iVi- LOCAL IISTKLLHU-NLl-. l'.rie Fxpress. Fast '. p. m. do do n est : ' i in do Mail Fast tlo (Id W'irl Local Freight Falsi, do do West. .:' p. in. I :'J I . in. ln-.O :i. in. !: 1 " p. in. N U T 1 0 K . llerciiHer the lVt Ohieo will lie closeii every evening at S u'cl'i'k. On Sunday it w ill be kept open from 8 to 10 o'clock A. jM. .Mail CI seil at G 1'- M. L. l,UT)li;K, 1 M. SPECIAL OFFER TO CUSSC1UUEE3. iubseoibeis w!il bo Furnished with i-.mokst's Monthly Mjia.ink and Tn K Elk Aovkatk ibr one year for :i,r)0 iii a.lvitnoe. Hubseribera wli3 "nave prepaid their subscription tj tho Advocate, will bo furnished with Dr.-. morkst's Monthly by sending us $2. Si'i.ENnin. Tbo genial arn:th ol Old Sol yesterday put cue iu mind of getting the Spring lover. Wc hope it way coutiuue. Isii'itovEMc.NTO, (uitc a number of new houses are to be put up iu our town during the 'coming Milliliter. Go ithcad there id lots of rojui for im provement iu ilidgivay. llKMOVAL. Owing to the fact that we removed our office hit week, no papenvas issued. Wo now occupy the rooia iurmerly uscd.asdlic l'lutiiouotary's Office in tbc Court House. False I'rktknck. KJward ledger was arretted in St. Mary's ou Friday last charged with obtaining yoods by lalse pretence from Frudoriek KuJjlph. lie was committed for trial, but on Mon day last gave bail for his appearance lit tho uext court of Quarter !Sc-.-io!iS. So.METlilxu is'r.w. The attention of onr readers is asked to tho advertise ment of Mr. 0. W. Service iu another column of to day's paper. T!io estab lishment of this branch of business sup plies a want which has 'long been IA1 by our citizens, and wc hope they will patronize it. l'litKS. On Thursday night, Fehru. firy 2nd, the dv eliing-house occupied by Mr. ISuskirk, and tho store room adjoin ing wore destroyed by fire, the result of carelessness on the part of an occupant. On Thursday night of March 1 Uh, the saw-mill of Joseph llnnsor, was totally destroyed, together with a largo quantity of boards. Loss 92300 to S-J00O no insurance. Charged with Ilouiir.uY. Two men named Thomas Davidson and Ed- ward Hughes were arrested at Shawmut on Friday last by Constable Barrett. They are charged with stealing -S i 1 0 in greenbacks, and two English sovereigns from lloury Pearce. Tlicy were taken before Esip Wliittnoru for examination. Bail in tho sum of ?) JO w.n r.-'quireJ, and given by Davidson. Ilughea, in default was committed for trial. JBsyMadanio Kistori, the ;:reat ac tress, has been engaged for April 12th, at Erie City, where she appears iu the character of Elizabeth. Malim3 llis tori is the acknowledged Qusou of Tragedy iu the world, and it voull bo well worth tho timu and money for those who havo not cou her, to do ho. Those who iutcud to go would do well to procure tickets at least thrco days in advauco, which cun be douo by wrilin to Mr. B. F. II. Lynn. The price of the tickets is from one to Svo dollars, according to grade. Excursion tickets on tho railroads leading to Erie will bo issued on that day. Base Ball Club. A meeting of the young men of ourvillar.'O was held the Court House on Saturday evening last for the purpose of forming a iLuo Ball Club in Kidgway. Officers were elected and proper committees for pro curing the ground, As., appointed. The name of tho Club hhall hereafter bo Inown as the Catamount Base Bail Club of Kidgway. The icgular meetings of the Club shall take place ou .Saturday evening of each week. The uext meeting of tha Club will bo beld at the same place ou Saturday ev ening uest. Lrt every member make it a " upecial order " to le present, uui to bring along as many new members s.s possible. DOOX NOTICES. ..We have received from the publish ers, Mevrs. IV.t & Amery, 5 & 11 Cooper Uuion, New Yurie, a now book entitled "The Peoples' Migaziue." It contains a larc amount of interest, ing Dialler, and f hould be read by everybody. Price 3,00 per annum imcd iu inuiitLly parts. Sample copies zo cents. Madame Dlmorest's April number ; on onr table. Xo la ly, who is doir- luus to be booked in the latest fashions 'can do without this really excellent GODEY, as usual is up t-j lime and on our table. It lia its usuil amount of f interesting reading matter, besides i'.s unique farhioii platvs. CATHOLIC CHUITXASlTy no. 1. Tlio idea of (lod lies lit (he I'.mirhi. tion of nil religion, l'rani (his idea tho whole religions system of doctrine and practice takes its character. It we know tho c haracter nscriheil to J upiter, Mi nevv), Venus, iVc, wo can i:ifi-r the general character of the religion of the ancient Konians. There is but onr. God, and fo there can be but one true religion. Though there bo many that aro called gods, there is only One who can ray " 1 r.ni Go 1, and there is none else ; " only One Being who can claim our worship and adorati n. God has revealed himself to us in the Holy Scriptures, which holy men of old wrote as they wero moved by the Holy Ghost. Whatever other revelations Gol has mado which are not contained in the fiei iptnres of the old and New Testaments. 1 do ,iiot cave to inijuire at present, nor nppeal to them as authority. It is sufficient for my purpose, iu these papers, to assume that the Bible is the word of God ; and that there may be no dispute as to the au thority, I will li'tive out of the account (hose cooks which are called Apticr jjtaf, and appeal oniy to th jsc which are accepted by all as bi.inely inspired. If wc m ike our appeal " To the law and to the test i ino:iy ," we mu.-t be agreed as to what that testimony in. And as these papers are intended to be didactic, rath er than controversial, it is necessary to in ike this limitation. What, then, does the Scripture teach us concerning God '! In the first piace, " God is One," Gal. S, 20. " Hear, O Israel ; the Lord our God is one Lord." lcut. (i, I. There is nothing more clearly taught in the Bible than there id only one God, the Creator, Preserver and Benefactor of men. It follows from this that all men are divided into two classes iu respect to re. ligion ; viz : those who truly worship the one God, and those who do not. Those of the !ir.-t class aro truly relig ious, or in other wold ;... true --'y tun ; while those of the other, whatever be their professions and their practice, havo at best only a counterfeit. This is tho teaching of Seiiplurc throughout. " Then shall ye letuni, ai:d judge be. tween the righteous and the wicked, bct'.vecn.him that siervoth God, and him that seiveth Jiiai not." Mat. o, 18. Elijah and the seven thousand who had not bowed to Baal were God's people, while the king and tlio masses of Israel had no true religion. The former wero rrhttott.i, tho hitler ii i .c!. The Jews of our Savior's time all professed to be worshippers of God. But ho gave them a criterion " lie that is ol God, hcarcth tho woids of God," John, 8, 47, by which most of them were convicted of hypocrisy. They were" no better than the loliowcrs of Baal or any of tho heathen whom they despised. But there were tunic who did not iinnyiw: a God for I'u m srccK, but worshipped and served the true God ; and these believed in Jesus whom God sent. These last, and these only, constituted "tho Church of the living God." Aro there any more Churchy now than there were then ? c. c. V.'ii.cux, Pa., Mar. '60, 1SGG. Mr. RL'ur : I did take a little no tice o! Will's first problem published iu the Advoeat.1, and his statements ap pears 1 so coufu-cd and incomprehensi ble, I net iivdly thought it a sort of rig marole got up to show off Deviljoe's slaiiteiidieu'ar hypothenuse of the slau tendieular attitude 'of it couo -ivcu to find tho seuii-diaiucterof iiic perpendie. tilur sijuare ol its baseology. 1 aho no. tiocd his solution, whieh appears to mo equally us confused and ineouipreheusi blo as the problem itself. He says re move tho load .Uo(3 of an inch from the centre of the asletrec towards the inner rail to make the wheels bear equally on each rail, and that appears to me like giving tho weaker horso the short end whipplctree. Will's diameter, of the circle formed by the largest wheel past ees for common. Tho one made by the smaller wheel ho gives jusi forty feet less. If he will add tho square cf the semi-diameter of the bar to the square of the perpendicular altitude of the im aginary cone, then twite the square root ot mat sum reJueeU to rods makes the diameter formed by tho smaller wheel ;'.( rods nearly ; aud that of the largest 12.125 nearly ; near euough for com-w-J-J. A. It. liititavAY, Pa., Ai'iuL. 3, 1807. Mr. Editor : Tho sizo of tho lot fivcn in J s problem of last issue is o Ly in rocis. v ill. We call the a'tention of our readers to tho Advertisement of Pemorest's Monthly Magazine. Wc believe it to be all that is claimed for it. In point ot ! izo it is one of the largest magazines pubh.-hed. In tllc variety of its matter it is excelled by uom, as a fashion acl pattern monthly it stands at the head. Evcnj f.ii:i;!;i t,ujh. l hure It. The subscription price is 3.J. W0 will fur ui,h Di!M.):ti:si'rf Monthly Maia zixe and the Elk Advocate fr :j iu advance. To those wh? have alrea dy psid their sub-eriptious to the A lio cae we will .seal DfMortEsr's Month ly for ?2. Wo are enabled to do this under a special arrangement with the publisher. IlsJEfTEi). The appointment of M. A. Frank as Internal ISevcnuo Assessor for ibis Cougre.-ional Diatrict has been njec'.el by the S.-nate. ' CONNECTICUT. THE NUTMEG STATE GOES DEK0CEATIC. The election for State officers and Congressmen passed off in Connecticut on Tuesday hfst, and lcsultcd iu a sig nal and ovcnvheln'ing victory for the. Democracy. James E. English, the Democratic candid.ito for Governor, together with tho whole State ticket, and turoa out ol the four Democratic candidates for Congress aro cleetod. Itanium, the showman is on tho de feated list. Bully for Connecticut, This victory for tho Democracy in Connecticut was almost entirely unex pected by that party. This, wc believe is the first time tho State has gone Dcuioeral'C since LS'iG. Therefore, let every true patriot rejoice, Wc believe and hope that it is but the dawning ol a better day for the country, and that the " sober i-econd thought " or tho pooplo is now commencing to show itsi If. A. gain wc say Bully for Connecticut. Ma!!1'.ied At Brandy camp, March l'hh, by ltev. L. Lit tlo, Mr. Daniel . Pert or to Miss Clarinda Barton, both of Clearfield County. Dieii At his residence in Benozetto township, on the l'.hh of February lust, TIJKW JOHNSON, aged 72 years -and 1!) days! Mr. Johnson's health had been failing for tho past year or two ; but. he was able to do light work, such a3 is common about a farm house and barn. On the day of his death he felt un usually well, and in the lorenoon he pruued seveial fruit trees. In the even ing he was doing bis usual work, and while picking up some wood iu the back yard, he dropped dead, and was found in a few minutes after with tho wood in his arms. The father and mother of Mr. Johnson, with nine children, failed from Hull, England, ou July 22d, 1S01, and lauded iu Philadelphia, after a voy age of two months. They came up tho Susquehanna, and bought and cleared the land where the thriving village of Renovo now stands. In 1823 Thcw left his parental homo and wound his way up the Sinucmahon ing and settled ou aud cleared the land where he died. He was an adherent of the Protestant Episcopal church, and was all through life an exemplary man. He leaves n wife and six children to mourn over tho los3 of a husband and but " Onines eaduni l O'jiiiiur ; omniitm vcr-atur nrna : serial, ocyus SSors ex. itura." W. W. S. Aiuoua ned. Tho 40th"Congress, the country will be glad to hear, ad journed till July ou Saturday last. On Saturday while Mr. Lange, a pork butcher on titer street Phila delphia, was engaged in scaldins; hocrs and cleaning them, the "supports" of the eaiJiou gave way, an.i Mr. Lange and his two sons were ko badly scalded that they all died last evening, at the hospital, in terrible agony. The boys wero five and seven years of ago. They were till Germaus. CABLING ! CABLING ! "" TONS Hart utility just received, and r) for sale at the LOWEST market price. Send in your orders. J. l'OWLLL rjlll K A MKPilf'AN COW-MILKINH MA. CHINK: Tho URLATP.ST nnd most successful invention of tho Ago ! ! Lvery prudent farmer should have one. Secure your own territory. Apply early at the otilcc. F.XCIIAXGE 11 VI DDI XO, Feb. 11, Kt lJarnsburg, Pa. F OR SALE. The Storo.houso and Lot occupied by ISurke nnd Wood is otlVred lor sale. ,1 desirable location in the thriving borouirh of St. Mary's. Apply CIIAS HcVKAN, Peuzinger P. 0. Jan. 3, C7.tf. Elk Co. Pa. Bampwn fhit, i,ouU Vollmcr, Joim 0. Hall, Win. M. Binc-rly. Joi. Kitkpatrick, JM. E. P. Kaa BAXKlXO-HOPSi: OF horf, gall it- (to. 7. .W.ir's, I! cmlitgcr I. . IIlk Corsjv, Tenna. D EMO!:i:ST S MONTHLY M.UiAZIXE, uiiiveisally nek now led wd the Model Fnr lor Matriizinc of Aincrii a; devoted lo li i pinal .Stories, Poems, KKCtelies, Archilrc lure .'.nd Model Collages, Household Mat ters, linns or Tliomrhl, l'er-oual :uid Liteinrvlisssip (including special depart ments on Fashions), lustrueiious ou Health, (iymnastic, i:.iie.ari.-m Eicreises, Music, Aiuusenients, eie. : nil Lv I'm I.e-i aulhoi", nn-l profusely and nriis: ii-allv il- Iiistralt t with costly l.it;rrav:i! s (Ldhtie) ust-'.ul un 1 rtdiulde l'alienis, l.'.uLri.i-lers. Jcvvelrv. :im 1 ii coi-tuMl succe-sion of tir- tic novelties, w iih other esefi.l aud tu- lert.iiiiinjr Ller:'.tnri. -No per-uii i.f n finem.'iit. fi o:,,.n.i, a', liou-eivit'e, or lt.dy i,t lasu- can alford lolo nilliuiil ihc Model MoiiihU- Sin-.l.. ..,.:.. i' cents; Luck numbers, as s'lM-iincn-, 10 tenia; cither mailed free. ' Yearly, Si, nh a valuable reniiiim : Iiim O'pics - JoO; lin-t-e copies, S7 it; t". t epics, SI and spier, i;. ,ieiiiiiims f.ir clubs al S i raeli, with lb.. tirM preiuiiius lo each sub scriber. A I lie--. W. JKNXIXfiS Il'UOItEST, No. I7-5 Hroadtvav, X. Y. Deiuore-l Monthlv aud .,o.i.', A.... i.. lofrelh.-r, ?1, wiih ibG J rcniiismfur cich. Jiar-.i Oi II. ,?!iyiiKss Jlil'itiehi. D OIIN (J. HAM., Attorney nt lnw, Itidg- ft wny, I-. Ik county l'n. iimr-"2'(i(i ly. J OB WORK of ell kinds and dcs. J criptions done at this cdfieo. A It VIM! IIOU.Vi:, Warren, l'n., Hull & Hall, l'roprictors. an;;!! (io-ly A I.l'INK HOUA'P., SI. Mnry's l'n.. Her man Kret., l'liij.i-iclor. '' rjVlK art of JIC, DA NC'l.NC. -nd P.AN.L'I U l'LA VINO taught Ly O. W. H!:mVK, tid;Wliy, I'll. I ,-l'pl I. If "VXP.OUTION.S', SUMMONS, Sl'lU'lM. .H i "l,!l VYnvninla, &c, on Inind mid for sale at this olhcc. U. W. .1AMP.S l'.I.AKP.LY Physician and Surgeon, SI. Mary's, F.Ik comity l'n. iimr-HUTili-ly. U. W. V. .SHAW l'nictices Medicine and Surgery, Cenlrcvillo, P.Ik county l'n. liiav-'dli-ly. H. A. S. HILL Kersey. P.Ik county Pa. Will liroiniil lv answer unprofessional calls Ly iiihl or day. niar--2'li0-y. 1!. lU'.KN .1. lUISS. Physician undfc'ur CKim, 1. Clary's Llk county Pa. ,limc-iiri;U-ly. C I i VI Ocd Oil, ti oo "t Quality, Ly the , iinirvl, lit 00 :ents T"T p'lllon, Ly oclll-tf J. POWELL. If vmi AVJinl a load of Salt, Plnnr, of Peed, von call save money Lv Loving of oct. 11 If. J. l'OWLLL. APP.IR J. lH.i;i;i.Y. Attorney nn.l j t'uiiiisellnf nt l iw, and L. Counais' osuor. l.idway 1. O.. l.il; county. Pa. uitir- Ull'o'j.ly. ClOL'TIIi:H A X 11 VILLI 3 Attorneys" a Law, Kid;;wiiy, V.lk eounly l'n., v.il nil end to all lnt'cssidiial Imsiness prompt ly. mnr-'-!- iH'.-l y. TK. V.'. 1!. MAP.TMAX, St. Mnry's, Plk 1 ) e.-nniy. Pa. Late of the Army of tl.c Potontau, Pari iciil iv attention (riven to nil cases cf surgical r.f.tuve. niM'-J'J'OiJ ly. I' VOI I W.'Ult I'l" Line ." or Dr. Aver s ci-L-Lvated Medicines, pure, call upon ihe only anihi.t'ized iircnl in l!idg way. oct. 11-tf J. POV.KLL. l'Ofc'Tic.-i of nil ICincl-, JT cheaper than can he. hou'riil al Lrie, nt wholesale or retail, Ly oct. 11-tf. J. l'OWP.LL. iniSKY ITOTPJ,. A. II. V. lli'.lil.:-!,, l'iioenii-.T.ii'.. This house is conveniently and plea-nnt-ly located iu tho ill i i itijr; vill iftc ol' Ceii' i e ville. Kveiy attention paid to the conven ience of piests. 1 ;J1 18ii7if JOU PIIINTlNCi, such ns Cards, Posters, Hand P.ills, liill Heads Sc., done nt (ho ADVOCAT E OPF1CL ou short notice mid nt rtasounlile prices. (1 H. VOLK, Mamiracturcr and Dealc Jm in Lajrir I'eer. opposite the Ituilroad Depot, St. Mary's, Llk county Pa. Mar-ii'CO-ly. TJOltDWLLL AND Ml'.SSKMlLR Diu,r; P gists, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals. Piiinls. Oils and Varnish, l'ovfitniery Toil, ct articles nud Stationary, llidjrway, I'.lk county P:i. mar-L'J'Cij-ly. Hl'NKY II. THOMAS, Dealer in n!l kinds of Purnilnie, Spiiiijr Pods nnd Mattresses, Picture Frames nnd Collins, llidgwny Pa. AVaie Uooins on tho coiner of Main nnd Depot St's. iii.iy-17'ljiJ-ly. P.. .1. S. IiOIIDWKI.L Plectie l'hy-i-cian. Late of Warren county Pa., "will promptly answer nil profcssion:.l calls 1 y niglit or day. Hesidence one door oast t'f tlio late residence of Hon. J. L. GiUis, Mar.liOli-ly. WASHI XO TON IIOVSE," Rl7 MnTy, Llk county Pa., JMwnrd P.aLel Pro. prietor. This house is new nnd filled up with especial care for the convenience of guests, (iood Etnblir.g attached. Mar-200ijly. LIVUR & BACON, Mantifacturcrs and Vlli.le-n1 t. it,.,:i - , , y iltlull i-cuieis m -l'Iov.v, IVocl and Grain, ( : I X. I L MIL L .S', J.i: 7L 'A. Orders solicited and promptly filled nt niar- kci i.u. uur; vtu-'iii-iy JO. IN G. JIALI. IAS. K. 1". HALL. HALT, & I mo. Attorney!-! - at Law, S'JVMAllY'S: EEX7.IXCiP.lt P. O. KI.K COVXTV, FA. tptcinberLHl, 1SIJG. ly. QT. MAHY'S HOTEL.U, 1'.. Wcllendorf Projiiletor, St. Mary's, Kile county l'n. This lunifTj Is new iind lilted up villi cspc. chll enro for tlm convenience- mid comfort of guests, at inodernlo ruled, Free Hnck, to B.id frtiin (ho Depot. Hood tliibllnj; nt 'ached. mnr-i;j'i;ii.jy. ")1! ACTll'AL CLOCK AM) WATCH MAKKI! '!'. Mtl'VM ftli l'n. JMwnrd Mellride, licenx eote-.tiiiiilv on linnd nnd for foilo, Wrilclica, Cloeli, f i'lvcr i ia i ei o arc nmi Jewelry ni nil nesrr.'j tlona. pr;,,iej.iiirin( neatly txoculrd, nnd done, ou short nnficeand i cnscnnMu leinia' Mar W.ti.ly. SOMETHING NEW! nCTTS3, BIC17 &. CrL.I7A.ra:!,-TAL PAWING rjiiiu .si iKscuiu i: it woulu'kl- J upectfully inform the ciiiiens of I lk eounly that be lms ju;t istartel ia the abovo biuiucfs iu Kidgway, nud f,cl ceu dent that be can pKa.;e u'.l vrlur.isy favor him willi their cu;:oia. Ci llVi PAPKIl HAXlilXO AN1 CAt.Cl M IN IXC, DONE (IN fqior.T NOl'tCU AN1 IN THS mcst fulsiiinr.Llcaud iut; -ove 1 manner and !iylp." (Vderj let! at Cais OKlee or nt the HitiiLinx House of Souther, Willis 4: Mouther will le prouiplly alien led lo. W. P. V. 1LL1AM3, M.iy-17 C'j-ly. 1 n.'IAYLR l!OVS, X nice WAY, PA. PiYI! THAYKIt, I'loprie'.or. Tbeinnler-ijiiv-d having f.ttJ up a l;r?e ar.d couiiii-vdii.i.o l.otel ou the soiuhwe.-t coiuer of Ceutre an 1 Mill suets, villi pool and c.iiveiiii r si.-tMin atta .-Iie'l. .M fully s!ic!m!iciiaii-.u:i"eof Liso'.J IVien ami the fit tie ucrl!y. dec! Si. 'J lj ItAYID THAYEIL T jlde sub-icriber )errs leave lo Announce to the ciiiieiis of Llk aud adjoining conn, lies thai be has jnirvhs-ed Ihe liarnrss t-n lately occupied by John Eiuuti, and that he is re.ared to dj u'.l kiuls of work in a suit able si vie, SAllLL'S,liR;DLi:s,nARXf:s$ kept constantly ou baud al juices to suit ihe times. Hive mo a call shop iu ihe tec Olid slot j of 1L-U2 iitore buil l:u-. oell ly. CV J.i:V!?. CLOTHING rCLOTHING ! VI.CtTHDJra for S.'tc SZillion I A Well Di-cctl Man IHJYS II3S GI.OTHIXf AT T11K f'TOlUl OK Cr.O. 1. .TQKT.MKACII, IN ST. M.MIV,!. AIAVAY8 Tllf Vjii.1 Nik a M 'Uli i 'a Hut Mk a V. HINT MX AC It bavin;? I alien rn 71", tiro control cf the c -la'dishi-mil formerly occupied by . P. Hinlenai h & Co., would respectfully inform the ciiiens of l'.ik county that he is prepared to lui iiish thcui with tho Best Kind cf Clothing at rillcs which defy c jmpctition. 11c hr.fi oil hand a Jar--" ' -irtnicn! of READY-MAC l CLOTH ING, Con-Ming of PANT?:, VLtTrf ,y COATS, which he has lately purchased in the Last, and which ho will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. Ilia Gentlemen', Fn A pari meat is Fpccluily (i-luplct lo tho wants of his cs.tomcr. He lia-i also a l.ti ;t i an J cxieu-ive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIM I'll US, YIT INGS of the ! 'test i tylo end paliern, which he will m i.'o to Oi .K".' in a nc.tl and durable manner, and as (.' II M VP as il can be d.':ic r.:iv pl.icc: ia tho c.'initry. GIVE HIM A CALL. .V-it-sf.iclion ;rt!:ir nnleed, and poods w.irr i;iied. All he a..';s is a I'AIl! TUIAL to ;tovc it. .St. Mary's Pa., Feb. 1 L -:7. rnru: .-mlyli JL ."'KIKT. .Mulli: lil'IlAl-Li:, mo::l i.i. s "i if, MOP.t: (ill.-VCLI'CL ! And will kce iis shape, and rc'a'n ilspb-.ee better than liny oil er Skirt. Tl.is new and bo-uifitl style of Skirt (Pat. eutcd March 7, 1", ) was av.ar.Ud by the (ircat Anievic.'iu Institute Pair, held in" New Vcrk, October, 1 ;-'i-". a SILVER IIEDAL, being the Highest Premium ever given fur a llocp Skirl. The Sicel Sprinprs arc wound with fine plated wire in place of n cotton covering w hich will not wear o!f or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting, nnd will be ns good ns new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with tho ovdina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skii t the bottoni hoops tiro the same its those tis e.l in tho Silver Sl.ii t, I in- covering of w hich cannot wear off. while the upper ones nit. covered v.iih cotton. No lady havinn; onec worn one of our Skirt-', w ill bo willing to wear any other, ns tho lower hoops of' nil other kinds are soon injured and soilccd. The best mniceial-.- are Usui iu their coii i'lruciii'ii, and, ho:a llieir durability and neatness they are de:-ii:icd to become a I'avoi-ilcj HIvirt. Manufactured solely by tlio Silver Gkiit and Wire Ilaiiu factuvinj Company, oO a in! 11, VtAlXOljAY .ST, T. S. grtni'.Y, Sa't. A;ig t-th-Iy TiUOl'OSAT.S ! A PKNNSVIA AXI V AGRfCll.TV- ti.VL LAX i) Si'lllP l'oll SAPK : The Lo ud ol '(.'.. :u:iii-:-Ioiiei ; u,.,v oi'Vr for srile ",i'il.r(j i.e-cs cf A;.-f:-n!i.i.-.tl C-!:--:' Land Scrip, being the !.::!. nice of the Sei ip j: r.inted to the Coin in on weal: It of 1'eniivl vania lor I lie euttowiuci.! of l ical: ui al Colleges in thi-i Suite. PiojMisils for the purehaso cf this .,.n 1 Scrip, nd'lres-ed to The Hoard of ("om-liiis-dout-rs of Agrtcultiirul Land Scrip," will he ri-.'cive-l i.l the Surveyor G.-n-ial's ollice, n( llari-ibui'.r. uniil li o'clcek, M on WLtiNLSUAY. A PHI L. Ill, 1 Mi7. This land may be 1, eu!e 1 iu iV .'Jt.tie cr Territory, by the hol lers of the su-ip, up on uny ot tile uuapjoojo iaied l.ii,d. (cxc-pl luineial I.iiid) of lii e L iiite-I Slate", Inch may bo subject to i.;le nt private entry. P ick piece of t-ci ln rrpre-.-ni-i A .;iiftiiOr "oe'iou uf one I-ti ri 1 1 1 nod r i , t y te res, is l-'-iud hi I. !,!!:. at'-! will be tr:. referable, i.ilboMi mini s' iiciit or I'lml o-'ij.-maeut . 1 If I'laok tii'i"! unt ),e I He I uutilih- .-rij, i-; pl'oi-nled I . n- locailon and .ntre. when t!,o pi'ily boldin;-it cm lill th. 1-' ;ik :ui 1 enter the laud i.i h:- v u t.:r.:.s. t'.i.l,, n,:i i 1.,. m i le n ii.-r acic, ;:u I no l;,!s will be re ceived for b-:s ib.u: cn-.- ;ti;i:-ici- seeiion. TheS.:ri;, ,Vi!l b. i-sut.i i:a:acdi itjv ou the pa- uioi.l cf ih- money k. tlu- Smvovcr Geuci-al. llu a l bids lor a l.--s . u:;;iiitv tlian 4 '.00 J eei-es, oue-lhir.! of ihe !u:e money uia-t be wilhiu ten d'avs. r. i. it the i-eiii.a:i:!ug Ivio-ihiid withiu' ihi.tv d-iy ailcr ln-l I Seat ion oi'jhe f.cce'-'Mice of the bid or bid-by l'ie Lord c; v . ;an.it. sioiicts. JAi. i. CAM I lilt.. ui i . yoi ti, i al. (For the IV..:d of l'.'-u!u;i:;c.u..rA ir.r.:i.-h! r.c, ib. L7, 107. ui.ii s i S'0.:d T.iC ah-r.r.t ZJSs ts,tu; :iect Annuity .j Trust Co! OP PLILAD'A. CASH CAPITAL $ t'.f.d -..'l iv. ASSp.T:' !.,.-;.:!-.-,;.;.;'. MiiH.al Iasuraacs e:u.U:ie ivi.h i- ..c. curiiy of capital. I'or iiiMiramo a 1 7y I.i Jo'iv f' i;fr f 1' .' .t i :..iv J '!;-iLl i'K.N I'K r iii :'K,..-;,':'.-. i.J' -:-- pa.-inci bin lieie. .turc x i-.i ii '..tween ( . ge P. Hiiitenneh aud li.nrirc , l- ii; ,!, i .i l. ribe title cf II INT r. Al ' it ' i i - this day liis.-.dved by li.inual c.m seoi. The n-.-toiniti of ihe lale fi.ni v- 1' eii'e-1 by li. 1'. HINT L.V Vi.'P. who win eoiiuuc l)ii-i:ie;i at the sr.me p'a -e. G. P. IMS i KCH, Feb. 1?, V.t tll'OItC,!: IM'P'.r. I Willi ILi.S ' i.-.'nn in h' w it .' I j 1 uc enure jt1 I-ioc; and ti x i in i lh Ceutrevjlln lll'.tltTl f.O IM I fV liW'Of'd liV.i..lin M..I i. Co., nr.' I'k'cn -I l:r s.He. Apply to .' r. 1 11 II l.l l.i,i-.i!, St. MAI! s, or W A. li'.Y, or P. St'IloKMNO, M.rtch 1 ! I '7-1 T. Ccnireville. The co; iitiii'-r-hip hcrelof-iri' exi.-tinT bo. twun Viilliam C. Iljal.v and I!. A. Ji,l ,,. tier the i-rmof llenty .v. Dill, is thisdavdi" Miivid. 'Jim bn-iuc-s oftlie firm will bo stilled by Wi.li.i'n C. iha'y. V. C. II KALY, March II, 1: ( 7-(t H. A. HILL. 10l'A 11T.N L US HIP. " The undersigned have this diy cr.lrr'd into copartnership inidir the in,i name of II LAi.Y & CI I.MR, in the sale of Provis. ions, I lour, Feed, Grains, ,VC., at the stand heretofore occupied by the Into firm of Ilea ly e: lnil. W. C. III'.AI.V,' March I I, L-jT-'it C. V. GILI.IS, 1 ll'.I'Pl.lL'S YdfiT. Practical Clck & JV Wu'dii..i.lici', Si. Maiy's, lilk county, l'n. P.ocoas nvM ili.ni' in II itit.'imcli s Clothing Stoic. All kin of work douo done 'ii it s: ii l.-iclci-y iiiaiiuvr, and v.ar lanH l. Cn.'ultalions in leftaidto work in th-.' (icri.ici, r'rei.eh or lingliyh lau-V'-'' March 11. li:i;7tf. H.M IMSTi; AT( HI'S Nt iTlrL'.-Notie,. is hiM-cby given that Letters of Ad miiiiMral ion, with will annexed, ou the cs tat" of TiiliiV .,'OIINSON. lale of HotHzctl. low n. hip, Lii: ennm v. deceased, have been ; :r:.ui" 1 lo the ti'idi'r.-'igi'.cd. All .ersons ''"I '1 c.-ia.le aie reiui.'s'ed to c.ill a:il :iMl". aud t ho-e haviu'r claims i':.:ii!i ihe ciii'iu will present them duly ail! hcnl ic.it.'d i'"f telt'elui'iit. J. O. .10IINSON. inarl-lOt. Adininistrator. DIVOnCE NOTICE. II A IU; I li T McCI'I.I.iiin, I 1 the Coutt by her n. 'Xr f.-imd of Com. picas JACOli Pllil.l.'S, ' ol liik eountv. - No. I I. Nov. .11 MPS Met t'l.l.Ol'G II J Term, IMi. Tn .'i;i.II.S McCl'I.LOPGH : Take in. lie" that you aio re.piire, to np-pci't- i:( the l.'l-m of said Colllt to be beld on the l'i-i Monday of April next, to an swer ihe Lih-llaiit iu this, ease. ' i ;.' l.-' lil.III in Slie: i !'. "s 0:!ic... 1 March 1 l.h, JS'ii;. f J. A. MALONP. Sheriir. PAY UIJ! PAY UP J t 11 persons 1-iiowing llioinselvp:, inilebtcd JTX. '" "'C firm of .Inhii McCleary .S: Co. tire re.;i ested lo call and saitlo their accounts inmiediately, and those having claims against the same arc vcotiested to present them duly timher.tieatod lor settlement to W. A. V.I.V, nnd F. SIIOLNING, of Ccnlrtvilla. JOSLPH Vi'INPLI.DLP., fiirviving autncr of mar. 1 1, 'G7-;!t John McClcnry, & Co. DIVORCE NOTICE. JOS. T. H ANoNLI), In the Court of v, Goin. 1'1's of Klk NANCY M. II ANON LD. J co.No lo, Nov.T. To NANCY M. HANONLI): Take no'.k that you :ne ieiuired to n ri pen r at the n.-vt I,., ,,, of said Court to bo held mi the 1 ;,t .Monday of April next to an -Lcr i he complaint of the Libcllant in his esc. .1AM PS A. MAI.ONE, Sl.'.fs (Hile-s marll. Sheriff. f. ;i.U! T.liT (jl'.iiANS MKI.OHKONS. J Lnaiiiu,u-ly awar.Ied the First Prize, A (iOLl) ML HAL, -A.'5 THE P.tisp CA lii NI'T ORGANS," ti . Am. I:,,t.. .cw. vork, Oct. LWc. i.e.ng ioio,uccd superior ,'n Quality, 1 ower an 1 ariety ot Tone, nud in number ot comlonai ioti'-. "As tiie be-t inslnunenis of Amcriea "Vlv '''i'l mending, whichever won tho b. title W"ii!d have i:oi iiinsr left to conquer. " Am. Art Journal. edited by a well-known mil- :cl ( : it if. 'i hey l ave also taken tlio first premium wheivvci exhibited this season. PLUAL OllviANS. one, Two and three banks ,, keys .six sizes S-VI to S,.')(!'l. Will- at p.'d.iK in.il. nn.l double bank in rr- v':i''".v J? l-"t. These Ore;ans wmi I h.'.r .-., iii. pi'.e.like i.ualily of I .me, beantilul suV, .-inj.s, Mi-eu-ili of chorus, iiM.-.jiir.l;,., ,..-i.,is. ,! general urtrau-lih :l.'ci;s. are : iiperior fr Churches, Halls, I'arbi! s s,.:,i;.s. Tiicv are . ill up in ca-es ofSali-l Walnut, fancy veneered Wal nul. (lieu- an 1 uui.pie style:-) nnd i-lojjant P..i-i"Ao.id. of -'l.-ndid desiftns and finish, and ot the be.. t kiuiuisliip 1 il being iaien-1 -d that ,:,eli i n -t lunu-ut shall be a in.i'lel of iis kind. All instruments down lo a line ociave j,,. liable Melodeon. Inive. the beautiful Treuioluuie tu,,, without extra charge. A hii'e us'oi-tiuent con-tatitlv on hand at ("ii- e.'eiietal Wholesale and Kelai! Ware- rooni':, fi li , ii. ..a lw:i V. Our 1 Jin ai..t,-d CirViil.-.r and Price Lists, villi our i: v, styles, are now ready. Send i'i : a oiivt.iar. PLI.'.'i P.iiT, PULTON & CO Mat'.ti'iK't'ii'ei', No. HI, ,;i'''' b'-n Praiuav. N". V. Cur. ITAINhS ! !;o S PIANOS. J. TilK PIANO (ji-' AMKP.ICA ! loese Pian-.. a e mii ver.-all v ucknoul ed -rd by Co.-:. . tent j.. -I.-s ..".ptalto the best P:..iki ia , la. ',.,- 1-,-1,-,-,-nces. they have many lam.. viy !M, ,.(iuull.j d.'ui.'. iiictu.iit. l..i..utU1ibcrs of the High .'-i,.-:-'. S, :::!. .a: i. -. ,Ve. i'l.e-.' l':..t, - i,.n ,. ,,,,) onlv stood ibn ai.u;. I i I heavy pi aetice of on 'ii used the last I'fiecn a'.isl'.tct:tm of ihoso e.ir, toil h.-n i e ::-s t- ihe ::: us.1; I'i.-m. 'th.'.V I...VO t v- hi-., ver .-x',; .! :..;.!. i f .1- ti n p'.a lai'uns and modnls t'-'d. Such has been tho -e Pianos, Hint Messrs. U ll.le- i e iiei-u compelled lo eu- !-- to the citcnt of il io Jd lar. e i:., :r c P. a:, s a i. e. ':. !i.o '.:..: ti.-u ill.'l f I.1 . I . S:-.'i f ..i:.. i I' ll Th cf . ... cue ..f the ii.o.t extensive. I'a-li.rie- in tho P.iit.d .- a !.'-.k- .-ov criii ov er tl.i-e :- I f.'i'oi.ii.l, c-.. ii i .i is i n r a 1 1 1 'in a 1 1 i; j , .1 , a s.-.-oii 1 v. .. 'i i- y H O t.!l.!..;.i-..!y loe i !,i':,,; M i,-,t . ..i. s P..--II-'.- i.i '. :. ; -.:. Fully -m, raniec.1 - r y. i.-.-. : - ,r 1 1;,: .: , ai ed Ciicu- "' ii mm - I.UO'S. v' :- r'"''' Mv,: , Sc.-s.a 1 Aventie. I a .r.l -,',..: a, s .New V .(.. City. I ?r,T,'';;;-''nu::N.;,ieVisii;,e: ' '. J-.i.'l. !.,.,! ., .. 'I',.,,.,, f "1 7 C ' A f 11 1-1 ca, .:,.,-,, to. f. I, is!-;,.,, ,,,.. , ..:u:.-Mr I.-, -',:,,. ,1 c.':..,l. have bee., A!l : n-k.' in ., V ' '"'0 ''T'-""l to -kc I I...M..I.., .:;-.,,,,. an- ,0 ,,.,v. '"" -'"! '" I tor s-i.!,.,,,,-,,!. --' M Ji::!:.:i.Ki! i...-.:.'.: .. Lxe"..l. ir. i aa.r:.' I.r G Is :.i