John n. mil, I rri T'UTOit. .1. I. MiinliK. 1 I ' I : I . I --n K . Til IJJiSDA Y : IV ni-ch::::::::: -Uh, J.SOV. D. B.'fi. 3. It i. mi l " lie ti rogues fjll out, I iiiot-t i n i', jxt their dues," nnd tlio old uLilc ncms i.l. (.uf to find additional ei ilication in Ann i ban History. The i rail cannot ha hnrinnl or l.cuctitu J by vhiit i raid of them, but tlie living may lave sad Futislactiuii in justice, even though Into t" rave lilt!. 'j lie uni x petted assault of Beast But kr upon Bingham, Oliio, in the i 1 in; c t-1 Be pu-sciiativip, wherein lie (eland tliat iMiit'V E. Surratt v.ns inno i (lit of tlic i-titnc lor which f lic was ex. Miitiil, i .ml that l!in!.haui hncw it, toil the v. oil J by tin j.ii.-c, aUhoujzh llie us mtion (VkI imt astonish tiny persou who is at nil conversant with current Listorv, fJ'Lnl 1im. isurratt v;ns fOtilly murder. il to tub-serve political mds, nu ouc v ho is at nil f-inccre uow denies but lliat Sutler hlioul J bo tbc one to brini; tbf aoi-matinn !''iinst a j'olitic.ll col. ienne to v.hoin lie is bound by the oI.cmvc power of public plumler, .was. v.-arceiy to have been i specte.l. 'J'lio revelations made by tlio Beast tl.vw up ; of the secret history f 1 l.o cn.-e, but do lift yet reveal who vns i.iiiiii;.; mid abetting John Wilkes Booth in ilio killing ol tin ' It'c i-i ft: nil il,'' or v.ho, pet haps, was the in i ti::ator of the erim Butler's assertim,.- in rc-ani to Booth's diniy iciuiin ;iiiiispii!ed fur Binjr .lutiii'K assert io.i that ,.- knew w.tliinir-of it, tiia'. '' did ii it eut tv'it the missi.U' leaves, only amounts to a denial that he was I'l.ri'n ji;. i rim in i::, that ho was not party to the supprosMuti ol the evidence (lie only evidence, it may he, which could throw a gleam of liht upon the real facta ol the death of Abraham Lin Coin. Taking a political view of this rjunrrel, ii very pretty one as it stands, it affords pleasure (o every true, lover of his country, as proving that, cover up their petty dissensions an they'tnay, the dis fordent elements of which the present party in power is composed wiil eventu. ally cause its downfall. V ' . ' ' . . i J l" .-Out., i.... ''- iMus, r'ir. iuti.'-r paid : " " " Hi' I r.uili'i-) would stair the oii','iie:' on hicli In; had,., tH. nilii'i- day. 1 lie staieiui-iit that .Mrs. Surrall v. is improperly convicted. - I',ui there was uii'j iiiwi- of I'vi-ler.i"; v.illiin ir K'-lllU'lllMll's ( iliilll. Oil's) lilluulc l ' wllicll JlL- llU'l lint .!' lilil.-( i nil p., mi lllr. IIS trial. When )!u,,i:i .is capmi oil I. v l.ieni. t'ul. t'eli-ei-. tl.eic was, m-M .Mr." JJiitl'.T. t'lken I'r. iii his p.n'ki'l a 1 1 i .i v v lil.c t !o ,.:,( I tlu I'.nM in my hau l : h l": ti un a s.,iaj! iiini iK.'j.i-cavcri' I diary ) in hicii he i linnl'i) i-el iloua, ilay !iy .lay, his l.hins, his lives, !ii tiioit.rlits mid Uii es us,.. T!:.-.i diarv was ihh inr; the jmssr-ic,n ,f the l -.ivei'iiiiienl, Inn it km v.l laid la lnre tin' .il.lituvy C iniuis?: n. nlitii.-fili i!ie ::rnl iiii.n ( liiii.ih-nn i did 1 iy lietare theCunrt inaith s tnlKK'i'i.-idi.i', ,-ina'. Unite and i.l her ai'iic'.us 1'. e.n 1 en he-; i-v.,-,;i. Tiie di iry whs nol produced. Tiiat diary i.j.j.i ... .. n. v. ljcfora nni- Jndieiary Ci.mniilti'p, end let me say here that I d.d lint ehtain my in li.iin.ui.ia i'l'iim linn e'liinaitle, with tle i-i;rhteen jeijri'S nf emi-ics made in tin; i!!a v.v, prim' lu tha tiaie el' Mr. .inenln's ns-sa.-.sinalion, uhsi tit. 'i'iic edt;c rhow that these jia'js were all tut nat." I iraii to kiiniv is thi' : Is'. Was that diary whule when il came int.i the haads nf the frovcrn laent '.' Unit. Wlieihi't- il was p io I judg iiient on the out ul'tlin-u who were l'o'o.-e-nttin;.' the a.-:issi;is nf Alnaham I.inenln to put in a Inhueei) pipe l'niind in l'.ooth's I nehet as evidenee against the prisoners, m hile the diary in Jhinlli's fiwn handwrit ing, detailing till the jairt ienl.irs of his erinie, was wiilihcd 1 ? I did not ehuvre the idde, lo-ave nnd gallant soldiers who sat on i ' at enin-t with any wrong. They did nol s-e tin- diary. They did not Unow of its existence. Iflheyliad tln-y mijrht liave l iven u liili o-ent i:eeonnl of the mutter. 'ho ; pniled t hat I i nl; ; Who rnpprcsed I .nit evnl'Mien V Who ennnd thai INNU 1 ET WitMA.v to he lump..,! while lioliad ill his pnekct tin. ilinvy wliieh would have hliowe nt 1 v,-t what was tin; idea, nod what v.'ei e tiie Ihonhts nf tlte maitieonspirator V jlr. '.in:l'.ruii replied : "' '' '' " "'ho j-rniloincn fall.s of n I '.oliatod herd-? V.'hn spoliatod it v Tliat v; ehout i! interesting n ipiory as to that -'.lii-li 1 1'iplie I il.o niher i'av : W ho i:illi'd I n( I: J eo:n '.' iv:.- r.idin'i- l V jr. I. Who ) now thai it W i!'- Tontli ;,,vo i el nf i ' l i ; ohat inn ? 1 lie vi as ia-.potniit as they !,' I I he galled j'lou .",' i.i: I a:.." 1 e!;a! jii'a n e. ne--o in i his 'III lolil!. :l'.J V. re n li -e, al"':;;i I. .v.nee. lay v. i' In".' ''.e iiiai. M:d ii I :-il.ii'.;a', or i. ay I .il. lied to a--e:'l that I . poli Oo I et;y h, S.,oh eharr-o i.' ilull, M any linla e! eveh'noe is noiy tit to 1 1). Hi a l.lali e. In: lilrf in 11 i.el 1 !', :;:id I e .1 w it n a pi.' i'. V.'c !!( cxt.-c iy :'':"ry t'e: 1 o.a 1'.::.. iled pteeiij i 's v. Iroin t.ivi::;-tiny l.Hil'e f,i tl.ii iliti".e-t'i" ti't itl the pnliti- al IS 1 ivr. It i dm-i-i-dly ileli t!ir.,'. oMt. Jlin-ham i . : ai ( t be the 111'..! d'.sh( .1 ileb i: ir i i the ll.ei e.bnt lu?. J r aiipear ; to lei! 1 hi- own in the above. lie ( ISnt'.er), br.vever, ilestrvts no , i re lit i'.ir lyiti r.t this late day J e mid li-tvc been j-Y .nVf r.n.' peiliaps j villi sonio r fleet, duiinp: tbo piorcss of lie iiiuekeiy wliieh l.i nei nn innocent v,jinuli uuu Ji-rraoeJ the nvtiou. M. ' I AW A 01". To 1 cu",ii'tiATK Tin; NfiiiTiihiiN it. ti. NAVMiAIION (!o.MI'ANy ;;t:c I. I'.' it ainctal In ( X.ixit: .iih! II. of I'ipir:(Utntii:. s f rf,e ( ' -1111)11' i, ftii I iiim-rrmiiii in Crn .!.:. I ,-.( ir'lij i, nf inn if f Uciibu in I.; '.it ci'lUriti of the. name 1 Ir.t ,Jo!iii l;. I 'ha.lMiek.'.V. V. Jones, iiKneMS, Henry Hamlin, IS. I . Ham' bti, A. jN. 'J ayljr, Warren Cowle-i, and t'lu'iles 1'nrisii, or any five of theiu be, utidlbey mo hereby appoint d, com missioner with power to appoint two additional commissioners, and they arc iml!ioii-cd to open bo'd:s, receive snb si l lotions and oinnnizo a company with idl t!u powers and subject to all the provisions and restrictions mil ii.consis tent with the. provisions' of this act prc seribed by an act entitled Au act leg. ulalin; co'iipanies ' approved the nineteenth day of i'ebruary, Anno I'omini oi:c thousanj eii;ht Imnilred nnj I'm ly-ninc and be several supplements thereto. Fi:r. '2. The c.ipiltd ,' toek of faid com. patiy shai! consist of two tli.i'.isand shares of tlio value of one. hundred dollors each and sail company shall hive autlioiily to inci'easo the. capital stock from timo to lime to sneli ::u amount as the majority id i-iock holders, votins; at n jreneral or special iic iin;i e:il'i:.! for that, shall oh !err.iii!' i'i:i'. .'!. 'l'!u! board of directors of said compiny shall consist ol a jn ci idcut and t i.v. tjirrt lotr. i'! . ideiiU of tho l 'nit -d Elates and may hold the meetings of the board at any p!aee in this Common, wealth or elsowlieie- i-'i'.'.'. !. Said company shall havopow. tr to ,i.c..;e and construe t a railroad irom the ii .(.': Jiiic. at or near where it is er..;.-i.i i;y the Allegheny liver in M'Kc:.n ei.i'tily to the i-ouiheru line el l'A'ti cuuiy by such ivuto or . roul,"S as stiid. cm; any .-hall deem bed, and to eo;.;ieei with the 1 'bihulelphia and J!rio and thj Allegheny Valley or any oLher lailrij., 1. built or to ha built, and to coustir.ct all tueh bvai.chcs in the eouu ;ii s el' .M'Kcjn, (.'.i;:;eioii and J'!ik as '.hey ii '. in -'....l,.:l br the transportation of the pio duets of said counties. Fi:', ;"'. f-'uid company sha!! ul.-.o have aulhoi ity to improve and use as a slaek wairr navigation so much of tor Alio l heny river in the county of M'Kcan li' the Stale line fouthwtird as can be made available for tiiat purpose and to locate and construct a canal thenco alon the Alicjliciiy river and l'otatoc crook. to Norwich township iu said coun. ty. Si.r. (i. In order to carry ouL the in. tent and me.''iiiii;j; of the fit'th section of ibis tiel, said eoiupat.'y is hcyeby author, ixjd to improve, deepen, .straighten, re n. eve all obstructions Irom and eon sliut.'t a tcwin:; pa'.h aloii;; the. Alleghe ny river where tho tamo may bo requir ed to construct their cuual, with al! the vorks necessarily appui tenant thereto, ..,t. -in, .-.-.-n. -rnt..s lanjin ,..,.., ,rr,:-s lainjinns and scliutcs O'liinioi-lMtiwii nl ro.i l ariLl Olher eeinuiodilies, atid to iue all such works, or so much t'lcreol'a.s shall from time to time bo prepared lor use in the trans poitaion ol ail articles ol freight that may l e oilercd lor that purpono to bo (lone in tlio same mauncr and subject 'o the :-mic stipulations and ntrietion as aro.iruvided by law for the construe, tiun ol the railroad authorized to be ljii..i by sail company and the provis ions oi thy aet entitled ' An Act to pro tect the public in tho full beucdjt and enj ij .ittiit ol the. work constructed tor the. purposes of inland navigation 'ap I roved the tenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eiht hundred and twenty six shall bo applicable to said company and the works authorized to be cvu.-iUuciod under this act. Fi:c. 7 '-;u:d company shall ba author ity to elm; jc and collect toils; and other ehatL'cs for the ur.e of their navigation p'.tial and landings J'.-nciJi That (lie toll.-, chai'ved oil biadcd boats shall not oxeecd one cent per ton per mile on the an;. Hint ol fici;,!it eairicd A;ul proi-iil, tl vi it 'li!:;t nothiti'i; herein contained shall ho construed to authorize said com pany to ehaiL'o lolls on arks or rait ; descending tho Allenhony river. t-'t.c. 8 For tho purpo.-o cf aidi: in (b.o cm; ' ruction of their works stud e.iu'pacy is hereby authorizal to receive in payment of subscriptions to. tlio cap tat stock any hinds sit'.'.at jj i:i t'ic eoiu:tit:i of Jl'K.'a:i and !!lk aloiiy or in thf. vicinity ol' tho works they are au thorised to con: true! and said company i.-J by tiutboi J to purchase, receive h e'! h':..:C m. ,.'!-.; .' ami sell all such lauds us may bo sold substiibcl donated or otherwise srrantcil to them to erect b'.ii! iirgs and maehiin ry and do all ti e WL't k iiLce:-. -ty to obleiu and prepare for inaiket the todiiet of said lauds and to sell and d": of t ueh jiroduets. f-'i.i'-".l f'a'd eoiiipuny is 'ati th ri.ed to bori ow any sutn of money not fstoed'iij; lilfeen liiunlrcJ thomsmd dollars a a rale ol inicrest not exceeding .-even per centum per milium on the hon ljef tho cimpa.iy '.o ba teeiiied by m l i r-n'O oa the. whole or any hart ol their vvoik.-i landi and fVanchista and ini'V tell and i'l.-pi.-c of said bonds in : ::; !i terms ami at such laics as may be ..j-u. j .'i 1 1 !v.f:i tlio parties t::d i:.ay ei.e.h r on the. folders of (bo same the iir'!.t at any time to convert the j lieele i! ,-.i:d interest ilierco! iato stock of i d company. The l'o:e;roin Act of iiic.orporatiou lo's passed both branches of the Lei.-da. line and crc this has doubtless received tho a; proTal of the (iovcruor. Jt will jv- m i a l! at i; is very liberal in its pio vi-i. I'--:. l'-'-d j:rantj! tdl the franchises e- et.tial lor this eucJk?fut carrying out 0. th'i interpii.-.e. It would bo nearly" inipcisiblo to procure tueii a charter for any iiiiiiiur ic;;ioii of Iho State, and for ibis very important legislation the pcoilc ol jM'Kean county arc indebted to the cITorlj of their ablo and efficient Scniilor, Jlajor Conies. The Couniissiuncrs rained in the bill who arc authorized to open books aud receive subscriptions, are, with one exception, our own c"ti kciis. They are all deeply interested in the improvement of our country and do vclopetncnt of our lesouecs, and no fears need bo entertained that the franchises granted in this act of incor poration will be bartered or flittered away. Mr. l'urish. ono or the Com., missioners, is a icsidcnt of Luzerne county, and a gentleman of largo wealth aud inllucnoc. J'AYmi Miner. NEWS ITEMS. lcprcdatious by horse thieves aloup; the railroad lines, south and cast of Nashville, have become so numerous that citiziens arc banding r.t various localites to lerixt the scoundrels out. Fourteen frccdmcn ol I'ulaski, Tern., own real csiato and stocks, goods, valued at v-7,."l '0. Uno owvs a gro cery with stock worth $5,000, which bo has earned l ince emancipated. . The lion. George 11. Jliddlc, Sen ator irom iJelaware, died on the ult. at W'lishingtou. His health has been very poor for a long time. Ho will make- room for auother Delaware, Dem ocrat. . The bouthcrn extremity of Manhattan (the city and county of New York,) known as the 'Tiatterv" will eooii be placed in the hands . of the Central J'ark Commissiouers, and converted into a pleasant p'otuenade. A. C. Tippins, grocery and saloon keeper at ISyiiirna, Tcun., was assassin, ated while going home l'rom business, about midnight, on tho 1'i ult., by an uiiknown assassin, who blew his - brains out with a pi.-tol, at the gate cf Tip pins' rcsidenco. The authorites of Fhiladolphia arc about to put a large force of laborers to work repairing the various roads leading out of the city. Most ol them aro in a wretched condition. F.R'orts to improve the sanitary condition of the city arc also iu progress. The State Senator from Eiio is a liberal uiiudod man. In ono of his late speeches he scaled that a certain measure must be supported "if it takes the last dollar and the hut stieh of clothing from our children. Tho "last dollar" is a hackneyed phrase, but the idea of allowing . the children to ruu about in a state of nature, is purely original. Tho Senator should at least nave mentioned au ago limit at which children might bo clothed. m cir nr rntncincnt'i. rwwiV. SUlhSfUUtKIt respectfully desires to nntiouuco to the citizens of J-.'lk county that hu lias recently fitlcil up au es-'tiilili-linivtit for the fnanufaet ore tut. I sale of UN, ( UlM'iUt.iind .IIKbi'J'-ir.D.N Ware, on .Main Sateet, in llidgway, where, liy hlriet uiteution to business, he hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of t lie ciinoiiunity. tie will keep on hand an extensive and varied assortment of every kind cf TiS WAltr., and rupair in the neatest possible maimer, nil work coming under his supur vNioii. He will also keep on hand a well-assorted sioek ol SI 0 J .suitable for either Wood or Coal. ile desires especially to call the a'ten ;inn of lumbermen to the fact that he tan supply iheni with HAFTiNQ-GTOVES mad,; in a superior maimer. Koal'ilei nnd .pouling tlnno to order on short not ice. It-'i-'jive hiiii a call all he asks it a f or trial. Cestniaers will iind him at their ".SliltVH K." ('. W. SiliKVK i:. Kidgivay, April 4, ltii7-lf. a ' a i o v. a t.ti r, Coni iiniii J'JVU ACitliS a small p.iymee.t dov.'ji balanei; on boii; lino. Iii'iuire ' .1. l'owell, Jlidjfwav, l'a., t'. Jt. .McNL l.l V, No. Jii'nadv;;v, Nov York, Care I.aihrop, l.udin ton & Co., New ireik City. April lib, lSOT-it. "TVfOTICIi is hereby given that tho part. neiship l.crelu!nr exi.-tiug between M. 1'.. fayre and It. K. Wellendorf has been oissalvcd by mutual ecu sent. Tlio nooks and papers of said tiriu rcinuin iu the hands of 11. Ii. WVllcncbirf, who still conducts business tit the old stand. M. It. Suyro Ii. E. vlt.nJorf, Aovi'. 4. "t EIYOECi) S0TIC3. ha. C. M,:Coiiue!l ue!l 1 I'.Ik Co. Com. I'leas y No. 151, November icll. J Term, JS07. I versus I liurlotto !eC iune To Ch.uletto .MeCiinnell : Take notice thai yon are ie(uimd to ap pear at tho next lerin of said Court to be I. el l on t ho last Monday in April next to iiiiMVcr too complaint ol tho l.ib illj nt, in ibis rase. JAM!:;; A. M.W.OXK. tfh il's Ofiicc, .April 4 Sheriff. OTiCK is hereby given that Iho fol JJ Iiiu -ing tiamcci persons liavo tiled their iippuealious lor LiceiiMU at tho Court of Quarter Session!) of lilk county, nrcciibly to Ilio net of Aaecmhly of March 111, si lSOn, eutiiled " nu Act lo regulato ihe Eulo ol iutoxic:tl:ng liiiiors." Joiin A liti'J, Tuvein, Jones township, Miii-tin Sowers, Tavern, Jones township, l'eter Wilheliu, Tavern, St. Marys (ieorgo Jlutjiorn, Tarein, tt. Marys 'l'lioinas Keliuedy, Tavern, St. Marys M. Wellendorf, Tavern, Si. Murys Wo'.fgang Auinuii, Tavern, Jay t'p J.euard Cook, Tavern, Kidgway Cp u. A. KATllllCN. April 4lli, 180". 1'rothouolary. Til K 1' LACK TO liUV l.S WIIKltiJ VOtJ CAN 1MJY The CheapesL 0 o GO O I K b r-i z t'.i i i rr W . ! C3 e. " a B'"R ? t: S, it u. O m O s 5 b r S S ST V. 2 O ; fts A. n S - c o . i : c: i c . o -tn 0 O s o '3 : -i '-' g v.. ?- -i 33 5" ?. r3 -X- t i v. n i- 'J. f 5 i4" r h a H-..: O -v. S "c r; ' t: r-. "i -.. . in 5 c '- - o -.' , zri 2. 8 m a C:. 2 rr o . G C O i3 5 -: -t j' a o 0 0 0 l s - 2 s-, S4 5 o c 1Z '.Z 8" ,VE SKLL viUum- AS LOW AS TKUV CAN HE r.OVGHT IN Erie Cit y . GIVE VS A CALL, AND Vl'E WILL .Prove it, G Jt E A T E X CITE 21 EX 1 b3 o o o c.j o w o o i jo n o C 5 o l V-l K t-1 V o o r i, H Kj r-u H t3 Pi H O M o r.s i "0 H ti- IS) tr- TBI o o o o o t-3 fcsflnji to O O H T" H H Ui O tr- TNHUKANaK AGAlXril'loss orDAMAGlibjl'iPJl. rillll'l I.j-coniins County Mutual lnsur J Company nt Muncpy, l'a., con tinues to lnstiro against Loss or llnniniie by J'ire on nil kinds ef Merchandise, l'liblic anil privato uiMins, i-iiher in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, liarns, slocks of (train, &e., nt Iho lowest possible rates, consistent with eiifety (o the Insurer and Insured. Tho Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites nu inve-tii gallon as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 88,800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its palrons Unit their losses will be promptly and satis faclorily paid. Its iiiiiiiagetiienl lias always been prudent, us its existcuze of twenty, six years fully demonstrates JAM KS JiLAKFLY, i.ent for L'k county, r.t t. Alary THE PLACE TO BUY 13 AT Tin: mix; way mm store, KKIT 1!V l)OnD"VKUi & JIKSSKXGEIl, Dealers in Urugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils, White ead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, 1'cr. funicries of all Kinds, Tho jiurcst A'arnish, llrushcs of every Hlyle and iSize Vyo SlufTs, Pure Confcctiouaries Citron, IbiisiiH, l'uf out idcdicincs, "Wines, AVatchcs, Jcivclry, Hinga, Tcbaccocs ii fsogars l'tt re LIiioi'9 for Medicinal ,ur-j.o-cs only. A LAH.QE ASGOPcTMENT Of I'Acri'thina Usci'ul l'citainiti'; to the iVtig IJu-inrss Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low I 'rices ! Dure Drugs at Low Trices .' Notions in Kndlcss Variety ! Notions in IJiulless Variuiy ! Aiucrican and J-lnglish AVatches ! American ami linglish Watches ! Latest Styles of Jewelry, linSs, &c. Latest Hlylcs of Jetvclry. Uinps, A.c. raney Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, 'leys, Latest Novels ! Albums, News, Stationery, Dircl Oajccs ! Albums, News, Stationery, Uird-Cagca ! Violin, Danjo and Guitar Striucs! A'iolin, llaiijo and Guitar Strings ! mnvlTOl 8'3 N EW CASH GrvOCERY STORE McCLOHICl-V, Dealer in Groceries &c, would rcsrioctfully inform tho citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that he has pone into the Grocciy business, and will open on or i beut the middle of May. llo keeps constantly on banc an extensive stock of ii., FLOUR SUGAR?, ilOJJACCOES, SEGARS, "WHISKEY by thcbnrrcl or quart, and everything connected witn a lirst class Grocery niorc. I v.-ill sell for CASH and conferment lv can a fiord ti sell CHEAPER Mmn the CllEAl'JiST. I invite everybody to come aud satisfy themselves. -IA.MES JIcCLOKEY. May 3d, 'GO. Cm. "Ei;ftsj;xi: ,iXD GAS STOVES. '1EA AND COFFEE IU (ILEUS, GLUE, I'OTS, OIL CANS, c. &e. JCSy All the cooliing for a "tD3 Jt-'i? family may bo done v. ith ;a 3 Kerosene Oil, or Gas, "Cja tar with b-.-:s trouble, and at a C-T" less e.p;-nsc,t1iau lv any C:io" other fuel. " Etch Article manufactured by (hisCom- Pa'y is guaranteed to perform all that is laimcit i,,r n. f.-3"Scud for Circular. LIBERAL D1SC0VXT TO THE TRADE. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO., COO Pearl Stiieet, N. Y. July-l'J'GG.-Iy. T ALUAELE LOIS l"01l SALE. V The iiiii'.crsincd has laid out a vil. Inge upon his ground adjoining the Itiilj; way Iiepol, to bo called ELK. Tho lots nre "i!.l feet front by 100 feet deep front in ft tow aids the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Tin the second lot sold, 110. For tho third lot sold. t.A'2.) aud sa on increasing in price as lola are sold. y-- Firut iureha;ei s et the choice lot at the cheapest rates. l'urehascrs will be registered in the or der of their application. Ten percent of iho purchase money must bo paid ut the toneof iho a plication. r,':r,,Applic;il ions will be made to John G. Hall, Esq., Kidgwav, Fa. J. i. HYPE. Ridgwiiy, mar,"!)'CC-if. ITCH! ITCI I! ITC1I ! Scratch ! Ncrulch! Scralch ! YHEATOK'S OINTMENT AVh.l Club tiii'. Tien is i3 IIot Rs Also cures SALT EIIKCM. I'LCEItS, OIIILIiLAlNS, nnd all Eltl'l'TIO.NS OF TIIUFKIN. Trice .'0 cents. For sale by nil dru:;ists. jiv sending CO cents to WEEKS "& rOTi'EH, Sole Apents, 170 Washinprion street, lioston, it will bo for warded l,y mail, free of postage, lo any part of tho t'nited Mates. ( june-7'liO-iy. CI EOVESTEEX Si CO., T 1'IAXO FOKTE MANUFACTrRF.r.S, -100 j:,;,?ir,,y, Xw Y, I;. THESE I'lANOS received tho Kielicst Award of Merit ! at the MurtXs I'dir, ever the best maker.-: (rem London. I'm is, tier, many, the cil ies of New York, I'hiladelphia, Ealtimore and Eosten ; also the Gold Medal irt the American Inntitutc, for FIVE succes sive years!! Our l'ianos contain tho French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Over strung Kass, Full lion Frame, nnd nil Mod. ern Improvements. Every instrument imr runtui FIVE year. Made under tho su pervision of MB. J. H. t'EOYESTEEIf, who has a jiraelica! exierienee of over thirty tivo years, and is the maker of oivr e.Vivn thuurjinl jiiituo fortct. Our facilities for inanulaelininK (liable 113 lo H0" '':eso in struments from $100 to $'100 cheaper than uny first class pinuo forte. July rj'Gil.-ly. , JJilli88Jji-c1plIJ. M Ci:; HE U A L'CTIONt E It. OTICE is hereby given that 1 have Ink en out a hcrnn n i.nnnA. ?.lf ol 1 ,V,"'."M), n ..... ........ , ,,y ,u io CUlI)g of j sales entrusted to my care. Any pet son calling sales without a license nil he held answerable to tho strict letlcrof the law. 1', W JIAltKETT, Dcc.MlMiGif. Auctioneer. W ih:i:leii & wilson's sew. IXGMAClIINES.-Tl.o under sitine l havinp been appointed Solo Aeont for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Scwine -daehines for Elk county. J0 l;ceps an nssoriment conslanlly on hand. Machines seid at I'hihidclpliianiul New Yor prices. Any I'lilies desirous of nhfnininp; them can "'I'l'-ess J. K. AVIIITMOKIO. March flt.'G'My. n( Ki.j(rwny) ptt JJTjACJCSMITI I inch ',1:1':l'N AI' 'lesires to inform the citi zens ol l.idjrway nnd vicinity (hnt he has A iu " , ,S" 'h"'M Shop on Mill street, and has employed Kood work oen w ho will be ever ready , ln!lko nn...' from a buchlc to nu anchor. 1'artieular attention given lo the shoeing ot horses. All I ask is n. fair trial May 17T.ij-l.y. F. OVJJItllOLTZEH, , MEItCIIANT TAILOR, llicl-way, Elk Co., IJa. The subscriber desires respectfully to In form the eiiir.rm of Ridwny and vicinity tliat lie is prcpa.ed to make to order as weil ns it can be dnne niivwhnrn nil ,.l.l,.r. i ,l. line ofhis business. All he asks is a fair trial. tliiod Tits euntiinteoil. l'0.r.Clotlis, Cnssimcrs, Vcslinps ami Trimmings of the latest and most approved Steles hent nnlmliinllv nn l.n.l l.:..l. :n lie sold CIlEAl'Elt THAN THE CIIEA11- '' 1- nngO.y T SIIKllEJv. ' Denier in' MVS W ROOMS-. Ao. 43, First Avenue, Cony, Peuna. defers to J. Towcll, 15. F. Elv, Ridgwny. Ignatius Carner, Chns. Haigen," St. M?iiy's. nov UJ.'CU, liuipd. iifjiwioiilj RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T mmm wail WAPiKEN, PA. FlUSTI WINDOW SHADES A T WAIUtEN, PA. RU3TI WINDOW SHADES A T vmim urn WAREEN, PA. l17tc. 0 Ult STARCH GLOSS, Is iheonly article used by first class hotels Laundries, nn 1 ti,,n...i,,la n- -... ;i; 1. gives a beautiful jiolish, ninking tho iron 1'ass smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer, cousciiueiitly will not wear out so soon. It makes old linen look like new. OUR IMPERIAL LLUE is the best n the world. II is soluble In. hard as well as soft water. It is put up in. the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any oilercd to tho public. It is warranted not to streak the clothes. Ageut9 lMiiin- i every w nere, to wnoin we otter ex traordinary inducements, Address, M'.W lOitK .STAIICJI GLOSS CO. No. 1S Fulton St., New York. NEWSIIOP. I X .' T I X ! ! T I X ! 1 t STOVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES ! ! John fcosenheimer &Co.. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. ST. MABY's. I'A. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a larjM and well selected stock of TIN WAKE, STOVES &e. v0 havo. everything ircnerally kept in a, Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of A Nil DUST PARLOR & COOKING- STOVES, ALSO 1 HON OATH & WHEAT-. SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can bo bad at our fchop either riveted or proved. SVOL'TIXQ AND ItOOl't.Vii, tlono Ott short notice and at reasonable rates. Juno 1 Ftiti-ly. A. If. l it AY, A. I. Wilcox, Jt. II. Emkrson, Jt. F. Auams. 11AY, 'J1X:)X & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. MAIIV'S, Opposite Aljiiue House, Elk County Pa." HEALERS IS Flour, Feed, Putter, Cheese, Feed, Corn, Salt, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder, Canned Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, Glas-J AND STAPLE GllOCEUIhS Peecinbcr 20, lSG'i ly. A