL to prove it, St. Mary's Ta.. Feb. 14. 1807. mHE SILVER SKIUT. X MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shnpo and retain its place better than any otlci Skirt. This new and beatiful stylo of Skirt (Pat ented March 7, 1805,) ws nwardtd by the Great American Institute Fair, held in Now York, October, 1805, a SILVER MEDAL, being tho Highest Premium ever givon for a Hoop Skirt. Tho Steel Springs aro wound with fine plated wire iu place of a cotton covering which will nut wear oft" or become soiled, and tho whole skirt may bo woshed without injury or fear id' rusting, and will bo as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with tho ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops aro tho sanio as those us ed iu the Silver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones aro covered with coiton. No lady having oucc worn one of our Skirts, will be. willing to wenr ninTntnni nu 11, ft lnurn,. l,t,o tF nil other kinds are soon injured and soileed. i ne oesi mnteciais are use-i in tlieir con struction, and. from their flnrnl.itil v nn.l neatness they aro destined to become a i avorite Skirl. Manufactured solely by tho Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, CO and 32, BARCLAY ST. NKW YORK. T. S. Si'tiutv. Sun't. Anif ntii-i u- e . j X pennsyln axia AGRICULTU RAL LAND M'itll' FOR STV The 1'iijiril nfrmiiDiiuiniinru ..IV.,., r.. Ial0 6J').fJ(IO ad-PS Of .4 "ri,',,lh,,-:,l Pnllr.,.n Land Scrip, being the balance of tho Scrip i ni in en io uie Lomuuituveattli ol I'onnsyl vunia for the endowment of Agricultural Colleges ill this Slate. Proposal;' for tho purchase of this Land Scrip, addressed to "The Hoard of Com missioners of Ayricullimil Lund Scrip," will bo re reived at the Surveyor Oi-neral's oMicc, nt Han isliurg, until 12 o'clock, M., on WEDNESDAY. APRIL, 10, 1807. This land may bo located in any State or Ttrriiury, by tho holders of the scrip, up on liny of the unappropriated hinds (except miniM .il binds) of I ho United States, which n. iy bo Kiibjeet to cale at private entry. bach piece of scrip represi iits a (iiai tcr kccUoii of one hun.lred nnd sixty acres, is issued .u blank, and will bo transferable, H illioul iiiuor-emeni or final assignment . Hie blank need ol be tilled until I he scrip is presented tor location and entry, when the parly holding ,t can fill the bla,,!; Und enter tho land m his own name. Dida must bo made as per acre, and no bids will be re ceived for Icsh thun one (jiiarier t-'ection The Scrip w ill bu issued immediately 'on the navmeiit of the inoio-v in il,.. (ii'iieral. On all bids i h than 10,01 M) acres, one-third of the purehus'o money miisi he pal. I witliiuleii days, und tho remaining two-third within thirty days after notification of tho uccoptauco of the bid or bids by the liord of Coiumis sioiiers. JACOIJ M. CAMPliLLL, Surveyor CJeiu-ral. (For tho Eourd of Coinmissioners. II.vuRisuiTRn, Feb. 27, msrlSCOtds TOIIN . HALL, Attorney at law, ltidg (f way, F.Ik county Pa. nmr-'J-i'drt ly. J 015 WOUlv of nil kinds nnd dcs. criptions done at this office. CARVER 1I0U5K. Warren, Pa.. Hull & Hall, Proprietor. aiigO'Cti-ly A LP1NR IIOUSH, St. MuVy's Pn.. Her man Krcl., 1 roprielor. pug!) dij riMK art of .IO DANCING -ml 1IAN.IO g PLAYING taught by G. W. P.ltOWN, llidgway, Pa. fsepM-lf .1XKCUTI0N5, .VCMMOW, SUIIIVK J 'j nas. Warrants, &c, on hand and for i sale at this ollice Dll.Vf. JAMES ULAKKLY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Klk county ni. mar-i; (iti ly, DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centrcville, Klk county l . ninr-y'till ly "PV't- A. S. HILL Kersev. Klk county Pa 1 Will promptly answer unprofessional calls by night or day. niar-li'J Ub-ly. DH. KPF.N'J. P.L'SS, PhysicianTnirSur geon, St. Mary's Klk county Pa. Juno-2rCC-ly. T(JiilirMl Oil, Good Quality, by the 1 V uarrci, ai ou ceius per gallon, by ectlltf J. POWELL. Tl "vol I -wmi t, a load of Salt. Flour I of I'eeil, you can save money by buying oi ooi. 1 1 tl. J. row l.LL. j ALKIE J. PLAKF.LY. Attorney and JJ i.ounsciior at law. ami U. W. Commis ostler. llidgway P. O. Elk county. Pa. mar.22:0(5-ly. SOUTHER AND WILLIS AttornoyB at Law, Ridgway, Elk county Pa., will anena to all professional business prompt y. mar-i;2'ti(i-ly. I Alt. W. 1!. HAUTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk 8 county. Pa. Lafc of tho Army of the rolomac. Particular attention given to all cases ot surgical nature. mnr-22 UG-Iy. I j:1 i- n. T ... ii. i. V'Jll Wcllll "l uuii-jc ui XJl. A.. ' .. I Ajtra ueicoi iueu .ueuicincs, pore, can nr.nn llm nnlv nnllini.Na.l n..n.,l In !?!.! way. oct. 11-lf J. POWELL. j.i'pccrios ol' all Ivinls, Jt cneapcr man can bo bought at Jii-ic, at wholesale or retail, by oct. 11-tf. J. TOWELL. KEltSEY ITOTJ:!,. A. 15. WHLlXrn, l'liiii'iiiKTon This house is conveniently and pleasant ly located in f lie thriving village oi teutro ville. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. 1 81 1807tf T0I5 PRINTING, such as Cards, Posters. tf Hand Hills. Rill Heads &c., douo at fhc ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notice and at reasonable prices CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lngtr Peer, opposite theltailroad Jjepot, M. .Mary 8, Life county Pa. Mftr-22'6.ly. TjORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug- A.) Els's, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals Paints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil ct articles and -Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'tjtj-ly. TjENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer in all L A. kinds of Furniture, Spring Reds and Matlresses, Picture rramcs and Coffins, Ridgway Pa. Wave Rooms on the corner of Main and Depot St's. may-n'OO-'ly. DR. J. S. ROJiDWELL Electio Physi cian. Late of AVarren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east of the lafo residence of lion. J. L. Gillis, Mar-22'OU-ly. ASHING TON HOUSE, St. Marv's. f Elk county Pa., Edward liabel Pro. priclor. This hoiifie is new and fitted up with especial caro for the convenience of guests, tiood stabling attached. Mar-2'J'oG-ly. "VLIVER & BACON, Manufacturers and Wholesale .j- Retail Dealers m Flom, Fecvl find Grain, VASAL JJJLLS, ERIE, l'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled at mar ket rates, aug Oth-tiO-ly JO. 1X0. II All, .IAS. K. V. II ALL. HALL & into. A 1 1 o r n o v s -at - I j a v , i i main o i BENZINGER V. 0. EI.K COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1S0G. ly. OT. MARY'S HOTEL, B. E. Wcllcndorf Proprietor, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa This house is new and fitted up with espe oiat care lor the convenience and COiui'ort of guests, at moderate rates. Fieo Hack, to and from the Pepot. Good Mauling at 'aciicu. ljmir-22 tifj.ly PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH. MAKER. ST. MARY'S, Elk county Pa. Edward McRridc, keeps constantly ou hand and for sale. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. CfftRepairing neatly executed, and done ou short not ice and reusouablo terms Mar S'J'fiti.lj. SOMETHING NEW ! HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. fpilE SL'liSCRlR E R WOULD It E JL spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county tlu.t he has just started in the above business iu Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who limy favor him with tlieir custom. GRAINING, paper hanging and cai.c1m1ning dune on short notice and in the rco:t fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at tho Ranking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C0-Iy. rnilAYER HOUSiJ, J. RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a largo and commodious hotel 011 the southwest coi ner of Centre ami Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends nnd the p'ltlic gundi&lly. declo Oli 1 DAVID THAYER. T jlhe subscriber begs leave to announce to I the ciii.ens of Elk and adjoining conn, ties that ho has purchased the harness shop lately occupied by John fjmutz, mid that he is prepared to do all kinds of work iu a suit, ablo slylo, .S'.-t Dl) L KS, V.1UDL L'S, 11 A RXESS kept coustunlly on hand at prices to suit the times. Give mo u call shop iu the eeo ond story of Drug Store buildmg. ccll-ly. 0. LEVIS. THE PLACE TO BUY 13 WHERE! YOU CAN 11UY Th e Ch cape si. G OO 5 4 I f, ft l'A o C - W W n i t- - pi a. o 5 3 ' " a. ' B f -1 m r- 5: o K w a - - . CO e a o -- s b , a m o 3 ft a 2 S. 1- is- li o o o ST i 2; P- 5 Si ' P3 the 2. 1 1 2 r 1 - 01 a. : . S.Q c - a - N J 5, 2.' 03 S" Ss o r5 4 S 2 a p W 5 4 a El IS 5 3 i a 3 j o o o a 2 " 1 CO s s. E a o a. ft s C5 B ; c-; a O 5'n 0 CO 2. a- a WE SELL vJOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN Erie City. GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL r o'v e i :t, G It EA T EX C1 TEM EX 7. 1 o tea ft S3 ' Va d$ ft (X! in o o o w w to H C t) t I h-1 tr1 n o o o f o H H W W H o td ta C rj t O 0 O tl c o H co O in a o ft 5B (73 H W 1-1 CO H H o .ft o in v O H awj 'nam to O t tr1 tr1 W AO AINS 1 10.-8 or DAM AG K by 1TR M. 1 . - rfHIE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- once Company at Munccy, l'a., con timies to Iiiure ayainst Loss or Dainnse by tiro ou all kinds ef .Mercliandise. ruldio uud private uildinjrs, tiiher in town or counly. Also on Mills, Tanneries, barns. slocks of Grain, ,vc., at tho lowest i.osslble rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer uud Insured. 'I'ho Lyeomiii" Counly. Mu tual Insur.int-8 Company invites au investii gutiun as to its stability; Its capital amounts to 8 Q, HO O.OOO! " Thus assuring to every one of its patrons tnat their losses will bo promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management lis alwnys beou prudoiit, as its eiilcn3e of Iweiity six years fully demonstrates j.tJira ui.aki;lv, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary'n THE PLACE TO EUY IS AT Til Kill I Ml WAY DRUG r-n it. Kirr 11 y lUlUDWl'IJ, & MK-VSl.'N.U'.It, IV.-ili-rv in Prup-i, Mi-ilkvnrp, I'jints Oils, Wlito Lrail, Liibiicitiii"; Oil, l.an.ji Oil, Tiii.n.-r's Oil, I'cr. fuiucrii.'.s of all Kiitd, 'J'lu: j uicst rnrni:'lj, liiulics of every Riylu ami Iyo RtufTs, Pure Coiiliictloiiarip.i Citron, Lai.-utis, Patent Medicines, 'A'ineM, Vutc1icF, Jewelry, Hi tigs, Toliaococs t f-'egars Pure Li(uors for Jleilieiiuil pur pones only. ' A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to t lie Drug I'u.-iuess Gen c'raHy. Turc Druj;s fit Low Prices ! Pure. Drugs nt Low prices ! Motions in Endleps Varie'tv ! Notions in Endless Variety ! American nnd English Wutehes ! American nnd English Watches ! Lst-oit Styles of Jewelry, Kings, kc. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Kings, kc. J'ancy Arttelos, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, leys. Latest Novels ! Albums, News, .Stationery, Pird Cages I Albums, News, Stationery. liird-Cnges 1 lolin, banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Uanjo aud Guitar Strings! mar201SCG N EW CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEV, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respoctfully inform the citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he li.is gone into the Grocery business, an-d will open on or' about' the middle of May. He leceps constantly ou huuc an extensive stock of teas, Flour, 'SUGARS, TODACCOES, . SEGARS, WinSKEV by thcbarrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store, , ' I- will'sell for CASH and consequent, ly can afford to sell CHEAPER 'than tho CHEAPEST. ' I invite everybody to come aud. satisfy themselves. JAMES McCL'OKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Cm. EIIUSKXE AND GAS STOVUS. TEA A XI) COFFEE I101I.ERS. CLUE, ruis, oil cans, &c. &c. A'l the couking for a -sa Ciif" family may be done- with tiia i'-?f Kerosene Oil, or lias, -a fey with less trouble, and at -i3 CQf less expense, than by any -a fc)" other fuel. via Each Article llianiifiictoroi )tv lliidl'..,,,- pany is ginn aniecd to pel form all that is claimed for it. JksTScnd for Circular. -gjj LIBERAL-DISCOUNT TO THE Til A I)E. KEROSENE LAM V HEATER CO., 20fi Pearl Street, N. Y. July-10'GG.-ly. V ALU A RLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned Las laid out a vil. lago upon his ground adjoining the Hidji way Depot, to bo called ELIv. The bits are 50 feet front, by 100 feet doep front iii? towai-UH me ram-oaa. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the secoud lot soli, 5110. For tho third lot sold, $120 and so on iuci easing in price as lots aro sold. BT1 rirst purchasers get the choice lot at the chenpost rates. rurchasers will bo registered 111 the or der of tlieir application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at tho time of the application. BPJ. Applications will bo mado to John Q. Hall, lis.., Uidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Kidgway, niar,2'.i'GG-tf. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch'! Scratch Scratch t WIIE ATON'S OINTMENT Will Ciue thk Itch in 43 Ilurus Also cures SALT It II EL' M. ULCERS, CIIILEI.AlN.s, and all EUUPTIUXS OF THE SKIX. Price C!) cenls. For sale by all druggists. I'v semling (id cents to WEEKS k POTT Ell, Solo Agents, 170 Washington street, lioston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, tojny part of the United Mates. ( june-7'0ii-1y. ( S ROVESTEEN & CO.,' 1'IAXO FORTE MANUFACI IT.EES, d!t!J Erodthroy, A'. ,- J "', ,-. THESE PIAXOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at thu II ' I'm'.-, evor the best makers fruiii Loudon. Tal is, (jor many, ihe cities of New York, ri.i:-ide!,hi-i, riallimt-re and l'oslou ; a,-- ) i'i Co.! listil at the Amerktin lnttituU', for FIVE succes sive vears! ! II111' Pi.ino.-i i-.-riain tic French (iruiul Action, llaip l't !:!, Over strung Lass, Full Iron I'mma, i.nd till Mo I. ern linprovemuiits. Every hi.-tlru -t.-ol :rir ranted Fl Vtl pirr. Muds ind r ti e m pervisiou gf I4H. J. II. C-BOVJ-rJixN, v. ho lias a praclical experience of over th:rly tivo years, uudisihe maker cf c.vr r .'.- m Ihuuauhl piano forte. (ur bn-ilo'e- f'-r inaniifactitiiiig enable us to s- il il .-- in stnimerns from .'JilOll to ?-00 (.-li-np.'i . Ihan any first rbis joano forie. July-l'J 00. -ly. if Oil S A 1 ? -rHi.ec. ttuck mid tixtiiiv . ' . lire 'i RHiiorj formerly .nu- Met I Co., ut 0 ullei el I.. 1-. . 1 ' . 0 JOSKl'U U l.M l.i.l,i;i!. fi. MAUI", or W A. l'.I.V. or F. t-CII'MiMNO. Marh 14, 1HH7 tf. C'cmrovilb I) ISSOLUTION- The coi artiiershiij in-reloforc exif.tinff 1 twecii WilPun C. II. ,,,,, j. t iij;ji , der the firm of l,1y i Dill. If 'tin's day 1 solved. The business of the firm , ill settled by William U. J. aiy. W. C. IIFLY, March 11, 1807-0t 1!. A. DILL. IrEDELIUS VOOT, Fraetieiil Clock ; Watehiriaknr, .St. Mary's, 1,1k count l'a. llooms next, .dour to Ilintetiach Clothing Mi ore. All kin.- of Wo,k doi done in a satisfactory minuter, and win rantod. Consultations iu regard to wor in the German, rencli or l-inglish hu gunges. Mtm-h 1 I. 1 S07tf. DIVORCE NOTI TE. IIARHIFT McCCLLOUll. 1 In the Com by her next friend of ( out. l'b a JACOI! FIELDS, J- ol'Uk coimu . vs. I ;'o. 14. Nov .ICLIrS McCULLOUGlI norm, I-mw. To JULIUS MeCULLOUtill : Take notice that yon ov i "rji;Td 19 ap pear at the term of said (Joint to be lteltl on the biBt Montlav of Am-il wxt. tr .in. swertlin Libellitnt in this c-ie. iSlieritl "s Oflice, 1 J. A. il ALONK. March 11th, 1800. SticrilT. PAY UP! PAY UP! 4 11 mirsnnn knntvitm iV,a...u. :...i..v...i to the firm of John Mct 'leary it Co. an reitiested to call and settle their accounti iinmctliatelv. and those I against the same arc requested to prcxen them duly authenticated for settlement, I : v. a. ji., and F. SIIOENlNlJ, of (entreviilc. JOSEPH WIXFELDKH, s'urvivine nartnnr of mnr. 14, '(37-3t John McCIeury. & Co. DIVORCE NOTICE. JOS. T. IIAXOXLI), 1 Inth- Court nf va I (f... nr.. ..t- in. AN"V M. IIAXOXLD. co.Xo 1-',, Nov.T. ToXAXCV M. IIANONLI): Take notice that you are reouired to nn- pear nt t lie next term of said Coin t to lie held on the last .Monday of Ai.ril next to answer tho complaint of the Lihcllaiil in this case. JAMES A. M.I.ON'K. Sh'fl "g Ollice, nmill. . theritT. 1 ! ' rELOUBET OltGAXS ,S; MELODEOXS. L'lianiniously aHiirdod the First I'rize, A (.OLD MEDAL, "AS THE 15EST C.M5LVET OROAXS." Am. Inst.. Xi'w Yni-k lM ifir.r. lieing pronounced superior 'n timlilv. 1 owcr ana Variety of Tone, and iu number of combinations. 11 As the hest imfrliTnonlu A,i.a,.!n.. were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a well-known musical critic. Thcv have nln t.ilmn llm 11, .ol vki.ni.!.,,.. ., ....- ........ .11. -. UllllU.U wherevn- .exhibited ibis si'iison. ' l'EUAL OHOAXn. nit..: fvi-n. nn.l lianks of keys six sizes S0 to Sl.&tK). Without pedals, single and double lmuk in creat vin-ioiv C:u:i t,. ii'.tt a'i...0.r... w ith their smooth, pipedike quality of lone, beautiful solo slops, strength of chorus, lineaUtlUcd I.OlLlly. mill irnllornl nvn-nn.liL., effects, are superior for Churches, Hails, Parlors and Schools. They are put. up in cases of Solid Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) and elegant lttXeWOOll. Of Slilttllilitl (b siiriis litiiul, and of tho bet. workinansliin ' it l,i intended that each illstruii.eni shall be a model of its kii,,l Ul ,.,,..,,. to a fine octave portable Melo Icon, have the beautiful Tremolaute stop, without extra charp-e. A ltn-m. ,,'wu. n,.l AnC.Mil.. 1 1 at our Geneial Wholesale and Retail Ware rooms, 841, lirotidivay. Our Illustrated Circular ami Price Lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Send for a circular. . . ' . " l'E LOUEET, PELTOX & CO ' Manufacturers, Xo. 811, marl 10m ISroadivay, N. V. City. HALVES I'.KO S PIANOS. .. THE PIAXO OF AMERICA I 'llieso Pianos 1110 universally acknowl edged by competent judges equal to tho best Piano made. For i--fri-,mni.i 11, have many thousand city ami country resi dents, inidudinrr birtr-. 1,111, ,li,.,-j ril... Ti;l. Schools, Seminaries, ko. T(tcsc Pianos have not only stood tho continued use nnd hea-iy praclice of on year, bill have been used the last Fftecn years to tho utmost satisfaction of thoso using them. Thev have taken urcninim. nn,1 mmlnl wherever exhibited. S,,,-l, l,u l,,.,.n tl, demand for these Pianos, that Messrs Dailies Pro's have been compelled to en large their works to the extent of lil to ii) Pianos a wct-T;. Having now one of the mn extonsivo and completo Fuctories in Dm United Slates, Fucloricjalonjc-ovoi iiig over three fourth of an acre of 'ground, comprisiu' a, frontage of Jl'J feet on Sfiomd Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest lirst-cbi-s I'i.-inas in iiunk-t. Fully ;;uaranteod for five yeais. Send for lllnsirntcil Circu lar. HAINES liilO'S. Joti, SH, C .0, 8jJ. SCI, 3t',8,30,372, ' Second Avnuc, iiiar'lSdOOunjs New Y'orlt !itv. T7 X E( UT( ) It S NOT It ' E.N , by given that Letters T on the estate of JOSEPH I'-lll! lienwnger township, deci-ited 'lice is hero- e.-l,nnclil:kry Hi, liitc ol . have been' griinteil to tho 1111 lersirrnt-d. indebted lo said estato tire All persons requested to those hav- make immediate payment, uijd lug claims against the same will present them duly aiillteni'calod for se llleioenl. ADAM JES15I- iltGElt, Esocutor. niariOt Sampson 8'oort, John G. Kail, Jo. Kiikjatiit-k, louis Vollm jr, Wni. K. S:.ngerl7 J.u K. P. Ila.l. p, an Ki" : :;nus of nzliifctr f. . El.K C'U'XTY, I'BS.VA, .;..TJ.ry'a, cmlitfftr f. O IS ,I! S U.K. -'! !:.. Store-house and Lot 1; oecup-td I v t't.i kc and Wood is oIIVm I i ,r salt-. .1 I lut-ili, , ,',, fl,,, tliriviu-i l.nt. injl, ,,t St. Marv's.- At.r,l-4 ' 'CilA ;i.-VKA'. Uouiiuger I' () Jan. :j, (i7.il. ' KlkCu. I'u.