i" HDiiiiKTiin. 'J' 1 1 1 Vmvh::: liSDAY : ::: lrt, 1H07, TEKEI'IT til" LIFS INSURANCE IL1US T?ATD. A cotcni crary luniilics us with the following iiriiolo in relation to Life In surance. Life Insurance is the cliiM of bencfi It may hnvc a coMmercial. basis, ns all monetary schemes must hnvo that arc intended for hutnan benefit when unsus tainctl by aims, nevertheless it is a con trivanco id rich origin, and could only emanate Irom a mind thoughtful to im prove the habits ol tlu wliulo family ol man. Surely that must be esteemed a magnificent e.-uabliMimeiitthrough which we can purchase a 'ortun.i by small un- uual contributions, so that when the contributor dies he can bequeath that 4..fhiti - M-h.-ipv.-r lie lnnv dpwirn fn possess it. Kvon in the first year of this arrangement, and if the insurer should have made but a single payment, the slinuhitLd fortune is still at Ins dis rosal should he die. In fact, it fre quently occurs that a man thus purchas cs for a few dollars a sum that it would take a long lile of industry to amass, se curing a provision for his wife and fam ily wholly beyond hi reach but or such a regenerating medium. We reuard Lifo Insurance ns part ot the morality of life, ami when a young man arrives at the a;;c of self-support one of the first uses that he should make of his surplus earnings is to secure a lifo policy.. It should be t!i2 initial net ol voluntary prudence, for the rates of premium arc much less in youth than in maturer life, and he who insures thus early will have good leason to congratu late himself upon his position when he may have assumed the responsible obli nations of husband and lather. It is true that prudence sometimes cxemplilies itself in other forms as well ns ;n a resort to life insurance : but there is no svstcm by which man can so thor oughly a:id so immediately make a pro vision for his family as through tho in estimable channel. Let us assume, for instance, that a young man twenty-six years of fure, with a wife, little family and 8-000 per annum, finds that, after discharging every claim upon him in an honorable manner, he is able to put aside 8200 per annum as a sinking fund, in case a premature death may make his wife a widow and his children orphans It will take ncaily a quarter ot a centu ry of such uniform prudence to amass the sum ot ?000 ; but a policy ot lusu effected for a similar amount upon pay nieut of no more than 03, oO yearly The great triumph, however, io such a contract is that the insurer secures at once a dower to his wife and a provision for Ins children. 1 hus.it the insure dies at thirty two years of age, his wife uud family secure from the policy the lull sum ol toOOU ; if the same calamity befalls the uninsured, who has pursued the other course ol prudence, aud he al no is called from life at thirty-two, he cannot ocqueatli to Ins widow oncdourlh the amount of him whose judgment taught him to insuio, although he has expended double the money in tho at tempt. No one will hesitate in pro nouncing which path it is most jiroji ta ble to follow. It is not only incumbent upon every man to provide for his family during his own life, but as a good citizen, as a worthy christian, and u man of feeling, to make such arrangements that it shall not become either, a burthen to his friends or to society after his own death. The means are within his reach to effect this great and noble object it is affor ded him by life iusurauce, a means of dispelling poverty and desolation scarce ly known to our fathers ; but which, iu the progress ut society, is introduced to us iu such a benevolent form, thut the American people are lapidly enlisting beneath its banners. Au affecting anecdote was narrated to us the other day in relation to this subject, which we will hear repeat. A o'ergyman was recently attacked by sickness, and soon was made aware that his malady was f a fatal character lie was only thirty. three, but had a wife And four children. lie had insured his life at au early period, and though siuce his marriage his means were uarrowed, lie contrived to discharge tho aunual premiums on his policy. The day be fore his dissolution he remarked to his wife, " Mary, it rejoices me that you aud my little cherubs will escape the penury with which my poor mother had to struggle as a widow. For this you are indebted to Life Insurance. I can not describo to you the grateful feelings I feel towards these institutions. The J?0000 which you will receive will be a fortune ia such able hands as yours. I wish my poor congregation could appre. t'iatc the principle upon which my wid ow will be made rich, for many of them ( re as needy us I, and might be bcuefit- d by my example." The pastor, who was s much belov ed, died, and we are told that nearly all 5:;s conuiVLMtioH insured the'r lives as a i lli'ilcto his memory, so iihic.1i did they i v"re his dy'ni;; vvoi js, and the course I out he recommended. The following atrocious coiiuiidmm is out, aii 1 the inventor has tho temerity ! :.i-l. for a patent : b'uppoo a (Jueeu ioKc to pare i IT her thumb null only . . ee in sivi u jeuis why is that like the raid tluecn's robes of otliee '! JJecause its hei paic-o.T her nail year. .VlllS 0. II Ml., '.IHT'ill .1. r. MKlilll:, I I lll.islll K. Cri'iMspjiiJjiiw of ftJtVJriU Ma. Knmm: A writer under the signature of "Acer" (Advocate Jan. 3d complains ot tho management ot public schools, because Qui many ol leni ot least,) there is an attempt to give " moral aud roligiom instruction. 1 his he reirards as eutirely outot place, objecting cen to the reading of the Hi- ble and the ottering ot praycl. ioi but that these things are well enough iu their place ; but hu is opposed to hav ing them iu the public schools, lie says " if wo must have moral instruction in our school, let it be entirely free from tho suspicion of sectarianism." Even moral instruction he would pre fer to exclude, npparently for tho rea son that something ho would call secta rian may creep in. iNow, Mr. Editor, it is tiuio that the public school is a secular institution : and it is proper that auy moral or relig ious instruction given therein should oc free from sectarianism, l$ut is there not reason to suspect that tho fear of sectarianism is only a pretence, to cover a real opposition to the Christian reli gion ? Tho Bible is received by all nhriRtinns as the word of God, and the morality there taught cannot bo obuox? ious to the charge ot sectarianism, un less th charge comes from those who either deny or dislike tho Christian re- ligion. We hope there are none in Elk couuty who thuy the christian religion, though we have too much evidence that there ore many who dislike it. liut if ltistVteit ought to bo believed, aud taught to our children, aud no man need fear iti influence. I do not propose to discus the ques tion of i idigious instruction iu the pub lie schools : but would suggest the iu ouirv whether nny better text book of morality can be found than the J$ible; and whether the religious instruction re- ported by our County Superintendent is any more than Moses required of the Israelites ? " These words which 1 com mand thee this day. shall be in thine heart, and thou shult teach them dili gently to thy children, and shalt tails of them when thou sittet in thy nousc, and when thou walkest by tho way, and when thou liest down, aud wheu thou risest un." Deut. G, G, 7. It does notse3iu to have occurred to your correspondent " Acar" that thero is a uiuerenoe oeiwcon sectarianism uuu Catholic Christianity: and that while the former has no right to enter our pub lie schools, the latter to a certain ex tent belongs there, and is essential to tho highest welfare of our youth, for time and for eternity. And it will be my endeavor in a series of brief arti cles, (if you can afford the space, and do not fear the charge ot " sectarianism, ) to set forth the leading doctrines of tho christian church catholic, ths.t those ig norant ol thcui may be enlightened - - J -II .1. .u ... i' that teaches these doctrines ought to bo shut out from our schools at least on the ground of icctariunism. And shall be my endeavor to manifest that degree ot candor which becomes a oath olic christian, who has no sectarian ends to promote, no sectarian prejudice to overcome. Ii any ol your readers shall at any time fai! to understand my state mcnts or to he convinced of their truth I wish them lo use perfect freedom in asking explanations of offering objections J. will try to observe the golucn rule. C. C. Wilcox, P. March, 18th, 1 807 Ma. Editor: The gain of eacliot'tlie partucrs in " A. II . problem republish el m I lie Advocate of the 14th tnst., in us follows: ' A gains $20, 13 gains $40, C gains $00. Solution it is readily seen by inspection that U gains 20 more, tlian A nnd that C gains S10 more than A. Then in llio first statement, A 1! nnd C gains i-lii, wo have three times A s gain add to S-0 and 540 equals $121), counciiieutl y A'h gain will lie $110 more than A it would lie $10, uud C's gain is $40 more than A' it would be $tjl). To find U's gain we hav only to lako the sceond statement and sub stiuie 11 and (Vs gain thus $10 x $00 1 gain equals $180. Hence D's gain is $80. II. W's problem is easily solved by draw ing lines from each side of the two wheels until they meet. The point of intersection would be t he centre of the cirulo described by l he wheels, or the distance from tho outer w heel to tho intersection of the Hues would be one half the diameter, or radius of the larger circle. This distauco is read i ly louna ny similar triangles or proper lion to be KM feet. Then the diitmoler of the larger circle is 200 feet, aud of tho les ser lUOtcet. J, I have a garden, containing 4 acres Hoods and 80 Hods of ground, which is a Rectangular form, nnd measures just 110 Koils around it. hat is the lengih tin. what tho width of my garden A solution is requested. J. March 20th, 180; Mr. KniTOR: I send in tho following solution to A It s problem given Inst week Iwa wheels, one tour and the oilier nv feet in diameter placed upon iinaklo twen ty leel apart will lurui the frustum ot an imaginary cone diminishing one foot. every twenty tect, thus coming to a point nt one hundred fuet from the centre ol tho larger wheel. From there to I he ground at u right angle two and a half foet. Tho sum of the squares of the two will bo the square of one half the true diameter of the outsido ei."'! which inakes the diameter 2O0.0H21 x feet. The diameter the smal ler circle is forty feet less. The answer to the Partnership problem as given in the but No. of the Akvocatk. gives A. 0, 40, C. HO nnd D. fSO. A. K. will see by refei-riiiir. lo tho Advocate Nu, 1 this vol ume that his example contains two classi fieations alike (A, V uud V) with sums ilif Ieieni io un 1 loo. WILL,. A IIitcii in IUnkuuptcv. Chief Justice Chase, on whom involves tbe duty of nominating and recomending th registers in bankruptcy provided lor in the paukrupt act, declines to assume the labor und responsibility ol making tho selections without submitting to tho en tir? Court the nuestiou of the power of Congress to impose cu him this duty, ST. PATRICK' 3 DAT. Whit the Fourth of July is to tho American, Christinas to the English, and the opening of the lager beer season to the Germans, ht. Patrick s day is to the Irish. It is their day of days, when smouldering sparks of the nationality they are so proud of is blown into flame afresh, and devotion to tho "sweet little isle of ihosca"is sworn anew. No Irishmen but glories in the day, and rises to the full extent of his inches when lie thinks that some time it may be kept in tho ancient kingdom, as it never has been kept before with no Saxon official to intcrefero with the wearing of the green and the fr.'endly breaking of heads. Saint Patrick, the patron saint ot Ireland according to tho generally re ceived tradition, was born in Scotland, near tho mouth of tho Clyde, in the year 372, and died in county Down, in the old Kingdom of Ulster, about 4(34. When a boy he was captured by a band of Irish marauders, and carried with them to Ireland as a slave. Alter a captivity of six months ho was fortunate enough to escape, and made his way back to Scotland, only to be again made prisoner by the satna parties. Kscaping for the second time, he resolved to bo- come a missionary to the Irish, and after long preparation, was ordnmed in Scot, land, and afterward consecrated bishop. Having, says tho old record, visited Gaul, and perhaps Italy, he passed to his chosen field of labor, about 432, and preached the gospel with such extraordi nary effect that, although not absolutely the first to introduce Christianity into that country, he has received tho credit of its general conversion, lie baptised the kings of Dublin and Munster, nnd the seven sons of tho King of Con. naught, with tho greater part of their subjects, and before his death had converted almost the whole island to the faith. St. Bernard testifies that ho fixed his Metropolitan See at Armagh, and it appears that ho appointed other bishops, with whom he had councils to settle the discipline of tho church which he had planted. In his old age he wrote his "(.lonlession, tho authenti city of which, however, is doubted It maybe louna in bir James wares edition of the works of St Patrick(8 vo., London 1G58. ) Tho lloman Catholic Church keeps his festival on March 17th. A popular legend ascribes to him tho banishment of all venomous creatures from tho isfand, by means of bis crosier or staff, which Ralph Higden, in his "Poloychionicon," mentions as being kept'with great veneration inDublin in 136G. Size of Nails. The following tablo will show any ono at a glance the length of the various sizes and the Dumber of nails in a pound. They are rated "3 penny" up to "20.penny." The socond the length in inches, and the third tho number per pound. that is ; 3 penny 1 inch, 577 nails per lb, 4 penny 1 inch, aod nails 5 penny 1 inoh, 232 nails G penny 2 inch, 167 nails 7 penny 2i inch, 141 nails 8 penny 2- inch, 101 nails 10 penny 2 inoh, 68 nails 12 penny 3 insh, 54 nails 20 penny 8 J inoh, 34 nails Spikes 4 inch, 16 nails Spikes 4 inch, 12 nails Spikes 5 inch, 10 nails Spikes 6 inch, 7 nails Spikes 7 inch, 5 nails i t it u K tt II II II II II From this table an estimate of quan tity and suitable sizes for any job of work can be easily made. um Waterfalls- The following which we clip from one of our exchanges, con tains some valuable information for tho ladies iu reference to tho manufacture of waterfalls : Take four pounds of rags and a bunch of shavings, An old tin pan, nnd a bunch of s'raw ; Then steal an old hut of somebody s leav iugs, - And swear it's your own, to get clear of tho law i Kext. get nn old stocking, ami m tin" it with paper. And if it is possible, put in a mole Then get some old chiuu, aud a nutmeg grater. And make them all up in a nice li : tie roll ; Put all these things in n net of red, And glistening beads must cover them all; Then fasten it on tho back of your head, And you will have a waterfall. Singular Will. A geutleman who died in Centre heeling a few days ago made a singular will n slioit time bctoro his eieatn. lie did not possess much of this world's wealth or goods, but such as ho had ho bequeathed to his mends, lie willed almost every article be owned to uiffeicut persons giving lo one friend his coat, another his shoes, another his hat, etc., etc, Tho will is very lengthy document, covering over two sheets of foolscap paper, and the total valuo of the arti cles bequeathed to surviving lriends will not exceed fifty dollars. TheJusticoof the Peace was occupied for near four hours in drawing up the "last will and testament," and when he had com pleted the task the dying man thanked him kindly, and assured him he wonld havo paid him lor his trouble and labor had not all that he owned been given away by the artiolo just drawn up. Wheeling lieyuter, March 13. The woolen manufacturers of Rhode Island have had two bites at the oho rry lately. Tho revised tariff gave them additional protection, and they have re dueed the wages of the operatives ten per cent. That will do for once. It is a pity they could not have a prohib itory tariff and their operatives work for nothing. 1 hat might satisfy their ra paeious pockets. ELECIIOH MOT. ' ,1 fir ay itetsrerh Soldirrs f If iirnsat 'nritsie, la.Tico Mllcd ami five U'onnttrrt. Caiilisle, ra., March 10. Last evening two soldiers camo into town, hnd when near tho Court H ouse they were attacked by two men named A. Ilammill and 1. Giluinrc. Neither party was hurt, and the soldiers left for the garrison. About eight o'clock some fifty soldiers camo into town with car bines, revolvers and sabres. They hal ted near tho Court House and fired in to tho crowd of c-tizens who were stand, ing near the point where the polls were located. The ciiizens drew their revol vers and returned the fire, when a gen em! riot ensued. Tho soldiers retreat ed on a run, and tho citizens gave pur suit. The soldiers took position at the edge of the town. .A guard arrived from the post, and tho firing was kept up for some timo. ' Tho guard anested several citizens and returned to the gar rison. Un the way they met llammcll, who had a gun on his shoulder. He was ordered by the guard to lay down the gun, and on his refusal they fired on him. The ball struck him in tho breast to the left of the right nipple, and came out near tho shoudcr blade. Tho woun ded man died in three hours. Among tho wounded aro, Mrs. Stewart who was standing in the door of her own house shot through tho left foot : Thomas Simmerman, shot the foro-arm, crushing the bones ; Jacob Small, shot. through the centre of tho right hand ; a Mr. llallcbough, shot in the head, cut ting tho scalp. All the above were cit. izens. The soldiers wcro wounded one in the head and tho other in the leg ; the one hit in the head is mortally wounded. ForEcveral nights past sol diers have been in town creating much disturbance. Thcrcarc about four hun dred soldiers at the past. m m HEWS ITEMS. General Mansfield, Adjutant-Gen. cral of Indiana, in his report to the Legislature on the condition ot the Stato militia, says it consists at present of a major-general, lieutonant,(tcncral, quartermaster-general, and no privates ; and he recommends tho passage ol a militia law that will add some privates to tho force. A crowd broko into a house at Blackstono, Massachusetts, on Friday night, where an alarm of firo had been given, and found tho man nnd woman who occupied it drunk and insensible and a girl named Catharine Gerraty dead on the bed, her head, arms, and body having been burned to a crisp A frecdruan, from Kentucky, shot Samuel 1-ergus, near Lcbadon, Illinois, to obtain posessiou of a rabbit tho boy had killed. I he farmers wanted to lynch the negro, but the father of the dcrcd to the authorities. ine political economists all over the States are trying to cypher out why flour and certain other stuff should be cheaper with gold at 289 than it is now with gold at 134. It docs seem stranse but such is tho fact. The will of Colonel O'Fallon, of St. Louis, involving property worth two minions, nas oeen set aside, lie his children only a life estate, and left his property to a grandchild. A tt It 1 .v man in uuio waiKcu on ice twelve miles, obtained a marriage license went back "bv the same conveyance the same day and was married in the evening. It is reported that Madame Rislori after a return trip to Europe, will come back and make New York her perma ncnt home. Tho Wisconsin Legislature has appropriated 8,398 for the embellish mcnt of its portion of the Gettysburg and Antietam cemeteries. A 1 ortiand schoolmaster com plains that the boys bide bottles of liquor uuder their scati aud get help lessly drunk in school. Forty divorce cases are now before the courts in Pittsburg. Twenty-four are applications irom wives uud sixteen from husbands. Sampson Short, John G. Hall, louii Vollmer, Wm. M. Singerly, iot. Kukpatiick, Jai. . r. Hall. BAN KING-If (H'SE OF .Short, X 1 1 it- 111 H io. r uvi i Minn v St. Hilary's, MSenzlngcr 1. O, Ei-k Coi:ktv, Prnxa EMOUESrs MONTULY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged tho Model Par lor Magazine of Ameriea ; dcvoled to Oi l ginul Stories, Poems, Wkelelies, Architec ture and Model Cottages, Household Mat lers, uems ot thought, 1'orsonul am LiteruryUsiwip (including special depart luenm on rashioiisi, lust motion on Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, ele. : all by the bext authors, uud profusely und artistically il lusl ruled with costly Engraving (full size useful and reliable Patterns, Embroiders, Jewelry, and u constant sucei-ssiou of ar tisiio novelties, with other useful and en tertaiiiing literulure. Iso person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can ufl'ord to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies. 3d cents ; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either mailed free. Yearly, wun Yuiuauie premium; two copies sou; tnree copies, tU; tivecopies, Sli und splendid premiums for clubs at $i each, wun tne nrst premiums to each sub suritier. AiMresa, W. JENNINGS DEMOltEST, No. 17-S llroadwuv. N. V Demoresf 8 Monthly aud Young America together, " u the premiums lor each, Mar-r07-tf. 17 O It S A Tj K .Tim entire I' Ktoek and fixtures of the Ontvcville Tannery formerly owned by John McCleary & Co., aro oirercd for sale. Apply lo JOSEPH WINFELUKK. St. MARY'S, r W. A. 151.Y, or F. SCHOKSIXfl, March 11, 18i'7-tf. Ccntrcvillo. JJ1SSOL.UTION- 1 lie copartnership heretofore existing be tween William '. Ilenlj and B. A. Hill, un der the firm of Hcaly & Dill, is this day do solved. The busincs of the firm will be settled by William C. fiealy. Vi. C. IIKAI.Y, March 11; 1SG7-Ct B. A. DILL. OPARTXEUSIIIP. llio utulci'Higr.C'1 nave tins day cniercil into coparinership under llio firm name of IIEALY & (IILLIS, in tun sale ot rrovisi ions, Flour, Feed, drains, &c., at tho stand heretofore occupied by tho late m m ot Ilea. ly k Dill. W. C. IIKAI.Y, Alurcll H, l?0-tit L. .U1L,LI3, IIEDELIUS VOGT, Practical Clock & ' Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Itooms next door to llinteiiach's Clothing Store. All kims of work done done in a satisfactory lnaunpr, nnd wnr- antod. Consultations in regard to work in the German, rench or English lan guages. March 14, lbOTtf. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters "of Ad ministration, Willi will annexed, on the es tate of TIIEW JOHNSON, late of Bcnozctt tow nship. Elk county, deceased, have been granted to t lie undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to call and settle, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated lor sejCement. J. O. JOHNSON, marl JOt. Administrator. DIVORCE NOTICE. HARRIET McOLT.I.OUH, 1 In the Court bv her next friend of Com. Pleas JACOB FIELDS, Ul'Elk comity. vs. I No. 14. Nov JULIUS McCULLOUGH. j Term, lSti'J. To JULIUS McCULLOUGH : Take notice that you are required to ap pear nt toe term ol said i ourt io be nc-iu on the last Monday ot April next, to an swer the Libc-lbint in this case. Sheriff's OHice, l J. A. MA LONE, March 11th, 1800. Sheriff. PA V UP ! PAY UP ! A 11 pursons knowing themselves indebted f to the firm ol John .McCleary 4; Co. nro requested to call and settle then- accounts immediately; and those having claims against the same are requested lo present them duly authenticated tar settlement, to V. A. BLY, and . F. SHOENIXO, of Cenlrevillo. JOSEPH WIXFELDER, surviving partner of mar. 14, 'UT-tU John McCleary, & Co. DIVORCE NOTICE. JOS. T. IIANONLD, 1 In the Court o vs Com. Pi's of Ell NANCY M. HANOXLP. J co.No 15, Nov.T To NANCY M. IIANONLD: Take notice that you arc required to np pear ut ino next term or Mild Court In be held on tho last Monday of April next lo answer the complaint of the Libcllant iu this case. JAM KS A. MALONE, Sh'ff's Ofllce, ninrll. Sheriff. 1 ELOUHET ORGANS & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Pri.e, A GOLD MEDAL. 'AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS," Am. lust., Aoivlork, Oct. 1.T13. Being pronounced superior in Quality Power aud Variety of Tone, and iu number oi continuations. "As the bci'.t instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle w ould have not liins left to conquer. Am. Art Journal. edited hv a well-known musical critic. They have also taken the first wherever exhibited this season. premium PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and three banks of keys six sizes Sli'il) to Sl.fjtW. wiuinni pedals, single mid dniihie bank in great variety. S'l-" to $1.V). Theso Organs wun uif!i-smooth, pipediko quality ol tone oeaulild solo slops, strengih ot chorus. unequalled pedals, and general orzan-like effects, ore superior for Churches, Halls 1 arlors and Schools. They are put up iu cases ot Solid Vtainut, fancy veneered Hal nut, (new uud unique, styles) and elegant liosewood, ol splendid designs and finish nnd of the best workmanship ! it bein intended that each instrument shall be a model of ils kind. All instruments down to a lino octavo portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremolautc . stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our Geneial Wholesale uud Retail Ware rooins, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular nnd Price Lists, with our new styles, are now ready. Seud for ft circular. PELOUBET, PELTON &. CO Manufacturers, No. 841, marllOin Broadway, N. '. City. H A1SES BRO S PI ANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA ! Tlieso rinnoj arc universally acknowl edged by competent judge equal to the best Piano made. For references, they have many thousand city and country resi dents, including largs numbers of the High School, Seminaries, Urn. These Pianos have not only stood the continued use and heavy practice of on year, but have been used the last Ff'teen years to tho' utmost sutisfacliou of those using them. They have taken premium and medal wherever exhibited. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Haines Bro's have been compelled to en large their works to tho extent of 'J4 lo 30 Pianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the United States, Factories alone covering over three fourth of an aero of ground, comprising a frontage of 2I'.t foet on Second Avenue. They are uudoulrtcdiy the cheapest first class Piano in market. Fully guaranteed for five year. Send for Illustrated Circu lar. HAINES PRO S. 35C, 858, 800, 302, 801, 3ii, 8(18,370,372, Second Avenue, nar718ii03inos New Y'ork Ciiy. TXECUl i by giv TOR'S NOTICE. Notice is here- given that Letter Testamentary on the estate of JOSEPH EHR1G, late of Bencinger township, deceased, have been gruHted l Iho undersigned. AU persons indebted lo said estate are requested to make immediate payment, nnd those hav ing claim against the same w ill present Ihoiu duly authenticated for settlement. ADAM JESIiLKGEIl, niurTOt Executor. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Ct.OTSSI.Y4 for I he .llllllon t A Well Iioscd Mnn JUJYS HIS OJLOTIIINO AT THE STORE OF GEO. V. HJNTI-NACII, IN ST. MAHY'S. G P. lllNTF.NACH having taken cil , tire control of tho establishment, formerly occupied by G. P. Hintenaeh & Co., would respectfully inform the citizen of Elk county that he is prepared to furnish them with llio EestKind of Clothing at rales which defy competition. j llo has on hand a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VEST.S y COATN, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. Ills Gentlemen', Furnising Apartment. ;s specially adapted to tho wants of his customer. Ho has also a large and extensive stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST- INGS of the latcRt stylo nnd pattern, which he will m.a.c to order in n neat and durable manner, and ns CHEAP as it can bo dono any place ia the ennntry. GIVE HIM A CALL. Satisfaction guar anteed, nnd goods warranted. All ho li?!.B is a FAIR TRIAL to prove it, St. Ma-y-s Pa.. Feb. 1 1. 18'i7. rnilE SILVER SKIRT. X MORE DURABLE. MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its shape nnd retain its place better than nny otl er Skirt, This new nnd bcatiful style of Skirt (Pat. cntcd March 7, 1S'J5, ) was nwnrdid by the Great American Institute Fair, held in' New York, October, 1 805, a SILVER MEDAL, boing the Highest Premium ever given f-u-a Hoop Skirt, The Steel Springs are wound v.iih fne plated wire in place of a cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, and the wholeskirt may bo woshed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good ns new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combine with the ordina ry Skirt the advantages or our Silver Skirt the bottom hoops nro the same as those us ed in tho Sliver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones nri, covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirls, will be willing to wear nny other, ns the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soileed. The best nmteeiols are used iu their con struction, and, from their durability and neatness they arc destined to become a Pavoi-ito Skirt. Manufactured solely by tho Silver Skirt and Wiro Manu facturing Company, 30 and 32, BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Si-ERitr, Sup't. Aug Olh-ly I)llOPOKAI,S ! PENNS V L V A N 1 A AG R ICULTU UAL LAND SCRIP FOR SALE! The Board of Couiniissionei s now offer for sale f2'l,(100 acres of Agricultural College Land Scrip, belli;; tho balance of the Scrip granted to the Comiuoiiweali!i of Pennsyl vania for the endowment, of Agricultural College in this Slate. Proposals for the purchase of this Land Scrip, addressed to - Tho Ro.ird of Com missioners of Agricultural Land Scrip." will be received at the Surveyor General's office, at llarrisburg, until li u'uloek M , on WEDNESDAY. APRIL, 10, 1807. This land may be located in any Slate or Territory, by the holders of the scrip, up on any of the unappropriated hinds (except, mineral lands) of the L'niled States, which may be subject to sale at private entry. Each piece of scrip represents a quarter section id" one hundred and sixty acres, is issued in blank, and will be transferable, without euilorseinent or final assignment. The blank need not be filled until the scrip ia presented for location ami entry, when the parly holding it can fill the blank uud enter the land in his own name. Bids must be mode as per aero, und no bids will be re ceived for less than one quarter section. The Scrip will be issued immediately on the payment of the money to the Surveyor General. On nil bids for a less quaniity than JO.OOOaeres, one-third of the purchase money must be pai. I within fen days, and tlx vttm-i !,,, i i ....... l. : ...l : . i. : . i. : ... .. 1 .......... ...j- , v--t ii 1 1 ,m Minim llllliy fdays after notification of the aeeenliiiic of the bid or bids bv the liord of Commis sioners. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Surveyor General. (For tho Board of Commissioners. Harhishi iki, Feb. 1!7, 1807. marrUHijOtd The Oirurtl IAfc Insurance Annuity &s Triis-at Co. OF PHILAD'A. CMBiinTVIZEU IY IS.JG CASH CAPITAL $ 300,000,00 ASSETS $'.,4"5,3.V,5a. Mutual Insurance combined with the se. curity of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN O. HALL, feb!2i;7lf Rjdgway, V. IS. SOLUTION OK PARTNERSHIP- The partnership heretofore existing between George P. Hintenaeh and lmhof, under the title of lUNTEN'AClI & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The account of the late firm will Bellied by G. P. 1IINTENAC11, who will continue business al Ihe same place. Q. P. IIISTENCH, Feb. 12, 3t GEO RUE 1MHOE. I). pi: it n cis .1. lakeu in ev- THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE w 1-a vti Ww ''Si & change for Goods ul J. POWELL'S.